Contending For The Original Apostolic Belief // Part Two

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well are you ready to get into y'all's word today alright I want you to open your Bibles with me to the book of Jude we're going to begin with verse three Jude 1 verse 3 and we're going to continue in our series that we've entitled contending for the original apostolic belief this is part 2 as you recall last week we talked about the fact that when Paul met with the elders of Ephesus he told them prophetically that shortly after his departure or after his death savage wolves would come in not sparing the flock and then we went on to talk about how John said many anti messiahs had already left the body of Messiah we're doing there they're anti Messiah work in that day in the writing of that epistle well today we're going to look at the fact that Jude tells the believers of that time at the time of the writing of his epistle that they are to contend for the original apostolic belief because there are people wicked people who have slipped in who have perverted grace who are who are doing a work of perversion in the body and Jude says we're going to have to contend for the original oppos'd aaalac belief so if all of these things happened in the early 1st century can you imagine what religion might be like today after 2,000 years of this type of apostasy and falling away and false teachers and false doctrine and all that so that's what we're going to get into today verse 3 of Jude says beloved ones making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance in other words Jude was excited to write to the believers about our common deliverance our common faith but notice he says I felt the necessity so this is necessity from the spirit to write to you urging you to earnestly contend you could say to fight for the belief for the original belief which was once for all delivered to the set apart ones implying delivered to the believers by Yeshua and by his set apart emissaries first for for certain men have slipped in notice it says they've already slipped in so at the time of this epistle certain men had already slipped in to the family of belief all right whose judgment was written about long ago in the original Hebrew Scriptures wicked ones everybody say wicked wants notice perverting the favor or the grace of our elohim for indecency does that sound familiar to you today the perversion of grace for what is indecent notice it says and denying the only master yah and our master Yeshua Messiah so when you deny the commandments of yah and the sound teaching of Yeshua you are denying both of them yah and Yahshua alright verse 5 but I intend to remind you though you once knew this that yah having saved a people out of the land of Israel all right who did yah save out of the land of its reiieve Israel right they were initially saved by yah notice that's what that says afterward destroyed those who did not believe of course if you don't believe you're not going to obey so these same people that he saved out of the land of Egypt MIT's Rahim he later destroyed because they did not believe and they did not obey so we need to learn that lesson amen he goes on to say and the messengers are the angels who did not keep their own principality they didn't keep their own assigned place but left you could say deserted they deserted their own dwelling in rebellion to the Almighty he yah has kept in everlasting shackles under darkness for the judgment the great day so so these angels these messengers had been assigned a dwelling place and they rebelled against the Almighty they went where they weren't supposed to and even though they began as messengers of the Almighty they were judged all right and they're kept in everlasting shackles under darkness for the judgment of the great day that is to come so it's not how you begin it's how you end that's the lesson it's not how you start it's how you finish verse 7 even as Sodoma and I'm Laura that's Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in a similar way to these having given themselves over to whoring and gone after strange flesh in other words they rebelled against the ways of the Almighty are set forth as an example undergoing judicial punishment of everlasting fire in the same way indeed these dreamers he's talking about these who have slipped in perverting grace they defile the flesh or they walk after the lust of the flesh and reject Authority or they reject spiritual authority they they refuse to submit to biblical authority and speak evil of a steam but you could say glorious ones but Micahel or Michael the chief messenger or Archangel in contending with the devil when he disputed about the body of Moses Lee there was a dispute between the devil and Michael over the body of Moshe we talked about how he went up you know on the mountain and died presumed not to bring against him Michael presumed not to bring against the devil a blasphemous accusation but said yah rebuke you and that's a reference to Zechariah chapter 3 and verse 2 verse 10 but these who have slipped in blaspheme that which they do not know in other words they they revile out of their ignorance all right have you ever heard somebody reviling out of their ignorance talking about things they don't even know holding a position that's not founded in Scripture but they sure believe it's true and they want to enforce it upon you and that which they know naturally like unreasoning beasts in these they corrupt themselves woe to them he's talking about these that have slipped in that had perverted grace because they have gone in the way of kyon or Cain Cain became jealous of his righteous brother Abel and murdered him