iPhone 15 Ultimate Guide + Hidden Features and Top Tips!

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whether you've just bought your first iPhone or switched to iPhone from Android or upgrading from an older generation and want to get the most out of your new iPhone 15 this is the video for you I'm going to be covering everything you need to know about the iPhone 15 and iOS 17's essential new features top tips and tricks in key apps and also show you how to optimize your iPhone in terms of the settings battery life as well as the performance now yes this is a longer video but is short when compared to how many hours we all use our phones each day week and month and believe me this video is going to make your experience better and help you get the most out of your iPhone let's go but quickly before we start I am giving away this brand new iPhone 15 and for a chance to win be sure to like this video subscribe to this channel And subscribe to my main Channel Dion hom link below then leave a comment with your Instagram username and follow me on Instagram at theone where I'll announce the winner on the 29th of December all right so first let's take a look at customizing the lock screen as with iOS 17 there's a bunch of new features and ways to really personally ize your phone to your taste so to do this first you're going to want to make sure that your phone is unlocked and then press and hold on your lock screen and that will then bring us to this slider menu and this will allow you to very easily and quickly switch between your wallpapers to on the- fly uh completely change the look of your phone which I think is great then if we scroll to the right here we can go ahead and create a new one and this is a great way for me to demonstrate the new customization features that we have so let's go ahead and tap on the plus here then first we have to choose a wallpaper now first you can choose from Apple set wallpapers I think these look great but then if we scroll down here you also have your photos to choose from and it will kind of uh modify them so here you can see it's cropped me uh out of the photo with a different backdrop really creative I think it looks great uh you may also find some embarrassing photos like this one of me down here uh we're not going to be using that I'm going to go up to the top here and select this colorful wallpaper from Apple I think it's great uh so we'll go and use that very cheerful and bright uh so what we can do now is take this further so what we can do is tap on the clock and then we can change the font so I like this more classic font and what is new in iOS 17 is we can actually also change the uh the the thickness of the text we can have it a little more Bolder a little bit thinner uh let's go with a thinner look this time why not switch it up a little bit in fact a little bit thicker there we go that's The Sweet Spot uh we can also adjust the color and the Hue so I like to have it kind of blend in a little bit with the wallpaper uh and once we're happy we can tap off that now above the clock you can see I currently have the date shown we can also show things like the your upcoming calendar event or say your uh temperature as well but I'm actually going to show that later through widgets which we'll get to next uh so I like to just have the date and clock there now hidden a little bit behind the wallpaper is the option to add widgets so let's go ahead and tap into that and as you can see this will give us a bunch of widgets to choose from so here's some examples up top here uh we can also scroll through specific apps personally I really like to have the weather shown so it show you the temperature ranges uh my activity uh rings in the middle shows me how much I've walked throughout the day as it keeps track with my Apple watch and we have the percentage for precipitation or for rain which if you live in London like I do is absolutely essential to have here so you can have up to four widgets I can even add uh let's say a fourth one as well but my advice is to use widgets sparingly so only use ones that really bring you value as widgets will be running in the background constantly and thus will take battery and throughout this video I'm going to show you many different battery tips and the first one here is to use only widgets that really add value and also ones uh that that you think are worth it because they are running in the background and will take a little bit of battery but because they always run in the background they're always up to date so your activity track here your temperature will always be accurate so super handy to have these few widgets on my lock screen then once you're happy with that go ahead and press done and then we have the option to set it to uh both your home screen as well as your lock screen or either or I'm going to set it to both so set it as a pair tap into it and there we go we can Now swipe to unlock awesome so we've now customize the lock screen let's take a closer look at the home screen now of course you probably know you can move apps by simply pressing and holding and then moving them around your phone pressing the little minus icon there that will be done to remove an application from your phone to clear up storage for example but what I really want to show you is widgets as an iOS 17 widgets on the home screen specifically have gotten a lot more useful as they are now interactive so I've got two examples here one is of the music app and the other here is of reminders uh so let's say in the reminders app widget where previously you could only see the reminders you can now actually take them off as you go so for example I need to buy more coffee let's say I've done that as you can see I can then tick it off and it will then remove itself off the list and update within the app so much more useful than before uh another example here music I've got a recent song go ahead and press play and it's actually going to start playing that song right from the widget super useful to have I really like this as it just adds more functionality to widgets on the uh home screen but just like widgets on the lock screen do use them sparingly less is more use the ones that really bring you value I think these are two great examples but don't fill up every page uh with widgets as that's just going to run in the background and take up a lot of battery new to the iPhone 15 is the dynamic Island now that's what you see up here now previously this was only found on the 14 pro and pro Maxes but now it's available on all iPhones and there's a lot of things you can do with this functionality uh let me go and give you a couple of quick examples so let's go into the music app here and we're going to go ahead and play a song and now if we go back to the home screen you'll see that it will show that music is playing and what you can do is actually press and hold on the dynamic iton to expand it and then you get your music controls right within uh the dynamic Island really great so you can quickly SK skip between your tracks uh change the audio source and also go and pause your music uh as well right from the dynamic Island another thing is let's say we add a timer so in the clock app we'll go into timers and let's do a 3-minute timer go ahead and start that and now as you can see no matter which app I'm in I can go to my settings for example I can see the status of that timer right so that will gradually empty as we as we approach the ending time and I can also press and hold on it to get more information so right at a glance within another app I can pause a