Installing SteamOS on an iBoss Firewall

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you know I have to say getting to make YouTube videos about stupid computers and modifying game consoles it's a pretty good life I get to work for myself and got no boss well actually that's not entirely true I do have one boss what is the eye boss well it's a one you rack mountable something it's a uh zero trust device I don't know I've never met an eye boss I couldn't trust it's got revolutionary Cloud security platforms that provides that yeah I don't really care okay so this does some fancy stuff far above my pay grade but one feature that ibos does not advertise is gaming hello editor here I was Googling iboss gaming to see what would come up to put an image there and I stumbled across this website welcome to iboss available games at iboss network security games with no eye boss you send this to all your homies that don't have an eye Boss look at this guy imagine games with no eye boss hold on games Pokemon X and Pokemon Y Cool Math Games classic school games here is the website I do not own any of these games I found them and they work with ibos so this only continues to prove my point that the eye boss is absolutely a gaming machine no doubt about it I mean I don't know about you guys but I'm looking at this thing and I'm like huh yeah this says gaming to me let's look at these gaming ports okay I recognize this one this is the gaming PC power cable so we're already One gaming in PS2 connectors for low latency gaming okay USB to connect all your gaming peripherals this is the uh the gaming port VGA only real Gamers know about VGA that's all I'm saying dual ethernet ports for minimum ping you know how many packets I could send across these you know how quick I could do it you know how low latency you could do it dude gaming oh my God there's a oh wait hold on oh this is the management interface okay that's not gaming so let's count it up one two three four five six seven eight nine gaming ports nine gaming ports it appears this thing's got the credentials for gaming without further Ado I think we should find out what makes this thing so gaming from the inside foreign where do I begin oh I should probably begin with the loose dim what is this doing in here two gigabyte ECC pc3l I'm sure this is probably the only non-gaming component in this entire thing and that's why they uh took it out and set it aside so the previous owner knew what they were doing look at all oh my god let's see what do we got here so assuming these are all the same got an eight gigabyte PC3 R dim that's what 8 16 32 64. that is that might be the most dedicated yet this might be the highest performing piece of crap computer we've looked at so far obviously there's the 1X player and the eye and Neo which were very high power high enough power to burn your finger on one of them okay so this says do not remove screws from the mounting Taps lift here to install CPU I have no idea what screws it's referring to maybe these the mounting screws for the heatsink I don't really know I'm gonna remove this anyway oh man this is this is very secure mounted in there oh oh wow that's a long screw I wouldn't game with anything less here's the gaming turbine so there's not really much under there gaming aside I guess this is the CPU Cooler and this is the kind of shroud that directs the air pretty simple construction I do see that we have an SSD in here okay so here's the gaming Drive looks like it is a 160 gigabyte Intel SSD DC s3500 series SSD I'm sure that means something to somebody somewhere but to me that means I can't hold as many games man you know what whoever had this eye boss before me is really lucky that I'm not gonna go and poke around in here and get access to all their personal information but I mean even if I wanted to it would just be easier to buy it anyway I'm sure their data is already hosted on some database that got breached at some point and somebody's out there selling all their leaked data to whoever will pay for it in fact yours is probably out there too even mine the best way to stop this from happening in the first place is to use incogni the sponsor of today's video they'll contact companies on your vehicle staff and request to have your data removed so even if there is a breach with one of those companies in the future incogni will have gotten your data removed from their servers that way there's nothing of yours that anybody could even steal in the first place it's ours now and it really is easy to buy data if you're in the US just Google people search sites and look at these results just enter a name and state easy as ever to locate people phone address social marriage and more the type of information that anybody can get access to is staggeringly diverse in the wrong hands it could threaten any given aspect of your life from your home to your finances I personally signed up