Game Of Thrones Biggest Star: Thor 'The Mountain' Bjornsson - IMPAULSIVE EP. 293

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that's david how far do you think you could throw him almost to me 75 kilos 10 meters can we please do that i'm gonna get it together i'm gonna be honest with you i'm fried i'm fried the first thing you asked me when you walked in was how are you and i said i i feel like i'm dying and you said yeah you look like i was just teaching you you look great man thank you bro why would you handle it i'll explain that in a second guys welcome back to paul's art welcome back to kiss fm 204.5 the number one radio station in the world uh yeah thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing we are in the middle of iceland iceland we're here eastland aceland as they say in germany um this is not a uh look i know what real life looks like this is the most beautiful landscape i've been calling it a dreamscape because it's like i'm dreaming and and this is the most beautiful country i've ever been to and we've just been running around doing everything and we managed to get iceland's biggest star you got to help me with your last name but it's half thor julius this is beyonce you do it better way better a bit better yeah dude i am well thank you so much for having me it's an absolute honor i am honored to have you bro i i'm not kidding i've been trying to have you on the show for like forever but you're based in iceland you know you it's an island in the middle of nowhere let me just come here that's [ __ ] awesome i know i know and i'm glad we got you here too because you just had a fight dude like what two days ago yeah saturday yeah yeah today monday so yeah boxing absolutely my third time in the ring and i had absolute blast the adrenaline the feeling the moment before you step in the ring is just like you you know it's like right it's just it's incredible of course no i can't yeah dude i i i gotta ask you like what uh what's your favorite icelandic food no no please please i'm [ __ ] with you she told us not to ask question don't even answer he goes please don't ask me the [ __ ] taurus questions especially my favorite food though is it's very nice it's good yeah bro well look you're you're you're potentially the most famous person in iceland you uh as i have here on my notes we're the first person to have won the arnold strongman classic europe's strongman and world's strongest man in the same calendar year you finished first in all of them multiple times dude what is it like being the world's strongest man [ __ ] amazing awesome to uh i mean to accomplish something that you've been trying to do for so long like i i was in in this sport for a bit over a decade and it took me a long time to become the best but when when i became in the past it was the best feeling ever it's no better better feeling than finally achieving your goal like you probably know yourself you set yourself goals every single day probably and when you finally reach them it's just it's so rewarding you know it gives you this this uh magnetic feeling yeah it's so hard to explain no i set many goals too like if i brush my teeth in the morning like which i do every day by the way hygiene that that's a that's a goal that i've accomplished like that i feel good about that yeah absolutely but but the ones that uh have the biggest payoffs the ones that are the most fulfilling are the ones that take a decade yeah absolutely years and hours and hours and then all all the big goals that you set yourself that that possibly don't take as long to reach but are still huge like for example when you fought flight float for flight floyd it's time it's a tough night i already fought my mother when you fought tim you know you probably said it's your goal hey i'm gonna last all around against this guy i mean he's one of the best he's the best ever he's very good he's very good and i was super super impressed when you i mean you performed in my opinion absolutely insane ah versus like a guy at this caliber you would i never thought that you would last the whole rounds i'm just gonna be honest i mean you are you are taller heavier so i mean that's gonna help you you know so you so so you kind of you should you should challenge me next because i am heavier now and i'm taller i wait i saw i saw a comment like this i'm not kidding who wins that fight i'm not kidding someone didn't they who wins that fight we should do it right now let's do it no literally we should stand up and box you [ __ ] you're [ __ ] you're so true bro the thing is the thing is like with if you crack me once bro i've seen your i've seen your sparring videos or your training videos if you hit me with one punch i i don't know if i'd be on this planet anymore i don't know i'm at least at least like i'm not saying that you're gonna fight you know but like it's like like if you wanna spar just like a fun sparring session i'll be down dude it would be an honor for myself to spark you dog you i think you i think you kind of laughed at me when i mentioned sparring once do you remember that did you i think i think i think when you first started boxing i was like bro this is so cool it's so cool to see you pivot because by the way like that's another we'll talk about the you know the pivot from being uh the best in one sport and attempting to do the same in another but um i was like yo let's spar and i think you said what do you mean let's spot because you're so much bigger than me dude absolutely absolutely it's it's it's not fair but uh i'm down though really yeah absolutely i've seen you i've seen you uh work a little bit with mcgregor mike gregor yeah way back in the day yeah well i had like like like five minutes of uh spin around with him i wouldn't say that i worked with him but uh but we played around for like five minutes yeah dude that was so cool that was fun it's cool to see people who are like the best in class merge in that way yeah it was cool i had a lot of fun um um could you could you feel his uh adeptness and an ability to uh move bodies and strike or or did you feel like you had full control of him because he there's no he you're twice his size there was a time where i had to grab with him where i felt like i can crush this guy but he had a fight against alto i think a week later so i was like i better be nice to him because i don't want to like injure him right now he's about to have the biggest fight of his life right now he's going to be huge right to him and that fight actually sent him to set him to the moon basically so i was he should thank me and probably pay me a bit too for not crushing him yeah honestly after that fight he just he did it through the sky you know that that was the that was the that was a fight that made uh conor mcgregor conor mcgregor the knockout that happened in like 12 seconds yeah yeah but i remember seeing that video and it was so cool and i i also kind of want to know like being as strong as you are and hearing you say that is that like is that your metric for like do you just want to crush everything you or do you think you're capable of crushing most things no so the majority of things you you can't crash i mean i mean an orange i can't chris what do you guys mean chris what about like a volkswagen yeah sure absolutely man yeah definitely man yeah yeah absolutely mike so yeah so