timer I can cancel it I can quickly tap on it to open up the timer app or the clock app tap on it again to switch to music back to the clock back to music so it's also a great way to quickly switch and cycle between your recent apps and if I stop the music and if I go and stop this timer there we go swipe back home as you can see that will then disappear from the dynamic Island next let's talk about sound and haptic so to do this we're going to jump into the settings app here and scroll to where we find sound and haptics now there's a couple things I want to show you with the keyboard specifically if we scroll down and then tap on keyboard feedback out of the box the keyboard sound will be on where you can actually hear a little click sound every time you press a key uh this is something that personally I like to turn off as it kind of disturbs others around me and well even myself so I prefer to turn that off but what I do like to have on is the htic where the phone will vibrate ever so slightly with every key that you press kind of gives a more tactile feel so I like to have this on but you can choose to turn that off here as well and that's where you do that within the settings now we get to one of the most important parts of this video and this has to do with battery health and battery life as these are two really important components when it comes to uh how long your phone is going to last not just in terms of during the day but also in terms of longevity right how long is it going to last before that battery needs to be replaced you want to make sure you extend your battery health so let's go ahead and take a look at that first so in the settings app we're going to scroll to where we find battery and then here by the way we also have the option to show your battery percentage you can go ahead and toggle that on or off uh I like to have mine off but you can choose to have it on if you want to keep an eye on it uh but then if we tap on battery health and charging first of all you can see your maximum capacity of your battery and this here is the best indicator of what the battery health is like on your iPhone so normally speaking or according to Apple uh you want to be anywhere between 100 and 80% so once you're beneath that 80% Point your battery will start to drain more quickly you may even experience your phone shutting down randomly because the battery can supply the amount of volts it needs uh and that's the point really where you want to consider swapping out your battery uh to to really add some more life to your phone but but this normally speaking shouldn't happen 2 to 3 years down the road it shouldn't happen before then uh and you can really extend that or limit that from happening by extending your battery health right so one of the best ways to do that is to scroll down to where we find charging optimization and here we have two settings and these are really different so let me briefly explain each uh first here is optimize battery charging what this is going to do is kind of learn your charging habits so let's say uh before you go to bed at 11:00 p.m. you plug in your iPhone to charge and you wake up and unplug at 6:00 a.m. what it's going to do is at 11:00 p.m. when you charge your phone it's going to charge up to 80% and then wait with the remaining 20% till closer to when you wake up so right before 6:00 a.m. this means it's going to more slowly charge your phone and that's going to help preserve battery health over time but still ensure that you have a fully charged phone when you wake up now the option beneath that is the 80% limit now this takes it one step further by actually limiting the uh maximum charge of your phone from 100% bringing it down to 80% and this has shown in studies to preserve or to prolong rather battery health as it minimizes the wear but of course you are sacrificing 20% of your battery and for me this is not worth it for you it may be or for some it may be but that's something to consider with this setting so I think the first option here is really the sweet spot where it limits or rather staggers the charging to uh limit the wear on the battery but then also still gives you full capacity or access to your full batter's capacity and briefly while we're here uh talking about charging let me run you through the best ways to charge your phone if your goal is purely to maximum the battery performance or rather the battery health what you want to do is charge via cable so via a wired connection not mag safe or wirelessly and to use a lower watt charger for example 5 watt or 10 Watt and stay away from the higher Watt 20 to 30 watt Chargers while these May charge or while these will charge your phone faster uh they will also generate more heat just like wireless charging does and that will result more wear in the battery so again to maximize your battery performance definitely activate uh the optimized battery charging function as well as charge VI via cable overnight ideally with a 5 or 10 W charger to minimize the wear and to really maximize uh your battery health all right so now that we know how to preserve the battery health let's take a look at extending the battery life as of course you don't want your phone uh to die throughout the day and there's a few really essential settings that have huge impact on your battery life and the first has to do with notifications so we're going to go into settings here and then tap on notifications now from here what you're going to want to do is sort of do an audit go through all the applications on your phone and see which you want to allow or not allow notifications to come in from as chances are uh every application on your phone is going to want to send you notifications throughout the day and if you have 50 100 uh 200 notifications coming in throughout the day that is going to take a huge toll on your battery life over time and you add it all up so every time a notification comes in your phone is going to make a noise it's going to vibrate your screen is going to turn on uh not to mention that it's also going to disrupt you throughout the day so if you have less notifications coming in uh there also better for your well-being it means less distractions uh and really essentially the goal here is when your phone goes off you're going to want to make sure it is for a good reason something that is worth checking so my suggestion here uh is to turn off notifications from all applications for example uh your shopping apps uh app store for these things like that books right shopping apps uh utilities applications things that really don't need to be bothering me throughout the day and only keep on notifications for certain social media certain messaging apps or say finance apps right this way when your phone goes off you know it's something important so uh let me give you an example here Minecraft that's a great one that one does not need to be notifying me throughout the day so what I can do is tap this little button Here and Now notifications from the application are blocked of course the app will still run perfectly fine but you can see notifications are now off scrolling here to the top uh we also have the option whether or not to show applica uh notification previews so what this basically means is let's say you have a message that comes in one will show that you have a message and the other will show that you have a message but then also the first couple of lines of that message right that so that message is visible on screen I suggest to only show previews when your phone is unlocked is having it set to always would mean