Samsung Galaxy A54 5G Tips and Tricks + Hidden Features | A54 5G | H2TechVideos

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foreign today I'm going to show you some of my favorite tips and tricks and hidden features on the Samsung Galaxy a54 this phone does so many things that you cannot keep count there's so many amazing things that it does and I just want to teach you a couple of my favorite uh things that it does and some things you'll need to change in your settings to make sure you're having the best experience with this phone so make sure you watch the video all the way to the end so you don't miss any of these really cool tips and tricks let's Jump Right In the first thing I want to show you is a cool feature in the camera that's going to make it easier for you to take selfies um with your voice so let's go to the camera and in the upper left corner go to the settings wheel and from here we're going to go down to shooting methods and turn on voice commands now when you turn on voice commands this will allow you to take a selfie with your voice all you have to do is say one of these commands here so you can say smile cheese capture or shoot um you can even say record video and it'll automatically trigger the camera to start recording let me show you really quickly so we're in the camera here I'm going to change it over to the front camera just so you can see what the camera sees and I'm gonna say one of those hot words cheese the cool thing too is it will start a timer I believe a three second timer so you'll have some time to count down so you know those moments when you're holding the camera and everybody's ready and sometimes it's hard to reach the shutter button well guess what you don't have to worry about that just yell one of those hot words like cheese and it's automatically going to count down and capture that picture for you so that is our first hidden feature and just so you know there's so many amazing ones to go if you didn't know that one make sure you bump that like button okay here's gonna be our next tip now again the video is going to be a combination of tips and tricks and hidden features so I'm gonna say tip but some of these are going to be tips some of them are going to be hidden features so on this phone uh one one of the cool things you get with higher end Samsung phones is what is called the app Edge now this is on the home screen you'll see this little gray bar right here and just sliding over from the edge of the screen onto the screen will open up this app Edge and allow you to get to apps quicker now at the top here it's going to show you the last three apps that you used and it'll keep them quick at your fingertips and these five apps you can actually change to whatever your favorite apps are so we're going to come down and tap on this little pencil here and I want to change these five apps and I want to set specific apps to be my favorite so I can get to them faster so each app has a little uh minus in the corner and tapping on that minus will get rid of those apps I'm going to get rid of those two I want to keep my messages I want to keep YouTube and I want to keep Google Chrome but you know what I want to add Amazon because I love to shop on Amazon so I tapped on that Amazon is now on our list and I can come down here and you know what maybe you want to have your email be that last app right there now we have five shortcuts and if you come up to the top here in the upper right corner tap on these three dots you can also change the setting so that it won't show your last three apps here if I turn this off guess what now I have more room to add more apps so guess what you may want to add let's see your LinkedIn and your Google Maps hey you may want to add to your phone as well so guess what this is a total right now of eight apps you don't have to stop at eight you can have even more than that we can keep going and but as you keep adding it's going to make the list even bigger so you'll have more room so now when you swipe like this just swipe onto the screen now those apps are always right at your fingertips and easy to get to for you to use them so that's one thing here is the second thing so there are more of these little things that are called edges that you can access so if we swipe down from the top oh excuse me if we swipe over just like that and we tap on this little settings wheel that's off to the side now if you notice it already has gone away so you have to tap it quickly or it goes away swipe over tap on this settings wheel this will take us to our panel menu and it will allow you to enable a few other panels that are there so the people uh Edge panel is the other one I recommend that you use now you'll see there's a bunch in here you can play around with take some time look through here see if there's more you like also if you tap on the Galaxy store it'll give you a list of even more panels that are available so spend spend some time and play around in there I'm going to hit the home button swipe over and now if I swipe again like this now I have what is called the people Edge I'm going to tap allow allow contacts and now I can add contacts in here so guess what maybe your mom your sister your cousin whoever it is hit the plus and you can search for their contact in your phone you add that person and now you'll have them as a shortcut you'll be able to I didn't add anybody for the sake of the video but you'll have little pop-ups of your contacts all you're going to do is just tap on their picture and then it will allow you to call that person or text that person so this is just another cool feature that you'll want to enable so that now your contacts are going to be easier to get to and to communicate with because they'll be in your app