Game Grumps - Super Mario Bros. 2 (Complete Series)

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hey I'm not hello and welcome to game grumps whoa oh my god we're gonna do Super Mario 2 today you gotta play as Luigi I love Luigi oh yeah he's like Opie isn't he he has the highest jump I don't know what LP means overpowered yeah well people like Princess because she's got the [ __ ] jump that lasts forever a million times over because he's got the jump with the leg kicks and such oh yeah you barely even need the peach cuz he stays in the air for quite some time he does he does let's drop a [ __ ] jammie here should we assume that most people have played this game yes okay I mean this is this is a wonderful game oh yeah yeah it's it's Doki Doki Panic as they as they call it in Japan he's now right yeah it's not a Super Mario Brothers game no it's not well I mean it is now because sorry so if I didn't so the story goes that this this game was developed for a festival that they have in Japan uh-huh that has these four mascots and each of these characters were supposed to be those mascots but when they brought they so they released Super Mario Brothers 2 on the disk drive in Japan yeah and they didn't want to put it on Kart because a it was too hard and B it was on the disk well and it was too similar to Mario 1 right so they just released this here and reskin deliver Mario blue wellshe's why it's really weird it is really weird but I really like it yeah it's got a unique kind of feel to it yeah well it was developed by Miyamoto so that guys get it yeah I don't know if the words out on him yet but he's all right now I think he's still like a little underground at the moment I think he'll get his day to shine someday just like [ __ ] gardening one day I better dispose of this like now the wicked down to the wire what happened to my parsley and what is it about picking it that blood lit the you know so wait a minute like Berto was never meant to be a Mario character no get out of here and neither were the shy guys no they were wow that's interesting bouncy stars so I think I made the right call yeah cuz uh in they ignore just came in Japan now they call it the I think they just call it Super Mario one USA okay ah that's a great name oh yeah makes me [ __ ] proud to be an American time I play I don't know if you get the same feeling yeah I do even though it was developed in Japan by a Japanese dude it's [ __ ] about Italian plumbers looks like Mario one I know I know it's pretty brutal that's fine that's fine I know that is true I had not thought of that he he actually kind of like um this kind of reminds me of like the the transition that link had from zelda 1/2 zelda 2 like all of a sudden he's just like a tall skinny yeah yeah it's kind of interesting that way yes we know they were like experimenting back then with that kind of stuff yeah cuz like back then that was the second Zelda like they were there was nothing else to compare to right totally so it was just like oh I guess this is the direction Zelda's going it like they just experiments it was a bunch of weird [ __ ] it's pretty ballsy man that they would oh god ah they don't do it they don't do it anymore no no they're super thick yeah totally well now they realize that got a lot of like money riding on these situations yeah they became publicly traded ah I kind of suicide bombed that one taken care of you didn't die yeah he's cool you just wanna do a wall with a giant black bomb explodes in your face and you just have like the bug in like Daffy Duck is weird I don't know is right but it's fine shut up everybody yeah everyone's just trying to help them are you okay everybody shut up just don't just forget about it no it's hot that's it you're going to the store continue to go do so wait um I know I'm supposed to bring this potion here somewhere isn't if there's a potion here I guess there's no oh you know I maybe I supposed to carry it out with me oh okay whoops I just missed a chance at a lot of coins my friend what happened Oh cuz you you picked up all the radishes I did but that's cool I guess I'll just [ __ ] just hang out that's cool I just wanted a breather anyway but I just want a [ __ ] timeout a little tea oh action the courts are just a [ __ ] extra come on Bert out you [ __ ] let me take out my aggression on your brew does not look female in these early ones Berto is not female no no in general yeah what's Berto is a man but it's got a bow yep that's according to the law of pac-man that's classic female that's practically video game Janet's mahalia the love pac-man hey never stop eating be gosh dang the goes to it's scary don't you dare wear a bow you Hey she also has an earring and lipstick yeah what is he just like what is he just a fact with just an eighties fashion-conscious alberto yeah yeah he's just strange dude yeah interesting that maybe there's some like complicated [ __ ] Bertil or like he like saved his kingdom from like like he was he was born to a family of like all sons or something like they kept having sons and they were like oh like this time it's gonna be a daughter in the new lease and then he comes out and then they're just like it is a daughter but they like know it so they're just trying to fool themselves and raise it as a girl wow that's [ __ ] heavy man yeah so it's just a Bhushan you ready for some war pee action whoa dude do you remember this no get ready dude I know nothing about this oh are you serious like the first stage and then I'm like I'm done whoa what what for dude world for do you want to play no dude not ready to rock in this [ __ ] god man this is again what I've been very lucky in that the first two games in game gross we played have been two of the five games I'm good at in all of video game history water relief yeah dude ah okay spoke too soon dude this is really tough actually like this [ __ ] slide eNOS yes seriously sometimes little just blobs can't give up can't get their footing I got greedy oh yeah yeah I used to think they were like little pizza dough guys but yeah they're like yeah they kind of have that load that like red shading to them yeah exactly and then I thought they were just blobs and I just think that they're [ __ ] nothing they serve no significance whatsoever there's some game developers [ __ ] fever dream Oh Dan so that's why oh god that's perilous man yeah totally I think it's here I could use a mushroom [Music] [ __ ] event gets super [ __ ] at least you got five ready coins oh yeah a nice just in time it's a good thing that physics dictate that flashy red white coin saw always travel from another world obviously when picked crap dude this is