Galatians Revealed // Part Three

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Are you ready to get into YAH's word  today? I am as well. I want you to open your   Bibles with me to Galatians chapter 3 and we're  gonna begin with verse 11 in just a moment and   we're gonna continue in our series that we've  entitled "Galatians Revealed" so the first two   parts are already out on YouTube and a lot of  people are watching those, we're getting some   tremendous comments and what we're wanting to  do is pull back the veil get into the Hebraic   context of what Sha'ul really meant when he wrote  the letter to Galatians and so this is the third   part in this series, we're gonna get into some  really interesting stuff here today. Let's begin   with verse 11 of Galatians chapter 3 it says, "And  that no one is declared right by Torah before   Elohim is clear," It was clear with Sha'ul and it's  clear with us. Some of the criticism that we get is   that we're teaching that people can be justified  simply by Torah obedience or Torah observance   without belief in Yeshua and that's just not the  fact. We realized that we are born again through   belief in Yeshua but it's unto something, it's  unto good works, amen? And how do we define good   works? How was good works defined to us? Good works  is defined by obedience to the Torah so it's not   Torah observance on the justification or belief  in Yeshua under justification, it is belief in   Yeshua unto obedience to the scripture. Can you  say amen? So we agree completely with Sha'ul that   no one is declared right by Torah before Elohim,  that is a clear fact - "...for," It says, "the righteous   shall live by belief," And that is a quote of  Habakkuk chapter 2 in verse 4. "and the Torah   is not of belief but the man who does them shall  live by them." He's quoting Leviticus chapter 18   verse 5 there and what's happening here is that  Sha'ul is contrasting works under justification   and belief under justification and works without  belief is dead but also belief without works is   dead, so again it's not one of the other, it's both.  Doing Torah commands that we believe in Yeshua, did   you know that? Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 15  through 19, we have a command in the Torah it    says that the people must Shema the Prophet like  Mosheh. The word "Shema" means to hear and obey and   if the people are unwilling to Shema the Prophet  like Mosheh then they will be judged, so the Torah   actually commands that the people hear and obey  Yeshua so if you truly are Torah obedient you are   a believer in Yeshua, can you say amen? And then  look at verse 13, this is a very interesting   passage. "Messiah redeemed us from the curse of  the Torah," All right so this is where religion   says okay you see that Messiah has redeemed us  from the Torah, but is that what it says? Does it   say Messiah has redeemed us from the Torah? No, it  says Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of   the Torah. The Torah itself says if we obey the  Torah the Torah was sent to bring what? Life and   blessing, but if we disobey the Torah then what  comes to us? Death and cursing. So there's a curse   associated with Torah disobedience and Messiah has  come to redeem us from the curse that's associated   with Torah disobedience and what is that curse?  Death. Now let me bring it home very clearly to   you - just take the Ten Commandments. Nine out of the Ten  Commandments have a death penalty associated with   them and there's one that doesn't on the surface  level, it's you shall not steal but the Torah says   if you steal a person like you steal a child or  you still another person that's kidnapping and   there's a death penalty associated with kidnapping,  so in essence, 10 out of the Ten Commandments have a   death penalty associated with it so what did Yeshua do for us? He came and He paid our death   penalty. What did He do? He took the death out  of the law for those who believe. Now the death   remains for those who do not believe but death  has been removed for those of us who do believe,   that's exactly what this verse is stating. Messiah  Yeshua has redeemed us from the death that's in   the law. He's redeemed us from the curse that's  associated with disobedience to the Torah, can   you say amen? Notice. "having become a curse for us,"  Or having taken our death for us. "for it has been   written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree,"  And that's Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 23. "in   order that the blessing of Abraham," Or Abraham.  "might be upon the nations in Messiah Yeshua,"   Here's the blessing. "to receive the promise of the  Spirit through belief." And so the Almighty made a   promise to Abraham and to his Seed, the  Messiah, that through Abraham and Messiah all the   nations of the world would be blessed and how are  all the nations blessed? Through belief in Yeshua   by receiving the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit the  promise of the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit is the   key to success in the New Covenant, without the  Indwelling Set-apart Spirit you will fail even in   the New Covenant, amen? You can't even enter the  New Covenant without belief in Yeshua and Yeshua   provides them the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit,  it's definitive of the New Covenant. Now here's   a verse that we talk about a lot but I just want  to mention it here, Ezekiel chapter 36 starting   with verse 25, it says, "And I shall sprinkle  clean water on you, That's an allusion toward   water baptism. "and you shall be clean from all your  filthiness and from all your idols, I cleanse you."   