Iowa Caucus Scandal | PKA

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so I've got I got a couple of funny well I got one very funny video okay oh you gotta think I we should do your videos this is this is my like mildly politically right people get hit by cars even better this is a lady who voted for ya she quoted the L of the week comes a week here voted for mister voted for my boy Pete who just dominated the Iowa caught here G in some cases by more than one percent and and she had no idea that he might liked it but Paul like Nick are you guys ready I'm always ready three two one [Laughter] [Music] she should watch the show gotta love those important voters they get to choose in Iowa they get to set the tone none of us should get to choose in anyone's daughter the deeply kept secret that Mayor Pete might be gay I can't stand the ugly chick on the inside and the outside one of them is clearly uglier that she's like the Bible says not to be gay like that's the big gotcha isn't the Bible central focus is on not smoking pole this is America's heart time he's a good Iowan broad shoulders one all right she's she's squat she's sturdy and she's firm in her beliefs that [ __ ] can build the cow she's got Amy and food the most uninformed voter heavy this is like someone not going Barack Obama is black I'm changing my vote we did the fact check on the video and he is in fact gay and yeah confirmed by his husband yet his dick in my eyes last night so I like to think that after he won the Iowa caucus we see the clip of him like side smooch in his husband Joe Biden kisses his granddaughter's with more passion than that who wouldn't have you seen Joe Biden's granddaughter whoa-ohh saying that Pete needs to step up the gay and and do some more open mouth kissing on the stage not that you know obviously the Biden's do I know you were trying to say Taylor but we've zeroed in on the keys part of this electoral cycle and that is Joe Biden's hot granddaughter yeah I mean she's a cutie first of all she's 21 22 at least she's legal so I don't want to taste Joe Biden's breath he's always smooching on her like just straight-up oh yeah mouth kissing his granddaughter on stage action well if Ted Cruz tried to kiss his daughter like in 2016 and she like turned away made that disgusted face that's what a real relationship between a father and a daughter i I guess the like I read into that a ton back I do remember when that happened and I was like I I don't know what's true this is I invented all this on my own but I'm like I bet right now his relationship with his family's a little strained alright this guy's running for president he probably travels constantly when he does have his wife and kid near him he probably uses them as props I'm not saying that - he is as a dad but that to me it was as a dad that month right he was completely focused on trying to be the next president and his daughter was mad at him hey you know rejected his affection and I saw that and didn't hold it against him I'm like yeah the guys try to do with it yeah you know it gets her because she needs to get with a [ __ ] program she needs to [ __ ] tongue his [ __ ] if that's what it takes to get elected well she's a little kid and she's not gonna be yeah sounds perfect yeah but so mayor Pete won Iowa and I wonder how it's gonna well he did not win Iowa wait Ernie won in what situation does it how do you define winning Iowa the person with the most votes oh so that would explain president Hillary yeah because the rules are exactly the same in a national election and the Iowa caucus actually pretty similar actually you know like each area takes why does Bernie have more votes and fewer delegates it's it works a little bit like the electoral college like each area has a number of Delegates they could give people and Bernie did well in these high density areas like the cities' but the proportion of like delegates per person are not the same in the cities as they are out in the country where Pete did better much like the presidential election where a place like Wyoming gets way more electoral votes per person and a place like California gets fewer which is why Hillary won the popular but lost the race Pete lost the popular but won the most delegates I'm not counting the votes or not yes yes that that thing is so shaking that's well then we're gonna need a shady [ __ ] to take on Donald Trump and my boy Pete won he would get absolutely obliterated I thought you were gonna say [ __ ] and I was ready for that national election like the best chance for the Democratic Party is Bernie for sure like he's got the only true grassroots support like the it's it's just crazy and the fact that all of these little things come trickling out like you noticed that when they released 62% of the votes first of all they already had all the votes they selectively leaked them that the big areas that were missing were all huge Bernie areas like Des Moines and [ __ ] like they were all huge bernie areas and basically all it did was let the media run with a narrative that you know Pete oh wow he's so great he's so good for days days and days I don't know something I do not buy for a second that Bernie lost that like the amount of shady [ __ ] is insane not ringing a bell Taylor the fact that he helped fund the app company I see we're using a new thing this election it's called Trump voting would be like what the hell but yeah because it's Pete people are like oh whatever he's doing no we're in a national election you might be right um I actually do think that if there was a like a behind-the-scenes coalition conspiracy which doesn't mean fake conspiracy just means people are conspiring to like fake the the results I don't think they pick the gay mayor is the guy that they back to be Biden if there is some like is the favorite of the media like the media has moved on from Biden and from