Games You'll Love! - Slay the Spire

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what is up everybody this is shots and welcome to slate aspire this will be the first episode in a series I'd like to call games you'll love and the idea behind this series is that I don't have time to play every single game but some of the games I'm just gonna go ahead and throw at you because you guys want me to play them but I don't necessarily have time to make series of them this one might become a series because slay the spire is just like amazing it's super cool it's like a roguelike deck-building dungeon crawling turn-based game thing you guys don't know this game strap yourselves in for a sweet ride it will be quick and fast I'm gonna jump right into things if you guys do know this game please remember that mistakes will be made I'm sitting here trying to focus on every little single detail including the recording including my life including my hair including my nose and you guys are on your break and have the ability to be super hyper focus on each and every single one of my cards that pops up without all the other distractions so it's bound to happen we're gonna do a standard run today I'd like to maybe do a series where I try to take one of the two characters there's only two so far it's early access through the Ascension and ascension is basically like the game just keeps getting harder and harder and you have to unlock you have to beat ascension to to get ascension 3 and so forth and so forth and it's up to like ascension 15 or something like that and it gets really difficult but for right now let's not do ascension let's see here we have two characters iron clad basically each character has their own builds and I'm not gonna go over every single thing but mainly iron clad he heals himself as his starting relic they're called it's like a trinket I guess I say let's just stick with our bread-and-butter iron clad no ascension let's go so we start with burning blood at the end of everything we heal 6 HP so you start off talking to this wale guy I don't even I don't know what he is I don't even does he have a name was it a she is it Swiss cheese I guess it's name is f to pay respects now I find your previous run you've made it to a boss fight you actually do get to get an upgrade for your next run it's almost like an Eden's blessing of sorts you start off with 12 cards we have six strikes five defends and then one extra special card bash which does some stuff in things let's upgrade our bash like he's in that a lot here's our map so we get to pick a path there's there's three different levels of this this is the first level that goes all the way up to the first boss and our first boss I can tell but this icon is gonna be the slime dude plot to play slime rancher points of interest normal enemy shop you don't know what it is elite fight that's where you get relics chest also relics and that's it yeah let's go it's it's kind of like FTL like these question marks are kind of like FTL you you go there and sometimes you fight sometimes you get something to do sometimes you get to gain a card up credit card lose a card sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad I like to maximize fires because out of fire you can either heal yourself or you can upgrade a card if you don't need the healing but most of the time the healing is what makes you not die so some of the paths have more fires so let's here this one's got one fire one elite another fire another fire another elite and then another fire that seems like that's just the right path to go you know if our shop right off the bat spend our hundred gold that we start off with so you start with Daddy die did that hundred okay get it right all right first battle its turn-based like I said you can see their intention above their heads that's five attack five attack we don't have any block cards so we can't block anything at all what do we do with this let's see here they've got a special buff here curl up upon taking damage rolls up and gains four block once per combat okay against seven block and this little let's take out that seven block immediately with our bash this does 10 damage I could bash him instead but that's ok another thing to energy for this card one energy for this card three energy total we have three out of three this is our draw pile this is our discard pile what else anything else that I'm missing for you guys that are starting up no guys we're gonna hit him he's gonna curl up we're out of energy we're gonna take five damage but we heal six at the end of the turn so it's not like that think of a deal there's our block cards Hey right when we don't need them sweets so the blue fire means he's just gonna buff himself he gave himself +3 strength which means he does +3 attack he's gonna do it again that's your bad you had one hell you had one job I've got a black potion out of that we got some gold and after every battle you get to add a card to your deck if you so choose to add a card seeing red gains to energy and then you exhaust it it's it's pretty good to be able to play more cards but it's a one-time-use card that's what the exhaust means cleave eight damage to all enemies I'm gonna go with cleave I'm gonna go with cleave gear being able to do a lot of damage to all the enemies is pretty good all right our first shop still dude on this little blankie he's got his little blankie you know you got some cards to buy these are some special what are they called colorless cards in the bottom they can be pretty cool he's selling a couple relics it's your mummified hand whenever you play a power a random card in your hand costs zero a power like this is a power card it says power skill attack those are the only three types of cards anchor start combat with ten block that one's really good frog enemies with vulnerability takes 75% more damage instead of 50% more damage also really really good I wish I could have that I like this battle transfer card draw so you only have what you pull like I think it's six cards per turn maybe it's five I think it's six and then if you use all the cards up that's all you get you don't get to draw more until the next turn if you have this battle trance you can draw three more cards for free for zero energy and armaments is actually pretty good to hear upgrade a card in your hand for the rest of combat you can if you upgrade each card every card can be upgraded once save a couple cards don't worry about it if you upgrade this it'll upgrade the rest of the cards in our hand so I say we go for some armaments it's pretty good about a couple cards card removal service we can also pay to have him take away cards and that can be really good sometimes you don't always want a big deck you know because you want to be able to shuffle up your cards that was a thing I should have read that ague pile it's something like we dropped gold into a goo pile we either we either leave the goal that we dropped or we reach in take some damage and get even more gold and I decided to reach in take a little bit of damage it's not as I deal with full health going out of the second question mark here it's a fight which is very unfortunate I like the ones that actually give us something to do so let's bash the little guy try to kill him immediately so I don't want to take that read I don't know half the block you know who blocks blocks are for novices so the deal here is that we have 13 cards currently it is 5 per turn my bad not 6 what happens is when we're done we put them into the discard pile when we're out of draw cards then the discard pile becomes shuffled into the draw pile so you just got to repeat back and forth back and forth all the stuff let's go the armaments and then upgrade are just 11 or to 9 let's upgrade or cleave so that was the armaments when I use it I gain a little bit of block not as much as well I should have because I'm frail right now that's what this guy