Game Grumps - The Legend of Zelda (Complete Series)

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I'm not sue the grass welcome to game grumps 1 I'm super [ __ ] excited about we're gonna play Legend of Zelda apparently your favorite game yeah yeah if it's not number one it's in the top three of all time we're gonna have to go to elimination mode this is Aaron's game from I don't know where did you get this I don't know probably eBay yeah somewhere but whoever whoops I think CMC Civic factories music that is a possibility wait I don't know how to get out of it was the band's game a select yeah no no no rip what oh god this game is harder than I remember let's uh elimination mode oh there it goes no that was C&C Music Factory is famous song I can't even remember it had a bunch of them jump to the rhythm and the rhyme yeah jumps a little rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump how do I don't even remember here in elimination and I can't go today it's not letting me what the [ __ ] Selda sit here you take it yeah see if you can oh well you did it good alright I will name us slithers spits bites it's pronounced PR mystical magical rearm let the quest of swamp begin enter that cave do it going that gift old man gives you swords to go and take this okay done ooh look I love how that's just like you take it and then he's like well [ __ ] tail it's like that's not fishy [Laughter] holy [ __ ] so yeah this has to be one of the greatest games of all time right I I adore it it like my ideal game if I were to develop a game I'm like completely based on this I cannot link to the past and not occurring that but this one yeah just wildly creative like new environments like nothing remotely like this had ever been seen when it came out what would still cool about this even today is it's just like it it's just [ __ ] happening yeah look at you you're not like oh you're on a quest and you must trek through the mountains oh that's like I just went right and now there's things yeah and I have to kill them and there's a cave and you go inside and it's like why this ring and it's like alright it really was this was the Skyrim of its day and like you could go off the main quest and just explore the world and but for the most part like you were always it always felt like you were doing something going places it was like a linear it just it just made you feel good it was like the perfect balance of a lot of different things and should I should I remember where I'm going I haven't played this game in like 18 years oh dude it's [ __ ] well the first temple is to the left actually damn it yeah you went the wrong way completely i blowed it but I loved the seat and I know people are gonna complain about this but this is what I love about the game is it like everybody's played this and everybody knows like the first ones over there the second ones over there and and and you should do it in that order but that's kind of what games made this game special was that you didn't have to way it was an adventure the only reason that they gave them numbers was because it was like okay you needed that because you wouldn't want to invest like [ __ ] an hour of your time into this dungeon and then you hit a wall and you're like I don't know how to do this right right right right it's like if you enter in for and you haven't done three two or one yet it's like okay maybe I shouldn't be here but let's check it out like it gives you that option yeah I just remember like the first time look playing the game looking at the little green dot on the gray square and realizing that was like one screen where you were in the world you were like oh my god no environment could possibly be this enormous well have you ever have you ever seen what comes in the box no well yeah but when I was a child oh dude you're standing in front of the screen oh god I'm sorry what am I done okay oh this isn't like awesome inbox copy oh that's the one I put away okay I guess I can show you what was it it comes with a map of the world Yoshi egg of robust map that's awesome but I can't get it across this river yet nope no into a bridge I do I didn't I don't remember enemies staying dead like this that's pretty cool yeah weird huh how long does that last I don't know maybe a couple screens like nearby screens I don't know this game was pretty revolutionary had a battery inside of it no way yeah so you could save a game for those of you wondering we are playing on the golden cartridge version of this because Aaron is a man of class and style whoops yes my my my classy room filled with beef jerky that was sitting on the ground for beef jerky that I was eating in the last game grumps session that we did and lo and behold it was still there this morning just being jerky ER than ever man what a jerk nailed it tell yo me believe it I'll leave I know you brought that one home boy I brought it home and I'm [ __ ] locked it in the closet like don't ever come out beat it beat it to death I love my ability to finally get like full health and have a shootable sword then immediately get hurt can I you have to you have to bring her the scroll ah and then she gives you potions what should I do it if you want a lollipop or something there's the kind of thing that like like when you were a kid and like you encountered something that you couldn't interact with oh wait we've mad at the grave is that all we're doing here that we're just talking don't trust her yeah just old lady in a cave yeah it's like oh thank you old wise lady and you walk out the door and she's like okay if you actually went up to old woman and she yelled that my first instinct would not be to go to the gravy to go to anywhere but yeah where you are now yes of course I'd love to maybe forget to walk up to the nearest policeman any other weird demands go go go to the right okay oh yeah if you if you remember where I should be going just go call it out I'll get it I'll give it a whistle we have to just spin in the show I do remember setting fire to trees and finding like strange openings and such and just being like oh my god this is there's a ferry up there you can get if you want kyoool I would like that she she will just stay there right like like she if I use a ferry up she'll still be there when I go back um I think like if you beat a dungeon or something I'm not I'm not do it anyway do it baby yeah I love take my love you seen the legendre rail right there it whoops sorry collision what the legend of Neil uh uh what are the best web series as I've ever seen and it's it's basically the story of Zelda put in a [ __ ] up funny way I keep going right yeah and the the pool fairy is Felicia Day and she gives you life back by like blowing you basically it's just a delightful turn of events today I love you tasty treats as do all nerds everywhere I go right okay I'm not huge on Felicia Day no yeah what's not to love I don't know I just don't everything I've seen that has her in it except for um dr. horrible oh so good just kind of been like yeah did I ever tell you about my friend to just go yeah you probably I wanted to kill them you want to do the the the zora yeah you remember names well I mean they use aura that they were much different back then yeah they're all elegant now but back then they were just like yeah take my spit ball in your face I forgot the glad already been yeah yeah right okay a wall here to bomb oh [ __ ] was it second one in I'm starting to remember this one I think so yeah god that's satisfying everybody well not everybody I'm here and you're [ __ ] here I'm here you're here you yeah our audience of hundreds of fish do you want good blow no okay I just want to tell you a quick story about dr. horrible I used to work at Midtown comics in when I lived in New York and one of my friends who work there we had like the installation at one of the conventions New York Comic Con I believe for those and Joss Whedon was there but like my friend was a total like space cadet and just didn't like didn't put it together that like it was Joss Whedon so like Joss Whedon was wearing a dr. Horrible's Harwich oh that's right I do remember this Whedon was wearing a dr. Horrible's hat and my friend was like oh my god dr. Horrible's have you seen that Joss is like yeah we're totally cool buddy yeah I was like [Laughter] Joss I look yeah pushes my face anyway to say something stupid just like oh next time on game grumps [ __ ] its dungeon time baby Wow yeah Wow yeah yeah yeah yeah hey welcome back to zelda grumps hi there would you go left please you got it the process of going rude sorry I forgot did you go left please thank you yeah um could you go left maybe we've gotten to the point in like are like colloquialisms that like certain things you say that used to be nice are now just sarcastic and mean and like no matter how nice you say them yeah um hello would you please thank you thanks I'll never forget like word things yeah yeah I think you can bomb up alright I'll do it I have a bunch of you every week psyche I have yet when I first moved to LA like Shh I overhear it's like so excited Wallach can do it here oh man so it's funny to play this game now because I must have been very hung when this game came out because I remember being scared of the skeleton of the stalfos yeah they were scary to a child they're a little creepy cuz they got their two knives and they're like yeah they could also like corner you and overwhelm you and it was just like oh yeah yeah see that's the thing about Nintendo like because we didn't have amazing graphics back then like your imagination would fill in the gaps so even though this looks like you know very like adorable and tiny like 8-bit action you really saw it as bats attacking you in a dungeon you know well you see it everybody always says that describes it that way uh-huh but I don't think it's it's that's completely what's going on it's just that these these conflicts are so simple that like they're relatable they're relatable and like they're more potent because it's it's very clear what's happening you know with new games with like crazy graphics and stuff you know there's all this there's all these things going on and like it could be like a cutscene or like whatever and there's there's all these kind of gray areas but like here it's just like there are five skeletons and you know exactly what's happening they're gonna walk this way and you're gonna get trapped like yeah and and so it's a little more like okay I need to be serious about this Plus like the punishments in these games were a lot harder yeah and you just cared so much like it hurt for a lot of us that this was like our first game you know so it wasn't like I played a thousand games before like I've eaten plenty of them all up there will be other games you know whatever like it was like no this is it my chance at glory no like it if I die I have to start all over again yeah all of my progress will be lost yeah yeah it's the legend of spawn not being able to continue I can't believe we are already forgotten if you were like right now and I put a gun to my head like oh god dad why are you doing this what what do we need him I'd be like oh god no there's something from the 90s I didn't commit it to memory wait is this this isn't the last guy I said no this is really get the compass I believe Oh cor oh no you get the boomerang here Oh laughs oh I forgot about this you have to do a shout man I'm in the net sure God man it's amazing how like this is just in your psyche yeah seriously what a great game I agree completely I love the like Oh bassy like puts on a suit is he like hold something up he like gets rocky style triumphing in his eyes or a little crooked the pain of 8-bit to move it is I moves up like a foot he's just like wow all of a sudden your sloth from Goonies bring my eye back down a pixel oh [ __ ] yeah it's weird that like as soon as you get well for me maybe what are you doing yeah let me get out Aaron's squeaky cat me me he makes it oh I got a boomerang he's already lost interest in leaving now come on Mimi she's like I found a new thing yeah that's the trash can what are you doing here she's got out of hand she's a sweet cat but god damned if she doesn't annoy the [ __ ] out of me always blabbing about her mom Jesus it's like go get a hobby these hands were creepy too no yeah the the wall master yeah just that who that doing pointy dude like well it's it the enemies it's called wall mess with a master of the wall yeah it does come out oh this feels oh that dragons a lot sweeter than I remember shoot me wow that was it damn I guess I got me some chuckles Wow congratulations you gave your first triangle eye mouth is full pixels whoo boy yeah I remember that feeling of like beating a dungeon and coming out back into like the world and being like yes yes I can now move forth with confidence I've done it yeah I think you should get the blue candlestick that's smart but that was back here back down yeah burn things with it well I was often adventurer does left really yeah okay it was the guy who was he was like buy something will ya like oh yeah [ __ ] you man I'm the only human being in this entire forest no you're not you're a Hylian oh yeah yeah it's like all these shopkeepers and [ __ ] yes I'm sure [ __ ] not an octopus [ __ ] rock shooting creature you just see one of them like perusing the shop I can use a candle wish I could hold it though take a right let's Bruce up my [ __ ] take a red watery take a right oh Jesus I'm sorry I I've been told I'm left-handed and I've been told that like people who like are left-handed have a harder time distinguishing left from right when people say it to them really yeah because like you're taught to equate right with being like your dominant hand so like when people say right like we go left okay that's weird it is weird it is weird so should I say go east no cuz I I don't know what that means I never learned let's do it oh man that's that's important to say that that's a rocky voice and not a mentally-challenged voice may you walk a fine line we're making silly voices in these games yes seriously yeah [Music] by changed chance that is from Rocky for whoever doesn't know to go up and that's after he beats Ivan Drago the Russian and he gives a speech to the Soviet Union as a whole and talking about changing because back in the 80s like now you know al-qaeda and those types of guys those are the US has made enemy but in the 80s there was the the Soviets the rap the Russkies the Red Scare Russia and so like that movie was like it was like Rocky was single-handedly trying to end the [ __ ] like cold war with Russia burn that top Bush blue let's get biblical there's a bear in some bushes how do i equip the hit select ok ok maybe start oh yeah the blue candle ok and then that's a hell of a candle you gotta ya gotta get on it oh crap a lot of candles are out of candle hold on if maybe if I come back to the screen oh yeah I think you just have to wait like a sec ok yeah maybe yeah yeah so yeah one candle god the movement of the world underneath you yeah it's a good thing candles don't actually have that effect like would you like the dinner table candles honey no take down a whole tree I guess I guess I was wrong yeah maybe it's some other one of these other hundred thousand trees just burn one tree for level and we'll see what happens they're up in the air when they stop spinning they're landing uhh I never put that together I thought you just couldn't swing at them when they were flop like zipping around because you're like so fast alright it's not worth hanging around Oh these boulders I dodging these was crazy like when you have like one half a heart laughter you like no no left right right no no it went right dear God yeah I'm left-handed it's like um for fans of the old school prices right did you ever see plink oh yeah where the thing is going down and it's like going oh no zero gravity no machine oh yeah tink oh that's really good yeah you have one of those right well I have three oh my god three pachinko machines can we hang out someday this guy is gonna [ __ ] your [ __ ] oh I'm busy all the time and busy except what did what did you not think I could do it did you not believe in me I just remember it being really hard when I was a kid master usually I mean you can have this oh okay you can't have it yet I thought I'd had to kill the guy and then you just get it yeah I thought if I haven't how am I supposed to master it if I can't [ __ ] pick it up off the ground what a dick move once you become a sword master at this exact sword I won't give you like how does he even how does he even know yeah like you're just like I just killed that [ __ ] centaur knife hands yeah let just take my word for it I'm a master do I just keep climbing this right yeah and then and then like after like the sixth or seventh one yeah I remember I remembered it yeah ah this is number two is it maybe it's three they're going to it I'm going dododo it's five oh that's too much right yeah you scary [ __ ] super wreck next time my game grumps like puts out of this No welcome back to try four scrum hello there everybody go on I just enjoyed a [ __ ] fun sighs Snickers and it was delicious was it fun it was fun it's fun that I won't get diabetes it's so small I guess just go down oh yeah okay oh god no oh where are we what if we died wow I remember like going up this like these repeating boards when I was a kid and just being like oh god I can see forever what is that why what haven't I move I've slipped into the infinity timestream can you not wait can you just never find your way out of here whoa sorry that one caught me by surprise sure yeah now let's just play it everyone thinks it was me it's Wednesday yeah I used to burp all the time uh-huh and I stopped doing it Oh cuz of the monster yeah and and everyone thought it was me no no it's name these recent episodes I'm definitely the disgusting slob of the two of us I don't I don't burp when I eat skittles I don't understand that's really weird I almost exclusively eat skittles like at this point in my life I know it's weird I noticed the first time you ever came over to do Steve Shan and you were you were eating a bunch of skittles and you were like uh yeah skittles like it seems like a new thing to me but then suddenly you know just like downward spiral skittles yeah you want to go right okay I'll just deal with all this later and then take it down whoops whoops hold on let me switch to the boomerang the rag let me rang this sharing is Blanc the rain gives you [ __ ] superpowers dude you can throw it in any direction yeah this is like you're flying fingernails yeah now go left actually actually you can bomb this little rock right here just switch the pods so much work it's on the right I believe oh sorry well this I took out three enemies that I can't enjoy the fruits of or not weird I remember that though you had me too I'll just keep dropping bombs for your money there's one you want I want the heart right uh yeah that's a permanent change in oh nice yeah that was awesome what he always flee like right afterwards oh what a nice man yeah you just that is weird like it just like well just mean fun forever burning go left okay here hold on to change back to boomerang go left yeah yeah oh you mean it'll be different when I get back there well there's some potions as I go down then go down again oh yeah and there's a bush you can burn oh it's like the third or fourth from the top I think it's the third from the top whoops I got on the left oh thank you you mean the right yes didi didi oh nothing to give the [ __ ] the [ __ ] paper what if I give her fire she's like dammit she's in panic you going down oh yeah yeah next the next one is actually tier immediate right oh did you like that little boomerang action um go right here yeah right here spam spam spam spam right dude Bob Dylan good Dylan love Thanks go up I believe oh I always thought it looked like a fingernail oh yeah like a clipped fingernail yeah yeah like a grody like gangrenous could take that and it like stops them in their tracks cuz it's so gross all right I'm fine now but you and then left oh crap she's so [ __ ] crazy dude so what was so what it's so cryptic what do you mean like we're flying through it but like you know back in the day oh yeah it was hard to know where to go yeah but it was cool cuz this is the only game you [ __ ] head yeah oh I definitely only had Zelda and Goonies two for the first like three years I didn't intend oh that's just like the precursor to [ __ ] 80-hour games yeah this is you could beat this game in like an hour but just doing that yeah it was not easy or weeks mix of your time take him take him up take him up come on woof I miss mom I sure love going into a dangerous [ __ ] cave in the ground with like less than half my life right so smart it's just giant teeth with fangs yeah he just doesn't he's like he's coming on very just I'm just lost fine I mean it's fine Mooney can't hurt me when I'm oh that's awesome those are cold oops ropes the snakes yeah they're called ropes it's adorable yeah makes them less threatening look at me when they attack with this super vastness it makes it makes link look more like a child idiot yeah hope it doesn't bite me oh oh damn yeah oops oops oops let's take em on dude there oh god they're like assaulting you from all over very they're very Hardy they're a hardy group they're well put together like heart yes I wish they were filled with more heartening but can give me one hmm did you see what I did there with the Joker I had that barely registers a joke you ever like make a joke that's so bad and someone's like good joke you're like don't [ __ ] don't start with me pity joke me you son of a [ __ ] I know it we all know it sucked we all know good joke no because I hang out