that anyone that looks at your phone can see uh the content of those notifications I suggest you set it to only show that when your phone is unlocked in other words when you're using your phone this is one of the many uh safety privacy and security tips that we're going to look at today I've got many more coming but this one here is one of them and I definitely suggest you set this to when unlocked now in a similar way that we sort of audited uh the number of notifications coming in you're going to want to do the same thing with background app refresh so on the main settings page tap on General and then scroll to where we find background app refresh chances are all of your applications are going to want to run in the background and many of them don't you do have the option up here to turn off for all applications this is something I wouldn't recommend as there are some apps that you would want running in the background for example your Maps application uh certain social media apps but other applications don't need to again shopping apps uh the apps store there eBay that doesn't need a run in the background uh Google Translate no ironing no uh certain apps here gaming you don't need that running as well but I like my music for example uh say Netflix I want to you know lose where you are in a show uh and I think most importantly really is just Maps right if you're following a location or you're uh you know you're exploring a new part of town you don't want to get lost you want to make sure that is up to date uh so really go through here and see which apps you do and which apps you don't want to allow running in the background as the more apps you have constantly running in the background the more battery that is going to take so be very selective here you can see I have probably half of mine off and as I'm going through this now I can see there's even more that I can turn off that I haven't already uh so great to do definitely on day one uh but also as you have your phone cuz again as you download new apps it'll be added to the list you just want to make sure that only uh only what you want running in the background is actually running in the background cool so next let's take a look at mobile data is this to is a big uh consumer of your battery life so let's go ahead and go to the main page here tap on mobile data Service uh and we can go ahead and look at mobile data options now the first thing you're going to want to change is your voice and data now chances are or out of the box this will either be set to 5G Auto or 5G on and what this means is under 5G Auto it's going to constantly look for 5G towers and then switch to them if you have one nearby uh for faster speeds but that also consumes a lot of battery not just looking for those 5G Towers but also using 5G it will take a lot more battery than for example 4G or LTE depending on where you are in the world so my advice is to actually switch this to 4G or may say LTE for you uh as this means you still get really good and reliable connections plus I also found that 5G is quite rare and I live in London which is you know very developed City but even here you don't get much 5G coverage but you do always have 4G so if you stop your phone from looking for 5G and just keep on those 4G networks those LTE networks you still get great speeds and more importantly you get a very reliable stable connection uh will save you a lot of battery so I suggest switching to 4G and LTE then if we go back we can scroll all all the way down here to where we find iCloud backup now if you have an iCloud backup setup which I highly recommend you do and we'll look more at that later uh you want to make sure that your backups are done regularly but you probably don't want them to be done over mobile data as it will take a lot of your data so chances are you don't have an unlimited data plan and it will also take a lot of battery while it does so rather do these backups say overnight when your phone is plugged into charge and on Wi-Fi so here you go you're going to want to make sure that you turn off iCloud backup and just to clarify turning off iCloud backup in this page here won't disable your iCloud backup it'll just make sure it doesn't do it on your mobile data and instead only does it on Wi-Fi great so I've got two more big battery tips to show you here and then we're going to move on to the next topic but battery is so important and I really want to get the most important ones out there uh and that has to do with mail so if we scroll down to where we find mail and then we're going to tap on accounts and then tap on fetch new data now first of all you're going to want to make sure that push is turned off as this means that your phone won't be constantly checking for new emails instead you wanted to fetch emails periodically so if we scroll if we scroll down here we can choose now how often it's going to check for new emails and you can also set this per account as you can see over here I like to just have it the same for all of them uh personally I like to set mine to every 30 minutes which is on the faster side I run you know I run my own business and having my emails up to date is really important uh so 30 minutes is the sweet spot for me I think for most probably hourly as good you can even set it to manually which means it won't check your emails unless you open the mail app I have actually tried manual and believe me the battery savings from that alone are already very substantial uh but I think 30 minutes is the sweet spot for me hourly for most and if you really want to save battery set it to manual and then the last battery saving tip has to do with Siri now Siri is great on your phone but how you use Siri really matters so if we go into the main settings page and then scroll to where we find Siri and search we have the option to enable or disable listen for I'm not going to read these two phrases out to activate your series uh but but chances are it's going to be set to either one of these and what this allows you to do is to basically sa the trigger word and then activate Siri which is great cuz it's handsfree but at the same time it will mean that your phone is constantly listening for those trigger words and that consumes battery and also can lead to Accidental triggers of Siri like for example uh just the other day I had an important Zoom meeting and I used the word seriously and it actually triggered my phone and that was kind of funny because Siri was like Hey I can't help you with that which I really really random but it has happened more than so I definitely recommend you actually turn this feature off not just for not for making sure that Siri doesn't accidentally trigger but more importantly it will save a lot of battery as instead what you want to do is trigger Siri by pressing the side button so that's here your sleep wake button if I go ah and press and hold that what's the temperature right now as you can see it's then going to pull up the weather uh and still work just like normal all you have to do is press and hold that s button to then trigger Siri manually and this means it won't be listening out for those phrases saving your battery and you won't have it accidentally start beneath that we find a really important security uh feature here and you're going to want to make sure that this is off which says allow Siri when locked you don't want your Siri to be accessible while your phone is locked as Siri cannot just be used to ask for the weather it can also be used to make calls to respond to messages uh you can do quite a lot with Siri to show your