Edge now just swiping will allow you to jump back and forth between your app Edge and your people Edge so that is our next tip let's move on to our next one I want to show you how to run two apps at one time this is one of my favorite features I use it all the time so I'm gonna have YouTube at the top of screen and at the bottom of the screen I want to have Google Chrome open is I want to be able to search the web while I'm watching a YouTube video so tap on your Google folder to do this is super easy you just need to open each app first just like this so I'm going to open YouTube right then hit the home button now I'm going to open up Google Chrome hit the home button now I'm going to tap on my recent apps button in the bottom left corner right here I want to swipe over to YouTube because I want you to to be at the top of the screen I have to go to YouTube first tap on the icon and then tap open in split screen view that's going to move YouTube to the top of the screen and then I'm going to come down here tap on Google Chrome and now guess what I'm going to go in I'm gonna play this video here so guess what this video is going to start going at the top of the screen and also one more thing for videos if you tap on the video and tap on this button here it'll bring it open into full screen so it can use all that top real estate so guess what my video is playing at the top and at the bottom I'm I'm in Google Chrome but or actually yeah I'm in Google Chrome but I'm on the Amazon website so I'm actually browsing through Amazon shopping while I'm watching the video so this is a really cool way to multitask run two apps at one time this is also going to be supported in the landscape position so if you rotate the phone it will allow you to continue to interact with one side while the other side is going if you tap on these three dots in the center of the screen and hit this button here it will allow you to move them to different sides of the screen as well now when you're all done with split screen and you want to go back to full screen with one app you're just gonna put your finger on the three dots in the center and just drag to the right and that will take you out of the split screen and back to Again full screen mode just like that all right so now you know how to multitask next let's talk about another really cool feature called the quick launch camera this is going to allow you to launch the camera anytime to make sure you don't miss any important moments now all you have to do is double tap on the power button two times just like this it's going to automatically open the camera and allow you to take a picture cheese we're going to use that first tip cheese there we go we're going to use that first tip as well kind of mix those two together now even if the phone is off you can still double tap it'll automatically wake up the phone and take you right to the camera so you can take a picture now even if you have a password on the phone it will also bypass the password and allow you to take a picture now if you want to get in to see the picture after you will need to unlock the phone to be able to change the or to see the picture now this is a really cool feature but some of you might say oh that's pretty cool but you know what I would rather be able to do something different with that double tap and you know what that's going to move into our next tip we're going to show you how to change the double tap function to launch a different app instead of launching the camera so you're going to swipe down from the top of the screen swipe down a second time and when you do that you'll notice you have a power button at the top of the screen FYI this is a digital power button so tapping it will actually take you to the options to power off your phone restart it or open your emergency call function it'll also give you a pop-up for the side key settings now tap on the side key settings here and this will allow you to change what double pressing the power button actually does so right now it launches the quick launch camera feature but we can change it and just say hey I just wanted to open an app so now I can say you know what I would rather be able to double tap that and go right to my text messages well now if I double tap the power button it'll open up my text messages so really cool you can change that button let me show you again how to do it swipe down from the top of the screen swipe down again tap on the power button here and then go to side key settings and now you can say hey you know what instead of messages I'm going to tap settings here I want to pick a different app I would rather that launch my voicemail for example now it'll take you right to your voicemail app so whatever you want that double tap press to open you can change it following those steps now let's move on to our next tip I want to show you um this cool feature called the always on display now when you power the phone off there is a setting you can turn on that will basically show you the time now this feature is called the always on display now the way the default settings are set up for the phone you have to tap the screen one time to be able to see the time now for some of you guys you may like that but for me I personally want to see that clock all the time it's nice to be able to glance down to your phone and always see the time so there's a way to change this in the settings so that every time your screen goes off you'll always be able to see the time and it's not going to be a big train on your battery what we're going to do swipe down from the top of the screen tap on the settings wheel we're gonna swipe up and go to lock screen and then we're going to go to always on display and go here and we're gonna just change the settings from