Game Theory: You Give Them Life (Hello Puppets Scary VR Game)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I admit that I don't really follow these kind of games, but one thing mentioned towards the end has me curious about something. If you beat the game a second time are there two puppet choices gone, or is it still just one with the one you picked last being missing?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Edvarius 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

As a little extra comment on the great video I'm a bit surprised MattPat didn't mention anything about Scout's name.

That puppet is the only one who is theorises to "leave" the bunker, they're disguising themselves as the player character before they enter the big wide world, and if you're going to conquer the world and you don't know much about it then it's probably sensible to Scout it out first.....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AhrXanten 📅︎︎ May 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I still have a question. If when you finish the game the puppet you choose vanish and you have to choose another, what happens if you use all of them? (Play the game 5 times). I know it would be boring but it could also lead to a new ending. Please someone read this and try it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Stardreice 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I still have a question. If when you finish the game the puppet you choose vanish and you have to choose another, what happens if you use all of them? (Play the game 5 times). I know it would be boring but it could also lead to a new ending. Please someone read this and try it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BronyMusician 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is this on psvr?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GuineaGirl2000596 📅︎︎ May 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mat pat it doesn’t matter where the credits are and scout says “ our psychic link must be going haywire stay out of my body” so maybe only the player can body swap not scout

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yo-tengo-will-kill-y 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
well hello old bean I have good news for you today you get your very own handyman puppets choose whichever you like hmm such a hard choice how about know what I am NOT going to choose a puppet but don't you like puppets they're fun and full of joy you are a creepy puppet your puppeteer over there is wearing a black hood over his head clearly you've taken over his body and are just trying to trick me to fall for the same thing hate to break it to you but it ain't my first time at this rodeo but some say the bond between a puppet and his puppeteer is magic oh come on man you're even emphasizing the words that are tipping me off to your plan you see what you're doing here the Bund is magical wow really can't imagine what's happening here listen Mortimer that's what you said your name was listen Morty if you want to really trick someone just talk like a normal person puppet supernatural creature your little self-congratulatory in jokes that you think are so clever we all get it man we all know what you're doing so I'll put you down as a new also hi gimpy back there he ain't doing you any favors hello Internet welcome to game theory the show that's now legally obligated to cover any indie horror title about friendly children's entertainment cursed with eternal life before we do that though a quick reminder that our brand new line of theory where is available for pre-order right now jackets hats a wallet an incredible holographic switch-case all designed for escaping in the great outdoors or the great indoors depending on your restrictions enjoy a little release from the troubles that surround us and some fun new duds even if it is just for your next zoo meeting all the links are down right below this video in the meantime today we're looking at the relatively unknown VR game hello puppets as it becomes the next in a long line to try to steal staffs throne like many a title I look into this game to is steeped with ambiguity and hints at a deeper story behind what we see at the surface so let me give you the spoiler warning up front we're trying to solve the ambiguous ending to this game which means that we'll be exploring all of the game secrets right up through the last moments also I'm gonna task you with something just like try to fall asleep the other indie game that we recently covered that no one else had really talked about this is a game that more people should be aware of and should be playing so please tweet at your favorite horror game players and get them to take the puppet challenge the UM puppeteer playthrough the sock puppet slam I don't know you come up with the catchy phrase koryaks Kenshin he's back making videos again so maybe he'll do it jack usual suspect mark maybe he'll stop yelling at sour patch kids to play the game and when they inevitably have a reaction like this what that's it what was that ending what's going on here you can tell him what's up because you learned it here first so let's start at the beginning for anyone who hasn't played the game hello puppets puts the player in the shoes of an unnamed college reporter investigating an old warehouse where homeless people have been reported to go missing the warehouse was once a television workshop for the kids program Mortimer's handyman a puppet show ripping off the Muppets in fact hosters on the wall described it as being better than the Muppets so shots fired there