Microsoft's Xbox Computer

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the original Xbox Microsoft's darling little game console that was the first in history to be both a game console and a box Fu and if Rome wasn't built in a day then the xBox wasn't either before the Xbox became what we know it as today it was something a bit weirder ironically it may have even been something that you're more familiar with now than the actual finished Xbox it was a computer and that's not too surprising to know since Xbox branded consoles have been poorly disguised PCS for their entire run except for this one which was more of a Mac but that's a video for another day these here game consoles use x86 CPUs from Intel or AMD not any different from the CPU that's in your gaming computer right now in fact they even slapped Xbox One CPUs onto PC motherboards at one point but that is also a video for another day now today's video is about this the Microsoft Xbox Alpha 1 it's undeniably a PC but also unden ibly an Xbox these computers along with their sequels the Xbox Alpha 2 were commodity PC Hardware that Microsoft had slapped together to start making games for the Xbox before they actually made the Xbox but what happened to all of them well Legend says that some of them were destroyed for scrap some of them were held on to by game studios and some of them were wiped and then sold off to employees at Microsoft once proper Dev kits were made available to him and at least one landed in the hands of this guy on Reddit who made a post where he threw out the hardware that was inside of it this post did not go well for him today almost every Xbox alpha 1 is in the hands of collectors where they're probably the safest except for two of them one of which being the one I just told you about and the other which is right here this Xbox alpha 1 is mine it apparently came from Activision at one point which is kind of cool but more recently it was owned by local brangus stumo viewer Ginga ninja who reached out to me and allowed me to take it off his hands to use it for a project a project have I learned nothing from the guy on Reddit well for all I know this one here is the one from the guy on Reddit uh it's empty no prototype Xbox in here so with this one being completely gutted with the only thing left being the case I'd say I'm morally clear to build something with it but I recognize that some things are sacred the Xbox alpha 1 gut it or not is one of those things I'm not building a stupid gaming PC out of it or making it a home server or something I'm going to restore it in the loosest definition of the word since getting the original Alpha Hardware nowadays is pretty difficult and expensive if not nearly impossible for some components like the sound sound card these Alphas won't work without the very specific Hardware that they originally shipped with and so because of that this is going to be more like a Resto mod and here are the ground rules for it number one it has to still be an Xbox number two I cannot permanently damage or modify the case I'll make exceptions for things like popping out a 5 and a/4 Bay cover since you know those are like made to be removed but no drilling no gluing nothing like that and number three the project must be completely reversible kind of the same thing as number two but it felt distinct enough to put here now I imagine some of you are thinking at this point that I'm going to throw an Xbox with upgraded Ram or a debug bios into this thing to turn it into a debug kit since you know that would make this build closer to the hardware that this case was originally housing and if you weren't thinking that and you have no idea what an Xbox debug kit is then hell yeah brother don't you worry your little cowboy head about it the reality of it is that I don't write software I make videos about game consoles and crappy Electronics a debug spec Xbox would be wasted on me and you know I could just leave the donor Xbox completely stock since I don't really need to modify the Xbox in any way for this build other than obviously gutting it and rearranging its innards into a new body but none of that requires hacks you see the Xbox uses Hardware that's extremely similar to a PC from the processor down to the hard drive and the DVD drive the latter two of which are are both nearly identical to off-the-shelf components that you could have bought on y old new EG in 2001 I can probably bolt those things right into the case and then make my own adapters for the rest then we'll do some sneaky little Xbox trickery to install a custom bios because what did you really think I was just going to leave it stock not on this channel we don't now there's just one final piece of the puzzle that we're going to need to make this all work it's Opera the sponsor of today's video hey do you have a Wii turn it off and open up the internet channel for me H Opera now go get your sealed copy of the Nintendo DS internet browser and turn it around oh huh Opera why don't you bust out your old DSi and do yourself a little web surfing on that guy oh what do you know Opera if Nintendo decided to use Opera as their web browser I don't see why you wouldn't either and Opera's come a long way since then nowadays you can have dedicated workspaces that keep all your tabs separate heck you can even do the opposite and just group come together it's completely up to you Opera's options to keep you organized are so good that I tried to confuse myself but I just couldn't I'm just too organized look at this can't remember which floating limb character you ended up liking better after doing some research well before you forget just hover over the tab pop this bad boy up and then pick from a nearly endless list of emojis to express just how you really feel no matter how controversial try Opera to keep your browsing both fun and organized by by clicking the link in the description so we have a game plan but we don't have