Game of Thrones Talk | PKA

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so last week I was explaining that everyone was wrong about the scorpions because the showrunners said that the scorpion which was the big like mounted bow-and-arrow it didn't work well last year Qyburn went back to the drawing board and he made it better so I'm like guys would you just accept this reasonable explanation so then this week comes along and what he make it worse he made it worse he made them ineffective like suddenly I'm fussing and your neurons bonus for speed and range has also been removed yeah we should have known the show is gonna end dumb when they named a dragon drogon dude when the silliest when grr Martin's here's what Isis is born out of a reddit post and a lot of people have copied this idea since then so grr Martin gave the showrunners D&D how it was gonna end he didn't flush it out made it so they don't have books to follow anymore but they do have kind of a finish line so they know where the end is they just don't know how to get there and with that seed planted the last 2 or 3 years start to really make sense like that's why there's these clumsy fast travels going on that's why people are doing character turns really weird character arcs that were a nice slow incredible even burn for five years just started zigzagging like the floppy guy in front of a car dealership in the last two it doesn't make any sense because all he did was give him the finish line but I bet this idea that Danny has a character our turn to be mad Queen that you know Jon Snow does this and Jaime dies under the castle was seriously like but those things those finish lines are all right it's just that the direction there it wasn't filled in and the showrunners don't do it as well as grr Martin and one last thing I'm sorry I still 1gr Martin to get off scot-free on this everyone says he did a great job but the showrunners did a bad job Nene he didn't do a job at all in the second of the last two books that he denies that that's true interesting yeah so that that came out as a rumor and then I saw many articles say that that wasn't true should piss you off you haven't heard it woody or all of us is that HBO offered D&D the writers and the producers they're like hey the same budget we'll just give you multiple more episodes you can go up to ten [ __ ] twelve if you want to and they're like now we don't need that time we'll just do it in six you know I have a theory I have a theory that I came up with this day about what happened and and why this all has gone down and I'm just making it up I'm just I'm just assuming I'm gonna let that stop you this is all this is the only thing that makes sense in my mind okay thing to take such a left turn I think that they're like I think that they're getting they have a fixed budget right our fixed pay scale they're like like D&D get like making a number up a hundred thousand dollars in episode that goes to them and no matter how many episodes that's what they get but they have made one of the biggest shows of all time it is the goose that's laying golden eggs if they wanted to do another season they could do another season my thought process is they want out of this current contract they want Game of Thrones over so that they can make the next project for HBO and then go to HBO and say hey remember that billion dollars we made you on selling DVDs and getting new subscriptions do you want the next goose because next time it's half a million for each of us for each episode that's a really bad negotiation technique to write the show that kind of made your name in a way that all of your fans are the advanced majority are upset with you by the end of the series and then hopefully they throw away that now ruin relationship into yeah everyone's upset that they're doing Star Wars next but quickly that's a gorgeous bowl of ramen I wish I had one now I wasn't hungry till I saw I'm just saying it is very I showed it to ya the worst part of that whole episode there's so much dumb [ __ ] so much dumb [ __ ] that happened that just didn't make sense it was just the worst part though was the destruction of Jamie's entire storyline his entire up down up down very you know it had been like his whole thing at the end or saying like why he's back like oh I don't give a [ __ ] about the people or the innocence and it's like you it's been established five times with different quotes over the over the years she took your initial good guy turn that you do care that was your rationale for killing the Mad King that was the reason that you were trying to talk sense into so many you know bad at or bad faith you know characters throughout the series and you were in your good thing and then he just I guess the only reason to go north for Jamie was to [ __ ] Brienne and then he goes back and dies with Cersei there it doesn't make his so what was the [ __ ] point of his entire story arc [ __ ] here's the thing you did have moments but but here's like the bullet point of war is complicated right so the north men come in they battle for I don't know eight twelve minutes and then start raping chicks right now of course Jon Snow protects the girl or whatever they're eight minutes in areand good you expect them to take a break this is a union job so so anyway yeah like eight minutes into the war I think the timings right on that they start raping girls but no no they rang the bells at you but um the Jeannine jor-el warned him about that was like cliche you can't bring a Dothraki horde wasn't a job it was a Northman and that's important because it they were driving home the point that war is ugly bad things happen and throughout the whole series they've