A Tale Of Two Interpretations

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alright are you ready to get into y'all's word today I am as well I want you to open your Bibles with me to John chapter eight and we're going to begin with verse one in just a moment and I have an interesting title for this message today I'm calling it a tale of two interpretations a tale of two interpretations now you may be thinking did you borrow that title from somewhere well yeah I come kind of borrowed it from Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities amen but we're gonna talk about two interpretations of a particular passage and you guys know that I've been teaching for quite some time that if you don't have a solid understanding of the Torah the Torah being the foundation for all Scripture it is the foundation for all Scripture interpretation when you begin to try to interpret Scripture especially what's called the quote New Testament and you get to a place where all you can do is process the English translation it's difficult for you you don't really understand what's going on there you have possibly a Roman greco Western perspective and you just can't get to the truth then you end up making stuff up and that's what religion has done over the past 2,000 years now you've heard me say that many times and and this week I just decided that I'd give you an example of how sincere people most of them are sincere get scripture sincerely wrong sometimes because of their perspective because they've lost the Hebraic context because they don't understand Torah then they make some assumptions about certain passages of scripture and those assumptions then can be the foundation for certain doctrines and one of the doctrines I want to talk about today is the modern grace doctrine in Christianity and you know some have called it the perverted grace doctrine and so I just want to take a moment and show you how by not having the proper context in a passage of Scripture that you can derive from a Western perspective that's free from torah understanding certain things out of a passage that would support a a false doctrine alright we're gonna go to John chapter 8 we're gonna begin with verse 1 and I realized that scholars some scholars say that John chapter 8 verses 1 through 11 where those verses were added at a later date that's not going to be the emphasis of our discussion today and the reason that I have chosen this passage is because it's very often quoted to support the modern grace doctrine and Christianity all right so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to start reading it and I'm going to then as we read it I'm going to begin to share with you what the modern grace perspective is on this passage and then later I'm going to go back and we're gonna talk about it again from the Hebraic Torah perspective and see if we can't make better sense out of it all right so let's start with John chapter 8 and verse 1 it says and Yeshua went to the Mount of Olives and at dawn so early in the morning he came again into the set-apart place into the temple and all the people were coming to him they wanted to hear what he had to say and having sat down he was teaching them all right so he's teaching people in the temple and he was drawing great crowds at this point in time verse 3 and the scribes and the Pharisees brought to him a woman caught in adultery now before I talk more about the modern grace perspective I just want to say that verse 3 does imply from Scripture the the guilt of the woman it doesn't say the scribes and the Pharisees brought to him a woman that is being accused of adultery all right the scripture itself says that they brought to you a woman caught in adultery all right so that implies her guilt I just wanted to say that just so we understand and having set her in the midst are before Yeshua they said to him teacher this woman was caught in the act of adultery now believe me Yeshua understood the Torah all right he is the only one who obeyed it completely and perfectly so he was very aware of what this situation was when they said to him this woman was caught in the act of adultery and in the Torah mo she commanded us that such should be stoned what then do you say so they're putting him to the test no doubt this is a test and he understood it was a test and this they said trying him so that they might accuse him but Yeshua bending down wrote on the ground with the finger as though he did not hear now many translations actually write that phrase in as though he did not hear as something that was added by the translators okay so he basically bent down and started writing on the ground alright so from the modern grace perspective those who adhere to that would say that these scribes and Pharisees because they were evil in their heart they wanted to try and test Yeshua because they wanted to catch him giving and eat it or a verdict concerning this woman that was contrary to Torah that they wanted to catch him loving and caring about this woman they wanted to catch him being gracious being merciful and being forgiving I mean that's the thought that that is the mindset that Yeshua was going to do these things and they wanted to catch him being merciful and gracious and loving and caring and they wanted to catch him in that because they wanted to contrast the Torah now I'm giving you the perspective of the modern grace doctrine all right they wanted to contrast the Torah which is mean and ugly and evil and obviously because Yahshua now is going to do something contrary to the Torah then it gives the right to say that when she all comes along and right certain things and writings that the Torah has been abolished or that because of your shoe's behavior that he did not actually operate according to the Torah in this matter that his actions were anti Torah that is what the modern grace doctrine proponents want us to think that this whole thing was set up so that they could catch Jesus Yeshua being kind and loving and merciful and forgiving so that it would be contrasted against the Torah as if there's nothing kind in the Torah nothing merciful in the Torah you know the verse that says that we're to love our neighbors as ourselves was was that new to the New Testament its Torah the Torah teaches us to love our neighbor the Torah teaches us to love the stranger in our midst the Torah teaches us that we are to be caring and kind toward those round about us