Warren because they're dropping so precipitously like Pete is a total machination of the media like I'm not saying no notes are manufactured it just seems like the way that they've been reported and the way they've been counted has been to skew things toward him it was close for sure but it's not as close as they're trying to say it is it and it's nonsense and all its gonna do is is spur on more donations for Bernie Sanders and Pete's going nowhere in a national election he's just not he's [ __ ] in the nation' you know what litter is going nowhere iDEN now it looks like that right he just got fourth he's going to that granddaughter's bedroom that I guarantee it look at this image here if I told you that was Minds white and it was in black and white and you couldn't tell that she was like 70 she's like 20 I think he's 19 she's 19 legal for different pictures of him smooching her he does seem a little creepy and I think he's done I think he's what did I do here we go I I clicked on the wrong background so important but yeah like I it shouldn't be a defining issue maybe it should be I don't know but the fact that there's like gigs of video of him smelling kids hair and massaging little girls and just all sorts a handsy [ __ ] and I saw the reporter that I respect did say that he's just like that you know this is guy up time I was maybe 60 years old and he's like when I first met him you know he he's like I'm from like North East family we're kind of oh that's how I took him he's like we don't touch each other we're not that handsy we're kind of standoffish and it was really off-putting to me but over time like I came to like it and that's just that's helped that's burdens way of work Biden's way of working a crowd okay I don't know I can't get over how [ __ ] creepy it is and he's kissing is his granddaughter on the lips there isn't absolute lookout terrible her hair is [Laughter] let's take a moment to mock his his young granddaughters hair for just just a bit first of all that is a stringy dandruff filled mess it looks like she's filled it looks like she has some sort of tiny please look at it look at that hair seriously open the you wouldn't [ __ ] Joe Biden's granddaughter for a cabinet position really combing her hair to maybe give her some sort of give her some stem cells in there she hasn't run in her pantyhose so she's clearly a [ __ ] Joe put that there before that before the disease cuz that's hot there's no this bottom picture of her now that's a good picture all right look how she looks at him if I told you that was his wife Late Late like you'd be like oh wow she's so in love with him look how she looks at which the bottom picture the cheese leaked here biting her lip as he comes in for the kiss there's a staring staring [ __ ] hot blue steel love into that old man's face he's been he's been after her for a long time you get you a girl like Joe Biden's granddaughter who looks at you like Joe Biden's granddaughter that's the kind of love you wanted a relation daughters I'm a family man oh right so I haven't I'm actually kind of out of touch with what right it's been up to lately I've been doing the whole car buying thing and but I haven't in touch with the mainstream media's saying and one Buddha judge gave a victory speech that night he gave another victory speech with like 71% of the vote came in and now maybe if there that's a Biden I met Buddha judge he's been given victory speeches all day I think that's [ __ ] hilarious and in the narrative I'm hearing about Biden is that he's run for president is it two times or three times now and he's never won a state not in all the times he's ever won he's never won a single presidential electoral primary caucus anything lost all of them and here he is coming in as like the presumptive favorite former vice president of the United States the guy that that everyone wanted to run what four years ago and and did lost the first did you see that that really funny clip where they the guy who was like a mayor cheap [ __ ] surrogate was doing the coin flip for the last delegate and he flipped the coin then picked it up flipped it over my dad goes to Pete yes are you I dude like it's on camera and everybody watching was like yeah that's fine that's okay I just it's outrageous Bernie is getting absolutely [ __ ] it's it's not even her she got sucked in Iowa last that's why they changed the counting so it's like point two percent last time to Hillary you lost by it was something some incredibly slim margin so something happens in the changing votes though the way that it works is I don't if we explained this on a show yet but you know in a caucus they go into like a basketball court or an indoor soccer ring I don't know field or or whatever and you stand in your place and you stand in the mayor Pete area you stand in the AME Kluber chart area someone else Biden Center and then they do a count and the non-viable candidates they leave that area and go to somebody else right so they're all I come over here were the cool kids we'd love you so much if you like Lubitsch are you should know that Biden has this in common with her and come join us and and then they do like a recount in a recount until eventually there's only viable big groups left and then they divide those every little area gets a certain amount of Delegates and they split them up okay apparently Sanders looked really good in the first count and then his things went on and on Hillary looked better and she won Iowa but it didn't tell the whole story like he maybe had more votes than her just fewer delegates because it can work out that way he definitely had more votes in the first count you know when people just got to choose anyone they wanted so this time they were gonna release the results of maybe the first count the third and the final probably have the details on that wrong but they just wanted to give