with intelligent people I don't know an [ __ ] idiots you're hanging out with oh god yeah slow-moving death from all sides vector fireballs yeah it kind of reminds me of like like a tram you know like one of those are those trams that like has a computer hooked up to it so when you like turn it waits until that point and then turns yeah yeah it's it's weird like they're not that hard it's just kind of like unsettling to fight them yeah cuz they're just fireballs so you've only ever known them as fireballs yeah you think they should be you should be coming at you like faster you know I'm Sam for direct manner yeah I'm sensing the extremely subtle idea that perhaps they wanted me to use a bomb here why do you believe that I don't know the bomb placed squarely in the middle of the room hey hey not for nothing but it's the bomb I know you can just get them anywhere but here's one you know just cause here's one you'll like it what's whatever whatever happens happens what do you OP sure what's going down boy that wall looks pretty doorless you you killed everyone there's almost no one left why is this room here but you're feeling all right any more directions that we can [ __ ] make this reference with my daughter was drawing a picture and she was drawing it diagonal incredibly subtle you nailed it and a little bit to the left you have to he has to eat bombs it's a yeah you gotta lay a bomb in front of his fat mouth that's adorable and he doesn't he can't distinguish food from explosives so it's just like neither can i that's why I eat at the Taco Bell daily yeah that's why I get explosive diarrhea right in front of his dumb mouth here oh it's so weak like you think it'd be like whoa would you be like ah but he's like yeah oh [ __ ] that's incredibly helpful and go ahead through that door and then you got it you got it done forget it here I feel like I missed 800 things in this place that's fine there's nothing else you really yeah cool what is there to get in this dungeon nothing I don't know you got it uh-huh got them all they just leave so much important [ __ ] lying around wait wait a minute the way magical boomerang isn't this I think what back I go I think you missed the magical boomerang tell me was it awareness or not no wait I'll just wait here alone with my dragon friends yeah you did miss the medic potion so uh I bet I'll just look for a locked key door yeah you didn't even get the map dude now who needs it so it's the it's the room with the four heads and that yeah there ya think it's no it's not this one but you got the compass alright sweet I'll find that Triforce piece in no time dude oh man oh my god oh yeah it's the one room we didn't go into the one above this one I think you can bomb into it so straight up how cool [ __ ] up my own drum beat but oh it's one above you yeah I got punched into the into the next room the one above you is the one with the [ __ ] super super can I bomb my way there yeah you can mom your way sweet and let it be so yeah just destroying this dungeon somebody's like dude whatever I just redid those yeah I redid dos walls these walls have stood for thousands of years there's a symbol of my carpentry and now you're just blowing the [ __ ] out of it Wow yeah these guys are [ __ ] they destroying they're very tough perhaps I won't blow them up though they just have this vacant expression to their jig yeah yeah get the hell out of here magic boomerangs I'm a god I can't wait those are actually really satisfying to kill at the boomerang yeah doulica and they die yeah I can do this now flick you flick how weak an enemy do you have to be to just get knocked with a boomerang any human being on the planet my life we get hit in the head with a boomerang you're like oh and probably just yeah either either you pass out or you just get really mad thank God I'm not a sentient drop of water get it get in the head with a boomerang is not the same as like getting in a hit in the head with like a baseball or something hit in the head with a baseball it's like oh I don't was an accident why do I play this but a boomerang is like dude come on Oh next time on game Broncs welcome welcome welcome back to you just have to do it every time yeah okay hey doing this job did you ever accepted vomit at the beginning I know we've talked about Conan O'Brien stuff before did you ever see vomiting Kermit oh man it was an occasional guest who would just like roll through his studio and it was just Kermit the Frog like it would be a dude who would like have the this thing on a leash and he'd be dragging it's just a box with Kermit the Frog on it and Kerr is like I just like leaving a trail of puke everywhere marvelous I should save up to get the shield yeah you got six you [ __ ] away from close our had to go I'll beat these [ __ ] dudes I'll wait no actually I think that's the normal shield I think that's just if you get it stolen from a like like really yeah there is a magical shield looks it looks different got a pinky shield hey oh I can burn that right yeah so burnable that's one of the temples though I believe I think that's like temple eight yeah okay it's so hard to stop doing that voice so we were talking about see what it is yet lovely Wow no I want it red you want to give it a shot real quick oh damn it yeah I'd love to get my ass handed to me immediately in front of lots of people that's what's so cool about this game you can just deer like level eight let's give it a shot and then I thought enemy like [ __ ] flaming darknut comes out of nowhere and just likes you and you just like well I've certainly learned my lesson let's give it another try let's do this four or five more times until I realize it's completely fruitless loot oh man where where should I be headed um you see where are you go down okay [Music] and just keep going down how good is the [ __ ] music in this game right it is so catchy koji kondo dude Oh what is it really yeah Kondo did all the classic music yeah I was the man and hip Tanaka let's not forget hips hips my boy no doubt there oh yeah I looked up what he's doing these days yeah he actually apparently hip Tanaka is like a kind of a popular name in Japan oh yeah he did an album of songs only by people named hip Tanaka he found like 20 people with the same name as him and formed like a choir how crazy is that he's just an eccentric guy I guess um oh my god that is are you serious dude I'm told yeah how can I - weird we it's it's kind of like like all my experience with Japanese musicians like you know is it time is it time to tell the [ __ ] Larkin CL story oh man let's do it please one of my all-time favorite moments since I got into like anime and all things nerdy which is more or less since the beginning of my life was I went to Otto Kahn in 2004 I think and this band called Larkin Ciel was they were there and they they did the music for Full Metal Alchemist that's right yeah and that's another static hombre yeah they they did music for a lot of [ __ ] what was it I don't know they did a bunch of theme songs for a man eh yeah lots of different cool anime things that is in Naruto yeah yes and um so like they came and did a show which was incredibly rare so in America rather and everyone freaked the [ __ ] out and they sold out the Baltimore Convention Center and it was like a big there's a big party was awesome and they were into it and I guess the lead singer suite here we are I guess the lead singer was like he had made the effort to like learn a little bit of English before he came to to perform here which was a super nice gesture but hilarious because like his accent was very strong and so he wanted to like get the crowd charged up so he tried to do the are you having fun thing like but it came out and then like because it was Baltimore and like everyone eats crab there that's like Baltimore's main dish he tried to make a reference to that he was like crap next thing yelled was like something about Baltimore but it was so unintelligible it was like it was amazing you should use your rings dude my what your ranks oh yeah until my one hit that's right good call bruh and diagonal yeah and so he Aaron found the I guess the Lord on DVD yeah it's on DVD that live in Bolton that actual performance so we are gonna watch it and we will get back to you and see if we can find footage if they left it in him talking between songs and yelling me too you can rest easy knowing that on that DVD Dan is in the audience oh man I sure was losing my friggin mind because I believe I was drunk at the time and laughing uncontrollably but you were drunk and it like a warped him but like you watch the DVD now and he's like are you guys having a good time you never was like but he's like yes me too me too I'm also having a good time yay but in your mind he's funny that was a fun time you can only kill the dark nuts come beside is yeah and the bar in the back you can't kill them in the front because I got shields wait is this another sign that I should use a bomb in this room let's fight as it [Music] Zelda was not subtle since a lot of times you know it's funny too because they got even more obvious later like they put cracks in the wall oh yeah it was like yeah it's like I find it on my own yeah but well just like you were saying like this wasn't people's one game anymore yeah when when the next eldest came out so they were like we got it decrease the gameplay time a little bit more except they made it longer yeah I don't know it's weird dad is weird no no games have they have 60 hours or like good for two time for my money filler content that I don't like good so you're saying I can wander aimlessly around this forest for eight more days yes marvelous thank you for that [ __ ] five rupees I think this is the swastika level what and this levels of swastika yeah that's inappropriate and oh bombs really [ __ ] this guy up oh did it yeah cool that's good to know because it's terrifying an awful there you go Wow good [ __ ] sure are there is there a weapon in here yeah you need to get the raft in here the raft in here yeah oh so don't try to force it oh okay can I just go after it after I grab the Triforce spit me out it'll spit you out of the front I mean you can do whatever you want I will come back I think you have to kill a million dark nuts though in order to get that raft let's do it I have seriously like a thousand dark nuts in one room I'm up to the challenge but they're really called dark nuts yeah because like now if you've got dark nuts coming at you it's a bad situation [Laughter] no no dammit yes that is absolutely a swastika my Joey side which is all of my side left right up down it's all do it don't you to me told you from here take those blobs out I'm good I like how they go Hawaiian you just like stab them and they're like overdramatic blobs yeah you're like we're gonna walk in on him like looking at like a bikini website not even though it's like come on it's like what he's like this portion is the swimsuit issue come on man nah this is a super personal question you don't have to answer it I I tried but he said I hadn't mastered it before not giving it to me oh man the sword from the old man in the waterfall did you know that from the guy who won't give you the sword he was being a super dick about it and he's like yeah that's like him he does that man my question was have you ever been caught jacking off no no my penis my dad walked in of me watching lesbian porn which I never watch really I would it was just like I just what happened stance where it was like that girl's hot and that girl's yeah what so I just like was watching I didn't even have like I wasn't even like like my pants weren't unzipped or anything I just was like watching it just cuz I was curious yes my dad walked in it was like all right it's natural it's like oh you've just made this a thousand times more awkward than it would have been but for some reason like I was such a puss back then but like for some reason that was the thing that made me like man up and I was just like I got a I gotta talk to my dad about this I got it like so like immediately afterwards I like got up and went to the office and I was like dad tell me about sexist this is you know it's it's really weird for me to like I don't know I don't know and he was like dude I don't even care just stop talking yeah all right cool that was that yeah your dad's cool this [ __ ] my dad my dad's awesome but like he's he's from Israel and he always is like done like he has these he there were just certain things that he didn't feel super comfortable talking about and sex was definitely one of them and so like the talk the quote-unquote talk for us was we used to go we used to take these Christmas trips down to Atlantic cuz you know Jews get really bored on Christmas so is it a tradition to like go to Chinese food yeah yeah cuz yeah the Chinese also don't celebrate Christmas so like Jews go get Chinese food and like we go down Atlantic City in fact oh it's getting dicey here yeah dark nuts are [ __ ] ridiculous and out anything really oh crap it just a million times this is bad yeah I got to be careful yeah I might die that's what I love about this game in yeah it's just it's just like a roomful of five dark nuts enjoy that yeah it might kill you we're gonna do huh Jesus Yeah right this is tough I'll just talk to relax just pacing the room room around so Mike yeah so my dad and I would go to Atlantic City and like it would just be Jews and Chinese people so like the [ __ ] the the buffets in the restaurants will be it would be all like pork fried rice and common Taschen okay and so like we thank God my god the beeping can stop so we we were driving down and my dad like what the whole time we would drive down Atlantic City we would just listen to music like there was no talking just you know cuz it was a nice ride we could chill out but there was one time and I'm like 17 at this point so like this the sex talk was not an issue it was like nothing I didn't already know and my dad just like turns the music down which he never did and I was like oh what's happening it was like dad do you know about a sex I was like yeah yeah I know it was like okay and then I heard the [ __ ] music went back on and we never talked that was my how to be a man talk so you don't have to kill those guys yeah yeah I was just trying to wait for an opening 700 darkness thank God that [ __ ] raft um did you get whiter yeah I feel pastier I've been in this dungeon a long time the dungeons presence just makes you go like I guess I'm Michael Jackson well [ __ ] let's see what's behind this can't be anything real Malcolm key good job nice going York York did you get that tree force no yeah dork dorks one of those things where like if someone called you that in the 80s you'd be like oh man but like now it's like wow that really doesn't sting as much as it used to dork yeah you still use dork you're the dork now yeah it's true good job the tables have turned Gaylord was always a pretty good one Gaylord I never understood admit it's it's just in someone's name yeah it's just the last name yeah I mean I think because like somebody like gays started becoming an insult yeah and then it's not like I saw his last name was Gaylord and they were like if those two words are for me because I know you're the lord of the kid it is you you're the champion oh jeez your rule gay kingdom whoa oh so many blobs and take it take it take it and then take the boot look I'm not into these staticy guys that can't be killed oh yeah there are there now like they hurt you I'm pretty sure they must ring or maybe they just like to take your boomerang or some [ __ ] well like likes take your boomerang like Bowie yeah we were against the fat with a chode worth it was showed word ooh I definitely don't want to encounter a chode worm in my day congratulations you beat Lowell 3 congratulations to all of us cuz we're all in this together well next time on game from next I have another good 15 minutes yeah Jesus the spirit Chronicles continue welcome back to the old grump look at it I forgot that I could neither fast now you could activate the statues your body heat it's awesome they're like 1 degree freezing and then you just get close to them they're like fine all right last 72 degrees for quite some time guys all right you just point in the direction I need to go buddy okay I believe so you want to get there's there's like another heart container right I'm gonna go right oh okay yeah never mind I've just waited wasted 30 seconds of everybody sad oh yeah go up okay so I just want to tell you a little story about myself me yeah okay cool where are you collective everybody I have to go pee oh do it no I'm gonna hold it in really I got ten seconds of I mean ten minutes of not peeing I don't know these Zelda episodes have been going a little long so maybe you might miss your pportunity most mark my penis just a little long [Music] it's a little long which one do you believe go right right oh I don't know why you have you posed to go left I'm sorry god these guys p-per - yeah pooper tunity makes a lot less sense keep going right do you ever hold in pee for so long that like are you just go oh sorry I was thinking about the peace story I was about to tell do you ever hold your pee in for so long that like it's like crazy super painful yeah and like when you finally pee it's like not even a relief you're just like wow wow wow and then like 30 minutes into your urination you're like oh it's finally starting to feel good hold it in so long that I mean yes yes yeah yeah where am I going but I'll go right okay so um have you ever heard of hold it in for so long that it like passes that window where like your muscles can even take it yeah and you just stand in front of the toilet and you're like it hurts so bad that it won't come out what happens now my body wants it but why won't it take it you know what helps me actually if like I'm if I can't pee for whatever reason like a little do a little math in your head or like count to 10 like 2 plus 2 is 4 4 plus 4 is 8 and then I'm like oh god I can't stop like someone turned on the spigot really yes Wow I love math I've never told anybody that if you can't pee do a little math yeah give it a shot give it a shot and let us know in the comments how your urinations are given my urinations have become sovereign really [Laughter] really keep us informed gamegrumps community I just keep going right dude put it on the subreddit yeah yeah can we can we have like a [ __ ] top subreddit thread like how is your pee been raised yeah and we'll go down every now and then we'll just like chime in and be like ours is going great thanks for being our friends yeah everyone's just like good good had a good pee yeah it's one of those things where it's like you actually saved my life because when that that thread showed up and I talked about my pee there was a urologist he was a gamegrumps fan and he said that that's a problem and I went to the doctor and I found out that I would've died thank you guys so much have you ever gotten a gamegrumps saved my life thing yeah there's been plenty really yeah Wow awesome it's really it's it's super nice to get those like but it is I we gotten a lot of like suicide prevention oh [ __ ] I didn't even think of that yeah well yeah we we love you guys and don't ever hurt yourselves there's nothing worth hurt yourself over because then you wouldn't get to watch this play [ __ ] stupid as video games every done unless you're laughing too hard yeah and your and your appendix bursts can you get over there with the raft I think I can I think isn't that what the raft is for I think you need the bridge oh the little ladder yeah yeah you're right I've also gotten a lot of them like I met my girlfriends oh there's a beautiful another day I was wearing a shirt and she was like oh my leg he grabs two and and then they just started blowing each other yeah each other they both have dicks yeah [Music] there's a big fan community in era there's a big like like a smart community well you just get a heart you know who would ever take the potion yeah right what is short-sighted like oh I don't know I would you like a million dollars or this lovely sandwich like it's the most delicious you have to rest up the next one won't be for 30 miles [Music] like like begrudgingly even I just imagine like a dumb guy like oh hombre which deploys a guy who's like like you giving him ah just keep going like all the way left I think you can bomb this right up here like you're a little ledge that's popping out oh yeah you know what that feels familiar actually I think you're right like a yeah yeah god that's so satisfying don't tell anyone that if you blow up the side of this mountain you'll get 30 dollars like a long way to go to keep a secret my friend is he just gonna go there and cover it back up with raagh yeah not until I get another 30 what was he doing in there to begin with oh I've sealed myself in here for centuries just oh do you want to play the game of chance yeah go ahead I'm going with the left left Wow yeah that's a [ __ ] Wow straight up i-5 we we should have done it more than ten away from the [ __ ] most amount of rupees you could possibly have now now we're just tricked out its 255 guys yeah we gotta excuse me we gotta buy some [ __ ] okay let's it's like a [ __ ] like business account yeah I just have too much money you just spend it or else you're gonna have to pay all of it and - you're gonna yeah you're gonna get [ __ ] and if you have more than 255 oh wow and buy an expensive dinner and Yeltsin man just get a brokerage account wait is this what is this this is where you get the paper Oh neat give it to the old woman and show that to this [ __ ] she won't talk to you okay I'm somehow having this thought that everything in this game is on an elaborate