Game Theory: FNAF, Four Games. One Story. And FNAF Theory Talkback!

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nope you're not dreaming it is possible to put together the pieces of Nass it's just a nightmare trying to do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Internet welcome to game theory where it's another day another math time line don't worry though I promise this will be my final stab at putting it all together at least until fern aft world maybe that means I can finally do undertale you guys want that one right it seems like a popular choice let me know in the comments now let me start this episode by making it very clear I think the dream theory is indeed what Scott intended we're the mini games featuring the crying child from fanat for real ie there's really a birthday party and he really gets bitten and the events of each night at Freddy's across the four games where a security guard is attacked by robots is taking place in his mind like I said last episode the clock sounds coupled with Scott's own statements both during the live stream and on Steam sold me 100% on that theory that said I like a lot of you aren't a hundred percent satisfied with that explanation sure the core gameplay sequences with you as the security guard might all be in the mind of a child but the underlying story here about a serial killer stalking the halls of the restaurant are just too detailed and too well fleshed out to just be awash here to me are the big issues that the dream theory doesn't address one the crying child is afraid of those yellow suits for a reason remember what you saw you know what will happen if he catches you these are lines that his imaginary friend Fred bear repeats over and over it feels a lot more sinister and real than just all this kids saw something scary and misunderstood and in the shadows to the puppet doesn't have a good explanation under dream theory clearly the puppet is one of the most important forces in this game but he doesn't fit into the dream model cleanly a lot of other theorists have said it's symbolic of the boys actions and his own dreams but later this episode I'll prove that that's not true if anything the boy would be the security guard in these dreams helpless and scared not the puppet I'm not buying it three if Scott confirmed the bulk of my staff to theory this would be a strange move for him to go out of his way to say that a chain of events was correct if it was truly meaningless and finally number four the Atari minigames dream theory what they're just dreams within dreams what is this five nights at inception and then there are plenty of little issues - like a young child's dreams being so detailed as to include concepts that most adults don't know like sister locations and accurate minimum wage rates so I combed over everything from the past year of theorizing to come up with the most well supported interesting but also logical timeline of events telling the story of the rise and fall of freddy fazbears admittedly there are still gaps and logical leaps which I'll be sure to call out but right or wrong this is the flow of events I believe creates the most satisfying narrative to the series so this one is dedicated to all you guys on reddit YouTube Twitter and in the comments who have been sending me theories for months think of this as my end-of-the-year present for you right or wrong this box is getting open the story begins at fredbear family diner the first location has revealed to us by phone guy and staff - and confirmed indirectly by Scott when he approved my phone app - theory I don't honestly think that there's much to debate here anymore a child is murdered outside the establishment by a mysterious figure the purple guy who escapes unnoticed the victims restless soul goes on to inhabit a puppet which would then haunt the halls of the pizzeria boom done no need to dwell on that in the wake of the tragedy the owners sell the name of Fred bear and the characters likeness to a larger company that will soon be known as fazbear entertainment from there the timeline picks up in 1983 a scene on the crying child's television set since buying the franchise fazbear entertainment has distanced themselves from the last restaurant by redesigning fredbear into a golden singer with a yellow rabbit partner they've also rolled out a popular TV series fredbear and Friends as well as the line of merchandise that includes both plastic toys and plushies of all the characters but perhaps the biggest addition has been a sister location of restaurants where Fred bears friends are headlining Freddy foxy chica and Bonnie known as Freddy fazbear's pizza and that is our first major revelation that snaf fours fredbear themed restaurant and finale's Freddy fazbear's pizza location are open at the same time we know this thanks to the phone guy tapes uncovered in snap three for those of you who haven't listened to those enough times to have them memorized I am so jealous of your life but secondly let me refresh your memories the tapes welcome you to Freddy fazbear's pizza and then mention a tragic incident at a sister location which results in the yellow spring lock suits being decommissioned so let me translate that for you for all of us unfamiliar with corporate buzzwords a sister location is defined as another company owned by the same parent company for example KFC Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are all sister companies with a parent company that holds them all together being Yum Brands yum is right ah I could totally go for some Pizza Hut right now Pizza Hut lunch buffet you are the best hashtag not sponsored in this case when a forest fredbear's is the sister location to freddy fazbear's pizza with the parent company being fazbear entertainment corporate structure for the win what all of this means is that the unfortunate incident that phone guy mentions in the flap three tapes is the crying child getting chomped which in turn is the inciting event that causes the two recently delivered yellow suits to the nav one location the golden Freddy and golden Bonnie suit phone guy talks about to be stored away in the locations safe room at this point in the timeline still open and hidden in the back of the restaurants enter purple guy shortly after the yellow suits get decommissioned morph naff three tapes reveal phone guy warning employees to not bring customers back to the safe room and to stop moving the yellow body suits in the following days the safe room gets sealed with the request to quote not tell family friends or insurance representatives now phone guy may be unaware of what's happening here but we're not this is June 26 1983 the date of the missing children incident we learn about through the newspaper clippings pasted on the walls of naff one we're in the middle of the day an employee dresses in a costume lures five children to the back kills them and then stuffs their bodies into the suits although he's caught and taken into custody the fact that all of this takes place in the restaurants safe room which remember are invisible to animatronics and security cameras means that the actual murders aren't on camera as such the bodies of the children remain missing hidden in the suits and the killer can't be charged due to a lack of evidence this is all represented in the game by the foxy gogogo minigame where the layout of the game parallels the layout of the finesse one location hybrid Cove to the right a dining area and as we see in the give gifts give life minigame from staff to the puppet saves the kids by giving them life inside the animatronic suits so now at this point in the timeline we have Freddy foxy chica Bonnie golden Freddy and the puppet alive and well well not alive dead and then report do you get the idea also the company closes up the safe rooms to avoid all liability for the murders and eventually the pizzeria is closed and the old animatronics retired due to the health conditions of the restaurant as we see once again in the newspaper clippings from staff 1 the smell of rotting bodies inside the machines starts thinking up the place so now let's pause there for a second up to now everything has been pretty well substantiated with evidence but before we get too much further let's take a minute back with a crying child remember one of my biggest concerns about dream theory is that the crying child is scared of the yellow suits but there's no real good explanation as to why so what if the reason the crying child is scared of the yellow suits is because he saw the missing children's incident what if he saw the employee dressed up as a yellow animatronic luring the children away yes this would mean that the missing children's incident would happen before the yellow suits are retired and before the kid gets bitten but it's a theory that works for a lot of different reasons first he's always at the pizzerias especially towards the end of the day so he'd definitely be in a position to see something like this second it explains his irrational fear of the yellow suits because he saw people get taken to the back and never return third the lines up remember what you saw and you know what will happen if he catches you that psychic friend fred bear keeps repeating makes a whole lot more sense now and finally and perhaps most importantly look at this line these are my friends if this were indeed true this line takes on a whole new meaning I always thought that line was weird like what they're your imaginary friends I suppose but then why would his collection of plushies just be with him when he dies why is that such an important detail that Scott chose to include it wouldn't be really but what if they were literally his friends that he knew the kids who went missing and got stuffed and the plushies being there in the final scene represented not his plushies but the spirit of his friends the ones possessing suits being there with him as he dies now that gives you a reason to be scared of this restaurant but we can take it one step further there's one more issue with a crying child we've yet to cover what happens to him when he dies at the end of math for my original theory put him in the puppet because of design details but in retrospect that was wrong reddit user 3 ie Y IJ 3 ie 3 IE reddit user 3 I use did an analysis of the color of the text during the ending sequence all of the final lines aren't in the yellow used for psychic friend fredbear but rather a mysterious new off-white color for the final lines of your broken I will put you back together it's a subtle detail but it's very clear that this is an intentional difference that Scott included in the games so who's speaking weld who else but the one figure we know gives life to children dying in events around the fazbear entertainment franchise it's the puppets promising to right the wrongs of the pizzeria by bringing peace to the crying child spirits how does he plan to do this well look at what he says we are still your friends it's not I am still your friend the puppet using the plural here means that there would be multiple spirits present in this final scene that consider themselves friends to the crying child but we also see this I am still here the others are gone now stuffed leaving only the one with the ability to transcend the animatronic suits the puppets this makes a lot of sense if we again assume the crying child knew the kids who got stuffed during the missing children's incidents and look at the last line the puppet says I will put you back together we've all been assuming his view is referring to the crying child but consider for a minute that the puppet is instead playing the pronoun game to steal a phrase from cinemasins and is instead referring to the plural you you five are broken and I will put you five back together he's planning on reuniting the spirits of these five friends what makes me so sure well we see it happen it's the conclusion to the whole story infan a three is the happiest day minigame we see the crying child's birthday one more time five kids and masks presenting the same five animatronics with the birthday boy representing golden fredbear you can even compare the locations both are long corridors with three tables and the fourth one slightly off to the side the balloons are also the same colors red green purple yellow and blue even the exit is where the fredbear stage is and exit that if used results in the bad ending because the souls don't get peace it's where the child was chomped and who is the one we see in this minigame putting everyone back together again the puppets just like he promised the boy he would do on his deathbed and here's the best part how do you get to this minigame well by playing through a bunch of others including the stage zero one game which you access by typing the numbers three nine five two four eight into the wall why are those numbers important it's the hexadecimal code for the color of purple guy only it's backwards it's Scott's way of showing that the puppet is actively trying to reverse the work of the purple guy and the atrocities committed inside the walls of fazbear entertainment pizza places from here the rest of the story is surprisingly straightforward the pizza chain reopens during the summer of 1987 infan aft is bigger location fazbear entertainment rolls out the toy animatronics based on the character models of their merchandise allows them to free roam and even equips them with facial recognition software as added protection against child murderers I mean there's definitely a pattern being established here so good on them for taking preventative measures however as we all know it's not enough as we hear about from the phone guy and see in the save that minigame the purple guy now the daytime security guard kills five more kids within the walls of this restaurant when the puppet enlists the help of the possessed Freddy animatronic to save the kids the purple guy responds you can't because it's true they're already dead that said a case can be made that the puppet successfully gets these five souls into animatronics to notice that before this six characters were possessed but now there are five new animatronics in this