this is this game is such a drug trip I really like it yeah it's like it's when you're a kid it's like oh yeah whatever but then when you when you just like think about it now yeah you know in another gardening thing that I hate when it happens but is where I [ __ ] lift up the thing yeah it was kind of an unsafe racket like what about that ride made Luigi like yeah he's like well now as this is a rocket it could clearly explode at any moment everything's cool you guys [ __ ] director shy guys he's cute oh god that's why I always liked playing Luigi yeah no need for Berto just leave your stomach's lying around oh god it is this stomach in that gross that's so weird well now now Berto is just like a dinosaur creature right there they know back then look on the mystical core yeah much like almost everything else in this game it went completely unexplained and undeciphered LM sure [ __ ] awesome at the bonus game of chance and three two one check oh that's good anything with a cherry oh yeah yes if you start off with cherries it's one uh that's cool yeah man and you got better look than Mike Tyson oh it's not that I never lose is that you and I go to win I feel like oh ah this is actually a bad one to have Luigi on because you don't want too much like hang time and enjoy yes oh no these are nightmare creatures yeah just uh just blobs just a second kick it whoa that's awesome thanks dude dude den I gotta say dude I'm telling you I'm fully impressed oh thanks Brad oh is this the whale one I love this board and you ride there I've never I've never gotten this far this game is great man oh okay this is another secret thing all right I believe this there's another warp here when I got it on the whale yeah better be on the wheel I gotta carry this [ __ ] - oh dear okay okay I believe there's a some kind okay there it is Oh perhaps leap into the oceans [ __ ] a basic spilled the [ __ ] magic potion in the water and the water turns into this like envelops the world oh now who can open this Oh next time on game grabs more whale door ocean action well I hope that's the case because dang it I've been waiting my whole life for that hey welcome back to the Luigi carrying potion groans yeah it's pretty good Dan's got to get that potion Oh Oh God Mikey you psyched me the I walks out did you think I was about to [ __ ] it up all right so Boop and then you drop it in here boom four and six Jesus you know beat this came like two episode I use to [ __ ] my all-time record was beating this game in 16 minutes yeah yeah because if you know all the warps it's not that bad but I can't remember where the next warp is that's the only problem so we might have to play it all the way through from now on dude and yes I'm assuming this is where it gets hard oh this is tricky this is not cool this is bad and not cool way are there any more of the like creepy [ __ ] vanilla and chocolate cookie masks floating around oh yeah those are a nightmare I think yeah the little nightmare death masks [ __ ] you like take a key and then they're all like shaky shaky shaky blobby that's when they come to life in their own oh we're pokies from this game I think they were who God yeah dude this game [ __ ] had it all they I you like this little oasis of none oh yeah it's weird that like a game that is not Mario gave Mario the most of its like unique staples yeah totally it was it did have some Mario things I just realized with that um with that turtle show yeah yeah yeah well I don't think that was a turtle shell in Doki Doki Panic oh you'll probably call these enemies I'm pretty sure we're the same yeah and that turtle shell doesn't bounce in classic turtle shell Mario style it doesn't doesn't even know how to be a turtle Dale please get out of my [ __ ] house with that weak sauce turtle [ __ ] yeah oh dang you see me take out that low pokey all for a [ __ ] Oh is there is there like something in the Koopa would like give you a sign for it or is it just old school it's pretty much you just got to know where that [ __ ] is Oh God see this is exactly the reason I need to find these [ __ ] shrooms it's weird to think that like these games were such a novelty back then that like you would only have like one or two so to find all of these things was not that much to ask of a player oh yes it was the only thing you had that's absolutely right it was maybe it's down here it's in here okay I guess that's a thing that could happen okay hold on let me try that again is it okay I like these pixelated [ __ ] what the fork all right I guess I do have to carry it out of here I guess bottles just don't have netherworlds yeah happiness is weird like physical properties in this strange world yeah I mean what is any Kong what does anything here like what am i standing on what is that and why is it so shittily pixelated inside this junk look an old Atari game yeah totally that's really bizarre could you imagine like the Michio Kaku of this world I do not know what that means Michio Kaku is like that Japanese guy that always shows up on like it's like specialist about like like what if teleportation really exists and he's like okay stole matter shows up and disappears at an alarming rate like that [ __ ] guy yeah totally so like ah boss this is getting serious what if there was like a him of this world where he's just like okay so are you models they have an immunity to the ether properties of this realm because they're surrounded by an antimatter mm-hmm that's an issue we've developed a system where you can theoretically wear these bottles and be immune from the ether realm art is this making sense take literally anyone maybe you should consider eating a dick oh that's why the Oasis is there totally not nope can I show you one of my favorite things okay yes please oh wait get a ride back you got a ride that was a nightmare from which I could not recovery holy [ __ ] this is not going well this desert realm has not been kind as seriously I need to find out where these shrooms are hanging out cuz it ugh yeah I'll try one last thing with this color isn't it maybe it's back where I came from I believe in you dude thank you I have no ha this is what friends are for good here they're very tall snakes no dude you're [ __ ] in this round yeah this is a bunch of schwag mannequins my friend it's so weird too because I never would have even thought like like carrying on the knowledge of this game as a kid I never would have even thought that that was a thing like that mushrooms are in each level oh yeah I would have just been like breezing through it can I show him my favorite way to kill people all right throw him in the quicksand upside down yeah oh it's