been driving home the point of good is bad and bad is good it these things are greater than you think and all these gray characters as opposed to black and white was one of the beautiful parts about Game of Thrones but then it just got done really clumsily in a clumsy way just got rushed they tried to fit it into six episodes and they got Rush I'm thoroughly happy and pleased with it still though because I couldn't I couldn't make a better show than that with what they did as a beautiful so however they choose that's not the standard I don't watch I don't watch a zero and say you know Arian Foster could have done better [Laughter] [Laughter] this is hot gauge art in general right it's like could I have or not even could I have just like I just appreciate what they gave to it I still enjoyed it [Laughter] exactly parallel I will say this airy and you don't need a game of thrones that's true luxury is you could have done a better job with the force awakens though you could have done better oh I just like that more than comments this I haven't seen a star just avoid that [ __ ] start Star Trek I mean yes that's my [ __ ] oh you always get like there's these two Crips and bloods day I love who's you paid that parallel the I like the idea they sold some people love to hate things and I love to love things like I'm not quick to throw stuff it made Game of Thrones all the time but after watching I'm like man that was an hour and twenty minutes maybe and it was like 50 minutes of just dragons flying around doing special effects did y'all enjoy at least the pudendal the episode before the war we hated that was a great episode too everyone loved it loved it right there were all they all knew they were gonna die there singing around podrick sang and he can sing they've been keeping that bullet in the chamber for eight years now and I'm am a huge [ __ ] can sing yes knows how to cook he's the killing machine so so like episode 2 was amazing and then episode 3 happened and it made to worse because all of them sort of dealing with how they faced their death didn't die yeah yeah I didn't like that I would say this I didn't like the claw game Bowl either I didn't like it and let me let me tell you and look we waited on it for so long they're just seeing anything I'm sure what happened in the moment we were all like it's happening finally good anything they put on the screen I'm enjoying that's how I was but then I thought back I'm like but wait a minute the best fight in this show that there's ever been I think was when Oberyn Martell the red Viper of Dorne fought the mountain no question yes look they're out in the open there's a great fight choreography like like professional like best bet as good as any movie he killed this you you could it's bright daylight we can see everything they're actually fighting you've got two very disparate fighting styles completely different though the quick agile guy with the spear and the gigantic powerful lumbering guy with this long sword as big as a man it was great to watch and the ending of course was just heart ripped a heart out of your chest as it was awful the coal was like was in that stairwell all dark and dusty and they kept cutting away from it so we could see Arya getting tossed about but by rubble I don't I'm fine I wouldn't know what happens to Aria okay what make that a different [ __ ] scene show me them fighting show me show me them fighting on that staircase and make it show me sorry is making credible yes I was I was impacted by it was like eighth season build up of the mountain and the how I'm about to go at it and it was a little anticlimactic but I enjoyed the way he took him out though yeah high into the fire so my personal cleganebowl I knew it was happening I I saw them head into the like they were headed up the stairs there's the rubble he tells Arya to turn back I queue up the video because I know it's going down and then I play this [Music] like and III played it and I loved it and it was everything I hoped it would be now this video plays for like four seconds and then there's silence so I forgot about it and I hear it through your ears and then I heard another airhorn I'm like oh they put it in there okay a little fanservice whatever and then again and then again anyway you thought they put the airhorn in the game before because I'm hearing it and I don't understand why it's still playing well there's an autoplay of another airhorn video but my computer and it fooled me for a bit it wasn't the damn data today it was just a single airhorn auto played into like ten hours of air horns just played one like blast and I'm like oh there was an errant ordinate airhorn blasts in Game of Thrones and then like another one and I'm like what the flip like why is there an error blasted yeah it's something else that the episode that I can I can get over a little bit if I try and rationalize it to myself and I've been reading explanations that have helped a little bit but it's like Daenerys is just suddenly deciding to burn the city doesn't make sense Indian people people will be like oh but she's going I'm interested in your take people be like oh I'm she's going mad though and it's like well no I think you're like people are confusing like madness going crazy mad for blood mad for fire with irrationality she's been irrational the entire series but every time she's gone blood and gore she's spared innocence it's been oh this is the greater good to get people out of trouble oh I'm crucifying these people because they're slave owners and and they're evil and whatnot and so for her to have already won the battle for it to be over she could fly straight to the Red Keep and burn Cersei and all them if