an Xbox where are we going to get an Xbox my childhood Xbox and I have been through so much together that its hair turned gray and it's started having health problems and in this weakened State we could rob it of everything that it has for this project but I mean don't get me wrong I'm okay with elder abuse but something just doesn't feel right about gutting one of my own family members you know lucky for me though I know exactly where we can find some more Jerry atric Xboxes that have one foot in the grave it's time for a trip to the ew store my local computer retirement home was kind enough to let me do my own inspections on their stock of Xboxes this one right here was their only one that had no issues so that seemed like the right one to gun for all I have to do is make sure that it doesn't have a disgusting leaky clock capacitor and there is no clock capacitor it turns out that this Xbox is a r iion 1.6 unit which means that not only does it not have the same kind of clock capacitor as the other revisions but as far as my knowledge goes they're also kind of harder to mod so back on the cover went and I moved on to the next most functional unit which was noted as having a bad optical drive just how I like it this one's manufactured date tells me that it's not going to jump scare us with a 1.6 motherboard so we're good to open it up and check it out and there it is the power store aoel clock capacitor what a piece of this thing turned out to be huh lucky for me it looks like this one hasn't leaked enough to cause any visible damage so this Xbox should do fine we'll address the broken DVD drive later ah it feels like just the other day that I was opening one of these bad boys on camera and the idea here is that we're going to get this guy opened up get it all cleaned up and then do ourselves a little bit of teop flashing all you got to know about that is that it lets us install a big old hard drive and then from there we can run all of our pirate dumped games well I sure didn't pick this one because it was clean that is that is just diabolical yeah I think we got to take this one uh outside fun fact this is the same stuff that Phil Spencer is huffing before he makes decisions and now it's just a matter of getting this thing stripped down to its IND individual components world's crispiest screws you bet [Music] you look at that easy ain't nothing to it this ain't no PlayStation 2 after all dude this is just this is just bad there's no other word for it this is evil look at where the cable goes It goes under the shielding upon closer inspection now that clock capacitor is fried all of the other dust on the board was kind of hiding the fact that that thing had completely blew at some point so I guess we're going to clean that up now be seeing you later and by later I mean in the trash time to feed the baby who likes isopropyl alcohol you do you do M capacitor ear wax who wants it it is now quite literally squeaky clean very nice I'm not really all that worried about what that blown capacitor might have done to the Xbox functionally because I have already verified that this thing turns on and works so I ain't worried about it but you know what I am worried about doing the t-o flash I've done it once before I can do it again hold up what's the soldering iron for that's not flashing what you're doing there is soldering in order to flash the t-p we need to bridge a few tiny pins on the motherboard to disable Its Right protection and believe me when and I say they're tiny it's that one right there above r sd2 that is microscopic oh boy oh boy all right here we go they're not doing the thing that's fine no big deal you know just have to solder a wire the literal thickness of a human hair there we go probably at least I don't know good enough for me and the next Point these [Music] two nope looks like we're busting out the RoboCop pube again and there it is there it is the t-p chip is now ready to flash we'll do the actual flashing later for now I just want to make sure that I didn't break anything everything you see here for all intents and purposes is the Xbox we got everything you need to boot the DVD drive the hard drive the motherboard and the power supply I I really don't like having this all Exposed on the desk but it's fine oh I almost forgot we do also need a power button there we go do not touch the power supply okay let's [Music] see whoa that was uh interest oh no never mind I am just very silly forgot to plug in the DVD drive power okay never mind let's try again eh so it does boot but getting video out has been a bit of a struggle you know how earlier it was kind of artifacting a little bit when it was booting up yeah I thought that was just a crummy adapter I was using but even on my better one here I don't get anything at all and both of those adapters work fine on my actual regular original Xbox so I think this board might have a video issue extraordinarily epic it may just be the power supply that has some bad capacitors and what do you know I just happen to have another Xbox to pull parts from right here I didn't think this monstrosity was ever going to see the light of day but this was going to be an original XBox Mini kind of like my GameCube mini builds except it never really got to a point where I liked it very much and honestly it's not even really that many but maybe we can use his bones to fix this guy and I mean if we have to I guess I can just steal the motherboard out of this one too so we're not completely out of luck we're just like fart out of luck but yeah this is why I hated this so this is an msat SSD to an msat to SATA adapter and this is the board for the DVD drive just kind of chilling in here with a jumper wire that makes the console think that there's a DVD drive plugged in cuz it wouldn't boot without it and this is it was just kind of a disaster uh also I totally forgot that I'm not using the power supply in here I was going to use an ATX