if you see your neighbor's donkey fall under a load you are commanded by Torah to help that donkey up there are many things in the Torah that teach us to be kind and concerning and caring and compassionate even forgiving our brothers when they repent amen but this is the perspective that the Torah is evil and that Yeshua is good and Yeshua is going to show us that he's going to be merciful and kind and forgiving in the face of that mean old ugly Torah are you listening to me that's the perspective that we're dealing with with the modern grace doctrine all right so verse six and this they said trying him so that they might accuse him but Yeshua bending down wrote on the ground with the finger as though not took here again that phrase being added verse seven but as they kept on questioning him they wouldn't relent in their questions he straightened up and said to them he who is without sin among you let him be the first to throw a stone at her now this is where they really insert this this grace dynamic that instead of Yeshua being concerned about sin instead of your shoe up being concerned about Torah he's going to then charge them to be introspective and Yeshua is going to then charge them to look at their own lives and to see if they had committed any sin and if they committed any sin then they disqualify themselves from casting a stone now how many of you from the Christian perspective would say that you at one time believed that maybe you still believe that maybe you still believe that that this was all about Yeshua saying all right look at yourself if you've if you've never committed a sin then you can pick up a stone and throw it at the woman if you're so righteous that you've never committed a sin you can cast the first stone well that's that's the perspective of the modern grace doctrine that this is all about whether or not you committed sin and if you have not committed sin then you can cast the first stone now here's the reality of Torah and I know I'm getting back into the Torah mindset for just a moment but there is a commandment under the original covenant that says if some two people I don't want to get ahead of myself are caught in adultery that the people are to execute judgment and that judgment would be stoning now let me ask you a question do you think everybody that threw the stones in obedience to the Torah had never sinned so it's not even written in the scripture that those who obey the commandments have to be without sin did you think that the almighty considered sin in the original covenant did he consider that people would fall short of the mark why do you think he wrote in the sacrificial system right into the Torah he wrote in the sacrificial system right into the Torah because he knew that the people were flesh and weak and would fail amen and so this is not about well if anyone in this group has never committed a sin you can throw the first stone you think your shoe actually said that that's not within the context his Hebraic mindset he's not thinking like that but it sure makes for a good sermon from the modern grace perspective because now your shoe ax doesn't even care about sin he doesn't even care about the tour all he's saying is hey if you've never seen you can throw the first stone and so they're all gonna say well I've sinned so I don't qualify to throw the first stone in other words I've I've sinned so I can't obey the Torah commandment because I've been commanded by the Almighty in the proper perspective in the in the proper surroundings and I'm gonna get to that in a minute this was a if I may say I'm getting out of myself but this was a kangaroo court if you know what I mean by that all right it wasn't the right environment for this type of questioning to be taking place we're gonna talk about that in just a minute all right so you can see how they're already going awry in their thinking because what it what it makes yoshua say is the almighty doesn't care about sin he doesn't care about obedience he doesn't care about his Torah because right here Jesus is saying that if you have never committed sin you can throw a stone but since you've all committed sins you're not and nobody's gonna throw a stone that's the interpretation okay look at verse eight and bending down again he wrote on the ground so he said he who is without sin among you let him be the first to throw a stone at her and bending down again he wrote on the ground and when they and by the way they have no idea what that was all about him writing on the ground I mean most sincere Christians don't have a clue as to what the writing on the ground was about okay now why can I talk like this because I was a pastor in his Sunday Christian Church for over 20 years so I believe that earns me the right to be able to talk about truth amen because I was willing when my eyes were opened and by the way if the Almighty would have opened them sooner I would have made the journey sooner but when my eyes were opened I was willing to test everything challenge every doctrine that I had inherited I was taught by very sincere people but you can be very sincere and sincerely wrong about some things amen there there is no need for a restoration of the Spirit in any generation if everybody's got it all right and this is what the Almighty is doing right now he's restoring people back to the true context of Yeshua we shared that verse earlier today in this Shabbat gathering that those that would say that they abide in him and Yeshua must also walk even as he walked I mean how seriously do we want to take that charge so that really boils it down for me makes it simple it uncomplicated I'm going to do what Yeshua did I'm going to love what he loved I'm gonna hate what he hated I'm gonna do what he did I'm gonna say what he said amen he's my example now if he's my example and yet when I look at him I can't figure out what about his life I'm supposed to do does that not make it more complicated well I'm supposed to do that but I'm not supposed to do that I'm I'm supposed to do this but I'm not supposed to do that does that make sense then we're all back to doing what's right in our own eyes even within the context of following your schewe because I may say Yeshua did this I need to do it and you may say your shouid did this but i don't need to do it amen well i want to make it simple I believe it's supposed to be simple if you shouid did it we do it again are you so simple-minded to just