A lot of people don't even realize when they're  being water baptized it's the Almighty cleansing   them from their filthiness and from their idols, a  lot of people say well I don't worship any idols,   oh yeah, anything you put above the Almighty as  an idol and when you believe in Yeshua and you   enter into water baptism, you died to your own  flesh and to your own will you enter into death   with Him you die, you're buried, you're raised, and He  cleanses you from filthiness and from idols. Verse   26 "and I shall give you a new heart," Everybody say  hallelujah for that. He doesn't put a bandaid on   the old heart, He gives you a new heart. "and put  a new Spirit within you and I shall take the   heart of stone out of your flesh," Again that's the  heart of resistance and rebellion to the truth. "and   I shall give you a heart of flesh." Now you know  what I say? That's the what kind of heart? The   want-to heart, you get the want to. You want to obey  when He gives you the right heart, you get the want   to heart. "and I shall give you a heart of flesh  and put my Spirit within you." Now what happens   when you get His Spirit? You get the power to so  that's a winning combination that want to and the   power to. People say, you're just dragging people over  into bondage - well it's not bondage when you want   to, can you say amen? And you're successful when  you have the power to. "and I shall cause you" See   He doesn't even trust us to do it, they failed the  first time, He's given us His Spirit and He's the   one that causes us to do it. "and I shall cause you  to walk in my laws and guard my right- rulings and   you shall do them." What are you going to do? You're  going to walk in His laws and you're gonna guard   His right-rulings, it's all in the scripture, it's  all there. So back to Galatians chapter 3 verse 15.   "Brothers, as a man, I say it a covenant even though  it's a man's yet if it is confirmed no one sets   it aside," No one can abolish it or adds to it so  he's speaking in earthly terms, he says a covenant   between men when it's confirmed cannot be changed.  "but the promises were spoken to Abraham    and to his Seed," I don't know what your translation  looks like but mine has a capital there and that's   appropriate the Seed is the Messiah and  the promise is that through Abraham and Messiah   all the nations of the earth will be blessed by  receiving the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit. "He does   not say, "and to seeds," as of many but as of one, "and  to your Seed," That's Genesis chapter 12 and verse 7. "who   is Messiah." So this is talking about Messiah. Verse  17. "Now this I say Torah that came 430 years later   that's after this covenant that was made with  Avraham and Messiah does not annul a covenant   previously confirmed by Elohim in Messiah so as to  do away with the promise. Okay? The promise, what's   the promise? The Indwelling Set-apart Spirit that  would come through belief in Yeshua to all nations.   "For if the inheritance," What's the inheritance?  Justification through belief and receiving the   Indwelling Set-apart Spirit. If the inheritance  is by Torah if it comes by Torah observance   apart from belief in Yeshua, it is no longer by  promise but Elohim gave it to Abraham   through a promise. Verse 19 "Why then the Torah,"  Let's talk about the Torah. It was added because   of transgressions, in other words, to reveal the  Father's righteous ways and to give guidelines   to live by. "it was added because of transgressions  until the Seed," Speaking of Yeshua. "should come to   whom the promise was made," Again the promise of  justification by belief and the receiving of   the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit. "it was ordained  through messengers," Or through angels. "in the hand   of a mediator." Who was the mediator? Mosheh. "The  mediator, however, is not of one." In other words,   Mosheh a didn't mediate on behalf of one party  only but Elohim is one, so Elohim is the other   party. So this covenant is not a mere earthly  covenant between men, this is a covenant between   Elohim and Avraham and Messiah. Verse 23 "Is the  Torah then against the promises of Elohim?" Now we   need to slow down and pause over this a little  bit, is the Torah against the promises of Elohim?   Is the Torah against justification through belief  in Yeshua Messiah and the giving of the Set-apart   Spirit? Now religion would say it is but is it?  What does Sha'ul say? Let it not be, in other   words, no, the Torah is not against the promises of  Elohim. The Torah is not against justification by   belief in Yeshua, the Torah is not against receiving  the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit. "For if a Torah had   been given that was able to make alive," Now we  really need to pause over this and take a deep   look. "truly, righteousness would have been by the  Torah." Again, we mentioned that the Torah was sent   to give what? Life and blessing, but it also says  if you disobey it'll bring death and cursing, so   applying this, we see if a Torah had been given  that was able to make a life. In other words, if   the Torah was able to make people obey it. if the  Torah itself was able to make people obey it then   the people would receive life, He would make them  alive, okay? Now we realized that