did this little green smoke around this means that he's going to do a negative effect plus the attack so he's probably gonna like frail me again or weakened me or something so frail means 25% less block that's why my defend card says 3 and not 5 sweet ok I'd like to just kind of crank through this like introductory phase here and just just get it over with you know like I said I want to hit the ground running oh he slimes me that's what he did and now he's gonna frail me again because it's just green yeah every single enemy like basically has their their move set and they don't really switch it up in there all right he's dead we gained 6 little health because of her thing of course oh great another cleave disarmed enemy loses 2 strength exhaust that means they're gonna do less damage it could be good rage whenever you play an attack this turn gain 3 block it's free I like the rage I like the rage the only problem with the free cards is that it takes up a card slot one of you 5 you know and then if you have too much energy and then you can't you you know use other stuff I don't know that's vulnerable him with my my bash and then 8 damage is higher than 6 he's gonna do this this buff the cultists what he does is he uses the ritual on himself and if you read the thing it's here at the end of its turn gains 3 strength so he just does 6 attack 9 12 15 so forth and so forth so the longer it takes to kill him it's bad it's bad you don't want that to happen so it's maybe you'll block up here with armaments upgrade our rage I suppose we really didn't need to do that we don't really need more block guys probably should upgrade it one of my strikes is to do more damage but whatever like in battle trance right now and draw three cards but I don't have any energy anyways so I'm just gonna burn the cards but you know what that's okay I kind of want to get through the rest of this disk are are the rest of this draw pile because I don't none of these really do it for me there we go got two blocks out of the way now he pulled that last strike and we shuffle the rest through because I wanted to get something that was better like this cleave so I think we should be able to kill him off eight and six done done almost back to full health because of our heels ooh oh okay twin strike deal 5 damage twice 10 damage for one energy is decent cuz right our regular strikes are just six none upgraded barricade block no longer expires at the start of your turn this is a gold card which means you usually only get these after boss battles or you're guaranteed to get one after a boss battle they're kind of a big deal block not disappearing after your turn is good because generally and always always always always your block goes away at the end of the turn so if you guys like a car that gives you 10 good jillion block you'll block whatever damage comes in and yet in the next turn you lose it it's gone unless you have barricade another armaments we know what that does I mean we can go for a block run that's a barricade is good for it's hard to see this go right now but we don't have any amount of like other cards to support this block run let's go for it let's just like try it if we don't ever use that card it's okay and I'm gonna immediately upgrade it cuz in my opinion okay first of all upgrading armaments would be super good because you upgrade the rest of your hand constantly again and again and you might just end up upgrading this card anyways but I'm gonna upgrade the barricade right now if you're gonna have something that's high energy cost and you want to use it you might as well make it even more worthwhile to use it's up the damn thing I kind of hope that we got um barricade off the bat here's an elite you doesn't wake up until two turns later so we can actually shuffle through our deck and get some things going here if you if you heard him at all through his eight block he's got metallus eyes so he he gains eight block while he's sleeping at the end of the turn always I'm just tangent after tangent you guys there's so many things to explain I just kind of want to just play the game but then everyone's gonna be confused and then I have a Leo Burnett who knows what's going on it's like oh my god just play the damn game battle trance draw three cards given my barricade that's not none of those were barricade but I would like to use my armaments and um upgrade surprisingly I'm gonna upgrade one of my defense I think that'll be nice so it like he say like I said this guy I just know that the Lagavulin doesn't wake up for a while okay this is really unfortunate that I didn't get a barricade the last two cards do oh come on so here's the problem he's my barricade I'll have to attack him now he's gonna wake up anyways next turn I don't even think I can even get through his god damn shields blows you know what we barricaded up so let's defend let's rack up a little bit of block here rage is gonna be good you know rage is good with barricade anything that gives you extra extra block would be fantastic all right all right okay all right nice okay more block plays and then upgrade my cleave he he does a lot of damage you want to take them out immediately as fast as you possibly can I paired the cleave and and use my bash anyways whatever so it doesn't even matter that I've got barricade right now due to the facts that uh due to the facts that he's gonna end up taking all my block anyways every single turn them and I'm never gonna rack a block extra block in there over time this guy will eventually lower my dexterity and my strength so my defends are even worse than my attacks are even worse and if it takes too long to kill him you're literally screwed like give up you're done kid all right he's got six vulnerability I think that's probably enough we should just honestly focus on killing him killing him dead at this point in time no blocks I actually have a block potion probably worth you've been here gained 12 block from that potions are one-time use and he's dead not too bad 63 health luck that's good twenty eight gold dark stone Perry apps whenever you obtain a curse increase your max health by six we don't have any curses we haven't run into any curses yet but it's good to know we ever do we could do that I guess double tap that's another gold card this turn your next attack is played twice you know it's really really good it does not work towards our barricade doesn't work towards our our block run apply three weak and vulnerability to all enemies this is pretty good shockwave is nice but you don't gain any block and you don't do any damage so it's kind of just a distraction pommel strike pretty good 9 damage draw one card card draw is good I don't just I'm not too crazy about any of these things shockwave is so good but it cost so much let's say that we did because I've already got bash I'm already applying vulnerability but I'm not applying weakness double tap is also really really good but a shockwave here oh my god huts you're so dumb that's the best card everybody's got their opinions and that's something I learned about when I was streaming this game actually it was very very very interesting to hear how some people loved some cards but not other cards and like I had a preference I'm like oh no no you gotta go at this one card so I don't even know what I'm doing right now I just attack him when he has his vulnerability but I don't even know this guy's got split so at half health he splits into two enemies what am I even doing what am I even doing maybe I should try to rack up some block right now with the block rod you really want to get more block overwhelm them with helmet flock you have but anyways I was streaming this game it was so surprising to see like there was no one answer there is no one way to play this game alright that's really bad that we only got him to literally half his health because if I was able to get him down to 20 health he'd split up into two 20 