really quick eddie hall sent you a a a congratulations message on instagram who after the fight do you know who eddie hall is wait of course what was that what was that oh [ __ ] now i see what's happening here he goes it says he congratulated uh that's the fat guy from uk right let's go let's get it going yeah i remember that guy yeah he he said uh he said congrats that you had beaten an old man yeah outstanding at least i fight that fat guy the only thing he does is he's like punching celebrities that he finds on his youtube channel that's the only thing he does i've seen that yeah i've seen that the only thing it does so what what was the story there that the fight didn't happen because he did did he actually tear his bicep that's what he says got it got it do you believe that i think he's freight i would be we'll see we'll see if he's going to come in in mars that's that's that's the story right now i'm hearing like he's going to be ready in mars like we'll see if that's going to happen or he's going to get injured again by fooling around punching celebrities around you know so for those of you listening who who don't know eddie hall is also was he once the world's strongest man is he right now no he he he wanted uh once so he's also he's also a large strong human just shorter than you shorten fact i would describe like that more like yeah right and and uh yeah yeah and and and you guys decided to go head to head in in what people are calling what's that what are they calling it's like the biggest it's the biggest the biggest strongest heaviest box in my action in history ever yeah yeah i mean yeah absolutely yeah but why would you why would you sign up for something like that because by the way don't beat him up just him though because you you've had three fights now yeah uh because i'm taking that fight seriously i want to prepare myself i want to get the experience in and i want to like the end run here is to beat him up that's like my final destination and as long as he's going to delay it i'm just gonna get better and like it's actually he's actually do do me a favor by fooling around playing around and not taking it seriously because now i can just keep working training hard and prepare myself and whenever he's ready i'll be even better and i'll be able to kick sass bingo two things one when i fought floyd i felt like his biggest mistake was waiting as long as he did he took him eight months to confirm the fight and i got really good in that time because i in my mind i had eight months to prepare for the best fighter ever like you you're gonna work hard but the second thing is i'm really really impressed with how patient and dedicated you are to bettering yourself the sport before you step into that final destination match that you know because that's i in my opinion the difference between a boy and a man bro i'm a well kind i'm like a half man now but you know back when i was 22 what i mean man half a man you know well i'm still i'm 26 bro i'm like i do true you are young i'm young i'm still [ __ ] around you are yeah you are young yeah [ __ ] crazy 25 26 26 young buck dude that's crazy it's pretty cool though that's actually super cool because you've done so much in your life yeah super i'm super actually inspired by you yeah oh thank you bro but yeah i i i i've never had that that patience to like look at my goal down the line far down the line and understand absolutely what are you talking about mm-hmm i i want everything now i want it right now i want to be the best right now i i have uh no i just i'm like a product of my generation like instant gratification unfortunately is something that i i yearn for greatness takes patience and look at how you just screw yourself as one of the biggest stars in the world it took time you know absolutely but i definitely didn't start there i started at like a hundred and like i guess i'm just saying i think because of your um course in in your strongman pursuits and you knew what it took to actually be the best at something and how dedicated you were helped in what you're trying to do with boxing but also with boxing it's it's much more than just being big and strong as i'm sure you found out and you're sparring yes yeah but what about getting hit is that that [ __ ] you up at all how do you feel about it you have to get used to it for sure yeah like in the beginning uh it wasn't nice like like you probably know get used to it at first you like blink your eyes and you look away but then with time you get more sparring and you get used to it then just yeah it took time and it's just something that you have to get used to what would you did did it take long for you to use that did you spawn a lot a lot it's all we do it's only it's how we got good as fast yeah yeah same here yeah i'm i'm sparring probably like three times a week same yeah you have to it's it's i mean it's a fast track you know to to being you know as good as you want to be have you ever been have you ever been rocked like like i have not thankfully i'm actually very thankful that uh what with you i have you know i have i've been rocked in in in the ring or outside the ring uh in the ring against json no no i'm saying it's just sparring oh you mean you mean sorry i was asking when i said training i was meaning sparring oh sorry it's it sucks dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i i i will say uh are the guys you're sparring tops here what size right yeah so i'm inspiring guy right now um when i'm with him or not with him right now because he's in in the uk i'm here so my trainer he trains another guy called martin bakoli and he's like ranked number 13th in the world right now in the heavyweight division so inspiring him uh three times a week um him and some other guys one night when when i'm with them i'll be going with going to scotland where they're gonna be training in three weeks again i'll stay first tonight and i'm gonna travel to to scotland because that's where the camp is yep next next camp i got it i got it we interrupt this program to bring you another word from our incredible sponsor this episode is sponsored by bluechu say it with us bluetooth making waves and bringing more confidence to the bedroom by offering chewable tablets that can help men get stronger and longer lasting erections bluetooth is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and sea house but in chewable form and it's at a fraction of the cost bluetooth tablets help men achieve harder stronger erections to combat all forms of ed bluetooth is an online prescription service so no visits to the doctor doctor's office no awkward conversations and no 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you're born here you want to represent your country or your resources are here uh because a lot of people move they go they go yeah yeah i'm a big family guy i love my family i'm super super close to my family um so that's big reason as well as i just like love my country i love iceland you know yeah it's i'm just i feel like i'm stuck here for some definition i feel like i can't move to america or somewhere else because i just i love iceland i love the frank's fresh uh oxygen here and the fresh water and you know i don't know it's just like few details that i just love with iceland the same the water is noticeably better than anywhere else in the world glacier did