Among Us Logic 3 | Cartoon Animation

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My name MrCheese.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blackcloud991 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
where is she where is she no no no this is my nightmare don't worry i think you're safe in here wait uh why are you yelling aren't you the imposter oh yeah [Music] all right that's it let's go back to playing fall guys what no just give this game a chance i just think this game would be a lot better if i knew the killers were from the start it was more about running away from the imposters than about solving a mystery there could be obstacles and booby traps to stop the runners oh and when you cross the finish line you're safe forever and you move on to the next round actually you could probably just get rid of the imposters all together and make it more like a series of challenges that'll eliminate more and more people until there's one ultimate victor okay you literally just described fall guys exactly ah what's a charming specimen who you calling a specimen pal hey the gentleman who's your new friend this here is my associate mr egg hello there fellas mr egg here so nice to meet any acquaintances of the gentleman okay are we seriously gonna glance over the fact that he called me a specimen what happened to mr cheese wow mr cheese and i came to a mutual agreement to terminate our partnership i'm sorry to hear that the gentleman yeah sounds like you got dumped not surprised you have horrible fashion sense why i never what could possibly lead you to make such a preposterous accusation dude you're wearing two top hats that's insane it is a little weird the gentleman but double the top hat double the fancy hey show some respect to the gentleman he's an among us legend yes i've literally never seen him win yeah me neither veteran you've only played one game yeah and the gentleman didn't win it why are we arguing about this good sirs i'll have you know that i am an excellent among us competitor and i take insult to your quips about my skill top-notch comeback sir prove it then and beat veteran and i in the next round perhaps i shall or perhaps you shall not [Music] are you crewmate or imposter crewmate but even if i was the imposter i wouldn't tell you that then i suppose i have no choice but to believe you wait how do i know that you're not the imposter i swear on all that is fall guys i am a true blue american crewmate all right you're clean where's your first task med bay me too wait hang on veteran there's people inside quiet mr egg we don't want to be seen by any crewmates and what do i do with the bodies the gentlemen well nothing technically the game doesn't allow you to move them in any way oh brilliant observation sir oh my god the gentleman and mr egg are the two imposters what's our plan their cooldown counters can't possibly be used up already i'm just gonna run in there and report them yeah we're literally eyewitnesses they gotta believe you sorry player i don't believe you what but veteran i saw him we know that they're the imposters yeah and nothing on earth will convince me otherwise but i didn't do it oh really oh sorry man i could have sworn i saw you in there with the dead bodies veteran he's lying dang he's good i can vouch for the gentleman he's definitely a crew mate hmm i'm not sure who i can trust what do you think about all this poindexter it's a engineer and according to my calculations there's a 12.5 probability it's the gentleman thanks nerdman how you liking those odds poopyfarts wise input as always poopyfarts i move that we skipped this vote i suppose that sounds reasonable all those in favor of skipping the vote say aye aye oh wait no i got confused again so you have a task in here right sure do all right go finish it while i keep watch hang on this rock's got a leaf pattern on it oh boy this is turning out to be a real doozy hurry up veteran the coast is still clear but the gentleman of mr a could be anywhere veteran veteran is no longer with us i'm afraid what the gentleman how did you the van's dear boy an imposter's greatest asset you're gonna pay for this the gentleman i'm gonna convince everyone i'm still not convinced everyone i mean on one hand it could be the gentleman but on the other hand it could not be the gentleman i think you see my dilemma well now that there's only six of us voting someone else makes a lot of sense mathematically for the crewmates whoa he's up on the science mumbo jumbo albert brainstein i think he'll beat einstein yeah i'm pretty sure they didn't name the smartest man in the world after his eyes guys listen to me the gentleman is working with mr egg if we don't vote him out now his reign of terror will continue i say we vote out mr player excellent idea the gentleman booby farts what say you nice a little outside the box maybe but i like your style booby farts proposes we vote out the geek are you talking about me why booby farts got a gut feeling and he's not just talking about the extra spicy burrito grande he had for lunch all those in favor say aye aye then the vote passes sorry engineer looks like your chances of survival are now 0.0000 [Music] percent all right player there may be something to your theory after all [Music] okay i just have to finish a couple more tasks same brother oh yeah i know right i'm totally a ghost now pretty sweet makes it way easier to do tasks when you don't have the looming fear of getting murdered hanging over you speaking of tasks let's do the measure weather one together it's real simple you just click the begin button ah i don't follow run for a player i'll hold him off he got past me player [Music] mr egg it's mr egg i was running for my life from him no it wasn't i was running away from player hmm well players shouted first so i'm more inclined to believe him what are you thinking poopyfarts i don't think so i highly doubt they'd have access to that kind of technology really in the next 20 years you say that's going to dramatically affect my lifestyle when that comes out what are you guys even talking about can we focus on the game here i've been telling you every round that it's the gentleman of mr egg and if we don't vote one of them out now we'll lose how do you figure the game ends when there's as many imposters as there are crewmates if you vote me out now and i'm not an imposter it becomes 2v2 and the imposters win really sounds like we shouldn't vote you out then yes but the same situation applies if you vote for mr egg and he turns out not to be the impostor dratz back to square one okay listen captain poopy farts i know i don't have any hard evidence but i want you all to look into your hearts hear the sincerity in my voice nobody wants to win this game more badly than me but this is bigger than that this is about justice this is about holding those imposters who eliminated our friends responsible for their crimes this is for all the crewmates that have fallen in the line of duty so please please believe me that was beautiful playing no i'm not crying you're crying your speech has moved me too let's do the right thing together really yes really all those in favor voting out mr player say aye aye oh wait dang he tricked us so long mr player all right tommy switched to another lobby [Music] uh you
Channel: GameToons
Views: 16,821,286
Rating: 4.8943844 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us logic, animation, funny animation, cartoon animation, game toons, gametoons, cartoon, animated, among us animation, among us hacks, among us funny, kid friendly, family friendly, gt
Id: rX7BP08hW_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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