alright so those who become jealous of the righteous and murder them alright they may not murder them physically but they definitely will murder them with their thoughts and they'll they'll murder them with their words and their false accusations come on somebody say you men and gave themselves to the delusion of Balaam let's talk about Balaam for reward alright in other words Balaam hired himself out to curse what yah had blessed that's the kind of people that we're talking about here and perished in the rebellion of Korah who rebelled against Moses Authority in the wilderness verse 12 these are rocky reefs in your love feasts alright so they're just under the surface of the water a rocky reef you look out over the water you don't even see them they're just under the surface of the water but they have the potential for great destruction alright these are rocky reefs in your love feasts he's not talking about in the future he's saying this is happening right now in that first century feasting with you feeding themselves without fear in other words having no fear of yah waterless clouds born about by the wind in other words they appear to be a blessing a cloud that has water in it as a blessing the Torah says the rain is a blessing so they appear to be a blessing I mean I don't know if you can apply this to any experience that you might have had in in a contemporary with faith people that walk around they appear to be a blessing but they're waterless clouds they're rebellious they're rocky reefs you can't see what's going on but there's a lot of potential destruction in those people all right waterless clouds born about by the winds late autumn trees without fruit man if you've got a tree and it's late autumn it ought to have a lot of fruit on it what did you shouid do with the fig tree that didn't have any fruit on it be cursed it didn't eat twice dead pulled up by the roots now somebody would say dude man you're preaching hard how many of you know sometimes the truth appears to be hard people would rather have a soft warm fuzzy lie than the cold hard truth people in the quote church today many of them would prefer to have a nice warm fuzzy lie than truth that's going to challenge them to change I mean even know if you can sit in the congregation for a year and listen to every sermon and you're never challenged to change you never struggle with the truth that comes how many of you know there's not much truth being taught if that's the case I want you to know here try it family I am an equal opportunity offender we are an equal opportunity offending Church we don't try to offend people but we just we teach the truth in love the question is what are you going to do with transformational truth are you going to get angry about it get offended go somewhere else where they're not teaching truth or are you going to allow it to change you and shape your life amen 4:13 wild waves of the sea foaming up their own shame what a picture in other words they're always laboring to accomplish shameful things straying stars for whom blackness of Darkness is kept forever have you ever seen a shooting star they're pretty glorious for a while you know they they light up for a while and shoot across the sky and then they burn out into the darkness that's what he's talking about here straying stars for whom blackness of darkness is kept forever in hey nuke or Enoch the seventh from Adam also prophesied of these these false brethren perverting grace rejecting spiritual authority and laboring to accomplish shameful goals saying see yah comes with his myriads of set apart ones to execute judgment on all to punish all who are wicked that word can also mean twisted perverted among them they're walking in perversion and not in the ways of yah concerning all their wicked works which they have committed in a wicked way and concerning all the harsh words which wicked sinners have spoken against him against yah I'm not sure but that may be the verse in the Bible that has the most Wicked's in it a lot of Wicked's there these are grumblers complainers who walk according to their own lusts and their mouth speaks proudly admiring faces of others for the sake of gain in other words they flatter people for the sake of gain alright and these are people who were in the body and they were in the body back then in that first century when this epistle was written how many of you believe it's gotten a whole lot better since then thank you for not raising your hand I wouldn't want to have to call you out it's gotten worse since then can you say men that's why we have to contend for the original apostolic belief that was given to us by Yeshua and his set apart emissaries are his holy apostles all right not following religion Yeshua never said follow religion Yeshua never said follow Christianity Yeshua never said follow Judaism Yeshua said follow me so if you want to be safe you love what your shoe loved you hate what your hated you say what your shoe said you do what your shoe it did amen you follow your shoe because how many of you want to end up where Yeshua ended up the scripture does not say that Christianity is the way to the Father does not say that Judaism is the weight of the Father does not say that any religion is the weight of the Father Yeshua said I and the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the Father except by me amen hallelujah give verse 17 but you beloved ones look at somebody please talking about me but you beloved ones remember the words spoken before by the in a series of our master Yeshua Messiah what's he saying remain in the original apostolic belief remember the words that were spoken to you by the set apart emissaries the emissaries