Actually Clearing Trick Castle

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[Music] okay so nice guy to do that two more times but you know I forgot I forgot yeah you know you're not done oh my god I thought I did it no he's still got a lot of work to go but oh hey I did the long yeah I know you that long one was like the important one yeah cuz you've already proved that you can do it and now you don't have to agree at the beginning was the hardest part oh no the beginning definitely looked a lot more difficult in the rest of it just actually I don't know the ending looks super hard it's the cheating is stressful yeah stress was a good word yeah yeah because you have to go through the lava I mean look if that's where the check point is and the cat is like right after this segment that's not bad I mean you're gonna do some stuff though it's one segment before and it's like heavily repeated stuff is it me yes I'm not arguing that yeah oh god I'm so glad I did everything perfect the first try yeah you've made that all look a lot easier than what you're making the look now yeah dude I as soon as I made this jump I was stressing the whole rest of the level like I don't know how talkative I was but I if I had to guess not very yeah I was gamer focus man gamer mode nothing wrong with you on the gamer road every once in a while and it's also stressful because you have to like not let that swamp leave you you know see I think that's like I'm not good at these types of things where you have to time everything you're doing yeah at once because I get sidetracked I forget why don't you be looking at like I don't know you agree that this one the better design levels though right yeah I know this is what much this is much better than most of your other levels like not okay that came out wrong no I your best level you've done yeah I take that for how you will I find me I just agree with you so that because like people always said use more coin paths use more arrows and hey I took criticism and applied it there's a lot of coins and arrows on this screen right here so you know nice on you mean oh that's unfortunate yeah yeah it was I think it's really funny that you can only do this part once or twice yeah that's surprising though that they limit that but not everything else on reset doors oh you saw yeah you try to cheese it but that's okay Rhys or reset doors they allow twice but just the the blocks they only allow wolf once which I guess is how it works in 3d world so I think it's an interesting gimmick to run oh it's it's just completely different like you can only go through those blocks once yeah yeah reset doors are completely different okay that explains why they act differently just sets yeah that's a really weird mechanic though in my opinion oh that's so sin I just said you're just like a pixel off there we go that's I think that's a sick jump though yeah no I like that okay I definitely think despite how easy I made a look this time this is the hardest jump in the game girl jumping and landing and grabbing that box yeah yeah I can see that that jump definitely would stress me out why did you I'm not gonna say why would you do that yeah because I know it was an accident but oh it looks like you had it dude yeah I mean but the thing is like you you say like oh you're right at the checkpoint but like that doesn't matter yeah no no no that doesn't matter I'm just talking about like that I thought you're just gonna land on the ground in DC I really don't know how I think I missed it yeah nice I think with that jump cuz I don't know if I can do spin jump with Kat and every time I think about doing it I'm at that position I'm too scared to try I'll remind you as soon as you get Kat but like you're Anna on a time trial as soon as you get Kat like this just really is not a good level to test it on I mean before you during box sequence you can yeah yeah oh yeah you're right yeah I think box sequences perfect time for that oh that's fine oh I'll say that's better I feel like that's one like someone's gonna go too fast there at least once yeah you definitely can and that's just to keep you humble I actually think sustaining Mario like he does since he's catch he actually only takes up one tile and not too well so I wonder if that guy would even hit you okay [Music] okay so you can do spin job cuz like you can't do spin jump in the air with more cat Mario yeah you do this so if you do spin on the ground and then jump everything's fine you cancel that out and Ted died wow that's sick yeah so that's probably optimal that's just sick movement I think that's probably the furthest distance in the game I'm not realizing in one of my other levels I struggled when I was playing on somebody else's level in like a fan video yeah I could not get over a gap and I now realize that's probably what you had to do Oh spinning into a dive yeah like there's no way that's not furthest distance in the game for like just one action you know yeah I go really like for this distance from like no other outside influence yeah exactly thank you that looks good right it looks like you might not be able to on the left but what do I know I think as long as you're standing in front of it yeah I wasn't sure how generous it was cuz like in my heart the game was gonna say no you still get to play more Mario maker there is a way to like walk off of the top box and grab it and land on the second one like that is a strat but that's too scary for me yeah that's not stressful I wonder if I can just cheese it I wonder if like no okay I was like that that's not high enough yeah okay that's terrifying [Applause] nice eye I don't like having cat Mario for this it stresses me out yeah I've meant to tell you to now grab the checkpoint oh yeah it's true but I'm gonna get that right here whoo that was bad that was really bad I ain't ground count on them mm you're fine you're completely fine man there's nothing to worry about that's okay because now you're gonna get there again with cat Mario you know what I might as well just take cat Mario for that right yeah I think I think having an extra eye use of armor yeah it's just purely for the damage boost yeah it's not like I have to do like the glide in during that at all that was a late on that just in time oh how generous is that one dough do you know he's like yeah ii mean i don't know i haven't really tested it you actually don't have to hit those blocks i'll you doing here for fun yeah nice because I put it there because only little Mario and cat Mario it can go under it but then I realized you can just sit there with cat Mario don't Williams I don't wanna say cute because it feels wrong to say that a 30 year old plumber man in a cat suit is cute yeah no I do you're saying well like cat peach that's cute yeah okay you go 30 something year old Italian woman the completely different is she your telling I'm assuming see that if she's like Mushroom Kingdom being Mario's Italian he's mushroom Ian mushroom Ian way okay it's Mario Italian sure know like I mean I'm asking this question now because I've always been told that but but where's the proof it's like where it's Italy fare like mm-hmm like we saw the globe on that Mario Odyssey that's naughty that's not a real world globe well I guess it comes down to like the Super Show - oh that jumps hard it's scary no that's a terrifying chip I don't get how you're just doing that and or how you had it's so [ __ ] wild to me how I did this my first try after I got past the first segment oh no that was honestly bollard yeah like as Kade would say epic gamer moment for me that wasn't it that was an epic gamer moment honestly dude did I tell you about wait in there during my drunk stream like which one week of the Mario Mario maker for segments of it okay there's one segment where I don't really remember what happened but I got 10 subs gifted to me yeah and Kate popped to the chat as soon as that happened just typed an epic gamer moment and I thought was the funniest [ __ ] thing he was just lurking and that's the first thing he said I think I don't know I don't really remember all I know is I forgot to thank people for the subs because I was too busy laughing at Kade twice yeah which