tap to show to show always now if I put the phone asleep it's gonna automatically have my clock showing on the screen I love this and for those of you that you know find yourself in a meeting or in a long conversation it's nice to be able to just simply glance at your phone and have the time right there for you all right for our next tip I want to show you how to turn on and use the one-handed mode feature while this is a great phone it's very long and so it can be hard to reach the top of the screen to change settings so you'll want to turn on this feature called the one-handed mode it's going to make it easier for you to use the phone you guessed it with one hand we're going to swipe down from the top of the screen upper right corner go to the settings wheel go to Advanced features and then go to one-handed mode and we're going to turn this on first second we're going to tap on one-handed mode and we're going to change this from gesture to button the gesture method is just not the easiest to use so I personally just like to use the button function now the way this works all you have to do is tap the home button two times and it'll automatically shrink your screen down so if you're holding the phone and hey you're trying to reach the top of the screen instead of having to reposition the phone in your hand simply tap the home button two times it's going to shrink the screen down and make it easier for you to swipe down from the top of the screen just like this and now you can easily interact with the phone with one hand that is the one-handed mode so Game Changer just makes life so much easier now on in the same vein of being able to reach apps easier I want you to notice something or I want to point out something that you've probably already noticed when you open up these folders here it can be a little challenging trying to reach the apps same thing when you're holding the phone with one hand and you're holding it kind of low in your hand if I open this folder it's a little hard to reach these top three apps at the top but there is a an app you can download that's going to give you some new customization that's going to make it easier for you to reach apps in folders so here's what you're going to do go to the Galaxy store app here on the home screen and if yours is now on the home screen no problem simply swipe up and you'll see the app right here on the screen tap on Galaxy store and at the top of the screen tap on the magnifying glass and type in the word good luck there's an app called good luck that gives you uh access to all these other customizable features that you normally would never know about this is an app um that is it is basically it encompasses a lot of smaller apps that have been developed by different Samsung developers and they basically give you access to all these extra features that you can tweak and adjust to customize your phone so the app does a ton I'm only going to focus on just a few of the main features uh for this specific tip I want to show you but this is another section I would tell you spend some time playing around with it there's some cool things in here okay so sorry the app had to update itself so it's updated now we're going to go in the upper right corner tap on the settings wheel or excuse me the magnifying glass and we're going to type in good Locke l-o-c-k and we're going to download this app here and it's going to install on the phone now within this app there are uh sort of sub apps or smaller apps that you're going to download we're all done let's tap here to open the app and we're gonna so there's two sections here you'll find there is makeup and there's life up so make sure you're in the makeup section and we're going to just swipe up here and go through some of the apps you see and look for the app that's called home up and tap on this little down arrow to download this particular app again it's an app within an app we're gonna download home up and this is going to give us the extra customization when it comes to our home screen now let's hit our back button we're going to go back to good luck and it should be at the top of the screen once you install an app within the app it always shows up at the top we're going to tap on home up tap on start and allow to give it permission and then we're going to turn it on and go to folders and turn on for a pop-up folder like this and now if I hit the home button if I tap on this folder you're going to notice it's going to open but it's going to open much smaller so that you're able to reach the apps easier like this see that so it actually opens much lower so guess what now I can reach all the apps in the folder Game Changer and in case you forgot what it looks like let's turn this off and then let's open this folder and you can see how much bigger it's open right now if we go back turn it on again and go to that folder so much easier to now reach these apps you guys I don't know why this isn't automatically turned on but Samsung if you're watching this video and you're listening turn this on stock I don't know why this is not just a part of the OS it should be but anyway now it's going to be so much easier for you to open your folders using this uh sub app within good lock so hey you're welcome okay so moving on to our next tip this is something really important that I just want to briefly cover and it's something that you'll need to spend some time setting up for yourself um it's super important and it's something that could save your life in the event of an emergency so don't just skip past this section this is setting up the emergency mode of your phone and if it have an emergency you'll be able to contact UM basically emergency contacts that you have set up in your phone and you'll be able to basically