health things and now he's to 33 health things that like really really really really blows damn it all right do I want to think about blocking we have 25 block we'll be able to block that but we'll lose it all oh well let's focus focus on just getting through this they also weaken to me so my attacks are dicks stacks of dicks all right he did the slime cards I can play them but they cost one energy to get rid of them to get them out of my deck and at this point time might even be worth it because we have so many of them thank God for card draw best part about blockade is a lot of times you won't have an attack card and you you can block but the enemy's not even attacking so it's like what's the point but with blockade it's always worth it to throw extra block in there you know this is working this is how you want a block run to look you just kind of have so much block it doesn't even matter what happens after that anger deal 5 damage and add a copy this card so the more you shuffle your deck the more angers you get in there I'm gonna say no to that because we really don't want to block up our our deck with that that that's really good on decks where you want to play more and more cards and anger + rage they go together pretty good pretty good but searing blow can it be upgraded any number of times this is that one card that you can upgrade multiple multiple times but I don't know see I don't like that card but I've heard some from some people that that card is amazing and I don't get it play the top card of your draw pile and exhaust it havoc mmm no we don't have an exhaust deck there's some decks where you just want to like just burn through cards and it's like for every card that it's exhausted gain block and strength and attack and all this other stuff that's super cool you don't have that going on merchants no longer runs out of cards relics or potions and his prices are reduced by 20% not too pleased about that let's hit up our fire I think our health is okay let's upgrade our armaments at this point in time so whenever we use that the rest of our cards in our hand will be upgraded it's pretty nice I wouldn't mind a like 3 Cleaves right now this sucks every single one of these little tiny slimes is attacking for a lot of damage yes rage please let's take out the ones that are gonna be doing the most damage which will be these Five Guys Burgers and Fries take him out take him out we gained nine block that is 12 block or 12 damage coming in not so bad I cleave was mean though because now we should just be able to take the rest of them out all right or not or not so there's only a little bit of damage coming in we don't really need to do any blocks they don't really need to use our miss to upgrade anything it's gonna be over before we know it all right regen potion sword boomerang really really good on a strength to deck so if you have +2 strength you're gonna be dealing 5 damage to three random enemies if you have +10 strength you're using 13 damage to three random enemies I don't want any of these what have you draw status card draw one card that would be good for like if we have slimes and you use that power or every time that you draw a slime you get to do other cool stuff I'm gonna go for that elite I think why all the cool stuff I mean you get to draw another card so it doesn't waste your your cards in your deck but you have to actually get that card use that card use energy to have that card and then most of the time you don't get status effects from your enemies I've never liked that card I've never even thought about using it let's upgrade which one we want upgraded all the time no matter what I'm thinking cleaver rage let's do cleave we need more damage here we need to be cutting through these enemies faster all right 12 tab much coming in I'll trust me I'd like to maybe weaken him make him vulnerable for a while to come or I could just try to block all of the damage coming in and then cleave them a little bit that's maybe do that we have a an elite fight coming up and I don't want to I don't wanna be too low on on HP what's up little man what's up by never man I'm here little Lennie's he's gonna make a cameo by the way you guys I do have fast mode on the game right now so that's why the enemy turns are going like that like everything is just moving like super quick and I do that because this game takes so long to play otherwise all right let's armaments upgrade to rest of our cards use our rage plus and then give him some vulnerability now baby get all the block in and so we're gonna block all that he's gonna like frail us or something but us fine he weakened us now what do we want to do maybe a barricade plus or are we gonna attack him right now and lower his health but like I said I kind of want to up I want to I want to keep my health high so I'm gonna be like barricade is just not gonna be worth it at this point in time just armaments and then hit him with a couple strikes bear can't be a waste he's dead anyways he's already dead that rage was complete waste but it's free game and it's free okay there we go with a block run that we want body slam deal damage equal to your current block so if we get barricade off and then we block block block block block block block block we have like a hundred block hit him with one body slam we're gonna be like one shot and everybody yeah we're going heavy on the block rotten here alright Elite fight these guys have something called an artifact and the gates one debuff so I if I hit them with a bash then that's gonna block that but maybe I'd like to try to get through one of their debuff things and then cinema clock is it just me or have we not gotten barricade in the first turn half barb it's never happened it's literally never happened yes I want to hit him with this they're gonna block the weak that that guy won't he won't do but then they'll be vulnerable or I could block block well that's a lot of damage coming in there is a fire though that we could hit before the boss I say almost says let's just maybe oh I just set ourselves up for the future let's do it it's five week in five vulnerable just five vulnerable for those guys but I'm gonna say that's fine already a five-block I think I would like to barricade at this point in time [Music] that's 16 damage to everybody since they are vulnerable I'm gonna say they they are vulnerable they have vulnerable but it's they have vulnerability they all are vulnerable Wow so this green thing that they do the strategic thing is there they're adding dazed cards to my deck it's a complete burn it it blocks up my space for card draw it's it's not good in the least bit let's see here I would like to possibly focus one of these other guys no focus this guy and I would like to maybe fire potion this guy just get him outta here I don't want to take that damage I'm not about that life three damage sucks he's almost dead are you me at least we're blocking all of this crap so ethereal means if I don't play it which it is unplayable it disappears so those parts are gone forever now he's just gonna keep adding more though to my deck all right it's worth it to armaments at this point in time there's only one card that needs to be upgraded green means it's upgraded the plus also means that I can just kind of just block him a little bit I got stopped him and then I want to poke him a little bit and then cleave them to death nice bottles flame all right let's do this maybe first oh yeah impervious gained 30 block we yeah that's that's it that's what we want for our block right that's it you bottle flame upon pick up choose an attack card at the start of each combat this card will be in your hand so we get to guarantee one of these cards showing up um on our first run what do we want always to be there I don't know I'd like to say that we'd like to bottle flame bash so that we can apply that vulnerability but if we get bash and barricade in the first turn then I'll