I love Kate shells - Kate shots - Kate dude I can't believe I beat this on my first try and now now it's easier and I'm [ __ ] up I love that throwing for content mean yeah that's what's going on yes of course yeah I beat it the first time when I was like whoa whoa got a slowdown gonna hit that 10-minute mark for YouTube you know yeah I honestly thought it was over I genuinely forgot that I had more checkpoints to clear gamble oh I like that I can appreciate a game we'll play anytime we anti bug Defense Force oh my gosh just realize we're gonna Vegas for Viva yeah that's soon next month to August oh my gosh I'm gonna gamble gamble gamble we can do an EVO epic vlog he you actually can't recording casinos so what's the point of doing a Vegas vlog well you can't no all right that makes sense yeah like you you think that's [ __ ] then you sit and think about and you're like oh I get it yeah I I mean I I know there's no phones at the table rule for like most yes it's kind of just an extension of that yeah I mean that honestly that's that's fair no not that again I didn't mean to grab so I was holding it right and I'm going to push down to let it go and I I let it I'd grab found a Hewlett all right buddy sure did no it's just like there's so much confidence in Mario behind that ground-pound I really just think the funniest part of the rest of this playthrough is that it was being the first time if you're here you're here purely for us because you've seen this little bean at this pole exactly I feel like we should just let you be thinking at the very end instead just don't give the satisfaction yeah now it's funnier this way yeah that's seven requires to edit and we not anything so hard I love uploading this channel where it gets comparable views honestly with like a third of the or fifth of the subscribers and similar revenue because that's how Let's Plays work yeah it's all about oh god no well I guess I'll just showcase like this now yeah that there's a coin right there and you see me crawl out of it every single time because that doesn't trigger it for some reason same thing happens with vines well like that makes sense it's just funny with cat yeah I think and that can actually die there cool okay I assumed you wanted to make sure someone could die there if they wanted to yeah cuz I can imagine someone just like oh god oh god he's coming oh uh and then they jump yeah which it's like it's not the right answer I feel like I would expect better out of someone someone has to die there though is the thing well like okay I'm imagining the skill level of a player that's made it this far in this level I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that's a fair point they're not terrible at this jump is hard right here that spring jump like the first job is just like processing the puzzle yeah but that second jump is just skill based you know oh that's not for the spring I forgot all about that yeah yeah no the spring jump just looks like it's sick don't get me wrong it's hard it's terrible and I would never want to do one in my life I understand all that like the ground pound yeah dude note grab that ingots for the fans I will ride that hill to the day I die I don't like this it really looks looks like a cat going to town on your spongebob pillow yeah I'm gonna stop doing that now please get Swamp pillow that was a very personal experience my dog you should get it on with my [ __ ] spongebob pillow dude I really I didn't realize what my dogs were doing whenever that would happen but all I remember is I was always really diffused as to why my parents are pissed off at them for doing it I think they're just playing around [ __ ] it it looks like they're [ __ ] but then it's like oh like Joe can we play roblox soon I've never actually played roblox I I mean the answer is yes we can yeah it's like but works for me then Oh going I do think that Swamp is like the perfect amount of pressure though I think what's funny about the swamp is that's gonna kill someone because are not gonna realize it swamps there yeah I'm just gonna make the bridge sinking that's the puzzle itself and it's like nanana nanana he's getting that such a stressful point dude it really is like honestly I think that after you get that after you do this run-through you're home free like oh yeah this level no absolutely that check the checkpoint after yes this yeah yeah I do think it's interesting because the levels are definitely designing the checkpoints are hardest to easiest yeah okay we trainable slider I was scratching my eye honestly so hand was off the controller but I definitely thought we can make it out low battery I hope our battery dies in a very hilariously time place because that makes for good content but I really wish that's what I hate about modern gaming now they give you a warning for your battery's dying you know funny it was when your controller just [ __ ] died back in the day your wireless gamecube controller yeah your [ __ ] wavebird ah do you I still see waverers every once in a while it's like they're not objectively good no but I have a soft spot for I'm like for competing no they're they're they're objectively worse because they have more input yeah even a wired or allegedly but yeah you know you still see it and you're like hell yeah I'm gonna play Animal Crossing with that yeah I'm gonna sit on my bed and my TV's gonna be all the way over there and I'm gonna play it yeah that's what I love about wireless controllers feel like it was we take it for granted now yeah we really could play games well we take I still appreciate it cuz I like you know I always use wired controller for like smash and stuff yeah but then when I'm like chilling in my bed what because when I'm at home I play smash with a pro controller cuz cuz I'm mad chillin ya know I'm not at work now yeah you should show your chill on your couch upstairs and just yeah you're playing smashed so yeah it is weird but nice having being able to like I don't know how to describe this I know you'll get it but like playing for leisure versus playing for like like versus playing like 12 for alpha red channel yeah like it's a price jump but like it's weird like they're definitely feels different to play the game it does like playing smash at your home okay playing smash on this couch with you and turb feels completely different than playing smash at your house yeah your couch with yes because we recorded in office just for the record this yeah not what's my home I don't have an excuse for hands were on the controller here kid sometimes happens bro I cannot believe I beat this [ __ ] on my first try so I'm looking at your face and something tells me that was an accident yeah that one was okay make a chair me see it is possible by there could get careless you have to get very specifically careless in that one corner you can die if you're gonna die to that bomb people gonna die to that wall chump people are gonna slide in here people are gonna have to KMS because they hit the kaiser block right there I think that's so this this is my first usage of the guy of a like actual tucked eyes Oh block you know yeah do you want watching in are suffer an okay the cartoon around parish you know hey man yeah you got to suffer yeah this is Cara toot no no like I literally made this like I made the bed I have to sleep in now yeah usually you make the bed and I have but now you're making the bed and sleeping away I don't even need you no more jar you can even leave remember what I mean I'm just kidding oh my god I gotta go to the bathroom stall I'll gladly leave this Mike do you actually need to yeah it's cool okay I still I said it before I'm just like a little mad I did this my first try you had said that once or twice yeah it's just funny to me what happens if you go all the way to the left you die okay see I don't know I I know I've said this a bunch on the Mike I just don't trust Mario maker levels that's reason so if that was me on that block on the swamp you were not gone in the door I would ignore that door like it's not even there I thought it would be fun to put like a secret path if you skipped the door but then it's just like that's not fun that was good that was good path thing