do what you shouid did and that's the way that you want to walk yes I'm that simple-minded hallelujah so he bent down again he wrote on the ground and then verse 9 and when they heard it when they heard what he said being reproved by their conscience went out one by one beginning from the older ones until the last so when when they heard now this is from the perspective of the modern grace doctrine when they heard Yahshua challenged them about looking into their own lives and whether they had any sin or not and if they had any sin they were disqualified from casting a stone then they were convicted that they were all sinners and they walked away now you hear it said that they dropped their rocks and they walked away but I don't see rocks in this they walked away and they walked away from the oldest to the youngest we'll talk about what that's about here in just a minute and Yeshua was left alone and the woman standing in the middle and Yeshua straightening up and seeing no one but the woman said to her woman where are those accusers of yours did no one condemn you well they all realized they were sinners this is from the grace perspective they all realized they were sinners and they walked away so nobody condemned her and she said no one master and Yeshua said to her neither do i condemn you and you know they hardly ever preached that last sentence go and sin no more so what what I've heard said my sincere people is that Yeshua then says I'm not going to condemn you today I forgive you I forgive you of your sin now moving no more you are forgiven okay you're forgiven now no more the idea that Yeshua has no concern about sin no concern about repentance no concern about belief but he just forgives this is the perspective that the modern grace doctrine has and so they use this to contrast Torah with the goodness and the mercy and the love and the caring and the compassion and the forgiveness of Yahshua Torah is bad and needs to be abolished and we're just going to go with our interpretation of Jesus again that's why I chose this passage because this passage is used more than most to support that perspective all right so can we go back and go over this again and get into the Hebraic Torah perspective and see if we can't make this make complete sense in light of the whole Bible did your shoe a really abolished tutorial did Paul come along and abolish the Torah well if you're sure didn't abolish a torrent Paul didn't abolish the Torah and Yoko didn't abolish the Torah and none of the other apostles abolished the Torah then maybe we can interpret these verses in light of the Torah and it may be that it makes complete sense when we do that so let's go back the first point that I want to make from the Hebraic Torah perspective is there's no vigilante justice in the Torah okay let me make that real clear there's no vigilante justice in the Torah you don't get to just run into somebody's house drag a woman out take her into the streets and stone her to death okay that's not in the Torah do you think the master of the universe who is just and righteous and has pure justice is going to allow for vigilante justice under his Torah so if that's what you have in mind that they drug this woman into the temple they all had rocks in their hands and they were getting ready to stone her then you don't have the right perspective this was a trap everybody say a trap this was a well-thought-out highly strategized trap and what they wanted to do was to trap Yeshua into preaching against mo Shaye the Torah and the set-apart temple they wanted to catch him in something that he says where he's saying something contrary to Moses and the Torah and the set-apart temple because if they could catch him preaching against the Torah then according to the Torah they have the right to accuse him and condemn him to death and that's what they wanted to do ultimately so go with me over to Deuteronomy chapter 21 we'll pick up with verse 18 I want to show you there's no vigilante justice you must take these issues to their proper place of judgment okay Deuteronomy chapter 21 verse 18 when a man has a wayward and rebellious son who is not listening to the voice of his father the voice of his mother and who when they have disciplined him does not listen to them then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of the city to the gate of his City what shall bring him out to the elders of his city to the gate of his City all right and shall say to the elders of his City who are sitting in judgment this is the lesser sin Hedren all right there there was this type of body in every major city you had elders that would sit at the gate and when there were issues that rose up that needed a judgment they would take those issues to the elders sitting at the gate of the city and the elders the Wise Ones the one studied in Torah would listen to all the witnesses and they would study it out and they would ultimately make a decision it was not easy to get a death sentence in Yeshua's day it just wasn't alright and so verse 20 and shall say to the elders of his City this son of ours is wayward and rebellious he's not listening to our voice he's a glutton and a drunkard then all the men of his City shall stone him to death with stones thus you shall purge the evil from your midst and that all he saw out here and fear now this is just one example if I showed you multiple examples we wouldn't have time we couldn't get to the point we want to get to so this is the lesser sin Hedren and it's a body of elders that would meet together it in the gate of the city if you had an issue you took your issue there then the greater sin Hedren in Yerushalayim and we read a lot about this group in in the book of Acts I'm just going to take you over to Acts and show you a one passage Acts chapter 4 verse 14 and seeing the man who had been healed standing with them they could not contradict it but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council and this council is the great Sanhedrin they consulted with one another saying what shall we do to these men for indeed that an outstanding miracle has been done through them as apparent to all those dwelling in Jerusalem and we are unable to deny it but in order that it spreads no further among the people that has strongly threatened them to speak no more to anyone in this name so that was the the edict that was the verdict of the great sin Hedren in Jerusalem concerning these apostles