Game Theory: Please Come Home... (Andy's Apple Farm)

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Hell yeag

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dexbov 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

That was such a good video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Fnafguy071 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to the beta test of game theory as a beta tester your goal is to find bugs and glitches and over analyze them i'm fully aware the game is not finished yet however you'll be essential for ensuring that this thing rolls out for the enjoyment of the whole family thank you beta tester hello internet welcome to game theory the show that takes a look at the indie horror tree to find what franchise is right for the picking case in point today andy's apple farm an indie horror game released in august and designed by their words not mine aspiring developer m36 games on that note it's time to take that aspiring off your gamejolt bio their m36 because andy's apple farm is fantastic it's got old school 80s style graphics charming character designs and a lore that's hidden in one of the coolest and most unique ways yet it requires you to lose by purposely failing playing things out of order and ultimately trying to break the game you unlock new clues that draw you deeper and deeper into this horror show you know what they say a mystery a day keeps the fnaf episodes away and andy is a bushel full of questions so let's take a trip on over to the apple farm to see if we can solve one of my favorite horror mysteries of 2021 when you first boot up the game you're given a choice between high graphics and low graphics as tempting as it might be let me tell you right now pick the low quality graphics trust me on this one oh my gosh he walks so slow i think the graphics are too high fidelity for us matt we're experiencing extreme slowdown because the graphics are too high quality once you've selected your option it's revealed to us that we're playing as a beta tester for eastwood games hello uh this is eastwood thomas eastwood welcome to the beta test of andy's apple farm as a beta tester your goal is to find bugs and glitches and report them to me glitches you say in an indie horror game who could have foreseen it in game we take on the role of andy the apple the cute little guy who had the keys to his house stolen by his four friends before they'll give him back though the friends challenge him to four separate minigames klaus the clock wants you to play i spy melody the moon wants you to play friday night funk and felix the fish needs you to catch three fish which seems like a weird thing for a fish to ask you to do and margaret the unrecognizable animal wants you to sort fruit yeah probably the biggest mystery of this game is what she's supposed to be margaret the mutt the the dog what can i say she was giving me some strong bulldog vibes after doing some digging though apparently she's supposed to be a mole nope not buying it anyway that's not really the mystery we're interested in because even before you start these mini games things begin to fall apart we see both andy and felix's faces in audio distort text gets stuck behind the background assets and once you play the minigames some cryptic text appears on screen she's not gone she's still here she wants you to free us please free us and then the game crashes boy thomas you were not kidding when you said that there'd be glitches i am earning every bit of that minimum wage that you're paying me if you power through all the issues and play all the mini-games and collect all the bonus stickers you're told your keys are in the barn where you meet the final character peter the pumpkin play with him a final round of tag and get this what is going on okay yeah whatever evil monstrosities in the bar and sure one final jump scare and boom you're at the end that's it 20 minutes gameplay five very basic mini games that's the whole thing provided you don't care about the lore and uh what sort of pleb doesn't care about the lore no confused matpat needs to know what's going on in this thing and once you start digging into it secrets are everywhere so what on earth is this story and what's going on with that monster with the eyes that my friends is what we aim to solve sounds great let's play the first major hint we get is during felix's fishing mini game normally you play this one first and nothing really happens your eyes just sort of glitch out a bit you know something spooky's happening when your eyes start melting a minute or two later the game will start to have real problems and crash ultimately giving you this message right before it does quote he drowned that day at the bottom of the lake she didn't save him it's not her fault doesn't make a lot of sense on its own but wait if you play the same minigame after one or two of the others suddenly you get yourself a new ending this time you get some new pixels appearing in the bottom left of the screen and those aren't just any pixels friends that's a body the body of a dead child hold on here glitches hidden lore and dead children did we just get a bingo did we just get a bingo we know that this is a child's body thanks to a police report that we receive when hooking the body and bringing it towards the surface a search is underway for a child who fell off a rowboat and never resurfaced thursday evening the victim a ten-year-old male and his sister fell off a robot late at night the girl returned home safely however the young boy has not been found as if yet our ten-year-old didn't just fall out of the boat he drowned leaving us to pick up his body from the bottom of the lake now this is normally where i just move on to the next