power supply and then just plug it in out the back which was another reason why this would kind of just suck and it really wouldn't be mini if you got to plug an entire computer power supply into it but uh that being said I do need to find the original power supply for that welcome to the graveyard ah so yeah you can kind of see what the idea was at TX power supply Xbox power supply it was not great oh but there it is the old power supply you know what we can do though is hook up this power supply that we think is sus to this Abomination and see if we get the same issue well I wouldn't say this is a good video signal but it's not like glitching out like the other one I think it is the power supply because I've got my Xbox hooked up and the video output is so much cleaner and this is with the crummy adapter so I think I've probably got my answer at some point I'm going to have to address that power supply issue but in the meantime why don't we get a closer look at the alpha 1 case this thing comes from viewer Ginga ninja he contacted me a while ago to see if I was interested in doing anything with it and well who do you think I am of course so we made the exchange and here it is it's not in Omega perfect shape but it's more than workable it's got the sick alpha 1 badge on the bottom you can't hate that it's just a it's just so sick it's so exclusive name one other Jabron that has an Xbox development kit I'll wait it is missing um everything which honestly for our purposes is not that bad because if this still had all the guts inside of it I would be responsible for them and I don't don't need that weight on my shoulders we all know how that one incident on Reddit went so without further Ado let's get her open man you know when I bust out the plastic pry tools I actually care about the thing I'm working on there we go for the most part this thing really it's just a PC case a very angry one you're coming or not okay look man I got a video to make there we go thank you what's inside the xbx development [Music] kit not much of a reveal I already told you there was nothing but of all the nothing in here let's see that's a pretty nasty nothing also a pretty nasty nothing IDE optical drive that's like a premium nothing bam so clearly if this is here that means this case would have been used for more of like a general purpose computer case at some point in its life at least some of the tooling was this whole like motherboard tray I would be interested to know if this was used for anything else like was this really just an off-the-shelf case at some point and all Microsoft did was get a custom face plate for it yes that wouldn't surprise me it would be very economical to do there's also like a whole attic up here okay well there should be more than enough room to do what we're trying to do here hell you could fit a couple Xboxes in here eventually I started looking around for a replacement Xbox power supply but then I realized that that's just stupid cuz they're all going to be old and blown out anyway plus I'll have to janky try and mount it in the PC case and then find a way to actively cool it and that just sounds like such a waste of time when there are perfectly good PC power supplies all over the place that I could use I stumbled upon this project by wired opposite that converts an ATX power supply into an Xbox power supply despite the Xbox using an ATX 20 pin power connector you can't just directly plug a PC power supply into it the wiring is completely different you'd blow it up you can't even make an adapter to get the voltages to line up like I tried to do in the past the problem is that the power on Signal that the Xbox sends to the power supply is not the same as the signal that a PC would send the power supply in order to get it to turn on and Supply power to convert the signal and get everything on the same page there is a little bit of circuitry required but I got an adapter ordered up from hey H Waka W hawaka wab he Waka wab oh I was actually pretty close I ordered an adapter from he Waka wab on eBay who sells the boards with all of the SMD components and a 24 pin power connector pre-soldered the Xbox side of the adapter though is going to have to be all me they give you these 20 pin connectors just like a regular power supply and then you got to put wires into this and then solder those wires to this and then this part plugs into the Xbox they give you these stupid little metal things that you got to crimp onto a wire using this stupid tool but as you can see I keep screwing it up so instead of doing that I just grabbed an old 20 pin power supply cable and I using the ATX D pinning tool and I'm just stealing the pins right out of that guy and then I'm using this as reference to rebuild the cable in my image or more like the Xbox's image I guess this is going to take some time it's done now I just have to solder [Music] it here it is everything that you need to power an Xbox off of a PC power supply I'm kind of shocked that this thing already exists and was just readily available to buy like who else is putting Xboxes into computer cases well you might be if you watch tell the surprise at the end actually and I'm okay with being shocked about that but I'm not okay with shocking the case with one of these exposed connections on the back wa I just I just welded it that is solder from this wa I just wanted to show you guys like a little spark and then show you guys the little cover that I made so that that won't happen holy crap this cover is even more important than I thought I briefly went shopping for a power supply but I started thinking about the Aesthetics for this thing a bit more normally I would just throw whatever seic has on sale in there and call it a day but I kind of want to stick to the early 2000s like half Xbox half PC look and feel of the original alpha 1 dev kit and because of that I want a big boring old gray power supply something that would look as