are the sent ones of our master Yeshua Messiah remember those words do those things don't follow religion verse 18 because they told you or they warned you that there would be mockers in the last time the last time is a reference to the two thousand year period after the ascension of Yeshua we are in the last time now but it started back then who would walk according to their own wicked lusts in other words don't let anyone lead you astray now I want you to remember that because this is going to be a reoccurring theme with these passages that we're going to talk about today Jude is saying don't let anyone lead you astray remember you've been warned about these people in other words verse 19 these are the ones who cause divisions not having the spirit so be careful of those who promote division in a body where the truth is being taught do I need to say that one again be careful of those who promote division in a body where the truth is being taught all right but you beloved ones building yourselves up on your most set apart belief this original apostolic belief praying in a set of park spirit see the set of Park Spirit is the Spirit of Truth who will lead you into all truth keep yourselves in the love of Elohim what does that mean by obeying His commandments the Torah says if you love Elohim you'll obey His commandments Yeshua Yeshua echoes that by saying if you love me you'll keep my Commandments alright so how do you remain in the love of Elohim by keeping his Commandments looking for the compassion of our master Yeshua Messiah under everlasting life and show compassion towards some who are doubting what does that mean in other words be gentle and loving with the doubting there are some who are just doubting and we need to be gentle and loving with the doubting verse 23 but others save with fear in other words put the fear yah in them that's what that means by your example and by your teaching by your preaching put the fear of yah in them snatching them out of the fire hating even the garment defiled by the flesh and to him who is able to keep you from stumbling well that's a place right there we ought to praise the almighty amen look as we get closer to the end the contrast between the light and the darkness is not going to be so great that we can easily see the difference the deception is going to be so great that it's going to be hard to see the difference now think about it so that even the select might be deceived Isaiah prophesied that some will call good evil and evil good bitter sweet and sweet bitter that's some confusion but how many of you can already see that's our culture that's the culture that we live in are you ever sitting there like I am at home watching the news and you just have to break out and talk to the television I do sometimes I just have to break out and talk to the television and say we are living in these days that Isaiah prophesied about the things that we're debating and discussing the things that our culture seems to be so confused about who uses what restroom you say well that offends me brother Gary well I told you I was an equal opportunity offender should we really be discussing who uses what restroom should someone with male parks being a female restroom or vice versa so culture is calling good evil and evil good and there are a lot of people who are that confused so when you come along and you start talking about the ways of yah do you think when you preach the ways of yah that they're just going to be so excited and so ready to receive righteousness though they're going to hate you they're going to hate you for your shoes name for his sake all right and to him who is able to keep you from stumbling when we talk about in these last days when everybody's so confused how many of you want to have somebody that's able to keep you from being deceived and stumbling and to present you blameless he's able to before the presence of his esteem is glory with exceeding joy how many of you like Paul want to finish your race with joy to the only wise Elohim our Savior be esteem and greatness and might and authority both now and forever and everybody said a man okay so here's the point the point is that that these these men of Yahoo wrote these scriptures Paul said savage wolves are going to come in as soon as I depart John said even now the anti-messiah have gone out from us Jude says hey you're going to have to contend if you're going to walk in the original apostolic belief if you're going to walk in the ways of your schewe then you're going to have to contend for that you got to struggle over that and it was happening back then so the important point I want you to get is that after 2000 years of that do you think it has improved no it's happening just the way the almighty said it's going to happen through his profits the deception is going to be so great that people are not going to be able to know good from evil bitter from sweet righteousness from perversion that's why we all must have a deep personal intimate relationship with the ruach ha'qodesh with the holy spirit who's the Spirit of Truth who will lead us into all truth you say when should I start developing that relationship you're late get busy go with me over to Matthew 24 started with verse 3 as he Yeshua was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age Yeshua answered them here it is the reoccurring theme be careful that no one leads you astray see if you don't want to be led astray you need to be careful about who's leading you if you're following religion you're going to be led astray if you're following men you will be led astray but if you follow your Scheuer you'll not be led strange Yeshua said be careful that no one