so if your schewe had made a judgement on this woman that they brought before him in this setting which was an improper setting a trend contrary to the Torah would he be an agreement with Torah or would he be disobeying Torah disobeying Torah so if they could just get him to make a judgment they would have something to accuse him of because that was a sham Court it was designed to trick him and if he would make a judgment it's not his place to judge that wasn't the place for him the judge that went outside of the context of the Torah so they were trying to find a way that they could say he teaches against mâche the Torah and this set apart place but it didn't work Deuteronomy chapter 13 and verse 1 this is the second thing to keep in mind as I mentioned firstly they wanted him to make a judgement and secondly they wanted him to make a judgment or say something that ran contrary to the Torah Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 1 when there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he shall give you a sign or a wonder say a sign or a wonder well we know Yeshua gave signs and wonders and the sign or the wonder shall come true of which he has spoken to you saying let us go after other mighty ones which you have not known and serve them notice what it says do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for y'all your Elohim is trying you were testing you to know whether you love y'all you're a little game with all your heart with all your being walk after y'all your Elohim and fear him and guard his commands in other words obey the Torah and obey his voice and serve Him and cling to him and that prophet or that dreamer of dreams is put to death because he has spoken apostasy against Yahweh Elohim who brought you out of the land of Moriah him out of Egypt and ransomed you from the house of bondage to make you stray from the way in which your Elohim commanded you to walk thus you shall purge the evil from your midst and so in other words if a prophet rises up and he speaks things and these things come to pass and he has signs and wonders as proof in essence that the Almighty is with him but once he's done these things he says to you now let us go after false deities let us go serve false deities all right what does the Torah say the Torah says do not listen to him why because the Almighty is testing you all right and so Deuteronomy 13 I call it the prophet test because this is the passage that those that brought false witness against you schewe wanted to use to be able to condemn him to death because they said yes he prophesied certain things and yes he did miracles but he was talking about all kinds of strange things like destroying this temple and in three days he would raise it up seemed to us like he was preaching against ma che and preaching against the Torah well they were trying to get him to say something against the Torah and if they could then they'd have an accusation against him and ultimately they'd be able to condemn him to death because this passage says you're to put that Offutt to death now let me give you mark chapter 14 started with verse 55 these verses show that they bore false witness against you schewe to put him to death and the chief priests and all that counsel were seeking witness against yoshua to put him to death and they were finding none for many bore false witness in other words what they were saying was not true they bore false witness against him but their evidences did not agree and some rose up and bore false witness against him saying we heard him saying I shall destroy this dwelling place that is made with hands and within three days I shall build another made without hands well he didn't say that they were twisting that and not even then did their witnesses agree all right so even when they condemned him they were looking for false witnesses and the scripture says that there were several false witnesses that came up but they didn't agree all right and Yeshua understood all of these principles he understood this was a trick he understood they were trying to get him to say something against Moshe and the Torah in the temple he understood all of that he was anointed by the spirit he had wisdom from his father and he has some he has some classic classic things that he says to those who are trying to test him we're going to talk about some of those in a moment Yeshua was wise and he never taught against the Torah ever you can know that you can know that when you're trying to interpret his statements he never taught against the Torah because when they were trying to accuse him of it they brought false witness all right hallelujah look at John chapter 7 and verse 14 it says in about the middle of the festival Yeshua went up into the set of Park Place and he was teaching and the yahood Dean were marveling saying how does this man note letters not having learned so they were marveling at his knowledge of the scripture his knowledge of the Torah in the NIV AIIM in the KATU v 416 Yahshua answered them and said my teaching is not mine but here's who sent me if anyone desires to do his desire his will he shall know concerning the teaching whether it is from Elohim or whether I speak from myself he who speaks from himself is seeking his almost own esteem but he who seeks the esteem of the one who sent him is true and no unrighteousness is in him look at verse 19 did not mo che give you the Torah yet not one of you does the Torah now how could he say that with all certainty because he was the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Torah Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 15 through 19 that says that Yas going to raise up a prophet like motion in the midst of the brothers and y'all's going to put his words in his mouth and he's gonna speak all that the almighty tells him to speak and he's saying in this prophecy that the man who will not hear this prophet like mochi will be judged and the word for here is Shama means to hear or to listen to and obey so how can he say that not one of those he was talking to not one of them was obeying the Torah because not one of them was shamaya if I can mix Hebrew in English the one that was standing before them the Prophet like Moshe and so by not listening to him instead they wanted to kill him then they were all Torah disobedient every one of them Torah disobedient he says why do you seek to kill me the crowd answered and said you have a