i know i know my water like i'm be honest with you yeah i drink a lot of water and i know you used to be able to go to the tap you know get a fresh water and it's just like i don't know like i've tried water around the world like elsewhere like through the tap and or like bottled water and no water tastes as good as an iceland that's my opinion like you're i've been drinking toilet water this whole time i swear to god it's what use toilet water not eat oh yeah yeah not fresh not fresh no not fresh no do you do you ever feel like uh being in iceland is there anything about it that limits you from growth in any way shape or form probably yeah i definitely mean i'm not i'm not able to um do these type of things as often you know um so and yeah absolutely absolutely would you ever consider taking off and moving for any reason or you just you're just locked in i thought about it but i don't know like i'm not looking for [Music] i'm happy with my life right now i'm not trying to expand to get even like like i'm okay being where i'm at right now like i'm not trying to make these super fast connections you know if they happen to happen everything happens for a reason patience dude man and a boy he also he also i mean you've had so much uh success obviously with game of thrones and now you just worked on uh another movie that's going to release in 2022 the north northern the north yeah so is a part of it just waiting for those big roles to come go to location shoot that and then you can go back to being where whatever makes you happy which is here in iceland yeah basically you know i just um yeah basically um yeah what can i say i'm just a happy guy i'm happy with my life and well you guys got a girl huh you got a girl i have a wife i'm married i have a daughter have a son you know what ass can i ask for really you know um then cool guys like you you know well you have to hang out that's pretty cool awesome as well so bro you have you have the attention of so many people you had you had the attention um for a while and and i think you'll come to learn with this boxing thing as you probably already have yo something about fights people love to watch i'm so excited to see the turnout for you versus eddie i think that's going to be a massive fight that's like that's like two two like semi trucks colliding at full speed absolutely i um i think it's gonna be huge and um have you noticed have you noticed people treating you different now that you can throw a a punch as well as lift a really heavy weight i don't know i think i think people a lot of people showed me a lot of respect before as well because i was the strongest man in the world that makes sense so it really does um yeah yeah um can you imagine so bro he walked in he walked in i was like yo this guy's [ __ ] huge so so is my security neil though you think i'm cute now you sure she's seen me like a few months back i've lost i lost i've lost 60 kilograms for the fight right training yeah i'm a skinny guy you you leaned out i'm a skinny guy how much mike looks big next to me just not in that way this is not in that way i've been eating all this icelandic food dude i'm blown up what is what does that uh victory in the ring feel like comparatively to victories and strongmen competitions or you know seeing the reception to game of thrones which one of those has the most meaning to you to your to your heart and soul um i have to do stroman i i stayed in that sport for a decade and i put so much work and effort in into that sports uh winning those big titles you know nothing beats it you know uh has to be the strongman even though obviously you know beating someone in the ring is awesome great but uh the emotions and everything were like so high and after you know competing with someone absolutely yeah do you have rituals for strong man like i know some people would when they sniff uh they like ammonium right they go yeah and then they lift their weights like do you do anything like that yeah i used to like for the big lift when i was able to do a big pr i used to sniff ammonia not every single time but like for big prs what does it do it like basically gives you like a quick adrenaline like rush yeah like a rush yeah yeah yeah i read you deadlifted a thousand or eleven hundred pounds yes uh 501 kilograms and that was a world record right yes and was that the one that had been there for like a thousand years or something like that no but that was a different that was the difference the viking yeah that one right he broke he broke a thousand year old record did you kind of feel bad like no one's ever going to talk about that guy again true yeah hopefully thousand would be great um yeah i felt a little bad but you know is is the is the key for dead lifting that much weight just using only your back no using your whole body if you only use your back you're putting a breaker back you're scared yeah if you don't use it back in the breaker but yeah i knew exactly what you want to do is lift it with a twisting jerking motion using only your back it was the limo with bill clinton i remember that episode i didn't even watch the episode man all right well for all the family guy fans out there no i just knew the clip but that's so much weight dude and you you i'm just i'm assuming i mean bro your stature genetically you were designed to be a [ __ ] animal anyways like you're going to be strong regardless so then how much stronger can you really get i don't know um well i stayed in the sport of strowman for a decade and i became very strong the strongest man in the world could have became stronger because i was still fresh still injury-free could have stayed longer than the sport but i decided to retire for myself for my health from a family so i could because like let's be honest being 205 kilogram is not gonna be healthy for myself or my heart long term so i just i i want to think about my health think about family um so i decided to retire um but i could have been i could have been much stronger in my opinion because like i retired at um 30 30 32 and i could have lasted five more years at least it's good though but again see that's what you have this you have a really like mature foresight where you're not unlike me that's why i like envy you a bit you're you're not so emotionally tied to like your career it's grounded yeah very in-country family that like it's something for la guys like us or we're like i'm envious of that you know what i'm saying it's incredible where does that come from is that instilled in you by your parents by your family like uh good question um always been like that always loved my family uh just a big family guy my family is super super super i know not a lot of families are like that but you know i'm super close to my parents super close my sisters i'm just all like this like literally my my dad was like on my house [Music] my sister my nephew that one right there yeah by the way he's awesome this guy's great he's awesome and and you can't see him he's 17. he's 17 years old aaron yeah shout out aaron doug that dude's like six five yeah and i can tell he's young but he looks like a grown ass man this is everyone in your family just like yeah are you sisters six five six six my sisters are tall my dad is tall my grandfather's tall we are all tall yeah this is like this is the family you see back when i said i said my wife