leads you astray for just a few will come in my name that what it says what does your Bible say mine says many now I want you to see how many times the word many is used in this passage for many will come in my name saying I am the Messiah and will lead how many many astray so many are going to be led astray you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed for this must happen but it is not yet the end for nation will rise up against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all these things are only the beginning of birth pains how many of you know we're in the midst of the birth pains right now I recently became a granddaddy hallelujah so so this example is very fresh in my mind although I was not in the delivery room I was in the waiting room waiting patiently for my children to get the job done I have been in the delivery room five times amen and I know all about birth pangs I know about Braxton Hicks contractions the fake ones that will fake you out you're all excited you know I know what it's like to be in delivery and we are in the birth pains now folks we're in the birth pains now verse 9 then they will hand you talking about the disciples of Yeshua they will hand you over to persecution and will kill you you will be hated by all the nations because of my name first in and then many will fall away how many will fall away many and will betray one another and hate one another and this is referencing the apostate church in the last day so many will fall away there will be great hate in the body there will be betrayal in the body first well because lawlessness everybody say lawlessness because lawlessness will multiply what does that mean a contempt for and rebellion against the law of yah will get worse and worse the complete abolishment of the law of job by perverted doctrines of grace and universalism that's what this is talking about all right so Yahshua is not a party to lawlessness you okay to allow us the wonderful experience of the born-again miracle to be born again to have our spirits prepared for the indwelling Spirit to to receive direction and instruction by the Holy Spirit of the ruach ha'qodesh amen so that we through the empowerment of the Spirit might learn of the ways of Yeshua and walk in his ways and his ways are the ways of righteousness so when you hear any doctrine I don't care if it's a Christian doctrine I don't care if it's the most popular Christian doctrine that tells you that Yeshua came and died on the tree so that you don't have to obey or need to obey the commandments you know that's a doctrine of demons people will say well if you obey while you've fallen from grace and now you're in the law keeping well I have to say it because I say it a lot y'all know where I'm going with this if you're not allow keeper what are you a law breaker if you are law keeper what are you walking in righteousness if you're a law breaker what are you walking in lawlessness in wickedness all right you're unrighteous lawlessness will multiply it is a sign of the times that we're in so doctrines will be developed and put out there and it will go over Christian television it'll go out over all of the main media methods and it will tell believers they don't need to obey the commandments that the largest portion of the Bible has been abolished well that's right in line with what is said here in verse 12 because lawlessness will multiply it says the love of many will grow cold now we've taught several messages on the definition of Bible love what is the definition of Bible love obedience and so notice what it's saying here because lawlessness will multiply the obedience of many will grow cold others people won't obey the Bible do you think that people are obeying the Bible more today than they did in previous generations well we have more religion and religion is deceptive because religion takes you to a place where you think you're doing right because you're told you're doing right and because you're not willing to do the study and search it out and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you you're walking in self-righteousness and those people are going to be in the broad way that leads to what destruction and there are many who find that path many so I would warn you to be concerned about the many all right because lawlessness will multiply the love of many or the obedience of many will grow cold you choose that if you love me keep my Commandments verse 13 but the one who endures to the end who walks in the ways of your schewe until Yahshua arrives who endures till the end see walking in the ways of Yeshua is not going to get people to really like you but the one who endures to the end shall be saved this good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come what is the good news of the kingdom it's the message that the Spirit is speaking even today the message of the kingdom is the truth of the whole Bible the charismatic renewal you know they call themselves those that were in the full gospel the full gospel the message that's being taught now by the Spirit is the message of the the whole Bible the whole truth amen and that's the testimony that's going to go out around the world before your sewer comes back alright fortunately and we're very thankful last we checked our messages are going out to 139 nations we praise y'all for that so that's part of the prophecy these are these are things that must happen before Yeshua returns go with me over to Matthew 7:13 I just made reference to this verse Yeshua said enter in through the narrow gate because the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction why does the gate need to be wide and the way need to be broad that