demon who seeks to kill you when people don't understand and you when they don't understand what you're preaching and what you're teaching what do they say oh he's deceived the devil is lying to him let's pray that the demons be cast out of him you know I've had all of that kind of thing come against me he's just so deceived in his doctrine we need to pray that he gets set free from those demons amen if they're not calling you the devil what are you doing let me say that again if they're not calling you the devil our demon possessed what are you doing well that's a good sign that you're making a difference when the masses start calling you demon-possessed all right the crowd answered and said notice it's the crowd the crowd can't think by the way there's the crowd mentality they all get the same mind it's hard for them to think on their own you have a demon who seeks to kill you Yeshua answered and said to them I did one work and you all marvel He healed a man on the Sabbath day because of this most che has given you the circumcision a clearer translation is Moshe has given you circumcision though it is not from O'Shea but from the fathers and you circumcised a man on the Sabbath the commandment is that all the male children were to be circumcised on the eighth day following their birth so some of them fell on the Sabbath day the eighth day fell on the Sabbath day so they circumcised on the Sabbath day if a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the tour of Moshe should not be broken are you Roth with me because I made a man entirely well on the Sabbath look at verse 24 do not judge according to appearance but Judge with righteous judgment in another place mark chapter one twenty-one it says and they went into kfr Nachum or Capernaum and immediately on the Sabbath went into the congregation and taught this is Yeshua doing the teaching and they were astonished at his teaching for he was teaching them what was he teaching you think he said all right everybody turn in your Bibles to John 3:16 we're gonna what do you think he was teaching now if he if he taught something different if he taught against the Torah then they'd have something to accuse him of wouldn't they so he was teaching them the Torah the Tanakh and he was teaching as possessing Authority and not as the scribes alright so this tells us that he was wise about Torah that's the point he knows that they're trying to trick him he knows that they're trying to deceive him he knows that they're trying to get him to make a judgment in this kangaroo court and an inappropriate setting he knows that they're trying to get him to preach against Moshe in the Torah and the set apart place he's very wise to what's going on all right so the third thing we need to understand if we want to get the right context here is that the Torah requires that both the man and the woman found in adultery are to be brought for judgment what both the man and the woman found in adultery are to be brought for judgment you don't think your shuen knew that Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 22 says when a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband then both of them shall die both the man that lay with the woman and the woman thus you shall purge the evil from Israel so you don't you don't think that when they drug in the woman Yeshua wasn't saying in his mind so where's the man you don't think that Yeshua made a judgement in his own mind concerning what was going on before him that those scribes and Pharisees were breaking the Torah in other words what is sin the transgression of the Torah that every person involved in that kangaroo court was in sin every person involved they were all breaking the Torah because they drug in the woman so where's the man well the man might have been one of their friends might have been one of their relatives who knows it's all speculation but we know for a fact that they were breaking the Torah by bringing the woman only now you got to get that in your thinking and understand that so that you understand what he says next they were breaking the Torah brought bringing the woman only hallelujah so what does he do he's going to do something really interesting he's going to do something that only those who had studied Torah and the prophets would understand that's why it very well could have been that the older ones understood first and then the younger following the example of the older ones so what does he do so they're asking him they he knows that this is not an appropriate setting for a judgment you can't condemn someone to death in this type of setting he knows that he knows they're trying to get him to say something against ma che in the Torah and the temple he knows that every one of them standing there before him has already broken the Torah by the act of dragging the woman in without the man and and this in my estimation is disgusting to him as the one who embodies all of Scripture and so he's going to signal to them that he's aware of their deception in other words he knows they're trying to trick him and he gives them a sign from the Prophet Jeremiah and it's a sign that at least the older men would have been familiar with he squatted down and he wrote in the earth now your shoe was making a point here folks this is not that he's just trying to ignore them or that he's acting like he doesn't hear them like this is too much pressure for me so I'm gonna act like I can't hear what they're saying well that's what that phrase that has been added gave us the impression of in that right in other words he pretended like he didn't hear them do you think he's really folding under pressure here no he knows exactly what's going on he's very well in control and so he signals to them that he understands this situation and he bends down and he begins to write something on the ground this was not some little doodling thing he wasn't drawn a picture or just doodling something this was a signal this was an evidence this in essence was a condemnation of what they were doing it comes from Jeremiah chapter 17 starting with verse 13 it says o yah the expectation or the hope of Israel all who forsake you are put to shame see to forsake the tour of Elohim is to forsake Elohim let me say it again to forsake the taurah of elohim is to forsake elohim by being willing to break the torah in order to trap him to catch him so that they could do hard to him they were forsaking elevate by