the Torah didn't   have that power, the Torah itself did not have the  power to make the people obey it, didn't it? And they   failed to obey it and when they failed to obey it  they broke the Covenant and they didn't receive   the life and the blessing that was promised. Instead  they received the death and the curse. Now I want   to show you another writing of Sha'ul in the book  of Romans, let's go to Romans chapter 7 real quick   and we'll pick up with verse 14 and I want you to  see how Sha'ul tells us that man had fallen so deeply   into sin and depravity that they were unable to  obey the Torah. All right, Romans chapter says, verse   14, "For we know that the Torah is what spiritual," I  want you to underline these words. "but I am fleshly,"   This is Sha'ul speaking, I am fleshly, I'm giving  over to my flesh sold under sin. In other words, I'm   a slave to sin and sin is the transgression of  the Torah so is the problem with the Torah here?   He said the Torah is spiritual. He said I'm the  problem, I'm fleshly, I'm a slave to sin. Verse 15   "for what I work," In other words, what I do. "I know  not." He can't figure out why he's doing what he's   doing. "For what I wish," What does he wish to do? He  wishes to obey the Torah, we're gonna see that very   clearly. "that I do not practice," In other words, I  fail to obey the Torah. "but what I hate," He hates to   transgress the Torah. "that I do. But if I do what I  do not wish," I do not wish to transgress the Torah.   "I agree with the Torah that it is good." Can you  underline that word good? So we get spiritual   and we get good. Verse 17 "and now it is no longer I  that work it," In other words, I'm not transgressing   the Torah by choice. "there is something else  going on in my flesh that drives me to disobey."   "And now it is no longer I that work it but the  sin," Okay now when you see the sin think of evil   inclinations that reside in the flesh. "dwelling  in me. For I know that in me that is in my flesh   dwells no good," He said he was fleshly sold under  sin, he's a slave to his flesh so he's a slave to   sin and he says there's nothing good that's in  his flesh. "for to wish is present with me," What's   he wishing to do? Obey the Torah. "but to work the  good," It's good to obey the Torah. "I do not find for   the good that I wish to do," Which is obedience to  the Torah. "I do not do but the evil I do not wish   to do," That's disobey the Torah. "this I practice.  And if I do that which I do not wish," To disobey   the Torah. "it is no longer I who work it." It's not  something I do by choice is what he's saying. "but   the sin dwelling in me." The evil inclinations of my  flesh driving me to sin. Verse 21 "I find therefore   this law this dynamic that when I wish to do the  good," Which is to obey the Torah. "that the evil the   force that drives me to disobey is present with  me." In other words, in my flesh. "For I delight in   the Torah of Elohim according to the inward man,"  That's Psalm 119 verse 16. Now let's pause there.   This is Sha'ul, the one that many religions say  abolished the Torah and what is he saying here,   from his own pen, for I delight in the Torah of Elohim. Now if it was his intention to abolish   the Torah would he delight in it? He delights in  the Torah, Sha'ul delights in the Torah. Let's make   it clear, from his own pen he said I delight in the  Torah of Elohim according to the inner man. In other   words, my spirit delights in the Torah of Elohim.  Again that's a quote, Psalm 119 verse 16. "But I   see another torah," That's a little "t" torah, another  law dynamic. "in my members," Speaking of his flesh, in   his body. "battling against the torah," Or the law the  dynamic. "of my mind." What is that? His will, the torah   of the mind is the will, so there's something in my  flesh that's battling against my mind because my   mind my will wants to obey, I want to obey but  there's something in my flesh that's battling   against my desire to obey and what happens? "and  bringing me into captivity to the torah," That's   a little "t" torah, the law or the power. "of sin  which is in my members." So there's something in   my flesh that's warring against my will, I want to  obey but it's taking me captive and it's causing   me then are driving me into sin and sin is the  what? Transgression of the Torah. You see the problem?   He wants to obey but he can't. He wants to obey  but there's a dynamic a power of force of evil   that's dwelling in his flesh that won't allow  him to and when he wants to do it he's unable   to do it and this force battles against his will  and brings him into captivity to sin so he ends   up transgressing the Torah and he doesn't want to  do it so what is it say in verse 24? "Wretched man   that I am." I mean, when you understand these things  you get to that place, I'm a wretch without Yeshua.   I'm a wretch without the power of the Indwelling  Set-apart Spirit and people that say I want to   be a Torah-observant person but they don't really  believe in Yeshua or they don't embrace the   Spirit you can't be, you cannot obey the Torah  without belief in Yeshua and being empowered by   the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit. If you don't have  the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit you are a mess, that's a more common, you know, modern vernacular  type word, Sha'ul said wretch, he didn't say it in   English, I don't think he knew English. "Wretched man  that I am. Who shall deliver me from this body of   death?" What's he pointing to when he says that? He's  touching his own flesh, this body of death, these   evil inclinations that are in my body driving me  to disobey the Torah which ultimately will lead me   to death, who will deliver me from this body of  death that leads me to death, what's the answer?   