iPhone 15 Pro - First 25 Things To Do! (Tips & Tricks)

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this video is brought to you by macback today I'm going to take you through the first 25 things that you should do if you've just got your brand new iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 15 or any other iPhone that runs the latest IOS 17 now these tips and tricks are going to help you find Handy new hidden features as well as preserve your battery health extend your battery life and maximize your iPhone's performance but quickly before we start I am giving away this brand new iPhone 15 and for a chance to win be sure to like this video subscribe to this channel And subscribe to my second Channel Channel techbook by Dion Link in the description then leave a comment with your Instagram username and follow me on Instagram at Theon hone where I will announce the winner on the 29th of December all right so to start we're going to look at two really important areas and the first is how to preserve your battery health and the second is the top battery saving tips now these are both going to of course extend the usability and the life of your phone which is really important so let's first look at how to preserve your battery health now to do this here in the main settings window we're going to scroll down to where we find battery now first here on the top right we do have the option to show the battery percentage uh if you choose to do so but more importantly than that we're going to tap into battery health and charging now here not only can we find the maximum capacity of the battery this here is the indicator of your battery health so anywhere from 80 to 100% uh is considered normal then once you go beneath 80% that's when Apple typically recommends uh you replace the battery but how do we keep it at 100% for as long as possible well a really important function right here is called charging optimiz ization now here you have two options you can either decide optimize battery charging or 80% limit or well none now I like to use the optimized battery charging limit now what this essentially does is it's going to track how you typically charge your phone so let's say at night at 10 p.m. you plug your phone in uh wake up at 6:00 a.m. to then unplug it now instead of fully charging when you plug in at 10: a.m. it's going to first charge up to 80% and then wait with the remaining 20% till closer to when you typically wake up at around 6:00 a.m. and this is going to help preserve your battery health over time now if you want to take it one step further you can also add an 80% cap to your battery and this means your battery will not charge above 80% now this will help preserve the battery life even more but to me this is too much of a sacrifice as I don't want to give up 20% of my battery life so I like this first option here it kind of gives you the best of both and quickly while we're on the subject of charging let me briefly talk about what kind of charging habits are best and what kind of chargers to use so if your aim is to solely preserve your battery health the best thing to do is to charge via a cable so with a wired connection as opposed to wireless charging as this will generate less heat furthermore if you use a lower watt or slower charger this too will improve your battery health or rather slow the degradation of your battery health so I recommend something like a 5 wat or a 10 watt brick as opposed to a 20 or 30 watt brick which will charge your phone faster but because it generates more heat will cause your battery to wear more quickly so again to maximize your battery health use a wired connection and a lower watt charger great so now that we know how to best preserve and extend your battery health let's talk about battery saving now there's three really big things that come to mind and the first is limiting your notifications then we're going to look at background app refresh and then we're going to look at Siri so let's start off with uh notifications now we're going to go into settings and then we can scroll to where we find notifications and here we're going to go through all of your applications and chances are every one of these apps is probably going to want to send you notifications throughout the day and not only is that not good for your battery life as of course your phone display will wake the speaker will go off it will vibrate and this really adds up if you have over 100 200 notifications coming in per day so having less notifications is not only good for your battery life uh it is also good for your well-being as you don't want to be distracted by things that don't matter so my suggestion really is to turn off things like shopping apps uh games for example but keep on those essential messaging apps maybe banking related apps or uh health related apps you might want to keep on but other notifications I suggest you turn off and this is really going to impact your battery over time as well so just to give you an example here uh let's say I have the Apple store and I want to turn off notifications all you have to do is toggle this first switch here at the top and that's then going to block all notifications from that particular app and similarly to Notifications uh is background app refresh so in the main page of your settings we're going to go into General and then tap on background app refresh and here too every app is probably going to want to refresh in the background but many don't need to now on top here you do have the option to turn it off for all applications this is something I actually don't recommend uh because there are certain apps that you do want running in the background uh for example your Maps applications maybe certain productivity apps or messaging apps and that's exactly what I've done so you can see I have a lot of productivity related apps here that one that doesn't have to be on but my maps applications those are on as well and other applications that don't need to be running in the background I turn off and you can see I probably have half of them or so off and this just means that those apps won't be constantly running in the background using battery life let's talk about Siri now Siri is a great uh digital assistant that I find myself using quite often but there's many ways to use Siri on your iPhone and how you choose to use Siri will definitely impact your battery life so let's go into the Siri settings on the main page we're going to scroll to where we find Siri uh where is it