leads to destruction to accommodate the many who are going that path she goes on to say and there are many who enter in through it verse 14 because the gate is narrow and the way is hard-pressed or afflicted which leads to life and there are few who find it now this is just you speaking he's saying that there are going to be view compared to the many who are going to find the true path to life now what does that say Yeshua said I'm the way the truth and the life so this is saying the people that are following religion are on the broad way they think they're right they think their religion is truth they argue with people that don't have the same religion that they do but it's a broad way to destruction and those who are truly walking in the footsteps of Yeshua or on a narrow and difficult path because you'll find in the last days as we've already read that it's not just the world who is attacking those who are walking in the footsteps of Yeshua it's the apostate Church we've got to be aware of that Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 notice Yahshua said not everyone who says to me master master shall enter into the rain of the heavens but he who is doing the desire of my father in the heavens the ones who are doing the desire of the father are the ones who are going to enter the kingdom and where do you discover the desire of the Father in the Torah verse 22 many shall say to me in that day there's that word many again master master have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name done many mighty works in your name sounds like ministry sounds like religion of course a false prophet can prophesy also what does your suicide wears 23 and then I shall declare to them the many I never knew you it's not that he doesn't know us he knows everything about you he knows the number of hairs on your head it's that he didn't know you intimately because you didn't walk in his ways you didn't know him maybe your religion made him out to be a Roman Greco Jesus you didn't know him so you walked in religion and when you don't know him and you walk in religion what does he say I never knew you intimately because you didn't walk with me you wanted me to walk with you in that other way unfortunately the seeker of truth can find the way but if you love the traditions of man more than you love the written word you're going to be deceived and that was always the situation that you schewe had with the scribes and the Pharisees they loved their religion and they were willing to break the commandments of yah in order to keep their traditions and before we sit there to self righteously I wonder how many Christian people are willing to break the commandments or abolish the commandments altogether in order to keep their pet doctrine go ahead and say Amen if you say Amen everybody I'll think I'm talking about somebody else he said I never knew you depart from me you who work long last nests you who live like there was no law you live like there was no Torah you made up doctrines that abolished the largest portion of the Bible verse 24 therefore everyone who hears these words of mine a lot of people in that crowd swallowing hard right then and there I think you know Yeshua is the living Torah is he not so when he speaks he's going to speak the Torah he came to demonstrate how to live out the tour in spirit and truth according to grace in the spirit amen he didn't come with another agenda he didn't come to speak his own words he said it many times I didn't come to speak my own words I came to speak the words of the one who sent me my father he didn't come to bring something new so when he's speaking he's speaking the words of his are by his father therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them it's not about mental ascension it's about not about you recognizing something someone said I think I heard that before yeah are you doing it therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock who's the rock you she was the rock do you want to build your house on religion you want to build it on the rock and the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall if it was founded on the rock and everyone who hears these words of mine as she was said he didn't come to speak his own words remember he spoke the words of his father and does not do them even if you have some some doctrine that some preacher preached on Christian television and you just trusted it but you're not doing the words of your schewe maybe you've made an excuse that Yeshua came he was under the law he was teaching people under the law so what he taught doesn't apply to you have you heard that before I've heard it before you better do everything Yahshua tells you to do everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand maybe only religion and the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew and they beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall now go with me over to second Thessalonians we're going to end with this second Thessalonians chapter 2 beginning with verse 1 and this is where Paul wrote about the mystery or the secret of lawlessness and this passage has been so poorly interpreted by religion and I pray that today you'll get to see it in a new light as the Spirit interprets it to us 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 as to the coming of our master Yeshua Messiah and our gathering together to him so what is the context of this in verse 1 the context is set okay the context is the coming of our master Yeshua Messiah and our gathering together to him alright keep that in mind because you have to have that context to be able to properly interpret what's being said here we ask you