more transparency into how the night evolved and that complexity and the voting screwed everything up did you see the the DNC got caught givin delegates to Deval Patrick that does we're supposed to go to Bernie I saw all about that now that was like easily explained what happened is they were trying to cheat him there was a well right because the big Deval Patrick supporters working behind the scenes no no it's it's people who want like a normal run-of-the-mill kind of neocon Neil lips tile guy like Pete or Warren and they were filling out a spreadsheet and they literally copy and pasted one column off and that explained everyone and they just had to shift it and all correct it just seems like it's just so much more likely than a secret behind-the-scenes Duval Patrick conspiracy no no it's not Deval Patrick see like it's really hard to look at things as though they're a genuine mistake when mistakes only ever happen in one direction there's an instance where it's like oh no no against against Bernie where I'm saying never habits has it been like wow bernie takes a huge leap all we accidentally gave him way more credit it's always against him and it's like I am seeing now like on social media and [ __ ] like the Bernie bros are furious like yeah it's absolutely there's too many coincidence coincidences to chalk up to just incompetence instead of frankly malice I think like he's getting [ __ ] out of it I'm looking I'm out of New York Times viewers something that's so stupid oh they do that now yeah I was I saw it in like the preview can I look at the cached anyway Bernie won two delegates in Polk County and they put one of the delegates in warrens column a plausible explanation is that the Iowa Democratic Party staff members accidentally copied the results of one column too far to the left in a spreadsheet for some proceedings such errors inevitably occur at manual data entry but the Iowa Democratic Party does not appear to have enough checks to assure that it reports accurate results yeah I accidentally ordered a little marijuana across the country with a conspiracy to get stoned I would Emma crack released a wave of results results showing that Deval Patrick's sweeping central Des Moines this was incorrect Sanders votes has been reported as for Patrick while Elizabeth Warren's tallies went to Tom Steyer yeah he's the other one that like Deval Patrick and Tom Steyer had these big booms because they just put it one column off best-case scenario they're incredibly bad at their jobs that's an the most likely scenario is that they're literally trying to stay against Bernie again and it we saw this four years ago it the fact that they just did it last time it is shows the Gaul that these people have to be like ah they won't notice and and you know you've got people like Cuomo declaring Buddha judge the the way and they didn't stand just so the listeners understand like they if you believe the line they copy-paste it at one line over they caught the mistake and then they've reversed it I don't think yeah there's tons of examples of things like that they only get they only take things back when when you did it wrong that's like well we can't be looking over their shoulder every they're the ones who are supposed to be counting the votes there's not the over show of that app company is a Pete Buddha judge surrogate like he works on her camp is campaign like the amount of connection there and it's like why did they need this app it's it's edition like you don't need an app for that [ __ ] it was just adding an extra layer and I really think that once it kind of started coming through that Bernie was kicking ass and winning in Iowa that's when oh [ __ ] yeah oh that app that the other guy is really closely tied to just so happen to catastrophic Li collapse in a way that really only benefits one person in Fox's the reason they changed the way that they counted it was because Bernie Sanders demanded it he said that he demanded they use an app he didn't demand the specifics of how they implemented it but he said hey look last year my Iowa results were much better than they were painted as it looked like Hillary was the clear winner and it's true the truth is I got more votes than her I don't know if he eventually got more delegates or not but they painted her as winning Iowa if they showed the full thing and Sanders had said like let's say it happened like this year where he got fewer delegates but more votes and then he goes into New Hampshire and gets more votes they might have looked at Sanders differently than to say they both won one so he asked for more detail on the reporting how things went on each wave of realignment and they were unable to perform on that it's just there are so many coincidences that you have to accept that all go in the same direction for to think that Pete won this it requires some mental gymnastics yeah like it and it's it's just crazy to me that like mainstream media people are like your [ __ ] conspiracy theorists it's like yeah this story happened almost the same way for years ago and we watched Bernie get [ __ ] in real time I wake up with a black eye and was like actually I'm fine with Hillary that's really tight that she's running and it's interesting too it's interesting to compare how the DNC handles an outsider coming in and doing well who doesn't really support their their core beliefs compared to how the RNC does like you say whatever you want about the Republicans most of it's true they seem all politicians the general seem like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] heads but yeah when Trump came in there and beat every single one of their their candidates they swallowed it they took it they they they put his name on the on the piece of paper and they said okay you win fair and square they didn't try to rig the election they didn't try to lie on him Fox News never said