yet LAN to get me to tape things yeah oh do you know where like I can find like the blue ring or like yeah actually you were just there oh really yeah so go down okay that's oh that's right that's like the most expensive that's what I want to be dropping my cash on yeah um I'll just retrace yeah go back yeah okay okay it was along the ocean sorry where are you right now [Music] I believe the two ladders okay okay yeah you wanna go down okay and then go back to the right and then just go down along the ocean right okay cool is the blue ring what gives you the blue clothing Thanks that was my favorite cuz like blues my favorite color and I would never even though the red was like better Armour I would I would always just stay blue for the rest of the game I was like yeah yeah I'm new that's one of those like child [ __ ] wonders it's like cuz um there's the there's a game design principle called dominant strategy uh-huh where if you make a game that's unbalanced and like there's a there's a strategy that's like the most efficient people are just gonna use that no matter what right so if there's the thing that like the games broke in and people are like now they won't exploit that they will it's it's in that okay believe or maybe is it I think we rented maybe I'm completely shuffle down no it's not this one um you were just there [Music] I get bombs with boomerangs yeah hi dad okay shake this guy the best episode just wandering around talking about just like dad stories you might as well just go to the next cable I try to remember yeah even though it's a couple billion miles away oh really it wasn't that one in the trees no ah balls where I wish I could go left okay I like that I just got hit by the one projectile slowly moving across the entire forehead oh it came out of nowhere I always thought it was weird to some that he makes when he gets hit it just sounds like he's like like in a cartoon but when something happens or whatever and they're like oh no and they do that little gold like so it sounds like to me kind of this just get hurt music keep going back yeah yeah I think the good people are lovelies I think they knew as soon as we started doing Zelda that there would be a couple episodes of just walking the countryside it's pretty impossible to avoid in this game you know what that area right there huh it always remind me of a sound wave oh yeah like a yeah that wonder what it would be if you like took that exact pixel and then turn it into a sound wave I don't know I bet there's some nerdy Nintendo audio engineers or found out that looks like a subway I'm gonna do it it's weird how that's just like how sound works like that when I learned that the sound wave was actually just like the vibration oh it's insane isn't it I was like are you kidding me like when I when I learned that you could just put a pin on a record with a [ __ ] like piece of paper and just hold it there right it would come out of the paper yeah yeah yeah it's it's all vibrations like you're like oh like that's just your vocal cords vibrating at different rates to create different pitches oh man you are getting a full like game grants is better than school I'm gonna say you learn things and get to hear dick jokes you also laugh a little bit yeah sometimes uh hey guess what next time on game grumps we're gonna go across this river right here oh you mean this one right here if you want to be Batman you've got to commit to being Batman oh whoops that's a Murray die that's an amazing Alfred and we're back I guess oh yeah sorry guess we're playing game gums let's do it yeah don't mind the beep yeah wow Mike you have you if you want to be Batman you have to poke up all the bats and the road it's my favorite voice that you do conquer your face but look beyond physical sleeping Larry oh is that what his name is no [ __ ] clue I'm reasonably sure these are these are more Batman than anything yeah if their names fire is that it wow I had no idea and the bats are called keys what the heck is oh I can handle that [ __ ] is that one yeah oh it's amazing nicely how that works you have to walk down the link below right away leapin Larry would have been like a like a 40s Batman villain look up in the sky it's leaping Larry he leaps he leaps with no fear did you ever see the hours of true I know it is true that is true have you seen the UM the breakdown of like the 10 worst Batman villains of all time there have been some [ __ ] garbage Batman villains like ooh a nun come to mind right now I believe there was one like a quilt man like he just had like a quilt let's see 10 worst Batman yeah like I just I don't remember specifics I just remember thinking god this is horrible no excuse terrible mr. freeze mr. freeze was pretty bad but he's in a movie so it was cool how bad could he have been look tragic let's he kill her moth Killer Moth was bad he was actually a moth yep the flu master yes he was a failed game show host yep it was like it was like the WWF in like the early 90s where like they were just like running out of gimmick ideas they were like let's have a clown his name will be drink I'm not I'm not kidding you they drink the clown he was a villain he was a villain yeah didn't what Benny no no in the WWF no I remember very clearly he fought Macho Man Randy Savage oh really the guy and Macho Man you know how they would do like the pre-fight interviews yeah I remember Macho Man ended his interview like yeah oh I love how they have to like play it up even though it's like the stupidest thing imagine yeah it's like okay macho man that's a little that's stupid enough but like Doink the Clown yeah you're just like oh yeah doing funny man doing a bicycle horn that was terrible that was a terrible apparently Humpty Dumpty was a Batman villain what and doctor double X Oh apparently there was a already adductor X his adopted double egg like a crazy quilt crazy quilt that was him he was a former painter he used his paintings to leave clues for his criminal henchmen and his paintings to instruct them on what target they were steel nets oh so awful Wow yeah hope you're listening Christopher Nolan blue kites Charles Chuck Brown was a man who loved kites almost as much as he loved crime oh it's so bad up killer pancakes I forgot all about these things those are like links that's what they're called like leagues oh they'll eat your shields huh yeah oh they're dicks in your ring and your ride and then you have to go buy it again what actually I don't think they figure ringing I think they only take your shield that's awful in the newer games they take like everything I didn't have to kill them and then they spit them back out oh that's what these things do and these things this little staticky ghost-like things you can't use your sword after you get hit with one but so they combined everyone everyone here steals our [ __ ] it's like the market of Baghdad just walk in the room and you like put your money in your stock it's God yeah in the sock absolutely oh I've done that every so often oh yeah walk into a bad neighborhood you're like oh sweet now I can get that dude Legend of Zelda is not as long a game as I remembered it being yeah well it's only long from all the wandering time yeah it's a lot more sequential than than I remember it it's sequential when you know what to do right like I think there's a couple dungeons you can go in and you can just do a round then like win without the items you need yeah it's so much more satisfying to collect all the stuff though yeah but just just the fact that like you have the possibility to just like go wherever you want oh that's actually neat and yeah they set this up perfectly so you know what the ladder does like Nintendo is good at explaining what was needed from you at any given time the rules yeah like I feel like a lot of times what am I looking at okay you can't make it across that moat with just one ladder you can't do that that's crazy talk yeah I love how they [ __ ] like tell you what what what you have and like what it's capable of and then immediately just like turn it on its side yeah I like that you can use a key to get in here and just covet on that map skip across here it's like yeah yeah this exact board is perfect for what I now own I have now the proud owner of a tiny ladder I did it mom your son made it do you like what you see oh and it's it's cool that they put in a board here where like you need the tiny ladder to get across and to complete the game because I love you [ __ ] yeah yeah I guess the first like two or three dungeons you didn't need Tagus went down raft yeah well you didn't need the raft to finish it so you could have completed the three dungeon without any of the weapons that's true but it would be a pain in the ass later when you when you need the raft to get to that one dungeon dungeon you spot some old man cryptically tells you how I remember the raft is an important device I like how scary these things look in the dark like oh it's a [ __ ] Hershey's kiss there's a vibrating and coming closely snake hmm I never noticed that yeah every stage is like a theme that's pretty key it's pretty damn key the last one was own no I was a second one yeah that they're gone was the swastika this is yeah the third one was the homage to Hitler thanks Nintendo oh Jesus I really [ __ ] hurt myself what was it called it was called the mangy ah I'm dead it's actually it's actually a backward swastika oh yeah it was like good luck yeah that shape was like a Buddhist symbol of peace actually huh and then the Nazis had to come in and [ __ ] it up for everyone thanks Nazis hey if you hate Nazis please like comment and subscribe just like really play on the guilt of people who don't do it Nazis I wish they could see that we are making fun of them so that they feel bad too bad they will not see it oh dude you know what at first I didn't see where you were going you brought it home thanks man I worked hard for that [ __ ] went to the gym like there's a clue you know what I'm not getting a lot of [ __ ] love from these guys as far as like you know what let me yeah I was gonna take this place I got a wire - that's why I'm not getting a lot hearts from these dudes and I could really use him maybe you should pray - mangy yeah maybe that's my problem you chose the wrong guy the one that you the one that you worship is just he doesn't give you presents on the 20 because yeah I want I won't big as it gives me toys and presents I want the religion that maximizes my present could you please do that for man actually it's true and we do I guess yeah is there a religion out there that has a holiday that well is more spending it depends because like you hear like people be like oh Jews get eight presents on Hanukkah but like that oh no oh okay general the general consensus is that you get like one president day yes and limited a president and it's crappy presents - why is that a why is that a thing i I've always heard that that it's a crappy presents pillock nice get an Xbox yeah good one what's wrong with text but my folks were pretty cool about it oh god I'm really hurting for I wanted to say squirt you just wanted to say it because it just sounded nice worried about some of this [ __ ] welcome back to cool [Music] are you done yep okay game grumps we didn't discuss this change the show where we get literally more mature every single moment let's be getting more mature legit I always do that I want to say legitimately and literally at the same time so it comes out literally legit early it's legitimately the stupidest thing I've ever said legit that's like a Brian Regan bit what he's like you ever wanted to say like take care but then he said good luck it says like take luck it does happen that or like when you're when you assume that somebody's pregnant oh my dad's done that he was like why don't you expect it yeah the woman's like I'm just weirdly fat she didn't say that I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist my dad laughed I mean I'm sure it was like been nervous like I'm sorry laugh but he couldn't open what else you do definitely laugh that's like the worst situation to possibly yeah those that the Brian Regan Pitts was like you just you can't stop yourself after you've like committed to what you're saying baby what baby okay I'm not gonna make this same mistake again when I plant the bomb I'm going to keep my distance oh that's much better all right who's dis dance is gonna be real nice everybody's gonna have a good time at this dance yeah we're gonna place up [ __ ] Skrillex we're gonna we're gonna dis dance tonight when I can't play the new Skrillex either we're gonna play it before he got famous yeah not that [ __ ] new-school sellout Skrillex yeah the old-school 2012 squats the [ __ ] half haircut back in the day go suck a dick screw look walking to the war okay thank you yeah I believe it's the [ __ ] second TLC reference it is it is did we sing scrubs yeah Wow and the goes steam train though it might have been point is and I don't think love is a figure Ross got it either no you didn't he's Australian massage aliens don't have left I'm he's he's from a Savage Land Lisa left let me said left eye Lopes she died she did die and that was sad but I had a crush on Chile so didn't she predict her own death I don't know did she yeah was she like a Nostradamus aid yes she had like a psychic experience where she was like I'm going to die in a car accident no way I'd make our ice name oh that's so creepy I've ever watched the footage - of her dying in a car accident what no oh yeah there's footage is there food inch they were like filming inside the car oh that's terrible it's really creepy to me it seems like the the driver of the car just like like conks out for a second she's just like and then they're just like what's that no that's so sad yeah like it was destined to happen or something are innocent don't go chasing waterfalls reference has taken a sad turn and you should watch like a little that I think there's a little special and like left eye and like how she was I couldn't like the theory that she was psychic and stuff like that I could never get into stuff oh oh no I thought I better use this wait let's focus on dragon time okay yeah see the blue oh by the way we did get a potion between game grumps episodes oh yeah yeah and we loaded up on bombs because it was nervous [ __ ] yeah I just didn't want to bore you guys and like it felt like an errand like I have to go to the store you can get bombs I'll be back with some milk 2% 2% it takes just like whole milk so don't even know better for you and I use this behind oh that worked and we have to hit his body oh [ __ ] but you can hit his head with your sword or maybe the bomb just doesn't work yeah dude you're getting [ __ ] I certainly am i wonder when every time you hit your sword shoots a well maybe not yeah maybe that's just a coincidence yeah I really have to play it cool how can you play it cool and two little tiny pieces [Music] the flying flaming dragon head that's really hard man that's creepy yeah I guess I'll continue but I don't have my potion anymore uh hold on I gotta go to the store it's okay she's super close to here let's play let's buy two oh I can only buy the one potion what about you sweat 1990 games you still have the blue potion yeah but we don't know what it does you should try it out right now really yeah one up all right maybe it gives me a half-life yep yeah should he use that against the Dragon regrets no I've had a fear that a few of my time where was this her yeah okay cool we can just get her from you just get it from buggin boom yeah boom dude yeah this will help me live its I'm gonna have to save up for that blue ring again yeah balls man was the best money making tactic in this game we could play that game of chance and save our key every time yeah that'd be the ultimate dick move and then when it doesn't look it when you get minus 40 reset well what any guys like you've never seen me before [Laughter] alright I have to maintain a lot of my strengths so I'm just gonna freeze you dicks have four eyes yeah what would they do freeze the guys who inside them have keys yeah notice freeze the keys freeze the keys please it sounds like a like a creepy cryptic like augmented reality like like promotion for tricks or something freeze the keys yeah it's the freeze the keys promotion that tricks bringing your keys frozen a block of ice if you look at a free bullets tricks you'll be entered to win a 1997 Ford Kia neato do you member like a legends of the Hidden Temple we why does that sound so familiar into the Nickelodeon game show oh yeah and like Eric yeah they built like a little temple the kids to walk up it was like a kid's version of American gladion yeah it was like the shrine nope didn't it talk yeah oh my oh man Curtis log was the post-it Wow yeah that's very impressive memory on your part whenever like the the bottom prize was always a $50 gift certificate from Hershey's oh no oh no no it was a $50 savings bond from her she's like it wasn't even like money you could use now it was like an investment for the future US government $20 bombs may help support our troops yeah it's it's uh that used to be the thing to do like III remember what when I was really young my great-grandma was alive and she was awesome but she would always like get me like stocks and bonds and stuff cuz that was like what I guess that's what she did you know like for kids Indra in her time and here that'd be great if you went on a game show and it was just like you've won 28 shares of Microsoft stock okay I'll take it I guess it's a wise investment right that's like $5,000 wind wind Oh sevens coming out soon I oh wait that was years ago dammit dude could you imagine buying like Microsoft stock when legends of the Hidden Temple was out we'd be rich yeah seriously I think that was a that was I think that was like Nolan Bushnell only regret in life the guy who invented Atari yeah he was like it's when Steve Jobs like angrily left Atari mm-hmm he was like he was like can I borrow like two grand to start up my computer company and Nolan Bushnell was like [ __ ] off you lazy [ __ ] really yeah to Steve Jobs yeah oops because he was he was like a lazy pot-smoking dick was he really yeah when he worked at Atari so C Jobs works at Atari yeah he came a long way yeah he's he's [ __ ] assembling pong machines wow that is crazy yeah and so not till this day like Nolan Bushnell is like hehe like you know he progressed it because like when it won't ask about it he has like the number in his head yeah it's like that $2,000 right now would translate to 17 billion dollars and 78 cents but I don't like to talk I think about it out of her exactly right now this mother Oh Lord that was a tough level next time on game grumps we'll fight a tougher level yeah I'm looking forward I'm gonna lonely ass propeller yeah wait for it da welcome back to googly giimpse welcome back to magically we have rupees yeah we guys saved you some time we wait we saved you guys some time so what I said didn't yeah we didn't save us time yes we didn't say there is fun though it took me back so we're gonna go get the blue ring so I can have a blue outfit and I'm assuming it also has features that help me but I just wanna be blue oh now that you have the the ladder you can go get that heart with the to plan oh yeah is that here it's on the far right neat okay is there before me just take out blue Blues hey Louie please wake up that [ __ ] bronze statue yeah did you ever like to just wake them all up simultaneously and then be like kill them all yeah whoo [ __ ] you wanted us that fairy was kind of my ace in the hole for getting injured on this oh well that's fine worry about that later blue ring yes yeah you know what that's not a good sales technique oh my god I can't believe I'm [ __ ] gouging you on the prices like this but you bought it and now I am blue oh it's so cool so pleasant looking ah man it's really like it's like it just feels more powerful like it yeah it's like a nice powdery North Carolina Tarheels blue yeah what is it about it that makes me feel like it's so much more powerful I don't know it's it's my favorite color it's not my favorite color but your favorite color is pink yes yeah Wow let me get your icon blue too yeah I guess it would because it's feeding off the same palette yeah man NES limitations loving it yes somehow makes sense in the overall scheme of things alright so now we can head for oh I wanted that part oh yeah go all the way to the right okay when I get some when I get some rupees built up well I can get the master sword and the master shield dude I'm gonna [ __ ] walk waltz into level 5 you need 90 rupees for the magic you look alright I'll get it after level 5 if the like likes eat your shield even if it's a magic shield that'll be gone too I believe so yes Hey for some reason I was just thinking of there was this like theory online that I that I like broke my wrist and and that's why you were playing the games a lot of first sighted and then I realized like you've been playing this whole time and I was like man played much games lately but it's just because like I don't know I like it when you play yeah it's it's totally different I please Elias yes you may play jackal together it's totally different when you're just sort of like commenting and when you're like actually playing the game like that's when I went on my go up thank you that's when I went on my totally rant like because you already oh sorry you can still go cuz yet when when you're playing you sort of zone out a little bit because you're concentrating on the game so you end up saying a lot of things that your brain just uses as filler to buy yourself time oh yeah so that's where totally comes from and oh yeah and like it's fine it's fine that's a good