Film Theory: Paw Patrol Is DARKER Than You Think!

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No fucking shot that’s a real video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kaburi 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
ah you know after a hard day of theorizing it's good to just kick back and watch some paw patrol with my son no deeper meanings to analyze just a fun loving show about puppies so simple so wholesome oh hold on are these are these puppies dead oh it's happening again hello internet welcome to film theory ruining your childhood since 2014. but you know what i'm not content to just ruining your childhood oh no i've got my sights set on your children's childhoods too today we're breaking new ground by looking at shows that the kids are into these days and my kids i mean the three-year-olds specifically my son oliver yep it's another installment and my kid asked me to watch this and now you have to suffer through the consequences my three-year-old is programming a 10 million subscriber youtube channel without even realizing it they just grow up so fast now admittedly i actually really like this show the paw patrol is a team of six puppies led by a 10 year old boy named ryder each pup has a specific set of skills based on emergency services there's chase the police officer dog marshall the firefighter sky the aviation dog rubble the construction pup zuma for water rescue and rocky for garbage collection every once in a while you have a special guest dog make an appearance like everest the mountain pop or liberty the city pup but for like 90 of episodes this is our core team and from there each episode is pretty formulaic they're hanging out in the city of adventure bay there's some disaster like a windmill breaks or someone gets stuck in a cave the paw patrol are called to action they suit up we hear this line ready for action riders sir there's a mission brief they slide down and load up into their specially designed pup mobiles [Music] and through some combination of skills the day is saved and a lesson is learned usually the lesson for me is that a shocking amount of problems can be solved using a winch i'll need you to use your winch chase i'll need you and your winch i need your winch get your witch out chase also the more you watch the more it becomes clear that they had no idea what to do with some of these pups marshall with his fire rescue equipment total mvp rubble with his construction tools best boy zuma the water dog meanwhile yeah you can sit this one out buddy and the next one and the next one you know what just just pose for the lunchbox to be honest this is one of the more bearable kids shows out there because it's self-aware and uses the formula for some really solid jokes like here when aliens come to visit adventure bay a whole can of worms i feel like i should probably unpack at some point but not today it slides down the lookout tower and launches into its vehicle like the pups do in each and every episode only here because the formula demands it it also gets its name shouted out it's a nice touch then you got stuff like this when construction dog rubble gets trapped the only one available to drive his rig is zuma we need his truck to move the rest of the rocks once we get him out zuma uh on the double and he just proceeds to fail zuma is just the butt of all jokes sure the whole thing is designed around some very obvious merchandising opportunities but just look how cool this thing is i gotta get one for ollie um uh we gotta get one for ollie but hey at least the show is aware of this fact officially licensed paw patrol merchandise this stuff sells like hotcakes it's funny cause it's true isn't that right chase oh that's right matthew now the show already comes pre-packaged with a lot of really obvious questions how come the dogs are the only animals that can talk why doesn't adventure bay have a normal police force or fire department when is katie finally gonna admit that she has a crush on ryder admittedly the last one might just be me but it is so obvious that they would make a total power couple anyway those questions aside there was one moment that really stood out to me a moment in season one that caught my attention as just a little bit weird and it prompted me to dig deeper and oh boy did that start leading me down the darkest possible path for this universe one that convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that the paw patrol is dead and not in just a oh this was a dream route or anything like that i'm saying that within the canon of the show paw patrol members have died and actively been replaced so strap in all your good pups cause this one is gonna be a rocky ride ready for action rider sir cause matpat is on the case so the moment that got me to start digging deeper was from season one episode 9a pups get a rubble where we learn about how rubble the construction pup came to join the paw patrol now this is actually one of the very few origin stories that we get for any of the pups the only other one that we see is for chase in the paw patrol movie which i'll come back to later in this episode we learned that rubble was actually the last member of the team to join basically he was a stray puppy that needed to be saved after the paw patrol rescues him he winds up tagging along on their next mission to rescue a snowboarder trapped on a snowy mountain when rider shovel can't dig up the snow baby rubble steps in to save the day that bravery winds up earning him a spot on the team he receives his signature pup tag hard hat and construction vehicle cue the end credits you're all good hold on look closer at what happens in the episode ryder calls the pups to the lookout for the mission briefing which he does all the time but check out the big screen do you notice the pup tags along the bottom fire is marshall the star represents chase and the police force recycling is rocky the propeller is sky the anchor is zuma but seriously for as little as it's used it might as well not be there and of course the wrench is for rubble but this is the first time that we've met rubble he was literally just saved by the team less than an hour ago but he has a dog tag on the screen a tag that he won't get until proving his worth at the end of the episode his yellow segment is also already on ryder's pup pad how could it be there if they don't have a construction pup yet the only way that this makes sense is if there was a construction pup prior to rubble now you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is an animation error or something but the evidence proving that there was a pup prior to rubble really starts to add up once you look for it at the end of the episode we see ryder give rubble his construction helmet but if you look closely at the helmet it has scrapes on it as though it's been used this isn't a brand new helmet for a brand new profession within the paw patrol this helmet used to be the last construction pup's helmet rubble is also given the construction rig which also has wear and tear on the front of the bulldozer portion see that paint wearing away again it's been used before more noteworthy though is the fact that rubble's too small for the vehicle and ryder explicitly says that he's gonna need to grow first before he can truly reach the wheel you have a little bit of growing to do before you can reach the steering wheel but you'll get there all the other pups have vehicles that fit them perfectly in fact when other new pups join the paw patrol like everest tracker and liberty their gear fits them perfectly the first time so ryder is clearly capable of making gear that fits rubble when he's small but he doesn't why it must