Slay the Spire - Northernlion Plays - Episode 1

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👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I've been playing this one since he did the Let's Look At and it's pretty fun. Lots of cool synergies and variety.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/yudothesethings 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2017 🗫︎ replies


I bought this after seeing your "let's look at". It's a great game and thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Super glad to see it as a series. It was alright on the NLSS but definitely will make a better series to play for a while then come back to later like DeadCells.

Some tips and info I've picked up while playing it that may help you;

  1. Start getting use to reading all of the status bar icons under your own and enemies health bars. You let it slide a little and could have avoided some damage here and there but you did great in the boss fight and thought it through and made some good choices. Just get use to what they all are then a glimpse is all you'll need in future and can make strong calls.

  2. When planning your route unless there is something you specifically want like a shop if your sitting on 500+ gold. The Best icons in order are; Campsites > Elites > ? > battle/shops. Focusing on upgrading your good cards is paramount. Relics from elites can be insane, don't be afraid to skip over one or leave it behind if it's bad. Elites are kinda like Deals with the Devil in Issac, you are going to have to fight for them and risk your runs some times but they can be huge bonuses.

  3. Focus on picking cards that benefit defense first your goal should be to get 3 or 4 then use shops or ? room events to remove block cards. Then worry about attacks. The reason for this is because there is a ? room event that can replace all strikes with bite which isn't bad depending on your run.

  4. Apotheosis is the best card in the game hands down. Always buy this or pick this no matter what. Always upgrade it first chance you get.

  5. You don't always have to take a card. 0 cost or draw cards are alright but you don't want to bulk out your deck too much with average cards because it will take too long to cycle to important cards like Demon Form and Apotheosis during boss fights.

  6. Healing at campfires is a waste. The only acceptable time is right before a boss fight if you really have to but most of the time that one upgrade could be the difference between a winning and losing run, take the gamble. It's better.

  7. Boss fights heal you back to full HP when you win so during a boss fight if you can end the battle quicker even if it's cutting it close as long as you don't die you will be fine on the next floor.

That's my starting tips. I've only been playing a week now but I've beaten the game multiple times and have finished all the unlocks until the next content update. Super happy and thankful you're doing a series on this!

Redditor NOTE: I don't claim to be the best at this game by any stretch so feel free to add any other tips, tricks or criticisms of my advice.

EDIT: READ u/KamLouBak 's comment!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/ChristStopper 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoyed the first episode! Seems like this will be a really good (mini-)series. And NL did really well and made good choices!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Jake_Jeremy 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Actually surprised me since it didnt really catch my attention on the NLSS. Looks like there might be room for some interesting synergies and strategies.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Xfirin 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Looking forward to this, but wish he uploaded runs as entire videos, it's gonna be annoying watching it separate.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/everythings_alright 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Gods this game is addicting.