I already went past it there it is Siri and search we're going to tap on that and then here we have the option for listen for now you probably have one of these on I'm not going to say out loud to not trigger your series but if you have either of these on what that means is your phone is going to be constantly listening in the background using the microphones for these activation phrases and this definitely takes a battery not to mention your phone can definitely be act accidentally triggered for example I find if I say the word seriously uh it can often trigger my phone which isn't great especially if you're if you're in the middle of like an important Zoom meeting uh has happened to me too many times so instead I turn this off and I use the side button to activate Siri so that here's the Sleep awake button all you have to do is press and hold that and as you can see Siri will come up and we can use it just like normal and again because we're using the S button to activate her uh as opposed to that trigger word it won't be constantly listening in the background saving you battery and in my opinion uh it also completely removes accidental triggers so it's a win-win great so now that we've covered some most essential uh battery tips and tricks here let's talk a little bit about customizing your phone so with iOS 17 Apple brought some new ways to customize your phone starting here with the lock screen so to customize uh your lock screen what you're going to do is make sure your phone is unlocked so just look at face ID there we go and you can press and hold and that will allow to quickly cycle uh between all of the wallpapers that you have on your phone so it's kind of like uh switching between watch faces that you have very easy and a great way to instantly change up the entire look of your phone uh to just walk you through an example let me add a new one here so on the far right we can go ahead and press that little plus sign and we can choose you have your photos to choose from uh preset wallpapers as well I actually really happen to like uh the wallpapers uh that come with the iPhone uh 15 Pros I think they look really neat so let's go ahead and set one of these up now one of the new features as well with iOS 17 is not only can you change the font but you can also actually change the thickness of the font so you want it to be a little thinner a little thicker I really like this font kind of my classic you've probably seen this in my videos and we can also go ahead and change the uh the color as well I like it to blend in a little bit and here up top we can change whether to show the date or temperature I usually keep this as the date and instead add a couple widgets beneath that so you adding widgets on the lock screen is a great way to quickly see information at a glance so for example I like to have the temperature the activity and sometimes I also like to have the percentage chance for rain which I believe should be in here where is it there it is precipitation which if you live in London like I do uh this is really essential I check this before I leave the house every day pretty much uh and this here now gives me three widgets now you can have up to four widgets um and it's great to show this in terms of getting information quickly however since we're on the subject or earlier of battery widgets do run in the background and as a result will be always refreshed when you look at your phone which is great but they do take battery so I do suggest you use widgets sparingly so really use ones that bring you value right don't just have them there for for no reason for example the activity rings I really find that useful temperature as well so these are ones that I like to have and I'm willing to use or give a little bit of battery life for uh to get that added functionality so really think about it and Choose Wisely as to how many and which widgets you use now once we're done on the top right we can press add uh we can choose to add it as a pair so it will assign both the lock screen as well as the home screen which go ahead and do and we tap into it and voila we have now customized our phone and we can swipe to unlock one of the first things I recommend you do with any new phone is to get a good case and this is where macback comes in now macback has protection and also functionality by letting you mount your phone virtually anywhere to start this is the macback case now here I have it in Black uh it comes in a variety of colors and I especially like that you can now customize the buttons to add a little bit of personalization to your case the case is made of this really nice and grippy impact absorbent material which is actually drop tested for up to 6 ft but my favorite feature of the macback case is not only is it fully compatible with mag safe but also with mag sticks and this means you can basically Mount your phone to any Surface by adding one of these mag sticks for example say a dashboard a kitchen or a wall and plus if the surface is already metallic you can just place your case to mount the array of magnets inside the case also let you add accessories like the magbag leather wallet which is great because not only does it use magnets but it actually has two to three times the magnetic strength of typical mag safe which of course for a wallet is especially important macback went even further by adding extra functionality so you can also use the wallet as a stand which is a great way uh to prop up your phone say while you're working at a desk uh there's also a handy Loop in the back which will give you added grip when you're using your phone and the wallet can hold up to six cards or cards and cash thanks to having dual pockets and then lastly is the macback multi-charger now this charger lets you charge uh not not only your iPhone also your Apple watch and of course also your airpods it's an excellent all-in-one charger and I really like the minimalistic design that will look at home anywhere on your desk or say in your nightstand to upgrade your iPhone with macback be sure to head to the links in the description and use code Dion 15 for 15% off your order one of the big features that the iPhone 15 Pro specifically brought is the new action bun that you're going to find on the site here and this actually replaces the mute ring switch and we'll look at that in a second uh but for now quick I'm going to look at the action button and show you how to customize this you can see I've got mine here to set the torch super handy uh but there's