location toy Bonnie toy Freddy toy chica mangle and Balloon Boy five spirits four five robots quite the coincidence don't you think additionally we hear from phone guy that around this time the toy animatronics inexplicably become more of recive towards adults but stay friendly towards kids the only explanation here is that the five new child spirits are given life in the new toy suits by the puppets but these spirits are angry the pizzeria is gonna close but not before one final birthday party we're angry and eager for revenge against their killer he's newly created possessed toy animatronics lash out at their murderer the purple guy who they know as the daytime security guard except bad news purple guy is long gone he did his business and got out in his place is Jeremy night security guard moved to the day shift wrongfully attacked by a vengeful toy animatronic the day of the birthday losing his frontal lobe and coining the now iconic bite of 87 moniker in the process this causes the location to be shut down and the toys to be scrapped animatronics from here on out are no longer allowed to walk around and with Jeremy out of commission phone guy volunteers to take over the position of night guard which brings us to our conclusion the story comes to a final head in 1993 we know it's that year because of the minimum wage rate at the time as well as the 11-12 date on the check it doesn't matter if you're working night or day shift all workers get paid on Fridays and November 12 1993 landed on a Friday just fits so fazbear entertainment tries to reopen the finale on location with the original animatronics and phone guy a security night guard with the restaurant reopened one final time we see this scene where the puppet is waking up the spirits inside the animatronics one final time it's time to get their revenge on purple guy at last phone guy gets killed and as we see in the final news article on the wall no one comes to the restaurant because of its dark tragic history with the franchise closing at the end of the year sometime after purple guy returns to the building dismantles the suits but in doing so unwittingly unleashes the spirits of the dead children who attack and kill him and if they're reunited by the puppet and happiest day finally received their peace well that is until fazbear's fright opens and on earth spring travel with all the other animatronics at peace the puppet must get his hands dirty one final time returning to burn down the building and Finn purple guy off for good or not like any good horror story ends so what about the phantom animatronics shadow Freddy and all that stay tuned we're gonna talk about those during the livestream immediately after this episode the videos getting really long at this point so I want to kind of close it out here but as we close out here I have to ask you this was that answer satisfying you see that's the beauty of the dream theory and the frustration of anything else there's so much lore so many puzzle pieces to fit together that in order to account for everything the story can't get much simpler than that dream theory in this instance is so satisfying here because it explains all the messiness of the Lord broad easy to understand strokes without you needing a PhD in ethology to understand what's going on sure it is possible to fit the details together cleanly but it's not an easy to follow story it's almost like you need a full-length book to truly put all the pieces together I get it scrap everything I just said scoffs got a book another flap video made mood by a Scott Cawthon announcement or not this is actually a last-minute update I'm recording this literally hours before the video and livestream tomorrow but it was just too important to leave out because it looks like Scott agrees with my conclusion or once the story is indeed just too crowded to be satisfying when talking about the new novel which true to form released early if he said the following quote the truth is that after a while lore becomes so dense that there isn't room for a story anymore sometimes the timeline gets so full that the only way to tell a real story is to have the story set in a different timeline end quote so there you have it dream theory for your simple answer and a 20 minute long timeline for those of you who want something a bit more complete so which do you find more satisfying well let's talk about all of that live right now [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT live the big game theory snap theory talk back where we finally put an end to the Cuadrilla T of quad quad trilogy quadrilogy you know as a good way to kind of cap off the year end of this game that we have been endlessly talking about doing video after video of and now we have the story the Halloween update is out the book surprise surprise came out yesterday thanks a lot Scott for that one you know true to form Scott has it in his hands is like God let's just put it up there so today we're talking about the theory that you just saw the theory from last week the dream theory we have our trusty snap theorist team ready to come on and discuss all of these things some of the unmet unaddressed issues the shadow animatronics that's a big one are you a are you a dream theorist are you a timeline theorist or is there a middle ground so all of that we're gonna address right now just so that you guys know if you're just tuning into the stream now or if you're late to the game you can rewind back to the beginning of the live stream to either rewatch or catch up on anything that you missed from the episode proper this is a big experiment we're trying this as like the first live games here I'm really excited about it so in case you missed the the actual episode you can just rewind in the stream and replay also just so you know that this is going to be archived on the game theorist channel so as soon as the stream is done it'll be public for you to re-watch in its entirety episode proper and then the live stream afterward because this is a live stream and because this is the big capper for all us snap theorists I want to make sure that you guys are involved in the chat so if there are unanswered questions that you want to know any questions for us anything that still bothers you or your own theories submit them to us in the chat we're in the chat Stephanie here is in the chat peace stuff Stephanie's here in the chat but then also use the hashtag on Twitter GT Live it's just easier for us to keep track because there are literally 55,000 people watching us right now which is just mind-blowing so if you tweet at us at matpat GT hashtag GT Live that'll help make sure that we have a higher likelihood of seeing your question or your comment okay especially if you have big questions a place to put them is on Twitter and then other people can also tweet them and we can see which ones kind of rise to the top first yep exactly so there you go guys that's it remind if you haven't seen the game theory let's introduce some people though they have been patiently waiting for me to start this whole thing off so with that being said should I unmute them let's do that now great so we run muting the guys now there we go so with us today we have doll we have Ryan from 8-bit gaming without other Ryan unfortunately and we have Smike here hey guys hey yeah thank you guys so much for joining thank you for being a part of this again it's always a pleasure to have you guys on and and just so you know you guys watching the stream Ryan's gonna have to leave in about a half hour so he's not being rude and he's not sick of snap and you know he's not sick of hanging out you know it's a good library I think you just you know people have stuff to do on Saturdays clearly I don't but you know some people do also we're hoping to get razzed bow ski on here in in a little bit he said he's running a bit late he's got work because people actually do work but he'll be joining us - all right so guys as some of the snap theorists online I have to ask you we have the dream theory where everything is a dream everything like in a child's imagination all these animatronics are created the toys inspire for nap - you know his plushies inspire fun a fun purple guy is the shadowy figure that he sees putting on an animatronic suit so you have that explanation or you have this hugely convoluted timeline you know of diners sister restaurants closings and openings and 11:00 I believe I counted 11 in total dead children at least so what where do you guys fall at this point we have all the information what do you guys say are you a dream theorist or are you a timeline theorist or are you a mix I'm really curious to get you know what your thoughts are on this because I know where I fall but I want to get your opinion first anyone people feel feel feel free to take the floor I want to talk now okay he's a nightmare and I would be ithi with five nights at Freddy's 2 and also five nights at Freddy's 1 okay number five nights at Freddy's one seems to be the most dreamlike okay nightmare because she held the hallucination do you see all the animatronics in the corridors like bleaching all over the players you know and it doesn't seem it doesn't seem real to me it seems less real in five months of threes one than four not to to me mm-hmm yeah and then what about for now three with you know do you really think that they have to you know that thirty years into the future that some company has taken Freddy fazbear's and the story around it and turned it into an actual horror attraction and that there's a haunted house dedicated to this like serial killer pizzeria yummy Paulo what makes me feel like okay that's to be wouldn't mean even though to gain is the hallucination part you know when foam do sighs oh hey listen to do get my lookout for new gas it will make you hallucinate and then you have the truth little little-known fact guys Dhaka was the voice of phone dude you can tell you can tell the similarities right [Laughter] Oh taco is both phone dude and phone guy okay they'll be okay yeah he's adult goes to popular okay so you're so doc oh you're a mix yes Ryan what would you say where where do you fall on this cuz I know you guys also covered the dream theory I know that you guys have covered you know every bit of lore you talked a little bit about the book as well what what are your thoughts compared to the other ones that you know what I mean like nothing in its mini-game sentence it seems to be strange but realistic and you kind of contrast it's like the older games where it's all like 1987 there's apparently robots that can walk around an establishment kill people because I think it's meant to be unrealistic and for that for purchase forward the idea that this is the reality and it's all in this child's mind you know because the things that's got teams to with other charms be and things like that it just seems too ironic that they would then be called the toy animatronics and it was a toy yeah with this missing be demented connection and just just even can eat things like black dream looks pretty insane right how could that be real just I think it is too bizarre okay so here yeah so you're fully in in the terrain camp you don't think any anything is real except for that for it is like you know continuous nice to build on this character yeah nice also you can find relations to all of the games too so I think you need too much of these games being within the chance - sometimes okay fair enough Slyke where do you fall you had an opinion earlier that you wanted to express Brian means like left to right this perfect I just wanna say so we planned it that way completely so Mike it's great so when I saw your video matpat I mean honestly am I gonna lie it was my opinion on this a lot cheaper double a sense but I'm gonna I just want to say so first of all I do think it is dream I'm more on the inside than on realistic sight and here's I love what she said but I also want to add my own sort of opinion on why this is it first of all when Scott did the updates during the last you know like Spain which kind of crashed it was seamless guys come on there was no problem whatsoever perfectly smooth cause mine but he added these no teasers that really hinted that I think sort of unrealistic you know dreamlike sequence especially when he said you know there are shadowy figures that can be misinterpreted by the chef at the mind of a child yeah we talked about for me it was the game breaker was down she could speak right up which is you getting obscene smash - there's a personification of Chico Luis near a beach just like in the gardening and the mind of a child for his child's very young very impressionable but also beyond that there may be feeling want to think about it logically you know animatronics the way they're made the way they are built they're very it's perfectly enough forest and you can see on the stage they're very icky no they're not extremely or a little round like that to Syrians which we should never open that down this right exactly they just like this this is my cabinet rhotic yeah actually see these guys moving around this country this you know there's a character keep it in that always right mind that they become so animated and be going here face like that right there you open their mouth and and that's just so just so far beyond line without especially back in those days in the 80s you know 1983 1987 in the 1990s those chuck-e-cheese era those chuck-e-cheese era animatronics not not cutting it off it's not like military-grade animatronics you know like today like those creepy YouTube videos you see it restaurant you know it just doesn't make that much sense it also the second thing which is I you know I just don't believe in ghosts I guess so wouldn't make me think about it like logically mmmm you know there's just so we supernatural things you know and unless you could say maybe like in the snap world demo there was a purple guys I guess there's some kind of a poltergeist in the game maybe but that seems very much to me fair enough so so for me I I think and I think this last theory does kind of my viewpoint justice which is I think it's a mix I think that you are seeing bits and