though those does clean yeah you're looking well versed in the bridge banking meta i/o first try I do think that this is probably okay press the jump button nice this is probably the easiest or Oh dive that's right there's risk okay okay so the third ones gone now by the way yeah I never use it anyways remind me to not hit that checkpoint again I I will remind you but here's the thing watching you place that block stresses me out whatever I that oh I got ya so by the time that you've already touched the block I'm still like committed to is he dead or not after I grabbed it should be smooth sailing really yeah I mean we say that and there's another room of lava for ya oh my god I forgot all about that like it's stressful as hell I don't know how I did that you saw all the recovery strats I had to pull out in that room like I thought if I just had people going with just one like builder Mario that felt mean you know but I think the Kanan adds some like you gotta earn this recovery strap yeah I know it's not just free flying that yeah yeah that's a baby stuff like I think that's recovery strat done I don't want to say right but it's definitely done fun like you still it's not like oh who cares if I get hit I'm just gonna keep doing the powerup yeah I know now you have to jump for it risk your life for it yeah like you definitely have to earn the recovery strat it's like it's like you're asking to grow out on the date like you don't know if she like your friends sent you guys up yeah but you don't know if the girl actually like you're not like you're still putting yourself out there for that is that is that a recent experience yeah how's that going Joe well I put myself out there that I really wish my friend wait only for embarrassed myself doesn't awkward a drive back from Starbucks Oh Damon I had I had I had it so you have to jump on the bomb to you yeah okay oh hey don't get the flag hmm man I mean that's the nice part you can reset all of this if you want uh oh yeah you ground down to the mr. fourth hoo this is terrifying that was an accident ok I guess I'll do this oh so you've already killed blue plant guy I killed the blue up there but the 4th the okay so the fourth one yeah that is the one that I used to jump off to get in there Wow I'm not gonna lie I'm more impressed you made it on top of that block than anything yeah because I was just I was so sure that you're just dead at that point hmm trying to figure out how to jump on it yeah this is a little bit of that fourth one was crucial I think maybe you're doing this oh I meant to wall jump damn it I I had that run I know that was mine to win he lost it man I I didn't believe I knew what I had to do I just didn't believe and like you can't react to it you know yeah you know you got this just it's [ __ ] baffling how I did this the first [ __ ] time I feel like that's the most upsetting part for you it's how you the first time yeah I much rather still be on my first run right now yeah like gosh you didn't deserve that Thanks I mean I'm sitting with present-day you yeah yeah [ __ ] him alright that's what real friends are for I'm just saying dude penguins don't smoke weed being ones don't smoke weed Pizza Pizza - do you wanna plug those it's all right here yeah if people are here they're definitely willing to spend $12 on ironic merch in which we have some stuff that's my buck and $12 Joe and I got bored Photoshop and we just discussed some ideas so we've made merch at teespring this is not alpha ride merch keep in mind this is a different brand altogether it's a all right plus not Alfred plus its alpha plus that's the best of clothing line holy but so go to T spring calm slash stores slash alpha plus and you can get some very ironic merch like Sasuke doesn't say swears pizza and payments don't smoke we eating was don't smoke weed we can I we're not putting pictures up on screen because I feel like those phrases can just entice someone to buy a twelve dollar shirt yeah which think of it this way twelve dollars is cheaper than a $13 shirt so yeah most youtubers want to make sick profit we literally took eight dollars out of the profit me like you know we'll give you a twelve dollar this was the lowest amount they let us put it on yeah we try to take fifteen cent profit but they said that was too little so we only make one dollar per shirt now which that's that's more than we deserve yeah I know we did not do this for the money if we did that we think it's way funnier tab people wear the shirts then to make money off of it yeah like I'm just waiting for the day that I see someone in Walmart wearing a sasuke doesn't say sweatshirt oh no that's that's when my last complete we're gonna be at Evo we're gonna be we're gonna also go to low to your city but this is probably out by the time look your city has happened oh yeah but anyways if any of you are going to Evo bring your South Gate doesn't say swear shirt please please ask us to sign it Oh we'll only take pictures with you if you're wearing that [ __ ] dude I know I deemed you about this but like I think the most fun part about that is I get to put this on a resume as merchandising which cuz I suppose ya know my definition it is merchandise so like I could probably fluff that out a lot more on a resume to you by copyright law it really isn't but Pizza King one's smoking weed it's funny those are kids love it those aren't copyrighted I love it yeah I'm still alive though that was good I'm surprised like oh that's that's so good no that was sick but I'm still just upset at the Muhammad if bombs goes over here you know I'm gonna damage Brewster for this bomb um Jesus mr. Baum Lia let's reset real quick it's really funny that the I'm glad this is a good place for checkpoint we all agree yeah I know I I think this is a very good place for a checkpoint nice all right all right now just make that spin thing and don't get cooked by a bomb nice like I saw the time line where the bomb comes out it does but if that scared me bad scared me still does yep it still does I don't think that'll ever not be scary I'm gonna take it for the points you know yeah dude oh god I think I just got a I'm really glad he does not destroy your boxes yeah I never even thought of if he could so I'm glad I put it all on black for that gamble and speaking of gambling at Evo boy your Sasuke merch and approached us we will gamble with you if you bring your sauce gamers how about that I will let you guys decide whoever is deck out of the most merch I welcome decide what I throw on relay if I pick black and white for me I'm gonna let buddy hit me real quick oh you know what never he doesn't want to oh my god I just realized I pulled fire it would pull the one out from under me yeah I was wondering if you're realizing that nope I'm glad that you do that was scary oh-oh-oh so this is not good I was stuck between a rock and a hard place yeah I probably could have jumped over him but you can't make boxes in the air correct correct okay yeah so there's not much you could have done there anyways I guess there probably was something it's just like there are certain blind spots of the canyons where it's just it's marker got bomb oh thanks no it's just funny because I meant to die in the lava yeah the game game takes away from you that's really sad what if you can't kill yourself the way you want to kill yourself yeah it really feels like you're robbed you know yeah like you deserve to fiery death right there but so you died too bird boy what are those our units and so now it's a flying in flying I think with the coins and all the arrows the kaiser block is painted as best as it could be right oh that's definitely the best way to paint a kaiser block yeah but at the end of the day you're still kind of blocking someone and so someone's gonna get upset but as long as it's time you okay yeah I tweeted about that exact block so like the real fans will never get hit by that by people on super expert do you realize you've created a super expert level that's not complete unfair [ __ ] right oh yeah I've told you that before and I've told the fans that I wish it that's what I wanted an update I make it to where I can exempt from my levels from super expert yeah are