Is The Torah Too Hard To Do?

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are you ready to get into y'all's word alright let's get right into it then today I want you to open your Bibles with me to Deuteronomy chapter 30 we're going to begin with verse 11 in just a moment and I've entitled this message today is the Torah too hard to do how many of you have heard from someone that the Torah is just too hard to do religion says that well you know only Yeshua you know was able to keep it perfectly and when he obeyed it he obeyed it so that he could then abolish it it's just too hard to do well we're gonna find out from Scripture if that's true is the Torah really too hard to do we're gonna start out by reading the Torah Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 11 it says for this command or this Torah which I am commanding you today it is not too hard for you in that amazing the tour itself says that the Torah is not too hard to do it is not too hard for you nor is it far off it is not in the heavens to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us and bring it to us and calls us to hear it so that we do it nor is it beyond the sea to say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it to us and calls us to hear it so that we do it verse 14 for the word is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it now for many people that verse is fairly familiar because they know that Paul quoted this verse from the Torah when he taught justification by favor through belief or as you may know justification by grace through faith so Paul actually quoted the Torah so his teaching on justification is a Torah principle amen so I wonder if we take a look at the correlation here that when Paul was teaching on justification by grace through faith that he actually quoted this verse about the Torah not being too hard to do I wonder if there's some correlation between believing in Yeshua and the Torah not being too hard to do so let's just continue as we develop this message and we'll see toward the end if that's the case alright verse 15 see I have set before you today life and good and death and evil in other words it's your choice in that I am commanding you today to love yah your Elohim alright to walk in his ways and to guard his commands and his laws and his right ruling so to love yo your Elohim as to what is to walk in his ways it's to obey His commandments his laws and his right rulings alright this is the Torah definition of love how does Elohim spell love he spells it obedience Amen he wants us to walk in his ways he wants us to obey his commands and his laws and his right rulings and says and you shall live everybody say live and increase see this is the outcome the result of you loving elohim the way he wants to be loved you will live and increase and y'all your elohim shall bless you in the land which you go to possess so let's think about these words live increase and blessing alright so so the torah is given to bring life and increase and blessing alright verse 17 but if your heart turns away alright so a heart that turns away is an uncircumcised heart keep that in mind if your heart turns away and you do not obey and shall be drawn away and shall bow down to other mighty ones and serve them so there's a there's an outcome to that as well verse 18 I have declared to you today that you shall certainly perish all right you perish because of the hardness of your heart not the defect of the Torah keep that in mind or that yas set you up for failure by giving you something you couldn't do why would he give you the Torah and tell you to obey it if it's too hard to do it and by doing it life comes to you by doing it then increase comes to you by doing it then blessing comes to you but when you do not do it then the scripture says you shall certainly perish you shall not prolong your days in the land which you are passing over the yard and to enter and possess I have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you I have set before you what life and death in other words I set before you obedience and disobedience the blessing and the curse again obedience and disobedience therefore you shall choose life don't you love the way the Almighty gives a test he gives you the question but then he gives you the answer all right he says choose life is the answer it's multiple choice there's two choices life or death blessing or cursing he says choose life therefore you shall choose life so that you live both you and your seed to love your Elohim to obey his voice and to cling to him for he is your life in the length of your days to dwell in the land which y'all swore to your father's to Abraham Yitzhak and Yakov to give them alright so again to love yo your elohim is to what obey his voice to cling to him why he's your life and the length of your days and you will dwell in the land which he swore to your father's to give you alright hallelujah so there's a couple of presuppositions that are attached to this passage that we just read that says the Torah is not too hard for you and what are these presuppositions number one that the people would circumcise their hearts and their ears alright so it does become very difficult to do when you have uncircumcised hearts and uncircumcised the ears amen and secondly that they would allow themselves to be influenced and led by the set-apart spirit and these two things could certainly be done under the original covenant you hear people say well you know under the original covenant there was not much influence of the ruach ha'qodesh the scripture doesn't say that alright the people had uncircumcised hearts and uncircumcised ears and they resisted the influence of the set-apart spirit when they broke covenant with yah all right under the original covenant you say prove that out I certainly will Acts chapter 7 beginning with verse 51 this