pieces of a story through the mind of a child in his dreams because he can't comprehend everything that he's seeing you know stuff about serial killers and death and murder and stuff like that like that doesn't register to a child you know that's they process death in a very different way but at the same time like I say in the video to like very clearly there are so many details and and little points and sister locations and and paychecks and things that you read and color details in the text and Scott even confirming you know my theories and talking about how no one has really unearthed the the story if now for stuff like that that it feels like there's more there and so to me dream theory is really satisfying because it's an easy explanation you don't have to know like like for me I've at this point I have listened to these phone calls so many times that I literally have them memorized what yeah I recite them in my sleep guys like but but you know at this point like in order to really appreciate and get everything out of like a gross timeline theory that's as simple as you can get you need five four or five different locations across 40 years of time with eleven dead children and you know X number of animatronics and Foxy's toes evolving from two toes to three toes to four toes yes that is true in snap ellonija two and a half three is so like there's there's so many different pieces and parts to it that you know that to me that it merits that there's something more but yes it is kind of being filtered through the mind of a child and you are getting these bits and pieces of the underlying theory that that's the one that's most satisfying to me yeah actually Steph if you can hop onto Twitter and actually create a poll around sew-on met at matpat GT let's create an one of their new polls Moo Twitter new functionality we're gonna create a poll to see where you guys stand you know are you dream theory are you time line theory or are you a mix so let us know on Twitter and by the end of the stream we'll have pen of your definitive answer right guys so so far the the anecdotal stuff from the chat so I've been trying to watch and see where everybody's netting out it's very it's very divided yeah everyone's like well fall one way or the other there's there's like a small portion that's mixed in the middle there are some people who are like it can't be anything but the dream theory it has to be the dream theory and everyday and and oh there's a whole other contingent like no so so as so Ryan let's let's toss it back to you as a pure because this and I say it at the beginning my episode as a pure dream theorist what is the puppet that to me is the number one complaint I have against saying that this is purely dreams because yes I can write off the animatronics yes I can write off the purple guy yes I can write off the toy animatronics and balloon boy and nightmare balloon boy and all this stuff like I can I can get that and I can get behind that but the biggest question mark from me is what is the puppet because we see the puppet in multiple forms right and I specifically I think finale is the most interesting because you see the phantom puppet but then you also see a physical incarnation of the puppet roaming the halls of the Knapp 3 fazbear's fright restaurant where he is in physical form you see his reflection in the water what is he like is he a personification of the crying child is he some other force is is he God and that's another thing that's interesting here is you know we know that Scott is is a religious figure that his past games religious undertones is there a religious element to this that all of us have been overlooking and does that play and I don't know I'm just tossing that out there for you guys to think about but Ryan I'd love to hear as a pure dream theorist how are you factoring in the puppet cuz to me I don't have a clean answer to that well there's one really interesting thing that I've discovered in that too which I think almost kind of it determines the differentiation between two begins if you look at the mini-game way the Gypsy the one establishment and this Freddy fazbear character yeah compared to the one in this format - that's what they're two different characters they're totally different unique pictural bottoms mm-hm which almost things are the situation in the format - game where you see the public jump so you could potentially in the fort auch about the difference between the fanat to give gifts give life minigame or no sorry Bertha's give cake yes okay yeah so it brings in this time like there's realistic Tommen you got this driver this different types a lot of people by is it a combo using it that's to keep going it's I don't even get me started up think I think the message obvious to think that it's totally different to all the other ones where we're playing as these weird animatronics and this doing like giving cake to these children it almost seems like you're inside us that's why it's peeps look the picture been designed to be different Sharon we see this help them save them yes so if that students may be real what we know okay in enrichment is I think that other than that there is really no explanation truly that defines the public's origins it was a really big theory about the puppy link you with the dreams that the puppy is the dream creator yeah the puppet is created all of these animatronics and that's the key to yourself creating the dream okay and what Fogo sizes well use always thinking in five nights at freddy's 2 people were saying that's good child's mind he's always thinking of these dreams well he's creative okay interesting so but but if so it's interesting because to me if I hear that the puppet is the kid himself the dream creator what that makes me think of is he would be more associated with the the security guard because as the security guard he's helpless he's scared he's terrified of these animatronics right we see him crying every night like these are scary dreams to him these are nightmares and so the puppet though is a very empowered figure in the games he's the one who you know like he's probably the most ferocious and unknown of all the characters right and we see him in the minigames trying to like bring life to all these dead children and all this stuff it's do you think that like I don't know like to me I have a hard time justifying ace a scared child right the facts of how unique is also in the games too like he's the only one to be not not being animatronic you start floating around see through things like that's it he specifically you need something that's a metaphor that he's there maybe the mini game where we see that it might be real yeah better than a drink boy is something pretty bad within that sort of scenario sure it's like what earth people and of like the smoke monster has like this creature that doesn't mean you seem to have explanation or or is like that like he just you know it just makes you like think you know it just makes you come up with all these Walt series I think Scott kind of wants that it doesn't want it to be too clear and the puppets sort of represents that there you can see that by how he moves he's not chained to uh you know he has this chain he is he's chained but he somehow manages to free himself and moves through the hallways yeah and just like whatever he wants it's like yes it's done conscience personally I never really liked him I kind of got bad eerie feeling about him I guess see the pub the puppet is by far my favorite character I love the public yeah oh yeah I think the puppet is is fascinating because to me like very clearly he feels like the linchpin to all of this you know it to go back to I think it was Ryan who said you know the the hints that Scot dropped during the last livestream maybe oh no it was Mike because he was making fun of the live stream issues thanks Mike no but uh but to reference the the hints that Scott dropped last time you know four games one story yes that could be four games telling the one story of the child dreamer or to me you know the alternate way of looking at it is it's four games telling the one story of a puppet and and it like of a child and his murderer and so you have the child and the purple guy who the child gets killed at the very beginning of the timeline he possesses a puppet and now at the very end of the timeline you have the puppet setting fire to the fazbear's fright to kill off the the spring-trap suit and purple guy inside of it one final time and so you have this bookend of purple guy kills puppet or purple guy kills child child kills purple guy and that is your four games one story right there that to me feels satisfying um you know and yes you do have to make a lot of like magical hallucinogenic loops to or leaps to kind of get there and suspend your disbelief in a lot of ways but that's that's what I think Steph what's what's going on so bring in that that whole conversation brings up from the next bins servicing in the chat and also has gotten a lot of attention on Twitter yep um including something that's been retweeted quite a bit at this point from our buddy Shane at did you know game Shane hey Shane who's who's saying that the the most interesting question of all of this is the original intentions of the game versus where it went as as these stories evolved I know we're getting - I just wanted everybody to know y'all chat that the end and on Twitter that I think you guys are getting there but that's that's the question that's coming up is like okay it's it's cool now it fits together with the dream theory kind of a few ways to interpret it where where are the intentions but okay let's let let's ask the question then okay so Shane from digital gaming and a lot of people in the chatter asking was this plan from the very beginning or you know Wayne staff one suddenly took off Scott's like hey we need a sequel and then like was the story plan up from staff one was it planned out at staff - or was it just kind of like each game built on itself and tried to kind of like retcon in all the little details as you went along any thoughts from you guys I think there was too much - the first game that really you know the lady strokes he's also the cause as well some of the things I would say about you know you mentioned supply bases know he wants yeah and like it was I think I think it wasn't sure on the game's going to do of course but you wanted the games to do well so that he could finish off doing this story interesting you left a copy that kind of a few lines of questions but it did play much like a game you know you didn't look into the aspects of the law yeah I think you see it that way and you can enjoy just for that but I think there's always a demand factor of wanting there to be a story - as well yep yeah that's my thoughts on it yeah that's great I wish I had my airhorn really okay let's Mike okay what do you what do you have to say first of all I mean you know it's okay not to know exactly it's kind of like you know when you go into an interview and you start a sentence you don't know exactly what this next sentence is gonna lead but you kind of like you know sort of okay you know weird interview I feel like that's gonna have what is here you know if you serve starts off the story and doesn't know exactly where it's gonna leave especially if she's an independent game developer that's something that's very common yeah start something you know it's something I think this game what's happening similarities to say The Binding of Isaac intended find shelter and in that developer at the nicotine he had that something similar where he starts a game and the game is very coherent and has a lot of really interesting stuff but he didn't know everything you know he just kind of energy leave is snap fours crying child actually Isaac from Binding of Isaac if you look at the tear tracks on his face if you look at his height and measure pixel measurements across the to Theory confirmed yes Scott Cawthon is Edward McMillan done boom dropping the mic to it right snap for assault I mean personally I just like stories where you know you see the physic it feels personal like I don't know what happened to Scott to the child think something some deep trauma is something they subscribe to desperately deal you know for the game Scott I don't know it's got if you need it if you need to lay down on the couch and just talk through things we're here for it you got you got the four of us here we're here to support you my friend okay so so it's like things that we just made up talk oh how are you sir Wow my boy said the the post is in the corridors before childhood you know and yep well you know stuff like that stuff we didn't know what what the hell was going on in the first guy made sense later on yup to know what I mean but even if you didn't okay even if you do you still might work you know even if you didn't know that he was gonna make four games more am I'm not seeing anything make work ladies ladies you're both beautiful it's okay it's Mike slightly more beautiful just because of the hair no so I you know I I would hmm I think I sighed slightly more what's Mike on this one I think that in math one he did have a an idea of a deeper like very clearly there was a deeper story that he had specifically for Nath one I think that was definitely the case but one of the biggest hurdles and and this is for you guys you know watching a peek behind the curtain of me creating these theories for game theory but one of the things that I've struggled with and time and time again with this series is those those initial four news articles that you see posted on the wall and very specifically it says June 26th so you all you already start with like a dedicated date but then the last of the article says that Freddy fazbear's pizzeria closed it is set to close at the year-end after that tragedy that happened there many years ago and it's that many years ago where it unless you take that one article out of place and use those three for earlier and this one is just like years down the line it appears that one doesn't have a clean place in the timeline it's the missing children's incident which is again the thing that