just from like endless yeah surprise that you can't just do that already yeah because like some levels aren't meant to be done in that like I like to make challenging levels that are not meant to be eaten on your first try yeah and people like well people have Compton's like well that's what arcade cabinets used to do to take quarters I'm like it costs nothing if you die here yeah like I understand the analogy but I still think that's a bit more extreme because this is a free experience after you own the game does that make it less [ __ ] no yeah but the cost of entry is non-existent no I feel like a lot of people are afraid to say that they want things and games you guys they don't want to seem like they're ungrateful repor what they have yeah I think that's so weird I smash community is really bad about that yeah like like no you go on for example I want like I want wavedashing to be like it as in melee in the ultimate however I have completely accept that it won't be that's fine I'll fence its own game but like if I say that online people like oh well yours you're not happy with what sack right foot into this game it's like no I can still want this and yeah I can still like ultimate and wish for other things with ultimate I 100% agree with you I think it's good actually yeah no you're fine I beat him to it that was not gonna be okay but as you're saying yeah like cuz Sakurai was hospitalized while while making ultimate and the thing is I didn't ask him to do that yeah and a lot of people will say whenever I'm like I would like this in the game and they're like has he not giving you enough and I'm like well yeah but it's like I think is it clear there something saying like I want this in Smash Brothers in saying I wish Sakurai would put in more time and make this part of the game yeah like if you say that then yeah you are ungrateful yeah but if you want thing in Smash that is not in Smash you're not ungrateful yeah it's like like I say I want I want wavedashing in or like I want l cancelling in Smash Altmann I'm not saying Wow Sakurai stocks he hasn't given me l cancelling in special so yeah it's like yeah completely different all cool that was a test but you cannot duck under him okay fair but it's like remember when I beat this on my first [ __ ] try yeah and now or this is probably about working minutes into the video that's cool and we haven't even gotten to this the most recent run past the law that was definitely the closest we've been since I think I beat it I'm not gonna lie man I don't think that most recent learn is as recent as you think it was I think there's like eight runs ago now yeah I think you're right I'm saying the most recent run in the lava room okay okay I don't even like your last run I was like I am aware of my failures like I think this segment is sick I think a lot like I like all the segments in this level yeah happy with them so yeah I love the pipe jump I think five something super sick yeah like it it's scary it's scary but I think it it looks so cool it does look sick like because you can't jump into a pipe if it's not on the ground yeah first not on your ground like you actually can't go into that pipe I just threw the bomb in suit because of the stairs and that's intentionally done so people don't accidentally run through it yeah subtleties level design nice I can't I've never mind thought about it you know what sucks yeah where's your cats yeah you always come over and you have my cats anyways yeah I really love cats a whole lot but I'm terribly allergic to them I totally I told you how I found out those words you're great no I mean like it's not like any dramatic story I just went over to like my best friend's house all the time when I was a kid and he had like nine cats and I just thought the like it was normal to not be able to breathe there I would just his house yeah cuz he had like the first three times I went over to his house I'm not kidding each time his cats have kittens like they had cannons walls they're like eating dinner like the dad which is coming outside and say Oh Elvis is having captured Oh tinkle bus having cats on whenever the cats names yeah I like and then one day I this is about four or five years ago like so kind of recent and I went over to his house and I was just not breathing and he just asked me Oh Joey you look shipped cats too like your mom and sister I was like you're like well that means I might be cuz I was fine and then he let all this cats into his room I played with him for a little bit and then I was like oh I can't breathe and that's how I found out I was allergic to cats and I've been not okay ever since I'm sorry Joe I'm still getting a cat probably as soon as I got out of college I respected you know like always take benadryl I can thing I've never really had allergies army like pollen and what I yeah yeah that's ever normally allergies yeah I've never had like any uh-oh I can't do this activity allergies see I remember uh there's a girl that came to our school like when we're in fifth grade she's allergic to peanut butter nice oh yeah every guy like because of that she was a girl was hella cute yeah and she had to eat lunch in not cafeteria just rain in teachers room cuz peanut butters in the cafeteria yeah and every guy was like ho what do you want me to like sit down and like go to lunch with you every day she never had any guys with her nice like we know one cold killer yeah every guy tried to use her having a peanut allergy as a I forget just once what you know respect to all those fifth graders I did that they dude hustle yeah like I definitely tried damn I hit the checkpoint oh wait that's not right take it back okay cool I'm really scared every time that bomb falls yeah everything I got go jump jump yeah you know what no yep yeah let me reset the momentum burger losses so it's two four six and then I jump back off that ground town wait it in the ground time what the [ __ ] okay they didn't ground bound to so if I ground pound on a blue plant it sends them back to places back instead of jumping on him and doing one see like he's dead now oh gosh yeah okay none of the other plants have died it's looking pretty good oh you can kick it and be a cool guy which is what I did when I was practicing but like mad no now it's down to go time now the world is watching you exactly by the world I mean me and ya you now others later yeah II do comments earlier watching later fans I was just really confused for a second because I thought he was assuming insta-kill I was like why would he do that I was bound to happen eventually right what did you throw did you throw a fifth one and you're on top of the first one yeah okay as long as that's what happened you realize it but it's like I wasn't counting how could I tell which one was my first one yeah I felt like that was it and I felt like all errors were behind me but that's good like we joked about that happening earlier yeah see there we go and now we sent away for the comedic battery time death oh yeah what's the battery update low battery is the update what makes me sad in this game is when your controller dies the pause menu comes up oh that's aw it's so soft no if I my controller dies I deserve whatever happens to me dude I want to get four shot in Halo if I can I want my credit card number to get stolen if I could part with my controller guys like whatever happens it's my fault one thing that makes me sad is that like the top isn't capped right here he's like when you come through this door which I can't go through now but like you can see the top of it and I'm like oh god I didn't put one extra layer on there oh yeah actually let me come through because I now realize I when I went showed you that despawn the box I've already thrown nice Josh that Swamp is just hiding in there menacingly I know he's just waiting I really do want to see this like I know someone is gonna get world record on this and someone's gonna optimize it but this is like the level I'm I want to see it yeah like all the other levels I'm just like oh wow how'd he get that time but this I want to see it see what's what I like about this level to you is a since this is a level like people will speedrun because people will