Just finished an Ironclad run with a heavy armor/Exhaust theme to it. I was doing like 200+ damage on some turns, it was insane.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Brandon_Me 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody a welcome to a little miniatures series a mini series a term that I'm coining now for the very first time cat you can't be here okay I'll reshuffle some stuff around but you should be in that box you should remain a box cat for your sleeping pleasure already playing a little slate aspire if you saw the let's look at you know what to expect if you didn't see the let's look at you're gonna figure it out pretty quickly it's a new rogue light with deck building mechanics but it's not really like a hearthstone necessarily it's more like a Dominion if you've never played a deck builder before it's kind of like a sushi go if you will you've never played sushi go or Dominion before you'll figure it out pretty quickly I've got the utmost faith why do videos and slay the spire well as an early access well honestly I wanted to I wanted to play more of it so I figured you know I'm if I'm gonna play more of it I might as well record it let's do it um let's begin the cat just hit me in the face with its tail please stop this we're gonna play is the ironclad because we did play as the silent in our let's look at and we'll mix it up I don't know how long this could be a six-episode series it could be a 600 episode series since the thing is you never know especially since it's still in kind of an iterative period of development but we'll play as the melee class for now at the end of combat you heal 6 HP which means if you're at 74 HP or above you're essentially at full HP as long as you're about to end combat and each video I expect is gonna be about a floor long here or until we die whichever comes soonest another try I brought you back which way would we like to go a lot of combat no matter what there's an elite enemy over here there's a shop over here I like to go whichever direction gives us the most choice so I think that if I'm looking at this right now it's this side more combat focused a couple of question marking counters yeah let's do it let's start on this side and if I look at my deck right now you can see we got 10 cards there's strikes there's blocks and there's 1 bash which is really like our trump card for now every time we start around we can see what the end is about to do and we have three energy our other resources are up here we also see this burning blood to the end of combat heal six HP that's our innate trait ninety nine gold and no potions available right now so we know that the enemy is going to attack for 11 I think what we should do is well strike deals or deal six I think we should defend defend strike will take one damage and will deal six being at seventy nine HP doesn't matter cuz we're gonna heal afterwards anyway so it's a little bit more of a tankier kind of like melee class as opposed to the poison assassin rogue meta that you play it as with the other character bash reply is too vulnerable which makes an enemy take more damage on the next turn they're gonna use a buff and a block so we're gonna definitely go all out so we'll attack and they're gonna take 50% extra damage that's why you use that before you use your your strike and then we'll see what he chooses to do Bello is a strength bonus increases attack damage for three and he put up six block as well this turn he's gonna do 14 I honestly think that since he's gonna do 14 we just completely block it's not like he's gonna run away on us we'll ride out his strength hopefully as long as it's possible this turned he's gonna defend and buff against will do the same thing give him a bash and we'll give him a strike and then next turn we can probably kill him and that's an easy first bit of combat we might have been able to kill him last turn but so be it strike strike will that do it absolutely it didn't factor the vulnerability and when we did that 16 gold weak potion it what I mean is when it said deal six damage it actually dealt uh I think it dealt nine because of vulnerable so we have to factor that in ourselves so the way that it works in case you're wondering and you're like all it's just uh he's just using cards to kill enemies and it's kind of boring I prefer eyes like your guns you where you run around by the way you're welcome to prefer whatever you like but it's just kind of a different style here and I kind of prefer having that variability even though all I play is Isaac I prefer having the option to play other stuff we get a weak potion which applies three week basically three turns I think of an enemy dealing less damage we can use that to get ourselves out of a jam and then every bit of combat that we go through and some of our other encounters will add a card to our deck and this becomes you know you once you get through the ten cards in your deck you take all the cards that you've used or discarded you shuffle them back together and you get to pull from that again so essentially this becomes the eleventh card in our deck deal two damage four times so this is an 8 damage card with exhaust which means once you use it once during combat it's out for the rest of combat but there are exhaust synergies flex gain to strength at the end of your turn lose to strength so this is a 1 turn buff that we can use over and over as it shows up and gain to strength this is a power that allows us to gain 2 strength permanently so for one energy we'll use this once once we gain 2 strength to the rest of combat I'm gonna err on the side of a power being more useful and we're gonna go straight for a question mark here which is more of an FTL style encounter you come across an inconspicuous pedestal with a shining gold Idol sitting peacefully atop it you don't see any traps