starts off all of this this whole franchise it is the first like piece of hidden lore that we all uncommon like that's the thing that is actually the hardest thing to fit into the timeline and so that's why I think with Smike I think that once he hits math to and started including the death minigames and some of that back lore that's when he's like hey I need to start providing some level of answer or some level of deeper conversation here that'll that'll keep people talking and then what I think happened though was he didn't expect people to go as deep into the lore as they ended up doing right like I think they they he expected people to analyze the death minigames he expected people to try and fit it in with the the missing children's incident all of that stuff but when people start going in to like literally every word that phone guy says and mapping out dates and to toes three toes four toes colors of animatronics designs of animatronics I think that there are certain things there that he didn't account for which then goes to you know parts three in part four and then finally you know what he said with the release of the novel which I end the theory on which is all about like hey sometimes the story becomes so dense and so loaded down with lore that you can't actually move past that and create an interesting story and I think that was his way of like saying hey this is done I can't do any more with this because there's just so many cases that have to fit together at this point that it's it's just to overburden I need to kind of wipe some of these things under the rug to create more interesting stories in this world real quick we're real quick Ryan you probably have to get going right sir okay great raspberry is also around oh great you wanna bring him in awesome so so bull call res bells so actually when you hop off Ryan will call in raspberry and slot him in so yeah that would be nice so R as well we'll get you in a second um one of the things that I want to ask and and again for those of you who are just tuning into the the stream now's a good time to refresh everyone for those of you who are just tuning in if you want to see the actual episode of game theory that started off all this conversation that's kind of the timeline of events that wraps up the whole franchise go back to the beginning of the stream just rewind it in your player it's still there you can just watch the first 15 minutes and then hop back to where we are in the stream and catch up with us between or anywhere they'll watch anything that's the beauty of live streaming and video on-demand guys thumbs up and also we're still running the poll on Twitter whether you're a dream theorist a timeline theorist or somewhere in the middle so make sure that you're hitting us up on Twitter at matpat GT there so one okay so one final question Ryan uh if you want one final question let's ask it I want to know what are your what what's a good question to ask you is go what maybe just to weigh in on a book or anything I was gonna say like is there a final before you hop off final thoughts on on these first four games the book which I know you haven't fully read but like you've been researching it things like that what are your thoughts on the five nights at Freddy's first story that we've been presented with through these games any any closing remarks and closing thoughts or should I actually ask you a mean question about like phantom animatronics No well is that yeah comment comments on staff one two four great cool so speechless he's he has been rendered speechless look you're a little bit breaking up it is catching up to you though now here we go they're back now yeah okay so again no just any any closing remarks or final thoughts that you know as we're kind of putting the wrap on on this main series anything that you want to close out with I think maybe he's just like this or things worth looking at from what the both different standpoint so I mean like there is the timeline theory but you know I think that the people so because of time I do he's been so prominent for us all thing that dream three's not coming I think it's good to look at it with that the fresh pair of eyes because that's what really inspired us to do that too and I think yes it's nice to consider go friends it doesn't say again just to dream to do you need fresh pair of eyes pretty to understand that one so you can look at all the different standpoint because I can understand why people still believe the timeline theory yeah because it's very you know it's very prominent yeah that's about everybody yeah yeah I've already been kind of thrown out there and I think it's definitely between the two that's the hot debate now yeah that's kind of the games close enough with yeah and I I agree with you I think you know we have spent the last year and a half looking at all of these events as a hundred percent real and as like this is these are very specific events happening in a timeline in in a real-world setting and so there's been a lot of push back to the dream theory simply because it doesn't you know oh it washes away a lot of stuff it doesn't fill in a lot of the details whatever it can make be made whatever it is so I think to your point keeping an open mind about the dream theory if you are a timeline theorist keeping an open mind about the dream theory and looking at it through that lens and just staying open to it and seeing what dub what how does this all fit together under this new context I think that's a really interesting point and a good thing to kind of look towards as you kind of like decide which way to go because it's so easy to have that knee-jerk reaction of oh this is different this is new I don't believe in this because it wastes all my time that I put into my timeline or whatever and to do so would do a disservice to the you know to the franchise if this was indeed what was intended so I think that's a great point cool so Ryan thank you so much for joining uh you you can hop off now sir and and Jason will figure out how to call in red bow ski okay and at this point we can probably check in a little bit on Twitter and chat and I'm I'm here standing in as the voice of the chap so I'm looking for this is this is Stephanie by the way hey if there are a bunch of questions I see over and over again I'm trying to pull those out and I also have the early results of the poll which is like about 6500 people have voted so far and it's 53 percent dream and 47 percent timeline Wow it's a pretty close call it is it's a it's a close match that's pretty intense uh it's pretty evenly divided guys it's fascinating uh what do you need sir but I mean you can you bring up his bow ski no no I mean like I can you because I what is his skype I'm not is he in there oh he's accessible to me oh there we go okay let's bring in Raz add people here we go he's not accessible to me oh so he's in the chat I mean I couldn't I have a contact address okay that's cool well let's see here so so well that's going on real quick one of the things that I want you guys to think about that I want to throw out to the chat here too or to the to the guys thinking cuz when we bring in Raz bouncy we're getting into the nitty-gritty here two of the questions that have bothered me and that I think a lot of people complain about for for the series is the phantom animatronics you know why what what are those things why are that those specific like for things the the Phantom puppet the phantom Freddy phantom mangle phantom foxy but it's version 2 of foxy from snaf - and not a toy animatronic and also one of the other weird kind of wrinkles in the lore is the Halloween update so Scott for Halloween updated things with nightmare mangle nightmare Balloon Boy and nightmare puppet nightmare marionette tonight marionettes Stewie it's cute good name guys and what he said this is this is actually confirmed by Scott nightmare Balloon Boy is canon but nightmare mangle and nightmare night marionettes are not well is the rationale for that well that is the question that that is the question so I what I mean go ahead I just want to because you're about like you know the whole thing of can he do the story and not have it all planned out in events can I mention Breaking Bad season 5 or is that like you can't I am a fan of Breaking Bad season 5 so I'm curious where you're going with this I mean it's been a while so he's right I I think he'll be hashtag spoiler alert if you have not seen season 5 oh it was one element of Britain vest and client business which was introduced in a flashback in the beginning of season 5 which then at the end of season 5 was a major element in how the finale turned out and they actually admitted like I remember I said like behind the scenes for something in the admitted that they had no idea how it was gonna how it was gonna be used in the finale how it was gonna play into that and we had to sort of figure that out i i'm curious was that element so it wasn't a gun helpin okay okay cool that i just wanted to know what that was so so not too many spoilers here guys but but the big automatic rifle okay cool so and that's something I saw like happens PD often like a lot of stories and like I know my shop incident had that happen where they figured eyes a lot of things towards the end yeah it's even like things like Game of Thrones for example and so you like very serious writing works sometimes have nice parity uncertainty yeah you know and so I think it's natural it doesn't have to be yeah right yeah well and it is it's one of those things that if you plan your story to have a bunch of cliff hangers or things right when you start and then it doesn't pick up or it doesn't go anywhere that's like well no one gets to know the sort like you don't want to go in with this like huge back lore on because it's there's that expectation of the audience has to be invested in this thing in order to get anything out of it and so that's not necessarily like a bad thing building along the way it's just kind of like a necessary thing where like you hint seeds of a backstory and then you flesh it out if it does indeed pick up in which case map it did so so I think that's interesting and to the point of the nightmares and all I want to hear your opinions on this for me my one of the things that bothers me so Scott like I said earlier Scott confirmed that nightmare balloon boy in the Halloween update is indeed canon but then you have night marionette and nightmare mangle are not that confuses me and that's something that I have had a hard time rectifying in in really any theory because if you're a dream theorist you know we see the balloon boy and that translates to balloon boy in the fanastic a m-- we see mangle in his house the The Crying child's house and that translates to mangle in the fanastic a m-- you don't see puppet which okay that's that's good because puppet is this weird kind of esoteric character this more spirit like entity and so why then is mangle not canon but balloon boy is like i feel like the two of them should be canon together or or alternatively none of them are canon which is equally just as fine right like you know you have all three of those are specifically from snafus location and so if they're not canon that's fine like it's easy to kind of either write them all off or write write those two as canon and night marionette as not so that to me is is one of the fundamental challenges with that duck oh do you have any any thoughts on on that yeah if not my main goal was coming I would be feeling really bad me because you know sense because in five nights our produce or in the mini game you see the child walk into the bills room and you see bumble they're like completely destroyed you know and it would make sense to see that what mangled animatronic as a nightmare right so the end apartments pretty small minigame you don't see the puppy at all so if the public peace and poundage is it makes sense because the boy doesn't seem in the pinafore minigame so I don't you know yeah absolutely so uh hey real quick let's welcome Raz Barsky to the stream hey brass thanks for Jude do it great sir thanks for uh thanks for joining in ain't no problem I thought I needed a little bit fitness dude sitting here at my computer all day and it's a nice quick sprint home no there there you go I think that does the hero here on GT live the stream we do the clap and a half so there you go clap and a half and boom there it is so hey thanks guys so no I'm so glad that you were able to make it res bielski since you just kind of ran in chances are you probably haven't seen my latest theory so just as a shameless plug to remind people how this stream is working if you miss the game theory like res mouse key you can rewind to the very beginning of this stream and there it is in a 17 minute chunk at the beginning so you can refresh and then hop back into where we are now live streaming talking about you know all the lingering issues the book we're gonna address the book here in a minute you know and and predictions excitement you know questions about the movie and snaff world so real quick razz I want to get your opinion well everyone is kind of stated their case on this are you a dream theorist are you a timeline theorist or are you somewhere in the middle what is your opinion here of you know where all this falls well when the time language first presented I on the night of science I don't believe in fairytales I don't believe in anything like good hard evidence and a my whole family's like I'm like a science background you study chemistry and stuff oh that's also severely my yeah chemists yeah I honestly I honestly didn't think but watching your most recent but was recently about the roofie video it just it clicked so many things into place I didn't want to believe initially when Scott hit it's all the the clues in the last a live stream that we did together it looked like it was leaning towards a dream TV and as you're saying in the video it seemed like a bit of an easy solution yeah yeah as you said this is a bit of a gimme is a bit of an Opie I think you referred to as everything it was an open it Mary completely fine because obviously she's a