Verse 25 "Thanks to Elohim through Yeshua Messiah  our Master. So then with the mind," Or with my will.   "I myself truly served the Torah of Elohim." What?  Let's stop again, let's pause. Is this Sha'ul? Who   came in and kidnapped Sha'ul? Because religion tells  us that Sha'ul abolishes the Torah but what does   he say here? When I say Sha'ul I'm talking about  Paul the Apostle Paul. "So then with the mind with   my will I myself truly serve I serve the Torah of  Elohim but with my flesh the Torah." Or the law the   dynamic of sin. So my mind is a in agreement with  the Torah, my mind wants to obey the Torah, my mind   serves the Torah but with my flesh I serve or  I'm enslaved by sin and sin is the transgression   of the Torah. Now we have to move over to Romans  chapter 8 to get the conclusion of this matter   Romans chapter 8 verse 1. "There is then now no  condemnation to those who are in Messiah Yeshua   are those who have believed upon Yeshua," Don't stop,  don't put the period there, keep moving. Who do not   walk according to the flesh, does that mean you  don't give in to the evil inclinations of your   flesh but according to the Spirit you're walking  according to the liberty that the Set-apart Spirit   has provided to you you're walking in the power  of the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit and that power   gives you power over the evil inclinations of your  flesh so that you can what? Live a lawless life?   Live like there is no Torah? No, so that you can  obey the Torah and when you obey the Torah what   happens you get life and blessed. See? Is it coming  together for you? Alright verse 2. "for the torah,"  Or the law or dynamic. "of the spirit of the life in  Yeshua Messiah," In other words, the dynamic of the   Indwelling Set-apart Spirit giving believers to  want to and the power to, we've already talked   about it, to be obedient. "has set me free," Let's  wait just a minute. There's so many songs today in   the religious world, lots of songs about being set  free - I'm set free I'm set free I'm set free - they   sing it every way you can imagine. I'm set free.  And in their minds they're thinking I'm set free   from the Torah... I'm set free to be lawless. I'm set  free to live my life in a manner that is right in   my own eyes. Set free, set free from the Torah, set  free from the law, set free from that heavy burden.   You know, what does the Torah say about itself? It's  not too hard to do. It's not too hard to do when   what? You're filled with the Indwelling Set-apart  Spirit then it's not too hard to do. You get the   want to and the power to so he's not talking about  being set free from the Torah, notice what it says.   "for the torah," Or the law or the dynamic. "of the  Spirit of the life in Messiah Yeshua has set   me free," From something. "from the torah," Or the  law or dynamic, that's torah. Of what?   Sin and death. That's what you've been set free  from. You've been set free from slavery. You've   been set free from the slavery of giving in to  the evil inclinations of your flesh, in other   words, He did something necessary to provide for  us the power to overcome. In other words, it's   another Exodus, we've been brought out of Egypt and  Egypt is the evil inclinations of our flesh, amen?   You've been brought out, you've been made free, you  don't have slaved your flesh anymore. Hallelujah. "has set me free from the torah of sin and death."  Again that torah there is the little "t", that means   law our dynamic has set me free. Let me say law, has  set me free from the law of sin and death, that's   what most English Bibles say. He set you free from  the principle of you sin, you die and the reality   is without Yeshua, without belief in Him, you don't  have the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit who will set   you free from sin that leads to death but that's  what you've been set free from. Well that's enough   to shout and praise YAH about it. Hallelujah. Now  let's dig a little deeper verse 3. "for the Torah   being powerless," What's this talking about? Not  having the power to make one obedient. The Torah   doesn't have the power to make you obey it. "for the  Torah being powerless in that it was weak through   the flesh," What does that mean? It couldn't on its  own overcome the evil inclinations of your flesh.   "Elohim having sent His own Son in the likeness of  flesh of sin," Or in the likeness of sinful flesh.   "and concerning sin because of the sin dynamic  that has enslaved us all condemned sin in the   flesh," That simply means He rendered powerless,  sin for those who would believe in Yeshua. "so   that the righteousness of the Torah," Slow  down, okay? I'm going to slow down right here.   "so that the righteousness of the Torah," What's  that talking about? The righteous requirement   prescribed by the Torah, in other words, how you're  supposed to live. The Torah is not abolished, there's   a righteous requirement that must be fulfilled,  what's happened is you've been set free from the   evil inclinations of your flesh and given the  power to obey the Torah. Let's go slow. "so that   the righteousness of the Torah." The righteous  requirement of the Torah should be completed   or obeyed in us, in us who? In us believers, in  Yeshua who have received the Set-apart Spirit.   