nearby if we take it we trigger a trap but receive the idol let's give it a shot as you grab the idol and stow it away a giant boulder smashes through the ceiling into the ground next to you you realize the floor is slanted downwards the boulder starts to roll towards you we can get injured which puts a card in our deck that's unplayable which basically just takes up space I don't like that we could take 16 damage temporarily or lose 4 max HP I think at this point for max HP is not that bad we could probably afford to take 16 damage and just heal up through it though let's do that that's so much more temporary it seems smart and what does the idol do enemies drop 25% more gold that seems useful we can buy a healing potion maybe you throw yourself at the boulder with everything you have when the dust clears you can make a safe way out that makes sense all right what is up with this guy the cultists he is going to use a buff only so we're gonna inflame ourselves will permanently gain two strength I think and then let's bash him make him vulnerable for the next turn incantation so he gets at the end of its turn gain three strength I don't like it but I think here if he's gonna do six damage we're gonna bet we're gonna hit we're gonna hit and we're gonna defend and except that we're gonna take one damage because we're gonna heal eight even though we're trying to get back to full HP I still think making a decision like this is acceptable let's do our math as well here so because our strength is higher eight eight should kill him but we'll kill him and they do do eight but he's not vulnerable anymore got it all right so we're healing up a little bit we're at the magic number got a little bit more Gold True Grit gained seven block exhaust a random card in your hand I kind of hate it but block might be hard to come by as this character deal thirty-two damage or dual wield create a copy of an attack or power in your hand being able to get four strength is really good but it's kind of situational deal thirty-two damage is awesome unless we need to block on a turn but I think we'll probably go for deal thirty-two damage that seems there are situations in which we'd like to have that now do we want to go for the elite enemy which requires us to go over here or do we want to go for the question mark which forces us over to this side I'd rather have a chance of the elite enemy we got another question mark up there anyway alright it's a thief which means we want to kill them quickly cuz they're gonna escape otherwise so they're gonna do ten damage this turn we have no defenses so I think we'll just hit him for thirty two and end our turn we don't this is only gonna last two turns hopefully but we are gonna take some damage in the process yeah yeah all we're not quite gonna be able to kill him well this is I think a defend defend strike that way we don't take any damage I suppose we could have weakened the enemy but I'd rather save the weak potions for our elite enemy that we're about to face and the reason I would like to face an elite enemy by the way is so I can get greater rewards I think all right relatively easy combat HP's still doing fine Gold's getting crazy deal for damage place a copy of this card into your discard pile deal 5 damage if the enemy is vulnerable gain gold and draw a card I mean it seems good because we are making enemies vulnerable regularly draw two cards place a card from your hand on top of your draw pile and then exhaust this card I mean card draw is always useful but it seems like we could make it so that we slowly just start to draw a lot of anger the more of this we play which could be dangerous but combined with card draw could be awesome I mean right now it's zero energy attacks for 4 damage but it is gonna take up space that's tough we don't want a handful of anger in all likelihood although if we did that's 20 damage oh my god the screen just flickered - sure let's try it it seems silly enough to be potentially worth it among the stone and boulders you notice an immediate are an intricate large blue stone resembling a wing you find gold spilling from its cracks maybe there's more inside remove a card from your deck and lose 7 HP I like all the cards in our deck right now we don't have to select anything out we'll destroy it and gain 50 to 80 gold I think with all your might you hack away the statute would soon crumbles revealing a pile of gold you grab as much as you can and continue onwards now we're gonna have our first test an elite enemy that is also a metapod this enemy is asleep gained 8 block at the end of its turn well it seems like a good turn to bludgeon it is now awakened scared but it stunned so it's not gonna do anything hopefully yeah yeah yeah that's ideal now he's not stunned but he's gonna attack for 18 that's bad this would be I think where we'd want to apply weakness now he's dealing 13 and we're gonna do like defend defend so we'll take three damage free anger attack and then a strike and turn so he's gonna be weak for 3 turns which I think is very good for us he's gonna do 13 damage this turn this turn we're not in as good of a situation we're gonna use a power we're gonna take 8 damage sadly by using one block and then we're gonna do that okay we may die here I hope we don't next turn he is using a powerful negative effect I am unafraid we should make him as vulnerable as possible and we'll also use anger and anger which seems to synergize excellently with our strength power now that I look at it we're dealing 9 damage because he's vulnerable but also 6 damage because we have 2 extra strength from our power so there's a lot of cool synergies working out for us here yeah we just crushed him on this turn so maybe the infilling filling our discard pile with anger is actually fine dexterity and the strengths are lower we could kill them in one turn