for incogny and within seconds they had eight data Brokers comply with removal requests from my data and there's another 74 that are awaiting confirmation if you want to give it a go yourself the first hundred people to use the code bringus at the link in the description will get 60 off in cogni services and lucky for this eye boss's previous owner I couldn't care less about their data so see ya so this power supply is rated for a whole 260 Watts wow uh gaming yeah it's not very gaming who am I kidding there isn't even an eight pin or six pin on this thing that's I I hate to say it but that's not very gaming holy whack ton of SATA ports though that's that that's pretty gaming actually what's this motherboard the super micro X9 sri-f it's got an X in the model number yeah it's gaming and we've got an Intel gigabit I'm sorry anything under 10 gig it doesn't oh it kind of upsets my stomach I'm really sorry about this oh we're just going okay we're gonna do that okay okay I feel a lot better now and keeping with tradition on this channel I am not going to take this cooler off to find out what the CPU is we're gonna save that guy for later but I think we've seen everything that we can see here there's really not much to it and in the pursuit of not creating a horrendous tone in the back of the video I'm gonna replace this with a quieter fan all right that will do I can't put the lid back on but that's fine and we're gonna hook up a keyboard now uh actually we're gonna use the dirty Cherry keyboard why wouldn't we uh okay I've hit a bit of a snag so I'm hooking this whole thing up I've got power I've got the keyboard I've got ethernet but I remember that this thing is VGA only and my capture card only has HDMI so this is about to get really Jank way faster than I intended because here's my solution to this problem the GeForce gt240 with HDMI baby that does mean that the network card has to come out which is fine because I wasn't using it anyway because it's uh it's not very gaming all right out should go this is a bit of a big boy so it's not gonna fit with that right angle adapter out that goes past bringus is helping out future bring us because I lost the i o Shield plate bracket thing for this so don't gotta worry about hitting the chassis oh spoke too soon God damn it hmm hold on hold on we have the technology oh this this does not help me at all never mind we do not have the technology we have the mining technology so this is only going to give us a pcie 1x link but that should be fine just to get video don't mind me just plugging in my graphics card SATA wow this is Despicable all right let's see what she do oh she do that stop oh no Ah hell I can't put it down now do one of those and the gt240 was always known for its balancing capabilities okay so we got some beeps but no video I bet you it's not configured to use the graphics card in the Bios okay that's unfortunate well here's what we'll do I'll hook it up to hey stop don't interrupt me anyway I'll hook this thing up to VGA just to sanity check to make sure it even works but between the gt240 and this Abomination that that might just like not work at all or we just need to enable a bios option I don't know okay so it does work just apparently only over VGA at least for now oh really well boys and girls we've been here before time to find the jumper step one see you later gt240 step two find the BIOS reset pin so typically on these things there will be a jumper like this guy right here like this guy right here or a button or something that you can make contact with and it will reset the bios password however I also said that about the Sega alls and I had to use a Raspberry Pi to dump the BIOS then I had to use password cracking software to Brute Force the password to the bios so this might not be the walk in the park that I'm hoping it is but super micro is a bro might as well be called super Mike bro that wasn't good that was not good at all I think we'll be in the clear in the clear CMOS that is okay I'm shutting up now okay so here's the manual for this thing so according to this we have a CMOS clear on the header jbt1 and according to this jbt one is that little dude right there so it's right above the SATA ports I believe it is this right here yeah you can actually read it look at that jbt one CMOS clear so if I contact these two metal bits together it should clear the CMOS so I'm going to employ my good friend steel Flathead bit and now that I'm looking at this it's actually kind of rusty so let me file it down a bit a bit okay so the tip of the bit is freshly sanded down we should get good contact and I think all we got to do is hold it in place while it's powering on so it's plugged in right now but it usually turns on by itself and the fact that I'm holding this down I think it means that it this is working because it can't boot when I'm holding clear CMOS so I think the second I let go of this