play the level yeah then that's just how speedrunning just usually born how people I want to see how people like deal with like placing the block the box is optimally um in the part I just did yeah the part like yeah the part that you just said where you make where you build the bridge oh yeah like cuz that's like that's not going fast on its own that's going fast on top of other things in like precise placement yeah it's like you got to go slow there and I love second since speed runs where you have to go slow like there's something about it that's just at respect yeah no I agree with that it's like the the not like boring residentsleeper puzzles but like Oh ruff ruff okay that could've gone worse though I could have gone worse I could have taken two hits but like I'm so big Mario yeah it's like all I got to do right here see that's what you're supposed to do just like preserve your whatever you know yeah but it also doesn't really matter since you gets builder yeah but I'm just showing you like what was intended yeah no that's me putting the mushroom on the checkpoint was a bit soft I'll I'll admit but it's kind of like it's it makes it more fun for you all right so you're gonna sit right here he turns - yeah that's three all right cool I thought I eaten left that job I'm gonna kill this cheap cheap real quick nice actually I'm just gonna know this fired he scares you he's like the perfect obstacle to go around in that segment oh dude I've been on this checkpoint for like 40 [ __ ] minutes Jesus this is gonna be a two-parter we agree yeah dope yeah no this is definitely a two-parter do that or this is just one really long video cuz this is we've uploaded like 50 minute 60 minute Mario maker episodes before alike this is not one of those yeah I feel like this one [Music] this is still watch me like like not bad content I've been like oh it can be feel like I'm so attached to like the victory yeah the victory I can't I can't think of the word like the thing is if we weren't traveling soon this probably would just be one long video we got to stack up the uploads where we can get a man oh yeah cuz oqc yeah yeah I do want to know what the optimal strat like oh my god that's one thing about like cuz I love in speedrunning never like you have to make sacrifices of like losing time yeah just like to gain time later on yeah like that's stressful to do like that's honestly really hard to do like intentionally like lose time on something and so it's really fun to watch decision-making like that I almost pressed down on that pipe to crouch and I was like I wonder who's gonna die there Oh cuz like they go back in the pipe yeah I know someone dies there yeah well at least we're figuring out every conceivable way to die in this level yeah it's like this show thousand ways to die how the [ __ ] did I do was the first time I was that good enough for mister Tendo cuz they don't hate you dude what more do they want for me they deleted my stupid easy baby level and now this well you might have a key at the very beginning that you need to get before the checkpoint otherwise the stubble could softlock you what doesn't even matter because you can just start over and then you just go back to the beginning anyways I really don't understand their logic with that we do have a key at the beginning of the level but it's not like it's you before the first checkpoint and the key is not actually the key is just to reset and get string again but the thing is I I think one thing that would be nice if you don't have five coins if you don't have keys in the level if you don't have required I don't know cuz I guess like why did you have to carry a spring through level in the springs only at the beginning yeah I mean then you just start over though yeah did you start over just takes you back to the beginning the level anyways yeah so I I mean I'm just complaining about something that's honestly pretty fair but it's just like I'm only complaining because I would be done by now if that if it worked differently it's also hard because when you make that jump you can't hold run because then you pick up clots oh I didn't know that yeah finding that perfect jump Heights also hard this is multiple jump hides it's like there's the short hop full jump but there's like a bunch in between right I'm gonna go down yeah you're right okay there's shorts off higher higher higher highest so it's however many frames you hold down a pretty much yeah okay let's what think I've always like something against Lee do you not know one bomb is he dead oh he's just yeah I ground taunted him I can deal I'm gonna get hit by bomb here Oh Baba don't do that to me dude go see I try to clear - dude the bunky or the can't hit detection is really weird I don't know what triggers it but there's times worried just mr. Nintendo says know how these not not trigger the bomb I went all in on that bombs being summit like I don't know if it's a timer what RNG no you have to be in it's like proximity I know like maybe there's gonna be a different screen like red and black and is there any differences between red and black I mean they the red shoot faster oh that's it I think that's it I mean the red are the ones that come flying at you and the black one just kind of gently drop in front of you yeah but besides that I think that's a I'm more scared to overshoot that jump and hit those spikes oh my girl ends up top yeah those spikes were initially kept it's like a reset strat in case you missed the thwomp but then I was like oh you have to get hit two times you know yeah I just jump in lava yeah alright so I opened up the pit and just let that there in case no no dude I love the phrase open up the pit that's so good it's so metal it's so metal and it's so easily applied to multiple situations oh you had your mosh before hell yeah brother dude it's so [ __ ] sick one of my first like my first concert was Linkin Park oh nice and he was Linkin Park - coheed and cambria and then like my first concert like as as like a teen like with friends was under oath and blessed the fall oh nice yeah I was a big under oath head at the time and then I learned about blessthefall and I was like wow they were way better what was that nerve opening for them No okay they're hoping for under oath there yeah that also happened with me because like once a pawn time what just happened under lock once upon a time I dated a girl who likes the 1975 and I think I don't hate many things honestly oh wow did that not all that unfolded yeah that was really bad luck but anyways you're here for the podcast right yeah you if you wanted the game play it happened to right at the beginning yeah I feel that were here for game play left they didn't come back to this episode but so the 1975 you don't hate a lot of things oh I don't hear a lot of things I hate the 1975 you do yeah I think they make awful music like when it comes to music I'm usually like yo people had different taste than me that's fine but I genuinely don't like the 1975 I hate his voice yeah and every guitar riff is justum is just a seventh chord and they just keep playing it on guitar and they just play the the action they play the Barre chord and then just play the other notes as hammer-ons and that's every single song and it's just a four on the floor beat it's I don't like him there but I don't love them either I don't really listen to them either way though I had a girlfriend I really like them sounds like this is just not good music and at the time I was like you know what I'll listen to all of them because you want to go the concert tickets for $20 so I was a high school kid I'm like oh yeah early college I'm like I'm gonna take you out from $40 yeah yeah but the band that opened for them was bad sons and they are currently still one of my favorite bands like top three and this was before their first album came out and I was like holy [ __ ] this was incredible if they're if the 1975 is anything like them like their other songs maybe I'll like them suit they weren't know so how do you create them before them I kind of listened to a few of their songs and I was like they're all the same but I've only listened to three songs so maybe I'll be surprised at the concert