close to OEM as possible so in comes the besttech ATX o300 D5 WC 300 wat power supply this thing is so Grandpa spec that it even came out of an old Windows Vista era HP Pavilion but all the voltages on it read well within spec and having survived since 2007 I'd say this thing has proven itself to be reliable enough to fill the big gray power supply shaped hole in my heart and more importantly the one in my Xbox computer but does this power supply fix our video ISS you well it helps I can at least get video out using the component to HDMI adapter now but it's just not very clean video frankly it looks like crap I was hoping I could avoid having to do this but after doing some research it looks like replacing these capacitors here near the CPU seems to have helped people in the past with their video issues so another Amazon order later and I have myself a set of matching Panasonic capacitors to replace these old ones with and you know I probably would have had to do this eventually anyway so I guess it's not that big of a deal they're just kind of a pain to get out so now how's our video looking it's Mega crap I just don't get it the rest of the Caps look fine my Xbox works fine with both of these video adapters but wait there is another I remembered that I bought an electron Shephard Xbox to HDMI adapter a while ago for a video but it ended up arriving too late to actually use it these specific HDMI adapters have some special sauce in them they make any Xbox look like a million bucks no idea how they do it I still think that there's something wrong with this Xbox and changing the adapter won't really help but I mean what the heck it's here we'll give it a [Music] shot what this video signal is gorgeous you could eat Thanksgiving dinner off of this output it's so clean so it turns out that the reason that this Xbox has a hard time with these adapters and not this one is because of either a cosmic ray sorcery or the pharaoh's curse with the video issues solved it's time to start mounting the components into the case fitting the power supply is going to be literally no trouble at all since you know it was made to go in there but some of the other components are going to need a little thought put into their placement I'm planning out where the motherboard is going to sit in the case and Microsoft in their Infinite Wisdom I mean I say infinite wisdom but there's no way they would have planned for this the I/O is on this part of the board and everything else sticks up really high from there so I can't put the I/O where the I/O is supposed to go because then the CPU collides with the power supply but as it turns out you can just barely fit an ethernet cable through the expansion card slots it just barely fits through there there's like a half a millimeter of clearance it feels extremely dirty and evil to do this but it works pretty good and then we can have the video out right there and I don't think the motherboard will be hitting the power supply that right there is how we're going to do it after designing an adapter plate to go from Xbox mounting holes to standard ATX ones oh the motherboard can now be mounted to the case like a regular computer motherboard getting the DVD drive mounted however is not quite that simple and I'm a lazy gamer what if I just skipped adapting this whole thing entirely and just used the one that it's already in here the Xbox uses an IDE optical drive too after all and I could actually plug that into the Xbox it would kind of work I could read like CDs and burned games but not official ones and I don't know that kind of sucks if that's what we got to do that's what we got to do especially because our current optical drive is not exactly functional and interestingly there are no mounting holes on the side like you would normally find on a optical drive I thought this would have them I I don't really know why I thought that cuz there's no reason it should have them but as far as the thickness goes it's pretty much a PC optical drive I was going to offset it so it was actually half a slot below so it'll occupy some of this 5 and a/4 Bas space and that way the optical drive comes out of the bottom slot here and on the top of the slot that's where we can put the controller ports and I think that would work out lovely it's either that or the controller ports go into one of the uh expansion slots down here and that just sucks if I can get this working I want to do this but let's see if we can't figure out why this guy's just having a not great terrible day I don't like Optical media as you all know but I'm not a monster if I can save a life I will only slightly dirty nasty honestly that's not too bad which on one hand kind of sucks cuz it would be way more obvious what the problem is if this thing was just caked all right well I guess I'll start with the basics and then uh go from there if that doesn't help and a little bit of this all right let's see in you go okay maybe we'll put the lid on oh my God hey dude maybe chill out a little okay one more time oh look at that it was just the old dirty laser yeah this works fine all right well that was an easy fix and to get this here DVD drive to go into the slot unfortunately we're going to have to lose these little mounting points and these mounting points appear to be completely part of the entire frame of this thing so uh it's about to get [Music] ugly turns out I cannot Mount the DVD drive halfway between slot one and Slot two and the reason is because of those little tabs those tabs are on every sing single slot and they prevent you from putting a drive halfway into each slot so unless I want to make permanent modifications to the case and bang these tabs out flat I'm going to have to find another way I can take the controller ports and kind of put them right there I'll have to trim these modules down a bit so I can fit all four but that should work I don't like how recessed the DVD drive is but uh I don't know