brutal he's first into the nethers I'll see you in hell small unidentifiable pink mask wearing thing and they totally gave him like they didn't have to give him a little animation where he kind of struggles bad yeah there was a pretty morbid situation I mean yeah God that then having bullets really [ __ ] adds a new dimension to how much this [ __ ] sucks today seriously yeah through this oh cool random bullets just a flying what I like it could be from anyone those snakes could be anyone got it behind you in front um no all right well maybe you should buy a ride on that poky those are for Mario too as well Jesus Christ okay please be here yeah oh nice so they do kind of give you a hint they do they do like what is this strange unexplained absence of radish exactly totally some radishes these are like beets beets have you ever had beat yes god it's disgusting it's so disgusting have you ever had borscht do you know what is Li's explain it is a pink Russian disgusting abomination of food where it's just like mashed beets yeah and of some kind of like super disaster mass it's it's just the worst I mean beets like the only reason that I would even consider to eat beets is that they're like have a cool crunchy texture yeah but and also a gnashing them like mashed carrots so who would do such a thing as to have a snake in there shigeru miyamoto [ __ ] dick all right I remember this whoa let's go diggin but you gotta be careful cuz they fall into your jams oh no I know it's it's this game is [ __ ] really interesting man you go through a lot of different like environments and like ah there's different ways to like manipulate things it's weird how they never revisited this concept of like picking [ __ ] up I know use that that's good right aleem that Super Smash Brothers is peach oh yeah that's right oh yeah it's interesting and it's kind of a random I'm taking speed click go ahead use it for murder oh but you're gonna treat it like one of those [ __ ] lawn gnomes that they like steel and then go on a vacation with them take all those pictures yeah speech mine so get back later oh my god I got a dig around and find a key in all of these tubes yeah but usually it's the one where like ah okay this [ __ ] internal jar platform [ __ ] is like smiling it usually this is promising this month here's the death mask oh man there is a sure sign of key action ah good good I love consolidating my enemies where I need to be you got this dude yeah as long as nothing comes to life ah okay whoa that's a weird toss can I still get that oh I thought we were about to get in tendered Oh God [ __ ] death mask no I know they really just don't give up yeah of all the terrifying things in games I mean you know they make really evil they make sound hell yeah yeah yeah yeah totally but [ __ ] it's like death mask embargo - it's a bad time why don't you step under here green bird oh just [ __ ] just walk over here I don't think he she is programmed I agree there's no they know there was a green bird Oh oh yeah Jesus Christ ha I don't know goddamn Jacko got audio games parently oh no okay oh no oh I totally does that [ __ ] alright oh it's just like oh yeah this is where it all happens yes this is where I will either be victorious or they've been shame forever are these supposed to be like mushrooms statues that would be the thing that you're holding with the foot even amazing question area I guess look it look it kind of looks like just like a table yeah it looks very unhelpful it looks like a thing that should not be as crucial to your victory in the game as it is oh I have an idea oh yeah I bet I can [ __ ] stack these [ __ ] and trapper yeah well flash him oh no oh my god oh god I'm stuck Jesus Christ are you serious Oh totally oh wow eat a dick yes all right next time on game grumps we'll try that second continue don't fret I have to do the whole foot oh hey welcome to game grumps sorry I just realized I have to do the whole desert level again oh yeah P ode I don't want to say I don't want to I don't want to cuss but that means pissed-off [Music] [Laughter] taxi or something you ever find the mushroom in this point no sure not here where I've just tried to make it happen that's fine it's fine it's good it's good I want it to be small I wanted to be small and useless and in danger of death at all times you know the the the door is strangely observe the door yeah so like it never disappears when you're like in it oh it just knows when you've gone to the other side of it that's an excellent point so like you know what if what if you were going through it and then halfway through was just like I see it okay and you're just like half of your body was in the [ __ ] ether oh that's an excellent [ __ ] question the second hands like I'm alive now what what is happening like they're born just then yeah the top ones been living for like 20 years what happened to my brother oh god this thing is a nightmare watch it oh god that thing shoots an oak cool the door must be there forever nothing just shoots a never-ending stream of death I really wish I hadn't gotten intended at that green bird I fell seriously those calm [ __ ] that was so schwag there's a little bit of [ __ ] but it's fine because now I know the trick to this it's just a [ __ ] knock hair and keep a runnin oh yeah don't care about the potions Luigi never stops running even in the air yeah in fact he runs faster in the air if you will yes I grabbed that potion and we are out of here oh dude boy that thing is a nightmare alright there is the Mojo [Laughter] all right cool right now we [ __ ] can I take a beat in with me is that possible yeah let's find out just give it a beat thank you nope it would not let me enter the door the door of beats another another weird physics problem in the Mario 2 world Oh God and you have to get hurt by that thing what a load of who's to fudge what would but the bullet the snake that jumps out as soon as you move that mushroom table oh yeah Jesus it's some Ditka tree oh the fast day that is poor Ditka tree yeah weird a tree I mean yeah oh it's poor too yeah it is without wealth except that our wealth of Ditka check it hasn't made good financial decision well yeah let's get the hell out of here now I remember how to do this having just done 36 ghosts Oh yesterday depending on whenever that elegant that episode was released yeah I remember how to do this based on somebody teaching me the math problem oh god that's it's really scary immediately coming out and now that series ah they come up with you - they're like yeah oh no you think there's like an [ __ ] fourth grader who's just like kind of sitting in class and he's like like