a really easy way in settings to assign different functionality to this button so to do this we're going to go into the settings menu here back on the homepage we're going to scroll to where we find action buttons you find that right beneath the control center and here we have this really neat uh little swipe menu where you can choose different functions to assign to that button so camera might be a common one uh the torch or if you missed the mute button you can of course uh reassign the that there uh you can also have things like to start a voice memo or even add a shortcut which essentially lets you build a custom function you can have a trigger lights in your home or play a certain song on your speaker uh the options really are endless when it comes to the shortcuts but of the presets I like to use a torch I've actually find it uh super handy if I'm looking for my keys in my bag for example just nice to have that Hardware button but of course since the iPhone 15 Pros no longer have that mute switch toggle how do you know if your phone is on mute well personally I like to have my phone on mute pretty much at all times and normally speaking if you do what you're going to see is you're going to have this icon right here in the top left of your menu bar now while it is useful to know whether your phone is on mute or not since mine is pretty much always on mute uh I don't need to see that icon there always so what you can do is in the settings page we're going to tap on sound and haptics and then we can disable that function and they'll clean up the space there on the top and not show you whether your phone is on mute if you are ever unsure you can also swipe down here from the control center and you can simply Trigger or remove it there so you can kind of have that quick switch functionality still even if your uh your your your custom button is assigned to something else while we're here in the sound and haptics menu uh if we scroll down we can also change the keyboard haptic now this is the sound or vibration you feel when you're typing so out of the box you will hear the clicking sound of your keys personally I don't really like this to be on so I turned this off but what I've really grown to like actually is the subtle haptic feedback from the keyboard kind of almost makes me uh it brings me back to the Blackberry days where you're kind of pressing tactile buttons uh so I like to have the haptic feedback on gives a very slight vibration per click uh but then turn off the sound as it won't disturb others I want to look at the home screen real quick so specifically with iOS 17 uh widgets on the home screen have actually become a lot more useful in a sense that they are now interactive so I have a couple examples here so you have a reminders widget here and where previously you could only see reminders you can now actually tick them off so let's say I picked up my dry cleaning I can go ahead and tap that and it's I'm going to update that list automatically and then remove it from the list really useful functionality I think makes a much better case for using uh widgets on your home screen uh and then also beneath that we have for example the music widget I can go ahead and actually just start a song right there one of my more recently played songs right from the home screen super useful uh and I really encourage you to add some more widgets see what you like see what you don't like but just like on the lock screen do be mindful of how many widgets you use as of course these will be taking battery as they run in the background so only use which widgets you really uh really find get value from so use them sparingly one of my favorite features of iOS 17 is called standby mode so to make sure that your standby mode is activated we're going to go into the settings app here scroll down to where we find a standby and then you're going to want to make sure that this is activated there what I'm going to do now is I'm going to lock my phone and then place it uh horizontally on this Wireless mag safe charger so there we go it is now charged and as you can see we're automatically going to enter standby mode and this gives you a really nice overview of your clock as well as things like your outstanding reminders a calendar widget uh your weather for example you can even swipe through to different photos uh as well as a world time and this is just a really nice way to dock your phone at your desk uh limit the distraction as well as you're going to be less focused on notifications and more on just the content that you can see on your screen I particularly like to have a quick overview here of my outstanding reminders like my daily to-do list so I can quickly see what's outstanding and then tick them off as I go let's take a look at messages more specifically iMessages there's a few really cool features that I think you should know about and the first here is that we have the ability to undo or unsend as well as edit a message even after it is sent so to give an example here let's say I have a written out message I'm going to go and send that uh but let's say 10 minutes is a little bit optimistic I still have some filming to do here so what I can do uh is press and hold on that message and then tap on edit I can go ahead and actually edit that uh as I wish so for example instead of 10 minutes I'm going to say 20 minutes I go ah and tap on the little tick mark and as you can see that will then amend the message now it is important to know that the person can see that the message has been edited as it will show that little edited icon but they won't be able to see the edit history now let's say I made a mistake in this message or I want to undo it entirely what I can also do is press and hold on that same message and then tap on undo send and that's not going to make the message disappear again the person will be able to see that a message has been unsent but won't be able to see the content and lastly uh in terms of editing as well as unsending your message both of these can be done up to 15 minutes after sending as you can see uh in this conversation I've also sent through a couple of photos and one of the things I really like about iMessage as opposed to Whatsapp or many other messaging services is that you have the option to actually send full quality photos where it won't actually compress or degrade them when you send them however there is a setting that you're going to want to make sure is activated to ensure that you actually are sending uh full quality