have to burn that bash maybe cleave cleave is a pretty good one maybe we just say screw it maybe we just say we don't want bottle and flame at all cuz it gives us a a a lower chance to get barricade on our first turn don't know bodyslam wouldn't be that good because I can't I can't gain that much block right out the bat it'd be good if I had that freaking a trinket that relic that gave me 10 block in the first turn oh I mean setting up a three vulnerable on the first turn it's pretty good do we want it to heal or do we want to upgrade one of our cards I kind of want to upgrade my body slam this makes it free which is so good because I think you just spend your energy to gain more block to do more damage oh yeah we did it do it man right now gain that block start racking it up I need something that upped my dexterity that would be super good something that's like for every three attacks that you do you gain one dexterity for every one dexterity that you gain each defend card each any block card will do plus one block that's gonna be doing a big old slime Rancher move right here slime crush impervious would be a good thing to have right now and armaments upgrade that impervious 61 block this is this is a block read this is a block right let me battle trance it up we get that body slam for free 61 damage yeah I interrupted in though oh that's the wrong time to do will be just literally three damage under half this guy also has the split mechanic if we were able to get him like maybe to like 71 and then hold off and then hit him with 60 damage he's gonna split up into two 11 health enemies instead of 267 health enemies kind of a big difference they're kind of a big different cell I mean we have so much block right now I think we're gonna be fine regardless this is fine this is alright it's just 16 damage coming it's a lot and I'm like doing poor damage God dang it the frail and weakened me dicks [Music] let's just keep racking up that should have played them probably armaments kind of loses its panache towards the end here rage battle trance slime city let's try out let's see if we can't kill this guy we can't kill him right now 39 perfectly is it possible that I could maybe slice him up and then do that damage towards this guy that would that would seem like a better move here slice him up he's already interrupted he's gonna split up into some little shits but if I do this it's gonna do 51 damage he's gonna split up in a little some little shits too but we can handle this to eight health little shits that's that's one cleat as a single cleave you know I forget shockwave set myself up the next turn here so there are weakened are they're vulnerable right so you you don't really take the number here but if you hold the card up to them it says oh 10 damage it actually does update to the right thing so you know what guys I like had my head over the cards the entire time so you guys probably missing that right so card I apologize about that I can't see it on my screen I can see it in the preview tier 10 damage is enough to kill one of these little shits so let's just do it we have 20 cards in our deck right now but we really only have 18 that means you have two slimes that's not bad there they are hello slimes now we have four slimes this is fine all right eighty damage yeah you guys are dunzo that's it that's the boss fight we get to add one gold card another barricade no no if your HP is at or below 50% gain energy at the start of each turn it could be good whenever you gain block deal three damage to a random enemy block run block run alright we get to choose a boss relic as well these are really bad this one gained energy at the start of each turn which literally just means you have four energy not three which is really good but you can no longer see enemy intense you don't know if you need to block you don't know if they're gonna you know destroy you or if they're gonna just do nothing if they're gonna sit there and block pick their nose that's bad I don't like runic dome at all ectoplasm gain energy at the start of each turn but you can no longer gain any gold and that one meat would be okay I think that would be okay or this one replaces burning blood which is our starting trinket relic sorry at the end of each combat heal 10 HP instead of 6 HP I like really really really really want the energy I never go with that till plasm let's try it out no more golds we have 3:17 we're gonna spend that 3:17 we will get no more shops are just not a thing that we need to really go for one shop to get rid of our gold but after that we're free and clear let's see here like I said I do like to maximize fires here but as the iron clad I do like to fight elites a lot for more relics because relics can really really save the day so excuse me I'm kind of thinking kind of thinking over here we go up we hit this fire we fight that elite I think two elites would be a little bit intense it depends on how much health we have after this fight honestly and then we hit one of the fires we had one of the elites and then we hit another elite directly after nah man not like that it's not really a good path all of these pads kind of suck I really would like to hit one of the shops up to I can go here shop but then we have fight fight fight elite or fight fight fight fire or we just go this path elite fire here shop but then we have no more fires until the very top the very tippity-top I say we just go for it Yolo if we end up blowing this run it's okay you guys I think we're gonna play more all right the birds flight to producers attack damage taken by 50% so yeah they take 50% damage and it's canceled if you attack them three times in one turn so CLE would be a friend here shockwave would be super good bash should be good it's like gosh all of our expensive cards right off the bat I really don't like the birds the birds are like evil 1 times 5 that just means that they can do 5 damage over five hits and let them maybe maybe weakened and vulnerable them all and then cleave them I'd like to rack up my block right now but I could barricade defend but I'm not I'm not helping myself in the future at all let's just maybe take some damage just like this go like that weakening them actually they do 25% less damage and I guess it rounds down so they just do 0 times 5 which is which is pretty good I don't need a block I don't even need to do that so let's just uh I could I could hit a run under the fire potion and kill them immediately but I can kill them neck - you know depending on what I need to do that was a good move because that weakening stays with them for three extra turns oh man look at all this stuff that we just got to juggernaut in pervious we have like way too much weight too many high energy cards man up straight them all do the juggernaut things I wish I had barricade now which I used it rage doesn't matter if I use that or not all right every time we gain block with the juggernaut we do five damage to random enemy it's five and not three now because we use armaments to upgrade it simple right bodyslam is gonna do literally nothing and here comes a bunch of damage and there are their weakened is about to run outs so these guys got gave themself both plus one energy or plus ones strength I mean so they're actually doing quite a bit of damage now so I say that we try to cut one of them down kill them off maybe I'm not sure if it really matters if I kill him off maybe he's fine maybe he's fine maybe I'll attack this guy since he's about to gain some strength because that guy could just be taken care of with like a cleave and I don't think I gain anything by using this for 0 no I'm gonna just kill one of these guys off I think potions are there to be used just use them could save him for like a boss maybe but do we want a barricade now is now the time it's a little bit too late for that honestly let's just cut him down attack him three times in one turn and he falls that's