brothers not to become easily unsettled in mind or troubled either by spirit you could say a lying spirit or by word what somebody says or by letter as if from us in other words a false letter as if the day of yah has come or you could say has already come see that was the problem these Saints these believers were concerned that the day of yah had already come why because there was a lion spirit talking to people there were some false doctrines and teachings going around they even got a letter that had been forged and it appeared that it had come from the apostles saying that the day of yo had already come so he's addressing the problem he'd say hey don't get stressed out over that I'm going to lay out for you the things that must happen before Yahshua returns okay these things must happen all right look at verse 3 oh here's that theme again let no one deceive you in any way we've seen it three times already today let no one deceive you in any way because the falling away is to come first alright the falling away of believers they're going to fall away from the original opposite faith they're going to fall away from the truth and the falling away has to come first so before your shoe comes back there has to be a falling away Yeshua won't come back until the falling away comes first alright keep that in mind because the falling away is to come first and the man of lawlessness who's the man of lawlessness the anti Messiah the man of lawlessness notice he's called the men of law les Nass he's the opposite of the Messiah who is the righteous one so you have your shoe of the righteous and you have the anti Messiah who is the lawless one all right so go ahead and decide what camp you want to be in come on say man that's another place you can say Amen and everybody think I'm talking about somebody else amen and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed the son of destruction so before Yeshua can come back there must be a falling away and the man of lawlessness must be revealed who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshipped he makes himself out to be Elohim he wants to be worship he demands to be worshipped so that he sits as Elohim and the dwelling place of Elohim in the in the temple so the scripture says it in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 that this man of lawlessness is going to confirm a covenant with many for one week alright that's seven years and in the middle of the week the three and a half year period the three and a half year mark he's going to put an end to the sacrifices the slaughtering the meal offerings alright so the temple is rebuilt the Levites are making sacrifices it's going to happen three and a half years the ante Messiah is going to come in and put an end to all that he's going to make himself out to be Elohim he shows himself to be Elohim by sitting into the Holy of Holies in the temple all right now how many of you believe that the Jews are going to worship Him no and that's why he's going to become so angry at the nation of Israel and he's going to put together this multinational force to come in and crush Israel alright who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshiped so that he sits at Elohim in the dwelling place of Eliam showing himself that he is Elohim that is Daniel 11 verses 36 to 39 it's a reference there verse 5 do you not remember that I told you this while I was still with you in other words remember the original apostolic teachings don't let anybody deceive you remember what I told you all right verse 6 and now you know what restrains what does that mean that means now you know what must happen first alright now I'm going to I know I'm going to I'm gonna stomp on a little bit of Christian doctrine here making this out to be the holy spirit okay I'll just warn you in advance I'm not going that direction but follow me and now you know what restrains alright in other words what must happen first you know it because I just told you I just told you what's going to happen first there's going to be a falling away and the anti Messiah is going to rise up that has to happen before your shoe comes back all right and so he's saying now you know because I told you and now you know what restrains for him speaking of the anti Messiah to be revealed in his time in other words the falling away has to happen first and then the anti Messiah is revealed in his time okay for the secret or the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in other words the mystery of lawlessness this working of lawlessness which will create the condition in which the Antichrist will arise was already at work during those days the time of the writing of this epistle he said hey it's already this lawlessness this working of lawlessness is already busy to create this condition only until he is not talking about the spirit only until he the anti Messiah who now restrains restrains what he restrains the coming of Yeshua because your shoe is not coming back until the falling away happens and this any Messiah emerges from the midst of the people okay only until he the anti-messiah who now restrains comes out of the midst now this is one of the most poorly interpreted words in the entire Brit hadashah your Bible may say is taken out of the way if you go to the Greek and look at all of the definitions of that word your Bible says way it says that that word means from the midst of from the middle of from among all right now it does it can also mean way but the vast majority of the definitions that are presented there means from the midst of in other words the Antichrist is going to be revealed from the midst of the people he's going to come up from amongst the masses for