if we get bludgeon which we did unless wait if our our strength is still higher because of our own buffs so yeah you're dead alright I think we got an okay deck here we get a a relic enemies with vulnerable take 75% more damage rather than 50 seems good another weak potion and then skills cost zero whenever you play a skill exhausted I don't know a skill is like bash in this situation so you pay a lot up front but then you can use skills for free but then you kind of lose it forever for it for the rest of combat I should say fire-breathing at the end of your turn for each attack played this turn deal one damage to all enemies assuming anger counts as an attack it does in theory this power could be amazing to synergize pom will strike is a little bit more traditional deal damage draw a card but I kind of like the idea of this because if we can get anger stacked up nicely with this we can get a lot of damage it seems a little gimmicky but I'm willing to roll the dice all right so as we come up here we can rest heal for 30% of our max HP or we can Smith which upgrades the card of our card in our deck I think we're gonna heal anyway just by doing combat so if we want to upgrade a card I think we want to upgrade anger which makes it strictly better and all copies of it will be strictly better the longer combat goes on the more we have an advantage thanks to that let's test that theory out we got a lot of these guys I would love to get my new power I didn't so we got with these debuffs yeah we only have one defend and we don't care about instituting vulnerable so I think you you kill the ones that are gonna attack you so attack attack we still have to power left huh you probably want to defend once and then attack one of these guys again seems like the right play I hate to lose bash for nothing but we're weak we're weak we can make up for that and these guys are weak anyway so I'm not overly concerned we don't need to use a weak potion on them obviously fire-breathing is tempting but I would much rather just kill them we need to use we need to use strength because that allows us to get back to 6 damage then we crush that guy and then we except we're gonna take 6 damage as a results of this turn but at least we're slowly turning the tide hopefully I really am happy we were able to upgrade a card instead of going for the resting because I think the resting is just it's a coward's way out in this situation I think you actually like strike strike defend that we take no damage and we took out one of the D buffs we were gonna take no damage as long as we defend it anyway so I'll stand by this as being an acceptable choice with no blocks I think we're gonna take damage this turn as well so I'm not pleased we can kill the one no we're not actually cuz we write anger cost zero lucky us we healed but not for as much as we spent so we can gain some extra energy via this potion and then gain two strength deal eight damage every time this card is played increase its damage by four for this combat that seems exceptional seven damage to all enemies I think it's a little more niche to be honest and the extra inflame again would synergize really nicely with our with our anger but rampage deal eight damage every time this card is played increases damage by four for this combat I don't know why the screens flickering but so it's just a better strike that gets even better the more you play I'll take that that seems like it no even if it's not the best it seems doubtless to be good 25 gold regular enemy combats are no longer encountered in questionmark rooms may be useful may be largely useless I have no idea just realize we have another elite enemy on this path so I'm a little frightened there artifacts which means they block one debuff right off the bat they're gonna attack for 24 oh my god sadly I think our best play is to accept that and just get one essentially killed for the next turn that would've been a great turn to draw anger we could have used that we should have used extra energy to just kill one that would have saved eight damage oh well we can get healing stuff if we find a shop I'm not overly concerned yet okay so anger is gonna get this one I think we're gonna block twice which means we're gonna take six damage and we could weaken them but that's still gonna cause us to take four damage I think I'd rather use weaken on like a boss and we'll attack the one that's closest to death maybe a missplay earlier especially turn one here was a pretty big miss play I think okay these they're just gonna use negative effects so I think we'll strike and then use rampage I did block the debuff that's right but still you're gonna die next turn and I'm not gonna take any damage but I might be made vulnerable or weak oh they put wounds in your deck so these are essentially just dead cards or if you draw them you'll be very upset we drew two which makes this turn very easy at the end of your turn for each attack played this turn deal one damage to all enemies we also have no blocks we're gonna be in a in a very delicate situation except we're only gonna take eight damage because that guy's dead I have the utmost faith only one wound thirty-two damage and he'll take one extra damage now you got it you do defend defend pass honestly not taking damage is worth it here much better turn I think you probably just do strike strike strike that way he takes three extra damage at the end of the turn and gets certainly within lethal range we're gonna be given some more wounds which is always dangerous but he's gonna attack for eight we have enough defense to stop eight but I don't think we need it yeah he's dead wow that was very very close to being a desperate time ooh regal pillow healed an additional 15 HP when he rests deal for damage to all enemies heal for unblocked damage dealt exhaust dealing 12 damage and applying