Pre-Orders - Scott The Woz

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I mean he did make some good points about game preorders but not so much about console preorders for example, ps5 and xbox series consoles despite being mass produced can barely be found in stores or online here in the us especially new york and many probably knew this hense why they preordered it so they wouldn't have to wait as long as everyone else.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Xxmemelord69xxxX 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ok now i gotta get Sonic Lost World early i need those 25 extra lives

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Whytfbuddy 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

You got DOOM 64 free for pre-ordering DOOM Eternal. That's pretty neat.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/SunlitSonata24601 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

So what's the thing he was waiting for?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/SpiritTakuto 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yay, I won for like 2 days

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/illumatronics 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

The best preorder bonus was for New Super Mario Bros. Wii at GameStop, I got a phone message from Charles Martinet.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/OctorokHero 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have no joke to reference about this one because I forgot the AC IV football was a thing and I'm just as baffled as I was when I first heard about it in 2013.

Preordering digital games is just really nice because of the pre-install, and considering that most consoles still have you download the games that you have on the disc, it's more prudent to just buy it digitally instead, like Scott said. However, I had to dig into the back of my mind to try and recall what games I preordered physically and I can only recall two, and looking back on it, I can only feel regret. Those games were NASCAR Heat Revolution (don't judge me) and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. The first didn't come with any bonuses and it was a waste to preorder it because since when is NASCAR Heat Evolution going to be in high demand? Not to mention it was also legitimate the worst NASCAR game. Call of Duty on the other hand came with a steelbook that made it infinitely harder to take out than it would have been if I just got the standard edition. Modern Warfare Remastered on the other hand was decent.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/OfficialTMWTP 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

For some reason, the picture of the GameStop at 3:48 made me hungry for Chinese food.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/blazingarpeggio 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

My pre-order of Watch_Dogs came with a poster, a WD free size logo T-shirt, a cap and in game bonuses like vehicles.

I still wear the shirt and cap to this day.