being willing to disobey Torah they were forsaking elohim yeshua knew it oh yeah the expectation of israel all who forsake you are put to shame he was shaming them I tell you what you can be shamed by a lot of people but you don't want to be shamed by your schewe he was shaming them those who depart from me shall be written in the earth because they have forsaken yah the fountain of living waters when Yeshua bent down to begin riding in the earth he was demonstrating to them that he knew that they had forsaken Torah to set this trap for him now how wicked how sinister how evil is that without a word conviction begins I don't think that he just kind of looked down and sheepishly wrote a little something I think he looked right at him I think it was obvious and so by bending down and riding in the earth he brought conviction upon the hearts of these men from the Prophet Jeremiah so the sixth thing we want to mention is the sin he spoke of when he said you who are without sin the one who's without sin let him cast the first stone the sin that he spoke of was the sin of this kangaroo court and the fact that they had only brought the woman and not the man also so he signals to them that they've forsaken Torah and by forsaking Torah they've forsaken Elohim the sin that he was speaking of here was the sin of this inappropriate setting the sin of the fact they were trying to catch him deceive him and the sin of the fact that they brought the woman and not the man that's the sin he was talking about if you're without sin in this matter if you have not broken the Torah in this matter if you have not forsaken the almighty in this matter then you can throw the first stone now the older ones I believe understood what he meant when he bent down and wrote on the ground and they were convicted and the older men began to walk away we'd say in modern terms busted I mean you don't mess around with your shoe I mean he's the one when they tried to trick him on taxes he said let me see a coin whose image and inscription is on this coin they said Caesars he said all right then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and get my father what belongs to him amen so he's not deceived so the men the older men begin to walk away because they were approved by their conscience and then the younger ones followed the scripture says Yeshua was left alone and the woman standing in the middle still standing there and Yeshua straightening up and seeing no one but the woman said to her woman where are those accusers of yours did no one condemn you now why is he asking about accusers I mean they're all gone why is it necessary to even talk about accusers because he's a righteous judge he's always going to follow the Torah the scripture says out of the mouths of two or three witnesses every word is established there weren't enough witnesses to bring a judgement even if this were an official court a judgement cannot be passed without two or three credible witnesses so he asked her where your accusers where are those who are bringing witness against you and of course she looks around says there's not any all right so one who follows Torah do you think he's going to make a judgment on her there's not enough witnesses even if it was an official court he wouldn't make a judgement if he did he'd be breaking Torah Deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 6 at the mouth of two or three witnesses shall he that is to die be put to death he has not put to death by the mouth of one witness all right Deuteronomy 19:15 one witness does not rise up against a man concerning any crookedness or any sin that he commits at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses a matter is established when a malicious witness rises up against any man to accuse him of turning aside or a false witness then both men who have the dispute shall stand before yah before the priests and the judges who serve in those days and the judges shall diligently search and see if the witness is a false witness who has falsely accused his brother verse 19 then you shall do to him as he thought to have done to his brother thus you shall purge the evil from your midst and let the rest here in fear and never again do this evil matter in your myths I wonder how people would change their behavior today those who are in the quote Christian Church those who say they follow your shoe I wonder how we would change our behavior today if this law was still in effect in the sense of the punishments being executed in other words if you lie about somebody and your false witness causes that person to be put to death or would have caused that person to be put to death when they discover that you lied you get put to death more that wake up a whole bunch of people wouldn't it if you lie about somebody in a court and your false witness would have caused that person to to be beaten with 40 lashes minus one and it was discovered that you lied guess who gets the whooping Amen all right so you have to have two or three credible witnesses and the judge has to search them out and make sure they're credible so he wants to know woman we're your witnesses she says there are none what this tells us is that Yeshua acted in accordance to the Torah he did not place a judgment on her because number one it wasn't his place to judge it wasn't the appropriate environment number two the tour had not been followed in any way shape or form in this and number three there wasn't enough witnesses coming forward Yeshua acted righteously in this matter the woman said there are no accusers and Yeshua said neither do i condemn you he didn't say neither do i accuse you again the scripture implies that she was guilty I mentioned that earlier he's not saying that he is not accusing her he's not even saying that he's forgiving her that's where the modern grace doctrine would go that he he just forgets all about sin and he forgets all about repentance and testing voluntee forgets all about all that and he just forgives her and then as I mentioned before he says mother than in love no he says I'm not going to condemn you today you're not gonna be condemned today you're not gonna be judged for this why because it didn't follow Torah go and sin no more what is sin what is the biblical definition of sin the transgression of the Torah he looked at her and he said you're not going to get judged today because this was a sham court and everybody that came and brought you in