one eat a dick is a popular one sure weird that when I turn ugly weird that when I turn off my brain eat a dick is the first thing I mean it's support naturally comes to all of us really uh yeah what is this cave I don't know this isn't cave it's just a normal store oh wait even his tunic changes oh no way yeah I love it he's like always once the Betty thanks for the new out fresh buy something trendsetter you like hopes you don't notice go down okay well there actually is a thing like that I guarantee this is not what they were going for but psychologically like you'll see like people parrot each other's movements like two people that are hanging out together like if it's a man and woman and like they're on a date or something if the guy has like his elbows on the table and like he's holding up his chin with one hand like a lot of times the girl will do the same thing because like it's just something like evolutionary where we like to make each other feel comfortable we subconsciously power at each other's movements oh yeah and so salesmen will do that a lot to like to make you feel at ease and you're like this guy's on my side and then they end up sitting at the cellar do some [ __ ] yeah yeah I I actually learned that but like from the opposite perspective what do you mean learned that it was like a good social in social interactions you would know if you consciously did that yes it would like benefit you yeah definitely definitely so somebody's like if somebody like mumbles and kind of looks at the floor a lot like if you do that to them yeah they'll feel more comfortable and no one will hear anyone just two people her forever if you always going like right you know you can just do that yeah right right wait is this level five did I accidentally stumble on it I think you accidentally stumbled upon yeah sorry I guess we must have done that before oh man you clipped my eardrums but no audio jokes yeah yeah I love it yeah you want to get the master sword so go or I guess it's the white sword they didn't call it the master sword yet yeah even the sword after that is I think it's called a magical sword Johnny where am I going in the right way yes okay no wait wait oh yeah go up the ladder oh yeah but also worried the next dungeon is neat yeah there's nothing yeah we're kind of like in the oh god oh yeah I sort of remember this keep going going laughs keep going and then don't left again those things always look these stones always look like chocolate squirrels to me to me they look like snails I was sales yeah I see that if snails shrimp sales uh wait did I want to go up this ladder oh yeah oh you [ __ ] dick if you had the magic sword it protect against it magic so easy I just rather like a master using it and you can have the master yeah yeah stab him in the heart oh no he's gone already of course he is they got the white sword yeah I think now you can just go straight to the grave and get the magical sword really yeah you wanna try it or should I go for level 5 um whatever you want man level 5 all right you're right here yeah I was telling Aaron in the break I think I like oh wait didn't you say to walk into the waterfall oh alright what should I I'll pay him the most yeah give her a head oh yeah no [ __ ] we've already done that you [ __ ] I'm sorry we we shouldn't have that not that long all right you lied to me like a [ __ ] like bad dad no no no no no oh man did did your dad did you ever play Little League baseball or anything like that yeah was your dad like the one I'm no he would have been me he's too cool it does really quiet there's always the one dad who's like come on get your [ __ ] together Maya I don't know if I ever told you this before but like I was not I was not a sportsman growing up not a very athletic kid it's a mind-blowing [ __ ] ah yes pulseless yeah they're just cat heads yelling to the microphone what yell to the microphone ha what did I do that for so in Japan started to cut off your story oh sure this is relevant yeah in in Japan the Famicom controller has a microphone in it so if you yell into it they get all creeped out yeah yeah yeah that's really nuts it's where the cold pools was that's kind of like the um what was the Nintendo DS game where like it was his LD game where you actually have to blow into the speaker to like accomplish something Phantom Hourglass maybe might have been but you actually have to like physically blow into it like why would you ever think of that yeah they're they're too clever sometimes but I was just gonna say mm is and your flame yeah they kind of look like they're on fire too the worst thing you could have done yeah everything on me is flammable 2,000 years of flammability yeah so I was in Little League I played a little league baseball and I played the outfield which is where you play when you have no [ __ ] talent yeah and you did you throw like a girl and you just stand around all like yeah actually ding dogger it's a certain kind of sound well thank you yeah I'll help you with that grammar later old man see that was another that was another hint it was translated from Japanese but there's a like yeah of course [Music] freedo dong should I feed these things yes worry about him later [Music] just playing yeah just hang about yeah so they put me in the outfield actually I threw worse than a girl there were plenty of girls on our team who threw amazingly well much better than I did and so like my dad has like home video of like it goes to me in the outfield and I'm just standing around because no kid is strong enough to hit like the baseball bat fall yeah so you just stand there the whole game and and then he like brings the camera back to back to like the pitcher in the action and then after the pitch he goes back to me and I'm like on my knees making dirt castles in the [ __ ] ground and you can hear my dad turn to my mom like I don't think Dan is going to be an athlete oh man next time on game grumps more shameful tales from my childhood this green on red looks really nice welcome back to green and red grooms hello and blue because it stands out it makes it pop [Music] have you ever just like what was like the worst prank you ever pulled on somebody I don't know I always felt terrible yeah a girlfriend yeah I could never really do it how about yourself I sense that you asked for a reason no I just I don't know I was just curious cuz well I said I just imagine like sneaking up on somebody and going pop oh yeah but now I have played pranks before I know Tom Green in his early days used to like just like go go into malls and just like steal ketchup and mustard packets from the food court and just like lay them on the ground and watch as people like [ __ ] made them explode by like walking into the it was a pretty tame start for mr. green I gotta say but I I remember like lit thinking about like I could get into that that could be that could be funny but uh I don't know well they just kind of they don't pop they like lazily just like they're just hey what you have to do is you have to twist them yeah and then like clip them down with something right there like like well at the brilliant point already you're like the tube of toothpaste yeah ready to go thank you for that [ __ ] enemy freezing thing with the last guy dead yeah I it seemed like a good like low stakes no one gets hurt kind of prank no yeah but like there's so many of them dude with super expensive shoes yeah it was like come on really yeah who's the puck I remember my friend we we were like just like a little like whatever you are before you're a teenager between I guess would be the word yeah and we were just hanging out at the side of the road and my friend was throwing like little pebbles or whatever at the cars as they drove by and just making him like Clank you know like it was a dick move but like we didn't think we were pissing anyone off and then of course we like did it to the one guy who was like any pulls over and gets out he screamed at us and I was like are we gonna die is this what happened but I guess there's not really an end of that story other than I was scared and then he went on his way yeah I there's something satisfying about thinking about being that guy oh yeah be angry guy yeah oh I totally understand where he was coming from now cuz I'm not that guy at all yeah I'm just like that don't you [ __ ] dude oh they're just dicks what late ah so you're supposed to scream at him but you can't so I think you have to bomb or not that did not have any effect maybe Harris you don't have any though you gotta buy them oh no really yeah that's not gonna get arrows in the wild maybe fire let's try fire since it's my only other possible Oh nope Wow looks like you [ __ ] up dude whoa scroll oh okay I guess don't mommies guess I'm alone those are give doze give no [ __ ] mummy said get those that's an adorable name for the [ __ ] mummified undead it's gross oh we have these creepy eyes mummies for my distance we just look what characters is that is that all there is this they just trap you in this room there has to be a bomb a bowl thing in here [Music] no wallet no way out I don't know man Boop Wow looks like that [ __ ] sucks maybe you have to do something before it to get something else I I wish I had knew how to kill this guy give this room were you trapped in it yeah see if there's a way to kill that uh eyeball saw blade disk [Music] you use it on the right wall I know what there you could use a bomb on the right wall and the right wall of the oh wait never mind the throne room okay cool Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby oh wow I actually walked into my own candle flame not my proudest moment can't feel sorry for you there yeah you are a dick bad news brah you sir oh wait why what happened there's a there's a whistle item you have to use oh where do I get that or do you get the whistle you get from a place is it in the this dungeon say yes [Music] yes yes oh yeah it is in this dungeon yes okay good you're close to it I believe no you're not it's by the boss okay telephone there's math very top as long as when I light this place it's not an impossible place to get to know all right let's try it again oh I'll loop around what goes around comes back around man there is a significant jump in difficulty between this level yeah all the previous levels seriously and it was like already hard - yeah if you're not a seasoned adventurer yeah like us with kids don't try this at home unless you're a kid with a lot of time on your hands and you and you and you are like [ __ ] just completely ruined opinion wise yeah like call of duty yeah yeah you just turn this on and it's like [Music] I don't think I can kill these guys now I don't have enough probably I gotta come back here later was fine laters wait can you even I don't think I can accomplish anything in here right now you can get the whistle oh yeah yeah oh cool where is it so it's up on the very top back up where I can oh yeah so this level is a lizard [Music] it's up and like the part of Ovi now what what point out the lizard eNOS to me on the map so it's like turning its head I guess so I don't it has like a little body and then it's got a head that's like going like yeah what's it and then his eye is kind of like the red spotted on his nose to me it all looks like a big skull face turn to the side like oh maybe it's just a lizard head oh yeah and it's going back that's that's what I'm saying okay I'm not seeing a body but uh you know open a Playboy it's like plenty of bodies there did you um do you remember your first Playboy it's so goddamn it it was um it was actually a page that I found and there were like these kids on our street that were like the delinquents and they were like brothers I think there were twins actually and I went behind their house one day because their family was a poor and didn't have fence and damn it and like in a tree or something there was like a ripped picture from Playboy's like one picture right and I like saw it like yeah and like I didn't like take it cuz I was like oh yeah what I had in trouble what'll happen if I look at these boobs but I had that like in my memory for the longest time and I think it's like burned in cuz I think I actually remember what it looks like really like I looked at for like a second but then it was like was like matrix into my mind you know I remember I remember the first time I was ever with a girl and she got naked and like on the outside I was like cool whatever I'll get naked too but in the inside I was like whatever [Music] yeah I mean hey where we get naked that's what that's what adults do yeah it's like nature yeah just--we're just being natural how do you think we were created just like going back to basics they're they're more magical than I could have ever possibly imagined I hope she likes me touch there and then she doesn't worry about this [ __ ] doe dong dude no it's not worth it yeah [ __ ] the DOE dong what is it hiding in that room a key really who gives a [ __ ] right that's all yeah and you have to so it doesn't matter yeah so you yeah just keep going up okay and give those give those eating Oh some what for yeah grandma and just walk by these dark nuts yeah me which won't let you leave yeah I know I was like no don't come into my lap I'm required by my programming to walk backwards one Square but I'll be back you stay right there you're a [ __ ] and light this room kill those [ __ ] this is kind of like a stir-fry of enemies it is like a delicious smorgasbord they just got bored and we're like hugs everybody fine I don't care I'm so tired of designing levels I'm so tired of having fun for a living oh I know how they feel okay so this thing yes Oh leave go back where you came okay [Music] go back one square okay there's a lot of kitten heads and they're bunnies Oh adorable and then the top you can bomb oh crap I don't know their box oh no oh my mommy used all the bombs on the doting did I did these guys yield some bombs though I haven't even pick you to be my partner I need [ __ ] bombs bring him to me my pistol be hurtful shut up oh my god this episode took a turn for the worse right in the end as always an inside joke with my dad what's that just connect knows like whenever something was like red it's like what cars red music your butt's creamy ready that's funny yeah would it never hit me yeah I never got hit by my daddy that those cool it's it's uh it's weird like I have plenty of friends whose parents just like bailed on them yeah but uh they're all my weird friends so maybe that's a good idea yeah probably not I need moms there are no bombs present I'm sorry everyone has to watch this oh wait next time on game girls no no don't no not yeah you're gonna find some bombs now I'm gonna fight all right you know what if these dark nuts yield some bombs will will will go forward with this mission if not we'll [ __ ] next time on game grumps this [ __ ] next time I get rats no more bombs hey welcome back to the place we're gonna bomb boom damn it whoa welcome back to Triceratops yeah welcome back to an extremely slow fight in an empty room with a triceratops so Don grumps got him victory is mine oh right now victory is mine it was sad because he just dies yeah just [ __ ] vaporizes into nothing like if he exploded yeah that'd be one thing it'd be like yeah right cool he had a bomb and then he exploded but like it like blows up and then he just like he's just like I don't know that you know them but they're really well ya know he's like the last of his kind I guess we're extinct [Laughter] I believe you bomb the wall on the left cool do I need bombs I couldn't tell by the fact that one of these guys has a bomb encased inside of him to the left you say yeah okay that's the only place to go well then it shall be done yeah you're right you're right you're free oh that's something that's many nuts of Darkness they're two blue dark nuts let's go there's more than two I'm sorry I don't know what I said - I think it's the one on the left you have to push down uh-huh can I do it without killing them no yeah let's try it because they're gonna murder my life require me to kill two that I mean I got a lot of blue wait there's two it's one of those on the end that you can put two rhymes with blue maybe that's where you're gonna that I was just having a little like dr. Seuss moment and blue is what happens that's the color of nuts when you get uncomfortable ladies that's real by the way that's isn't they get Luke well they don't get blue but like some girls think that blue balls is just like a made-up thing that guys are like they say when they want to have sex and the girls like not into Italy I'm gonna be in so much pain not that you should ever have sex because someone's like nevermind you know what I'm trying to say the point is it's real the point is it hurts and it's real and they're usually is an excuse yeah yeah you know it also from a place of realism yeah there we go okay so you do it the killer ok and bats bats bats bat bats today 100% accuracy those bad yeah straight up I'm a bats worse than yes here so the left is the whistle oh good job well then [Music] you just push them or you could kill yeah yeah they do a lot of damage to you when yeah when you're just like uh did you imagine having to fight these with the wooden sword no I'd be the worst I I definitely am glad we loaded up what is the blue ring do again do I have better armor yeah you've got a defense it sure doesn't [ __ ] feel like yeah well it would if you had the green armor and then they yeah you and it takes half your help like okay you're absolutely right no no why I'm here okay yeah damn it I've bitten off more than I can chew clearly I mean if you are really patient and really good as Elvis you can still beat them yeah and it's not yeah and then in the green like I'm sure a lot of people just oh god I'm sure a lot of people went through the game with just the green armor but it's not like the blue or the red armor is very like clearly they're like you gotta walk up to the corner of a mountain and know to touch a statue and know to buy a ring yeah I mean I guess I guess you know it's important because it's like a [ __ ] million dollars and like there's no other place you can buy it in the game the Zelda equivalent of a million dollars two hundred fifty rupees yeah jointed 55 rupees away from what you can just have I'm in a different tax bracket than oh man I bet the kids at home love it when we do [ __ ] economics jokes yeah yeah yeah here's one for you yes how about the Dow Jones oh I bet he's a downer he like comes to parties he's like hey guys and they're like he's down today he's up he's the life of the party but he's down everybody gets sad and they can't retire correctly damn it my 401k is [ __ ] up as Dec this like Nesquik next time on game grumps more prevalent stock humor no it's not hang in there for five more minutes I can I can imagine being like cuz you know like I I watched the episodes sometimes I want to hear like next time I gave you I was like ah yeah and I can imagine just having like a little panic attack or like my body is like so accustomed to getting ten minutes of girls yeah and then I hear like make some of the game grabs on my buddies that know it's only been roughly five minutes what is happening what's happening now this is strange isn't saw strange it's cannot be laying bombs everywhere I'll explode my way out of this there you go yeah that's work thanks man when in doubt light [ __ ] on fire and blow it up remember that children remember that only in the context of zelda yeah terrible advice otherwise and always light your mummies on fire the game grumps told me to set the mummies on fire they go into like a museum exhibit you know just like they call their mummies a little [ __ ] pip pip cheerio so I just thought you were I just thought you were having fun they were having a grand old time it's usually usually specified by my use of yeah a British accent he's having a great time have you ever been to Scotland no I went there and there's in there's two big cities in Scotland I mean I'm sure there's more but there's only two big ones that I've been to and borough and Glasgow and n borough and bra n bra is it's a beautiful place and like everyone there sounds nice and they'll have these sing-songy accents blow the whistle yeah doesn't eat wait doesn't he get super fast what's your other whistle sit and then and then what happens and then you have to hit him with your sword two times really not oh yeah oh hey before you speeds up maybe not maybe oh maybe four times I may just take this delicious notion go ahead I'm sure it's tasty right before I'm about to get the [ __ ] kicked out of me by this limo it makes the sound of something happening really fast yeah it's just going super slow yeah oh he was it it's two times if you have the MAGIX oh so yeah all I was gonna say was uh you get this try please yeah delicious was I not supposed to eat that does that save the world I'm sorry yeah so like the other big town in Scotland is called Glasgow and it over there they have like the thickest craziest Scottish accent you've ever heard in your life they even other Scottish people don't understand them sometimes they call it glass region and Sweden yeah it's like its own thing go left and I I went up to this guy and I was like excuse me sir do you know where the Train is it was like he was super friendly was really nice he was like oh I need a get I don't know hope sure I can like thank you very much like you've been extremely helpful you're [ __ ] idiot go die you're like yep I'll keep that in mind I can't oh yeah I'll just never [ __ ] like guy from Edinburgh yeah he's like watching it's just like I just said go right oh hey yeah was I supposed to do that no damn it now you're not supposed to go up I'm supposed