photos and videos so to do this we're going to go into the settings app and then go back to the main page here and scroll to where we find messages and then all the way at the bottom this you're going to want to make sure that this is off which is called Loc quality image mode now this will save you battery or battery of data but also potentially storage space as those messages will add up but if you want to send full quality images like I do uh you're going to want to make sure that this is off now let's jump into the notes app which is a great way to quickly note down some ideas or make a list grocery list things like this uh but let's say you store something a little bit more sensitive that you want protected well it is possible to protect a notes behind your password or face ID so to do this let's say here I have a top secret iPhone tips and tricks notes Here what I can do is press and hold on that note and then tap lock note and then we're going to type in your iPhone's password and as you can see that little note will now have a lock next to it and gets currently unlocked so I've just typed in my password so I can access it then if I tap here on the bottom lock now you'll see that note is now locked and it will require my password or face ID to enter and the same is true every time you open and close the notes app so while I would never suggest storing things like your passwords or payment details in the notes app if you do have say contact information or something that that's a little bit more sensitive uh you are able to add one layer of added protection by locking those notes next I want to take a look at photos as there's a few really neat features and handy tricks uh that you should know about so first let's jump in the photos app here and pull up a picture so here I have a shot of me uh selfie here of me on a bridge now what you can do is tap the edit button and we can actually under portrait mode change the level of depth of field within that photo so as you can see my face will remain fully in Focus but the background here I can make that really blur have a nice shallow depth of field here at f1.4 or I can bring it all the way out all the way open to essentially uh an open or close shutter speed rather where both the foreground and the background are in Focus what is also really neat is you can actually change the focus point so let's say I want to focus on the background instead just tap that and it will then switch to the background this is useful uh if say you have two people in a photo one person in the background one in the foreground and you want to switch who it focuses on after the fact so it's really cool to have this added functionality for uh for basically editing your photos after taking it now these features are exclusive to all of the iPhone 15s whether it be the pros or the regular models however what is not exclusive to the iPhone 15s is a much easier way to crop your photo so let's say here I have a shot of my Apple watch uh but I want to zoom in a little bit uh let's say this would be perfect if only there was a way to instantly crop it like this well there actually is if you look here on the top right you will find a crop button there it is and I can go ahead and then instantly crop that to exactly where I zoomed it in and of course I can adjust it from there as well but this is a really great way to easily and instantly crop your photos not only to the dimensions of your phone but also to where exactly uh you zoomed it in and this next feature has been around for a while but I still think it's really useful and that is the ability to copy text right from a photo so if you see this little icon on the bottom right of your photo it means there is text to copy so let's say I want to copy the name of this product I can literally select that like I would any other text hit a hit copy go into my notes app for example and then we can go ahead and paste that and as you can see it has just copied the text right from that photo so great if you're looking up a product or say you had a picture of a boardroom whiteboard from University or in a meeting great way to quickly uh copy text right from an image all right so this next portion of the video is really crucial as we're going to look at how to make your iPhone more private as these days more than ever uh so much of your personal information is on your phone whether it be banking information location information all that and you're going to want to make sure that you know who and how that is shared and to be in control and be able to block apps from certain information so to do this uh we're going to go into the settings app and then scroll down to where we find privacy and security and we're going to start off with location services now here you're going to want to go through all of your applications that want to request your uh location you can see there's quite a few there chances are most will and see whether they actually need to as there's many apps that want your location but really don't need it so to give an example here uh Shazam Shazam useful application there's no reason they would ever need to know my location so instead of even offering the chance to ask I just turn that on never and they will never be able to ask for my location now certain other applications uh let's say for example your Maps application you're going to want to make sure that it uh sees your not your location rather when you are using the app so make sure that while using the app is selected and you also have the option to share a precise location or or like a vager location whether it be based to your city uh or say the exact street and house number that you're on so this is useful for certain apps of course maps are going to want to make sure that's accurate so there I keep the precise location on uh but let me see if I have an example here for example news news can be useful if say I'm traveling and I want up-to-date news that is local to my location uh I do allow to have my location but it doesn't need my precise location if it knows the country I'm in that's enough it doesn't need to know the street or the uh the house number for example now one caution a word of caution that I do want to share here and I currently don't have any in my list but if you see any app here and it has the word always so instead of while using or never or when shared for example if you see the word always I highly encourage you to really think about whether that app actually needs to be able to access