and they all forsook the Torah and forsook Elohim and what they did it was all about trying to trap me and get me to say something against Moshe and say something against the Torah and preach against this temple they wanted to have something that they could accused me of and ultimately condemned me to death concerning but it didn't work so you're not going to get condemned today but here's my warning to you go and transgress the Torah no more in other words perform tests Shiva come back to the Almighty with obedience repent live like you ought to live he charged her to sin no more now quickly I want to give you a few verses that show you that Yeshua always taught obedience to the commandments you always taught obedience to the commandments Luke chapter 18 verse 18 and a certain ruler asked him asked her she was saying good teacher what shall I do to inherit everlasting life he didn't say well just mentally ascend about me just say you believe in me what shall I do to inherit everlasting life so your schewe said to him why do you call me good no one is good except one Elohim you know the commands do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness respect your father and your mother these all come from Exodus 20 verses 12 through 16 and Deuteronomy 5 verses 16 through 20 and he said the ruler said all these I have watched over from my youth so I've kept these from my youth now notice the commandments that he quoted were all the love people commands so when the scribe asked Yeshua what the greatest commandment was he quoted the Shema love Elohim obey his words and he said and next is like it love your neighbor as yourself' upon these two hinge or hang all of the other Commandments so when he's talking to the rich young ruler who has placed his money above Elohim he says firstly you have to obey the commandments and he gives all the love people commandments and so the ruler says well I've done that from my youth verse 22 and hearing this Yeshua said to him yet one you like shall sell all that you have and distribute to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven and come follow me but when he heard this he became intensely sad for he was extremely rich in other words Yahshua knew that this man had made his money his Elohim his L that he had placed his money above Elohim so he said get rid of your idol get rid of the thing that you worship and then come follow in my ways come follow me in my ways and Yeshua was perfectly Torah obedient in that right so we had to get rid of the idolatry first so he said get rid of your idol now he doesn't say that to everybody because not everybody has made money their idol and some people think they can't follow your shoe unless they sell everything and don't have anything but he said it to the rich young ruler because the ruler had made money his lle his deity so he said get rid of your false deity and come follow me in the ways of my father amen so he taught obedience to the commandments if you love me you shall guard my Commandments that's John 14:15 he was simply quoting the Torah on that John 14:21 Yeshua said he who possesses my commands and guards them obeys them it is he who loves me and he who loves me shall be loved by my father and I shall love him and manifest myself to him so love to the father equals obedience if you say you love the father but you don't obey Him the scripture says you're a liar and the truth not in you and then John chapter 14 verse 23 Yeshua answered him if anyone loves me he shall guard or obey my word and my father shall love him and we shall come to him and make our stay with him all that happens through obedience he who does not love me does not guard or obey my words and the word which you hear is not mine but of the father who sent me Yeshua was saying I didn't come to say anything new I didn't come to say anything of my own accord he said the words that I speak are not my own they're the words of the one who sent me in that right Yeshua did not add anything new to the Torah that would be Torah disobedience if he did that Deuteronomy 4:2 do not add to the word which I command you do not take away from it so as to guard the commands of Yahweh Elohim which I'm commanding you and so the question is do you think you Shu have broke this command by adding to the Torah something new or do you think he broke this command by abolishing the Torah of course not if he was Torah disobedient that would make him what a sinner now how many of you want your schewe to be a sinner all right if you make your shoe out to be a sinner he doesn't qualify to be your Savior to be your Savior he must be Torah obedient perfectly Torah obedient amen and so you know what he said in Matthew 5:17 do you not think that I came to destroy the tour of the prophets I did not come to destroy but to complete to fill it up for truly I say to you till the heaven and the earth pass away one yoda or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done or accomplished well the heaven and the earth is there still here those are witnesses to the Torah whoever then breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches men so what commands he's talking about the Torah and the prophets did he suddenly leave contact Tyr is now is he talking about just two commands that we read about in the breed Halle Shaw in the quote New Testament or is he still talking about the commands of his father he's still talking about the commands of Torah and we know the prophets were in live with the commands of the Torah so that's these commands whoever then breaks one of the least of these commands and teaches men soul shall be called least in the reign of the heavens but whoever does and teaches them shall be called great in the reign of the heavens and so Yeshua always taught and teaches the commandments now quickly we have the to the 10 and the total this is to help those of you that have never heard this before and those that are watching by video all over the world Yeshua summed up all of the ten by saying there are two and that is love Elohim and love people but you don't know how to love Elohim and love people unless you read the ten and the ten will tell you how to love Elohim and love people therefore love Elohim Commandments and six love people Commandments now all of the other Torah Commandments are summed up in the ten and the reality is when Yeshua taught he said those of you who obey these Commandments and teach others