to cross it okay cool so actually go back the way you came Ferb are we headed for graveyard town yeah oh so creepy you want to get the I think the power play bracelets over here and then left yeah yeah tell me quickly before this is flying petunias take me out of the pits you know I got I haven't heard the word petunia [ __ ] ages is there a 'blow-up-able thing right here think so now okay it just looks too perfectly like this could be a door yeah it totally does all right you want to go left I know that's hard to believe I like it out here it's just like it's just you and me sea monster we're the only people left I had to actually run away I got overwhelmed by the one enemy scream what's in this door Oh check it out have a go you probably yeah yeah those are silver arrows - I could use a better shield - oh you need to get the magic shield but you just wasted all your money ball so you gotta get sixty rupees again damn it next time I'm getting relics time again oh don't don't do you dare sorry sorry sorry [ __ ] bear I'll kill you go ahead go ahead you say welcome back welcome back to game grim say we have been harvesting more coins while you were gone coins rupees with these pit bulls oh we gotta get the magic shield yeah I remember what is the meat do I don't [ __ ] know I think you use it against one of the bosses ah no I think he has a huge shield now [ __ ] that oh yeah look at me blue cloak you can protect against the solos attacks now really yeah do something that's right do something yeah swing water just jamming with jabbing yeah coot that's that's one funny thing I always noticed about this game there's no actual swinging of the sword it's just stabbing yeah that was that was a it was a big addition to link to the past yeah the swooping push yeah do you want to go left okay did you ever play actually no okay did you ever play willow the NES game like briefly it was a little bit like a poor man's Elda but it was it was good and the reason I thought of it was because it did have a big like swinging a sword movement worse oh really yeah and you just take out everything standing around that willow based on the film like the Velma yeah you really are great so it was Nicolas okay you read I've never seen it actually Oh No Erin aliens and Willow we're doing it it's a [ __ ] combo platter tonight go go egg down okay yeah but first we're gonna watch the [ __ ] l'arc-en-ciel oh yeah meaty meaty that was part excuse me that's what part of part of what made it great the fact that each of his meaty were at like a higher more intense clip so it was like go down back down okay and then go left okay and the guy top right wake them up hey hey let's that looks like a delicious croissant Oh water on it mm-hmm slap you [ __ ] is it just on my person yeah cool you can lift rocks I guess oh stop oh I bet now we can move that giant squirrel statue yes now sorry I you can go ahead and think it's a squirrel I think yes now [ __ ] you when in reality it's just a pile of crap yes go back down you know get the magic sword dude no I [ __ ] get that sweetie it's cool because the first two swords are like straight up uh-huh and then the magic swords kind of curved no yeah it's all got the power curve I'll go left it oh okay ladies love it ladies love it when it curves at the tip and then it jabs into them in their intestine sell out whoo yes ladies you love that I go left still I'm an experienced lover and I'm pretty sure that's how I reasonably I think you can block those swords with your magic sheet I bet you're right but that would require the patience of actually turning to the sword wait let's try it this is the first time how scary must that be if you're throwing a sword at someone and they're just speaking of scary yeah he's constantly just like would it be funny if like like your family like you lose a family member and you see them as a ghost and they're they're coming towards here and then you're just like oh I'm scared and you throw a boomerang on another cute what are you doing I was trying to hug you yeah now all that ghosts are trying to do yeah let me hug you up so right under one of these graves is the magic store okay I think it's like one of the center ones okay or you could just go to the left oh I'm sorry I thought you meant the center screen not centered oh wow that's not cool how do you reveal I guess you just touch it yeah I I walked into it to excite of it yeah good cuz this goes just [ __ ] yeah master using you can have this what can you take it oh you can't just take it wait maybe maybe I can let me keep shy what you have to do I think I just maybe I have to beat a certain level of the game to get to that because they wouldn't let me take the white sword until I beaten like two or three more Jimmy James I guess you need to get hearts oh no three two - oh you need one more heart container uh which one haven't you gotten I don't know but that that'll happen when I beat the each time I get a piece of the Triforce yeah but yeah we oh this is level six oh let's do it alright I believe in you thanks I believe in you I believe in you I believe anything called love [Music] what a great song I like songs that are just like yeah we know this is ridiculous yeah but it's happening anyway is it is it is the lyric guitar let's get down could be all right he's seen it at 6:00 only hot and insanely high register but it's difficult to know they were popular for three days they were named at the end of coma I will thanks he looks a bit like disgruntled you just got like this long mouth just like [Music] leave so I can put my arms down yeah yeah he's like he finally has to put his arms down he's like oh thank god Melissa say I got a puff back into existence did I [ __ ] tell you why Goma as eyes [Laughter] snarky comment yeah Galba eyes yeah maybe you'll remember from that time I told you they'll be so easy to program just keep track of how long it's been and he just just says that yeah literally eight seconds ago dude good to see you have you adventured long enough yet it's your mom proud of you oops oh wait your mom's dad whoa is she and I don't know [ __ ] if you even have a mom Yeah right you could have just been like [ __ ] Jesus cuz you're a different mom but you're different you're a different link every Zelda game right yeah that does that understood yeah in like the hackneyed oh we through it all together storylines yeah yeah we're like they originally weren't supposed to be all part of the same story line but that Skyward Sword was like guess what they are good news then everyone was like I have I have the book that explains it I do is it a thousand pages long yes I'll bet yeah that's called the Hylian historia or the Hyrule historia that's a big [ __ ] green book okay and when you open it up there's like pictures of drawings that you've never seen and it's like Oh what is this Canon oh god all these [ __ ] short stacks of Pancakes are really making me uncomfortable did you know what they kind of look like like a short stack of flan [Laughter] did you receive an accordion like an old-fashioned accordion yeah did you ever see the like awesome like graffiti that people have done like [ __ ] with various things like commercials and stuff there was the someone took their just God have a plan for me it's like a woman like thinking she's got her hand out and she's like thinking and looking off in the distance and someone drew a little short stack or something on her hand just got of a flan for me photoshopping pancakes on anything is yeah probably one of the best things you can do with good time whoa so a blue potion does fill you up all the way well I guess maybe it's just to signify that like it's different yeah last one yeah there's got to be something like when does something more or maybe blue like blue fills up a certain amount of hearts but like either way it's more than we've got right now oh the boss yeah no no he's like a mini boss now we've got three heads now I know that's a classic Nintendo move like like a boss from early on turns into a mini boss later oh yeah but he's even tougher just to convey he'll like you girl yeah like you've done good Winkle recently cool yeah what if that's what link was short for they're like stick with link dude yeah I can't stress that seriously you're gonna be much better off at school all the more reason [Laughter] actually I have a friend named link and it's a short for Lincoln that's exactly what it's short for it yeah I like linkle better Winkle I'll call him Michaels I guess Lincoln is kind of like linkle but with an end at the end yes it is it's totally Winkle actually yeah the most exaggerated way to say lentil you would think Lincoln would be like LAN que le but la MK Oh L is actually oh yeah Wow cool I should have lit this room a lot earlier it was much less intimidating and confusing than I thought of it like ah all right that's what's happening yeah when you don't like the room you're kind of confined to the one square you're on bring them on oh wait next time on game rose wow that went fast yeah that's something ever her stuff happens hey hey : I've said too much oh it's like when like someone waves to you and like well no when they're waving to the person behind you and you don't and you think they're waving to you and you're just a cat and you get all super excited and they're like you no I think in that situation they're always inclined to like ignore it like they don't see it and then they're like ah just like show you up yeah I think that's not like the other guy the other guy I don't have to tell you even see it and then it makes you feel super bad yeah they were like not you it'd be like oh sure but they just like are like I'm gonna ignore you I'm gonna refuse to even believe that you exist it's sure and go to my real friend over here goddammit this [ __ ] board is giving me a heart palpitations there's so much happening and there's so it's so high-risk when you said heart palpitations I just imagined I'll like liking your chest no damn it damn it it kind of looks a bit like three fat lizards like heads on top of each other but they're just kind of going in Oh dan I have died [ __ ] up I did I better get some some healthy stuff right cuz yeah three hearts is not gonna be enough to deal with this also you gotta get poached I got to get some poach I've got a push-up bra where's the nearest pose spine some post goodness I think it's Duke she'll be fast forward through this no no you I think there's a post right alright bye take a right tell me the anime have the places think you can bomb in the middle of those two letters I don't know if I have enough money for postage duh really [Music] oh that's perfect all you got forty hey alright forty per single push breath I got a step do that I started saying like brah ironically because it's the stupidest thing you can find and then it became a part of my [ __ ] lexicon yeah like damn it that always happens to me it does I was just like wow and then and then just after a while I was like wow gasm I better know the graveyard is not where I want to be rich I don't think it's where anybody wants to be yeah it's a bad place I just I got a get all strong on the inside how fast do these guys like playing chicken with you how fast can you run yeah because some of them are like all the other ones are kind of like mellow but that guy shake woke up who's poking me up from my slumber yeah you can power brace that [ __ ] oh damn I'll take any road which ones yeah I don't know Center I'll pretend I'm in gauntlet Oh neat look good I have some working powers now cool so I can go back no I don't remember this at all oh my god that's really helpful killer where else does it take you I don't know let's try let's quicks explore meant I guess there's other there's other [ __ ] yeah oh there's that's where that's where pushy squirrel statue brings you now I get it snow I'm sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] it's hard for me to like I've been thinking of that in a certain way since like 1987 it's hard for me to if I couldn't bring it back oh yeah kind of shattered your reality a bit yeah yeah are you just like are you just building up rubes now yeah well looking for hearts oh god Chevy Aries it's weird when I was in almost farmen rupees last when we were trying to get the magic shield it was just like nothing but fairies but now that you need fairies it's just like it's always the way they went home it's always the way they just with whom maybe check the pod did you get one I did I got one this a gorgeous-looking Felicia Day fairy I shall think of them that way forever and love them just a little bit more a tiny lady is she yeah I don't I did meet her in person once but she was sitting down okay yeah but she was super nice I saw her at the the premiere of the comic-con movie uh everybody was that's where I met Joss Whedon oh cool it's weird when you meet people and they're way shorter than you think they always are yeah they're never huge yeah because they oh yeah well then noted for the future straight to it yeah Tom Cruise is the smallest human being I think I've ever seen in my life have you seen ours I did I I saw him walk by and uh you know I really just yeah cuz the UCB was right next to the Scientology Center yeah where's mom loose that's what his mom lives there yeah whoa I was unrolling why he was there yeah chill with moms nothing wrong with that I just walked by and he was like hey this is [ __ ] smile no no words were exchanged they brought him like five people were carrying him in a bubble all right I imagine you just like shut off reality when you're like that famous hey we're just like you have tucker tucker's you just like don't even here hey hey hey hey hey hey hey and all you can think is just like I would like buttered toast yeah that's a simple pleasure that I think Illinois's I would love one day of not this let's just the end of the statement yeah I would look one day right I mean like because I mean you experience it like that stuff like Magfest yeah we're like it's lots of people wanting to talk to you and stuff like can you imagine that being your everyday like Magfest just non-stop your whole life I mean that's why that's why those dudes like move to France and [ __ ] oh yeah just make sense I mean that's why Dave Chappelle won't they Africa for a while yeah I don't blame him he was just like I'm done with this like I gotta get away and gotta go to the frickin talk to people yeah and then everyone who is of course like he's gone insane yeah so Stu how could he possibly leave this life of luxury yeah and by luxury I mean constant harassment yeah from studio executives and normal people constant hanging out with his six-year-old child and people going I'm Rick James [ __ ] yeah why he's keep us be like older now huh dan you've done it I've done it I think you've raised the bar human being Hanson I've said the stupidest thing of all time hey you know what you're probably older than you were when that photograph was taken oh my god you know what I bet not only is his kid older I bet he's older Wow no crazy [ __ ] crazy thoughts oh my god I like these guys [ __ ] them they're horrible they're kicking the crap out of me we're just kind of like like I'm gonna get you there like like a Halloween display yeah yeah come where like would you get close to me I shake and go have you ever been to a haunted house yeah oh you mean like a real scary ones uh wait are we talking like just a house that is claimed to be haunted I'm going in at night creepy that's terrifying okay so you're talking about like a constructive experience yes a Disneyland haunted house as you will yes of course I have I have not actually really have you never been to like Halloween Horror Nights or anything no oh my god I don't I don't trust myself to not like if someone jumps out at me that I won't like just start [ __ ] swinging punches up and just really hurt somebody yeah maybe maybe Oh - wait wasn't this is it this what here listen to the sound when they shoot there Oh God I think it's the sound of when Berto shoots oh yeah yeah yeah you just turned into the [ __ ] ground yeah I'm close to death I was gonna say oh yeah yeah yeah I have that impulse to like I legit you get like I get jumpy hit those haunted houses and I guess that's how you're supposed to feel like I don't get scared I just get like something about something about something and then you don't know when so builds that like anticipate yeah but yeah I get like that when they jump out I'll just be like god damn it son [ __ ] again cool yeah like they're just doing their job yeah you [ __ ] yeah just like whoa okay all right I don't even remember what this is what just get there it's a wand of gamilon oh that was my first guess I think it creates magic so maybe I should try to swing it a little bit boom give it a swing will I be able to [ __ ] take out these wizards oh yeah it's a super magic blast I'm gonna blast [ __ ] with it oh yeah very effective that's what I'm talking about dude the magic wave machine next time I get grubs yeah wait we're here kill those [ __ ] orange wizards that's a prison escapee wizards let me see if I can no help you got you got a weapon and it's completely ineffective kids excellent there's another [ __ ] thing that these Ezell does never do what's that I mean you got this weapon in this dungeon so like the obvious thing is that it would kill whatever yeah no no actually they have total immunity to it yeah which like makes sense I guess cuz it's like a whole course Wizards wouldn't be weak against magic they are magic but like in like a new Zelda it would be like you've gotten the whatever everything in the dungeon is your [ __ ] it's you it's you by the way someone I can't remember who was but someone in the comments requested that we play Super Mario Sunshine public me too can we do that yes it's the most feel good you feel good game I've ever played so is until you play it oh is that right yeah look you just have this memory of it and you're like oh yeah like strain water should music and everything and then you'll I can miss a jump and you're like god dammit piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] me and then you get to like the the special stages where you don't have the backpack right it's all just like floaty blocks it's like pre galaxy and you're just like god dick nobody lives and you're like I can't make this jump I can't make this jump this is [ __ ] three years later you're like that was a really relaxing experience yeah yeah I was just sprayed water around it was really good so I am so down the place like yeah I'll play it yeah but you actually you play it and I'll watch and feel good I didn't have a nice summary experience how about we talk about Mario Sunshine well played my friend the tables have turned [Laughter] whoa whoa whoa whoa wait I'm still yours $90 I'm gonna need that shit's like sort of special edition but like yeah maybe you got it on like yeah yeah discount sale whale day night would blow my way through here much like Hollywood oh no maybe it's down here episode of Mario 2 or you you got hit and it like knocked you up the ladder you failed upwards yeah that was that was great it's a very good feeling man I don't know what to do here too capable have you tried going up and oh that's right game from what the [ __ ] what if I play this whistle no no no what did you think the tornado was gonna come and carry me [ __ ] eighty feet away yeah you have to go into the like little limb of the Dragon okay cuz this is a dragon is that right yeah it's like a fetal dragon yeah no I totally look [Music] [Laughter] what do they do their faces do yeah they do their faces yeah they're a little more defined in the new result us okay I'm imagining that they're scarier in that in the face oh I just have to go through this yeah okay let me let me like let me like this room a flame that really is just the the way to describe this whole experience hold on are you [ __ ] Jesus Christ God look at magic damn it you think your magic shield would be enough for them yeah I hate they're picking me like go into the doorways that's that's my place where I rest from possible earthquakes and wizard attacks why would they put that there like why would they put the [ __ ] the see there it doesn't even oh I guess there is like a tiny leak you can't go up and down what's here we talked about this little river of blood oh yeah yeah I've created trippity bats I'm now intimidated by the number of bats even though they're simpler needs to kill there are so many yeah I'm agoraphobic I'm afraid of open spaces as long as there's effort space take-backs one back to bed for what seven bats too many bats that is like a legit fear though what bats it's like it's like stick to bats as a guide [ __ ] off but then it's same with like spiders it's like one spider it's like oh yeah I'll kill it but then an explosion of 12 spiders yeah it's a very different I completely agree is that is there like a term for that I don't know I'm not afraid of spiders but I'm afraid of many spider that's been just being a smart person being a rational human yeah I mean what else with with actual evolutionary fears what's it what are you most afraid of it's it's a very weird thing but I'm afraid of monotone tones rising in volume yeah how many times do you experience that I often dreamed about it as a kid and that's I think that's where it came from oh that's interesting so if ever there's like a if ever I'm like alone in the house or something and there's like a like a national broadcast system or like a phone is like off the hook or something and it's like right and I'm like walking towards it it'll freak me the [ __ ] out really that's a super interesting fear I've never even heard of that before yeah about you sharks sharks yeah