it'll boot up let's see yeah hey look at that it worked bring his nose a thing or two crazy okay we've got a setup default has been loaded press Delta run setup all right let's do it oh my God we're getting so close to gaming worrying all right 64 gigs of DDR3 so it's a Xeon E5 1650 V2 with six cores that's that's pretty good that's actually not bad at all I will take it now I'm just looking for a way to enable the video card the VGA priority off board okay so we'll save this and then power it off and plug our gt240 back in and then we'll be one step closer to game the gt240 has been reinstalled the VGA has been unplugged let's see what we got okay so that still doesn't work did a little digging turns out I've got this guy lying around so screw the gt240 and this is a uh GTX 745 that's a very normal graphics card that other people on this Earth probably own ah but we have problem they don't fit the graphics card don't fit the graphics card won't fit Don't Fit Don't Fit that's okay there's an industry standard way to deal with this [Music] hey what did I tell you guys look at that and while dremeling the connector is a bit of a funny little Madness bring us thing to do to be honest with you any it guy that's been in the industry long enough will probably tell you that they've done the same thing at some point in time it's surprisingly not that weird of a thing to do ah this kind of still does not fit the fan is getting in the way of these other ones that sucks okay this is not gonna be a good connection but it'll be a connection oh it's literally just these clips that are keeping it in I'm really tempted to just Dremel off those clips right now okay I don't really want to modify the motherboard oh man that is a not very solid connection but it's in HDMI in power in hey would you look at that oh that's beautiful I guess the next step is to install the OS also I'm really sorry guys I started 3D printing a Skeletor head uh so you might be hearing my printer throughout the video I've got this blanket in this sound panel here to kind of stop it future me who's editing this can you add the Skeletor head here so I haven't done Holo ISO Steam OS proper in a while this setup is probably fine the one thing I do worry about here is our amdg is our Nvidia GPU since Holo ISO definitely plays best with AMD graphics cards but uh we'll see what happens I suppose oh convenient little USB port oh never mind it does not go in won't fit I got the flash drive in the back gaming gaming gaming gaming eye boss we got our flash drive in boot Priority One do a little saving and resetting oh shoot we haven't installed a storage device 480 gig Kingston go bruh the keyboard is doing nothing wow you can't even access this stupid USB port because the chassis in the way okay we've got our SSD we've got our flash drive let's get ourselves a little Steam OS oh well that's not good boot x64.efi well that didn't work oh okay it appears that this system does not want to do EFI I feel like there's maybe a secure boot type thing that might be on but I can't find anything in the Bios to change that all right well let's just try booting it from in here nope that didn't do it either okay no EF5 for you I'm gonna try and remake the Holo ISO USB under Legacy boot [Music] I don't know if it's these flash drives or this stupid motherboard or Holo ISO or what but I'm gonna try Chimera OS now would you look at that man Holo I so bad I'm starting to think that Chimera OS might be my go-to Steam OS installer nowadays it seems like it just works better I don't know Holo ISO has been giving me issues okay choose a disc to install to Kingston Drive will be formatted perfect I've never wanted anything more installation successfully completed let's do this one more reboot in the Steam OS I boss gaming server will be ready to go I'm so close to gaming right now okay hold on I'm not an irrational gamer I'm gonna make sure we're all updated first they actually set the default user as gamer I I don't know what the password is though gamer man failed but gamer was the password uh I guess I'm a stupid gamer because I don't think this is a Ubuntu based system so never mind of course apt would not work well all right okay they're making it real tough to be a responsible gamer here I don't see any way to update what I'm doing here all right well we're just gonna assume we got the best drivers installed that's always the best way to go about this open up our old pal steam all right steam is all logged in time to go to game mode oh game mode did not work can I please have game mode please oh my God I'm shutting and pissing right now okay fine oh maybe it's because steam wasn't updated all right we're signed in game mode one more try come on mode every time that doesn't quite seem right anyway now for the Steam OS we have at home oh no this is terrible oh my God man this is buggy as hell oh something is not right I'm gonna give