she's my son is big my my daughter is big but my wife is so how's your son he is 21 in a week is he bigger than your wife i'm not trying to be funny but soon soon he's three years old he's 5 10. he's actually he's 21. he's turning one and he's huge he's massive damn and and your wife is like short right she is she is sure i see pictures of you guys together and i'm like this is interesting yeah how did you guys meet man kenda uh she's from canada and uh i wanted to uh improve my english skills because my sucked in the beginning of my career it was like how can i improve my english you know what i'm going to get myself why this speaks english so i'm forced to speak it every single day no no no you're right right right big big chunks right like this i guess i gotta get it i want to learn spanish i guess i need a spanish god and if you're out there mommy hit me up you're right nah but dude i i i i see your family life and all the things you're doing and uh i i always wonder what made you the way you're close to your family though super close very close you and your brother you like your parents yeah but not like proximity wise to it you know what i'm saying like it's almost like uh the way i look at it is if you had his like very rooted way of thinking you may have stayed in ohio like just it really stayed there and it's it's interesting it's just an interesting it sounds like if you were if he you were to give ask him a list of you know what i'm gonna because it's a broadcast yeah yeah what's what are your priorities top three top three priorities well good question uh family family um [Music] i mean i love my family i talk to my mom every day i love my family but you know i left to pursue a career he left to pursue a career [ __ ] [ __ ] left robin in the dusty [ __ ] sweet sweet robin yesterday yesterday robin calls me she goes logan are you drunk what was your answer robin are you drunk i [ __ ] love robin and by the way she didn't call you i facetimed her because i call my mom every day and we're at the top of uh skogafoss which is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life if you haven't been to iceland it's a massive waterfall and uh stunning it's not just an absolutely stunning place i've never seen a a country like this or a place like this in my life so how do you how do you grow up grow up in a place like this that's this is what i'm having trouble understanding because uh uh viking who by the way is escorting us around and i appreciate you thank you he was mentioned on this podcast once with roy rory kramer rory mentioned him now we're here with him yeah he's the best and thank you for letting us use your studio but he mentioned that um iceland uh only has a population of uh 350 000 250 000 of those people live in reykjavik um you know it's it's small and and i wanna know like growing up is it is it farm life is it are there pastures are you overwhelmed with how beautiful this place is or since it's so normal to you do you not think about it i get like i guess you don't think about it because we're just born and raised here and we're just used to it um but you know it's probably the reason why i'm still here is because it's just a nice place to live you know it's just uh the peace as well you know there's no really crime here minimum at least you know super minimum police doesn't even carry a gun here so it's like crime free you can just put your kids out to sleep uh out on the balcony without any issue no one's going to steal your child uh super just um safe place not that i'm afraid but it's just nice to nice to know that your child is not going to be um imagine you made the mistake of going up to his door to try to break sell candy oh don't like break in in the middle of the night you broke in the house and it's just him and his seven foot two sisters like just what's up [ __ ] come on sucking crack of an ass dude have you been have you been in street fights uh when i was younger man you know i like most guys you end up in fights sometimes but uh nothing nothing in the last nest like definitely try to avoid fighting guys like this absolutely david looked up a statistic today there's 120 people in jail in iceland that's it 120 let's go people some illegal making 121. 122. brother 120 let's go oh [ __ ] another word from our sponsors look we're all adults here and some of us choose to use nicotine to relax folks or just unwind after a long day lucy nicotine is a company that was created to help nicotine users find a cleaner option and feel better about the way they consume nicotine their latest product is slim nicotine pouches which contain pure synthetic nicotine and provide the same satisfaction that nicotine users expect without any tobacco at all lucy slim pouches use newest technology for synthesizing pure nicotine in the lab none of the tobacco all of the 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going to cut questions for me you uh you absolutely succeeded in family life you succeeded in strongman now in fighting a little bit you're starting to succeed there you've have movies you have are on one of the most successful television uh franchises what what is next what do you want to do what are some things that people could never imagine you doing that you want to do and also what's something that you can't do do you have anything you can't do uh a lot of things in the comments probably can't fit in a mini computer right right uh can't drive sports cars okay yeah okay catfish fits through a door without bending down yeah can't sit in an economy flight um too big my ass is too white um being big is a huge mess yeah like even this chair here is just like it's a big chair but like it's it's tight and comfortable i have so much room so you know it's crazy i've heard this before i had a really really tall friend in high school and he told me and i i see he's six seven as a high schooler yeah we're 16. he the kids he goes it seems cool but like this world is not built for tall people that's true finding shoes at fifth finding section yeah yeah yeah yeah uh no but it's gotten better over the years i remember as as a child [ __ ] was a nightmare finding shoes only had the most ugliest shoes in the world what's that shoe you wear i'm 16 yes that's that's so hard to find it's hard for me to find 13s let alone six scenes yeah that's nuts 13 is easy bro easier can you complain i'm not well we're in uh we're in germany in hamburg searching for shoes and they they i guess everyone there is david's size and so they you know they go up to like 10 u.s so that's david how far do you think you could throw him almost 75 kilos 10 meters can we please do that what's the what's your style for throwing a human what is that i usually grab the relax spin twice and then just let go is that hammer is that ham disc it's a hammer hammer right yeah got it by the way that's the best that it's 100 the best strategy i would pay so much to see that well how much you want how much you [ __ ] how much you want i don't know that's a lot of money my friend will pay you two g's to throw his videographer this is not enough okay i mean i could off it i guess but i gotta ask you this dude and i know you said stay away from the icelandic tourist question you know what this isn't a tourist question i need to know bro what are there elves here like i've heard the stories bro uh so