fine it's over so you didn't need barricade we did it right bloodletting lose 3 HP gain 2 - energy I would really like bloodletting + because of our high energy cards that we have but gained 7 block exhaust a random card game 5 block deal 5 damage big wave wouldn't be too bad here because we can both do damage and gain block that's a big wave or iron wave I just don't know man let's let's go balls to the wall and try bloodletting see what happens only problem with bloodletting is that it takes up one of your five cards duplicate a card in your deck so one of the question mark things that we have if we were to duplicate one of the cards honestly a second impervious would be glorious a second bodyslam plus would also be glorious one of those two we don't need a second barricade because a power is a power you can you can duplicate powers but you can't make block no longer expiring any better than it already is it's a it's a 1 or a 0 let's duplicate one of the same thing with juggernaut actually if we did do dug juggernaut twice and we used it twice then whenever we gain block we would do 6 damage to enemies only problem with the doubling my impervious right now is that it's not impervious plus I think we doubled bodyslam plus double impervious would have been really good though and the question mark receive a relic 50% become cursed Yolo you pushed open the cop and the fog dissipates harmlessly inside you find the mortal remains of a decorated soldier grasping an old relic molten egg you pilfer it and move on I did not get the 50% chance or the 50% uh curse I didn't get it whenever you add an attack card to your deck it is upgraded that's good that's pretty good let's continue on see if we can't keep our health up bloodletting is fine right lose three HP but then we gain six at the end of the thing so let's just say that we know I don't want to use my upper bein straight now anyways don't use your impervious until you can guaranteed save that this guy's also got some artifacts so he's gonna block that I hate this guy I hate the spirit Guardian he does way too much damage he needs to be buffed yesterday barricade now and block that coming in I say buffed I might nerfed now that's just 17 damage coming into my face no that's good I like that I love 17 damage beat says 10 damage 20 Devon to 10 damage 20 damage 10 damage 20 damage it's not good it's not good at all in fact rage it up let's cleave it up let's strike it up he's gonna block everything from that shock wave because he's got two more artifacts block that's body slam he's dead not too bad that one really really fast actually Oh neat headbutt perfected strike corruption none of these things really if you guys want to pause the video and read the cards you know be my guest can you guys read the cards I hope that you guys can read that cuz I upgraded my monitor and I actually have quite a few more pixels so the words might be like tiny um I see yeah well that's 20 damage coming into my face plus negative effect not happy about that armaments bloodletting won't do anything for me here this mystic will end up healing these guys or adding strength to both of them and this Centurion does a lot of damage and will shield thus the mystic problem with killing the mystic first is that the Centurion will then just focus like doing like 60 damage to my face like it's ridiculous if you kill if you try to kill the Centurion first the mystic we'll just keep healing him so it's not really a way to get both I usually go up to the mystic because he does the heals and it's super annoying but the damage that the Centurion does is unreal after this mystic is dead what if I tried to bash with the vulnerability maybe we can see if we can't hack him down try to kill the Centurion first see if it works you know just like maybe it'll work like I don't know like maybe it'll just like do it you know like right guys there's a lot of damage that I just took though all right he's gonna probably heal and not give strength this guy's gonna be doing frail man I'm gonna use my regen potion I need to kill him I need to kill him as fast as I can heels 416 that's so much that is so much I'm almost tempted to just impervious right now I'm super tempted to impervious right now barricade impervious and we can rage and body slam that was good 33 day I mean she's got 12 left it's gonna get 16 plus up to this century and blocks the mystic which is fine Oh see if I care it's here where you just popped my amount of block that I've got do 18 damage he's gonna heal for 16 that time he added strength instead which is fine by me despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage I'm awful that's boy oh oh that was good I like that a lot class can only be played if every card in your hand is an attack clash is super good but we have a lot of things we have a lot of things that are not attack heavy blade is super good when you have a strength build and we don't have that perfected strike is really really bad and I don't want it ever 54 health is that enough to take on three elites thrice the elite I wanna say no I say no and I'm actually I'm just gonna heal here get ready for this onslaught of enemy elite elite because I really want to try to go out this path here all right I think it's gonna be beneficial for me to upgrade my shockwave focus on one of them do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do wasn't the smartest idea to gain block in the first turn because you lose it because you're gonna lose it but you know I'm gonna think I'm gonna go ahead and just pop my impervious here even though I said never to do that I said never to do that unless you have your other thing ready I think it's kind of gonna be worth it here at this point in time that's pretty good is it worth it to barricade now well he just gains three strengths three strengths three strengths three strengths three strengths he's gonna overcome us real quick so let's hit him where it hurts if we take a little damage in the meantime that is quite all rights we can do two strikes here we also have one energy burnt yeah [Music] done that went really well a second cleave well we have the molten egg too so it's gonna be a cleave plus I'm liking the cleave that we have currently all right perfect time break leave her be time for a barricade impervious with a body slam 30 damage is kind of wasted on these little shits but I'm gonna do it anyways so this guy gremlin leader you kill his little minions and he just gets more minions out but he also blocks the minions and he he grants block on them he also grants strength on them so you do want to even kind of balance it do you want to take out the minions or do you want to take out the gremlin leader if you kill the leader the minions scatter so you have to kill the the gremlin leader to end this that's a lot of damage coming in that is a lot of damage coming I'm gonna blood light here gain some extra strength we have rage so the more attacks we do the more block we gain that's called damage gone good good good good shockwave do I want a vulnerable do I want to make him vulnerable right now yeah I could wait till he spawns his little guys but then I'm gonna burn my shockwave outta the way till it comes back just just do it despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage more block aah aah aah smack I murder its we need to get him when he's got vulnerability this is good oh it's really good oh that's really good easy well orichalcum if you end your turn without block you gain 6 block it's really good I like it a lot I like that a lot ghostly Armour gain 10 block block is good question card on future card reward screens you have one additional card to choose from also really really good full health there we go elite I so ethereal if I don't use ghostly armor it goes away and we're gonna need as much block as we can get here I'm almost thinking about possibly using one of my potions as well I generally go