calendar for example uh so you don't want anyone to access that who wouldn't have the uh the right to really so make sure that when your phone is locked Siri is not accessible Okay so we've now gone a long way to maximizing your iPhone's battery health and also battery life let's take a look at some app specific features uh tips and tricks and some hidden functionality that you may not have known about and the first here has to do with imessage probably one of the most important apps here uh on your phone so what I'm going to do is quickly type out a message uh let me see hi I am on my way now see you soon there we go and go ahead and send that now let's say you make a mistake in that message or you want to or wish you wrote something else what you can do now is press and hold on that message and then the second secondary menu will pop up and that will give you the option to edit the message and then as you can see I can go ahead and change that so uh instead of saying I'm on my way now which I am not I can say uh I will be leaving in let's say I don't know 5 minutes or something this video might take longer than 5 minutes but 5 minutes for now go ahead and tap that little check mark and as you can see that message will then be updated now the recipient the person you're sending the message to will be able to see that the message has been edited as it will have that little edited icon underneath but they won't able to see the edit history now let's say I realize this video is going to take more than 5 minutes and I probably need another 15 or maybe 20 minutes and I want to undo that message entirely what I can also do is press and hold that message and then tap undo send and as you can see it's going to disappear entirely from the thread now just like before the person will be able to see that a message has been unsent but they won't be able to see the content of that message also important to note you can edit and unsend messages for up to 15 minutes after sending them this next tip here is especially great uh if you find yourself typing while on the go so you're walking by a busy street you got your coffee in one hand your phone in the other uh and it might just be a little bit tricky to reach to the other end of the keyboard with one hand especially if you have a pro Max or plus-size phone what you can do is press and hold the globe in the bottom left of your screen and tap on this little keyboard here on the left so we can go and change it either to the left side so I'm left-handed so I would have this function here as you can see it kind of brings the keys closer together and that makes it easier for your thumb to reach to the other side and thus much more comfortable to type with one hand you can simply press the arrow here uh to expand once again and if you're right-hand it you can choose the right side as well so the one-handed keyboard here uh doesn't just work in iMessage it actually works across iOS and I find it really easy to have and quite and use it quite often as you can see in this thread here I've sent a couple of pictures now one of the things I like about iMessage as opposed to say WhatsApp or uh Facebook Messenger is it doesn't degrade the quality of the photos and videos you send so if I send this picture here uh it will actually send the full quality image uh which I think is really important you know when I'm sharing these moments I want to make sure that the full quality version of that photo is sent uh but there is a setting you're going to want to make sure is not activated to ensure that you are actually sending the best possible quality so let's go and take a look here if I go into settings and then we're going to go back to where we find messages and then here all the way at the bottom of the page we have lowquality image mode and you're going to want to make sure that that setting is off as when it is off it's going to send you those full resolution photos as well as videos uh that you then share with friends and family of course you can choose to turn this on it will save you some mobile data if say you're on a very uh you know restrictive data plan uh can also save you a bit of storage as messages and the files within them do add up over time but personally I think it's worth it as uh sending those full quality images is best so you want if you want to do that make sure that this setting is off let's dive into notes now this is a great way to quickly store some ideas or make lists but let's say you have something a little bit more sensitive and you want to protect it you can actually lock a note and have it password or face ID protected so let's say here I have a note of my top tips and tricks for the iPhone very secretive uh what I can do is press and hold on that note and then tap on lock note and then I have to type in my uh so you can choose to enable face ID or your password so I'll go Ahad and tap that and as you can see my note is now locked you get this little lock icon here and I can go and open it but then if I tap on the bottom here lock note you'll see that lock is going to shut and the note is now locked and I'll need to either use face ID or type in my iPhone's password if it's not going to recognize my face here to enter that note as you can see we can also enter the password so this is just one added layer of protection for your notes I would definitely not recommend you store things like passwords uh or very sensitive information but let's say you have I don't know some contact details or something you just want to add one extra layer of protection uh this is a great way to do so from notes we're going to jump into photos there's some really cool features uh some specific to the iPhone 15s and other specific to iOS 17 that I want to show you so the first here uh has to do with having the ability to now adjust the level of depth of field of your photo after taking it now this particular feature is specific to the iPhone 15 and 15 Pros but let's say here I have this selfie here uh that I took on the street what I can go ahead and do is tap on the edit button and then here on the bottom left you'll find the portrait uh function if I go ahead and tap that if I zoom in a bit here I can actually adjust the level of depth of field after I take the photo so you can see we get a really blurry background really focus on me uh and what I can also do is actually change the focus point so let's say I want to focus on the background instead I can tap that or focus on myself this particular feature here I think is useful if say you have multiple people in the photo and you want to focus on one person versus the other you can go in and switch between them right after taking it so really cool uh that your phone will now capture this extra depth data to enable this feature uh and of course having a more shallow depth of field naturally adds a little bit of that cinematic look that DSLR look to your photo personally I don't like to overdo it I don't want it to be all the way over to the other side um but let's say like a midpoint is maybe maybe roughly there let's say F5 go and tap done and we can then save that another neat feature uh is having the ability to instantly crop your photo so for example here I can tap on this photo I'm a little bit off to the side so let's say I want to Center myself or I wanted to really fill the screen of my phone uh what I can do is actually tap on this crop button here on the top right and it will automatically crop to exactly where you've zoomed in that photo so not only will it now be the perfect aspect ratio for your phone if say you're