the teachers like so this is how you do algebra and then he's like oh now I remember lucky you never knew ya know that of course is that there's that this addict kid in everybody's school who like always acts as if he knew everything to begin with like school is just like a refresher course Oh totally I remember what my dad taught me [ __ ] hated trigonometry member I used to like show off on my on my like first grade English tests because somebody taught me how to multiply ha ha before anybody knew how to do it right before the [ __ ] world was in fashion yeah so on my spelling test I would just write 5 by 5 times 5 is 25 oh that's good like who cares like she wasn't like great it was just like hey oh man alright so I find myself again in this [ __ ] situation of I'm a no lives left I have to [ __ ] you know where you got a one man before though oh I did yeah thank you for reminding me yeah so you can brush it but yeah I congratulate you willy-nilly and just ah okay give me the should probably treat it as if it is yes as if it all counts because God knows that huh okay Danny say I have the capability of blowing it at any time this is the one this is the one breath I believe in you thanks man yeah God knows members of our audience probably this guy's sucks you know I think um Berto in this game bears a much more striking resemblance here than now of an uncircumcised penis I don't know man my [ __ ] my experience with looking at like dicks in general pretty limited I'm Jewish so not an issue Oh true true but well from the bottom looks like that that's a bad that's a bad scene it does a bit I mean it's got skin all around the wee-wee it looks like a dog pee pee because you know dogs look at circumcised who the [ __ ] cares yeah tell don't you wish Oh solid point yeah is this the one where it comes off okay no that's a [ __ ] nightmare by the way what if my dog was Jewish wouldn't that be awesome like what would what circumstances with its like Jodi to me that's a good thing to teach a dog ro Bergen just dog Oh you gotta wear a yarmulke all the time and it's all like training back leg like it's like dude sacrilege come on totally oh I was [ __ ] infidels this is a cool this is a cool those are really well animated Birds yeah right for the mess oops didn't mean to do that this was all that you so cool that's like six or seven frames I know I love it Jesus and I just like like there's ol sedentary stars in the background like it just makes you feel good like you actually are flying through space you know you mean the sedentary stars that are the stereotypical style yeah like the the star equivalent of like a Valentine [Laughter] [Music] I sure wish an albatross would come I'll just I'll just drop hints I'm holding this pumpkin I got to ride this one back oh my god what a nightmare haha that was crazy that was crazy time with that there before no what what I know are you supposed to go back well yeah cuz you need to get an albatraoz going the other way well I mean just like okay yeah it's the cuz you you have to go through that door if you want that sweet shroom but you just lost the pumpkin I met why I was the whole point of there was no point I just wanted to carry that thing around okay yes I can't believe you yeah I - on occasion have wanted to carry a pumpkin right yeah just as just for the power of us yeah it just makes you feel it just makes me feel like a big man but sky damn this game son of a [ __ ] really is a test of like oh yeah yeah I was super charged for a jump and that this is not the place you want to be super jumping nope give up kid this makes me feel like perhaps I should have thrown the thing here but [ __ ] yeah oh God we're already oh [ __ ] god damn another bird oh another badou but this is what this is like super easy look look ugly I guess you got to go back down yeah it's easy ish oh I wish those [ __ ] things didn't become intangible randomly when he's walking through them oh yeah sure he can just [ __ ] him what would you rather him do have them like [ __ ] special edition Han Solo step oh yeah I was just like I'll just take the hit dude I guess picking up just as like makes you invincible yeah I guess so I wish it was like that when I was doing squats at the gym I'm doing squad you just start fights while you're doing yeah ha ha who wants a piece of me I'll be right back up oh wait can i I'm gonna see if it's here nope of course not they wouldn't bait you like that you're right but I'll just go down and then I'll [ __ ] again I mean this is all going on inside his head he's just gonna like to keep a stoic face next time on game grumps we make more Eagle friends and welcome back to the show that never quits oh my god that's this one game grumps no I was actually introducing Paula Deen's she yeah I got you oh no oh is this where you want the door yes one coin 1 coin like a job holy [ __ ] god damn it I gotta stop pulling [ __ ] out of the ground you just never know what the hell is gonna know that was like instantaneous yeah he was ready to blow it just comes out he's like he needs to warn you about it to explode Oh God that's totally what [ __ ] happened Oh balls oh nice god damn it oh I don't even know if I can make it up here he's [ __ ] my cheerful Sally's going back and forth oh good nice little star going batshit crazy I love being me yeah yeah right every day's a blessing oh yeah there is definitely a potion here somewhere oh and I bet it's behind that [ __ ] brick wall down there Oh perhaps you're right yeah okay maybe maybe you can you can throw down and then get them and then get the bomb and do it and then go in yeah which only guarantees that it will not actually be there but that's fine that's fine but let's see what happens all right okay no never mind no no mush but there was no space for a mush plenty of sweet coins baby what are the coins you can do those give you oh crap I need less beats more bombs Oh God oh no oh god oh no bombs by dre bro oh no I'm asked Wow super [ __ ] dude I just got an intended by my [ __ ] own greed for coins well I I had nothing to do with it so you could blame me if you want okay I'll take the plane for you buddy i rewrite nothing okay yes you're falling wait I regretted my suicide attempt Oh baby poor choice yeah you can probably pick up the bomb people you have infinite bomb people dude oh that's good thinking okay forgot about this guy happy happy Louie get down there you summon a [ __ ] oh yeah we're going mass suicide over this Christ could really use that [ __ ] heart now that it's traveling forever up into the heavens okay it's okay yeah he did I don't yeah I don't think I can Fox with these guys their tiny