so say the stories here's what i heard i heard there are elven villages scattered throughout iceland and there are elves that shoot i say this in full sincerity i'm not [ __ ] around because the person who told me who's in this room said this in full sincerity and i said and he kept talking about it and i said no no i i gotta we're gonna go down this path we talking about elves dude like tell me about the [ __ ] elves and for an hour we just talked about these elves that apparently are a part of icelandic culture um he said that in iceland there's two types of people types of icelanders who believe in elves and icelanders who won't admit they'll believe in elves because they think the elves will get them and as soon i started laughing right i was like this is ridiculous then he goes no really and he pointed at a road sign this is how i knew it was serious he goes no look dog there there's a road sign like you know in in the united states it's like deer crossing right but is a road sign with two elves like dancing next to each other with the pointy hat on like the government paid money to stick a sign on the side of the no multiple signs on the side of the highway with these elves on it are the elves real i was i've seen i've seen short people i'm not i'm not entirely sure if those were elves or to serve people so i'm not i'm not sure if if it's true or not it's not going to cut it for me yes or no are you one of the people who's scared to talk about him now he's going to ask you to cut a question he doesn't want to get killed by the house not no apparently it's a real i want to stay loud guys please can you go to the next question yeah what's what's next honestly i want to go i want to go back to that what what's next he's actually got a [ __ ] he's boxing i know exactly i know i'm bringing something special to america uh skiff icelandic do not scare us if you don't know what skitters i need to hook you guys with skier i love that i love skiing one of my favorite alpine sports i was a kid yeah listen mike listen skiff icelandic skill it's like a yokurt but like thicker thicker um and don't don't [ __ ] mess with me my accent is quite off here listen scare say scare scare yeah good job uh it is tasty creamy thick and you guys have to try it i'm bringing it to america and you guys gonna love it your brand my brand that's cool fruit in it uh yeah we we have different flavors vanilla strawberry blueberry and plain and we'll bring some other flavors soon and it's going to be available in america soon brand name yeah is her name i love that that's incredible we got clapping going i want to i want to give some advice well you probably don't need it absolutely from you definitely yeah i'm good with branding actually it's like all i'm good at is i'll i'll ask you like for some good advice after this my i would like secret advice like after you you tell them now but like a bad advice okay okay okay i was just gonna say it wouldn't be the first successful brand native to iceland that's infiltrated mainstream um the one that comes to mind is the icelandic glacial water you know like i had some on the way here i drank it in the united states and it popped off because of like people's fascination with the purity of uh of iceland so i think with i think with the proper branding you could you could crush the the the yogurt space not yogurt absolutely he's scared it's similar to yogurt but it's not it's even better so we need to well this is what i'll tell you after the podcast i'll give you i'll give you the real after the podcast i would love that yeah of course because i want this to be like grow and become successful obviously absolutely i'm assuming you love it i absolutely love it eat it every day i used to eat scared a lot more when i was younger i'm not trying to sell it now like it's just like the yeah truth you know of course um like being serious wait no i'm just i'm being serious no no no i'm saying bro also it's a podcast like it's you're supposed to talk about your business endeavors or anything like that it's all we do like you're the guest i think it's super cool branch anything branching out into business or product using the brand you've built is is incredibly smart um i i know a girl who who uh actually olivia she's on the trip she she was explained to me how um she loves yogurt and i found it odd actually like i i i didn't know people had like a fascination for yogurt but like it's a dude she has four different types of yogurt brands in her house right now people people love yo i would assume skier has some uh benefit within the uh that benefits your about yeah yeah yeah absolutely it's high in protein low in fat right right sugar it's it's very healthy healthy healthy choice and it fits in your diet which i'm also assuming is is incredibly healthy was that your protein shake that's this big that was sitting right over there yep in your diet it's probably pretty it's pretty clean uh i mean i cheated today because i had to allow myself uh but usually it's pretty clean like when i say clean i say like no [ __ ] food no suckers soda like unnecessary bad food you know what's it what's a normal day look like in your in your uh right now i could walk you guys through it quickly uh 2x in the morning uh 50 grams oatmeal 40 grams actually right now i just switched to it 50 grams blueberries 220 grams chicken breast that's the breakfast second meal is 220 uh beef tenderloin 240 grams white rice with 100 grams of spinach or some kind of greens third meal is chicken breast again 220 with 200 grams potatoes 100 grams of greens fourth meal uh salmon with 100 grams rice and some uh greens 100 grams and then the last meal of the day is of course some icelandic skewer let's go [Laughter] the room just the room just shook a little bit is that the before yeah before bed snack yeah yeah yeah you got it down to a science yeah who perhaps and is that where is that every day i'm i make usually usually i i cook myself because i like my food when i can when i have the time otherwise i have other people prepping for me or like a meal prep company or whatever uh but but i i do cook myself sometimes and that's every day everything i changed my diet up sometimes you know but this is the reason i actually just changed it you know uh yeah i mix it up you know once every whatever you know i i don't know nutrition that well but i do find it interesting that you do um chicken beef and fish all in the same day yeah it's the best is it though there's no like implications that come with like what i i don't stomach or sound like yeah it's just i feel like it's different proteins like some cleaner some fat like it probably gets into everything that you're getting the omega-3 from the fish right super lean protein from the from the chicken fatty acids and then some good a lot of good awesome minerals from the steak you know so so i'd assume the diet you got it down pat i'd assume also your your lifestyle is healthy throughout right so i'm you know you're probably not drinking i don't drink um don't smoke don't you used to drugs so my yeah my lifestyle is pretty pretty pretty healthy i would say yeah are you um sober your whole life or have you dreamed no i used to drink much younger okay okay what's that i need to ask this what's the cheap what's your go-to cheat meal i love ice i stand the ice cream you guys try