picking a wallpaper or even for an Instagram upload right you typically want that to be a little bit taller uh it will also stick to exactly where you zoomed in as I find that the easiest way to crop a photo really is to just zoom in on your phone and let's say all right that's that's the sweet spot right there trap tap crop tap done and then boom instantly your phone or your photo has now been cropped super easy another really neat feature in photos is the ability to copy text from a photo so let's say here I'm at this tube station and I want to copy the name of that station all I have to do is press and hold on that photo on that text there as you can see it's automatically selected it and then I simply tap on copy and we can go into a notes document here let's create a new note and then go ahead and paste that as you can see the station name has just been copied super easily and right from the photo this is also great if say you have a product that you took a photo of you want to look up later uh you have a picture of a whiteboard from a meeting room or university lecture something like that great way to quickly copy and paste text right from your photos this next portion is dedicated to making the App Store better on your iPhone so app store is of course an excellent way to find and download new apps but there are definitely some things that I suggest you find tune so first of all let's go into settings and we're going to go back to the main page here and then tap on App Store there's a few key things that I highly recommend you change so first I recommend you turn off automatic app download so let's say for example you have an iPad alongside your iPhone or you may even have two phones right a work phone or a personal phone uh and you download one app on one you may not want that app to then automatically download on all of your devices as well as of course it's going to take up storage and I have a lot of apps for example that I have on my iPad that are iPad specific right or uh apps that are you know specific to work I want them only on my work phone and on on my personal phone so turning off this feature will mean that apps don't automatically download across your devices what I do recommend you turn on though is app updates as this means your apps will automatically update again usually overnight when your phone is charging uh and this means you'll have the latest security updates you'll have the latest features and patches so you want to make sure that the apps that are on your phone that you do use are always up to date and this here will enable that and then scrolling down here uh going back to mobile data we looked at earlier uh you're going to want to make sure that it doesn't automatically download updates while you're on mobile data as again that's going to take up battery it's going to take up uh mobile data as well so just turn that off and then if you are in the App Store and say you do choose to download an app or to start a download of an app that is quite large it will warn you if it is over 200 megabytes you can actually change that limit there as well uh to sort of let you know okay you can download this if you want it will be quite large though and will'll probably take a fair bit of your mobile data maybe better to do that at Wi-Fi on Wi-Fi when you're home and this one here is crucial uh inapp ratings and reviews now I like to leave reviews for applications that I genuinely enjoy using or have some critical feedback for but I want to do that out of my own will out of my own accord right I don't need to be reminded every time I open the app to leave a review so if you turn this feature off the app will not be able to ask you directly and instead you just choose to leave a review or not beneath that we have an interesting option and this is called offload unused apps now this one has pros and it has cons if say you are constantly uh find yourself getting your phone getting full right you're nearing the maximum storage what this is going to do is automatically erase or remove apps that you don't use often and this is a good way to save some storage but will mean that if you find an app and it has been erased you first will need to redownload that application in order to be able to use it and that's something that I don't like so it is something that I choose to turn off but again if you do want an easy way to save some storage uh this can be useful to have on this next section uh is all about calls I know hard to believe phone are still used for calls these days uh but this has to do with basically making sure that you no longer have any accidental Hang-Ups by pressing the side button so I don't know about you but if I'm on a call for example I will often put my phone in my pocket right use my airpods and then I'll press the side button to lock my screen however if you don't enable the setting I'm about to show you that that action will actually end the calls I've had definitely some accidental Hang-Ups and to basically eliminate that from happening what we're going to do is tap on the settings app and scroll to where we find access ability then tap on touch scroll down to where we find prevent lock to end call and you're going to want to make sure that that is on and this means that when you're on a call you press the side button your phone will sleep but your call will continue and this brings us to airdrop now airdrop is a great way to quickly share files between your Apple devices iPhone to iPhone or to your Mac Etc uh but there's one setting that I do recommend you change if we go into General and then tap on airdrop you have the option to turn on or off bringing devices together now having this option on what it basically means that if you have another iPhone and you kind of hold it towards the top of your phone those two phones will automatically connect and that makes it in a way easier to share files however I find it to often accidentally trigger and personally I carry two phones in my pocket I have my work phone and my personal phone and when I have the two in the same pocket they're going to be constantly vibrating and like connecting to each other and I don't need that to happen I rather just send airdrop files in the more traditional way where you just tap airdrop in the share menu and then pick your device rather than having to hold it close uh I also think that this is also from a security perspective will make it harder for say a stranger to you know connect to your phone uh so I suggest turning off bringing devices together mostly for The Accidental triggers but also for security next let's take a look at optimizing your iPhone's display as the newer iPhones have truly excellent displays uh but there are ways to make them even better so what we're going to do is in settings we are going to scroll down to where we find display and brightness now first here we have the option to CH to switch between your light and dark mode and as you can see switching between them will completely change the look of of your UI and I think both modes actually have pros and cons so I like to use both so therefore I turn on automatic and what that means is depending on the specific schedule that I have it's going to be in light or dark mode so it's going to be in light mode from 7:00 a.m. till 10: p.m. and then during the night it'll be in dark mode it's just a little bit less uh draining on the eyes it's a little bit easier right to have a darker display to look at so you want to check something at night but then during the day I do find that the light mode is easiest to read as well