what other options do I really have that'll have to do as for the hard drive it'll bolt right into any one of these five Bays that we have here at our disposal this is Far and Away the easiest part of adapting the Xbox into this case but do we really want to stick with this pathetic 10 GB hard drive absolutely not I've got a stack of these old 2 tbte hgst hard drives laying around from upgrading my Nas and one of these will do perfectly as a replacement but um where's the SATA port well there isn't one so we can't use this hard drive then but we can through the black magic of the company startech we can install this here SATA to IDE adapter board onto the back of our hard drive and then carry on connecting our 2 TB SATA hard drive over an IDE cable this feels like it should not be possible but wouldn't running a SATA hard drive over an IDE cable be a speed bottleneck yep it's finally time to do our t-a flash that way the Xbox will accept our new hard drive technically I don't have to do a t-a flash to upgrade the hard drive but doing dangerous and risky things in the name of gaming is like kind of my Kink so that's what we're doing one steamy evening with a serbios install disc later and our hard drive is good to go now that we have a mounting solution for most of the parts it's time to begin the Great migration I ended up connecting the hard drive with this horrendous round IDE cable which was the style at the time rounded IDE cables provide no better performance but they elicit ooze and since it looks like it boots fine and nothing appears to be broken I can move on to making a cooler the Xbox normally uses a single small fan to pull air through the console and out the back of it sucking air through the heat sink is a fine solution if you have a tightly controlled space and airf flow path I could design something like that for myself but the fact that I have to cool both the CPU and GPU heat sinks which are not the same size and shape makes me really not want to have to deal with that so instead we'll do the tried andrue method of just dumping air on top of the heat sinks like computer makers have been doing for decades now and I don't have much faith in that little front intake fan to get cool air all the way across the case so I'm just going to pull cold air in from the rear fan by flipping it around and at this point I could just stick another fan on top of this heat sink and call it a day but I got to thinking about that 2000's computer styling with the case again and I had an idea in Dell's old piece of crap Optiplex and dimension computers from the XP era they would install this big gy green fan duct to cool the CPU since throwing in a hunk of green plastic was a lot cheaper than installing a second fan and it just screams 2,000 sh box I could try to measure the distance between the Heat sink and the fan and get the exact clearance that I'll need around the capacitors and brackets but no that's stupid it's a waste of time because of something called photogrametry photogrametry is probably one of the coolest Technologies I have ever used apart from the translator pen that thing can play half like first you take an absolute truckload of pictures of your subject from as many angles as you possibly can the more the better then you throw the images into your photogrametry software for this model I used a program called Beholder it's literally as simple as pressing a few buttons and out pops a 3D model and as you can see the model that I generated is certainly not the best it's lumpy and chunky and looks like an actual pile of sh but it's going to be just fine to use as reference for when I'm making the cooling duct a few hours in Autodesk Fusion later and we've got ourselves a duck which actually fit perfectly on the first print uh minus one chunk that I forgot to cut out right here but hey you know what after putting the side panels back on and leaving the X to transfer games over FTP for a while to put some kind of a load on it this cooling solution looks like it's going to work just fine I know I said that pulling air through the heat sinks instead of pushing air through them would be worse but just to double check I flipped the fan around and uh and intake it will stay having two intake fans is going to create a slight positive pressure in the case that should help get rid of the heat but the exhaust fan up here in the power supply will likely be doing most of the heavy lifting the hard drive also did seem to get pretty hot while transferring games so I also put this 92 mm fan in the lower Drive Bay to keep it cool now that the cooling is all figured out it's time to tackle the wiring there are three important cables that run through the Xbox that we need to address the controller Port cables the DVD drive power cable and the cable that runs to the front panel in order to not modify any part of the front panel I/O cables that are attached to the case I'm going to modify the Xbox's button and led front panel board to accept standard PC see front IO cables one wire each for the power button eject button red LED and green LED then four more to give each of those a ground line all of those wires terminate in one 8 Pin header that we can then plug our front panel I/O cables into the reason why we need to mess with the DVD dries power cable is because well it's just so short you know actually now that I'm looking at this it's more of an average size DVD drive power cable either way the run that it needs to make though is very long to length it I just split the cable down the middle took a run of ribbon wire from an old IDE cable and reconnected each individual wire to both ends of it these solder seal wire connectors made this process tolerable since I had to make 24 total connections and before I do the same thing to the controller Port cables I still need to figure out how exactly they're going to mount up to the case I'm going to keep with the idea of mounting them