to weak is good but the card seems a little expensive so does this but being able to heal is worth quite a lot so we're gonna go to the shop which requires us to go this way as you make your way down a long corridor you see a banana a Dona in a box floating about no upon closer inspection they are tied to strings coming from holes in the ceiling there's a quiet cackling from above as you approach the objects we could heal 426 max HP plus 5 receive a relic that's unplayable at the end of your turn lose one HP for each card in your hand that seems not good I'm gonna heal 426 you eat the banana it's nutritious and slightly magical healing you thank you I'm gonna go to the shop instead of fighting another elite enemy I think that's a shrewd move right now yes welcome and all that heal 3 HP at the end of each turn for 5 turns exhaust all statuses from your end o apotheosis a pas theosis is amazing I'm great all cards for the rest of combat then exhaust it's almost an instant Buy I think blood for blood costs 1 less energy that's not gold that's energy for each time you lose HP in combat deal 16 damage this is super cheap create AI we buy that for 24 I think gained 12 block whenever your attack this turn deal for damage to the attacker it's a little expensive but 12 block is worth more than 2 defense so we definitely want apotheosis I think we want to regen potion and maybe a power at the end of your turn gain 3 block getting 3 block passively is really nice I think this is the most I've ever spent on one of these shops but I also felt like we were kind of in a scary situation so I stand by it now we're very eager to heal right now so let's pop the regen potion they're gonna do 17 damage I think we'll pop metallus eyes what is your power by the way I'm taking damage rolls up and gains six-block I think we're gonna use metallus eyes for passive block and then we're gonna use Reaper which will heal us for 12 which almost compensates for the amount of damage we're gonna take here because we're gonna take 17 which is actually 14 so we're only gonna lose a little and we have the regen potion plus we get we now get passive block per turn maybe we should have thrown out an active block instead but I kind of stand by it we only have one defend which is bad we definitely want to kill something rampage sighs just know there is a lethal here okay kill this one then do we have a strike we do so I think it plays itself we killed the one that's gonna do the most damage pop defend and turn alright this was a much easier combat will play apotheosis just so you can see it upgrade all of your cards for the rest of combat that means for the rest of our fight here every single card we own is gonna be better amazingly useful gonna block potion gain twelve block will be valuable seven damage to all enemies doesn't seem that good five block that upgrades a card in there in your hand for the rest of combat seems very good gain eight block draw a card also seems good I never respect pardon me card draw as much as I should but upgrading a card is so useful we're almost at the boss fight here and our HP is looking ok this guy's gonna start by dealing 16 damage that's too much my duty will probably try to use a a block potion it also opens up a space for us so I think we'll use a block potion and defend once use in flame and then strike and enter when this guy gets below 50 HP or 50% HP he will split by the way so we do have to be concerned I really just don't want to lose HP before the boss fight here so I mean metallus eyes is not necessary to play on this term but if we could we might want to to avoid having to use block in the future so we'll use rampage deal 10 damage and it'll do more damage next time we'll use anger which is free I think we should strike and then defend is useless because block only lasts one turn so we use metallus eyes instead turn kind of plate itself now he's not below 50% HP we are weaken for two turns but our weak is compensated by the strength I think he's gonna do 11 which means we need eights block which is not going to happen but I don't want to use a weak potion on him because he doesn't do that much damage if it's a percentage we should always use it on the enemy that's gonna deal the most damage because it'll save us the most certainly we want to defend well you know what actually we should armor for five and then upgrade our defense card and then play that defense card and now all of a sudden we get 13 so he's not gonna damage us and we already had metallus eyes as well so we're gonna be at sixteen it's overkill now do we play a power or strike I guess the real question is do we expect to do six more attacks or when this guy splits three more attacks the answer is yes because he's gonna split into two so I'm gonna use my power knowing that it'll make it easier to kill both of these units when they come out ah it does give us two wounds unfortunately certainly apotheosis comes out instantly makes every card better create two copies of an attack or power card in your hand so we want to use that combined with anger I think but it doesn't get exhausted so we might want to use it either way you rather use reaper or bash I think we should we should strike as weird as this sound strike first he should split we interrupted his interrupted his attack I actually didn't think that that would happen and it'll only heal us for five but I mean that's something I intended to use it on these guys when they split but I'm happy that it interrupted the attack it probably saved me a lot of heartache in the end so we gotta find a way to block seven and that's gonna be easy because because we have the power we might not even need to now that I think about it like it's max get smacked you're already gonna take two damage I think I got a strike you once more unfortunately and then we might as well just