especially when outdoor so i' like to get the best of both so you can actually set to a custom time schedule or even with the position of the sun up next here if we scroll down uh we can choose to turn on or off true tone now let me go and turn this on to show you what this does as you can see it basically makes my display a little bit warmer right it makes it look a little bit more orange-ish uh the whites aren't going to be as bright or white or blue instead they are a little bit uh well warmer and the whole point of this basically is it's going to adjust the temperature of your display to match the your surroundings so I'm currently my studio with daylight uh lights pointing at me and as you can see see the phone will be a little bit warmer that's I find that's typically what it does and the whole point here is to make the display more comfortable to look at and so it's a little bit less straining on your eyes and I think this actually goes a long way and does make a difference um however the one area where I would suggest you don't use this function is if say you're editing photos or videos as at that moment you want the colors of your display to be as accurate as possible and adding this slightly warmer tone would obviously jeopardize that right you don't want because that would affect how you edit your photos so in that instance turn it off but normally speaking I like to turn turn this on and there's also a quicker way to activate or dis disactivation gets emitted from your phone now blue light has been shown to have impact on your Sleep Quality it can cause headaches for some and especially when you're using your phone at night blue light can be very disruptive so this feature here will limit that blue light so it is something that I do like to use but again on a very specific schedule not during the day as it will just change the colors of my phone way too much but at nights I don't mind this if I'm reading text or I'm I don't know looking browsing online or something uh I'd rather have it be a little bit more uh comfortable for the eyes but then during the day I suggest you turn this off so having it on a schedule I think is the best option beneath that we have the option to change the auto lock timer this basically means how long can your phone be left unattended before it automatically locks itself now the shorter you set the time uh of course it will save more battery and it will also be more secure if say you leave your phone unlocked somewhere you probably want it to lock sooner rather than later but if you set it to 30 seconds that may be too soon right CU you don't want it to constantly lock having to unlock it so I find The Sweet Spot is anywhere from 2 to 3 minutes I think it's really up to you what you choose however the one setting that I definitely recommend you stay away from is never two reasons for this one it can obviously drain your battery if you put your phone in your pocket in your bag and you forget to lock it uh and two is iPhones particularly the 15s have what are called OLED displays and these are displays that are really excellent however they are prone to burning and burning can occur if say a static image is on your uh phone for an extended period of time and that can lead to parts of that image permanently being burned in to your display so for example the clock or this this 3 minutes time for example uh you'll literally be able to read that text very finely on your display permanently and there's no fix for this so a great way to prevent burning from happening over the long term is to actually limit your auto lock and set it shorter so again keep stay away from never I suggest 2 to 3 minutes that's the sweet spot for most just underneath that we have the option to enable or disable race to wake and what this means is when your phone is off and on a table you pick it up will it automatically wake the display or not this is a feature that I like to have on I find it useful as this means when I pick up my phone I just have to swipe up to unlock as opposed to First having to tap the display or press the side button to wake it up but if you are really conscious about saving battery this is one you could consider turning off as well now the last setting here in the display has to do with the text size now what text size is best for you will depend it's very subjective of course uh naturally in the middle I think it's a good place to start personally though I like to have it slightly on the smaller side and that's because it will allow for more text to be on screen at a time so if you're reading long messages you're reading emails you'll be able to see more of it of course the text will be smaller uh so if your eyesight isn't perfect or if say you need stronger glasses you may want to slide it here to the right to make it more easy to see but this here shows what I mean so you can see that this same line of text takes up three lines when you have the larger size and we scroll it here to the left it will only take up two so you see more space efficient here uh the further to the left you have it the smaller the text but then of course the easier to read the further you have it to the right so start with the middle but for me the sweet spot usually would be one of these two just a couple clicks to the left great so we've now optimized the display on your iPhone let's take a look at some more features and this here is one of my favorite features on iOS 17 and that is called standby mode so before we look at the feature itself you're going to want to make sure it is activated so in settings here you're going to scroll down to where you find standby and then make sure that standby is on what I'm going to do now to demonstrate the standby feature uh is lock my phone and then here I have a MAG safe wireless charger I'm then going to put my phone on to charge and as you can see it's an on automatically going to enter the standby modes it will show me the clock it will show me the weather I can also scroll through uh different uh feature features here so I've got for example my calendar I have reminders I can also scroll through photos uh or even a larger clock I think you can also have a world clock here yep there we go uh so this is a great way if you say you have your phone up on your desk to still show information but not be as distracting as your chances are you're not going to grab your phone as easily or as likely as it will just show that essential information again your clock or your reminders I like to have like a to-do list or the weather um and do so in a really presentable good look way I think this works really well too uh as a nightstand if say you have your phone next to your bed you just want the clock showing and nothing more we've now come to one of the most important parts of this video and that has to do with improving the security of your iPhone there's so much personal data that is on your phone and you're going to want to make sure it is secure so to do this there's a few different settings and the first I want to show you is within the face ID setting so in the main page here we're going to tap on face idid and passcode then with the type in our password so in here the first thing we can do is decide what you want face ID to do whether it just be to unlock your phone but also to authenticate payments or autofill passwords now in this case I think face ID is very secure and I suggest you uh keep all these on as these are really convenient features to have um beneath that you also have the option to add an alternative appearance so if say uh ladies you may have