for this guy here he's got the net and one of his moves he makes us that you can't use any attacks not so bad on a block run but I think I'm still gonna focus him down this guy will continue to add wounds to my pile which is another status card that blocks me up makes me a regular by two block potion that would've used it for sure all right I need no no no no no no no no no no well maybe I'm gonna do that again I'm gonna pervious before we have our barricade up because of our body slams so I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill almost kill you anyone want to almost kill this guy instead this guy just does way more damage I don't really mind the wounds seven damage per turn it's like we hope we'll be able to handle that now we barricaded and juggernauts yikes did not a good turn not a good turn for me I like to do that so I can kill that guy off don't forget we got aura calc yeah buddy almost blocked that entirely cuz I got that six extra block because I didn't block at all mmm-hmm nice now what I want a shock wave them I kind of do when a shock wave them if I add my own block if I give myself five block I'm not gonna get the six or a calque block so worth it possibly [Music] needle and thread oh oh oh yeah at the start of every combat game five plated armor yep so every single start of every turn I gained five armor game it's not like you got up to five and then no more you gain five every turn plated armor means that if I could take if I take damage to my face like actual HP damage then for every time I'm hit it goes down to four plated armor three plated number two one and then it's gone but it's really good for my builds I'm gonna take the week off put the energy potion up and another cleave out of the ghostly armor intimidate Plus supply too weak to all enemies and exhaust it's free fire-breathing for every attack you do you do one more damage to everybody I'm gonna skip that it was a ghostly armor plus I'd be all over that if I was to upgrade anything right now juggernaut plus would be super good rage plus would be super good impervious plus would be super good shockwave plus would be super good I'm gonna say rage plus gain five block for every single time that we do stuff in things cuz their shop coming up no we skip the shop let's buy a relic off this guy Knight negate the next two curses you obtained that could be really good apply one vulnerable to all enemies on the first turn sure heal or choose one of twenty cards to add to my deck well we don't really need 26 healings so let's see if there's any cars that we could add to this yeah yeah goat whirlwind super good not with our current build though metallus eyes gain block every turn super good body slam literally what makes this run this run and I'm gonna upgrade that body slam immediately so it's no it's an attack so it's already upgraded via mold an egg yeah I feel pretty good about that I feel pretty good about that I would like to possibly even up get our battle trance because I've been using battle trance just to try to pull our flip and barricade out but that's not greater impervious alright boss time what's this guy's name the champ the champ all right fifteen damage come in straight in what we got you have regen potion artifact potion and energy potion that's a rage here everything's upgraded our race our armaments isn't gonna do a whole lot besides give us a little bit of block which is gonna be worth it Dash's skull in cleave them a little bit gain five extra block it's 15 block it's 15 damage now 20 block now 25 block because of Threadneedle I'm gonna I'm gonna wait on the impervious until we can actually do it right need to do it right you guys a lot of wasted energy but I mean we need our barricade first it's gonna be a long fight so it's gonna be worth it for us to hold off barricade I'd like to shockwave them but ghostly armor before it disappears definitely want to keep our block up too so that we don't take that HP damage and lose our Threadneedle it's pretty important here that didn't matter since he was blocking I need my impervious back can I get that back now please [Music] gotta keep our block up the more block we have the more damage we do I mean that's just how it goes if I blood let do I lose my thread needle that is a good question that is a good question my blood let do I lose my thread needle a seat let's test it out did not lose any of my thread needle it's still at 5 juggernaut for sure I was juggernaut plus right so I upgraded it I should have I should have done the what was it called battle trans first and then armaments because I would have been able to upgrade the rest of these strikes and defense which could have been huge but I guess we don't want this fight to take too long because this guy will do he'll he just keeps increasing his his strength and it's real real knotty rage he's everything but like I said now especially with juggernaut the more block we gain the more damage we do now I'm blocking up how many cards are my discard pile is that is that acceptable that's acceptable in 40 block that's what we wanted and then I'm gonna shockwave over 110 block you guys give me my give me my body slams it's like Oh body slams like Oh like these 103 damage Susana mashes am block run welcome everybody welcome everybody to the block run at the start of each turn game to strength demon form brutality at the start of your turn lose 1 hp and draw one extra card card Rose is good losing HP less good Reaper deal for damage to all enemies heal for unblocked damage dealt it's good way to get your health back exhume exile a stack card from your exhaust pile into your hand what are we exhausting right now we exhaust impervious we exhaust shockwave that's it it's it's almost worth it to exhume here is what I'm thinking get exhume because if we can use impervious and then exhume it back and then we can play it again that's a lot of extra block especially if we end up using impervious before we even have our barricade then we barricade then we can pull back our are impervious will exhume demon form actually wouldn't be that bad if we get our block up if you focus our block I mean it like a hundred block and then we demon form up and then we just kind of like coast out the run by gaining two strengths every single turn it could be really good but I'm gonna go to zoom here boss trinkets potions always drop after combat gain energy all enemies start with two strength that's like really really bad for enemies that like like the birds they do 1 times 5 damage the birds that start doing times five damage that's a lot of extra damage or cursed key gain energy at the start of each turn whenever you open a non boss chest obtain a curse well now that's just guarantee I mean we are we're blocking curses already with Alma Morey and there's only one chest left to get on the last floor so it's gonna be blocked that's just free energy for us right one chest yeah one oh wait I think we got this in the bag we're fighting the bird boy which is totally fine there's the bird boy and then there's also the time keeper time stealer time thief time whatever his name is alright I see a double fire here that looks tasty I see a double fire here I would like to try to get you know if I could have double-fired and had it in elite in the middle to gain an extra relic I would like that but not too many fires up in this area a shop at some point in time might be cool but I probably sit this one up right here so maybe go like this fire fire thunder clatter boom boom boom don't worry call your car x-man no jump through here Elite possibly depending on how much health I have at this point in time because this path is so much easier question mark regular on any question mark up to the fires for a last heal if I do this and I fight this guy and I lose some health and I lose some health loose ml lose ml potentially die I'm at like super low health I can't get it all back at one fire it's