input your medical information into the phone so let's just say you're diabetic and you haven't had you know sugar and you fainted guess what someone could actually pick up your phone and they could actually go to the emergency mode and they could see your medical condition that's listed in the phone um that's just one of many examples of ways that this could be helpful for you but let me show you a couple of things you'll need to know in terms of using it and setting it up so first thing swipe down from the top of the screen swipe down again let's tap on the power button here now okay this is what we're talking about but before we go into it I want you to make this change tap on side key settings and come down to where it says press and hold this is referring to the power button change this from wake up Bixby to power off menu that's the first thing now let's hit our back button and now if I hold the power button it's going to take me to that menu so that's the first thing super important do that step first the next thing tap on emergency call this is going to take you to your emergency call section of the phone and here uh if you had this open you could easily call like your emergency contacts that you set up in the phone so like for myself I might have like my wife my mom my sister my dad my brother guess what emergency happens and I have to contact them very quickly to let them know that like I'm in danger or something's happening guess what all I have to do is hold my power button tap emergency call and I am right at my emergency contacts to be able to call them quickly to tell them I'm in trouble I think that's super important and something every single person who has this phone should have set up now here's the second thing and this might be more relevant to some than others but again important to go over if I tap on a few medical information in here I can have um information about maybe um different medical challenges that I have so that let's say I'm about to faint and guess what no one is going to know why I faces and what's happening if I had a few seconds and I could simply you know hold the power button tap emergency call and tap on medical info if you fainted and on your phone it's showing your medical information hey this person is diabetic or this person has this condition now if if a medical personnel shows up they would know how to treat you properly because they would know what's going on so this is what the section looks like now to set it up you need to go to your hit the home button swipe down tap on the settings wheel and in the settings you'll need to go to the safety and emergency section of the phone and first tap on emergency contacts and then here you would just simply tap and start adding your contacts in you know again specifically the contacts you would want to be on your emergency list okay and let's go back the second thing is go to Medical info hit confirm and here you can put in all the important information who you are what is your condition what are your allergies what are your current medications blood type medical notes address organ donor everything so now all of that is programmed into your phone so hey you're about to faint you hold that power button you tap emergency call you call someone hey I'm I'm light ahead I'm about to fame I need you to come get me and guess what now that person knows you're in trouble and it'll still be showing your medical information on the screen okay now here is the last thing and this is probably the most important thing and it sort of supersedes some of the things I said before this so the third thing is what is called emergency SOS now tap here so it's already enabled but if you tap here um this is showing you if you press the side button five times it'll automatically trigger the emergency SOS feature what this is going to do is it's going to call 9-1-1 and it's going to share your information with your emergency contacts so all the people that you have programmed into the phone guess what they are now going to get a text message or or in fact let's let's turn it on you obviously have to enable it first okay so emergency sharing needs this information so contacts SMS it's going to send them a message uh via SMS it's going to send your location hey where am I and it's going to turn on the microphone and it's going to start recording what it hears and then it's also giving some additional information it's going to record microphone it's going to record video and basically it's just gathering information on what's happening right now so now it's telling us hey add a contact in okay so we'll add someone in here go back to add and let's say I'm going to just tap on this random number here hit done and let's go back so now it says hey send a message to your emergency contacts let them know you need help messages will include your location and a warning if your phone's almost out of battery message won't be sent if you've reached your limit obviously that's if you have like you know a capped amount of text messages and it says hey take a picture with the front and the rear camera including the message and it's going to attach a five second audio recording of what's Happening so this is basically alerting your important people hey I'm in trouble I need your help here's a picture here's audio of what's happening right now and my location so you can come find me so you're going to hit start emergency sharing and it tells you a message will be sent to your emergency contacts for up to 24 hours so you will at least have some updated information you know to know what's happening with that person we're going to hit start and that's it so these are sort of the three things you need to set up to really make the most of the emergency SOS