of course the Muppets have been around for decades and didn't ever start kidnapping and possessing humans or at least they did a better job of covering it up either way it's none of my business Mortimer's handymen started in 1985 since apparently all horrific murderous children's content originated from the mid 1980s and had an abrupt ending when a mysterious fire burned down the studio killing seven and badly injuring many more what's even more mysterious than the fire though is that someone decided to clip the article about the fire out of the newspaper walk into the burned building and hang it at the end of a random hallway for reasons at the end of that Hall the former star of this old show mortimer greets you from the arm of an unknown and a relatively bored looking host morty asks you to select a puppet and you choose one named scout once the selection is made mortimer begins a ritual meant to bind you and scout a ritual that will turn you into scouts um turn you into scouts i know that there's a word for this it's an inanimate object that you control with your own body in order to make it seem like a living creature anyway the ritual doesn't actually work instead of becoming a mindless husk for your puppet you retain all of your basic functions much to the frustration of your new armed companion zombi don't I'm supposed to control you completely it's at this point that I have to reveal the secrets of the story I don't have time to explain everything to you but basically you're in a decommissioned sound stage filled with murderous sentient puppets and now they want to drain your lifeforce in order to sustain themselves so they can bring their canceled trow back to life and take over the world but hey that's just an in-game explanation of what's really going on so with all that being said what am i covering today well stay tuned we're about to get to that as the story continues we learned that Scout has failed her exam to become a full free roaming puppet twice in the past after realizing that she's failed yet again a disillusioned Scout convinces you to help her to escape conveniently even though your ritual technically failed and you're not a zombie puppeteer who eventually learned that you and Scout are able to swap brain where you can enter her consciousness and take over her puppet body and she could do the same to you after a long series of fighting henchmen solving puzzles through your combined human puppet brain abilities you finally make a dramatic Dash for the exit but in the process of opening the final door scouts arm gets caught in some years and it gets torn off over the next minute Scout professes her friendship for you before suddenly and inexplicably dying leaving you two presumably escape onward into freedom it's kind of sweet but also logically a really weird moment she lost her arm sure but she's still a puppet it's not like she's bleeding out or beyond repair or anything everything around you in the game is some kind of torn apart and sewn back together version of an animal or a puppet so immediately there's something here that doesn't make a whole lot of sense but we'll come back to that right after she dies you can remove Scout from your hand the whole world gets washed out with a bright white light and you find yourself sitting in a theater with a bunch of stuffed bears watching the credits and from there that's pretty much it if you let the game keep running you just start back where you originally began in the first hallway of the game as though nothing ever happened so what happened did your character just escape did the puppets die most importantly of all though did we end up starting that talk show shake if you want the talk show a talk-show I like that we'll call it like talk to the hand things are suspect right from the beginning of the game during the ritual sequence your character seems to teleport to avoid with a rickety bridge you're supposed to be absorbed at this point by Mortimer but instead a door opens up with scouts face peering back at you with little choice you run towards the open door and find yourself back in the real world holding scout after this you're the only host who has any sort of agency ever in this process over the course of the hundred or so times that were led to believe the puppets have performed this ritual in the past it seems to have worked totally fine with everyone else that they've chosen as a victim so why did it not work for you was it something you did why are you spared the mind meld that everyone else underwent we see during the games tea party scene that Anthony Pierson a paranormal investigator whose recordings are littered around the studio has been fully integrated as a host for the puppets in fact he's Mortimer's puppeteer from the very beginning of the game he's a lifelong paranormal investigator with an Illuminati tattoo he would certainly have been more prepared for an incoming puppet curse than you know you college journalist but somehow the ritual worked perfectly on him that idea makes me scratch my little theorist head and ask what if it wasn't you what if this whole thing wasn't an accident what if the entire time you were meant to not be fully under Scouts controlled Mortimer was performing the same ritual we know that he's performed many many times in the past if the meat locker scene in this game is any indication may have been dozens to hundreds of times before this one moment so this isn't the kind of glitch caused by an experienced or unfamiliarity so what if instead we conclude that Scout couldn't take control of us because that wasn't her goal in the first place