Josh never gone to see a concert of a band you kind of know and then like you start listening to all their songs after you're like damn only I knew all their songs when I went to see him live yep you know that happened to me at my very first concert ever it was a his random metal band from Tulsa mm-hmm we came down from OKC our we went from Tulsa to OKC to watch the and they just dropped their newest album and this was before Spotify was really a thing yeah and none of their music was on like YouTube or anything mm-hmm so if you didn't have like the CD or have about on iTunes you just didn't get to listen to it which that was me I just listened to their first album I was like oh they'll still play a couple of songs from there an old album no nope they played two songs for the role they played like singles yeah all right no they only play stuff from their new album is it they just got toured for their new albums y'all mind if I just chill right here right dude at that concert though I saw it and I can really for a second I was terrified oh nice we made it though we got cheep cheeps I get I wants a PTSD every time I see him but bad things happen when when that Chief she was there it's the freeze that scares me that's fine oh oh no less fine but still fine yeah that's reactive although oh he actually doesn't hit Oh John okay so he then I can put these in a different the C axis and yeah I not realize z-axis really affected this game 3d world baby my I guess now she's baby jumps I'm doing yeah no it's just right you're making much manlier jumps tonight would be I'm I would be making a bridge that is one block by one block every single time Oh Oh okay go back a little laughing [Music] well okay next time ruff that's so saddening yeah oh yeah yeah Chris Nuttal country boo or just my very first concert ever though I saw some dad get in a fight with a bunch of like 20 year old kids nice yeah he when he was probably fifty year old dad I use it it's just random punk concert so a bunch of like you know 14 year old girls were there and there's a wall of parents all dads actually yeah they're just like cross arms like thinking I don't get this why are you listening to this [ __ ] oh yeah I know the type yeah and one of those dads decided to walk through a mosh pit to go yelled his daughter something nice and then he tried to walk back to the mosh pit like he walked through it first time he didn't get touched once it was impressive but then somebody's like oh it was this here's metal notice he was metal bows his dead ass and then the way back though I he definitely didn't get hate he just kind of got touched a little bit mm-hmm like someone just kind of grace him and he started screaming at the guy like grabbed him and like he was trying to like throw the guy down and then all these other people that were in the mosh but those saw this and before the dad could even do anything one of the guys in the mosh is straight up punched the dad and threw him on the ground and it was I didn't know this is during the opening bands all of which were people I just did not know so I didn't really care so that was really entertaining to watch yeah that sounds like fun no like that was such a great introduction to concerts never saw that happen again which was really splats embalmer yeah you definitely peaked that yeah well okay the next concert I went to I ended up as also as another metal concert the leads there's something of running the merge story for the a oh that sucks no no I'm fine like I have a scare that he was gonna break the fourth plane oh wait can you just destroy those blocks of kept know that they're hard blocks so you can't okay I definitely thought that through you know but I also thought about like making them just like the soft blocks just because I was like oh well that's a cheese strat if you want it nice but but yeah so I ended up meeting like the lead singer of a band that I've listened to a lot on accident because big guy a new singer we didn't know who he was yeah you're just writing the merch store oh and we talked to him for like assault hour and a half like we just joked around with him because we thought he looked like their drummer and we was making a bunch of jokes around that yeah and he was just being a good sport about it and then the band finally goes up when we see the guy from the merch store get on stage and start doing some heavy metal screams and we're like what the hell is this he's like oh yeah I'm did we talk to him after he's like yeah I'm the new senior as like oh cool man oh that's sick yeah I know it's really dope experiments really funny yeah and because of that he introduced us to like the band like the rest of the band after that I got to meet the drummer which he is easily one of my favorite drummers of all time name's Adam gray really technical really really good drummer but yeah I never had like a good concert experience after that though everything else is just generic yeah like I get that like crowd-surf fun but like you know nothing crazy I'm trying to preserve this no that's that's so smart well I guess I'm not going to like I thought you meant you're preserving it for that one hit oh no I was actually going to like keep it there so it's easy for me to go back to if I like got hit you know yeah I think having those two okay wait cheep-cheep everything's okay back going back we're just so scary yeah okay okay I see that I see the end and is definitely right there blargh it if I get hit it's okay cuz I can make this jump but it's like you don't want to have to make the jump that's fine oh that's right that's right that's right oh that's too I deserve to you for that one oh that was like the most cautious I've gone with it yeah and then at the very end whenever you're just on the my guy hit and the Builder power up was right there yeah you know what [ __ ] it yeah you I don't need mr. build from achievement cuz I was like oh you need it for the part after that and there's a cannon that shoots him out for you what's happened it was sad I agree I was there in fact I would even say I'm sad yeah that's [ __ ] is there anything after that pipe I don't remember do you remember its it it's safe though because it's the wall chime you have to do with the spikes okay but it's like short enough to where you can yeah you won't die to the spike jump correct like if I was in that pipe you know the one that I was at I just didn't have a crate [Music] I'm making that jump again I'm at least pulling a crate first no that's oh that was something you know is content it's a lot of content action yeah this is a good amount of content cheap sucks alright I'm looking like the perfect you see like how can system yeah I'd love to say I'm actually at the point where I'm not stressed about this part at all yeah it's like you want to let go of the jump button right before the full jump height [ __ ] still spam tag I love that like everybody like all gamers yeah like if it's like no matter what the game is like everyone likes just spamming tech skill for no reason yeah there's something you can do like everyone wants to push buttons yeah I agree as a certified button pusher you've you push a lot of buttons and I replay games no I think I got it I'm surprised yeah I'm falling for your Kaiser trick once yeah like I'm honestly really impressed cuz there's times where I'm like why he's just jumping I'm like oh yeah there's a Kaiser walking I feel like that's like that's gonna be the ragequit machine like someone's gonna know it's there and they're gonna avoid it and then on there like xx run they're gonna hit it on accident just scream [ __ ] yeah they're gonna say [ __ ] you Alfred for making this and then then well they just won't play this level anymore yeah exactly watch hey that's okay yeah some people don't like challenging levels and you know what that's that's okay I can relate to those people really no I'm kidding awesome I say I'm sorry I did not know I was putting you through this I do think it's really funny that people do you think I'm getting actually tilting they're playing these levels because I don't care I think it's fun but like whenever you're focusing and playing either you're having fun you're