feature so you're gonna programming your emergency contacts you're going to input your medical information and then you have to turn on emergency sharing doing these three things or setting you up so if there is an emergency guess what the people that you know and love are alerted and they can hopefully find you and help you okay so let's try it really quickly so you know exactly what it's going to look like one two three four five so it does count down just just in case just in case you have hit it by accident it will start making noise and count down and let you know to turn it off it was if it was an accident and if not it's basically it has 10 seconds before it's going to send out that blast and it's going to take that picture and record the audio so I've spent a lot of time on that but I just man you know what I'm so happy that Samsung is really adding in these extra features because like this could save someone's life and so I want to encourage you whoever is watching this video set this up so that in the case of an emergency you at least you know have a way of communicating with your loved ones that you're in trouble and hopefully they can come and help you come to our next tip battery saving mode I think this is super important so you guys may have noticed when your phone drops below I want to say 15 it will ask you if you want to turn on the battery saving mode and that will hopefully help stretch your battery now guess what sometimes you are in an environment where you're not going to be able to charge your phone for a long time and if that is the case you should not wait a very long time before you turn on power saving mode you should turn it on much sooner so your phone is already trying to save battery so to do this it's super easy swipe down from the top of the screen swipe down again find your power saving button you're going to hold down on it for one second it's going to take you to your menu your power saving menu and it's already going to have these three things enabled by default now normally simply turning it on it's gonna help save your battery a lot okay um so you just simply hit this button this is how you manually turn on power saving mode and it's already going to help with stretching your battery now if you find yourself in an emergency where you need or you may not be able to charge for days like for a much longer period of time and you need your phone to be on the most aggressive battery saving mode it can be you need to enable this last option called limit apps and home screen by turning this on it's going to vastly stretch your battery that it could potentially stretch it over a couple of days but you've got to turn this on and then you're going to turn this on this is going to put your phone in the most aggressive battery saving mode that is possible and it's really going to make sure that your phone is going to stay on for a longer period of time so I wanted to point that out this is super important thing I think okay here is our very last tip and this will end our video and I hope you guys have found an incredible amount of value in this video and if you have please bump that like button down below that's how you get this video to reach more people and it's also how you can support the channel as well so thank you in advance if you haven't already done that okay so the very last last tip this is one I think is super cool so here's a website and guess what there's a cool feature with Google Assistant where you can have it read a web page to you by doing this you're going to hold down on this home button here for one second and then when the microphone starts listening you're gonna say read out loud and it's going to read the web page to you just like this read out loud so it takes a few seconds and it'll begin reading now we just have to turn our volume up typically kept his livestock no it's domesticated from the wild goat of Southwest Asia you can pause it and change the speed here maybe you want to read a little bit faster a little bit slower and then hit the button the goat is a member of the animal family you can also click out of it and it'll continue to read it to you there are over 300 and that's it so this is just a specific feature within Google Assistant that will allow you to read web pages now for reference it only works on web pages it does not work on um email unless you open up the email app through the web then you could probably get it to read an email to you but unfortunately it doesn't work in any other app except for Google Chrome if you're on a web page so just keep that in mind so that is it we have come to the end of our video this was a long video but I hope again you got a lot of value out of it if you haven't already done so please go to the comment section down below and let me know what was your favorite tip that I went over I always love to hear your feedback and it helps to inform future videos that I make so take a minute leave that comment I appreciate that if you're not already a subscriber hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos take care and as always have a good one
Channel: H2TechVideos
Views: 126,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden features of the galaxy a54 you don't know about, hidden features of the samsung galaxy a54, tips and tricks galaxy a54 5g, a54 samsung hidden features, galaxy a54 hidden features, a54 samsung tips and tricks, samsung a54 tips and tricks, galaxy a54 5g best features, galaxy a54 best tips and tricks, galaxy a54 tips and tricks, tips and tricks galaxy a54, Samsung a54, galaxy a54, a54 5g, galaxy a54 5g review, a54, samsung galaxy a54, galaxy a54 5g, Galaxy a54 review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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