Pre-Orders - Scott The Woz
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 1,268,115
Rating: 4.9603086 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Pre-Order Bonus, Gaming Collectibles, Game Collecting, New Games, Game Deals, Video Game, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Zelda, Wind Waker, Mario, Mario Maker, Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Walmart
Id: jv0a8Kqwt3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I mean he did make some good points about game preorders but not so much about console preorders for example, ps5 and xbox series consoles despite being mass produced can barely be found in stores or online here in the us especially new york and many probably knew this hense why they preordered it so they wouldn't have to wait as long as everyone else.
Ok now i gotta get Sonic Lost World early i need those 25 extra lives
You got DOOM 64 free for pre-ordering DOOM Eternal. That's pretty neat.
So what's the thing he was waiting for?
Yay, I won for like 2 days
The best preorder bonus was for New Super Mario Bros. Wii at GameStop, I got a phone message from Charles Martinet.
I have no joke to reference about this one because I forgot the AC IV football was a thing and I'm just as baffled as I was when I first heard about it in 2013.
Preordering digital games is just really nice because of the pre-install, and considering that most consoles still have you download the games that you have on the disc, it's more prudent to just buy it digitally instead, like Scott said. However, I had to dig into the back of my mind to try and recall what games I preordered physically and I can only recall two, and looking back on it, I can only feel regret. Those games were NASCAR Heat Revolution (don't judge me) and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. The first didn't come with any bonuses and it was a waste to preorder it because since when is NASCAR Heat Evolution going to be in high demand? Not to mention it was also legitimate the worst NASCAR game. Call of Duty on the other hand came with a steelbook that made it infinitely harder to take out than it would have been if I just got the standard edition. Modern Warfare Remastered on the other hand was decent.
For some reason, the picture of the GameStop at 3:48 made me hungry for Chinese food.
My pre-order of Watch_Dogs came with a poster, a WD free size logo T-shirt, a cap and in game bonuses like vehicles.
I still wear the shirt and cap to this day.
So screw you Scott! (Not in the US btw)