different hairstyles you wear your hair up or down uh men you may have beards uh or uh I don't know sunglasses or something and that sometimes can make face ID a little bit difficult to recognize you so if you set up an alternative appearance with that different look I find it'd be a great way to get around that and kind of similarly to that you can also set up face ID with a mask where it basically requires an additional uh additional scan and that will make it easier to use or really able to use face ID while you're wearing a mask although we're not really doing that as much these days uh but still I like to have this on just to have the function there now if we go ahead and scroll down uh this is a really important security feature and that is to require attention for face ID so what does this mean well let's say I want to unlock my phone if you turn this feature off all that has to happen is face ID has to see my face but I could be looking off to the side to the left or right but it will still unlock my phone if I turn on require attention that means I have to actually look at my phone in order for it to unlock so it's just that one additional layer of security that I definitely recommend you turn on and then if we scroll down further here this is probably the most important section uh of this topic and that has to do with allow access when locked and what this basically is going to determine is what you want your phone to be able to do when it is locked and ideally pretty much nothing so I would suggest to start turn all of these off for example you don't want someone to be able to access your wallet when your phone is locked to respond to a message on your behalf or to access Siri or to plugin accessories like say a computer or a hard drive to potentially Access Data that's on your phone so I suggest you turn all these off you can see I do have two on and those are pretty innocent I would say or pretty secure rather or safe to have on uh the first has to do with your lock screen widgets so the ones we set up earlier to be able to see the uh weather and beneath that is the live activities and that's going to be that activity ring that fills up here on my Apple watch and I want to show that on my phone as well and I want that to be updated at all times that's fine even if my phone is locked so I have two Exceptions there but the rest I turn off highly recommend you do the same another feature I highly recommend if we scroll down is erase data now if your phone is lost or stolen chances are the first thing that person is going to try to do is guess your password to get into your phone what this means is after 10 failed attempts of entering your password your data is basically going to automatically erase itself what this means is if say your phone is lost or stolen and when your phone is no longer safe your data will be so I definitely recommend you turn this feature on but it is important to have a backup and we'll look at that in a sec another important security uh feature here is if we go to the uh main page of the settings page we're going to tap on General and then tap on software update and click on automatic updates now you're going to want to make sure that at the very least security responses and system files are automatically on this means that security updates will automatically install overnight these are of course top priority as I think these are more important than new features you always want the latest security updates so this here enables that uh but personally I also want the latest features so I also choose to turn on iOS updates in general and this means my phone will automatically update I think iOS does a great job uh at doing it specifically say overnight or when you're not using your phone uh unlike for example Windows which will just kind of update when it wants to you may be in the middle of a spreadsheet no when it wants to update it will update iPhones thankfully and I think Macs as well are a little bit more uh give you a little bit more control and let you choose when to update also let you know in advance and again typically do it overnight so usually never uh never disrupts me another really important security feature has to do with Wi-Fi so if we tap into Wi-Fi and if we scroll down you can see we have the option to ask to join Network so we going and tap into that we can either have this to ask notify or off and what this is basically going to mean is will it automatically join networks that are free and open so let's say you're in public you're at a Starbucks uh do you want it to automatically try to join that Starbucks Wi-Fi yes or no my suggestion is no I would never want my phone to automatically join a network without me knowing it as so often particularly in public right you can't always trust those uh public Wi-Fi networks even if they look free or they look authentic they may not be so I suggest you turn this off and it won't ask you to join a Wi-Fi network when you are say out and you don't have any Wi-Fi it'll just use mobile data of course you can always still go through your Wi-Fi list and choose manually uh which one you do or don't want to connect to great so now that we've made our phone more secure let's make our phone more private as of course these days more than ever so much of our personal uh information is on our phone from our emails our messages our finance information banking all that uh so you're going to want to make sure that you're aware of what app has access to what information and then be in control of that so you can enable or disable uh as you will so uh there's a few settings here that are really crucial and most of them can be found in the privacy and security tab in your settings app we're going to go and tap into that uh and then first tap on location services and if we scroll down we'll find a list of all the applications on your phone that have requested to see your location now I suggest you go through each of these applications and see does this app really need to have my location uh or is it just asking to gather more data right so to give an example uh let's say I have Instagram Instagram is one that I will allow it to see my location while I'm using the application uh but it won't be able to see my precise location as if I'm tagging a location for a post I don't want it to be precise right I just want it to be rough like say the city or the town I'm in but not the precise location so you can actually choose to turn that on or off for specific applications and then here you have several options I think are really important so you have the option also to select never so for example uh if I go through my list here let's say Shazam Shazam is a great app I love using it but there's no reason for it to need access to my location so I said that to never however there are other apps that I think like Instagram sometimes will have reasonable access to my location but only when I'm using the app never always I think that is really the most essential thing is if you scroll through this list and any of these says always really make sure that you're 100% aware and okay with that otherwise stop it from being always like no app that I can think of should reasonably have the ability to always track your location so you can see that mine are basically all set uh to while using uh and some are set to never as well so and looking through this there's definitely a few that I can set to never uh and also take a look at the specific location so another one another good example here is news so when I'm traveling I do want up toate news to the