she wants and then she decides to just lay waste to everyone it just like maybe and the rationale I've heard is like oh she was so afraid of John stealing her her seats that she decided I have to establish fear among everyone so they don't betray me and it was just like it just doesn't it doesn't feel like Danny she's stressed so many times like I'm not my father's daughter in that way I'm not you know I'm not like that I'm not out to just burn and kill and everything so it just it didn't make that much sense to me right I thought that too and then I read this Twitter thread right and it's my guy and he put together a thread with all kind of receipts he said my thoughts are Daenerys Targaryen and she's always been one of the most beloved characters this season is rushed hard to flesh out each character arc with that being said Dany has shown multiple occasions the capacity and willingness to burn down cities a thread and he just went down and he named rips amounts of time do you have him in Freddy I do I do have him in front of me I have to open thread up though cuz I just I'm glad because I was gonna I was gonna go down the same road as him but I don't have the real so okay Danny has do me just put it to the micro oh is it audio he has clips from the actual show as a sane can we have the audio on here pretty good mic manica Oh like well YouTube it's not gonna sound anything like this show very early on her intentions of burning down whatever and whoever to take the Iron Throne so don't act surprised that she burned out King's Landing this was earlier I think was like season 2 and it's just time after and this horror over this one when the 13 of course cars turned Danny away she told them when her dragons were grown they would burn cities to the ground turn this away and we'll burn you for answers when my dragons are grown we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me we will lay waste Romi's so like that's like it was his time after time after time at the time and I was like yo this is crazy but you put that much work into it but when you say I'll burn cities to the ground you don't mean you gonna vacate the innocent people you won't burn the [ __ ] down so I was like she had shown that throughout the entire very number times she got talked back by Tyrion or Barristan Selmy or tyrion tyrion by the way who has become a [ __ ] because not given a single piece of good advice in all batters at this point his character was making fun of it like [ __ ] first of all the way he sold out with Varys Varys who is the only reason he escaped alive from King's Landing after he killed Tywin and it is [ __ ] or bribed his French or bribed which is also a funny part of the show they're like she's foreign so she speaks for the French ex selling out Varys immediately Varys is actor by the way came out and was like I feel like my character has been off the you know rail since the 6th season he said that in an interview and it just was not in keeping with Tyrion at all because he already had the look of concern of like I'm really stressed out that she's kind of losing her mind and getting unstable and so I'm gonna I'm gonna immediately sell out my friend to her surely she won't burn him alive oh but Varys he's very sneaky that's why he'll spend five hours riding on the same piece of paper a treasonous note in Daenerys is [ __ ] I'd like a ride a little faster ride let's go from the smartest most cleverest guy ever Varys an tyrion go from so clever and so smart to just blithering buffoons know what might you know what bothers me you know what really bothers me remember when the golden cut the golden copy has been pumped like ever he sold the golden company are coming and I was like holy [ __ ] the golden company how that those sound like some hard [ __ ] and they showed up and they were dressed well hmm and then I played this video game called total war and in that patrol these you control your armies and some and there's actually a city defense mode where like two guys try to attack my city and I've got walls and and I got a smaller army and they get a bigger armor to make up for the fact that I got walls because when you're behind the walls it's real easy to defend a city you know you're shooting down at them they're trying to climb walls you're swinging down there swinging up it's it's it's literally you know you hear the the idiom you pub without punching down why did we send the entire golden company army outside the gates of the biggest city in the realm and have them line up in formation in front of the Dothraki horde and the north man army why why aren't they awesome and by the way was there an archer at any point in that entire day oh no they didn't put any archers on the [ __ ] walls none they had scorpions on the walls they didn't use them but scorpions on the wall scorpion fire at a person and I'd those scorpion operators you would have looked if I'm the king of King's Landing my scorpion operators had somebody's been slinging pots up in the air because now and and and I've been I've been like there's been some eight chests of gold reward for the guy who can hit the most pots in a row or some bull and then you fire and scorpions of pots yeah all right I follow you know these people are you know they're probably hungry the winter it just has ended the magical winter like [ __ ] hundred pieces of gold to this the best scorpion operator in the city now everybody but we could practice this free everybody showing up there's long lines at the scorpions and somebody's watching taking notes and from that guy right there can operate a [ __ ] score he's got the knack get it little Mikey come over here you're our scorpion operator yeah we'll