Game Foods - Scott The Woz

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I don't know what's worse the shape of the marshmallows or the Amongus comments

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SSquirtle301 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I am confused on why this is so in depth, God Damn Among us

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/That_Cute_Boi_Prower 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-Fuwwet- 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/quartz174 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hey y'all, Scott here. And you might've noticed this two liter of Mountain Dew and this sack of Doritos I'm about to fling into my gullet. Don't worry. I feel a good reason for doing this coming onto me. That'll work. Not only do I want to become a true enjoyer of all things video game but I also want an excuse to go to this hospital near me. They're really cool. They got a vending machine and everything. Oh my God, this room is crazy, (beep) my arteries. You ever play Pac-Man World II, and you're like I could use a choking hazard right about now. Food has been associated with gaming here and there. You see with every new Call of Duty or Halo release comes a corresponding can of Mountain Dew. Every new concert release comes with oodles of Sweepstakes plastered on boxes of Special K, and of course many people like to just glutton out and stuff their face while playing a game. So let's take a look at some food associated with games. Basically, I went to the supermarket and loaded my cart up with anything video game related. Let's move over to this room. Yeah, you see, this is what us kitchen owners refer to as kitchen. Blam. Let's get this one out of the way. Super Mario Cereal took the world by storm. It's been a pretty boring few months. Released to promote super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Cereal is a Kellogg's production and includes power-up mushrooms. Well, (beep) you know I had to buy it. The box doubles as an amiibo you can scan into Mario Odyssey for some small bonuses, nothing special, but still a really cool touch. Also on the back, we have some activities for you to tackle during unemployment. Enough gawking, let's crack this thing open and get to the goods. Super Mario's cereal's flavor is mixed berry and marshmallows. The mixed berry is contained in these stars and the marshmallows take the form of these question mark blocks and mushrooms, or as I like to call them "huh?", And "what?". After going knee deep into this cereal I think it's all right. I don't think mixed berry is the best flavor to combine with marshmallows. But what do I know, I don't cereal for a living. If you're a kid who has begged their mom to grab Super Mario cereal at the supermarket you're no doubt familiar with getting Grape Nuts instead. Around the same time Super Mario cereal released, post cereals featured a Nintendo Switch and Mario Odyssey Sweepstakes on the front of various boxes like Honey Bunches of Oats and of course, Grape Nuts. You gotta hand it to the Sweepstakes. It got me to try an edible form of torture. This isn't the first time Nintendo has been plastered on cereal boxes. Back in the late eighties the Nintendo cereal system was a thing. It was of course promoting the Nintendo entertainment system, Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda. Two cereals in one, two slender bags of a Mario and a Zelda cereal were inside. Good for them. Now, if you need to be up and about harder than ever you might want to contact a physician slash pick up some gaming related energy drinks. There's loads of these things out there. Here I just had Mega Man and Sonic branded ones. The Mega Man energy drink is called the E-Tank which is cute. And the Sonic one is just called Speed. What is going on with Sonic's legs here? Like yeah, Sonic usually runs so fast his legs are nothing more than a figure eight or something, but there's that, And then there's having no legs with just scribbles below you. Giving the drinks a tastes, I mean, they're energy drinks. That's for sure. And I'm pretty sure both of these are the exact same drinks. If you're into these sort of things, they're probably okay. Now if you remove the drink from the colorful can, pop it into a standard glass and say to me you just drank Mega Man's E-Tank, that's another story. Oh God, this is inside of me. It's weird. When I drank this, I thought to myself, wow, this tastes blue. It's probably the fact these were Mega Man and Sonic drinks but after further inspection, that is not blue. Here's some of these retro candy tins. Probably some will make any 30 something squee in a Target. These things have been around for a while and are just small candies inside a tin that's designed like something from yesteryear. I found a bunch of Mario and Nintendo related ones with one Pac-Man arcade cabinet thrown in there. There's one that I always wanted, but never found, which was an Atari 2,600 joystick tin containing gum. The joystick was rubber and everything, but whatever, we have in NES