yep just like straight up sharks sharks yeah they're just terrifying creatures in general really so like what is what is like the what's the point where it like becomes a thing so if you see like a video of a shark are you like yeah whatever oh yeah yeah no I mean like but I might see a shark in the ocean it's all my god you lookin kidding me if I see you well no I mean if I saw one at the equation just came did I get it if I saw one in like an aquarium or something that's fine yeah in a boat it would be kind of okay not great if I [ __ ] was scuba diving and I just saw one I would lose my [ __ ] mind hey again with the spider thing I think that's just a rational yeah like what like I can imagine being in that situation of meaning like yeah yeah oh my god like you just trying to frantically doggy-paddle away as 500 million years of streamlined evolutions sales towards you in a death march yeah I never look doesn't doesn't do much for me it's like guess what the most efficient thing of going through water and eating things is me oh god this is hard okay I think it'd be good really yeah these magic guys they only shoot in like a straight line right I stand corrected yeah they just do so much damage that's the problem this [ __ ] magic oh thank you for the bomb [Music] I'm not gonna survive this room up here with all these wizards and whatnot wet with their bird Oh sounds rude [ __ ] I wish I had something that could do more damage to them well arrows kill them is that possible maybe you want to save them for gold mother you're right how many you have oh I guess you just need quiet you just have them I that this is Zelda it's never that Oh God oh well should have used those arrows mommy all right back to the potion woman let's go ahead just give her a visit yeah and then give the fairy a visit oh yeah we can warp we can work there that's right we're cool up there do you remember which staircase it was uh no it wasn't the center one there were only three like yeah I think it was on the right five rupees Falls and go get your heart hearts filled up and then while you're there is it up here you can kill the octa rocks yeah Oh after rocks that's what they're called I always think they're called octoroon x' octoroon yeah do you know what that is no an octoroon is someone who is 1/8 african-american what yeah it sounds it sounds racist but it's an actual term an octave does some about the rune is really yeah yeah like it's kind of lazy yeah whoops sure your [ __ ] room like just yeah if you say it we get ruined a perfectly good white person no that wasn't for me that was whoa that was from racist character that I was playing the that's important that we establish that are there any like 1/8 black dudes that were like I mean are were there any options that somebody was like you ruin and that was like it like cut them deep I don't know I don't think it's ignited curious yeah Barry before you edit this episode please do some research and see if we just set a slur of some kind thank you if not leave it in if not we're cool and the episode continues we're not racist damn it I feel like I say that way too much the fact that you say it - yeah that's a bad sign for how what the kind of [ __ ] were talking about you have 40 roofs oh yeah I can just go and get the blue one cool roofs is races reaps breath rubies are like come on man why do you do this we come - oh god no I was doing have you ever thought what if you could make up an accent yeah yeah really what would yours be uh no I mean like like cuz you know there's like oh there's an Irish accent oh there's a Scottish accent nah oh right and like but what if you could just make up an accent you can yeah watch me all right that's Icelandic I don't know are you just being York yeah next time I came comes maybe we'll see Bjork oh yeah she's our guest I forgot about that she cancelled the game took dem grips off camera we just got the we got another potion farming rupees for a [ __ ] year yeah and then and then we got it back as as long as you guys have been watching us play Zelda I promise you we've been playing it longer I was just I was just talking to Dan about perfect pitch and how my goal and singing is to harmonize with him oh yeah as dan is a beautiful singer thanks man and you were saying how it's we well we should go ahead and just explain yourself again I guess oh yeah no I was I was saying it's it's weird because like I was told I had perfect pitch when I was like maybe five years old or whatever by doctors oh so that's like a that's like a diagnosable phenom oh yeah yeah yeah you're you're born with it and like so it's weird to me that like people can it's weird that people aren't hearing the same things I'm hearing you know like so I asked Aaron if it was weird for him like to know that like people certain people just can't draw that can't draw a circle or yeah but not yeah no because I struggle with that too and there was something that put it into perspective for me really recently which was um there's there's a restaurant here called which which oh yeah and they have like a bunch of their paper bags up on the wall with like drawings and stuff and there was one guy that like drew like a bunny rabbit and then right next to it was another guy trying to like mimic that bunny rabbit and like all the details were there but you could tell it was drawn by a different person right because like they don't have the same sensibilities and in terms of like line weight and like shape and stuff so and I've been in that situation before where it's like I'm trying to copy an image I mean this was a child right I don't copy just think for like right where you like draw a line and you're like why doesn't it look like that line it's the same exact curve yeah like you you know just as you become as you get more expertise that's something you you're able to like get into it more like a granular level you know and like understand like little things that you didn't even realize we're there yeah at first oh my god those Wizards [ __ ] destroy me every time but I can't I I hear like pitch differences I guess but it's sometimes it's hard for me to the one thing that I can't hear until like I'm away from it for a while is like power what do you mean like if somebody's like on key but doesn't have have like the power behind it right it just sounds weak yeah it still sounds like a bad singer yeah yeah but then like I can't hear that right away but I can usually hear like a pitch if it's off its wild yeah we were talking about that before like because it used to not just sell out my sister she has a nice singing voice now but like it took her time to develop it and I want to go up yeah thanks or just it come in from another feel like I've been up before oh you have to oh you got to go into the little arm oh right the stereo oh thank God thank God we figured that out now okay yeah no my my sister like Shh she used to sing off-key when we were like little kids and it actually like would make me like feel like queasy it would like like like just like cringy cuz it's so weird yeah it's really like it's hard to explain but I guess so it looks like a [ __ ] impulse yeah yeah like how do you explain wanting a cigarette oh yeah that's weird look I just wanted I just I just get uh dad I feel bad my dad my dad quit smoking after 32 years damn how crazy is that Congrats yeah grats to dad's um he and I asked him uh cuz he had tried to quit like ten times before and he was like I well I just asked him like what was different about this time you know that made you finally succeed he was like it she really honestly wanted to this time well you know you're like you can't force yourself ya to do something you don't like secretly want to do inside yeah yeah I had a um when I worked at Blockbuster Video I had a co-worker who was just like a coolest person and she just had like balls of steel yeah and she was like a heavy smoker and she got pregnant and like the minute she got pregnant and like found out she was pregnant she just quit yep just like and I was like how did you do it she was the sick I just I can't smoke when I have a baby inside me yeah and like she didn't she was always like upbeat every day she didn't have like the withdrawals or anything but she was like a heavy smoker before that yeah it's a lot of times it's easier to do something for the sake of someone else whether it is for yourself you know and like a lot of my friends are having kids now and you see it like you see how your life instantly becomes not about you anymore mmm and that's weird I'm not ready for my life to not be about me yeah I don't know if you notice that play video games for a living I think that's a pretty understandable it's like oh this is kind of once it shifts into that direction it shifts like that forever yeah until you become like 80 and then you're forced to have it only be about you yeah when you're like I don't what no don't stay with me the prude bring me the proles of your own life not my god this is sad this is the saddest grub's ever we've been playing this game for a long time this is when the dark [ __ ] comes out yeah run [ __ ] level six dude oh this is when it becomes yeah we get to like a dungeon eight and you're just like I killed a guy once don't tell anybody yeah nicely not the two hundred thousand people who are gonna listen to this seriously have though have you ever killed a guy you ask weird questions and in like a totally normal way it it takes a moment for people to be like yeah but ya know I did once really yeah was you kind of asking for it or Jesus no it's just it just kind of had it just happens yeah I know where you're coming from yeah we'll have like a I have like a witness protection thing yeah let this it was it was like I killed the dude right and then someone else did a worse crime sure but I was the witness to that crime oh sure so I had to you know I testified and they were like we won't put you in jail if you testify I mean we've all been there yeah I love all that's out there now yeah feel free to remix that guess my voice is saying that so like suddenly when I get a call from the [ __ ] police like excuse me this matches an exact crime that's happening yeah in the 1930s yeah that's not true by the way I just want to say and to posterity meanwhile there's gonna be a super fun remix like I killed the guy kick kill the guy kill the guy kill the guy that's not true man dead dead dead dead dead it's not like the [ __ ] like Derrick comedy remix of it I did good to get - good - could you could you get to get to dead dead dead dead dead I hate my mom oh you that's a classic that goes a little all right cool all right my name is Jeffrey you did you see me with that guy I didn't do it with him he was my teacher oh really it was a sketch teacher oh dude he's he does shows out here are stolen Dominic deer with the other guy but not Danny Glover Donald Glover yeah I'm sorry I don't know why predator 2 is my [ __ ] go to I don't know what the hell is going on get to a position he was also in saw I don't know if you remember him being in saw yeah and also a great underground improviser a lot of people don't know that also star on community great show great show yeah DC Pierson is here you're thinking of so he was your teacher yeah he was my teacher very very knowledgeable guy very nice I should go to the UCB and take some Keller sick you with me yes it make me look cooler I would not say that whenever I go and I sit up in the front and then they like they like take me in for like a bit right I always like overthink it and then I just put something out there that's like wait I don't want to say smarter but like wait think to you yeah and then and then everyone's just like this guy really [ __ ] likes chews up and that would have been that you shoot an arrow in his eye yeah yeah do it I don't know if that's a that's not obviously opens it come on you [ __ ] come on go yeah oh my god that was it yeah we did hey that was a hard dungeon man that took me a long ass time yeah dude level six oh that's where [ __ ] starts to get real dude d you won't even believe what level seven hasn't store for you people punching you in the dick the second you walk inside like a brand new meter that shows up like tolerance to dick punch it just disappears yeah like you have like 12 full hearts in one empty dick one empty dick Utz is that like the new [ __ ] wallflower this is a new one we just rode on the van ride over here one empty dick spoiler it sounds like every other Wallflower song ever walking across next time I'm game grabs more and hot 1997 bad music action hey welcome back Frank say it again salute effective now that wasn't it oh you didn't exactly match right now I know cuz I was thinking about how amazing frumble Frank's was trouble Frank as I'm sure we all were it was it wasn't Rumble Francis from poor Uncle Frank's excuse me who never won't happen again is that from something or yeah it's from bull Franks is that from something yeah from Christ yeah I I don't know how many [ __ ] more times I can say I mean I can say it like they like saying it can I be any more clear yeah you mentioned clowns right before we started recording this and I can't think of anything else oh really does anyone like clowns no no everyone has anybody does now they're they're [ __ ] garbage I do have a clown sheep in my Animal Crossing town named Pietro I don't play Animal Crossing and I feel like I'm missing out on life yeah when people started animal crossing and it was like is it this one yeah it's just got the crooked sword with the jagged edges you can have this give it to me shop and leave yeah it looks exactly the same no it's a little bit kind of whiter yeah it was italicized when it was lying on the ground like that that's a different sort it does have a bit of like a curved hilt it's got a power curve yeah she never - snap yeah it makes it more aerodynamic in the wrong way oh yeah so a road less dynamic it's more of a compass if you will oh yeah oh wait can I so I have to get the meat now is that correct there you gotta go get the bait cuz you need it for the seventh will will I do I have anything to gain by like using that transportation thing on the other side ah I don't think so I think you're pretty close to the meat go right it's uh yeah I'm pretty sure that's wait wait I might be wrong yeah I keep going left okay and then [Music] this looks oddly familiar Aaron no yeah use the transporter dinging oh yeah okay yeah cool use the transport eat Magoo let's see where it takes me I still I still haven't quite mastered where lick which place takes me work let's try this one yeah you're there really now you're where you are yeah wherever you go no you're really far you should go back then okay look all the way on the other side than that with the right side oh if this were New Jersey I would totally be in [ __ ] Pennsylvania Dutch country right if you were super relatable to everybody what you're like you stole all the way to the right I think really yeah I go let's try you don't want to go to the place where I'll go the leapers are yeah okay does anyone ever like think to comment on how weird it is that sometimes the old man in the old woman just like like form out of a cave cloud oh yeah it feel like stays there for a second and then it poops yeah like they really really want you to know that they use magic like they're waiting there to show off and then we're impressed yeah behold and then you walk away and they're like oh you need to get a map yeah go to the cave talk to the guy all right great it's like you didn't need the show yeah okay this is where we got the blue ring yeah mm-hmm okay oh yeah yeah part of that Jimmy Jam but he's like boy it sure is expensive [ __ ] Jesus how can I justify charging prices like this that's the only place that I would imagine somebody would say that is like like Walmart and I just have like no attachment to the companies they're there working for you guys somewhere else like it's like one of those only places there's like a big chain where you would go up to the counter and you'd be like $20 for this peanut butter and they'd be like yeah I know right it's anyone who works at Walmart so I think that dungeons nearby yeah so you're always just go just go leather of this tree okay and then up I think yeah this feels like whenever you like ran into these like these thuggish looking dudes yes oh I gotta play the whistle right yeah okay [Music] yeah I remember the first time that happened when I was a kid and like I was with my friend Josh and we were like [Music] whistle these creepy ass things yeah that's a mini-boss then now it's just the [ __ ] guy it just hangs out names bill and Frank yeah hey Bill what are you thinking to do it today I don't know singing I may be moving in an endless semicircle cool do you want to join me why not it would know it would make me the most happy what else is there a row of flame balls to do on a day like this oh these guys well they freeze me if they have you with their boomerangs Hey Oh like they like you freeze them yeah I don't know I'm not gonna let them [ __ ] find out lock that [ __ ] with my giant shield if I can nail them with a mask oh so he doesn't free I just heard it just hurts yeah they have like blade boomerang Oh what else would it dude heal a boomerang carried a magical spell love it thank you my aids didn't even know I had it thanks boomerang for diagnosing and then immediately solve my problem yeah it's you like [Laughter] URI is cured what good news I'll say the bad news first is good news execute this feels uh this feels bombing yeah you can go a little right I think no maybe maybe a path of her well this has been a great time thanks everybody good job wasting your [ __ ] bomb yeah idiot Queen yeah you're the queen of all that sucks a little deeper because you're messing with my gender what's the what's the little thing in here this thing well I never went up which is how I didn't like where he was going with that there's a secret in the tip yeah yeah dot dot dot and then there's a little sprite like winks yeah I remember I was actually uh I was in a bar one time and like randomly got into this conversation with a guy who was like a chef and he was telling me how to cook like mushrooms and like the various like different types of mushrooms that go better with certain dishes mm-hmm and like as I was walking away from him I like just as a friendly thing I would yelled like thanks for the mushroom tip not thinking that mushroom tip is another way for dick that was unfortunate yeah so you got a bomb in this I think it's the left wall well okay yeah good job great Geor bucks man I really like how it's I mean I mentioned this in the previous episode but I really like how it's just [ __ ] they don't even get to you they're just like these are the walls that could be bombed yeah try it did I listen we gave you a bomb [ __ ] do what you will with it yeah we recommend bombs and we recommend one of the four corners that is always well mobile hey yeah there's gonna be bombing around here it's got to be something right um why would they have this room no you get a key from this room did I yeah I don't remember getting a kick yeah when you killed the ropes you get the key do that hmm Wow four keys now that's unfortunate but I can't remember that because that literally happened seconds ago God gives you a bomb should I kill these guys or yeah I mean I feel like they would have given me the bomb if I didn't have to kill them for some reason no you don't know there's no doors and the other need to be open oh they won't give me something like more bombs they give you bombs as a reward yeah for using all your box house that was maybe the dumbest damage I've taken since I started playing Zelda look all you get rupees for killing them maybe I just stupid like that thanks for wasting all your bombs use five dollars yeah you getting like a gift certificate to Starbucks yeah all right I did it was that five yeah Ruby's five dollars good job yeah that actually was like it's like the Starbucks dip would like more bombs give them to me thanks for being kind of a jerk about it yeah I bet you'd like to have more bumps I bet you'd like $100 back oh [ __ ] there is a boomerang flying right at me I bet you like to beat this dungeon no I just came here to visit I'm leaving soon we'd all like many things to happen I got a job and a wife to go back to and I really don't have much tomorrow time I really I went overtime honestly I had too much fun in this I bet you'd like three women blowing you right now bombs right now with the [ __ ] like - hundred rupees thing we step over it and it's just like after giving us like information they're dicks next time on game grumps more dicks whoa hey welcome back the group's hidden in wait hmm what he said that's where you are groups in the congratulations I'm bout to play a whistle make an eye ball smaller and then stab it with a sword we've all been there the Lehman's proper I made more I know he can see him triples copy dude wouldn't it be cool if you could just like take your eyeball out like a look around corners yes yes have you ever used the hyper scope the hype what is that a hyper scope is it's like a it's it's sort of like a pair of binoculars that has like a series of mirrors that basically emulates your eyes being farther apart whoa so everything becomes more that's awesome yeah they say when you like take off the hyper scope the world looks like super flat to you it's impressing Li sad I read this book called take off your glasses and see one time and it was all about how like the man is bringing a stick yeah yeah like okay good talk buddy yeah do I just go around him no you have to give him the food oh it's just stomach that's crumbling of course I should have known that you