dream anything can be right the purple guy wearing or any shorts yeah and it was the evidence you put forward to it a couple of examples was de symmetry with the the foxy we have three different things obviously foxy B now before it doesn't have a hand in the minute in the bedroom in for math for so it's out of order in the game makes sense there's quite much time but also the brother as well the jump-scare as you said he pops up from behind Italia or out from the bed it's a very very similar jump scare as to both well mainly fighting somebody's one video came to finally sit for these two as well the we leaps and from the darkness yep in five nights at freddy's 2 that fits in quite nicely under the toy animatronics well infinite or she could broken beak symmetry in phenom 2 along with mango as well like a lot of people were trying for a while to explain why mango was in the bedroom right in finow for why am I got like two heads why mango is broken up and why Michael would play my wife kids feel like oh yeah you're talking about the timeline you wouldn't get to touch chuck-e-cheeses and you would get to touch I do Disneyland yeah we would get to go up and just grab Mickey Mouse and what happens so there's no way that a company willing to let something as potentially harmful be touched and I really really want to believe a timeline like I've been looking at from every angle and obviously not seen the most recent video but I can't find too many faults I did catch the very start of this oh great talking about awesome you talk to it the puppet yes and puppet didn't fit in with it and yeah well yeah well while running he's home he was beautiful he was jogging to my sultry voice obviously like you know it was it was thrusting you forward it was exciting you I know absolutely so that's that's awesome right well thank you so much for you know getting your workout to get here on time you know and join us it's really awesome to have you so one of the things that I was I was gonna bring up now is is obviously the book right so the book is kind of the big question mark now like it was announced last week it's out yesterday it was supposed to be out in a couple days here everyone thought oh this is for now five you know oh there's this new poster on Scott's website what is it what is it oh it's a novel that's interest you know what did that's unexpected you know especially in the wake of everyone expecting snap world everyone expecting the finale out of nowhere comes this book what what are your guys thoughts what do you know about this book do you have any thoughts I know doc oh you have read it must smite you started andraz Oh what do you think I'm gonna finally I'm really enjoying it to be honest okay I'm not soon I'm not massive really like the last book I read was Fifty Shades great you're sure sure you can you keep telling us that wrath sure okay really join it I don't know what you talked about it obviously not much it's it's both from what I've read so far it's like a retelling of the story and if you go into it with that language got said on the Steam posts then you're thoroughly enjoy it from I've seen it's it's the same sort of ideas ease of mythos the same principles behind things but obviously it's reimagined for a book yeah like the lore and a game is you're gonna match entirely up with a film or a book because yeah it's just not gonna happen yep without like through long hours and hours of that a long yep I'm thoroughly enjoying it from the five chapters I've read so far cool so so doc oh I know that you have read the whole thing you know you recently did a video about this kind of covering some of the major points without getting too much into it you know Scott has made it very clear on Steam that this is taking place in an alternate timeline alternate universe you know it's not a hundred percent adhering to the story that we know all or at least it's adhering to the story but not all like the details about every single thing that we come to know and expect about five nights at freddys in the games so to you what do we like what does the book show us or like what does it kind of like elucidate about the story of the games and what doesn't it what doesn't it do what does it deviate from I'm really curious to see like what is this actually something that will help theorists moving forward you know piecing more of this puzzle together or is this something that's that's just kind of like a side story more like fan fiction or just like more immersed in this world but not something that's gonna help those people who are really looking for the answers of Knapp proper and please as much as you can keep it as like top line as possible you know like don't don't reveal too too much but like any general themes or thoughts yeah okay and so apart from the ending a lot of the book actually to me and I don't know you got to chapter 5 Rus when you read a book some of the stuff matches with what we've been talking it they're like oh ok it's about 10 o'clock yeah and one of the parts which isn't spoiler at all I'm just gonna say something else non-spoilery is that in the parts and services room in the book the steams and costumes and which are temporary costumes and they are like and different colored costumes which we've never seen before which we wouldn't see in the game yeah and that Souls what Scott was talking about in the game about the turn because she was being used okay so I feel like in the book he has added a lot of things for us to feel like that's been so sure but the ending the ending of the book yes is weird with the game look at 15 in toya name I'm not gonna say what happens because it's a big spoiler and people eat it doesn't match with the game it kind of does but not how we wanted to do okay and do we know what location this book takes place in like which which over the finale occasions it does yeah and I think I think you could say that that's not spoilery but that's a for setting piece of enough woman coming too soon sure and it's at the phone app on location okay and because you talked about pirate code he was and that Jericho said not the thing of the places have higher Kobe the purple curtains and stuff and it also it also talked to their back fence fundido Anna and which was really cool yep and like the main character goes back to Fred based on these so we do go back all the way to the beginning of the timeline then with us Fred Bear family okay that's that's cool she mentions thanks that was feelings and yeah no absolutely why it was so what what date me I I'm guessing it's somewhere in the like mid to late 70s no I thought I thought and they actually build the best family dollar in 1992 oh okay okay yeah I I was I was more clothed because cuz and and for you guys watching the stream this episode of game theory I almost for a while my script took it back to the very origins of animatronics Oh because animatronics actually date back to Walt Disney first version of the script was talking about like Walt Disney and and oh yeah the opening of Disneyland and stuff it was crazy it was also gonna be like Dateline unsolved mysteries presents style and I'm like what am i doing what a stupid idea this was and so I'm like rewrite the whole thing oh this that I kid you not the episode that we air today has been rewritten no less than four times because new information me something having a realization and adding in stuff changing the style then it's pretty being presented all that but one of the things that I wanted to bring up was so chuck-e-cheese which was also founded by the founder of Atari funny enough Chuck that the creator of Atari is actually the founder of Chucky Cheese which is yeah exactly nolan bushnell it was all kind of a means of getting kids to stay in our caves longer that's why Chucky Cheese right and that started in 1977 and so I'm like oh that time that's when you have Freddy fazbear's not or fredbear family diner but anyway so so we get come from so Fred bears starts in 1982 according to the book yeah and I've got a little timeline date as well and the murders the murders of my it happens in June the June 26th isn't it yep and I've got a year now from the book it's 1985 Oh interesting okay like the book it's not the same and the group of people the teenagers who saw the incident and go back to the location ten years after yep and that's 1995 yeah we will meet together so tuned for that song you see 1995 which again lines up with kind of established timeline here where we have fredbear diner we have 1983 we're kind of that that weird of fredbear incident with the chomp happens but then we say in in but before around that time that's when the finale one missing children's incident happens she closes down the restaurant in 1987 we have the synapse to restaurant so so that does fit into the established timeline that we've been concocting oh so it's maybe there's more than just the dream here guys comments what you're leaving too many comments I got a little while because they left too many comments it tends to take a little break that's not from aria yeah that is that is not us so maybe maybe just yeah maybe it's just YouTube being like hey stop spamming Smike stop spamming man that's a classic yeah Terry's you cheese with the arcade machines and you can see I start to glow inspiration from that the back to the book Jaffe says like the the father of the main character he like he would make sure these electronic Tori's when she was eliminated we have all these different designs that it shows in the beginning which a lot of them doing baggage into the restaurant yep but it's to the point of these designs was to keep her her doctor named Charlie was to keep Charlie the company when she was sleeping because her mother I mean like it's not as it's revealed in the very beginning but anyway so she knows she's a little let's say I'm sure she's she's a little girl is she hurt her father is working on so she may be time to try chromebox to watch over her and that was the original design of the original reason why they existed actually interesting and so one of the one of the big reveals this week that happened was the name of the book which is the silver eyes which to me is very strange and it made me want to go back and one of the things that like I've always kind of kept track of but never really included in a theory is when are there little pinpricks of light in their eyeballs and when aren't there you know cuz that's kind of a recurring element of the different animatronics - well for you guys who are familiar with the book and have read some of it what what is the significance of the silver eyes and it's with us is it I don't know if you can sort of put it together by chapter full five four chapter three and it tells you pretty much in Chapter four what it means okay well so well if it's spoilery then I don't want to spoil Ike did look how about I ask how about I ask you this then does it does it add a lot to the lore is there like is it a big significant thing if you if you look through pictures online you'll see silver eyes okay it is obvious okay like in the natural screenshots earth in the games you'll see silver eyes and the thing that's intended to okay well I don't know we're on the same plot here no grass because I know the exact reason for the silver eyes but you've only arrived for employees and bicycling you know the girls scared of that twitchy endoskeleton hemorrhage there's an endoskeleton in his father's garage what's always twitching and Babur bald okay scared of me she hikes and lose yeah that's the actual endoskeleton of boxing okay I'm not ceilings yeah okay so the silver eyes are the Foxy's endoskeleton and Andy's twitchy which is why he's out of order yes okay okay that's that's not that's not spoilery that like I think them weird yeah we know we know that there's endoskeletons walking around like that's just a common part of the lore that's fine okay so so it really doesn't have like a big reveal I mean maybe there's a deeper significance to foxy and why foxy is his favorite interesting is there again does the book reveal anything about like foxy being my favorite and so like it may point to a lip doc oh is flipping out right now to dream a dream she thinks where she goes outside of room and she sees boxing downstairs staring at her foxy walks up the stairs her dad comes out in front of foxy and starts caressing him it's weird he starts caressing him and he calms down okay interesting so so what so what it sounds like then is Charlie whoever this character is again like not to get too deep into things but you know whoever this Charlie is it sounds like maybe the dad is the phone guy he's some extent because it foxy was the favor and they have this personal connection with foxy I don't know so well let's let's leave it there I don't want to get too involved with it so so the ending deviates but there are kind of these little like hints and allusions and references to the Lord that we know and love and have over thought to death to to what we see in the games okay so that's that's good to know stuff any any questions from the chat that we want to know so one one question is so for those of you who have read the whole book or part of the book I have after having read it when do you think Scott started writing it do you think he started or does it say maybe it says in the book when look when he started conceptualizing the actual well I dunno his one of his steam post said it was ten months ago I believe delivered in right a flight so that would put it right after snap to bounce might stop making so many comets Mike Oh stops milking the comments so so what do you think like so do you think that this was the do you know who sent that or was that just kind of a general question so fast it's going so fast okay I didn't know if we wanted to call out someone specific I could but it's it was that's fine so the question that I have is do you think that this is the lord that scott intended and you know maybe the latter games deviated in some way or threw off kind of that plan uh you know I'd be curious looking at just snaff one and snaf to and then reading the book does that gel into one story that does kind