Notice, who do not walk according to the flesh. In  other words, you don't give yourself over to the   evil inclinations of your flesh but according to  the Indwelling Spirit that's only inside of you   that you received after you believe in Yeshua so  how do you get the power to be victorious? You must   obey, Deuteronomy 18 verses 15 through 19 and Shema  the Prophet like Mosheh, Shema, hear and obey believe   in Yeshua and when you believe in Yeshua then you  receive the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit who gives   you the power to overcome the evil inclinations  of your flesh, you get set free, you get brought out   of Egypt, you're emancipated, you no longer slave.  Can you say amen? And by trusting in the Spirit you   have the want to and the power to be obedient so  that the righteous requirement of the Torah might   be fulfilled in us who believe. Now, back  to Galatians 3, picking up with verse 22. "But the   Scripture has shut up all mankind under sin," Sin  being the transgression of the Torah, the Scripture   makes it very clear that every man is a sinner.  "that the promise by belief in Yeshua Messiah,"   The promise of the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit  might be given to those who believe but before   belief came before Messiah was manifest we were  being guarded under Torah. In other words, Torah   was the guiding truth to live by, to keep us close  to Elohim, having been shut up or reserved for the   belief about to be revealed belief in Yeshua he  was about to be revealed on the earth. Alright so   those who would believe upon Him were reserved  for that belief. Verse 24, therefore the Torah   became our trainer unto Messiah. The Torah  leads us to Messiah Yeshua. Now there's so   many wonderful types and shadows and pictures in  the Torah but there's also direct commands. Mosheh   knew of this prophet to come, he says a prophet  like me, Mosheh was a mediator of a covenant, was he   not? Yeshua is like him in a lot of ways but in  one particular important way Yeshua is also   a mediator of a New Covenant, Mosheh knew that and  Mosheh commanded the people in the Torah when this   prophet like me, this mediator of a New Covenant  arrives then you must Shema Him, a Hebrew word   meaning to hear and obey. So does not the Torah  lead us to Messiah? If we truly obey the Torah   would we not believe in Messiah? Of course we would.  All right. "Therefore the Torah became our trainer   unto Messiah in order to be declared right," Or  justified by belief. Verse 25 "and after belief   has come belief in Yeshua under justification we  are no longer under a trainer." For justification.   We no longer trust in observance of the Torah  apart from belief in Yeshua for justification.   Yeshua had to arrive for us to believe, prior to  that we had the Torah. Okay? But now that Yeshua   has arrived our justification is through  belief in Yeshua unto obedience to   the Scripture. Verse 26 "For you are all sons  of Elohim through belief in Messiah Yeshua through," Verse 27 "for as many of you as were emerged," Or baptized. "into Messiah have put on   Messiah. There is not Yehudi nor Greek, there  is not slave nor free, there is not male and   female, for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua." Now  interesting that he would say this because I believe that Sha'ul understood very clearly the  divisions that were in the temple, the women can   only go so far, Gentiles could only go so far,  there was a wall of separation between even   the Gentiles who had converted to Judaism and the  Jews and so he mentions that in Messiah the wall   of separation is brought down not just the wall  that separated the Gentiles that had converted   to Judaism and the Jews, but also the wall that  separated the women from the men - and all the   women said hallelujah. So he's reflecting on  this right now, he says there is not you who deed   nor Greek. Everybody in Yeshua is one, there is  not slave nor free, okay? So it's not an ethnic   thing, it's not a socio-economic thing, there is  not male and female, it's not a gender thing, for   you are all one in Messiah Yeshua and if you  are of Messiah then you are seed of Abraham   and heirs according to the promise.  Alright. Now let me take the promise a little   bit further - yes, the promise is if you believe in  Yeshua you'll receive the Indwelling Set-apart    Spirit but it goes deeper than that because when  you receive the Indwelling Set-apart Spirit you   get the want to and the power to be obedient  when you obey then what happens you get life   and blessing but it goes further than that, then  you go out into the nations and you teach others   the same thing.You teach others about Yeshua,  and then through you all the nations of the   earth are blessed. In other words, you bring  life and blessing to everyone. Hallelujah.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 5,886
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Christian, Messiah, Messianic, Jew, Jewish, Torah, Bible, Scripture, Lord, God, Elohim, Truth, Old Testament, Old Covenant, Original Covenant, New Testament, Renewed Covenant, New Covenant, Moses, Mosheh, Paul, Sha'ul, The Apostle Paul, Abolished The Torah, Set-apart Spirit
Id: d4jLYI2c0OU
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Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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