what have we entertained the idea that you're working with Scout your fight through the warehouse and even your escape was all intentional let's look at the evidence both Mortimer the leader of the handyman and Scout your own personal puppet seem to want you to escape from the get-go Scout is obvious right she literally just tells you that if he can't escape eople die Mortimer though is a little more subtle in his pushing but not entirely and white is Mortimer helping us that makes no sense aside from leaving bits of his security badge around for you to find Mortimer explicitly gives you an opportunity to escape when you first meet him not even a tough opportunity either he just wants you to pour tea with milk and sugar free to the puppets if you're British you'd argue that you should have put the milk in first but other than that Mortimer isn't exactly quibbling over the details when you succeed Mortimer starts talking about letting you go post and scout I propose a competition of you guys and it's only Riley's protests that make it seem like you need to escape as she starts yelling about how you and Scout are her property Mortimer slams his puppet hand on the table in order to flip out the control panel for the room for his ominous as Mortimer is he also never poses any direct sort of threat to you other puppets send henchmen to stop the player or set up puzzles that are impossible to pass but Mortimer he just keeps things moving along so what is the goal here why help you out well again Scout has already explicitly told us this basically you're in a decommissioned sound stage filled with murderous sentient puppets from a cancelled children's TV show who are brought to life by an evil voodoo spell and now they want to drain your life force in order to sustain themselves so they can bring their canceled troll back to life and take over the world the big points in this plan are one the puppets aren't just using you as a free ride they're also draining your lifeforce and to the bigger plan is to restart their TV show and take over the world now I'll admit they may have underpants gnomes this situation a little bit but it still paints a picture of what they hope to achieve there are some hints throughout the game that they've already started recording whatever this new show is but there's a bigger issue with making content than just the making of it they need to broadcast it at which point presumably it just takes over the world I guess no one told them that cable isn't the thing anymore and that they're gonna have to contend with 8000 different streaming services but whatever welcome to modern times the point is that the logistics of getting a TV show on the airwaves even if those airwaves are just YouTube Internet waves are a tough ask for a puppet who we established in the game as not being able to read that's right one of these puppets is even supposed to be a brilliant scientist but they're totally illiterate as you find out when you have to read everything for them in the game so immediately we know that they need a real intact human being and not a zombie to get to the final stages of their master plan they're gonna need people or at the very least a little basic reading comprehension to actually air their show which means that they're not gonna just want passive human hosts they want that brain swapping ability that we see between you and Scout your connection between puppet and human isn't an accident there it's a necessity for them to get what they want from there with that realization under our belt that this whole thing is intentional we can finally speculate about a much bigger theory in this game what happens in that ambiguous ending let's revisit what we see your character removes scout from their hand everything goes white but you're not back to your normal life at that point the credits roll in a bizarre theater attended by teddy bears not a police station where you'd presumably be reporting the meat locker full of dead people down at the knockoff muppet studio in fact you seem to be inside the building still at least the design and architecture look the same but why why would we still be in the building more bizarrely after the credits roll the only thing that happens is that the game starts over only this time you can't select the same puppet again that means that we've continued in the continuity of the last playthrough and either you're playing again as the same person an option that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense or you're now the next victim who stumbled into the warehouse and the whole process is repeating itself well I think that's the intention what is it trying to tell us where did our original character go why would we still be in the theater rather than running down the street screaming about the bloody bloody puppet murder that we just avoided well it's because we're not in our character's body anymore we have no reason to scream bloody murder we are now Scout remember how that brain swap ability works when were in scouts brain we retain our own consciousness we just see what she sees and take on her abilities and vice versa a brain swap in the other direction would mean that she is now in our brain Scout would retain her own consciousness but just operate our body directly she could see what we see and take on our abilities like the most important ability of all just being a person and blending into human society which you know might be a little bit helpful if you happen to be a chin puppet who's trying to help your evil puppet friends launch a TV show in their attempts to take over the world Scout dying by