location where I am so I want it to be uh let's say uh accurate to the region I'm in so I do allow it to have my location while I'm using the app but not the precise location right it doesn't need to know what street I'm in it just needs to know what city I'm in and beneath location services uh we have tracking Now tracking is basically an application's ability to see what other applications you have on your phone uh your uh browsing data as well so seeing what websites you visit and honestly while it is good that Apple's put a uh sort of a notification between an app being able to ask you to track you versus you automatically being tracked I don't even want an app to be able to ask me to be tracked so turning off this feature means the app won't even have the chance to ask you then if we scroll down we also have photos and photos here I think is really interesting uh because so many apps will want access to your photos but most don't need to and I think most are actually best off with limited access access and this means that you can actually choose specifically which photos you want that app to have access to so if I take eBay for example uh you can see that I can either disallow access to my photos uh entirely by tapping on none I can allow full access to you can see 5,000 photos nearly 200 videos or I can limit the access to specific photos so let's say I've taken some photos for a listing or something and I do want to share those so I can limit the access and then manually select which photos I wanted to access and you can edit that here if you tap on edit um but most applic don't need access to your full Library so you can see I've set mine most of mine to limit here uh I think actually Instagram is another one I'm going to set that to limit and then there you go your uh photos Library will pull up you can manually select which photo so it is one little extra step but it does mean your photos are much more secure as it won't enable an application to see all your photos your videos U Etc so again most of them I suggest you set to limit access and be very wary of which ones are on full access and basically the same Theory applies applies to every single menu item here another two that are really important I think are camera and microphone I'm not going to run through them as it's the same as with the previous ones but go through each of these ones and basically enable or disable whichever apps you don't want to have access to your camera these are really core functions of your phone again the most important I think is location services uh maybe your photos as well but really go through know your phone and know which apps have access to what as there's a lot of apps that will if you give them the ability to access pretty much everything that's on your phone uh this is a great way to stop that and really ensure that you have some control over your data and how it's shared sort of on the subject of security uh and privacy let's take a look at some emergency and SOS features so if we scroll down in the main settings page we tap on emergency SOS there's a few really uh powerful features that I suggest you turn on and the first here has to do with call after a serious crash and this is basically crash detection so this is not specific to the Apple watch you also get this in your iPhone so if your iPhone detects you've been in a car crash and you don't respond to a prompt on screen it will automatically call Emergency Services on your behalf share your location and also notify your emergency contact so a very powerful feature you hope to never need but is still uh good to have on in the background just for that extra reassurance another feature I find quite uh useful as well is call with five presses so if you press the side button and the uh sleep wake button five times say while your phone is in your pocket it will automatically start a call with emergency services so if say you're ever in a scenario where you need to subtly make such a call uh you have the ability to do so never had to use it never hope to use it uh but it is good to know it is there and lastly we're going to look at backing up because you may recall earlier we looked at a feature that will basically erase all the data that is on your phone if there's 10 failed password attempts and this is great uh again from a saf from a security perspective and privacy perspective but you do want to make sure that there's an upto-date backup of your phone somewhere and I to me iCloud really is the best way to do so so if we scroll to the top of the settings page tap on your name tap on iCloud and then what you're going to do is scroll down and enable iCloud backup and go ahead and turn that on now uh few things to know about this first with iCloud you will only have 5 GB of storage for free uh which is not a lot and probably won't be enough to back up your phone so you will have to pay for extra storage but this is one of the few Apple services that I can wholeheartedly recommend uh as it is only1 or $2 for 50 GB I think I think two or $3 for 200 GB which is what I have you have my backup here of my main phone um and what this basically going to do is ensure that there's always a up-to-date backup of your phone every single thing on your phone from your contacts to your photos to your apps uh even your logins right everything will be saved in this backup and this will back up every day overnight when your phone is on Wi-Fi you never notice it's happening it's very subtle runs in the background really great uh what that basically means is if say your phone is lost or stolen it sucks because that's obviously a very big loss and you know a big financial burden but then you buy a new phone and then you can restore from that backup and literally have the exact same phone like even your wallpaper will be carried over the way your home screen is arranged uh everything is there so what that basically ensures is minimal disruption to you you don't have to worry about moving things over again copying you know finding new contacts everything is just there uh so highly recommend an iCloud backup to everyone I've been using it for years and I use it here for my main phone my 15 Pro Max uh see quite a large backup so I believe I'm on the 200 GB plan uh but really really great to know that if ever my phone is lost my data not only is it secure because of that erase data option it is also still safe and I can still access it through this backup all right congratulations my friends you have made it to the end of this video You're now officially an iPhone Pro user if this video was helpful to you then be sure to subscribe to the channel for more content like this I need to make some tea and honey from all this talking uh but I really I'm really grateful if you've made it to the end of the video thank you so much uh be sure to subscribe for more content like this thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Tech Book By Dion
Views: 61,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 15, iphone 15 tips and tricks, iphone 15 guide, iphone 15 pro tips and tricks, iphone 15 pro, iphone 15 tips, iphone 15 settings, iphone 15 pro settings, iphone 15 first things to do, iphone settings to change, iphone tips and tricks, iphone guide, iphone 15 hidden features, iphone hidden features, iphone 15 save battery, iphone 15 pro battery, iphone tutorial, iphone 15 pro max, iphone 15 plus, iphone 15 beginners guide, ios 17, how to iPhone, apple tutorial
Id: JmG0XBfSqg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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