to try something bro before you guys leave go and have bread it's legit do you want to give it a shot for sure no they're not the ice cream i'm gonna try the ice cream i just don't want to say the word i don't know i can't it's basically ice cream with three types of whatever you want to put in it you know mix it together and it's just legit you guys like kenti yeah yeah for sure oh so is it like the froyo of you guys you can literally just buy ice cream um i would buy the creamy one i like that that's actually more uh even even though a lot of people like the icing one better i i hate that ice cream and then put three type three types of whatever you can have fruits or candy it's legit i'd rather have skier to be honest with you yeah yes better for the biceps for sure but if you need that if you're yeah badly right but if you're like fancying some like good ice cream like like just want to cheat you know a good cheat meal there's not a lot of big guys in the world who uh are actually there are you have you seen it um there's not a lot of big guys in the world who are good at multi media and like can hop from different media uh platforms or um or uh uh uh niches right you were the strong man um now you're boxing and and i i do wanna dive into the acting career yeah yeah because i find it i do find it fascinating like the game of thrones thing massive massive for you you're massive how did you get that um yeah how would i get that um i've told this story so often oh this is one of those shitty questions [ __ ] that question i don't even care how you got that what was what was the experience i think i loved the experience i loved the experience uh but you know i just like i don't know they just saw a [ __ ] big guy like hey if you like this guy he's a [ __ ] massive guy he's strong hey let's hey thor you wanna have audition yeah sure i'll have edition okay you're strong you're massive had you had you have you done acting but no that's the funny funny part because i had no acting acting experience so i was shocked and like whoa like why are they reaching out to me because like there's a lot of great doctors out there um i guess they just wanted someone to pay a bit less or something no no that's not true not because i um i see you doing other commercials and stuff especially local to uh to iceland i see you choking a guy yeah against the barn do you remember that choking guy yeah yeah yeah he picked him up bro this poor guy for a commercial so you're going to continue doing the the acting the media yeah i'll continue as long as my time allows it um obviously right now my next whatever how many months until adi is ready are dedicated to that fight then after the fight i would love to dive more deep into acting i actually love acting uh longevity too bro you know yeah exactly exactly i wanna i wanna be there yeah want to be there 100 yeah are they are they seasoning you do they yeah see so he does this from time to time i've seen him do it it's like a locomotive blowing steam will you ask like every now and every now and then he goes i'm just giving oxygen man it's [ __ ] warm in here what are you talking about i'm trying to get some oxygen in my body someone's throwing coal on him from the back dude he's also asking if he's being seasoned like because he's not a piece of meat no i meant like in the acting world like did they give you an acting coach and they're like okay work work on this you know we we understand you've never acted before welcome to the biggest production literally ever like each episode of game of thrones cost by like five five to 15 million dollars yeah i had a acting code cm and my biggest cuts that i worked the most with was a cuts that taught me how to fight because my biggest scenes were actually in the fight scene you know so i worked with him daily for months to learn how to move the right to learn how to throw without killing a person obviously so yeah that took some time but i had a lot of good time you know is it true that you were responsible for the coffee cup on the table in game of thrones such a famous moment no it's not me we're talking about always being in that scene but i i did not know starbucks was around in the year 800. that was a while great great free ad for those guys yeah absolutely crushed it can we talk about northman for a second um dude crazy cast on this movie robert directed by robert eggers like famous director uh alexander skarsgard nicole kidman ethan hawk willem dafoe oh my god um don't forget about anya taylor joy come on i wasn't reading any specific order but um what's it like do you know these these actors like do you know who these people are when you go to set and what's it like to to work alongside some of the most well-known actors and directors and writers in the world humbling great you know it's always great to meet uh great people um honored you know it was amazing to because you know a lot of people think that i mean i had a great time great time and um and they're all just great do you ever uh maintain a relationship after after filming with any of your cast mates yeah yeah for with some of them for sure yeah the uh the the girl uh anya taylor joy um you like her the queen's i do she was great in that movie uh chesmar also called vince gavin great i i watched it um i thought it was i mean along with everyone else that was fantastic and and like like like a basic ass little [ __ ] i i went right to her instagram and shattered shout out to dm awesome no not not awesome because she she uh she hasn't she hasn't read it oh [ __ ] do you want to know what i said i it was right when queen's gambit came out and i said uh you wanted to teach me chess i said no i said uh okay but are you good at checkers oh no oh god and then she never responded and then like five months later i i i sent her another like i'm too deep bro i sent her another one and i said hey just following up on this on the above just following up on the above with the little carrot wait you you didn't check with me on either that you generally we'll run a lot of stuff look bro sometimes you just yeah just shoot and you you approve that danny yeah yeah that's that's horrifying look look i shot my shot and as of now i've missed and it's fine i mean it's fine you try some sometimes it's score sometimes it won't you know you you yeah well if you see her at the premiere just tell it absolutely so so this this movie the northmen is uh about a viking prince seeking justice for the murder murderers of his father do you ever feel like you might be getting uh cast into like a certain type of role whether it be game of thrones or whether it be a viking movie and does that bother you would you want to explore you know a comedy that takes place in new york city like does that is that appetizing to you or i would love a comedy um i would love a comment i think i think a customer if somebody's got a great sense if someone because he has like straight he's gonna punch you in the face and you can't do [ __ ] cause your arm's broken i can't i'm not from here comes the [ __ ] heart it is to not be using your dominant hand for everything doug as soon as this happened i went there's going to be a point where i am going to have to poop oh [ __ ] he doesn't think about these in a week i've been holding it because i'm afraid i can't wipe my bow with my left hand no i've been