Gamers Tinder Takeover #2 | Bowsette Animation | Cartoon

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(bouncy music) - Ugh! Aggro. Trailer trash. Virgin. Hard pass. And what do we have here? (knocking) (Heavy Footsteps) (nervous music) - Princess? - No princess. Just Bowsette. - Wow! I love your castle! I mean, I love castles in general, but this one is really something! Man, I'd love to just get lost in here for a few hours! Do you have any rooms that are only accessible by bomb? - You're a lot younger than you look in your profile. - Really? You look kinda different too. In a good way, I mean! - Thanks hun, but do try to keep it in your tunic. (metal pinging) - You're sweet, but let's not waste each other's time. Clearly you're not ready for a woman like me. Though, since you came all the way out here, I suppose you are welcome to explore the castle grounds. - Oh boy, really? - Sure, just don't blow up any walls! - Aw, man! (relaxed jazz music) - Tell me about yourself. - [Master Chief] Petty Officer, United Nations Space Command. - Not your rank, silly, something personal! What's your favorite food? What do you do for fun? - [Master Chief] Classified. - Give me a break! Tell me something! Anything! Is it true that your whole body is cybernetically enhanced? Everything? - [Master Chief] Information regarding the Spartan program is highly classified, strictly need to know business, ma'am. - Well, at least we know your personality isn't cybernatically enhanced. (Battle Toad Noises) - [Master Chief] Not on my planet! (weapon cocking) - What the hell are you doing? - [Master Chief] Nothing to be afraid of, ma'am. This isn't the first time I've dealt with grunt scum. - Stop! Those aren't grunts! They're-- (weapon blasting) Battle Toads. - [Master Chief] Close enough. - Do you ever relax? - [Master Chief] I'll relax when the war is won! - What war? Are you always this intense? (door bell jingling) - [Master Chief] A brute! Get down! - [Winston] For the last time, I am a scientist! (grunting) - [Master Chief] Sorry, I just threw up in my mask a little bit. (casual rock music) - (sighs) Where is this guy? - Beautiful sunset, isn't it? (gasps) Shame most people don't appreciate what they got 'til it's gone. - Yeesh, you scared the hell out of me! Joel, right? - And I take it you're my contact. - You keep talking in emo riddles, and there won't be any contact at the end of this date, cowboy. - You ain't infected, right? - I mean, I've had all my shots, if that's what you're asking. - That's good. - That's a pretty rude way to introduce yourself, but I suppose you can't be too careful with internet dating these days. No more surprises though, okay? - Fair enough. - She's cute. Who is she? - Who am I? Who the hell are you?? - [Joel] This is Ellie. - I thought I was pretty clear in my profile about no kids. No offense. - She is not my daughter. - Okay ... Who is she? - She's the mission. I'm smuggling her outside the quarantine zone. Once she's delivered, she'll be out of our hair. - Is that like a fancy way of saying kidnapping? Oh god, Toadette was right! I never should have started messing around with these dating apps! - I know what you're thinkin'. Don't worry. Yes, she's infected, but somehow she's immune. - Uh, she's gone. - Damn! Every time! (easygoing music) (sneezes) - [Video Game Announcer] Round one. Fight! (spurting) (spurting) (cheering) (crashing) - So is this like a package deal or ... (vocalizing) (slams door) (crushes phone) (man groans) That's enough of that. (rustling) What are you still doing here? I didn't say you could climb the walls, especially not to my bedroom! - I, um ... - It's time for you to go! (grunting) Come here, you! (bright jangling) (cheerful music) - Hi. - Hi. - Let me help you inside. It's quite a fall from up here, Princess. - (giggles) Such a gentlemen. Mwah!
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 977,130
Rating: 4.8543487 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, bowsette, video game, nintendo, animated cartoon, last of us, last of us 2, tinder, tinder takeover, tinder date gone wrong, video gaming, video game dating, super smash bros, link, zelda, bowser, super mario brothers, mario, halo, master chief, banjo kazooie, mortal kombat, luke cage, cuphead, overwatch, winston, fortnite, games, romance, princess, how to tinder, bowsette meme, the last of us ellie, gamer tinder, super smash bros ultimate, ps5, playstation 5
Id: HblegAYsHec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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