got to give it to him like right up in his face I think [Music] mate yes nice nice I wish I could like solve more of life's problems by slapping people with meat wait a second so that that used the meat yes yeah so what you're saying is if I placed this is so annoying I got every time I hit those static guys I can't use my sword for a minute please the meat in the wrong place yeah if you like place the meat short of his face he'll just stand there in front of it and then you have to go back outside and buy the meat from the dude again I'm not sure I don't remember exactly the details I think I always placed it on him yeah it's just one of those like yeah like I could experiment because I'm an adult now but don't feel like getting inside know that at the moment yeah can I just say that a lot of time to lose this is a later dungeon these boomerang throw and control guys are not nearly as difficult as the wizards from the previous dungeon oh yeah or the [ __ ] dark nuts yeah it seems a little bit out of order doesn't it the roomful of City Eddie maybe they're just trying to like like amp you up you're like dude I'm so strong now I'm taking out these dudes and then then template it's just like oh god what is happening 17 dark nuts and they're red I used to yeah it's it's always Keaton and Zelda when I am when I lived in the common room dorms at Boston University my friend my roommate and I always used to steal the signs from the food and then place them on our door underneath where it said Dan and Jesse's room like something like this selection contains out of context everything looks great you need to check the map before you start bombing walls down okay well you go ahead and bomb the two walls Leigh yeah map said there was no wall oh in the corner yeah I sort of remember that way as soon as you said it yeah Chico what's in here listen I don't want to collective eight guys in there I don't wanna do many revisit but you guys don't have a burp sack Jared Barnea lied to me about the perb sack don't want to use me dinner boys are over all of your cartoons need to come over the rest of eternity is it he's got a great voice yeah that man he's a gigantic dude right he sounds like he'd be huge based on his voice eNOS he was the tick oh oh that's right got the live action tick yeah that show got a raw deal it's it I remember that it like was put on like horrible time slots against like super popular shows such as Beverly Hills 90210 what about NATO - one blow you need to get into that that eyeball have to get into the chin no you have to get to the know the eyeball I tried to bar my way to the eyeball okay yeah yeah sure maybe I have to approach it from another angle you have to approach it from the left I think Oh perhaps I can Bob this right guess I'll just walk around like a dick like a big fat floppy [ __ ] maybe that's what I'm gonna do something about introducing the word like floppy whenever you add that adjective into and do something about a deck it just ah just adds a lot more to the dick table like sloppy Jilla do you want me floppy jalopies do you remember don't copy that floppy what no floppy what was that it was a campaigned for like against pirating games oh that's great software and stuff don't copy that floppy I guess you know it's like don't steal you wouldn't steal a car' you wouldn't steal a radio you wouldn't steal music and it's like wow oh it's the same it's not stealing music I'm thinking like I could I would steal a car if there were no repercussions if it were the same as stealing music I would totally stop absolutely I would steal your car you got a great car do you know what this do you know what that does for me just make sure maybe maybe I can say yeah more than like one per screen please I love how links the only person in the world who like sees a candle and like a dark cave with bats and he's like that's [ __ ] mind yeah and he holds it up like I know the right but damn makes me feel good oh God little respect please can hear oh oh yeah and the bats are just like I think you want to get into the tip the tip of the nose significant well that's what he said but I couldn't really get there I feel like I have to warp there for some reason you need to approach it from the yeah like the chin the chin area yeah we were right saying this as a face wasn't Ross like nuts like lobster or something yeah he said he said it looked like something completely unrelated you're awesome pressure by the way yeah that's my California it's a good lobster [Laughter] cuz I'm Steve Kramer whenever I do a Ross impression it's always like I think you wanted I bomb I with no I think what you can do is when you're in the eyeball yeah to the right oh dear back up I go oh this dungeon is are you definitely like I said oh god no no I'll wait until you get to the [ __ ] I described it to you before but is that filled with subterfuge no it has no shape it's literally like a block of blocks warping around all willy-nilly so you just you have no perception of where you are can I hurt myself on that fire that's just sitting there why don't you go go why don't you go give it a shot gonna I'm gonna give it a try buddy yeah can I hurt myself by sticking this [Laughter] [Music] fire yeah what about it you know that did you were we talking about the black the guy who like can control his own body temperature and I can't freeze to death what the [ __ ] do I remember this okay so there was this Discovery Channel the road to the right oh that's right sorry I'm to the right I see a staircase and I'm like got a do it they were first of all there was that it was the one with that Turkish painter who was born with that eyes and yet he had a concept of like color and oh yeah yeah I there's not enough time left in this episode to talk about it but next time on game grumps I'll talk about that [ __ ] and you will be riveted Aaron my feelings you wouldn't understand it's a doctor who reference I'm welcome back to game grumps but sorry we were just doing more Ross impressions I it's a doctor who reference from episode 45 subsection B and then this is sandwiched between yeah yeah yeah we always do have to say we love Ross because we absolutely do but my god what a [ __ ] douche bag good you can know what happens you got nuts of Steel does he yeah that's what allows these do I've been fact about Australians nuts of titanium um tight team like whatever Mechagodzilla is made out of that's what his nuts are why didn't you eat that don't door Oh door I can kill them what are they gonna give you oh wait am i do I just Bob just go right uh I was they gonna open up the wall for you I thought yeah you're right I was gonna try to justify my actions but there was none you killed it you kill the dodongos yeah you have to kill them all yeah you [ __ ] him you killed the dodongo's and then like king dodongo comes through and he's just like boom like breaks the wall he's like I'm gonna get you for killing my family all so you can walk through this door after you've done killing me so that's convenient for you how about bats oh you gotta push one of those ah I think it's and okay yeah okay I guess that does make sense oh god you staticky bastards me alone the CAHSEE like like halfway in between HBO and Cinemax yeah like you try you're trying to watch porn and then they come in and gets all scrambled and you're like god dammit dude leave the room I [ __ ] that actually happened to me what channel 99 on the TV no set like skinemax and it was like it was like but you could kind of make oh yeah you're like ladies leg it's not a nose or a boob yeah I remember that super clearly but the problem with it was that it was like the preview channel so it didn't actually have any boobies and you know who's seeing the same thing over and over do i bomb right today oh wait you came I came up the stairs yeah I was moving towards the Triforce you know somehow I thought that the union of two incredibly powerful mythical beasts able to take more than two shots to the solar plexus that's fine we got a chalkboard whoa accomplishments who will guard the seventh temple the last temple before the final temple with Ganondorf do you think Billy Bob's up to it like pancakes was talk about you guys talking about me are you talking about me or pancakes all right where am I going Aaron cuz Oh a fool holy Cheryl pancakes no no a bowl to me I feels you alright I froze you I think you just want to come out it's right to the dungeon yeah but where is that well you probably want to I think you're probably gonna polish it oh of life yeah yeah show me the way pointed to me where are you right now oh you're very close to the beginning go right okay yeah I think we're never right key oh I think that's the nearest ocean and aside from the one that's behind you cool without having to go [ __ ] backwards you just point out the way I go right okay cool and I will I will talk about extra farm again which I promise to talk about in the last episode oh that's right yeah that [ __ ] is one of the coolest people who has ever lived he is this Turkish painter who was born literally without eyeballs like nothing there nothing happening and yet he paints using colors light shadow perspective like nothing that he should possibly be able to understand and these scientists like connected him to an MRI so they could scan his brain and yes give me these both yeah clean that [ __ ] up I'm gonna I think you mean clean that [ __ ] out but I will bathe her anyway you smell terrible having been in this cave with nothing but fire in Persians what is burning that fire yeah and what why bother disappearing if you're just gonna come back when I walk down the stairs again ah well closed for the day and he leave and she's like uh I hope somebody else comes in and then you come in and she's like now I've committed I have to I've decided I wasn't I'll go back down okay you wanna go to the eighth done John oh yeah well watch that keep going dad hmm okay yeah so the scientists connected him to an MRI and had him paint while they were scanning his brain and they scanned what they realized in the scanning was that his brain the the section of your brain that's responsible for like visual basically visuals which someone who's blind should never be able to experience is this it yeah lovely um someone should never have that like light up that [ __ ] lit up like a Christmas tree when he was painting so he truly like is able in some way that we can't understand to see the world through his fingertips it's [ __ ] amazing I believe his name is spelled es RAF space AR ma GE n something like that s revoir Magana it's [ __ ] awesome yeah it'll make you cry actually a little bit if you see it because it's it's super emotional oh and then they use that [ __ ] like music in the background yeah it's all like oh god cry I can't cry while I'm playing zone and then it's like yeah that's really like intimate setting where you say [Music] like subtitles and it's like you know all I do is paint and that's my life and I love the works and you nobody understands and I suffer every day but yeah when I'm painting it's not it's no suffer at all and you're like yeah I want to be known for my paintings not how I can paint it's awesome but in that same that whole Discovery Channel show is about like mutations of people and how like they're kind of like these unique people which are like moved there they're the first like pioneers of what human beings will be able to do in a hundred years or something when evolution takes hold further once we become an x-men yeah exactly that's how that's actually how they kind of phrase it but there's this other dude which got us on the subject in the first place but he is basically able to control his body temperature more than he should be able to and he he has the power to [ __ ] in he has the power to like sit in it like a [ __ ] sub-zero tub for way longer than he should be able to like someone else would be dead and he's like I feel yeah it's yeah it's super amazing that's yeah wouldn't it be awesome did we ever have did we ever talk about what your superpower would be if Thanks thanks everybody very useful room what your superpower would be if you could choose one it would either be teleportation or flight oh that's a good one both of them I mean flights just kind of like the why how much fun would that be yeah seriously well I guess I guess flights plus the ability to not go [ __ ] insane when you give to high altitudes oh yeah [Music] flights and all of the powers that would make it convenience to fly Haitians yeah oh thank you for the route be sure there's other stuff like pressure sensitivity temperatures yeah oh yeah wind resistance tolerance yes can you have caveats like I want to be able to fly with a minimal amount of [ __ ] yeah like when you interview one of those like dark genies where it's like dollars and then it's like you got a million dollars from some mobsters and now they want to kill you yeah I want to be cool and loved by everyone and then he like turns you into a beer drunk at parties which one do I choose which one do I choose I'll use this money I want my friends to constantly want me around and every party Oh next time on game grumps we talk about more things that are unrelated to each other I wanna be diverse and cultured like that with yeast welcome back to goosebumps welcome oh it's gonna be scary but only if your ages 5 to 12 yeah have you ever watched goosebumps look recently I can't remember it's a really cool show is it good it's it's like super it's like well-written you know it's super cheesy cuz it's a [ __ ] kids show right there's this one episode which called Kim nightmare okay we're like the whole episode nightmare yeah okay like the whole episode is like there's something going on in this camp and there's like there's like a monster that's like well the whole idea is that nobody's really catching on to the fact that there's this monster coming distort like eating all the kids okay and the main characters like oh I'm on to it and all the camp counselors are dicks right they're like oh don't believe you and then like they're jerks and they don't listen and I'm like one of the camp counselor disappears and it's like oh no what's going on and at the end when like the kid has to like own up to the monster or like to the camp counselors huh hey they're all like and it was like it was like a test like parents come out and they're like yes we need to go on this crazy mission and we wanted to bring you with us we wanted to make sure you were prepared oh thank you so much like wow that's amazing I feel ready and they're like he's like where are we going and then they'll come in to this guy and they're like it's called Earth Twilight Zone like they totally get you in this [ __ ] loop of leg it's like it's called a double twist yes yeah did you see a red red herring I I [ __ ] love dub already I love ninja Brian ninja Brian handles the ninja sex party Twitter a lot and sometimes he'll just [ __ ] slay me did you see his one about M night Shyamalan oh he was like you can always tell you're getting a [ __ ] from M night Shyamalan cuz there's always a giant twisted right before the end because it's [ __ ] M night Shyamalan yeah and also it sucks it's good at the beginning and then it gets terrible hey have we talked about him on the show cuz it's unbreakable oh nice like what like how I've never seen anyone have such a [ __ ] precipitous drop in career awesomeness oh yeah the sixth sense an unbreakable really [ __ ] awesome so good and then suddenly what was the signs afterwards signs was okay yeah and then the village was just like villagers garbage yeah yeah yeah and then goddamn what was that for that the lady in the water a lady in the water is where we were really starting to go off the deep end wasn't that that that was the movie where he just like vented right I was like the movie reviewer he was like this is the part of the movie review who gets away because I'm gonna do it and then the monster just kills him are you serious yeah like he's just a movie reviewer who's like I don't like ever mention our movies like literally in the movie it's like people who like so he just gets killed oh it's so bad you're like Mary Souter revenge plot [Music] that's terrible and then the last day of render came out and that was pretty much like I'd actually rather wait wait oh yeah go back down okay I think bum the wall on the right okay no it's not this one no it's the next one it's the next one up yeah okay sorry no that's okay so I don't want to do this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah never mind okay okay I got confused I wanted to show you something really funny about this temple look it will you show me later yeah okay in in like one screen I'll show you okay sorry to start to steamroll your entire plugin no I can't remember actually zero bro bro bro bro nevermind dude did you hear about it go left do I actually want a bomb laughter let's go okay [Music] I guess I don't have to kill these guys [Music] school you do have it you do have a bit of liquor I'm gonna kill everything in this area who me yeah style I I always have I don't know why I guess like I was always trained by games where like you've got points or something but Delta gives you no points yeah so there's no point to it oh well also like there is so many like there's so many rooms where like you kill stuff and then you get like a little treat like for killing every though right so like I guess I was like [Music] here's $5 mm-hmm you kill all the enemies and then like your mom comes out and like takes the wrapper off the popsicle rice krispie treat bingo here you go darling you you worked very hard to kill those dark nuts you earned it my mom was not Jewish yeah and mine mine is but does not is not a Jewish mom if that makes any sense oh oh but it does honey my mom was my mom but she's not my mom yeah I can't I can't stress that yeah I don't know how much more I can comment clear right without putting glasses on your [ __ ] stupid face I just wanna I just wanna let man whoa yeah don't hurt his friend I'm sorry don't incur the wrath of my fire buddies ha see you just stabbed the old man and he's like that didn't hurt me and the fires like don't [ __ ] with them [ __ ] with them is that burn you can I can I blow something up here maybe here [Music] what did that take you it took me eight here check out okay right above use the boss you can hear Mara oh yeah that is what that is but you can't bomb to him I'm sure you can't all right I guess I'll go back I was like good guys have you ever this is my blog is gonna be like when I started guys guys they're like oh why haven't we made a [ __ ] joke vlog yet like a daily vlog that's a great idea hey I want a [ __ ] star bummer I'm in the supermarket and I was waving the various melons I'm like weird and like comment subscribe and I realized I don't even know how to check the brightness of a nine because that's you people knocking on them but I don't know what they're listening for I'm Jay right and then like the OMG appears Barry could you make that happen vlogging does it that sound like Katy Perry when you hit when you knock on melon that's a nut before you before you subscribe yeah like it's a given yeah before you click hit subscribe go to your loved ones and kiss them because you you need to value the people that are close to you oh god you ever ever like those like those kind of people and then they like tell like a really savvy story yeah you know like oh my god like if you cry every time this for the first time you just like if you assume you'll cry if you hear this in the future where the hell am I going around I don't know down the stairs I blow that's where you got the yeah sir I got the candle magic yeah oh by the way you got the magic book so your wand is better oh that's what that does every time yeah oh yes who only they had that in the dark ages bring me something who's alive bring me something unburned yeah so I can make them not alive I want you I think you wanna kill these dark nuts ago left it I that might be what it is have you done that yes I feel like I have that's what you do God you don't even have the map here I know I know if only I had a map - the map ooh a sweet irony map to get to the map how I think you wanna above you right so I don't want to go left wait go to the map again you want to go like ya left and then up and then right in that's good if you liked that song like comment and subscribe it's available on iTunes this 129 139 Oh what about $0.99 but make that back cause my amazing songs like this one Yoko Ono welcome back the darknet palace I'm your host dark nuts yeah darknet palace sounds like a gay nightclub yup welcome to dog mojo welcome to darkness house whatever happens in da club pal space oh all up in doc no problem with that what's that you got there in your pocket don't tell is it doc nuts if it is you came to the right palace yeah what's the passcode dark nuts bomb just bump up why you killing the darkness up that's where the month is if you're mad at me for not bombing please like comment I comment subscribe favorite add to your Twitter and Instagram Pinterest do you have a Pinterest inmate Aaron do you want to be the first two males to ever use Pinterest yes and every time someone says like Oh check out my Pinterest it's always a girl of course I don't know why is the Instagram for girls when Instagram was already 60% girls [Laughter] Wow it's like if they made a Barbie doll for girls oh that's my phone they did a dream it's like Barbie now for girls like we finally I've been waiting my whole life for Barbie dolls for girls my so tired of this ruining my mental image of myself as a man Barbies for men Barbie it's just Barbie there's got to be some way to [ __ ] it if you want to dilate my