it to be improperly interpreted or translated as must be taken out of the way then you've got all of these Christian people who are thinking now what does that mean must be taken out of the way well it must be the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit must be taken out of the way when the church is raptured and then the Holy Spirit goes out with the church and then the Antichrist can come now you may laugh at that doctor but but that is the mainstream doctrine of Christianity Christians believe that there's going to be a pre-trib rapture pre-tribulation rapture and when the church goes out the Holy Spirit's going out with the church and the Holy Spirit is the one that's restraining the Antichrist from coming but that's not what this is saying at all you remember the series that I taught on what did Paul really mean but this translation instead of it being from the midst it says out of the way that has done more to support erroneous Christian doctrine and practically anything else and you mark it in your Bible and go study it out that's my job is to get you studying but I've done the study so it's not talking about taking something out of the way it's talking about the anti Messiah coming up from the myths of the people all right let's look at it for the secret of lawlessness is already at work only until he the anti Messiah who now restrains his train restrains the coming of Messiah comes out of the midst or arises from the people verse 8 and then then when when the anti-messiah rises out of the midst of the people the lawless one shall be revealed when he comes up out of the midst of the people you're going to recognize if you're going to see him he will be revealed okay whom the master Yeshua whom the master shall consume with the spirit of his mouth as Isaiah 11 and verse 4 and bring to naught with the manifestation of his coming so we're back to the we've never left the context the context was Yeshua's coming and our being gathered together to him and what must happen for that to happen and what must happen Paul said is that there must be a falling away and the anti Messiah must rise up from the midst of the people and when he rises up he'll be revealed and when he's revealed then Yeshua will come and when you account he'll destroy him with the spirit of his mouth you see how that makes sense when you keep the context you dig a little bit deeper and you don't trust religion to interpret the Bible for you all right let's move on verse 9 the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood look if you're not walking with your schewe if you don't have a deep personal intimate relationship with the ruach ha'qodesh with the holy spirit you're going to have to deal with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing remember the righteous of the ones who obey because they did not receive the love of the truth man they love their religion didn't they they love their denomination they love their movement to love your religion your denomination or your movement more than the truth makes you no better than the world because they did not receive the love of the truth and at the time of the writing of this letter there was no compiled quote New Testament so what is the truth that he's referencing the original Hebrew Scriptures is schewe said that all of the Scriptures the original Hebrew Scriptures were about him but notice it says they did not receive the love of the truth in order for them to be saved see to be saved you have to receive a love for the truth and for this reason all this is where it gets really deep and for this reason because they hated the truth they love their religion they love their denomination they love their movement more than the truth for this reason elohim sends them a working of delusion who sent it elohim for them to believe the falsehood in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth but have delighted in the unrighteousness or the disobedience of the truth they delighted in disobeying pretty powerful stuff the almighty is going to send a delusion you think of a courtroom you think of the different phases of the court and the fact that there's a verdict stage where you find out if they're guilty or not guilty and then they come back for a sentencing okay don't think for a second that the great white throne is the verdict stage it's the sentencing stage the verdict stage happens on earth when you have hated the truth and y'all makes a determination to send you a delusion do I need to read it again some of you have that look on your face like I'm making something up let me read it again look at verse 11 for this reason because you hated the truth elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood see at that point you're deluded you're delusional and all you can believe is the falsehood in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth but have delighted in the unrighteousness so it's important to walk in the truth now while you have the opportunity look at Luke chapter 24 I just have a couple more verses that go right along with what we're talking about here Luke chapter 24 verse 44 and he Joshua said to them these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all have to be filled which were written in the Torah of Moshe and the prophets and the telling of the Psalms concerning me then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures the original Hebrew Scriptures and said to them thus it has been written it's been written in the Torah and the prophets and so it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise again from the dead the third day and the repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem this is before