this guy a reboot real quick game mode go what oh [ __ ] steam go something is seriously not right the fact that I have to just keep signing in over and over even though remember me is checked that should not be the case okay well you know what this is close enough I'll take this but you know what if I was to game on this GTX 745 it wouldn't quite feel right I added the GTX 745 so if I game with that card I'm not really experiencing the eye boss the way it should be experienced you know I want a game on the integrated Graphics of this thing which if you know anything about xeons and these kind of boards are hot garbage but I don't have a VGA capture card but I have ordered one on Amazon so I'm gonna come back to this tomorrow and we're gonna game on the integrated Graphics of the eye boss and not only that I've ordered a actual real Riser cable not that mining crap and we're gonna hook up an even better GPU we'll try the integrated graphics sure but I do want to let this thing stretch its legs a little bit and the GTX 645 is not gonna get us there so get ready for day two well folks I have some upsetting news the integrated graphics on the ibos will not work in Chimera OS we're gonna have to step it up a notch here's the Riser cable I got from Amazon this morning this should do a hell of a lot better than this monstrosity in goes this absolute champion and there's actually one issue that we're still facing so this 1080's got an 8-pin power connector this power supply is 260 Watts it ain't got no stinking eight pin gaming connector YouTube Meet EVGA 450bt this guy ain't really that big either but all it's got to do is power the graphics card so you know what it's big enough for me so we'll plug in our video power plug in our GPU what a filthy setup I'd say it's actually less Jank than yesterday's setup let's see what she do and now let me give you the impatient gamer version of what transpired after installing the GTX 1080 real quick I booted back into Chimera OS installed both Half-Life 2 and portal so but uh Half-Life 2 never ran and neither did portal you'd click the game click play and nada zilch nothing no errors just [ __ ] you I'm not running so I didn't really know where to begin troubleshooting that and since Steam OS as a way to run the steam deck UI is kind of a dead concept now considering the regular steam client can run the deck UI from big picture so I just started fresh with Ubuntu got steam installed got mango Hut installed but then I saw after that that mango HUD wasn't reading the GPU sensors correctly and even worse Half-Life 2 was running at 20 FPS on the menu this is with the 1080 installed so I figured it was a driver issue and I went to go download the latest Nvidia driver and that had told me that I had to disable something in the kernel to install correctly so I did that and then the system never booted again so in the interest of time Windows time okay here we are in Windows after much issues with literally everything so the 1080 is disconnected and I would like you to have a look at this little dumbass right here matrox g200 ew nuvoton but let me tell you from the way that this thing is moving right now oh yeah that's what performance looks like right there baby so I'm going to start us out on OG Half-Life rather than Half-Life 2. and uh depending on how this goes then we can try Half-Life 2 and then maybe we can try portal and even possibly CS go but I wouldn't get too excited about that one oh man oh no oh no I'm just undulating back and forth yikes dude I don't know about this let's see can we reduce the resolution all right we're kicking it down to 640 by 480. no HD models Low video quality it's almost playable now let me get the overlay enabled oh my God it's so big oh yeah she rips that's what I'm talking about Gamers the FPS is so low that the audio can't even figure out what it's doing oh my God I fell out of the tram wait goodbye dumbass what is this even possible well obviously it's possible because I just did it but like in normal gameplay is this even a thing you can do can I walk around what the heck dude this Graphics adapter is so mind-numbingly bad that I bugged out the game the audio has stopped because I think I'm supposed to enter a loading zone way down there holy crap this is impressive my my mind is blown this is amazing this is the power of an absolute piece of crap matruck's GPU wow oh wait it actually hit the loading zone what is happening at what oh hey the FPS is okay now I think it spawned me into the new map in the same like coordinates that I was before so now I'm just in the void hold on okay I have manually put us into the first area crap dude oh my God this is so rough is there anything else I can decrease honestly software renderer probably will boost the performance yeah let's try that because I think it's gonna run on the CPU now uh we lost our overlay hold on oh you know I don't think the overlay