losing an arm doesn't make a whole lot of sense either I was willing to go with it because the writing of that scene was touching but under the cold light of logic it's much harder to tell what actually is happening here a Scout stops talking and is no longer sewn on to us but almost immediately following that our whole view fades to white under normal video game conventions this fade to white would be us passing out dying if it's just us escaping then why not have us actually walk through a door why not show us the outside world well it's because we're not escaping the more logical answer here is that this whiteout moment is the final brain swap Scout leaves her body sure which is why it's lifeless and the stitches come out but she didn't just die she brain swapped into our body instead of taking us on as a passive host but still operating as a puppet now she can operate as a fully fleshed person the puppets have managed to remove the middleman in their quest for world domination by directly possessing humans rather than just using their life force and getting someone's hand shoved where the Sun don't shine when the game starts up again after the credits roll the process repeats with a puppet failing to take over your body then coercing you into a false sense of security and camaraderie before making the ultimate brain hop and adding you to the crew of the world's deadliest kids TV show at least as far as we know those Muppets are looking mighty shifty over there but hey that's just a theory Oh game theory thanks for supporting this channel honestly guys the best ways to do that right now are to one watch more videos no sweat right just fall asleep to the naff playlist or workout while you're working your way through the Minecraft lore series or if you're just really in the mood for cringe go back to the early episodes I dare you still looking to support us then move on to step 2 check out our new line of theory where that's ready to close your body both indoors and outdoors this spring this time around we wanted to create pieces that felt super unique whether it was a pullover jacket that folds into its own carrying case i'll phu backpack tag to give you a squeeze and help you through the day or a gorgeous holographic switch case to take your console wherever you're headed even if it's just from your living room over to the kitchen almost every piece in this collection is made of ultra lightweight easy to clean fabrics that are waterproof and wind resistant everything can be easily wiped down washed disinfected and used indefinitely including items like our vegan leather wallet and five panel hat that I keep calling my twitch gamer hat bro because next thing you know I'm gonna be sponsored by G fuel G whew all I've never actually tasted that I assume it must be awful anyway it's all designed make you feel good and keep you having fun wherever you are and a way for us to connect as a community in a year where I haven't been able to go to any events or see any of you in person and that's a real bummer because I just love going to those sorts of things you know like gaming conventions III VidCon like seeing you guys in person it makes this job feel real you know it makes it feel like what we're doing on this channel actually has an impact and I'm missing that a lot this year and I'm sure a lot of you are missing that with your favorite creators too so we can't give you a hug in person so here's a jacket to give you a hug instead I suppose anyway as a reminder all of this stuff is pre-order which means that if you want it you can get it we did it this way for two reasons one to protect everyone in the factories who are working to make these in the first place it allows us to extend our timelines out a little bit just make sure that everyone is doing this in a healthy and safe way and two you're not getting any of those artificial shortages no sold out signs unlike a lot of other youtuber merch and also toilet paper these days just as a reminder the last day to place your pre-order has actually been extended to June first so get your order in before June 1st and you'll be guaranteed to get whatever you want I hope you love this stuff as much as I do I've had so much fun wearing it over here I really really really love the wall at the switch-case the people do backpack tag I'm not even a person who wears backpack tags but it's just really cute okay it just makes me feel really happy every time I see him so anyway I had a lot of fun designing this stuff with the team and I hope that it can at least do something to make your spring feel just a little bit more festive and a little bit more back to normal thank you as always for your support especially at times like this we're making a video actually costs more and it earns back in ad revenue so little things like supporting theory we're actually add up to huge differences for the team over here as we work to deliver you videos at single week so thank you stay safe and remember it is just a theory a game theory I'll see you all next week
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,765,627
Rating: 4.9536619 out of 5
Keywords: hello puppets, hello puppets vr, hello puppets game, scary game, scary, horror, horror game, creepypasta, hello puppets vr game, fnaf, puppets, puppet, scary theory, horror theory, mind control, body swap, brain swap, brainwash, brainwashing, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory fnaf, game theory hello puppets, matpat hello puppets, hello puppets gameplay
Id: 8yUxDFBGsB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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