any quote new Testament was compiled Yeshua said the tour in the prophets were about me you could preach the good news of redemption in Yeshua right out of the original Hebrew Scriptures that's the truth that we're talking about people did not want to love the truth and because they didn't want to love the truth they got a delusion from the Almighty to believe the falsehood to believe lying doctrines and doctrines of demons look at John chapter 9 verse 39 Yeshua said for judgment I have come into this world that those not seeing might see and those seeing or following religious traditions and not the truth might become blind trying to read it slow and let it sink in for you he said for judgment I've come into this world that those not seeing might see those that love the truth those who are truth seekers are going to see and those seeing the scribes and the Pharisees thought they could see very clearly there religion and those seeing or following religious traditions might become blind and those are the Pharisees who were with him heard these words and said to him are we blind to as schewe said to them if you were blind you would have no sin but now you say we see therefore your sin remains Matthew 15 verse 12 then his taught ones came and said to him said to Yeshua do you know that the Pharisees stumbled or were offended Yeshua was an equal-opportunity offender as well when they heard this word but he answering said every plant which my Heavenly Father has not planted shall be uprooted leave them alone who's the them those following religion they are blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into a ditch he's making it pretty clear any John chapter 12 verse 36 while you have the light believe in the light so that you become sons of light well your shoe is the light believe and obey and follow Yeshua nowhere in the scripture does it say religion is the light while you have the light believe in the light so that you become sons of light these words Yahshua spoke and went off and was hidden from them but though he had done so many signs before them they did not believe him that the word of Yeshu Yahoo or Isaiah the prophet might be filled which he spoke yah who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of yah been revealed that's Isaiah 53 verse 1 because of this they were unable to believe because again Yeshe Yahoo said he has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn and I should heal them that's Isaiah 6 verse 10 see this is the delusion that comes from the almighty wing when you love your traditions more than the truth you're blind and if you're a leader of religion who's blind you're the blind leading the blind and you're both going to fall into a ditch sometimes when you read the story about Pharaoh you know you kind of get a little sympathetic when you just read in the text it says in the Almighty hardened his heart you think well man that's not even fair all this stuff's coming down on him because the almighty hardened his heart we're talking about the principle here hearts are hardened by the Almighty because they do not love the truth and if you hate the truth long enough you'll get a delusion all right we're going to end back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 pick up with verse 13 but we ought to give thanks to Elohim always for you brothers beloved by the master because Elohim from the beginning chose you to be saved instead of partners of spirit and belief in the truth not just a little sliver in the back of the book you'll find that anywhere in the scripture that says the vast majority of the book is abolished you only live out a little sliver in the back in the foundation of Scripture is the Torah as we've proven again and again if you don't have an understanding of Torah when it's time to interpret the quote New Testament you end up having to make stuff up and Christian doctrine in a lot of cases is made up because there's no found in the Torah now I'm not pointing the finger at somebody and say look at those people over there I'm speaking from personal experience and I thank y'all every day that he's opened my eyes to the truth and we don't preach that there's a Great Wall of China between what's called the Old Testament in the New Testament and the old been abolished and the only thing we live out of is the new the reality is that all of the Bible is one continuous agreeing revelation and if your doctrine cannot make all the Bible agree it's false doctrine that's a rule of thumb in verse 14 unto which he calls you by our good news for the obtaining of the esteem of our master Yeshua Messiah so then brothers stand fast it's a good way to end this sermon today in this series stand fast you got to stand fast you have to fight the good fight amen you can't be talked out of it don't be deceived let no one deceive you so then brothers stand fast and hold the traditions or the original teachings which you were taught whether by word by teaching or our letter verse 60 and our master Yeshua Messiah himself and our Elohim and father who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good expectation that means Good Hope through favor verse 17 encourage your hearts and establish you in every good word and work in every good word and in obedience every good work hallelujah amen [Applause]
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 3,216
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Yeshua, YAH, Jesus, Christ, Messiah, Mystery of Lawlessness, Daniel, Bible, Torah, Scriptures, Anti-Messiah, Contending For The Original Apostolic Belief, Part Two
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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