to obey these commandments which commandments which Commandments is he talking about here he's talking about the Torah and the prophets in that the context and the prophets line up with the Torah he said you'll be great in the kingdom if you disobey them and teach others to disobey them you'll be least in the kingdom that's serious stuff and then quickly we'll go through just a few verses that tell us that Yeshua taught the standard for judgment is what we do not what we say we believe Matthew chapter 16 verse 27 for the son of Adam is going to come and the esteem of his father with his messengers and then he shall reward each according to his what works he's quoting Psalm 62 12 and proverbs 20:4 12 now I'm just sticking with what Yeshua said you know I've taught before all of the things that that schuyler the Apostle Paul said about the standard for judgment and the things that Yaakov and Shimon kapha all of the emissaries the Apostles said about the standard for judgment the Bible teaches that the standard for judgment is what you do not what you say you believe John chapter 5 verse 28 do not marvel at this because the hour is coming in which all those in the tombs shall hear his voice the Messiah's voice and shall come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have practice evil matters to a resurrection of judgment notice the words done and practiced doesn't say anything about what you say you believe because what you believe is proven by what you do I don't really care what you say about what you believe I can tell you what you believe by looking at your life I mean it's frustrating it's frustrating for the world out there to have so many people who say they believe in Jesus but they don't live according to the scripture what are we to believe are we to believe it's not important to obey the scripture well if we have the wrong perspective in context in John chapter 8 verses 1 through 11 then we could come to that conclusion that right two more verses Revelation chapter 20 starting with verse 11 and I saw a great white throne and him who was sitting on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and no place was found for them and I saw the dead small and great standing before the throne and books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged from what was written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the dead who were in it and death and shall gave up the dead who were in them and they were judged how were they judged each one according to his works that's in your quote new Testament and then finally revelation 22 starting with verse 12 and see I am coming speedily and my reward is with me to give to each one according to what he says he believes is that what it says is it alright for me to tell you to stop listening to what people say they believe you will know them by their fruit okay people talk a lot and say a lot of things all right judge them by their fruit not by what they say if what they do doesn't match what they say they're hypocrites don't follow them broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many that are on that path all right narrow and difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find that path welcome to the few amen and we are searching it out every day because we're lovers of truth more than lovers of tradition religion will not get us there only Yeshua the one who made it can get us there can you say Amen all right again revelation 22 verse 12 and see I'm coming speedily and my reward is with me to give to each one according to his work I am the Alpha and the tall the beginning and the end the first in the last blessed are those doing what his commands so that the authority shall be theirs unto the Tree of Life and to enter through the gates into the city but outside are the dogs and those who enchant with drugs and those who and the murderers and the idolaters and all who love and do falsehood by the way there's a commandment against all of that he's just not drawing things out of thin air he's saying those who disobey the commandments aren't gonna make it into the city and they're not going to eat from the tree of life but those of us who put our actions where our mouth is amen and we actually do what we say we believe we obey the commandments then by obedience we are postured to be able to enter the city and eat of the Tree of Life amen so when you have the break Torah perspective when you understand Torah and you are trying to make sense of what Yeshua teaches it all comes together it all makes perfect sense and you don't have to make excuses for the Bible that's what I love about the truth that we're walking in is that the Bible is one continuous agreeing revelation when you know that you don't put what's called the Old Testament at war with what's called the New Testament you don't say the Old Testament is law it's that mean ugly grotesque bloodthirsty thing that wants evil for you but fortunately Yeshua came along and he didn't live by that or maybe he obeyed it just so that he could then abolish it for us so then we don't have to obey it how great would that be right and you set people free from the Torah or the instructions of Elohim do you think if you liberate people from the tour of Elohim it's going to produce a righteous world when you look around the planet today and you see all the wickedness and the unrighteousness do you think it's because the Almighty you think Yeshua it's because you're schewe liberated us from the tour of Elohim that that people are living so rightly no they're not living rightly and in the day that we're living in what is the spirit doing he's restoring things he's restoring truth to the body of Messiah and I'm glad that we're part of that can you say Amen that we have come back to the Hebraic context of the scripture and that we see Torah as the foundation for all Scripture and without understanding Torah we cannot even interpret Scripture correctly amen and so is the tale of two interpretations hallelujah
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 20,162
Rating: 4.9309354 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, A Tale Of Two Interpretations, Torah, Jesus, Yeshua, Christ, Messiah, Messianic, Scripture, Bible, Hebraic/Torah interpretation, New Testament, New Covenant, Old Covenant, Jewish
Id: W1ehd10bLY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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