of have a seamless flow no doko says no and the book doesn't mention anything about the knot to the toilet okay interesting Wow is that spoilery that's not spoilery why is your fault I mean you know wait what sorry you're all talking about what What did he say on the steam post possibly oh okay see for me what I think and and this was just my theory my lame theory which which was you know the naff games have such this elaborate lore and like all these details and this and that and we know that the movie is supposed to come out in 2016 or the movie is coming out in the your future so and he's made it very clear that the movie is is going to exist in the world of math and in five nights at freddys but it's not going to exist like but it's not telling the five nights at freddys story like from the games and so for me when he first announced the book I thought it was it I thought it was a weird extension I'm like that's unexpected I didn't see that coming I was looking forward to four but now here's this thing but one thing that I found or one thing that I thought is maybe this book is starting to set up the storyline that we'll see in the movies right where it's introducing characters names personalities that are moving us away from just the animatronic focus purple guy purple guy phone guy whatever and here are real people who now when the fan a smoothie comes out that they are able to continue this story that isn't burdened by Easter eggs newspaper articles Atari minigames whatever and it can kind of craft its own story that is more accessible to more members of the audience that that was my theory you guys were in the process of reading it do you think that you know is there any validity to that do you think that's the direction yeah when you read the book always imagining it as a film yeah and yes it worked really really well really yeah the the the waste written and described is fantastic I think Austin is posted and was Akira she worked on the dialogue and he worked on the descriptions inside the the restaurant and he can clearly see that that aspect of it I think he was the one that was in there she cleaned the sort of the stuff up yeah but I just thought was saying wait when you are meeting you imaginary it's a smooth transition if you were to read the buchanan's on the novel you don't don't have to know anything about the game you don't if you picked up if you're gone if I'm able pick haha she should be able to understand the story okay without knowing purple guy and fredbear fry yeah okay that's what we've got to do as well it's not just the NAP fans you a bit of watch the bright people who have never heard and five nights at Freddy's yeah so then another question that is is the movie just going to be a direct a film translation of the book or yeah when the movie comes out people are going to say the book was better the book was better but the games were the best oh man five nights at Freddy's the movie the game the movies yeah no I was just gonna say like I wouldn't be surprised if the book went straight from the page to the silver screen as they say like it would work yeah I think the book it makes sense because like the writers on the scope for the Hollywood movie you know they might want some material where they can work off yeah and the book provides this pretty you know it's like pages and words we're next means easier for them especially because a finger game is too less it's more rare you know that you see movies based on games I guess and use especially good movies based off games books yeah yeah exactly I mean it's rare that anyway is it's a whole it's a big subject but yes so the movie the movie I think it's gonna be it seems like the the book from what I've seen the movie might have something some kind of it might be based on that in some way because it has so much in fun environment to it just as lunch is that it has names and since no her name is Charlie and her best friend was named Michael and he died that school and someone in the movie to adapt over general audience it makes sense to personify things like that and give them names I love suits you know yeah that has no need ya know it makes total yeah you can't create a movie and the characters are named phone guy and purple guy right man and crying child you know like hey crying child how are you doing today oh I'm doing well purple guy enter self Oh excellent day today fantastic oh there's the spring lock animatronic uh-huh so cool okay so that so that's a little bit about the book what do you think about what's been released about you Oh Steph do you have another question from the comments right I I really wanted to see what your thoughts are about what's been teased about fanaa because that's another big thing that's you know coming down the pipeline very soon and we've already gotten teaser trailer or not teaser well we got the teaser trailer but then we've also gotten like teasers on the website where mangle is like hanging himself things like that what what do you think how is this gonna fit in does it fit in are you excited about it I just want to get your general impressions from you guys any any thoughts I'm excited for it but we walk it shoes it's just a completely separate entity because obviously you're controlling you are chicken are you are toy chica you are and threadbare your nightmare you're all these different characters who you're playing as them so it's almost like they are cartoon characters and they're not a child's soul a murdered child souls sucked inside suit yeah they're they're they're learn as normal and creatures and everything see see an example very loosely basically you've got Pokemon but then you've got the mystery dungeon game yep so then you're controlling the pokemon mystery dungeon games now so it's completely different you're you're interacting asteroid chica with and toy Bonilla or they have they're a whole different universe of conversations together yeah I think it's gonna give us any more lore I think just like boobs it's gonna follow maybe similar things yeah you're separate separate thing it's Mike I saw you raising your sharpie marker I'm assuming that means you have something to say yeah about snap world I just want to say that for that game when it comes out it makes me think in some ways a Smash Brothers you know where they take all the all the best characters and throw them together exactly and with all these recognizable characters in one place and these characters and don't have the same role as they had in the original game yeah we've kind of ranks the lore in the way but it's all like a cluster of all this stuff yep and just that becomes like a fun party yeah [Music] so then then I guess the question is if if we do think and it seems like we're probably in agreement about this where you know the snap story proper is over we've got the books we got the movie coming out to kind of continue that darker storyline one is it going to be dark and then to a second question is do you think that like if you move away from murdering children and stuff like that is there life in a second snap story like it do you think that like you know this game can catch fire again yeah that world you know see I mean III if this works out boys God's intended to I have no doubt we'll see kids are gonna feel like you know this is natural game did you know there was a horror game that this was based off my days today I learned over game that smash was based on I I think it's noble life if he all depends on your year why you joined fnatic disjoint the horror element or did you join me for the storyline because it's still gonna have the story elements yes it's still gonna be you're still gonna have the enemies so I'm sure performance I mean some form in there I think I would smite mentioned earlier on purple Geist is it perfectly guys yeah there's an enemy in the juke version that stocked up on Halloween so he's gonna have that and it's gonna add in little jokes like that so there's gonna be something there there for everyone if you're an RPG fans silently feel like fine fancy sort of games like that you can enjoy it I'm sure he's gonna add in some sort of hop backs back to the series and it does seem to have some sort of dark element involved and I think he's got some tricks up his sleeve he always like with Hank generating the buzzy he's a one-man marking machine right and he saw something is there something big to review and still I think yeah yeah definitely I mean Jesus was like it's cool hashtags to milking the comments if smite can't if hey you know what ifs Mike can't milk the comments he will get it onto the stream in some way get it up there Mike are you the things that coffin that's all over the comments we're just getting so many screenshots of fake Scott cough the other then there's there's got coffin impersonators there's ones that cause an impersonator in particular who only leaves comments in rhyming couplets my favorite one that is clever big brother getting old at the funeral dad's hands were cold unless unless these are just politic statements from the book maybe you know I don't know wait yeah Wonderland Wonderland at time snap on Twitter has been tweeting at us all these screen caps in the four minigame why do we see go plush golden fredbear in the drain right doll in the sewer right so that's like you know there's always got to be those Scott coffin impersonators with something happening on the website stuff I saw a couple people call out website those fake trolls trolls man yeah like all look at the website yeah as though as though that's not an easy one to confirm guys guys look at these so often too it's I like what I like the theories that doc oh is Mike or that dog oh is Scott Cawthon because of your connections with him we're like oh yeah I'm talking to Scott Cawthon right now he's emailing me right now guys update my website update my website it's you it's been you the whole time confess confess so what do you have planned for us next Scott Cawthon aka dog oh right and then and then all of a sudden it's like oh it would say it's totally thought good firm make it firm hey real quick so where are we on the on the poll stuff so we're holding strong it's over 10,000 votes at this point and it's it's still 47 to 53 dream theory so dream theory is still winning out but bison but by so little and then there a bunch of people in in Twitter and in the comments who are like well I'm kind of mixed and like maybe the minigames are real and then maybe the the actual game is like the dream part but I think I think a lot of that's been addressed at this point yeah I think it's been been talked about the the big questions that are starting to come through or like are more like hey you know at the end of this like the year of snap well what was what was everybody's favorite staff oh you know what what would what would you have done differently what how would you have ended it or oh that's not trust like that so we're getting a lot of those in if you guys want to pass those around okay yeah so I I'm curious about that so what because we asked about favorite animatronics last time what's your animatronic spirit animal what's your favorite game all that I am curious though for the story what is your dream theory aside you know throw dream theory out the window what is your ideal storyline for these games like what what is the most interesting part of it to you what is the story that you would have liked to have seen fleshed out more you know if you were Scott Cawthon you had a game that took off called snap one or snap - how how do you complete your story what what is your most satisfying ending to this or maybe this dream theory maybe you're like you know what I'm happy with this being a dream but R as you said yourself you were a slow adopter to dream theory as was I you know you were hoping to come up with a solution that wasn't a dream so if you were in his position what is the story that you would have liked to have told it sparked some of the satisfying aimed in April since certain handed to them on a platter or you make it so obscure that we're we're debated for ages sure I think the wings done is is very smart because it's gonna keep the franchise alive yes it's gonna get people like us discussing it for days and as you say the pull is so close right when people are still on the fence of everything with all this evidence in front of us personally I would like to have Sheen Smike peace out it's much like it's like like drop it dropping it I'm gone dropping the headphones piece I'm done with this cool he's like yeah now that now that hashtags Mike is cool is trending I'm done with you guys I got it happening I'm out of here it's Mike Glenn glad you could join us thank you so much for tuning in today it's great to have you as a part of the stream you know thanks for rushing here to get here on time you're the best sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I just had two ribs Mike a little bit sedation wait to stay alive as is eating and mend and sleep the other good ways of staying alive jokes a close third place though Maslow's hierarchy of needs it goes like your physiological needs jokes clothing there you go done alright so anyway rez Bielski back to snap as told by brass I would have opened the box because I think that's the most infuriating thing for everyone Oh unless he was just clever and then put anything inside it but it was it and take other like ah I don't know it's hard I didn't bid against like a comment again but it would be interesting to find out if he ever intended it to be open yep like it was was that was it just a metaphor for everything yeah I said everything the story is inside the box but you eat your each of you have to open it via solving it for yourselves yeah is that what he meant by the box yeah was there going to be a clue at some point that somebody somewhere with with the pieces together and Scott would update a patch and saying yes this is it huzzah the puppet comes out confetti everywhere I actually love that idea and I think that's a great point right where to know whether or not the box was open to me as well one of the question I think a great question that follows that