not gonna happen let's just do that path that I set out all right this guy gains three strengths every turn so we want to kill him sooner than later so Bosch would probably be the right answer here I could blood let get barricades ghostly armor don't even need the blood let we have two energy left's because we have five energy now oh gosh that's good smash them give them that extra vulnerability and then do some body slams good zoom didn't want to see you this this sickly burns this guy adds burns to my deck unplayable at the end of your turn take two damage now what are we doing upping our defense honestly this is gonna go alright come check them out quickly like I said dead he's dead no no so good but no and definitely no I've never used corruption skills cost zero whenever you play a skill exhausted it's like you better hope that it's only gonna take you one turn to kill them which is not necessary the case on a block run as you head upwards hopping from one floating shape to another you slip you begin to fall so this is like we have to lose one of these cards that is just balls lose my Cleef plus dick I'm not willing to lose any of the other ones our last shop card removal service to get rid of nothing we don't have any curses panache is so good every time you play five cards in a single turn deal 10 damage to all enemies it's it's really good somebody go for it the last of them my money's this other stuff that we could get we could get another cleave there'd be another cleave plus because of our molten egg let's do it let's get that back screw you game take away my Cleaves honestly at this point in time it would be smarter for me to not take any more attacks to not take any more cards to actually try to reduce the number of cards if I can just get rid of every single one of my strikes right now like that I would probably do it because that just means that we're gonna be pulling our block cards so much faster we should not add anything to our deck unless we really really need it alright the Spikers they have what's called thorns if I hit them then the thorns will attack me back this exploder after three turns it explodes dealing three damage but we want to kill them quick we don't necessarily wanted to attack to these guys unless we have some block on us rage - ghosting armors until 20 damage let's finish it off what I want to do right now is focus literally on trying to get my block up so that I have enough block to attack these guys because this little blue flame what these guys do is they add two thorns to them every single time they do this strategic move so this guy's got five already three already so if I hit them both with a cleave I'm taking eight damage and that's unacceptable to me that's unacceptable next can I just get my card that I need though I could impervious and then exhume the Apurva as' and then take out one of these guys maybe 40 damage is enough to kill one of them let's say be it via impervious for the next round and then I've got enough that could tack this guy I've got 35 block it's okay my barricade it's like I just it man I hate you so much you're literally the worst person barricade our juggernaut means that every time I gain block I do free damage if I attack them that way I don't get the spikes back in my face I can actually afford this seven attack coming in I can block it we're doing it simple stuff hey would you like a barricade oh all right 13 block nine damage coming in you did all right cards please the mall oh my god [Music] this is fine three frail and free week this is less fine barricade hey what about a barricade that could be five minutes oh man gives you a badge it's getting some barricade that'd be cool that'd be Sabido stuff would that just be cool I'm gonna do that same thing impervious exhume it save it the next one for the next round until after the barricade oh hey babe guys what's up by late at the party who explodes literally I want to weaken him juggernauts good here but this probably better in the long run less damage coming into I can't block any of that besides my orichalcum by a thread needle so now I'm back down to four all right that's this that it's like this and like this and like that and oh well my pervious back [Music] panache doing that extra damage they're real good it's real good pervious ghostly armors block more sleeve bodyslam 462 damage he'd done full health baby wild strike clash perfected strike at various I will show some pervious plus but it's almost tempting to fight that elite right now but I'm gonna do the fire upgrade that impervious like I just said if we like if I would I would sell my left testicle in order to get or does it bottled thunder if I could guarantee barricade in the first turn that is just I wouldn't I just I need that in my life I need that I'm on the beta by the way so some of these enemies are brand new that they don't even have animations they're just kind of testing them out serpent he is a huge dick literally look at him alright definitely want to block that incoming damage not gonna be able to block at all though bump bump bump bump bump bump oh good damage good damage thinking remember that and then attack them constricted this is what this guy does he constricts you 10 damage per turn per turn is that I'm sorry did you say per turn I did say per turn that is exactly what I said double and per B's well we don't need that underneath it but I would like to do two impervious free I'm just saying I'm just saying like this is gonna be nerfed at some point in time bodyslam for free between two bite-sized crackers it's it's unbelievable it is the best thing that's ever happens if I were to upgrade something what would it be what do I get if I upgrade that exhume is now for free upgrade panache it does 14 damage per five cards blade juggernaut five damage per block I'm thinking a free exhume would be nice even upgrading one of my defense would be nice upgrading shockwave we end up shock waving a lot there's no guarantee that it gets us that five instead of three weak and vulnerable meat on the bone if your HP is below 50% at the end of comment he'll 12 not gonna happen bub it's just not gonna happen I'm feeling spicy so we're gonna we're gonna take on all of these enemies and hope that we don't lose too much health by the time we get to the fire oh damn it's coming in already no not a fan we're gonna be able to block at all though now she's asked leave them right in the dick so this guy every other turn he gains something called intangible oh dude this is gonna hurt oh can I just block it can I block can I can I block it oh it's not even worth it to defend here because I get six defend if I don't so he's intangible which means that we can only hit him for one damage so if I strike him he's like that's what I said almost block it although because of the thread needle I liked it I like the attempts thirty damage coming in we're circling the drain like really bad we're circling the drain hardcore I don't even want it I don't even want a defense again but I should because I use rage right dude come on where am I go oh hey barricade here did you need some defending alright sup but by late why is everyone looking at me like that you barricade your towers better late than never better late than never 81 where are my body slams I need them now he's not intangible so we can do him dirty with some dirty dirty Dan damage I want a blood let right now for extra damage do you know what you can now is intangible now I'm gonna need my body slams just wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah Oh yep Hey oh no and no blocks besides this fantastic just just wonderful I did a whole what five damage there look out everybody all in all this is going really well you might not feel like it but there's a hundred damage goodbye whetstone upgrade to random attacks Wow entrench double your current block okay upgraded entrench is really where it's ads if I could