under the DVD drive here since I don't really want to put them in the back that just kind of seems stupid I also realized that most of my front panel IO is not going to work see with the front panel off you have a few hard drive LEDs a red one for power a button for power and a button for reset perfect but when you put the panel back on only the power button remains accessible so if I want Power LEDs and an eject button I'm going to have to cram them under the DVD drive too actually mounting these things there's not much to really mount it to at all so what I'm kind of left with here are these rails for the lower 5 and a/4 Slot the one that's covered up by this cover here and I think I can design something some kind of bracket that's just going to go from these rails kind of out here but in order to do that we're going to have to lose this little uh cover and technically speaking this is part of the case and you can see that it's just tacked on with the tiniest little weld ever because you're meant to pop these out in fact they popped this one out down here where the hard Drive is for pretty much no reason at all because the actual front panel has nowhere for that to go and I know the goal is to not make any permanent modifications to the case here but to get these controllers mounted up that's kind of the only option but if there's one thing I have to permanently modify I think this is an acceptable one so if that's too much for you to bear look away cuz it is coming out later now with hopefully a complete understanding of everything that needs to get shoved into this 5 and a/4 Bay I designed this bracket that has room for a dual color red green LED and a spot for a small tactile switch for the eject button those components are sandwiched between the controller Port modules which had to have their plastic mounts cut down by quite a bit to fit into this space one more round of cable extending later and our front IO is now complete also notice how the DVD drive is not recessed back like before I I fixed this by using a document scanner of all things and scanning the bottom of the DVD drive bezel to make a 3D printed negative of it that's been extended to the proper length to bring It Forward enough to be flush with the controller ports and I got to say this looks fantastic this thing is really coming together now it even sounds like an old computer now when you turn it on [Music] we're kind of in the home stretch now I can finally address some of the smaller things to keep the DVD drive in place I designed a couple braces for each side of it to keep it from moving backwards or upwards I secured the io board nicely to this spare motherboard standoff and I cut down a rear slot cover to fill the Gap left by the ethernet port this custom IO shield with a cutout for the video connector naaps in place just like a real one and the basement area here was looking a little bit sparse and ugly so I threw in this air ramp that will help direct air from the intake fan up toward the CPU and GPU whether or not this piece really improves air flow or does anything at all I'd say it probably doesn't but it does help the space at the bottom look a little cleaner which is what I really care about and I know I put a lot of work into this duct and I I do think it's pretty cool guys look at that that the only thing this needs now is this fan to be covered in 10 lbs of dust and this will be 100% accurate to early 2000's gaming computer okay actually it looks sick though what the heck so I guess with that it's done here it is the Xbox Alpha B there's something poetic about combining the alpha 1 case which existed well before the Xbox as we know it today with mods that in the console so much further into the future than people in 2001 could have ever imagined 2 terab of SATA storage with the potential to be upgraded all the way up to even 16 TB the alpha was originally designed to make games for the Xbox without the ability to boot any retail games but now that this one is using modded final production Hardware not only can it still be used to make games now it can play the Xbox's entire library and all of it off of a single hard drive the output on this thing looks beautiful whether it's on a CRT or at full HD on a Modern Display it's absolutely silent except for the nostalgic clicks and Clacks of a mechanical hard drive and an optical drive Optical media bad this whole build can all be completely reversed as well leaving the alpha 1 case exactly as it was in case the time ever comes for it to move on to someone new and the best part of this project to me isn't this this project at all it's the ones that will come after it I realized after a while that while I was making a sick Resto mod alpha 1 dev kit I was also essentially at the same time making an Xbox to PC conversion kit think about it there's no reason why you couldn't replicate this build beat for beat into any case that you want as long as it has two 5 and a qu bays in the front of course I'm going to release all of the STL files for this build as well as the fusion project file and a build guide that goes into more detail than I did in the video all of these are going to be free on my printables page the link is in the description but if you end up using any of my designs to make a build of your own show it off to me on Twitter or Discord or something there's links to all of my socials in the description I just want to see what you guys end up making I already want to make another one myself and with that I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 659,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringus, bringus studios, bringus studios homebrew, bringus studios xbox, xbox computer, xbox alpha, xbox devkit, xbox prototype, xbox alpha 2, xbox alpha 1, xbox homebrew, xbox hacking, your xbox can play this
Id: gdrrsadTtTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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