is Stephan preaching Stefano's he's preaching to the religious people of his day he says you stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears he says your stiff necked your rebellious and your uncircumcised in heart and ears notice you always resist the set-apart spirit as your father's did you also do so he's saying you have resisted the set-apart spirit but so have your father's and this under the original covenant so there there was a resisting a resistance of the set-apart spirit verse 52 which of the prophets did your father's not persecute and they killed those who before announced the coming of the righteous one of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers who received the Torah as it was ordained by messengers notice but did not watch over it see when you have a stiff neck and your heart is uncircumcised and your ears are uncircumcised and you resist the set-apart spirit you will not watch over the Torah in that condition it will be very hard for you to obey the Torah the Torah itself says it's not hard that is if you're hard to circumcise your ears are circumcised and you allow the influence of the set of parts period then it's not hard can you say you man now go with me over to Deuteronomy chapter 10 starting with verse 12 the Torah commands that men circumcise their hearts first well and now he's frail what is your elohim asking of you but to fear your Elohim to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve Yahweh Elohim with all your heart and with all your being to guard the commands of yah and his laws which I command you today notice for your good religion says you know that that the Torah especially under the New Covenant is no longer for our good it's a bunch of laws that we just you know makes us legalists and we need to just abolish it right but the scripture says that the Torah was given for our good it's not for our detriment verse 14 see the heavens and the heaven of heavens belong to yah your Elohim also the earth with all that is in it yah delighted only in your father's to love them and he chose their seed after them you above all peoples as it is today verse 16 and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart and harden your neck no more so you are to circumcise the foreskin of your heart that's cutting away that resistance and that rebellion that desire to disobey to do your own thing alright and you're to harden your neck no more but the scripture tells us they didn't do those things they broke the covenant and so with a circumcised heart and with the help of the set-apart spirit yaws commandments are not too hard to do even under the original covenant but they didn't allow for those things and they ended up breaking that original covenant all right so the same thing is repeated in the operating we see in first John chapter 5 and verse 3 it says for this is the love of Elohim so this is John making a reference here to Deuteronomy chapter 30 and verse 11 he says this is the love for Elohim or this is how we love Elohim that we guard or obey his commands whose commands Elohim is commands now people want to parse things and they say well this is talking about just Yeshua's commands and your schewe only gave us two Commandments you know to love to love yarn to love people and then they give themselves the latitude and the Liberty to define exactly what that means according to their own desires but this is not talking about messiahs commands Yahshua's commands as being love yah and love people according to the way they think it ought to be this is talking about Elohim commands for this is the love for Elohim or this is how we love elohim that we guard or obey his elohim commands and his commands are not heavy now where do you find that this is in the opposite writings or what christianity calls the new testament and yet it's a direct reference to the torah pushing that we read just a moment ago Deuteronomy 30 verse 11 for this command or this Torah which I am commanding you today is not too hard for you His commandments are not heavy that's what it says in the Apostolic writings it is not too hard for you that's what it says in the Torah saying the exact same things can you say men ii john chapter 1 verse 6 it says and this is the love that we walk according to his commands the context is talking about the father's commands here this is the command that as you have heard from the beginning keep that in mind you should walk in it now what commands had they heard from the beginning the Torah commands they were very familiar with the Torah commands they received those commandments with Moshe received them on the mountain can you say men this is the command that as you have heard from the beginning you should walk in it alright look at John chapter 14 verse 15 Yeshua said if you love me you shall guard or obey my commands now what commands would he be talking about here he's talking about Torah commands he said how do you prove that out well Matthew five he says if anyone disobeys and teaches others to disobey these Commandments they'll be least in the kingdom if anyone obeys these Commandments and teaches others to obey these Commandments that person will be grade in the kingdom and then continue in the sermon and what do you discover he quotes the 10 commandments but he also quotes Torah Commandments so when he says these Commandments he's talking about Torah Commandments if you love me you shall guard or obey my commands all right so Yeshua says that expressing love for him is based upon your willingness to obey his commands would he ask you to love him through obedience and then give you commands that are too hard for you to keep he would be setting you up for failure Yeshua your master your Messiah said if you love me keep my Commandments what's he doing here simply quoting the Torah the Torah says the same thing amen and he's not