holding it for a week yeah i'm about to explode yeah no not like not like out of my butt like i'm about to explode oh like spontaneously yes you may have noticed also i've been voicing many more of my grievances with you this past week yeah i know because you can't do [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you he's got a good left he's got a good left too yeah he's got a good job it's just like i had a long jab was that i was saying something important we talked about [ __ ] in and then before that was it no i'm just kidding before that um him being in a comedy oh yeah yeah you have a straight dry humor role for sure for sure i could i could totally see that dude have you ever considered wwe or is was that ever on your radar or theirs theirs they they they result a few times um thought about it but like i said before iceland i went i went crackers so much but but do you get it i mean coming here we've been here for three days of course this pure i i said the viking earlier it's this feeling after seeing all these cities and these buildings and and the clubs in this city and eating food in this city you come here and it's this pure unadulterated nature and as opposed to thinking of what you like about this city what do you like most about the city and you think and you tell them the food here or the club here here you feel here you feel you look out over these massive open fields and the animals and the waterfalls and the black sand beach and the ocean crashing and it's like it gives you this innate feeling inside of you and your soul that like i don't think it's really replicable and i'm assuming that's what you feel and what keeps you around and family obviously and the more when i started to travel more the more i appreciate iceland and the last i wanted to move somewhere else um because when i like when i was younger younger you know i was like yes yeah i'll move somewhere else but then i started to travel a lot traveled around the world and i was just like off nah like my place is the best yeah which place is the shittiest that you've been like surely you walked into like portland and you were like [ __ ] portland i only use it because we've made fun of well andrew schultz yeah andrew schultz went hard on portland he doesn't [ __ ] with it do you have a police favorite or if you don't want to take that road to you no i don't really want to take the throat i'll have a favorite outside of iceland yeah i really liked uh dubrovnik croatia croatia yeah have yet to go and your fight was in dubai sorry your fight was in dubai yes you like dubai yeah you don't like the way i love dubai do you dude it's yeah it's my favorite city on earth yeah really uh it's tied it's yeah i have a time okay yeah but it's incredible dude the burj khalifa yeah it doesn't have a sewer system you know that every day i i hate to sit huh i love dubai as well it has it has no um sewage the british cliff a truck actually comes every day and sucks the [ __ ] out of the building yeah i i i hate to to tell you that because they can't build stores because it's built on on sand well who says sewers like that fair point but it does soars okay but it doesn't negate you don't have sews but it doesn't negate the point that i'm making it does there's no serious sewer system how did you get on this podcast i don't even think i'm supposed to be here what the [ __ ] is happening hey my channel's just found a field and it's we just found this guy am i translucent right now yes i feel like i'm dying i guess we're all dying so dude 10 10 years down the line ideal what do you want to be doing um 10 years down the line i would just love to be spending more time with my family and just working my businesses do you have goals for your children no no i don't have goals for my children i just want them to be happy and do the things they want to do yeah do you want do you want to have kids now no yeah like like tomorrow now or yeah if i could you might do you have a girlfriend no the answer is no trying to have or to start advocacy i i'm i'm i'm probably incapable of a prolonged relationship currently currently currently you just want to make kids yeah like with different different no no no ideally no no look it's it's all weird dude why do maybe we do suck i mean i understand you you're 26 years old uh living your life um everything going away a lot of female women female women i think that works uh yeah a lot of women showing a lot of attention uh it's a it's a difficult difficult life yeah but you pulled it off so why do we suck yeah do you know what i'm saying like you balanced work with family you had children you have a whole situation it's like i mean we're all different you know uh i i like balance i like like i like to have things stable and i don't think loken is there yet he likes to be all over the place enjoy his life have fun be with his friends uh he's young he deserves it you know he should do it it is true mike's like that too which is why we get along and it and it's worse for him because he's thirsty i'm not i am old he's holder he's sorry he's 45 yeah 36. he's 36 is it okay to just like keep it going or like i mean how do how do you or like people in iceland as a culture like how do they look at the idea of like uh yo you have to do this by this point or like you should or like i just i don't feel any pressure no i don't think there's i mean no you can give it to me straight i mean i'll because i would take advice because you have your morals and and you're grounded i mean do i should i like start thinking about that stuff because it's going to get too late for me you handsome your goals where do you want to be in 10 years like like like how do you see your life in 10 years i'd like to have goals in 10 years in 10 years you'd like to have some goals sooner that's that's part that's part of my problem i've never been a good goal setter i'm very uh fly by the seat of my pants how did you write your book it took years man without having a goal uh i had that that was one of the only big goals i've ever had in my life and that was my life i considered my life's work yeah you know it is he he's been dude i i had known him for three years before he told me that he was he had been writing a book for the past eight years and and i mean yeah jokes aside that was that that's a very impressive by the way that was kind of my that was kind of my big thing and and honestly oddly like then slowed slowed me down or or sped me up because i i i set less goals after that because i felt like i just accomplished one so i think my advice to myself and other people watching this is when you complete one goal make sure you start to set up the next you know and start to really is that is that true though because well for i think i know your answer but after you became world's strongest man you just wanted to keep going that wasn't that wasn't the end game yeah no did you have the what now moment as they say you you win what now i guess like for a moment you know um like what now should i retire now should i focus something else um you know but i i i competed for two more years i had a good two years two years competing um then retired 2020 and um here i am doing boxing right now what is what is the celebration for the world's strongest man because i'm a weird guy a lot of people are thinking like oh what's the celebration