So screw you Scott! (Not in the US btw)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/warjoke 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey y'all scott here why don't you tell me about pencils this is great consider me a newborn fan i'm sold i don't even have to think about the next pencil i buy because i already pre-bought all of them i should have waited for reviews new product oh don't mind if i do if it comes from a company i love it you don't need to wait for first impressions or reviews you can just order something the moment it's announced it's one of our two rights now does that mean you'll get it the day it releases you'd think so pre-orders the act of pre-ordering you'd mostly do this to ensure you get this product the moment it comes out or at the very least a copy is reserved for you pre-ordering something doesn't always mean you'll get it on launch day sometimes shipment delays happen rather it ensures you will in fact get it at some point in your life pre-ordering is more for the consumer that just can't wait to buy a product but they can wait to use it and in the video game industry pre-orders are a way of life this is something that's so frequently done with games every single one is up for pre-order and so many people feel the need to hit that button other entertainment fields don't feel nearly as inclined to do this i mean you can pre-order a digital movie but are you really human if you do that with games pre-orders are constantly pushed more so than anything else oh if you're interested in this game you should pre-order it if you do you'll get to add something to a landfill listen i rarely pre-order games i personally feel like it over complicates things rather than simplifies them most video games are mass-produced you're not gonna have a hard time finding new super mario brothers you deluxe on launch day so if you pre-ordered it get over there if that game wasn't available at best buy at launch the simulation's crumbling plus with pretty much every major game being released day of digitally sometimes even before the physical release there's no worries about stock problems if you really wanted to play a game at launch and there are no more copies available you have options i've just had more problems with pre-orders than i haven't it all started with my first pre-order ever wii sports resort because i couldn't wait to play wii sports bowling on a new disc so i was at a game stop and decided i have 20 and can put this towards my own copy of wii sports resort that's coming out soon they'll reserve one just for me and i'll only have to spend 30 dollars more when the game releases after the launch they passed the next time i went to a gamestop i asked if i could pick up my copy of wii sports resort they said no because it was at a different game stop well i don't think it was too far fetched to believe these stores could communicate with each other one pre-order at one gamestop was good at another so i could have just went to the other gamestop to pick up my pre-order now i wanted the game really bad so i spent all my money on it at the game stop i was at and thus i had to then figure out how to cancel my predator at the gamestop i pre-ordered at you don't blame me i was young and dumb it was 2018. you know i should have just paid for the pre-order in full after buying the game at the other gamestop so then i wouldn't have been embarrassed in the slightest i wouldn't have had to walk away from the one without a game and wouldn't have had to cancel my pre-order at the other i know what you're saying no man should own that many copies of wii sports resort so too ever since that day pre-orders have left a bad taste in my mouth it's like buying something with extra steps like i went to best buy to buy a laptop they didn't have the specific one i wanted but said a nearby store had it in stock so they said i could purchase the laptop at this best buy then show up to the other best buy tell them what i did show them my information and pick it up no that's just asking for trouble like i could do that or i could just show up to the other best buy and tell them i want that specific laptop and pay for it all right there then we need to scour the records find out oh god did he buy this at a different store i don't want to keep my receipts payment records and birth certificate around just to pick up go vacation on launch day when i can walk into the store and find 50 copies on the shelf plus he wants to tell a cashier hi i pre-ordered go vacation oh you really care don't you okay but what about online pre-orders period of the game on amazon you'll get it delivered to you day of sure let's go with that don't you want the game the minute it's available that's why you pre-ordered it while pre-ordering online you'll get it the day it releases but ups usually gets to your house around 4pm if they're quick about it and then sometimes your order gets delayed a day or two or five and your order isn't even a game that's a limited edition or anything how did my copy of animal crossing come late you can build a country out of copies available but it's all about the worry in your heart what if you show up to the store and there's no more copies left you know what the last game i experienced that with super monkey ball banana blitz hd hey do you have any copies left if you didn't pre-order sorry no really to be fair i mean i don't really like walking in a store to pre-order something it just feels weird to go all the way there for something you can't tangibly leave with what did i accomplish today i only pre-order things when it's almost absolutely necessary when there's actual reason to believe it won't be in stock at lunch if you don't pre-order i've probably pre-ordered more digital titles because you know what happens at midnight when you pre-order games you can play them i'd rather wait till four limited editions brand new game consoles these make sense to pre-order and launch their first come first serve so why did i pre-order assassin's creed 4. i needed a new football the pre-order bonus what better way to get you to spend 60 earlier than to promise something worth five oh man if i spend my money now i'll get bullsh and dog companies like their pre-orders because they give a good idea as to how many people are actually interested in the game plus if they follow through with the order that's paying full price for a game at launch opposed to waiting for a price drop later down the line but how do you get people to actually pre-order i got some socks in the car let me go through everything i remember pre-ordering and what i got for doing so firstly of course there was wii sports resort what did i get for pre-ordering that dignity next up what like some amazon purchases nothing with these i tried to pre-order smash brothers for wii u at gamestop the big collector's box with the gamecube controller and adapter and they said we don't have that version but we do have pre-orders for the regular game and a third-party gamecube looking controller that only those without hands would use yeah i passed and pre-ordered on amazon guess when i got it after the shipping delay right now i did finally fulfill 2014 scott's wishes and found a new copy of the smash wii u collectors box finally i really wanted to stick it to that gamestop that said oh sorry no more pre-orders for that though if you want we have plenty of little big planet three pre-orders left okay all right how about this splatoon for wii u launched in may of 2015. i pre-ordered a gamestop because you got a dlc code for inkling costumes for the me fighters and smash bros for wii when picking the game up that was such a fun incentive i had to do it did i use the costumes what do i look like somebody