big puzzle but andy's apple farm is different there's even more hidden in this first minigame we've already mentioned that the order in which you play the games can reveal different secrets but the secrets you unlock are also dependent on how you play those mini-games in the case of this first fishing minigame if instead of lifting the body you drag the body across the sea floor the game freaks out and gives you this code using a substitution cipher we see that it says but it wasn't her fault we weren't alone that night i don't blame her which is followed by a visual of a girl in a boat with a silhouetted figure appearing behind her in fact we can actually see this girl in the aftermath of this tragedy since this is an 8-bit style game if we smash our bodies against every surface we encounter chances are we're going to find a gap in the collision detection and sure enough that's exactly what happens at the bottom left of the picnic area in the overworld is a gap which leads to a girl crying in the boat after the incident she gives us lines like i didn't mean to what are mom and dad going to think i'm sorry lewis followed by a reversed message in hexadecimal over an image of a boy which translates to lewis so clearly lewis is our 10 year old victim but the scary part is that it appears this girl his sister was the one that pushed him into the lake why else would she be saying i didn't mean to it also seems like the shadowy figure was the one that drove her to do it now that alone is a pretty horrifying story but we're just getting started the next part of the story unfolds during margaret the moles mini-game by taking your cursor out of bounds during this minigame we get a binary code that translates to the name cameron in a family christmas photo dated 1981. notice the hair and sweater colors here the two children match lewis and his sister's sprites if you continue the minigame but keep tapping the spacebar near the end margaret's face distorts and we're suddenly shown a new scene featuring two characters who based on the body and hair color appear to be the mother cameron and their father thomas from the christmas photo in discussing the boat incident thomas appears to be quite upset convinced that his daughter's to blame but the mother defends her and tells thomas to get out now if margaret's is the first mini-game you play then once you've beaten it you head on over and get this new cryptic message the time was supposed to be happy but she could feel her skin peeling off which is creepy and gross and i don't like it mostly because it doesn't connect into anything that we've talked about yet but don't worry it will something else though is bugging me more why does the name thomas feel so familiar oh wait at the start of the game he's the creator thomas eastwood by playing melody's music minigames second or third we're teleported to a forest covered in snow where we find a car and hear this audio hey cam you want to see this she seems busy anyways i've been experimenting with a lot of cool technology recently a lot of the video games i've been putting together haven't really been accepted by a lot of the publishers i do something really cool with this next one it has something called a cinema type monitor so i feel like it'd be more immersive like movies i've also been thinking about some other types of technology to make the characters a bit more lifelike a struggling indie game developer on their final hope why does that sound so familiar anyway he initially tries to talk to someone named cam which is probably short for cameron the name that we talked about earlier but this failure has caused him to look into new technology that makes his games more life-like we've all done this rodeo a couple times sounds like someone is gonna be shoving some dead souls into his video game but again that's not all coming back and playing melody's mini game a second time you'll find a prompt where you can listen through the window of a house inside is cameron consoling her daughter who's upset that both her dad and lewis aren't around for christmas it's important to note that the mother addresses the daughter as isabella which would explain the stocking in the background with the letter i on it there's also a stocking for k most likely for cameron and a third one with the letter a hmm well no time to figure that one out because after the scene plays the house is burned to the ground while screaming as heard inside implying that both isabella and cameron died inside of a house fire that also explains the quote that we talked about earlier about skin peeling off during happy time burning to death at christmas i've heard of chestnuts roasting over an open fire but uh this is getting pretty extreme anyway the final game is i spy with klaus the clock if you push your cursor out of bounds in this one you get a scene depicting thomas sitting across from his friend arthur our first and only name in the game beginning with the letter a we actually learned that after being kicked out thomas asked arthur to keep an eye on his family but also seems to have suspicions that arthur's now having an affair i suppose they're ex-friends now or should i say axe friends considering the next cut scene we can unlock is where we see thomas using an axe to hack his friend to pieces thomas then looks down at his bloody hands and screams what have i done alright so we have a tragic boat accident a deadly house fire a murderous game developer and a mysterious shadow that seems to be pulling the strings but how does it all fit together well for that we need to play our final game of tag against peter the pumpkin if you let peter win the initial game we see what is in my estimation the scariest image coming out of