pay you yeah yeah we've got play this is a lot of a 1980s movie star fighter where they play a video game to save the planet all right it's actually the last starfighter thank you yeah that's not a good movie at all that's a good example of 1980s CGI running through the city dodging all the the bricks falling and everything yeah more like a half hour yeah like I wish that they had picked [ __ ] is it yes sir Davis to be that guy because like I've learned over this season that like it's the onion like yeah yeah yeah the onion night because he grew up in flea bottom in King's Landing whereas Arya has no connection there and so him running around dodging stuff first of all when Arya is running around at this point there is no fear or anxiety in my body I'm like she's gonna be fine they've established this she's not gonna die and so all these little like or she did like those moments that were supposed to happen like I know I didn't feel that way but if it was a sword Abbess first of all he has a better connection to the city because he grew up in flea bottom and so he could have that you know mortified horrified look of like what's going on in his city at the time just all the places he used to know burned all the people that he used to live by burn but it's not a ready word if he were done yeah he's not a redshirt and if he were dodging those Falls I'd be like oh [ __ ] Davis hasn't gotten out of anything like with a deus ex machina or whatever the hell it is so he might actually be dead whereas right steak you give him a reason to have to go in there like like his [ __ ] great-uncle is is is that the blacksmith's and back in flea bottom he's trying to create Williams reaping all those men I don't know how he doesn't have a that was a nice little twist when grey worm decided like now I'm just gonna murder people who already surrendered yeah there was a character in my cousin's I didn't really clear about the golden company because they'd already proven they were useful those were the Lannisters but he was he was like he was like what's lift a Sunday something like she got off right in front of him so he kind of lost it you just kind of that's a good example of what I mentioned before we're like gr Martin gave him a bullet point okay grey worms gonna flip over May Sunday mice Andre something like that yeah you know the Serie C is gonna die Lannister is gonna be bad after all Northman gonna be rapists they have all these things like war is ugly good guys bad guys alike they're all gonna do ugly things you know who's gonna behave with honor the Lannister army oddly you know Jon Snow he's goodness I'm okay with it but it needs to get him killed wait wait hear me out listen yeah listen so I I had I bet you had no problem with beds goodness right Ned that's who he was he was good guy right and he got killed so but I am happy for that to happen to Jon Snow I was gonna be cool if Jon Snow died I wasn't I was hanging on him are you if Arya died I would have been pissed I want them to kill someone I don't want to die at this point it's just I get this point I don't care if Tyrion dies cuz he hasn't been clever anymore jon is a [ __ ] idiot how many times can he make the same mistakes I what I want the last episode to be I want [ __ ] Ned start to wake the [ __ ] up and look at Catelyn I just had the most horrible dream any time he's like still talking to Robert Baratheon and winter phone he's like and that's why I can't go to King's Landing was actually the point where I was like hooked this is really good Robb Stark and I was like son this is probably the best [ __ ] I've ever seen I don't think there's more and then if you're like me you spend another is it one or two years like investing emotionally in Rob stark who's gonna make this right I hated him Oh despise oh I oh okay okay no I was he was the guy I put all my chips in hated Santa that couldn't stand sounds information I still hate her now hate her now even when she came to save John snows I go [ __ ] this [ __ ] on sir I'm on your team I think you're Jack fine I hate his son sir who else did I hate Cersei given everybody hates her she you know what on that topping go Joffrey oh my god Joffrey's performance and script and whole package was so amazing I wasn't able to separate the character from the actor until the actor outlived him I am so much that anything about none of that [ __ ] yeah yeah it wasn't until afterwards after he died I I was like oh I appreciate what you did for me like I felt something around Java you know who actually [ __ ] sucked who do the worst character in this whole show is is Euron Greyjoy that [ __ ] pirate who can teleport around and just wants to get in Cersei no answer no point have I been interested by a day where I had the best car like his character was motivated by [ __ ] Cersei then he [ __ ] Cersei and then he died that's an arc I can get on board with okay when he washes up on the beach in the exact same spot where Jamie is yeah he's like I'm gonna take your head to Cersei and it's like why what you're not gonna that was it that was a duel that didn't need to happen like they were never really it was a setup it was I was like thank met before right they met with the white right when they brought the the zombie to it seriously they were on that scene Hannah [ __ ] yeah okay I'm like you know Jamie hid that Hannah sweat I'm not Jaime Lannister you're unprofitable and I'm a little out of it make a fountain swimming choose the one thing I think is unforgivable from the writers don't yeah Cersei deserve a way worse death than that you know she had the is way out she died in like this romantic way like with her dude don't you ever do you like to see