arms alright let's let's try over here okay boy getting those mushrooms is really the difference between like success and God don't even oh god that coins Jesus you suck thatis that they do they [ __ ] market every time I was like a little thing and as we noted noted you some [ __ ] she's selling a [ __ ] this is final fantasy seven [ __ ] Shiva comes out Barrett's like you stopping up bridge it's just like calling a [ __ ] I wonder if I can go back perhaps oh my god you're a genius am i you are Am I yes is it possible that genealogy has occurred wait usually want to clear the path worse yeah yeah dropping that bomb dropping bombs for your mom's which one was the potion nice one yes oh I think you wait a second what now you can't get out oh you gotta clear that path but you can't get back up oh my god you're a [ __ ] genius dude it hurts sometimes being this genius your brain is just about as big as Louise damn it these should definitely be [ __ ] bombs that's what I wanted yeah with some smooth goddamn that totally worked that works better than I could have dreamed this is more intense than any [ __ ] puzzle game low low grade don't even don't even bring that weak [ __ ] into my house dude have you so wait you've never yeah you've never made it this far no dude Mario to was always that weird anomaly as a kid because I never owned it so I'd always played it at someone's house and I'd like I wasn't acclimated to it enough to like get very far right so I would always just get confused and mad and frustrated when women leave yeah you know what I shouldn't I shouldn't have done the warps I should have gone all the way yeah I should have shown you all the levels because we missed a lot of cool stuff and by missed I mean awesome we skipped due to my expertise go ahead and yeah they just say to the audience real quick I'm not a douche I like to pretend I'm awesome but I don't really feel that way so it's okay it's fun once we start playing games that you've never played before oh my god it'll all come out really well I'm garbage of most games I don't care for the most I don't care for things such as tasty food friendship and love it's fine it's bad I know no I once had a friend and he would come over to my house and my mother would be like Daniel all your friend is here thank you for putting that into perspective for me mother dude there's got to be something up oh yeah what the [ __ ] can you super jump you jump I don't think I can oh I can't quad I think you have to be Princess Peach or something Oh no way you can't get up that high with peach probably right maybe it's maybe you just have to have a leap of faith let go let go really for I don't feel like that's the case but I'll try oh god oh god no definitely not no there's there's something up there there is how you do it like there's no other way in this game that I know to get air aside from jumping on something but you can't like I guess you could bring that can you bring that out no you can't no I can't but that's a good idea Oh God ain't this a tricky situation it's also it's also tricky how your pants are exactly the same color we were trying to shoot a blue screen what with these pants and [ __ ] ah oh so the red one does like the sneaky like sometimes eggs sometimes fire death but that doesn't matter cuz now he's just a glowing stomach yeah it's fine he can just he can just [ __ ] die in purgatory oh [ __ ] this is getting serious this three-headed snake whoa yeah it is this guy's no what is the only [ __ ] dude yeah this is where I should started to get real [ __ ] triple snake [ __ ] you if I can just oh dude you're like invulnerable there dude yeah we can even get you oh you need that air I need that little extra what if I just kind of like drop yes oh nice nice nice nice yeah can I use that as okay we're fine we're fine everything's cool it's cool in it this is it for you man triple snake reveals the door reveals a high-five oh yes okay bonus chance time to [ __ ] lose all these things is that a never [ __ ] where oh that's what the coins do yeah yeah they give you more chances but it's like real Vegas yeah doesn't even have like videos like you're not gambling any money we actually did go to Vegas recently and lost just like that consistently I think I came out even you did wait wait wait no my biggest triumph yeah was the [ __ ] claw machine on the way home oh yeah when I grabbed I spent $20 on a claw machine that had a bunch of stuffed animals in it with $20 attached to them yeah in Vegas they like to start kids early and one immediately so I spent $20 and got $20 back plus a cute stuffed animal so I consider that this was adorable yeah wait excuse me what the rambling adorable oh yeah you were speaking stupid I was I'm sorry I didn't speak okay look for the double gap dude yeah I think it's up here anything so thanks no outstanding there's a little pipe though I think that's only for large bar yes but what if I take my albatross friend and fly back to the region of shape the albatross friend that has absolutely no wind resistance when he brings his his waist up yes that's a good point but has so many bigger [ __ ] oh wait I do remember this he takes you someplace crazy yeah cool dude this is where you gotta go yeah God whoa and then you take the rocket ship at some braid ship yeah do this so much secret [ __ ] in this game I love it I don't know what happens now that's great kind of hoped this would be a [ __ ] instant helpful thing instead of a [ __ ] completely other level of difficult you know that isn't something that you could just kind of like it's not something that's like too far out of the realm of possibility yeah it's just kind of like there or albatross is going this way yeah I know that I could ride them so why don't I ride it totally and and yeah these games were cool like that because it was the kind of thing that would happen to you when you were just like lazily playing the game and you're like oh wait next time on game grumps I'm gonna slide his clouds good I'll just do that right yeah oh wait this might not be easy no don't depend hi Oh welcome back to him crumbs I'm this is my friend Pierre but he says his name better how they didn't answer my name like the way they said in the old country and that is I can't do that but not from the old country a new country need really wanted oh nice good job I guess you can loose your net I guess you could die by getting shot in the Hat lose your hat you're like brains spill out yeah damn it I grabbed that guy and take them on a journey right oh this is not a good place to take him on a journey okay so I'll [ __ ] kill me okay just do a little dance in place