oh it looks like oh and actually we've got some votes coming in for this guy or that guy Bush his truck on his way out even though Trump's got 70% of the vote the one thing I felt like it was a little rigged against Trump and he was able to win anyway and yeah he battled but yeah in criminal and some of this looks Krim true I agree with all that then one I just wanted to point out was Florida the first winner-take-all state or Florida became a winner-take-all state and it to me it looked like it was lined up to be either Jeb Bush or Rubio slam dunk you know one of those guys were gonna win goes from there and is where did Jeb Bush where was he covered he was a governor of Florida okay yeah yeah so it was like it was for those guys those guys were supposed to win they're nearly home state and then that they'll winner-take-all was gonna give them this insurmountable lead and it just seemed a little stacked in the deck of some of these incumbents and certainly not in favor of Trump Trump won Florida Trump won Florida got all the delegates and you know if if they tried to rig it they didn't rigging it off and yeah and like you said they lined up behind him yeah I don't know well we'll see what happens I burnt Bernie's the Bernie's definitely in the lead the fact that Biden is out means that that bernie is it's pretty much a guy I think at this point that he is like Biden club achar and Pete shared like what 56% of the vote like between the three of them because they're all like kind of the more I don't find the other street viable candidates I could be wrong about that but that's just you Bernie and Warren the more progressive ones were sharing the rest and so those other Warren is becoming non-viable very quickly and that means that like bernie is the front-runner at this point he's going if they don't put him up the tens are [ __ ] like there's no chance that Pete wins like the Democrats pretty much entirely depend on meeting the minority vote you know and blacks and Hispanics are quite a bit more religious I have a solution on average I was what Mayor Pete uh Cory Booker Kamala Harris VP no that's that's not enough no they people were really excited to vote for Obama you know like right the black and Hispanic minority communities but there is no way that blacks in the South are gonna be turnin out super stoked for a gay guy like it in in numbers like it just might still being support yeah look I'm not saying they'll get Obama like support for having Cory Booker better marry a woman [Laughter] I've seen the lights because we feel like no one tell me about [ __ ] no you can't just VP a woman because everybody knows he's not [ __ ] her she's my vice presidential candidate Bill Clinton now bill has shown me the light ya know I I look I worry about conspiracy as much as anyone else right I've been sort of playing by his having fun with Jason but yeah we'll see I there is a piece of me that projects it like this if Pete won because he focused on the places where he can win you know the places that aren't the cities that Bernie's gonna dominate in and got more delegates with fewer votes and played the game smart just like Trump played the game smart in 2016 maybe that's not a bad sign but I just painting it with the most favorable light yeah that's fair everybody looks at the candidate I prefer the most favorable light but yeah there it's just kind of funny seeing like oh wow the Democrats would rather lose than run Bernie Sanders like they there is a 0% chance that people judge is president like they're none he's not going to win like he's gonna get slaughtered [ __ ] Reagan style against Trump whereas like Bernie I genuinely think Bernie would win his grassroots support is pretty much matched only by Trump's by people who turn out and are really stoked for him so yeah they're they're shooting themselves in the foot by not giving Bernie the fair shot he deserves there's only two candidates out there that are actually loved by their supporters like I just don't feel like anybody's like Oh Trump and Globus show I mean burden a trumpet at Trump and Sanders yeah like Trump supporters are [ __ ] their rabbit the rabbit they love that guy man just show up because he is a celebrity literally and Bernice Bernie's followers are like me look you name a thing that that anyone is ever an opinion that anyone's ever held that was wrong and there's a video of Bernie Sanders disputed like going and speaking out against it whether it was popular to do so or not you know you go back to the 86 1986 he's up there with like gay pride and Vermont bigs banner behind him that was the height of the AIDS epidemic and he's got a big day that becomes a huge issue right gay pride versus like actually sucking dick just because I don't personally suck and I resent my opponent for challenging me to a dick sucking [Laughter] yeah well anyways they'll be a new just not attractive to me yes I want to get off I'm want to cover politics more not use it all up after the first caucus but we'll see how it goes obviously Saders is gonna win the next one I don't know if Pete can't even get second okay after New Hampshire what's the one Nevada caucus I think Caroline is the first one that matters in my opinion when South Carolina happens we know something Carolina I think is the third one and then comes Super Tuesday which will matter a lot mm-hmm you want to see a lady cop going ham on a guy yes yes I want to go back to Kings [Laughter]
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, pka 477, pka 477 clips, pka 477 highlights, PKA 477 Daniel Negreanu - Kyle's DNA Test, Alien's Visit Earth, Vegas Vices, pete buttigieg, bernie sanders, joe biden, elizabeth warren, 2020, democrat, primary, election, 2020 election, dnc, iowa, iowa caucases
Id: 1LmwiulI1dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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