is gonna run now since we're rendering on the CPU I'll tell you right now it's so much better this feels like maybe like 40 FPS so I'm not really sure but it's it's actually playable now I've always liked how Half-Life looks with the software renderer it just looks a little different it's got like that PS1 style you know what I mean where triangles kind of just shift around and it looks cool okay well I don't expect to get very far in literally any other game but for shifts and Giggles let's move right on to portal actually this is kind of not bad hold on we'll dump the settings 640 by 480 set everything to low hey this isn't bad at all what the heck why was Half-Life so bad yeah this is fine let's see can I can I pull off the Speed Run Strat aha there we go oh nice okay well this is surprisingly playable bruh oh my God look at our vram wait is that four terabytes of vram that is exactly 4096 gigabytes that is okay so we have four terabytes of vram that's why it runs so good obviously it's actually like locked 30. like it won't go any higher any lower that's interesting actually hold on what if I turn vsync off and it's still 30. okay well that's something you know what that's showing is just good enough that I kind of want to try uh this guy oof yeah I guess I saw this one coming okay I'm not gonna push the issue all that much further because it's kind of obvious that this was going to run poorly at best and not at all at worst at this point we're gonna shut this guy down and see how limited we actually are by this GPU because the CPUs got the beans it's really not bad got a CPU marked score of 9327 in multi-core performance this thing is a bit worse than the I3 10 300 so like that's not that bad um let me look at single core okay so single thread rating is 2042. single thread performance is around the third gen i7 4th gen I3 4th gen i5k CPU that kind of General range I5 3570k okay so single thread is kind of a bit in the gutter but it's still very workable we can we can work with that okay so I'm gonna go ahead and shut it down reconnect the GPU and we'll see how it does all right the 1080 is installed let's go ahead and revisit portal real quick okay so we're getting a much more respectable 300 FPS now I'm glad my cooling solution for the CPU is working but the usage on both of them is nothing obviously portal is not enough to really stress this guy I'm just gonna jump right into Red Dead Redemption 2 then oh maybe I'm not or maybe I am please solve this puzzle oh hell no they gave me the furry puzzle all right we're getting a respectable 60 FPS here in rdr2 this is with just about everything set to ultra as well and we're actually GPU bottlenecked right now this cpu's got more to give look at that 50 on the CPU that's crazy these old xeons still got the beans and running at about 3.5 gigahertz that is exactly L not bad oh I will say yeah this is great I figured why don't we finish off this thing with a little bit of Team Fortress 2. that way The Orange Box that we've got here will have played all The Orange Box games I didn't play Half-Life 2 on here but technically we did play Half-Life 2 back in Linux but that was just at 20fps and nothing was working I'm counting it oh okay that's probably a bot TF2 is running at a expected 300 FPS I don't know what's going on but people keep joining and then leaving and I'm the only one consistently in the server so I guess I'm just gonna cap this is fantastic I can't lose wow valve matchmaking Works uh real good doesn't it I am on an official server right now you guys better join quick you better stop me look at that blue winds bringus Studios MVP I wouldn't have it any other way well folks that's all I have planned for the uh eye boss here thanks for coming with me on this journey once again installing Steam OS and then deleting Steam OS and then installing another OS and then just installing windows at the very end seems like that's kind of how things have been going lately subscribe for more I've got all kinds of videos just like this on my channel if you've never been on here before I've installed emulators on a leapfrog I've done pretty much exactly this but on a Sega arcade machine I got a laptop for 7.99 once and tried the game on it that was pretty good long story short check out the rest of the channel check out the Discord there's tons of people on there that love doing stuff just like this love hacking modding installing emulators all the whole nine yards patreon's in the description if you want to throw money at this beautiful face and that's going to be it Gamers bring us out hula [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 579,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringus, bringus studios, bringus studios firewall, gaming on a firewall, iboss, iboss gaming
Id: le8-dt7gYw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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