pupils feel free to watch on my listen my ear is fine having trouble with my Eli don't get me started on my corns [Laughter] terrible corn or my sister that it's now it looks like it sounds like how do we hurt this what it looks like stabbed this guy Tomiko well your key for the wine cake he's a little too happy to be you get it it's like no wait did I tell you about my friend who used to do that in like larva oh yeah it was that on game grumps I don't think so no I we in college we used to have these giant lecture halls with like 200 people and and like when sometimes we get really quiet if like the teacher was like changing a slide and I just had this woman friend who would go stone to class all the time and be way in the back and like whenever get like super quiet he'd be like oh did they just give me this super subtle like bomb this place oh really it's try it give it a show super so maybe it was so subtle that it doesn't even apply yeah it's it was so extremely subtle it doesn't exist wow that's undercover where do you go from well there was I had another option at one point oh really yeah like I could either yeah there wasn't it no Manu wasn't here I definitely remember having an option at one point love want to go on that peak I'm pretty sure you need to bomb up to the boss okay do you think you need to go which is not here correct the Triforce is the red blinking thing so it's the square below it is the boss alright I guess I'll try it this way sorry nuts this yeah I was here I believe okay no no it's practical Rock to death maybe it's spectacular look thanks thanks pal maybe have to bomb here with a note yeah but you can you've already been there have it yeah your mash this oh my god you're right how'd you get there did you they must have been through that transporter oh the stairs yeah gotcha oops spectacle Rock something about that tell me all about it I can't it's funny how like that the old man is like synonymous with wisdom in this game and yet he's just this weird guy that yells the same thing at you every time here enter like you come back to him after he just tells you spectacle Rock yeah okay I know you're wise and all but geez just assume I'm intelligent yeah like you don't have to we don't have to dance this dance every time he's just on his last limb and somebody like held a gun to him and was like if you don't [ __ ] I suppose a spectacle Rock he's gonna bomb strapped to him yeah look at here peace why are you crying [Music] I was just waiting until I could use her service yeah what is what is actually about the the implication does she like sprinkle magic dust on you I guess that would be the yeah but like okay you just get her and she disappears so it's like do you eat her yeah I thought it was weird that like leader come here the my darling fairy Hong Kong woodchuck and like [ __ ] Ozzy style like the like the pale man and Pan's Labyrinth oh yeah that's right that was so it was totally a thing that happens yeah God Doug Jones man oh yeah he's great he's it wait where are we here and we establish that we could not do anything give me an Obama for me Oh from here if I tried here and you should watch the country yes let's do this Oh God Chicka Boom Boom Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom with four heads what so many heads so many has so many heads so many heads boy do you think when somebody's like GLIAC they're all like yeah the same time yeah what and he's like no it's not gonna GLIAC - it would be awesome if like one of them was like really smooth like hey Greg yeah what Oh baby she's like trying to tell us to get so much more ass how are you so much smoother than them [Laughter] where am I going alright I think there's gonna be a lot of like prep work for this oh yeah cuz I gotta go to spectacle Rock yes spectacle rock is the one I already bombed the whole thing I think it's like that one it's like way up in the northern western mountains oh and they were like this or dudes yes centaurs yes did you use any of your potion I did I used one okay you might want to buy another one okay direct me to the old woman left for weight right now you don't have enough to buy the red one no I use the red one you need to [ __ ] get yeah then reduce however are you to do that this economy this non-existent economy that's run by cave-dwellers yes yeah what well it's like it's not like you can haggle with them it's like ring 250 and it's like I don't even where do you even know 50 yeah boy it's really expensive yes I agree next up my gamers work [ __ ] happens okay I must ankle hey welcome back welcome back we we got a red potion while you were gone and we have begun our quest up to Death Mountain its spectacle Rock perspective the rock is actually in every Zelda is that right yeah I'd like the two the two pillars of rock they work it in yeah is there anything to be done I feel like you can maybe move one of these rocks I don't think so No I think your league you're in the wrong place entirely I'm hallucinating oh is that right where am I what's happening I believe you need to go back up walls yeah walls boss - uh put your ball set you know what I'm seen me and my a keys we'll just go somewhere else then I hold the keys you got hey hey hey don't ask me keep it to yourself and keep it in the circuits never you mind how many keys that guy stay out of my town I like you what's the matter with you were asking this [ __ ] guy asking me how many he live live live live die come to life my pets then fall to my blade power trip I can bring you to life I can steal your life away ticket all this is where I want yeah yeah and let's go left okay you'll be its tackle Rock Oh Specter spectacular yeah we made it we've been on such a journey together just you and me we've been on such a journey together let's go so we were in the band journey together yeah when the lights go down in the city it would lead the moon shines on the bed Steve Perry singing I said but then they were like Steve's voice lends itself more towards music Perry's voice lends it more towards listening and making old money yeah you can bomb up here okay yeah and then just [ __ ] all this noise oh my god I don't even I uh honestly don't even remember look what order you're supposed to do everything in okay let's just hurry up oh Jesus oh what's gotten I it's got wow that one's got another eyes some hot millipede action it's two eyes which is like it's like saying yes or look good in Japanese I see this oh is that right a this oh yeah you're the mystery Japanese oh yeah conversational Japanese like barely that's awesome still get into there she was like my tutor was like I was like I need to learn it by like the end of October and she was like I can get you there and I was like okay and like we're getting close yeah but like I'm still just kind of like boku watashi o it has to be an extremely hard language to learn it isn't it isn't there's there like it's very like methodical right click you just have the rules and you follow them there really aren't any there there aren't many exceptions okay well that's the hardest thing about English like all all the exceptions to the rules yeah yeah I think so my dad says cuz it's its second language but it's one of those languages where you have to conjugate everything to get the adjectives you have to conjugate the verbs conjugation was what made me hate learning language yeah she like more than anything pretty much after this did you ever have a friend who was so conservative they wouldn't even say he'll say they're just like what the h8e double hockey sticks yeah wow it's the left one oh thank you all right got your LAN you have to [ __ ] notice done like yeah forwards the back of your hand it's bit [ __ ] like this this dungeon is essentially the bed it really doesn't make you feel like you're just like [ __ ] lost and like the dungeon itself has defeated you yeah I wish I was Chinese so I could play joke dungeons code I'm glad that that's where it went but I kind of also wish that you just stopped it I wish I was Chinese dad left everyone including myself inquisitive go on no no no that's it I've made my statement death I stand by it drive to bomb something here that feels like an awfully useless where did you come from I don't know you just go try down from the upslide or help from the downslide no no wait wait go back sorry sorry [ __ ] I've wasted everybody's time okay so I bombed left there yeah and then I went yeah but neither of these walls are bomb the ball side up and then I'm just in the little sticky dead-end place to [ __ ] key doors yeah [Music] and realize you couldn't cross them oh yeah tomatoes the motive like SpaghettiOs with no spaghetti oh that's so nice just like tinted red water I want to just do that to somebody buy like a shitload of SpaghettiOs and just strain them yeah and then just hand them a bowl and be like it's my mom's tomato soup and they're like alright if you ring slash it gross although I will say chef boyardee mini dinosaurs a good time every time so taste it's been a long time since I've had garbage yeah well you have a girlfriend [ __ ] actually I do mostly cooking right never bhaji but the fact I'm trying to make excuses for myself the fact that she's around makes me cook more yeah yes that's true yeah like what do you want to go back when you have another day to dig there's a lot to keep alive oh yeah yeah there's a compass here ya go down okay it's the bomb the bomb that Waldrop bombs dippy I wonder if you bomb the wall that's their right to wonder this there is one way to find out Aaron let's dog oh [ __ ] Oh as long as you yield you got it you got a wriggle on dude oh damn oh dude oh sucked up by that like like I did all right we'll take care of that in between boards that's a [ __ ] stab in the back to that they call it like like yeah I do not like or like that I don't like that at all I know especially don't like it don't even get me started I like it you can count me out of that like this if you like like comment [ __ ] up if you like like likes like llamas address thank you I was trying to get at if you like like like like comments if you like like like like like comment subscribe if you like like like likes like I'm trying to come up with like the most likes you could do the Attic like if you obese and when did this become a bit that could happen serve a [ __ ] that was the most genuine perfect reaction to that looks just like boobies in this game dad and it roars like a monster yeah gee I wonder if there is a what there is not Gaea wonder they're giving us a super obvious clear if I now go to the top go up out instead okay just real quick wait great no go back though right back down and through the key right go right ba-ba-ba-ba-bom dad Wow get caught my explosion yeah you [ __ ] yes master I obey more bees not the bees no damn it oh they're everywhere boobies yellow peas they're all the same to me I just don't like them they're not the bee's knees quite ironically those bees onto the bees oh my God look at this dungeon yeah [ __ ] jeezum crow can I bomb up all right I like houses getting the map just makes it more confusing yeah you're upsetting we're but damn it okay you gotta kill these dudes okay this answers your age-old question what if I was Chinese and in fact I was playing joke would I do that by putting pee pee in someone's code yes what are we talking about before the episode started where we're like that doing this super like classy version of it like excuse me I happened to be Chinese and when I feel like expressing myself through the time on a tradition of humor I will put urine in someone's coca-cola classic not new coke no it's just like those those Chinese people will have will have a much easier time getting their reputation up when they sort out that whole peepee in the coke debauch [Laughter] China's a cultures had a lot of difficulty we're worried it's going up the great peepee coke debacle it was a misunderstanding you see how could we have known it was Pepsi all along why were they like what I don't even theirs it makes no sense on any fronts nope there's a lot happening that makes no sense here why would you need including all of it why would you being Chinese yeah make it okay to do that why would why wait you being Chinese compel you to put pee pee in but for anyone who doesn't know there's an old schoolyard rhyme me Chinese me play joke beep a pee pee in your coke if I can just say that as plainly as positive Thank You professor damn I'm gonna turn red right before this episode ends yeah get ready oh I like blue the most I kind of want to say blue [ __ ] it and welcome back to PP and Coke welcome to happy urine time let's change the show's name of that BP in Coke grump so you're in time you're in time okay like urine time for a good time oh boy I love it where am I going out where do we live the urine nation no Mike it's too late I only have a keys let's go uh screw this [ __ ] room nobody gives a [ __ ] about this guy [ __ ] room not mutters yeah I'm so red I still haven't gotten used to the fact that I'm red now I guess did you read it yeah all right to the left the guy could have just said that yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] yes go to the next room I love your standing there but it's like go to the next room and eat it's like you're standing right here I wish I could ask you yeah sorry I've already said all I can say on this next room situation like to it do you want me to bomb do you want me to bother next room okay I feel like we're making progress good I think you get the silver arrows in this dungeon - well you need them to kill Ganondorf yeah then we kill cannons or go left okay don't don't put PP in the top or the bottom code I hope I hope that grows to become like an all-purpose term for putting anything in anything guys can we not peepee the coke on this foot drink your coke and you're like your Chinese friends Lee yeah yeah I played joke I'm sorry do you feel as if someone has put the peepee in the coke of my spirit yes sing the lyrics to Natalie Imbruglia Storn I tell ya you you you improve that completely improve Natalie Imbruglia [Laughter] sounds like like a like a really weird disease that's like one of those things that your friend kind of tells you after you know them for five years yeah they're like I have Imbruglia I yeah did I never say that I Ivan brilliant it's up I have five days to live be like oh I think I've heard of that I think I read about that he's like I don't know you you haven't heard of it it's one of those diseases looks like it's like a disease of the eye where you have like a black spot unlike the right of your eye and then it's like no see I've always said this can you like look to the right and then just like this giant black block whoa whoa in the shape of the bat symbol or something looks like I I just I don't know go up oh okay yeah doctor I fear I may have a very serious improvement on my people the worst thing I've ever seen the doctors like I'm torn on that day so I feel very clear of a LinkedIn torn by Natalie umbrellas yeah let's throw Natalie Imbruglia some sweet [ __ ] yeah because I think I think perhaps she may be sitting there feeling sad about how she might be past her prime as a musician but there's no need I wonder she's hot now she was hot then yeah I wonder if she was I don't know what she looks like I typed in Natalie instead of Natalie I think you have a better chance of just typing in and brew beer yeah it's funny because you know she's out of I don't like the public eye when you type in Natalie and there's like every single one is a different Natalie and none of them are yeah absolutely Portman yeah she's the top one oh yeah she's got a bit but once you type in Natalie I then you get Imbruglia okay yeah super in bruges Imbruglia I didn't see you in a [ __ ] Star Wars movie but you've raised your game oh yeah she's the one with the cheekbones yeah she had very strong sheep she looks exactly the same dude oh she's super pretty god damn that's awesome she didn't aged a day when you it's so nice when you see like super attractive celebrities from back in the day and you look at them today and they're like still beautiful yeah it's rare there's it's way often more not the case have you [ __ ] the saddest one to me and this is going way back but do you know Kathleen Turner huh if you look up Kathleen Turner from like the early 80s she was taking a movie called body heat oh god was she sexy she had like a husky voice and all that [ __ ] everybody okay okay yeah you guys need to have a homework assignment here yeah yeah it's important if you look up Kathleen Turner yeah and then Google Image Search not even gonna walk so they can concentrate on what is a five six seventh image yes like a picture for looking all smug in like a gray button-down shirt yeah and then if you click on it it loads the picture her face is all skinny and vertical Jesus it's that's bizarre I really hello to the picture and then another picture I hope oh god I hope that's not something that just happens on your iPad and we just told people to do something go oh yeah please do wait maybe we should is their battery in my camera maybe we should put this at the end of the episode because I don't know what to do oh okay yes okay we can do this yeah okay so first of all yes you're gonna wanna get my bearings I know I need your [ __ ] mentally recover some [ __ ] just went down here people what did you do cuz I was looking up Imbruglia this whole time oh I've just been wandering around I got the silver arrows okay you got the silver so I think we're I think we're ready to fight I think you need you go oh I'm very close together why don't I call this happening yes all right so there's this this is sandy you want a bomb left here okay god there's a lot to concentrate on okay [ __ ] hate the Wizards man why do they always hang out with the pancake guys why are the but it seems weird to me who wouldn't hang out with the pancake guys first of all here's what's a boysenberry bomb left yeah okay I don't want to go down this thing do I you do I do did I think I might have done it while you were looking up Kathleen Turner really yes I think that's what I was doing all right you all do it then but that's where you want to go okay [ __ ] you moving into his face I think this is our finale dude oh this one yeah I think this is it but if the Kathleen Turner episode is our finale yeah it's gonna be overshadowed by Kathleen Turner Oh God Kathleen turn oh the other super weird celebrity that got crazy different-looking Lil Kim Lil Kim yeah you remember Lil Kim she wait why am i back here now that led me to nowhere did you like fail go into it again let me expand oh wait let me open the door first okay first very first of it this is weirding me out oh now I'm not here oh maybe you have to bomb something here that's what it must be will you have the magical key wait oh yeah go left oh okay yeah why do you not know that why are you not no believes stupid yeah why do you not know what I'm looking at on the map dummy puss thank Lord that me we need to get a laser pointer for you oh that's why I got confused cuz it looks exactly the [ __ ] saying young jeezy young jeezy I think he's playing at the wind at Las Vegas do you think that's what they call Jesus like when he was a kid I'm a genius his walks out of the streets of boy ever Jerusalem I'm the voice of every generation actually hears I'm a genius people listen to me and they say I say I can fix your doors and they say yo can you save my child you got a lot of water but not a lot of wine yeah now you're gonna get drunk and dehydrate time I let you take control [ __ ] [ __ ] take him out but no arrows [ __ ] I'm gonna take him out [ __ ] to come out top arrows ah what do you do do I have to shoot him why he's invisible uh Jesus I don't know uh it's been too long I think maybe you have to just dodge him for a while no [ __ ] Jesus yeah I think you just have to dodge I mean you can attack him yuck okay come on a little potion you know what he he he only attacks from like the same like four places oh so if you like stand by one I'm just like whack it no you'll hit him but you have to him with your sword ah there you go Oh [Music] yeah okay okay this is big money big money big money wonder whammies yeah yeah hit him with a sword arrow Oh give me the air [Applause] [Music] this fire oh that is all right oh man another quest we'll start from here Wow okay so now we're gonna put the extra bonus Kathleen Turner horrifying thing at the end of here so you can just have a bad time oh wait I didn't get to finish it little Kim she was a high african-american singer in the 90s and she's had so much surgery that she has now become a weird-looking Asian person like her skin colour changed it's it's the weirdest wait you ready yeah yeah this was her that's her now right react Erin I know you're in stunned silence yeah put just put up there oh my god oh my god Barry will put up all these pictures Jesus the Triforce of courage the Triforce of power you know what okay don't don't get plastic surgery kids be happy with who you are you're special and unique and individual and beautiful you don't need that [ __ ] and listen if you're Chinese stop putting pee-pee in our coke and it's just my request here guys we're done that was super fun thank you for going on a quest with us love you bye serious about that peepee thing and the coke all right so we got Kathleen Turner search on Google and then you go ahead and you click this one and it's like that one Oh
Channel: Game Grumps Fan Videos
Views: 505,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0VjoQPaksiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 21sec (14241 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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