and then they decide like check today poetic today this is super difficult dude seriously cuz I have to [ __ ] time it so it's oh that's why you kept going back yeah okay oh god dang Sparky Sparks this game does not [ __ ] lit up no it doesn't every everything is a [ __ ] new fresh hell I'd imagine that's just out Eliz yeah just Sparky things oh oh oh Jesus God you just get a gist [Music] I think you just need to stack this you do but I'm scared to unleash the okay oh wow wow wow you're handling yourself pretty well well given the circumstance I'm freaking the [ __ ] out dude out here it's fine inside oh I got ya dude good she just picked it up man yeah I should have I should have I got I got uh uh down on one continuing well is that is that it afterwards that's it that's it god yeah I know this game is brutal this is like more brutal than Ninja Gaiden well at least the Ninja Gaiden you can just continue forever you're supposed to be getting like lots of extra dudes in those [ __ ] like minigames but we're not having any love for minigame town seriously yeah probably a lot more opportunities to get many dudes in the worlds that you [ __ ] skipped oh [ __ ] so well I mean nobody's fault fault my point any fingers tool it's cool it's cool it's your fault that's cool yeah but you know if you happen to see a finger is named straight at your direction from me yeah it's it's coming from a place of love it's coming from your suck it's coming from the fact that you're [ __ ] whoa whoa that is an Asian turnip gonna do with it I kind of want to go in this door now and see what I wish it wasn't [ __ ] guarded by fifty sentinels that are causing game lag Jesus it really lets you plan out your moves though okay let's see what happens in here ah oh jeez okay so this isn't the second they they actually want you to do the UH trust thing I guess [ __ ] Asian turrets everywhere - hell yeah right oh maybe I was supposed to save a potion for New Year don't trial me I don't know okay I totally should have just got in here first yeah oops oops good job you just done you did nothing yeah things things happened whoops oh good job well it breaks when I ride I do haha Wow I'm sorry right well good it's just like cooking robbing a bank of idiot you're all like jumpy and [ __ ] and I'm like your beard like your [ __ ] driver like drives up it's like get in you're like oh oh [ __ ] oh whoops I'm just standing here with my hand on my suspenders like well this is a fine pickle mayor like yeah fine day for marring if I do say so myself approaches [Laughter] [Music] one - ah this is fine mass of turnips we've gotten ourselves into [Music] well okay oh my god dude I'm losing my [ __ ] oh boy okay I'm Way better prepared to face this nightmare though look now Luisi oh my god oh I think I realized something what's up if you carry these guys Jesus oh they're right I thought you disappeared for a sec yeah you just wore it up I think if you carry these guys with you they don't appear again outnumber well thanks nothing was infinitely carry them yeah I had to do a little job okay a little jump your [ __ ] luigi dude yeah damn it I bet I bet like back then there was like a strategy guide unlike who to use for each level in fact you know what I think that was rich that was the first issue of Nintendo Power oh dude I remember the first issue of Nintendo Power like the claim re yeah I totally remember that that was on my that was in my friend's bathroom I guess it was his like juice reading his and I just remember like I think was before I'd ever played Nintendo so I saw it now isn't what is this [ __ ] awesomeness looking out right now oh god yeah that must've been new oh yeah with that issue it's like I was literally like one of the commercials for it we're just like opens up and it's like oh do you got the power I totally [ __ ] remember the first time I ever played into or ever saw Nintendo it was at my friend's house and I just remember like seeing it and like whoa whoa whoa that totally worked nice work yeah fantastic I should get brutally injured more often well that's teaching kids a good message children do you have an obstacle in your life try injuring yourself run headfirst into it whatever happens happens am i right Oh [Music] forcing you to use yeah yeah this is a one block mother okay like just gonna collect my thoughts over here ah Berto neither bird nor doe yeah just [ __ ] a gray weird dinosaur bird douchebag I guess well grey word I know douche did you do it did you see he came back with a stomach he did I was weird I can't I still can't get over then it's a hey yeah that'd be true yeah no I don't know like I thought he was like yo she's girlfriend Oh God no gross you like I don't know Ross back when back in the day yes it was official it was in the [ __ ] like manual really yeah but I don't know if they've sensed like change their tune because mario has gotten a little bit more like homogenized yeah like what is he just like really I don't know dude like just the fact that there's a Ledge there and like it could extend and you could walk into those that weights is true yeah that makes me think but you'd have to jump up like two extra block yeah I would have to let me say if I'm bring super jump from that [ __ ] yeah and pick this dude up and shut them to the here and then hello and when he jumps oh my god that's genius oh no oh it's gonna take a lot to do it you can do it I believe in you dude oh do like I totally can but it's gonna kill you if it's not there yeah it totally is oh no and if it is there it's gonna kill me this is worth looking into yes I've never I've never seen that I think so too you get two extra lives there yeah and then before ultimate death that I put the game's over so sure let's [ __ ] around oh yeah yeah just experiment that's what Charles Darwin would do yeah Charles Darwin would come here and be like what is this madness origin of the feces oh god okay it would turn him into a babbling mess okay which of these creatures with strange faces shooting rocks at me and lessly rocks always with the rocks never ending never tiring I don't know if Charles Darwin talks like I don't assume he did yeah I think everybody was from the 1800s so you know that weird um that weird like film Oh Darwin sorry the trans-atlantic out ah accent I can't do anything that is [ __ ] that is ball try throwing them with a little it's just like it alright now if I throw them at the wall that's I'll be dead for sure this he'll land like right on my head oh wait well where am I Oh what is happening God dude I'm somewhere up there are you okay I think so you remember good beer yeah there's beer up here huh I go