focusing so it's like you sound so much more serious I'd realize there's no reset if you accidentally throw that like the other way oh that's that's depressing well that's be better yeah especially when the checkpoints right there but I think that's a good place for the checkpoint cuz this jump sucks okay kill him it's yeah I think I kills them pretty much a man you can jump on them once but if you ground pound on them before you run back at least like one unit nice thank you and you have cats so you can afford a huge damage boost yeah I'm honestly just gonna you just walked on ya throat so you go up here and just pray I think I think I need to do like the glide real quick so there goes all my damage buffs yeah which makes this signa because you've got to do this you know what to say I don't think this is a run but no I think this is it it could be we still got to get in that door oh that's okay actually that door is it's actually foolproof so you you how the cannon is supposed to send that bomb if you accidentally hit the bottom block and not the top block if the next bomb goes through it automatically blows it up like without you doing anything huh like I I made sure the timer is like foolproof because like if you get the bomb over if you do the hard part I don't want you to have to do it twice yeah so you just got to act spawn another bomb and it'll trigger it every time like upon its own that's cool though yeah so that's kind of what I was banking on I was gonna stall yeah and then I accidentally died whoops what do you do oh well ballerina cut hmm I really wish you got like a secret door over there just just for the idiots that go that far it just kills them yeah happy it'd just be me no no no no no it's not a secret or to kill them just like you give them their the coin that's where Oh that's where your coin is oh I haven't showed you where the coin is in this level I feel like I know where it is where was it before the first checkpoint no we haven't gotten to yet Oh it requires builder Mario okay I'll show you where it is this run if we get there or I'll just next time we get there I think show us where it is the next to next time you get there uh it's actually super easy so like I've run no risk of showing you okay it's just a little out of the way dude that was optimal lesson [ __ ] yeah that's good I was mad clean like I'm saying I lab this out more than any other part of this level because you go two for six and then you jump on the five but yeah like that yeah that's definitely one of laptop more also this part is going to be super cool in speedruns you know yeah this is a business appointment invention earlier than ever we're talking about like like seeing people lights optimize this level cuz this white bullets hard as [ __ ] yeah it's incredibly stressful I just imagine somebody getting this unlike their other on their endless-runner there I honestly don't know what the I'm are you make a renter called in this game yeah and what is the super endless super expert yeah imagine someone's getting this yeah that sucks and I think it'll be really funny because they're just gonna keep thinking the levels over then you keep getting a checkpoint yeah that's like oh now there's a lava lava section I can make this job oh nice don't TV pixels dude you got you go cheep cheep cheep cheeps on the left you anti aired yep alright I am looking out for you man I think I would have gotten hit by that one honestly I'm scared oh I can hit those I didn't know that oh that's cool I can get hit right here that's fine that's scary it's okay oh good we are a-okay that's Borg right the Internet I think that's the same yeah all right I don't think it's really were here supposed to be some game on reverse I think that's super mario 64 do that's the end up seeing right there let's be cool let's be cool I mean really cool me yeah honestly it's that Bluff you have perfect spot yeah it's a perfect spot like I can just take all these hits I wanted to take one extra just in case nice okay so let's put this right here just just in case and now let me oh well just forget it yeah you just put five builder mario blocks up there and then you jump up there and you have you have one walk yeah haha coin block I always have I think that's my new signature it's like there's just some [ __ ] you somewhere yeah I mean I think that's okay nice you did it you are legitimately but that jumps better I think it's it's probably faster reveal like that too because the original way absolutely is faster like yeah damage abuse nerds yeah it's it's like it's not fast enough where you can just wall jump because you also have to have builder Mario there you know okay doesn't it feel relieving to start from here though yeah I know this feels someone start over actually too for you go to four six jump back and then fade back yeah I'm trying to think cuz now we don't have to do fire box jump which that was this I will say we're first thing the momentum is hard yeah on a lot of these I'm just gonna die cuz I think that's faster than just a starting over yeah resetting so like a lot of these deaths might look like how did you die there all right that was a big death yeah I think that I'm not having bigger Mario for this section slightly unfortunate but no I'm much for the only little I think it's fine no no I'm rather be big I think yeah but I rather be big than capped yes oh I like being able to do much for Oh oh that's all you're supposed to do oh so what you're supposed to do is you step on it and then you just fall by without holding a bun and you do the kick yeah I just knock it over there like that yeah right there there's a rough spot yeah where was that you can't bounce off the crop tsubame right I went the first time I acted I'm dead the first time I like when I activate it I can jump off him but when I kick it I cannot okay this one's thinking yes you would be correct those weird hit detection well I don't know this is still a true rule but you know how like a protection works for summarize original it's literally that isn't that sick I was super sick actually let's go yeah nice that has to be the speed strat but instead of like what I did you have to like probably jump on some plants to get back in that same run that's same cycle I should say that's weird I'm really glad that I see this room now and on a near stress because it's like yeah there's so much less I have to do before this now we lose like 20 seconds worth of progress as opposed to 30 kinda like us was like two minutes the cheap sheeps are so mean yeah but you know what whatever like the cheep cheeps make you feel like it's an actual Mario level in my opinion yeah because I honestly think that everyone forgets cheep cheeps exists and tell it's a Mario game and tell it's a Mario game like the Mario does know that they exist to put them in yeah like is that is he on it I think I was bad I'm gonna put this here yeah I knew I was gonna get hit sounds like I need to pull this block out a set yeah I'm really glad that the blocks don't just go away yeah yeah yeah big agree like like you can take that message as one or two ways like the blocks disappear whenever you get hit which is what I meant yeah but like imagine if the blocks just disappeared if you got it like all of them yeah it would be really dumb like then they were just make this to where like this is a this is a one life run yeah pretty much yeah I don't know some people can be like those absolutely like runs like do you repeat Mario Galaxy 2 I didn't okay I didn't either I'm I didn't really like the game we we've had this conversation like I always say like it was my least favorite but the people were like have you finished I'm like don't ask me that yeah see it was so much of my least favorite that I just didn't want to finish it which is pretty much what happened but if you like it that's fine whatever not worth it yeah I believe you the food's a coin up there but like that whole like final level where it's like do this entire long gauntlet getting kit and no times for me is like oh that's just dumb I will say 3d world champion road is sick as [ __ ] I've never got to do champion or I'll get to it eventually when we finished the game with