who does that come on these costumes were valued at 75 cents i could have passed this deal up now if you pre-ordered splatoon at target you got a water gun good thing you didn't have to specifically pre-order to buy them they were selling them separately at the store as well thank god i was out of cups honestly this thing was pretty cheap but for five extra bucks at target or just straight up giving away for free with splatoon that's kind of cool it does look like the splatter shot from the game with some very cheap stickers that are bound to wear off since there's gonna be water all over this thing but this wasn't the only pre-order bonus target did with wii u games in 2015 we got the super mario maker puzzle cube also available separately for roughly five dollars how did they [ __ ] up a rubik's cube this is using like the cheapest plastic imaginable each turn feels like i'm grinding against the rest of the plastic i can't commend them for doing something cute like this but i'm sure the people in charge said we have just enough funds to kind of do a rubik's cube if you can only kind of do a rubik's cube you probably just shouldn't do a rubik's cube now i personally pre-ordered my copy of mario maker over at gamestop because they were giving out this poster celebrating the 30th anniversary of super mario brothers i don't know i don't really put up posters outside of a few key examples but this one just looked neat so i thought now pre-order to get that how about with twilight princess hd at gamestop i got the soundtrack on cd or some of it sound selection so not everything it's also in this dinky ass cardboard case so not the full soundtrack and the case isn't anything to write home about not to be fair this is the best pre-order bonus i've gone so far in terms of excitement i'm brimming of course i pre-ordered the nintendo switch when that launch but i had to wait about a month and a half later to get some plastic [ __ ] with a pre-order because at target they did the damn rubik's cube again mario kart 8 deluxe rubik's cube they also did some air fresheners to be honest i don't think these target trinkets count as pre-order bonuses more like purchase bonuses since you could just buy them at target for super cheap around the game's launch but hey they stink so that ought to count for something ever since i've been fairly selective with my pre-orders i got mario odyssey at best buy where i got this poster and a collectible coin the smash ultimate controller bundle which also came with a collectible coin and i mean these are quality little trinkets but at least with the rubik's cubes i got a good few years out of looking at those complaining these there's just not much to them they're nice little coins so cool but like i don't even know what i'm supposed to do with these i haven't personally truly experienced a crazy good pre-order bonus i think the one everybody points to that was undoubtedly the best of all time was the legend of zelda the wind wakers pre-order bonus you got ocarina of time plus the all-new master quest version of the game as a gamecube disc so you pretty much got an extra game for free by pre-ordering this game pretty sweet deal pre-ordered copies of mario kart double dash contain the fabled bonus disc featuring game demos they were seriously putting work into their pre-order bonuses back then so how did pre-order bonuses look a decade later a free football for pre-ordering assassin's creed 4 at best buy oh i was going to buy a football at best buy anyways i needed a new assassin's creed 4. this is perfect timing a flashlight for perimetering shadow of the tomb raider at gamestop yes the inside of the game case is so dark i can't find the game without it a banana-shaped wii remote holder for pre-ordering donkey kong country returns at gamestop this remote is really pissing me off it's not in something else good thing i pre-ordered 25 extra lives for pre-ordering sonic lost world from amazon yeah that's what got me to pre-order more lives free condoms with infamous second sonic gamestop italy they'll work or your money back you got exclusive special moves to perform and remember me based on street fighter by pre-ordering from amazon best buy or steam why lock stuff like that behind pre-orders why lack cool gameplay incentives well it's easier than supplying quality merchandise gears of war 2's pre-order bonus was an rc car tank for free you know target couldn't even get a rubik's cube right yeah think if they tried to give you an rc car instead that's why we got thumb warm merch for super street fighter iv lots of these bonuses feel like they're trying to offload excess stuff they have in a warehouse off to consumers you ever try to leave a game stop without a pre-order bonus i have yet to hear somebody who has i blacked out and woke up owning a keychain deus ex mankind divided decided to revolutionize the pre-order experience by offering tiers of pre-orders you could pick this tier but you'd have to choose which pre-order bonus you'd want or you could pick this higher one but you'd have to choose which bonus you'd want or you could pay a huge premium to play the game early but the only way higher tiers would be unlocked was if they got enough pre-order sales so you had to bug people to pre-order a game so you had the potential to pay more for your pre-order to potentially get one pre-order bonus or another but not both i'll just take the [ __ ] football this plan was canceled after negative feedback it's just straight up confusing i mean sure i think getting dinky little keychains is sort of lame as a pre-order bonus but it's harmless it just doesn't do much to incentivize me to actually pre-order rather they are what the name implies a bonus not really an incentive and sometimes these bonuses can be legitimately cool art pieces cds posters of course they rarely can get amazing like with the master quest but i doubt we'll ever see a pre-order bonus that great ever again but if anything some of these modern pre-order bonuses really hit home when i was trying to convey a bit ago don't pre-order sh like why the only reason to actually pre-order something is if you get a benefit from it like it will be scarce and you want to make sure you get it but pre-ordering watch dogs why if it's for a pre-order bonus i guarantee you that pre-order bonus will be available on ebay in moments for pennies if everybody gets it for free with a pre-order then there's absolutely no reason to spend a full price on the game that you wouldn't normally spend full price on just to get the pre-order bonus that's worth mere dollars and then there's the fact that with most games you don't need to pre-order they'll be readily available at launch pre-ordering the game just adds so many unnecessary steps you have to show up to gamestop pre-buy the game then go away then come back on launch day tell them hey i pre-ordered the game show all your info then pick up the game compared to just showing up to gamestop on launch day and buying the game but i have time to kill so i'm going to pre-order a pre-order of a game that's where i get to stand in line to find out where i'll stand in line when it comes to pre-ordering the game because i'll get this brutal bonus of this exclusive poster [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 1,268,115
Rating: 4.9603086 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Pre-Order Bonus, Gaming Collectibles, Game Collecting, New Games, Game Deals, Video Game, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Zelda, Wind Waker, Mario, Mario Maker, Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Walmart
Id: jv0a8Kqwt3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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