your location always as chances are no app does and I would suggest you turn off location for that app or at least limit how it's able to see your location beneath location services we have tracking Now tracking here is very simple uh what this basically means is it gives applications permission to ask to track you and they'll be able to see what applications you have running what applications you use as well as for example what websites you have open in safari in my opinion there's no app that has any business uh for knowing this information so if you turn off this function here they won't even be able to ask you or request you for a permission to track so I suggest you turn this off and they'll then blanket ban uh for all of your apps and just like with location services uh photos I think is another really crucial one as chances are there'll be a lot of apps that want to request your photos but you can see I've got a lot of mine set to limit access and this means that I get to choose which photos they get to access every time so for example if I upload let's say eBay I'll take that as an example here you can see I have four photos selected that may be a photos for a listing or something or I don't know something I'm sending in a message but I don't want them to access all 4,000 of my photos and 200 of my videos so I suggest you do limit access for most applications and certain trusted apps you can allow full access and other apps that you don't trust as much uh you can also of course choose to turn off entirely I really also encourage you to do the same with microphone camera I'm not going to show you this that's basically the same principle apply but this is really all about doing an audit of your phones and all the apps that request this sensitive information right your location your photos your camera microphone and see do they actually need to access these things and if they do how often right for example location should it be only while you're using the app should it be a precise location so really think about these things think I really highly encourage you to do this to make your iPhone more secure and also more private and finally here at the bottom uh we also have analytics and improvements and this this is basically going to send anonymous analytic data to Apple now while this is anonymous and I don't think it's as high risk to have on it does take battery and also consumes a bit of storage as it will take up more cache files right it will keep more detailed logs of your app history so I suggest just turning all this off as it saves you storage also a bit of battery and again for privacy reasons best to have this off too so now that we've looked at how to make your iPhone more private let's take a look at how to make your iPhone more secure there's a few settings here that I think are really important uh that I want to touch on and they're all in the face ID and passcode section so we're going to tap on that here in settings and first type in your password great and in here we can actually choose to set up an alternative appearance for face ID and this is useful if say you often wear sunglasses or ladies if you change your hairstyles or men if you grow beards sometimes face ID can have trle uh trouble recognizing you so in this case you can actually set up a an alternative appearance and it will make it uh work more easily and more accurately for yourself beneath that we also have the option to require attention for face ID and this means that when you're unlocking your phone or say authenticating a payment with face ID not only does it require you to be in front of your phone it will also require you to make eye contact with your phone so you can actually test this if say you're scanning your face and you're looking off to the side it won't unlock because you're not actually paying attention or looking at your phone so just an added measure of security so I suggest you turn this on as well beneath that we have probably the single most important security setting on your iPhone and that is this section here called allow access when locked and this basically determines what your phone can do when it is locked so let's say it is lost or stolen uh this means what can what what can what can someone do with your phone basically and ideally you'd have all of this off right you wouldn't want that person to access your Siri to for example respond to a message uh to access your wallet to your cards return a call or plug in an accessory like say a computer uh or USB drive to potentially access your data right so to start with I suggest you turn all these off and then very selectively turn on what you want on so for example uh what I have on here is the lock screen widgets right you saw I set those up earlier that was to show the weather uh and whether there's a chance for rain this is you know very simple information I don't mind that showing at all times so I let that run constantly uh in fact I'm going to turn off home control and also live activities CU I had the activity Rings right for the Apple watch so I have that on too but all the other ones I have off and I suggest you do the same as well uh beneath that speaking of when your phone is lost or stolen chances are that person is going to try to guess your password and enter uh or basically break their way into your phone this feature here erase data will mean that after 10 failed attempts of your password your phone is going to automatically erase itself meaning that even when your iPhone is lost and no longer secure your data will be all right guys that is all uh congratulations on making it to the end of this video You're now officially an iPhone 15 pro pro uh if this video was helpful to you then be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content like this thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Dion Schuddeboom
Views: 903,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone 15, iphone 15 pro, iphone 15 pro tips and tricks, iphone 15 pro tips, iphone 15 pro first things to do, iphone, iphone 15 pro settings, iphone settings, iphone tips, iphone tips and tricks, iphone guide, iphone 15 pro max, iphone 15 plus, iphone setup, iphone 15 pro setup, iphone 15 first, iphone hidden features, iphone 15 pro hidden features, ios17, iphone 15 features, iphone 15 pro features, first things to do iphone, setup iphone, iphone battery, tips and tricks
Id: s3RyKjnqz_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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