one bottle of water oh geez oh you know wait next time on game drugs I run slowly from mr. alright cool that's so basically now welcome back to game grumps everybody won thank you it was disgusting I know it's dress I've had I've had many a burp in my day have you uh yeah dude are you an experienced creator flatulence you know I I only burp when I drink monster like I don't burp when I drink soda but you always drink monster when you do this yeah well there was a time when I didn't but I've started to again because it we you know we started with monster right Wow sorry I was not prepared for uh that's okay okay everything's cool but yeah so like I would burp a lot and then I stopped drinking the monster while I was doing it and I stopped burping so [ __ ] know what but it's I was never the kind of kid who could [ __ ] burp like on command you know that [ __ ] was always really weird to me I used to have a friend who could throw up on command I think everyone can do that it's called bulimia no I mean like he didn't require any he didn't have to hit the pretty button yeah he would just like we would go to like Burger King and you would wait and then it would just happen I can't explain it it was weird it was no he would uh we would go to Burger King and he would wait out in the parking lot until a family would walk by and then he'd be like oh god no oh it's such a raunchy horrible thing to do oh my god it [ __ ] brought so much joy to all of our lives I have a friend who - this is [ __ ] drinking Jesus Christ okay this is like juggling yeah this a bit yeah three little three little three little jammie-jams and they're always going in like a little pattern it seems synchronous but isn't that dad Oh God Oh Mike yeah because I had a minor heart attacks is there I have a friend who makes like the best [ __ ] throw-up noises like he makes like the who's going to do a throw-up noise it's like still it's kind of like like you know like it's not quite it doesn't have the guttural he's got the guttural realloc he can do like the like like really from the [ __ ] from our dumb ik and like we've got him to do like a couple recordings Oh so we'd like to use them in the future oh it's great ah it's too real God what is it what kind of life is that by the way so just live in the ground and just be hanging out until someone like picks you up and you're like well it's it's like a dick move on the developers part - because like that happened so long ago but it's just not even like in your mind and you're totally so when it happens again you're like the same level of surprise totally oh dude is that what cherries do do they bring these things like these floaty things I think stars and hearts that would totally make sense if you like collect more cherries yeah figuring out stuff I should have learned in 1987 yeah same dude - dude I've been doing that for like years and years I play these old games I haven't played in forever and then I'll just be like oh yeah totally I'm the same way like recently in Yoshi's Island but I never knew you could tongue up oh you can always tell yeah yeah that's interesting yeah I had no idea [ __ ] change my life I'm sure I like I got it together I [ __ ] got my diploma I got my GED that was it that was that's all she wrote man hey do you want a pretzel I love one dude I kind of want to press do look how Donkey Kong is this setup by the way yeah right doesn't doesn't that look so much so reminiscent Mario is early days we have a bad guy there's totally like an optical illusion going on there - yes they're straight but they kind of look a little crooked yeah yeah totally here's some Pretz for your face bro thanks brah I'm gonna put them deep into my hair oh god man alright refreshing you like it that's a refreshing pretzel you like that I do mmm super tasty I'm gonna wash it down with some [ __ ] ice cold water oh do it that is at room temperature hmm no I hate it when you spits exit exactly when you're throwing the other eggs and then the eggs cancel each other out I hate when that happens at breakfast to our unique mom I want one egg two will cancel our sin and I will be hungry I will continue to be as I am and they don't have to make a third egg so help me God if there's not a prime number of eggs on my plate do you think there's a kid who has like a careless mom and the kids just like the mom just like just whatever just throw it away and the kids like mom there are starving children in Africa I have to eat this yeah yeah I bet there is I bet there's an overly conscious douchey kid like douchey in his [ __ ] like kindness to the world yeah totally huh his righteousness but like at the expense of others dude I accidentally went too far I didn't need to go up here now I can't get into that key place where the key is Berto is holding it in his stomach that's cold dude yeah he's like I'll just keep this here yeah with my orb stomach keep this it's a given you see everybody would have a problem with that yeah and if you take the key you [ __ ] boy down yeah why do you what is it wake up definitely you get it but Berto is getting [ __ ] quick blanch on the [ __ ] no [ __ ] death is a dick I mean this we can't be the first okay that got nice nice yeah I was like if that doesn't kill one of them you got him on the hong bounce ha nice you got skills with this thanks man I told you one of the five games I'm good at because I literally had no patience for games that I was terrible at so I would just oh no this is the spot dude oh yes is it gonna happen wait just look at him now and like remember the good times where it's like sure we can hang out oh god he's not an effective toss I mean if it's just a bird head and he's high and around why does he need his wings agreed solid question why do any birds need wings you just chop up their heads they just start flying oh my god it's like dude oh my god stop you make an excellent excellent point all right I'm gonna consolidate all of my weaponry that's a good idea yeah yeah cuz this [ __ ] is about to get real too readily sister had on that ha ha oh yeah and then you have to hop yeah I'll get in there oh god it's what you want yeah that's what you want that's what you want no this is a nightmare it's this it's there's a Jake this is it is the last guy the game up to eat its wart its yes it is warts oh my god alright alright I can do this I get ha is that he's handsome I just need to have a little bit for himself uh uh the little bubble you do I know bubbles are [ __ ] tall two levels of the world first ha oh no I need to hit him while he's he's bubbling oh my god dude he's like a reverse Berto he's told all my god I never yeah dude huh