andy's apple farm a dark figure looming in a room with text appearing below the image i can see it it's been following me i think it's watching me but it doesn't have eyes hey that shadow looks kind of familiar doesn't it wonder if it likes boating if instead you win the first game you get a different message i just wanted to see my family again i knew what i was doing was risky i didn't want it to turn out this way free us save us help us the next game is nearly impossible to win but it can be done doing it gives you a cipher that translates to thomas don't ask for help nobody can save you now we then get the garage scene with a dark entity and thomas falling to pieces it's worth noting that as he turns to pieces they turn red and we see the eyes of andy the apple appear we can then walk across the screen to finally find andy's missing key with text appearing that says i should have known what i got myself into it's my fault you on the other side you can help me save me save us so there you have it pretty much the full slate of secrets coming from andy's apple farm now let's start putting them together because clearly there's still a number of other clues and loose threads that we have to tie up first the house fire who started it thomas accuses arthur of doing it during the act scene but i don't think that's true instead i think it's thomas who started the fire andy the apple appears to be thomas trapped inside the game klaus the clock meanwhile is the stand-in for arthur before the cutscene in the woods where we see thomas kill arthur we actually see thomas's car at the burned house before klaus's arrival implying that thomas was there to start the fire and then arthur arrived after the fact but all of this raises the question then why would thomas accuse arthur of killing his family if he did it himself well the reason lies in another area of the game that we've yet to explore and that's the game's loading screen even when you boot up the game for the first time there's already a second save file that's loaded up and hey they've got themselves eight badges not just the four that we're limited to unlocking so hopefully there's some answers in this other save file is this real did my pc really die nope past matpat it did not and if you're a lore hunting expert like me you too will have probably noticed not just the creepy face hidden there in the blue but also the qr code on the screen which means that this just became an arg bingo definitely bingo this time what's strange though is that this qr code just takes you back to the game's ichio page which you would have been to anyway to download this thing in the first place which means there's more to this page than it first seems browsing the page line by line i noticed this little exclamation point here was hyperlinked so i clicked it and found a youtube page by someone called logan eastwood the great nephew of thomas eastwood this guy only has three videos mainly just playing this old game that he found at his great uncle's house but it's the latest video that's the most interesting titled andy's apple farm secret this video shows us a brand new cut scene from the game one where thomas looks at an axe and argues with a voice inside his head saying i don't want to kill him i don't want to kill anybody and the voice responding when did i give you a choice i suppose you could say thomas here is a uh wait for it reluctant follower get it it's it's a fnaf thing you know glitch trap possessing vanny and all that look it's not like i'm seeking this stuff out it just comes to me okay anyway all of it seems to be tied back to this dark entity in the boat in thomas's house at the end of the game it keeps possessing people and causing them to kill others but why what is the goal well i think that it's getting stronger think about it this way we see the entity for the first time in the boat with isabella but at that point in the story it has no facial features moving forward in the timeline though we see this entity again in thomas's bedroom and it still has no eyes they explicitly tell us it has no eyes but now it has a mouth by the end of the game once everyone else has died we see it has many eyes and a massive form capable of killing thomas it's been getting stronger with each death but thomas wasn't completely destroyed we saw him transform into andy the apple he even addresses us directly asking the player to save us plural he's not the only one trapped inside this thing klaus is arthur margaret is cameron melody unlocks the events leading to isabella's christmas eve scene and felix is fishing for lewis's dead body these characters these dead characters have had their spirits put into the game why well we know thomas was messing with technology to make his characters more lifelike and when his son died thomas was desperate to be with his son and bring the family back together again and so the entity saw this as an opportunity thomas essentially made a deal with the devil to keep his family together as we see him say i should have known what i got myself into i just wanted to see my family again i knew what i was doing was risky and like the devil often does he fulfills the promises but there's a catch his family does indeed get to be together again but not in the real world instead stuck inside a video game except there is a wrinkle here isabella didn't die in the house fire unlike every other character she doesn't get a death date screen in the barn she is weirdly unaccounted for and if you play melody's minigame before all the other characters we see the message she's not gone she's still here she wants you to free us please free us and to put the final nail in the coffin by checking out m36's youtube page we can find melody's test