get one of those please juggernaut before I armaments No we got Spikers over here so bike leave I'm taking six damage so I don't think I would like to cleave I think what I'd like to do ready bash bash one of them probably explode him you want to get him but this guy the repulsor he's gonna give me two days two cards per turn than he's alive and that's gonna piss me right off you know what I'm thinking maybe even striking the repulsor and then cleaving his rage is gonna give me an extra five that's gonna be ten block right and then I cleave and I'm minus six block down a four block and at four block I go back up to nine block won't be able to block at all I won't be able to block at all regardless though so let's do that almost he did die he died because I gained block in the juggernaut just picked him to give that five damage to fantastic she's still gonna be taking a lot of damage here not if I blood let my blood let and then bash this guy right in the neck blocked at all man genius [Music] it's it it's genius don't get yourself all right no damn is coming in eighth and the ends 15 that could almost kill anything guys [Music] impervious bodyslam impervious cleave right doesn't matter nobody cares bodyslam plus another one of the beta characters okay how do we get the most out of this how do we get the most out of our entrench currently we can't really get the most out of our trench but we did get barricade in the first turn I could defend once and double it to ten and then have a 10 damage body slam or I could just cleave right now I don't know how to handle this cleave would do what's 25% 50% of that let's say that's 5 that bumps that up to 17 which would earth sorry 16 it's either 16 or 17 I don't know if they round up or down I don't know I could cleave hope that he dies and then bash this guy dead he did not die me right in the neck okay we block strike who for tech we also attack that's literally what this run is we have barricade barricade is up so we definitely impervious we definitely exhume the impervious definitely use it again and then we just kill this guy almost almost killing we kill in the next round next turn preemptive victory sip fun the other ones were minions so you kill the main guy and you're done another body slam I just I'm one of the it is like too many body slams you have a problem because you ain't never gonna pull up your barricade we've talked about this before but damn it all the hell if I don't want more of those at this point in time we're good we should probably not take any more body slams it's too much it's far too much at this point in time um this isn't gonna go so lives I really don't like fighting these guys there's only one more enemy left though until the fire nice long it's not really gonna help me out here why use rage if I didn't use it I don't know barricade up we're not constricted we're now going to impervious it is now over breach puzzle it's so good I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not sorry oh that's good barricade ghostly armor impervious entrench haha blocks plus in French 122 throwing that out there he's like I've got five damage coming in look out mister I've caught up by the knife don't at you with a butter knife sorry bud all of those all of those body slams and we didn't pull one still have not pulled one of them that is just silly that is just that's just goofy that's just so goofy oh man that's good how much damage 127 per okay you you shrug it off to draw one card extra card draw I've gotta Oh kill me entrench for one it's a guarantee it's like what are you stupid all right we're at the final boss this was a very very good block run I'm glad that we were able to get that juggernaut or not the juggernauts what's it called barricade and then make it work for us it was a shot in the dark but we got the rest of the cards to do it what's the deal with this guy first of all he's got these two guys which gain a three damage per turn so you want to take them on immediately this guy gains what is it whenever you play a power he gains one strength heals 10 HP at the end of its turn hasn't awoken yet and yeah that's all we really need to know right now what do we have we have to bat a bunch of ball sack some really bad stuff so yeah I'm gonna bash one of these guys or the more health one block up and then body slam oh that's all we can do it's bad but all right 32 dams coming in we're not barricaded so I will not be impervious it's tempting it's tempting to use it right now I'm try to save our plaited armor but I'm gonna choose no barricade barricade Oh barricade just use juggernaut get out of the way he just gained one strength which is not the best thing that's ever happened to me let's just let's just pop our our potions right now not the energy potion but [Music] does that hurt oh hey guys my name is Barry Kane oh my late again again again again [Music] okay turf a notch rage barricade giving him strength strength strength what we need it we absolutely need it's guaranteed that we need that good vibe plated armor it's already gone and we're half we're over half dead and this guy hasn't even awoken yet orangey you've killed me it's probably my fault for taking so many cards I did say that and pervious I need you now I need you now right now yes right now first damage no ice I've done a little bit of damage I think already but good good though more imports and entrenches entrench me dad now all right he took a lot of damage there entrench the ish yes I would like that yes face he wouldn't mind that he's dead he's awakening all right battle has begun let's go ooh oh ah ei and sometimes why [Music] unearned love and damage coming in hot four to three dams coming in from him which is gonna be half of my block rawr I'm a dick all right now what we gain as much block as we can get shrug it off give me that extra card draw bash him a little bit so he's vulnerable and then body slam him we're done we're dead here we're not dead he's dead we're done we did it we got it thump-thump thump-thump a deep pulsing dread can be felt throughout the room is this the heart of the spire the source of this evil you ready your plate slice slice slice you deal 856 damage the heart squirms and bleeds but is ultimately still pounding or your mightiest attacks not enough you ask yourself have I been here before you feel that you've dealt a total of twenty six thousand two hundred and twenty-two damage to the heart a total of five billion has been dealt by all who have challenged it the heart pulse is louder and louder as your consciousness evades victory question work we just pass out sweet we did it thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed this I would recommend checking out slay the spire yourself absolutely also if you want me to play more of this game I don't know like I'm thinking if I did play it I'd like to do an ascension run as far as we can take it with one of the characters leave a comment what do you think did you like it and then maybe let's just say like if we can get like I'm gonna shoot high I want to shoot a high on this 5,000 likes I'll know that you guys want me to do a series 5000 and like maybe the first week or so I'll throw that out there and I might just make it my decision up anyways but we'll see if I get 5,000 I'll definitely do it thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next episode bye [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 42,792
Rating: 4.9682875 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, slay the spire, the silent, characters, enemies, cards, deck building, rogue like, rogue, rogue lite, best cards, victory, bosses, chest, shop, event, upgrade, early access, strength, exhaust, discard, heavy blade, poison, games you'll love
Id: PwhMCYd5AHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 47sec (5087 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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