major and Travis yeah that's it did you have to leave a comment on your own loved one like I just uploaded it now oh I think I peaked with this level I just think this levels so [ __ ] sick it's a good level yeah yeah now you can upload it for people to bail it I do think the best part of is like it's linear yeah it's it leaves no questions I just the work-in-progress name is trick Castle by kind of like it okay I think it's a cool neat trick castle yeah it sounds like a loved one like a snowboarding game that's exactly what I was thinking wow wow well SSX tricky Castle I was saying we're like snowboard kids too tricky cos what is the description here ooh by our merch I feel like mr. Nintendo will take down my level if I put a merch link that's locking up loading this [ __ ] again yeah that's fair they actually won't let me upload stupid baby easy level now oh yeah it's gone I can just make another one it was not hard yet good I'm just gonna put on the boss baby I may be by rather reference Alec Baldwin's boss baby dude what a cinematic masterpiece Kingsley really wants me to watch that movie with them do you think this is a good description no which is why you need it yeah I agree let's put in some people's autumn Mario playlist terrible okay fine no no leave it the hell is so much funnier okay people can change the tax or whatever they want so that's why I don't feel bad about yeah which is good yeah all right you did it yeah oh I I knew it would take me forever so that's why I wanted to upload this level but I also did not expect me to be down my first try and then struggle for an hour longer yeah no there's really no more poetic way for that to go yeah it because you felt the doubt when I wanted because I haven't ever cleared a level like this before but anyways there is me there's trick castle so let's talk about this bit Trump had tutorial yeah I'm a little some surprise has a 30% clear rate like I get that's the joke the joke is that it's hard but what are the comments on it uh-huh and I thought it couldn't get harder than labyrinth Kai can you tell Christian he's a little [ __ ] you just didn't measure sure I can't believe I died near the goal a bit unfair that's a good comment my favorite thing about our bits is that like there's so many layers deep in irony whenever commenters get the bits it's it's like funnier than anything that we do and I'm surprised how many of you are drenched an irony like we are yeah we really made a shirt that said Sasuke Uchiha does not say swears maybe you guys bought it like 700 shirts sold go to teespring comm / or / alpha + penguins don't smoke weed Pizza Pizza anyways let's look at these comments tell Christian he's a [ __ ] what Matt he really wants his point across wait Mario maker I thought I was playing Dark Souls I died here too hard alpha this game is hard since surely sincerely Dean Takahashi writer for VentureBeat too hard for me and I'm an alpha gamer I like the subtlety of I'm a alpha gamer yeah replacing a and an is a very funny thing to me and it's not objectively it's it's a small thing though Goro peepee poo-poo this was so hard it took me three hours to be I like no more than Travis Oh Luke that's the makeup for the one of the recent labyrinth level dude I had a lot of people tweeting me after that one saying yeah I created that game that's mean I say a lot but you know two people saying that's a lot from we can laugh at comments when words together but when we're alone dude they hit harder they hit different I told you about whenever I was on my ex's wedding and as a day that one of the Mario World went up I was just sitting there sad my ex's wedding and I was like you know what I'm gonna go through today's YouTube video comments yeah there's like I hate joke why does he ruin the games oh oh this sucks cuphead did you come to switch I mean it did but lindane maybe jump good job Luke he's also the one he signs it yeah I'm a Luke Day fan and I like how his user name is Luke night it's very misleading it's alpha stop making me use my brain truly is the darksouls how do you parry again so tough how do you get past this wall he wants penguins you he knows where is it [Laughter] how if I can't figure it out this took me 10 minutes wait how do you do this I've wrote 80 controllers I like how literally zero of these comments have been genuine I press it someone it has to be one like this is an easy level yeah that's what I'm waiting for someone has to be like what was hard about this where is the Jumbo - art can beat while people can have the same idea correct yeah it's just undiscovered plagiarism that's what I've always said I like that no is that you that are you yeah I I made that up a long time ago damn dude that's that's good [ __ ] yeah that's my senior quote I'm gonna graduate from high school soon Oh cup guy okay under bail I like the laughing emoji innit - you know dude I didn't realize that yeah it's it's snuck in yeah I ran out I'm Horace level either I failed this course just like I failed my life yeah took me eight hours ski here controller didn't die that's good okay so I want to tell you something important hi okay Thank You Jacob very cool thank you sans undertale no he's using fans Joe better play this you tried I tried man I can't beat it reminder that game journalism is the cuz it's a complete joke I thought we just made a funny level people are taking it now as a level that's it it's a commentary on Jay mcgerr game journalism yeah I mean it is I guess technically we didn't make it for that we just we're parroting that yeah we just wanted to make funny video I already made this did you plug your own YouTube is that what that is report that no it's okay Peter sands that's a good Peter oh hey guys undertale I yeah it's funny there do you ever sing clear rate how there it is yeah his name's really hard DK you bring disgrace of the name this is too much game should be easier haha what sub demister be 55 no is this literally impossible Ernie gang or any game gurney gank ha ha Dark Souls joke I'm softlocked help softlock comments are funny I really like soft [ __ ] is like those are people they just understand us yeah that was too easy that's a good that's a good that's like a third level irony right there because it's the wrong form of to and there's like two separate ellipses oh yeah ellipses making it sound like it's like what it's like it's too quiet in here like it's always edgy yeah it's it's just a I'll make you eat those words [Laughter] Sasuke why game journalist sweating that's a good comment very tough nice though I like the encouragement after that Oh Elvis okay someone just timed out that's good to know I think I think that's where you sorry I think you just put the controller down yeah you just hang out right there so Devo just died and I run a clean to pit though okay like these three I think are genuine these I don't know but these are all ironic yeah these are all I wrong that's all see so I'm somebody women from the ass actually that's good yeah no like that's a good approach Luke Dave made the job he put it on this job I thought he made this one for sure that's good this coin makes me mad tell Christian he's a [ __ ] I died here how do you get past this wall super good oh do you guys redo that and just for that oh god I was so good so fun oh my god he stood here without grabbing the floor doesn't find out that's so impressive that is impressive this one those jobs to you nothing I bought him yeah this is going to pop he's committed I wish someone died like right here that would have been impressively time yeah this is so I can't believe we really spent 20 minutes trying to beat this level I do think the best part was when I timed out I died people thought I was gonna timeout by I died to the coop oh yeah that was good I finally did it this was good good bit yeah thanks for not ruining it losers
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 853,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, super mario maker, alpharad, alpharad plus
Id: th7Zj36sljs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 33sec (4713 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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