well I guess we didn't really have much of a say in the matter anyway we're just gonna play our whole hand out here this went very well I didn't expect to be able to heal as much as we field over the course of this and you are just you're done beautiful healed up to seventy seventeen gold deal three damage to a random enemy three times it's actually pretty good because of our power synergy that allows us to get one extra damage to all enemies every time we use an attack for for every attack done but I mean come on at the start of each turn gain two strength expensive but potentially really useful I think we should go for it we can always just not use it if we're afraid and honestly I think we go straight up for another upgrade instead of healing up I expected to have to heal up now we can't power up armor or sorry we can't power up anger anymore so I think in flame if it went to force strength I might consider it what about apotheosis can we no you can't it's already golden I guess bash could be good Reaper doesn't seem to go up that much rampage oooh doubling the efficacy of rampage seems useful to be honest making fire breathing costs zero seems really good as well dual wield creates two copies yeah let's make fire breathing causes hero you can't really go wrong with making a card free I think we have our boss fight now all right slime boss he is gonna split when he gets below 50% and he's gonna attack us for nine not very much here's what we're gonna do create a copy of an attacker power card we're gonna copy anger that way when we use anger twice we'll get two extra copies in our deck as well now we can either take for damage or we can heal for five and then take nine or heal for four and then take nine which would do five damage so I think we've might as well save Reaper for when there's more enemies well we can get a strike out of it as well all right I'm content with this we don't need to weaken him yet does that add a wound draw reduction oh it seems bad draw one less card for two turns this is easy obviously we want fire breathing the enemy's intentions are unknown uh.okay will inflame and will defend twice because we can't do anything else preparing that's scary so next turn he's going to attack 4:35 that's where we we pop a weakened card he's gonna attack 426 then I think we play armaments and we upgrade demon form and then we gain - energy drink take demon form we're gonna gain three strength per turn strike once and turn we're still gonna get hit for a lot here but I think we did what we could given the circumstances okay obviously you start with apotheosis and then the rest of our turn is pretty simple he's gonna deal six damage I think even though bludgeons really good I don't want him to split yet although it will interrupt him so we wouldn't actually have to defend let me just make sure my math is correct he needs to get below 70 HP in order to split if we hit him for 47 that will take him down to 66 so he'll definitely be interrupted and split nice okay good honestly a smart move so there's step one handled these guys are gonna split - but what what's the difference spike slime does he hurt us when we hit him sometimes they do that this guy's gonna hit 416 this guy's gonna debuff us so I think we want I mean a defend Plus seems good but I think we'd probably want to metallus eyes defends and then strike and will strike the well strike the acid slime that when it does damage to us gives us a wound we may die I still stand by that we're gonna take for damage here and two wounds I think lik gained 25 percent less block from cards for two turns but we got some okay things going on for us here like for example anger 17 damage our strength is plus 11 that's ridiculous can we kill him 20 and then anger 17 we can totally kill him so we don't even have to deal with his nonsense anymore obviously rampage and then block will probably do nothing but still we're not gonna lose we continue to get frail but okay he's gonna hit for sixteen but he should just be dead I mean the other thing is we can heal for nineteen instantaneously and that will also interrupt him but yeah anger strike he's done dude we got a cool synergy with this deck I'm stoked so we get some gold we choose a card lose 5 HP gain 2 energy draw 3 cards and exhaust I mean gaining 2 energy is pretty useful drawing 3 cards is pretty useful bludgeon seems good deal 10 damage if it kills the enemy gain three permanent max HP we have to go for this if it works we can stack it up really well hey Ken get off my computer you're a bad boy all right uh then we get a relic for completing the level replaces burning blood at the end of combat heal 10 HP obtain 3 curses and 3 relics never gain energy at the start of each turn you can no longer gain gold now let's go for the strict upgrade I don't think we can go wrong in that situation and that's gonna do it for episode 1 of slay the spire if you enjoyed it me too we continue with the same run here with our character so I'm excited to see if we can beat the 2nd boss click the like button if you enjoyed it especially the start of a series helps out a great deal and of course subscribe if you want to see more in the future for now though thanks for watching and I'll see you next time by the way there will be a link in the video description below to pick it up on Steam not a sponsored video but just paying it forward I'm having fun with the game if using you would as well go check it out see you tomorrow
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 740,271
Rating: 4.93329 out of 5
Keywords: Slay the Spire, Slay the Spire gameplay, Slay the Spire video, Slay the Spire steam, Slay the Spire let's play, slay the spire walkthrough, slay the spire guide
Id: OqLbG5O8dag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2017
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