is is there something physical in the box like is it actually a physical thing or is it a metaphor you know physical thing it's all the pieces put together is that well it could be no no if it's all the pieces that are put together similar it's similar to me with the clock like for me the clock was the the piece or all the pieces put together like was symbolized me with the clock like that was the one that's suddenly like oh I get it now here's where all these things come together similar to the chica beak you know that was another one where the chica beak was like oh here's a lot of things that suddenly connect and so to me if there was a physical thing in the box and of course we're talking about like virtual games so obviously it's nothing real but to me I feel like it would be you know those one two three objects or items that suddenly like make a lot of things snap together and it's like oh I get it or maybe it's a picture of the crying child with like purple guy behind him and phone guy behind him and it's like oh it's the family photo or whatever but that to me is what a physical object would be in the box but I agree with rads I think especially now that he's starting to branch out of the main video game storyline with finesse with the books with the movie if the quadrilogy of games is truly done in that story of the crying child the puppet whatever has been told I would love to know kind of he's taken I think at this point the community and Scott Scott if you're watching right now we're talking to you I think at this point the community is okay with it you know I think that similar to you know frustrations around lost you know where that story got drawn out and you never really got answers and then at the end you kind of got on satisfying answers but like it was able to be put to rest I think here there's enough support for dream theory there's enough support for timeline theory and and knowing kind of where you fall what your thoughts were how the pieces fit together for you would be interesting I'm just I I think the community would be accepting of it because I know that was your concern still talking to Scott aka the camera right now but I know that that was one of your big concerns so it's okay man we'll support you we love you hashtag hashtag love equals love there you go hugs hugs hugs hugs for Scott ashtag hugs for Scott so okay so rads wants to open the box I want to open the box Michael Darko what do you guys think Michael no real names oh yeah we've met in person you know what work work we're beyond just just Mike at this point you and me yeah what what is what is the story that you want to tell doc oh and for me I wish if I created the game I would've and run share the mini-games so we understood it easier yeah and for example how we Scott do some more cutscenes like you for not too when you're in the Freddy costume be able to scan around the room I wish she did more cutscenes and which explains a bit more for example because for example my favorite trailer for five nights at Freddy's with pop was five nights at Freddy's spring yeah because of the amazing animation indeed so I wish maybe you did like I couldn't see at the end of a nap or something where we started to see some things like through cutscenes from other than minigame yup that makes sense yeah that makes total sense you know what though me this is gonna sound so trite or like trivial but I wish you know if I were Scott I would have added more of these cool little moments that have like a very very little chance of happening and that just scare the crap out of you like that's one after that it was so many of those like for example the secret bonnie death screen where literally died you have like like 0.1 percent chance like she have like bonnie standing there was like a static noise and i ground for 10 seconds just staring at ya die and that was just so cool like let's just something i always thought about before a game of Geass and I think it's nice because in the game developer United to come you can do these cool little things and it's like we're kind of slowly lost that that's not games well Finn f3 had the the spring-trap animatronic like deaths that's that's one that came to mind to me snap to maybe not so much and fanat for maybe not so much but 3 was definitely the one that comes to mind for that as well where it's like you know the the spring-trap suit and purple guy kind of like emerging from that but no I I agree that was a really cool and and again like those are pieces that didn't necessarily directly relate to the lore of the game but were cool little Easter eggs that made you realize that hey there's something more here there is more to this story that I want to explore an experience so that's so that's really interesting one more time since it's been a while since I reminded you guys if you're just tuning in for the stream because I know that there's more people coming in the beauty of live streams new people come in all the time you can rewind for the actual episode of game theory rewind to the very beginning of the stream there's your 17 minute long video so that way you can get caught up on the timeline how it relates to the dream theory all that and then to back into the livestream where we're starting to wrap things up here I think so so one thing I don't know any other things from any other big questions from the comments or Twitter that we should be answering right now it's you know a lot of its really just around what you guys are excited about anything any other like final thoughts it feels like this is like the culmination of five minutes at freddy's 4 2015 and it's like okay we're done with these games we're done with you know with the theorizing on them and it's you have your holiday reading assignment and everybody's still fighting about timeline theory that's okay sure no that's okay that's fine so so I guess the question I have for you guys then is how how do you see math playing into the wider gaming space right so you know the core series is over it's starting to move into RPGs is starting to kind of branch out but what impact do you think staff has had on gaming on YouTube culture you know on on this meeting indie games in general like what do you think you know stepping aside from the story is stepping aside from the lore all the details all that stuff just snap as a series what do you think it changes from this point forward about videogames about entertainment about YouTube this - my favorite work today yes his disease is he's such an inspiration in the fact that he's gotten from loving guys but his family stories - he was working out at Dollar General is a part of that story so that's not particularly like fantastic Japanese make all these games in the past yeah and he's obviously got a passion for it and then he gets this pet he gets this Warner he gets his break and he capitalizes on it and not only has he continued to create games that have inspired so many people who donate so much you need to chair it in such a nice guy the support is given us as youtubers the community in general the the almost one-on-one interaction he gives fans on a daily basis on the on the 5 minutes of Freddy's forums and stuff it is incredible and I think a lot of people have taken start from that I mean you have all these inspiring and you kids basically got like 10 to 15 sometimes are a little bit older and they're going out and making their own for half games they've seen yeah but anyone if they've got the passion for it can create a game like anything else I'll stick to being on the camera but you might find me I played the dopplers played that smites played as well some of them are really really good I mean I think for Nath gaming of the games alone is gonna leave a huge impact and potentially create some what are these people that's been inspired by Scott is gonna create a next big game at some point eventually and I think his legacy lasts for a long time maybe hidden away slightly underneath everything but what are these kids has been inspired by him alone might make the Beck next game that's a beautiful man yeah I think that and I think you bring up a really good point there which is something that you know I'm thinking about you know game developers wanting to include more Easter eggs more seeming randomness and things more unsolved mysteries in order to get people talking about it and all that stuff but I think you bring up a really good point which is a very positive part of this which is yeah it has inspired so many different communities to engage with this franchise in so many different ways right you have all the artists on deviantART who are taking their their favorite animatronic and doing like fan art around them you have all us theorists on YouTube you know crafting theories talking about it doing live streams like this talking with you guys in the comments to figure out like what is the lore behind this that's awesome but but to your point you Scott in doing this has inspired so many people to be independent game designers to go out and make their own fan games to show that like hey you can be one guy who has a passion and look at what you can accomplish look at what you can do and that's that's an incredibly positive impact to leave for a very dark scary game no but and for a game that a lot of time gets a lot of hate because of it being a sellout and cash grabby and all this stuff but you're totally right like you know the fact that it's inspired so many people to create you know to be creative to do their own videos to do their own artwork to do their own games like that's an incredible legacy to leave and like you said even though if it gets forgotten down the line you know or like it starts with Scott and like six nights at Tommy's becomes like the next thing or what whatever you know like becomes the next game and it was inspired by five nights great that's awesome and so I think that's a that's a really good point make there what about you us Mike doc Oh any any thoughts and well if he wasn't without holdin of many of you guys I mean close yeah oh yeah one of my best friend's is Russ and without five nights at freddys the women of men and I wouldn't even even sorry you tube without five nights at freddys enjoyed a career on YouTube without the game and that's had a real deep impact on me because when I'm all that and let's say I'm not doing this anymore and I'll always remember this game and I'll always remember Scott and a loser and everybody who was a part of me stare like pawn my life it's a good pot I mean it's been a whole year yeah all of that is caring for me and yeah what Russ said is well a lot of songs as well oh yeah the musicians like I'd hate wants to battle and shoot graveyard I can't think this name is me yeah shameless promotion spike because smokin because these 15 fusion right tonight five nights at Freddy's I don't know who that's an easier thing to do to make an actual game and we'll escape a massive opportunity for people who haven't even made ghost before - no Troy egg and gang Joel who seems so many fun night games based around five nights at Freddy's and some of them are actually amazing losses one of my favorite ones is one night at flumpty's yeah absolutely amazing you know and but all the games as well into developers of bag games like the boogeyman which is really good news for nap inspired and swore to me Street spin-up inspires and everybody wants to play some really good one as well but the games are like you survived till 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. it's not really for nothing they've got a mystery like you said man and it's really good you know loosing downs with a lot of mystery and it seems like five nights at freddys has inspired a lot of people including myself as well yep I just want to say a quick shout out to us John from because he made one night at flumpty's I know he had some trouble like just dealing with you know his game and he ended up not doing a third one and I know he had a lot of self doubts I just want to say he makes some great games and everyone who honestly one of the best snap fan games out there or the most creative ones and Emily was a good fan game but it also changed the games design itself a lot and son broke the rules of the game some ways and change it to you know his own style yeah cool it's Mike any takeaways for you as far as like yeah as we kind of wrap up this this core part oh okay you know rastmouse key logs and dog goes well and I just was saying Oh scoffs cause I like just to me personally and to a lot of other people I'm sure he's been a big inspiration yeah and I think the fact that I think honesty phase is almost like a poster child for the possibility of you know not not just independent game developers online but just literally any independent Kristin who is either alone or in a small team of what they can accomplish you know in the age of the internet we don't need a huge team or as news production budgets we can have you know one guy you know a family man who lives with wife and children and lives and works at the dollar store and how far you can get you know people like me and you guys you mad at you dog who you dress besties you know markiplier well we didn't start you know rich or you know famous we kind of build that over time and we didn't have wait you're rich slight slight you bill you're rich and famous in this overtime oh man my hashtags Mike it's cool must be doing really well for anybody [Laughter] [Music] nothing Hollywood you know nothing Kardashian's where we were born you know something it's something that has transpired and what are you you're an artist or game developer or youtuber or whatever I think this is shows that you can do stuff you can do it by yourself you don't need to you know go into science to see people and build a huge company to make a mark you can just you know just go do something something cool yeah and it's interesting cuz we keep saying like you know Scott was this one man who did all this thing he's a one-man marketing machine you know he inspires indie developers in a lot of ways he's he's very much a developer of the YouTube generation right we're all of us you