sprite video who we've already established is isabella's in-game counterpart in this video we receive coordinates which when decoded from hexadecimal translates to she saw what you did thomas which means isabella not only survived the fire witnessing her mom die in the process but she also likely saw thomas kill arthur in the woods so isabella isn't dead but she's also melody in the game how well i think she's definitely gonna die at some point just not in the story of this game you see m36 has come out and said that they're working on a follow-up and we've even gotten some screenshots from it showing us two girls standing together one in a blue shirt and the other a brunette wearing pink exactly like the sprite of isabella her story is not done and i think that this other girl is only going to play a part in it on november 14th m36 posted the code to their discord which had the latter half of a youtube url following it took us to an unlisted video called don't be afraid sam where a girl with a blue shirt is seen with a copy of andy's apple farm she touches it and is told don't be afraid sam you'll be with her again soon i believe our next installment is going to continue isabella's story after she escapes the house fire she's gonna confide in her friend sam and she's gonna realize that her family is stuck inside of the game but the entity is gonna get her before she can do anything to free them sam is also gonna get caught up in this thing told that she can be with her friend very soon which in turn is gonna get her killed and she too will enter the game in fact i predict she's gonna be one of the only unused characters that we see in m36's first sprite test video the bee known as bailey so there you have it my predictions for andy apple farms next chapter is what i would be saying if i didn't have one final prediction bombshell to drop on you when exploring that final barn on the top floor where you find images of cameron arthur and thomas there's also one for lewis but it doesn't have a death date instead it just has a missing date his body is never found i think just like with his sister this is a clue that lewis is also gonna be back but in this case it's not gonna be the real lewis if i were to guess it's gonna be the entity using lewis's body a body that unlike isabella and thomas it won't have to fight against for control it's going to be a doppelganger the entity will be piloting it and it'll be looking to kill and that my friends is the uplifting story of andy's apple farm a family that murders itself during christmas while under the control of a demonic force hoping to be reunited in some sort of video game after life how do you like them apples but hey a quick shout out to our sponsor for today's episode opera gx the first internet web browser that's designed with gamers in mind sometimes your computer just isn't strong enough to play a game this thing needs a ps5 to function or maybe you're like me and you like playing games with lots of tabs open i personally game in between doing work or sometimes while just doing work and all those tabs are links to cipher decoders and notepads and photoshop and basically anything i need to do for an episode but because of that my game's performance tends to suffer as my processing power drops to zero but opera gx is perfect for fixing this sort of thing thanks to its gx control and network limiter which allows me to decide how much of my cpu and ram those tabs can use which in turn allows me to have a much smoother recording experience it's also perfect for me when i'm writing scripts i usually need some kind of music or podcast playing in the background to keep my mood up when i'm tackling horrifying content like today's theory so having the gx player built into the browser's sidebar just makes that whole process easier i'm not having to search through hundreds of threads to find like the one music file that i have opened up on youtube plus with the integrations of discord facebook messenger and whatsapp i'm able to jump in between my research and give a notes to the editors might not sound like all that much but if you're a gamer who needs to multitask or just someone who has to manage a lot of things all at the same time while you're browsing the internet it's honestly a real time saver when you add up how often you have to switch applications during the day and to top it all off opera gx is now available on mobile so if an idea strikes me while i'm out and about i can just quickly do research and then transfer it over to my desktop as soon as i'm back to the office opera gx is free to use so head on down to the description and click the link to give it a try seriously there is literally no reason not to test it out i like to test web browsers out every couple years just to see if like hey there's a better solution out there for me and yeah opera gx this is the one for me right now so what are you waiting for gamers time to start surfing your way to a more optimized and efficient online experience link is in the top line of description give opera gx a try and as always remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,228,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy's apple farm, andy's apple farm lore, andy's apple farm explained, andy's apple farm ending, andy's apple farm ending explained, andys apple farm, creepy, scary, horror, scary game, scary games, andys apple farm lore, andys apple farm explained, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory andy's apple farm, game theory lilys garden, game theory petscop, andy's apple farm game, andy's apple farm horror game, andy's apple farm gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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