be some sort of hand-me-down he already had the equipment from the last construction pup available why make a whole new vehicle if there's a perfectly good one sitting there waiting to be used and again if you think i'm looking too far into this here is the definitive proof that i'm right you'll notice that each vehicle is numbered ryder's atv is one cause he's the leader chase is two marshal three sky four rocky five rebel six and zuma seven but did you notice a problem with that we know out of these pups that rubble is the last to join the team because during his story we see all the rest of the team and yet here's his pup mobile number six of seven this is proof that there was a puppy before rubble doing his job the numbers do not lie zuma being number seven proves it hey would you look at that zuma is finally useful for something the more you look the more evidence you start to see of a former paw patrol one that's no longer with us one that no one speaks of in season 1 episode 6b marshall attempts to break the record for the fastest fire pup the implication here is that some dog held the record before him but who what other fire pups exist in this world no municipality outside of adventure bay really seems to use anything similar to a paw patrol in the paw patrol movie for instance we start off with a semi truck driving off a bridge when captain turbot mentions the paw patrol the truck driver has no idea what he's talking about he's in shock when a puppy comes to rescue him call the police call the fire department call everybody you're an adventure bay here we call the paw patrol you're gonna call the who same thing happens at nearby adventure city when the news actively reports on the arrival of the pups guardians heroes cute little dogs and adorable outfits whatever you call them the paw patrol were here to save the city the idea of a team of rescue dogs just isn't a normalized thing in this universe which suggests that there was a marshall before marshall to be the record-setting fire pop in fact take a look at the fastest fire pup trophy it looks exactly like marshall's fire engine except marshall doesn't have the record same vehicle different pop just like we saw with rubble but that's when you start to notice a really disturbing trend all the pups are stray dogs they're sad they're scared and they're alone then and only then are they enlisted by ryder we just covered rubble's origin story where he's a baby puppy in danger but the same actually holds true for chase the police dog in fact that's pretty much the main plot of the paw patrol movie chase's origin story is that he's a puppy that was abandoned on the street by his owners he's almost hit by an oncoming car when suddenly he's rescued by rider and recruited onto the team i know you saw me and took pity on me not at all i chose you because you were the bravest pup i'd ever seen later that same movie liberty is added to the team another stray dog that we see roaming the streets begging for food how's the fruit business tony well it'd be better if i wasn't always giving you free fruit in fact looking across pretty much every origin story that we have for new members onto the team it's always the same a lone dog with no connections and no home is enlisted to be a paw patrol member mountain dog everest jungle dog tracker yep they're the exact same way i can't wait to meet them it gets kind of lonely sometimes are you gonna stay around here it would be great to have a friend nearby i'd like to make you an official member of the paw patrol ryder collects abandoned stray and orphaned dogs to add to his team why well here's where it all starts to come together the missing pups the new additions to the team they're all expendable that's why it's a rescue team made of dogs ryder doesn't use the pups for rescues because they're best suited for the task he's using them because the risk of losing a human life is too great and having puppies perform the rescues means minimum human casualties if a dog dies trying to save someone from a house fire or a rock slide they can be replaced we actually do see this in real life with avalanche rescue dogs when an avalanche occurs dogs are sent out to search for anyone buried under the snow to dig them out unfortunately this means that in some cases dogs might be hit by the avalanche and not survive but this also means that in the process they've spared the lives of any humans that would have attempted the rescue instead and who could be more expendable than lone stray dogs with no home wandering the streets i chose you because you were the bravest pup i'd ever seen no rider be honest with yourself you chose him because he was there because he was unwanted and no one would miss him in success he becomes a top tier rescuer in failure he's just another forgotten puppy that would have died on the streets anyway and if he dies in the line of duty well then he's celebrated as a fallen hero he's the goodest of boys and if there is any doubt that these dogs are in danger just watch the show situations get perilous in the movie alone they're doing rescues at the top of collapsing buildings a building we're told is the tallest one in the world and in the show sure some episodes are like hey we just saved a frog or hey we brought your school lunch back to you in time but sometimes you have stakes where dogs are hanging on by their teeth from out of control hot air balloons so how does any of this benefit ryder well financially the cost must be far less than employing several police officers builders and lifeguards the dogs are given treats as their payment at the end of each mission meanwhile ryder gets to keep all the cash for himself no wonder he always reminds people no job is too big no pup is too small it's business of course they'll accept any job the dogs really can't say no and sure writer attributes all the team's wealth to the merch but government contracts tend to pay even better this ten-year-old is literally part of the military-industrial complex and now he's expanding the operation he's finding dogs in new cities and setting up paw patrol outposts around the world the paw patrol will always look out for adventure city in fact the paw patrol movie shows characters from the tv show actively commenting on the fact that only now is the paw patrol becoming more well known and to think i knew them before they were famous it's a billion dollar business built on the backs of puppies pups that are expendable pups that are following in the paw prints of other pups that came before them ones that died in the line of duty and have been swept away by history that is the dark secret of the paw patrol whenever you need a hand just yelp for help the ones who should really be yelping are the dogs yelp chase yelp rubble in this series you're the ones who are in the biggest trouble you just don't realize it you know i might not end up talking to ollie about this theory at least for a while but hey that's just a theory a film theory and cut [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 11,908,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, paw patrol theory, paw patrol dark, nickelodeon, nick jr theory, nick jr, paw patrol song, paw patrol episode, paw patrol episodes, paw patrol rescue, paw patrol saves, paw patrol nick jr, paw patrol live, paw patrol live 2022, chase, skye, marshall, rubble, paw patrol rescues, dark nickelodeon, nickelodeon theory, nickelodeon dark, creepypasta, rocky, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory paw patrol, matpat paw patrol, paw patrol creepypasta, adventure bay
Id: UWDiVPnS1tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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