know speaking on behalf of youtubers in general you know you're writing scripts you're editing your audio editing you're doing all these different things because you're passionate about it right because you love it because you have something that you want to share with an audience and with viewers and Scott did that you know even though his first couple games weren't successful he persevered and you know he found so he found kind of that that spark that lit a fire under so many people and similar to YouTube creators where you know they're trying for years you know making all these different videos staying with it staying committed to their community and then finally all of a sudden is it's that one that finally like they hit on something and there it is you know and and it's it's it's a really interesting story to parallel Scott in kind of a gaming world to YouTube and kind of like the entertainment or like video creation world and how similar you know those mentalities are for me you know one of the things like I mentioned earlier one of the big impacts I think is gonna happen is you're gonna see a lot more catering honestly to theorists of the world you know I think I think the gaming industry is recognizing that subpar stories and stories that are just kind of like at the last minute or haven't been really thought about from the audience perspective aren't gonna fly so much anymore like yeah it'll sell some numbers or whatever but if you really want to generate that groundswell and that excitement around your franchise giving them Easter eggs crossovers allusions to other things references that then a community can build around and and start to piece together for themselves and rally behind I think you're gonna start to see a lot of that for better and worse right one of the big ones that's come through the chat thoughts on the social phenomenon that is snap and basically how it was it was this tiny indie game and then it's this unbelievable phenomenal success and how does that change the game for for video games in general for the gaming industry yeah so that's who is that that's Calvin ball ball in the chat but it was also I mean it was so many others and the chat is going so fast yeah so so Calvin ball is the one that we were able to pull out yeah I mean it's it's very true right like this game shows that yeah like game play that's that's a core component of it and the gameplay was that perfect fusion of what YouTube really loves which are jump-scare reactions you know it's like oh you know like it's it's funny to see people scared because YouTube at its core is founded between a relationship between a creator and the audience and the person who's watching right and so you know when you are scared when you're emotional when you're you know happy those are the moments that you are most true to life like those are the true moments of humanity and it's like you know when you're scared you're not worried about how you look or how you're acting or how you sound you're just scared right and I think that's a big reason why horror games in general have worked so well on YouTube is you get to see those kind of genuine moments with some of your favorite creators and Scott was able to hit on that but then he also had the the foresight to say hey well there is something deeper and richer here and it really has changed kind of the social element of games where you're in spite instead of you know like you Ubisoft is a really good example where you know you have that single-player campaign of Assassin's Creed and you go through it and then it's done right like there isn't a lot of subtext there isn't a lot of unsolved mysteries maybe a few Easter eggs here there but it's very much like a linear perience whereas naff you know like is dropping all these little things there's unsolved mysteries there's incomplete information that people want to get behind and solved so I think that's that you know the different animatronics representing different personalities you know and people say you know they're all fictional characters and they'll kind of behave fairly similarly but to see people rally behind foxy is my favorite or oh I love Bonnie or Oh chica so hot or what I'm like crazy but you know it hit that perfect formula that that really spoke to people's personalities and hit so many people one of the other things Rast here point earlier about inspiring a bunch of creators one of the other communities that we haven't mentioned is the 3d animation and like machinima community which again is one of those kind of you know small up-and-coming communities that are like especially when it comes to faff driving just like tens of millions of views on every single video where you know people are going in and 3d animating these characters and crafting their own storylines around them you know engaging with their own adventures with these characters and that's you know a whole new part of you know gaming entertainment YouTube digital video that like I haven't seen any other game really do like machinima and like halo and stuff has kind of been a thing but like to the level that people are 3d animating these characters and then making them come to life in these videos that's a whole nother thing which I think is super cool and there's that whole community there and there's John b13 who met his girlfriend through max Oh John b13 yeah kid kid gamer met my girlfriend Zeus math there have been a couple of those that have come through yeah and it's and it's so true I mean like yeah your urine you're an OTP guys are you the one to the pairing right there oh love love his love guys for half his love nafiz life you know and and just to piggyback off of everything that you guys have just said like I met all of you through this you know the community of theorists like expanded exponentially off of this like you know when when was careerists a thing before before that I think it was I think you know with kind of some of the like Mario's mental episodes and Sonic the Hedgehog like how fast is he there were a lot of like debunking episodes and like matpat is wrong and so people and so there were a lot of other channels that were doing you know their own versions of theory videos 8-bit goldfinches one you know nog G noggin is one uh you know a few others come to mind that they were doing it but snaff took that and just like multiplied it by you know ten fold 20 fold because now all of a sudden everyone's having their own theories everyone's seeing our theories and kind of riffing off of those and coming up their own explanations and then not even just on YouTube but like the the thousands upon thousands of reddit threads all trying to come up with solutions here so like theorizing became a genre like really became solidified as the genre through this game and really kind of hit mainstream on YouTube through this game which is which is pretty incredible you know so that's that's really cool and even just speaking from personal experience like you know Nath was a huge subscriber driver for us it introduced a whole bunch of people to to who we are and what we do and so it like just it's it's it's fascinating to me because you always hear about like the butterfly effect and we're all familiar with ah until dawn and like butterfly effect ripple effects this and that and what Scott has done with one game has affected so many lives in such a positive way and sure you know you have people being like oh he affected my life in a negative way because I'm so sick of these snap videos but but like that's a small price to pay for the number of people who who found fan bases online who found an outlet for their personalities for their passions for their artwork you know found something that spoke to them and their identity in a way that nothing else had and so just kind of across the board you know the say what you will about the games the story the gameplay whatever hate it or not the positive impact that this series has had is is just tremendous and and earth-shattering for video gaming for YouTube for all of our personal lives and and for the community of viewers out there who are excited about fine afro the the blog the movie you know it's not going away anytime soon but you know I think this is a great moment to look back and say hey you know this is a game that we like you said doc oh that we've lived with for the last year it was a part of YouTube rewind you know it is a part of our culture now you know into the outside world outside of YouTube they probably still don't know what five nights at freddys is but to us it has been so all-consuming and such such a big part of who we are and what we do that you know to not pay its service and take the time to thank Scott for what he created would be a disservice because it really has been you know quite the ride and Scott's out of five Oh Patrick lips at a wh three three t wheat bread I give this stream five Scots out of five alright well I think this is a good place to kind of wrap it up yeah I feel like that was a good summary statement so so thank you guys for joining and thank you Ryan who was earlier in the stream so doc Oh Mike Raz Balki Ryan and other Ryan from 8-bit gaming guys if you have not checked out their channels please do so they're great fun a fierce going even deeper than I do on a more regular basis but then also also doing stuff that isn't just about math you know they there are other games out there like right I know it's mind-blowing so what so go check them out you know playing Yoshi's woolly world you know playing all the fan mail I'm actually you know gonna look at you guys you know look at some of these other fan made games now that we're playing games on life so you might like to test out some of these because I haven't gotten a chance to play them so I'm definitely gonna check out one night at flumpty's so I'm excited about that is it is it good cool so so guys watching the stream subscribe to them again doc Oh Mike Raz Balki 8-bit gaming give them some love on YouTube and on Twitter thank them for all their work thank you guys so much for joining the links to everybody's channel and and Twitter handles will go in the description they're not in there right now but we'll get them in right after this yep and you can also explain sort of how to watch the video after yeah and so just as a reminder to all of you who are tuning in right at the tail end here just a quick reminder if you're just tuning in if you missed part of the stream as soon as this one's done it's being published live publicly on YouTube on the game theorist Channel as the latest episode of game theory because it is the first 17 minutes our game theory this was a big experiment we wanted to this is a big event we wanted to make this a big event and so you'll have the first 17 minutes as game theory proper re Rhind watch it from the beginning and then tune in for all of our kind of like analysis next steps thoughts things like that that we've been talking about with all these great guys who joined us today so you know thanks to them as as the audience and thank you guys for an increase yeah and and thank you know you the viewers for you know an incredible 2015 honestly like this year has been crazy and snap has been obviously a huge part of that but like you know the the theorizing that you guys have been sending all of us on Twitter and in the comments the requests for new videos you know the the discussions that you guys have wanted to have it's it's been incredible and it's been so exciting and I can't wait to continue to see what happens both with Nath and with gaming in general in 2016 and and over and over an ALICE as' of all this other stuff now if you'll excuse me I need to go see Star Wars because I have not seen Star Wars yet I've been working on this video right after reading the chat I can tell you the entire plot oh no no you know a lot of Star Wars good don't worry don't worry about what you read there okay a lot of lives and sorry okay so oh thank goodness I was so good Voldemort appears as Darth Vader guys Oh Yoda Yoda and gremlin there's not a Star Wars gremlins crossover yeah Yoda gremlins tyent no okay well well good so I you know we've been working on this theory all week you know and special shout-out to Earl who edited this video together and was an absolute champ that this one was under a tight timeline and then we have the last-minute addition with the book release and stuff like that so thank you to him thank you and thank you guys for an incredible 2015 hopefully you enjoyed it and remember that's just a theory a game theory let's all do it together shall we okay ready ready okay one two three but hey that's just wait wait okay let's let's try it one more slide geez okay one more time I'll start with the but hey and then you guys come in with that's just a theory okay ready ready here we go this we got it this time guys don't worry but hey that's and hey that was just a stream a live stream also thanks for watching oh hey let's let's say goodbye to everyone in the chat like we do you can start spamming people left in this in the chat now spam it away so uh yes spam Smike it's like spam jonbi see you sir Jenny Guzman here it comes and there it went uh-huh let's see Jemmy gravy good night from the UK sweet gee that bath sweet dreams gem gave more also joined us in for a game theory so there you go into duo Hey a kitchen a star gamer everyone saying this the tag with us which is awesome so we all nailed it thank you everyone for joining us in for that oh oh let's see just rolls Carlos Sanchez says ice Mike denied you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 23,871,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fnaf 4, five nights at freddy's, five nights, FNAF 2, game theory fnaf, game theory fnaf 4, game theory five nights at freddy's, game theory, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, GT Live, matpatgt, fnaf 5, markiplier, markiplier five nights at freddys, game theorists, horror, Scott Cawthon
Id: h1rX6Ay-vZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 8sec (7508 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2015
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