controller instead. No clue why this specifically has the Nintendo Power logo on it, but who cares? I do. These mints are pathetic. These aren't the Virgin mints I was promised. These are just lame circles. What's so Nintendo Power about these? It doesn't even taste like Nintendo Power. These mints are weak. Same goes for the Mario mints as well. This is probably the lamest of all the 10 designs I picked up. It's literally just a rectangle with a Mario sprayed on it. The mint are blocks which could be interpreted as the blocks in Mario games. I don't know. I think they just found a generic design and said, that'll work. This Linked tin is at least shaped like the Sprite which is cool. Inside we have orange sword sours. Yeah. I have a feeling this was just a repackaging of some Christian candy. The Pac-Man arcade cabinet, aesthetically reigned Supreme over most of these, the top is on the bottom. Nice. It's these little Pac-Man shaped candies that, to this day, I still can't figure out what flavor they're supposed to be. In fact, most of these candies don't have a lot of flavor at all, to be honest. Superstar candies in a star, cherry sours in a mushroom, coin candies in a question mark block. There are tons of these candy tins and they all feature kind of chalky tiny candies that have very, very subtle flavors to them and aren't really that tasty. You get these things for the tin, plain and simple. If you say your favorite food is coin candies, the door's that way. If you're not into the tins we can always shift gears to other types of candies. Pez dispensers are wacky plastic heads that feed you on command, but we still have to load the candies into Donkey Kong here, keep WikiHow on stand standby. And here we are. Nice and simple, fun, fun, fun. The wonder ball, the first instance of the term fine dining. It's a chocolate ball with so many goodies inside. This is a crazy, great deal. We get stickers, a coin, and a chocolate ball with fruity candies on the inside. This is crazy. Finally, a Luigi fan. With candy at the bottom, a Luigi fan. So many people have asked me to cover Pokemon. So I guess this is the best place to start. Pokemon fruit snacks. So this is what the franchise is all about. We have loads of fruity interpretations of everybody's favorite Pokemon like Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful. The gang's all here. Overall, good first impressions of the franchise. There's also a MarioKart variety which isn't as MarioKart as it is just standard Mario. And finally we get to know what does Luigi tastes like. Now let's talk some more video game promotions. Food that's packaging is just absolutely creamed out by a hot new video game release. I think one of the most notable ones would be Mountain Dew in Game Fuel, a specific flavor of Mountain Dew that releases to coincide with a new video game release. This is actually the first release of the drink promoting Halo 3 and congestive heart failure. Three free Pokemon cards in a box of Fruit Roll-ups? Let's go for it. Oh, man! Anybody up for 52 pickup? You get a free Sea of Thieves item per Chips Ahoy! pack. Well, don't mind if I do. Now one piece of gaming food I could not for the life of me track down, was Gamer Grub. This stuff always looked pretty tasty. It's fundamentally just a snack mix that was advertised as the perfect gaming snack because you can just pour it down your throat. No messy hands, no messy controllers. It came in a few varieties, PB&J, smores, pizza, barbecue, but I believe they've stopped making it. I saw this Reese's snack mix and it kind of invoked some of what the PB&J and smores was. And I just kind of looked at the peanut butter nuggets on the bag and said, close enough. And then it turned out these things were basically peanut M&M's. Damn. And who could forget the classic Sonic the Hedgehog ice cream bar. I believe these were primarily only sold via ice cream trucks. Was it a hard hitting feeling of regret to buy those instead of something actually edible? I mean, it was always fine, but nothing amazing. The eyes were gumballs. Exactly what I want after a munch session on a frozen dairy treat. Finally, Campbell's Super Mario soup. Let's pop this bad boy open, cook it up and try it out. You know what? That's actually pretty good. Let me check the ingredients on this bad boy. Oh, hell yeah. (beep), is that a pinball machine? Oh my God, my ass is bleeding.
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 3,655,493
Rating: 4.959868 out of 5
Keywords: video games, nintendo switch, mega man, super mario cereal, nintendo cereal system, sonic the hedgehog ice cream, mega man energy drink, video game food, food review, taste test, mario food, mario soup, pokemon, pokemon fruit snacks, mario kart food, mario kart fruit, mountain dew game fuel, doritos mountain dew, doritos video game, gamer grub, gamer grub review, nintendo mints, xbox, sea of thieves, chips ahoy, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, smash switch
Id: 8yPSzTuXRW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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