that you know when you were in wall street i literally went out with my family had a great meal at lunches but went to bed after the fight after aft after the win i'm a boy like ask viking like he has a lot of [ __ ] people come over here all the time he's coming hey i have to come meet this guy meet this guy meet this guy meet this guy i'm just my wife and my kids you know i just want to chill man like call me during the day if you want to hang out you know don't call me like 11 p.m at the night you know it's like i'm not going out i'm not going out and he'll he'll tell you he'll tell you like um i'm a super chilled guy like like not much for partying or like which iceland has by the way yeah and this okay so so this shocked me and you know this is starting to feel like us this episode is sponsored by by iceland you know because i keep talking about how great it is here but uh here and can you say it for me so i don't slaughter it right right right right break your victory okay uh there's a robust nightlife there's a there's an entire street that's just people like bars and clubs absolutely and i used to i used to go out and party and you know those guys can tell you guys i partied you know but you should throw it back back in the day you flipped cars and [ __ ] most people when they're bored they like ring doorbells and run away homie flips houses the entire house how much your house weighs not too much i thought he could do it i bet he could definitely do it no the night was the night life is crazy it's crazy i could compare it to a have you been to actually no no no no not here never i've never i've never been here so we went the other night after dinner and there's great restaurants here you got your guys food scene yeah wonderful fantastic great food and we went to this street and he viking had kept telling me the nightlife here the nightlife here and we're like yeah okay man like nature central and we get to this street and it is just it was a college festival yes it was all very younger like mid-20s all by the way all very good-looking people great you know fantastic looking people and they were hyped up and it was the first time on this whole trip we've been in germany we've been in uh london we've been all over the place that i felt like yo we need another security guard not not out of danger but they're just how many people there were and how excited they were about people yeah i guess i guess no no no no no no no no no no no no we stayed lucky but they were also just pumped up in general like it was saturday night not because of what i'm saying like bro i had a hood hat yes [Music] no one could know even oh yeah hiding i was just yeah i was just observing yeah um and it's insane bro that's nice that's good you guys can do that that's why i'm trying not to get where you guys are at you know because how am i gonna hide if never if if i if i ever became as famous as this guy how would i hide like it's impossible for me it's impossible i'm just thankful for the platform that i must ask right now i'm good i'm good it's like so we we hide behind a bigger guy so i don't know where am i hunting a big guy where am i neal no yay you pay attention to any american pop culture like at all have you ever seen what kanye's been wearing at his uh uh you don't know what i'm talking about so who was that so he's been wearing these outfits my shoes this is all i had with me i'm sorry but they're not they're very comfortable oh yeah he's been wearing these outfits where he covers his whole body is facing i've seen that i've seen that yeah and it's x y as well yeah it came yeah yeah um i've seen that i'm not a big fan not a big fan of myself um but i guess if it's comfortable it makes them feel great then sure go for it and it's made in xxx triple quadruplets it probably can make one yeah what do you guys think about it i actually had a thought right now because i i this is this is odd but i actually i really hope this is very like breathable because i can't imagine just being yeah i don't know if this was his intention but like i kind of i kind of like the idea that you're anonymous yeah and and people can kind of just i wonder if it's like a a a testament to we're all humans and at the end of the day if we were all wearing these we're all the same it would be it would be if it wasn't so abundantly clear that that's kanye do you know what i'm saying like when he rolls in with that nobody's like yo who's that guy but as as a as a leader of culture and and um uh like impact and fashion i wonder if it's a way to e equalize everyone like imagine if everyone's wearing them bro and you're not judged by how you look at all and just just by who you are i think that i think there's something this is the future maybe there's the two truths it's definitely admirable to lead to lead not by looks but to lead by what you have to say it's how you act maybe this is the way to stop um the problems in this role maybe maybe because you don't because you can't discriminate you can't yeah it's a good time look um i i want to ask him before you go one last thing about american culture is there anything in america that you are are addicted to like do you like because we told you about iceland like how we feel about iceland is there anything that you just what is it the big big portions of food that you guys deliver we are so i love the foods what what anything specific that when you go there you have to um you like cheeseburgers cheeseburgers yeah for sure it's it's it's it's a weird one uh i'm a big fan of cheesecake but not i'm not saying this because of the name of the place but for some reason i just enjoy cheesecake factory you do so does everybody i love them so is everybody great what's the lyric you drink you gotta fight with me cheesecake you know i'm about to go there i love that place yeah it's a nice place but look bro that's all i got yeah hey thank you guys so much for having me yeah oh thank you bro yeah as you can see we our iphones are running out of film uh storage footage and uh that's it bro but thanks for coming on man my my pleasure thank you for having my friend um absolute honor of course and uh hopefully we can get that sparring yeah absolutely once i get this all right yeah yeah yeah let's do it um what are they finding on social media yep on social media instagram though um good luck with that y'all yeah bj yeah it'll pop up he's verified yeah yeah just uh thank you for listening to impulsive the number one podcast in the world that is a fact hit that like button hit that subscribe button and uh we'll see you next week take it easy we're going back to l.a a lot of episodes let's go we love you guys bye
Views: 893,527
Rating: 4.9344473 out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, thor, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, game of thrones, got, game of thrones spoiler, games of thrones the mountain, the mountain, strongman, worlds strongest man, conor mcgregor and thor, conor mcgregor and the mountain, eddie hall vs thor, iceland, Hafþór Júlíus “Thor” Björnsson, who is the world's strongest man?, logan paul boxing, boxing, strongman fight, weightlifting, thor bjornsson
Id: k5Jnn6mXX1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 9sec (4029 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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