ah I've got the Simple Simon rash the red it looks like according to my calculations and you're gonna throw me at war at three point seven seconds damn it oh this is so difficult I forgot how hard this [ __ ] is ah okay yes all right gonna have to I'm gonna have to just wait I'm just gonna have to play the waiting game they're [ __ ] frog dude yeah this requires pretzels uh-huh good it'll re-energize you for the battle to come mm-hmm come on there we go can smirky double faces looking at him you know any moment they can just no no I missed it that was my window though now it's all starting to come back to me you know we'll talk about the [ __ ] bomb in the ground my life is this hideout I agree endless turnips coming out of these [ __ ] yeah whatever yeah pipe organ talks waiting to be thrown got him okay nice a couple more like that couple more like that who do you think it's jeweler is amazing question here's a really nice necklace and crown what I know we're locked in a final battle to the death but I just wanted to tell you that's a lovely British oh god I mean not literally I'm going to fight come on you [ __ ] I will pay you $20 I will pay you six pence for a chance to wear your brooch Oh boss it's so hard to hit him Jesus man I know this is a nightmare this is tricky this is definitely training throwing out [ __ ] red mushroom it's funny that you said this as a nightmare because do you know what the ending of this yes yeah I do oh yeah what we won't spoil it and what I just obviously spoiled but dude it's funny you mentioned that everything in this game is a dream I won't spoil it no spoilers hahaha sorry it's ok we're thinking positive because if we get to that point that means I killed this [ __ ] fat-ass frog ah we're going all the way on this I think this is it got him oh is that it yeah I guess I need five I guess I need five on him dude you get a clock I'm with that [ __ ] happy tomato I'm not gonna be satisfied unless the final hit is suet the [ __ ] like joyous tomato I didn't register that there was a joyous tomato moment I just keep getting the nerdy [ __ ] turnip I think that's an onion is it oh it's a nerdy onion uh oh god oh god okay dude dude you're cutting it close I didn't mean are you dancing with fire well is that it uh-huh mhm [ __ ] oh god yeah [ __ ] Longreach what is English your second language sign up [ __ ] sign up [ __ ] like feel anger oh my god that was latest this is a good time as any to state that we're not racist we respect all peoples and creeds we just like making funny voices I don't like this nightgown what do you latest what do you like I I enjoyed buttons oh my god yeah that was scary holy [ __ ] I'm scared I think that was the most scared of it yeah been in mine it's fine oh god damn it how many times oh please no more of the hitting and the and the [ __ ] turnips and the such word doesn't [ __ ] accept your [ __ ] dude he doesn't [ __ ] around he is is this the only Mario ah yes yes oh this is gonna be it this is gonna be a [ __ ] you can do it you can feel it don't get overzealous dude I want I'll play it cool I didn't I didn't like how that was shaping up yeah suck a dick I said warp I meant wart I was just feeling so triumphant this could not have ended more perfect fairies the creepy demon fairies come out to play [ __ ] slash your throat and me with my giant oh look at me the main contributor he's dead carry him into death yes seriously what the [ __ ] are they gonna do with him I don't know [ __ ] probably kick the [ __ ] out of like that oh yeah that's [ __ ] right and now oh dude that's [ __ ] up it's [ __ ] sure is like a toad he's just like yes yes yes I didn't have to do a dang thing and Louise doing the the Jersey sure fist pump into the air I think I was doing a little Heil Hitler wow that's a dark it's a dark place but here in the dream he's doing the double hand double hand oh yeah huge yeah weird right yeah it was all a crazy huh but aren't Lee a dream that comes from reality yeah apparently because all those [ __ ] creatures you just dreamt up became cannon goes back to sleep yeah sure isn't there a [ __ ] sequel where it's like okay now this is the next dream oh and it's like he'll awkward it's his like I've slept too long dream tone that starts getting like really creepy oh I used to [ __ ] in really try to pay attention and write down the names of all these characters because there was no internet at the time so you had this was snippet how would I know his name was snippet ninja ninja oh come on yo any port Corey keep we didn't even see port officer so he warped right past his adore tweeter tweeter back when tweeter meant something ba BOM Bob um yeah oops [ __ ] like like a cartoon movie about basketball I'm gonna be cheap stock pigeon Panzer Oh flurry is what the jizz blobs are Larry I guess it must be like a little snowman thing Albert ha ha I love it death mask is Fanta spark is spark subcon which is the shittiest convention of all of them Pookie Burt oh uh and whoa Bertos name is Ostrow in this and the ostrich is bird oh that has to be a [ __ ] like Japanese mistake yeah o mas'r and fry guy these are bosses that we skipped right over clog yep what the [ __ ] yeah what try Clyde is the first one we actually saw and then of course the last one yeah yeah fades away ah hee and oh and the other the other thing was they they keep you on the screen forever like this doesn't end he just naps with at the end so I used to like if I beat the game and I wanted my friends to see it I used to like have to [ __ ] keep this [ __ ] going for hours until they came over and my TV was like boiling lava hot enough you know it's weird now like only recently I was playing some games with like passwords and stuff yep and and like I realized how easy it is to just like Chronicle that totally you just like turn on your phone flip it up and then dick and there's your password done yeah Nintendo games were a lot crueler with letting people know how good you were at the game and also like being forgiving like as far as like you [ __ ] up once and having to start the game getting that was the problem with super contra that [ __ ] was in past ninja gaiden as well oh yeah a ninja guide was brutal I never beat it I came close that's not a bad idea we do have a [ __ ] opening for the next game because we just beat this [ __ ] drum some maybe we won't talk over each other we coordinate our endings better [ __ ] you dude - good ah yeah
Channel: Game Grumps Fan Videos
Views: 56,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tFhfcEJec3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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