her slowly poisoned would you like to see your berries stick the needle in her throat like 17 times what if Aria were Jamie's face and why're ya face Jamie says something to Cersei that that warms her heart and then betrayal and then you find out it's the whole series was for me it was when Aria killed Walder Frey when she pulled off that but that was one late like that that's an underrated moment right there because like for two years ever since the red wedding like whenever we would discuss this this show we're all big fans obviously I'd be like you know people be like one of the Dragons gonna do this and what's what's gonna happen in this city over in Essos and what's Rob gonna or are you know what Jon Snow gonna do if he becomes Lord Commander and I'm just like I don't give a [ __ ] about any of that when are we gonna deal with those [ __ ] phrase but they're still [ __ ] down there chilling in their castle laughing about this [ __ ] but their silly ass hats god I hated their hair I hate those hats mmm their whole costumes bad I was mad cuz they showed they killed off one of the doc I got to the to the most beautiful women on the show was Miss Sunday to me and then John Robb Stark's girl didn't know when he yeah yeah friend she was bad the redhead the northerner I'm sorry thank you got stabbed in the belly that was the best part of the whole series I think we just learned about Aryans other porn finish the hottest chick was the pregnant one man like Robb Stark's gross [Laughter] [Laughter] natural anyway you know what else was weird like felt like like it was pretty established that after the Battle of Winterfell that Danny's army had been demolished like the unsullied had been slaughtered the Dothraki tends like thousands and thousands of them wiped out and then now even in like the the teaser for the next episode after this episode like she's got a huge army it's a I don't know it just felt like a beyond that she had a huge army like you said but I felt like at the end of the Battle of Winterfell we didn't know what they had like we didn't think they would beat Serie C that was a real question and I want to say even the characters were like dude there's a whole other thing now seriously is playing of wiping us out and not being able to beat her is a problem and then they're doing the strategy the strategizing and they acted like it was even like it could go either way but then by two episodes ago suddenly they're like look you should really just quit we all know how this ends we are so Opie compared to you and they were eight minutes in they're like ringing the bells they it wasn't even close it wasn't even it wasn't fight at all like one dragon is is is so [ __ ] overpowered that like depending on the episode I really like Cersei one thing I did kind of like was Circe's reaction she was like well you're on KITT you know he's killed a dragon before he'll kill another one and and he's like my queen the Ironborn fleet is burning at the bottom of the bay we have plenty of scorpions on the walls and all of this all the scorpions have been destroyed well the the golden company has never been defeated in the field of milady the golden company were burnt and then the survivors were raped to death and the Lannister army fights better than any Cell sort but milady the Lannister army has thrown down their weapons and then they were slaughtered by the Northmen and then they were raped by the but there's one more part I wanted to see if you went there because the next she said was well the red keep has never fallen and it's like how'd you get here [ __ ] you would robert baratheon made the red key fall okay you do it how did you forget what you did aside from me absolutely raped and then my father a few years before that never oh and then that time way before that when the Targaryen did it but but I mean just the three times before now like the other thing like come on light light nice she was I went a little bit I want a little bit of a positive spin on the episode I know Aryan love it like what was the stuff that you liked about I like I like the fight scene I like I like that sir she died I did like that by just like how she died she deserved like I said a mouldy grey worm died no did not die no he shouldn't give a [ __ ] about you I love though I think we're gonna see the rest of his character arc I want to see bad guy grey worm and how he finishes beside no I find out he does music and it's [ __ ] dope it's really different so I said no doubt he has a dick in real life no I liked it like I said earlier I I don't look at it like I would have done this all day you know I said I enjoyed I enjoyed episode this has taken years from my life and I appreciate that day that they have a my maddest and in this viscous Commerce on that wants people to say this about D&D they do a book adaptation better than anyone has done a book adaptation perhaps in the history of cinema I'm describing also it's literally why through and perhaps because that was also very good and now what they don't do is like original work and that's that's what they did with the last couple seasons so here to read anything that I'm not gonna learn from Hollywood and watching use D&D for book adaptations and not for like grassfield open projects yeah I'll tell you what I hope happens next episode I hope Tyrion is in big [ __ ] trouble for letting Jamie go and there is a trial by combat and and she chooses grey worm as her champion and Jon Snow steps up for Tyrion and grey worm and Jon Snow [ __ ] kills grey worm yeah and then the and then and then he kills Dany and then he takes the black and the the kingdom ends up being ruled by like some sort of [ __ ] tribunal or some [ __ ] maybe I look like Samwell Tarly like like [ __ ] know if it's Sam or bran who get put in charge especially like Sam well Sam's not gonna get put in charge because he doesn't even like he's not even good enough for his own family apparently but if they're like we're all dead Starks Jon wants to go take the black and so who are the other Starks moon oh well brand this [ __ ] weirdo is the oldest male I guess he gets to be in charge like which one all this bran brand okay right yeah he's honest cryptic [ __ ] man laid out like you just saw the episode tried to ask him what we should do in the bum he has given no useful advice to anyone I hope that they just wheel him into a corner and facing a wall it would be so funny if nothing ended up happening with him though where it was just a full storyline Kyle have you seen this boy I don't watch the teaser for the next episode I I'm with you but I couldn't I knowed it spoilers leaked there are spoilers on reddit they have proven to be reliable thus far and I'm not gonna say anymore yeah don't do that don't do that but my lady had a theory that was interesting she thinks just a couple things she thinks that bran was actually the night king and she went into the reason why I was pretty dope did you mean bran the sword or Brandon we'll check a brand because there's a bran - that's why I hate this dude but and then she said she feels like Arya is gonna kill Danny that would be dope I'll be okay with it I want to see Gendry run a run [ __ ] that's my that's my but if woody retain it read it no Gendry is the the one that [ __ ] Arya oh no oh he's done yeah no I don't like him that much he's a Baratheon he has a claim to the throne that's not from a line of madness and what you say makes what he makes swords he makes swords he fights he he got his first piece of tail and he got a hook like that that was the second piece of tail it was actually his third it's part of the story or fourth I think what he also [ __ ] triathlete he's a long-distance runner long-distance paddler I don't know what the third one would be but but hammer I like it simple I'm glad the show's [ __ ] over the best thing on TV right now it's just not as good as gaming thrones yeah don't don't let it leave with a sour taste in your mouth dog remember it for what it was and I pulled you in or days you you you literally we sat here for what I don't know how long 30 minutes talking about intricacies of the character plots and like ahead you bro don't give me that [ __ ] and what they do they're doing now spoils the rest I I won't share this with me now in the future like in the future I like to this day Sopranos has been off the air for what 10 years I still go though watch The Sopranos I still go watch The Wire I'm never gonna tell somebody else to watch Game of Thrones I'm never gonna be like watch Game of Thrones you will believe this show cuz they're gonna get like 6 to the sixth season and they'll be like what the [ __ ] happened your friend I remember five seasons in I'd meet someone who didn't watch Game of Thrones and I was excited like I met a virgin who didn't realize there was something cool out there like like dude you're gonna love this right that bed that's what sex is and and that's what Game of Thrones like dude you don't know but I envy that you have this life experience that you haven't started on yet and now and it's still good yeah I'm not gonna recommend it to people I wouldn't recommend Game of Thrones to someone to watch as a good show it even even was the ending the way that it's ending I think I I think that it's a top five ten show no question not even course it is yeah yeah it's even even with a shitty ending it's still better than most stuff but if if if [ __ ] tenaris survives I will be pissed if anybody but Jon kills her I also will not like that at all really I I would I would be happy if we got a little twist there right Jon has been the the the the good guy the hero the perfect person for eight years now let the pre n killer now Bree ends up in up north just you know Halley's fast travel in this game that doesn't dissipate anything she could have ran for six days I'm okay with Jon Snow died too he's doing way too good bro you got cut that [ __ ] out like if he goes back to the wall what would be the paw what would be the point of that what are they protecting it from now I'll be gross yeah wow that would be illogical film that would be gold-plated retardation he didn't like the wall like I don't know he'd like to be in the Nights Watch dthe oh thanks well it kind of killed this watch well I mean but he'd like to be an in charge of it and he was all honorable about it well I remember him to join his Nights Watch experience like you do I remember him always having something horribly wrong he wasn't a fighter he was like a cooker cleaner or something like that he wasn't a leader into although it steward thank you you know it he had personality conflicts with people all over the place like I don't remember him enjoying his nice watch time I hope we get to watch Sam die maybe of starvation surprise there's 30 more episodes because Sam's kept some stored up energy
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 23,115
Rating: 4.8848166 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, pka podcast, podcast, Arian Foster, Now what, Now what podcast, pka 439, PKA 439 Clips, PKA 439 with Arian Foster - Couple Glued Together, Arian's Paid to Play, Taylor's Vile Story, thrones, game of thrones, got, television, hbo, netflix, game of thrones review, season 8, Jon snow, cersei
Id: llMf8MeSh7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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