setting us up for failure by saying obedience is how you spell love to me and I want you to obey my Commandments oh by the way they're too hard for you to obey is that what he said no he said obey them if you obey them you're expressing your love for me amen so the issue has never been that the Torah is too hard to obey the issue has always been the hardness of man's heart let me say that again it's never been an issue that the Torah it's too hard to obey now religion will tell you that and some of you are looking back at me like a cow at a new gate right now because I'm saying something you haven't heard before Amen because religion has taught you that the Torah Commandments are too hard to obey the scripture doesn't say that but religion has taught that Yeshua said if you love me keep my Commandments and we know he stood with the Torah Commandments he's not going to give you Commandments that you cannot obey that's too hard for you to obey so what is the issue here the issue has always been the hardness of man's heart you see if you circumcise your heart and your ears if you get rid of that old stiff neck if you allow the influence of the ruach ha'qodesh in your life then the power of the Spirit will enable you to keep the commandments amen because he gives you what he gives you the desire to and it gives you the power to can you say man all right let's go a little further Galatians chapter 3 beginning with verse 21 this is schuyler the apostle paul writing here it says is the Torah then against the promises of Elohim let it not be for if a Torah had been given that was able to make alive what does that really mean when we look deeply into it it says if a Torah had been given that was able to make one obedient all right you remember what the Torah Commandments did for you if you obeyed them they brought life is that right life and increase and blessing for if a Torah had been given that was able to make alive or able to make one obedient truly righteousness would have been by Torah but the scripture has shut up all mankind under sin in other words under disobedience that the promise by belief in Yeshua Messiah might be given to those who believe alright so this is not an indictment against the Torah as religion would like to try to imply this is an indictment against the heart condition of man the Torah is the guidelines and instructions of our creator man has to choose to obey them Hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 for if that first covenant our marriage arrangement had been faultless then no place would have been sought for a second okay this is the place where religion comes in and says see the Torah was at fault there was something wrong with the Torah so we needed to get rid of the Torah see that Toro was just weak and no good and it's the Taurus fault that the people weren't able to obey it because nobody can obey it it's too hard to obey but is that what it's really saying here for if that first covenant or marriage arrangement between yah and his people had been faultless then no place would have been sought for a second a second what marriage arrangement a second covenant look at verse 8 for finding fault with them now he could have easily said right here the writer of Hebrews for finding fault with the Torah but that's not what it says for finding fault with them he says see the days are coming says y'all when I shall conclude with the house of Israel and with the house of Yehuda a renewed or a new covenant a new marriage arrangement not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land omits right in the land of Egypt because they did not continue in my covenant and I disregarded them he disregarded them he did not disregard his Torah his commandments he said they broke the Covenant how do you break the Covenant through disobedience how do you break the Covenant by choosing death and the curse over life and the blessing see love is a choice the Almighty didn't force people you we're not robots he didn't take away our our will he allows us to choose love is a choice and he's saying under the first covenant the first marriage arrangement they broke their marriage vows because they chose to disobey and when they chose to disobey it brought death and cursing upon them and he says I disregarded them the scripture doesn't say that the Almighty disregarded his Torah it never says that look at verse 10 because this is the Covenant I shall make with the house of Israel by the way the Covenant still with the house of Israel after those days says yah giving my laws or my Torah in their mind I'm gonna place my Torah in their minds and I shall write them on their hearts all right he's going to write his commands on our hearts so has the Torah been abolished now this is definitive of the New Covenant the New Covenant that we have with the Almighty through Yeshua and his blood what is definitive the fact that he places his Torah in our mind and he writes it upon our hearts it hadn't been abolished now how foolish it would be for the almighty to place his Torah on our minds and write it in our hearts if it's too hard to do but religion will tell you it's too hard to do and since it's too hard to do we're not even going to try it's an excuse for lawlessness folks it just is and many are sincere but they're sincerely wrong about this they can't back it in Scripture any time a religion wants to start quoting its fathers instead of quoting the scripture you know we have a problem amen giving my laws in their mind now why would he put it in your mind if it was too hard to do and I shall write them on their hearts why would he put a law in your heart that's too hard to do and I shall be their Elohim and they shall be my people the fact that you have his Torah in your mind and written on your hearts is the reason why he says he's going to be your Elohim and you're going to be his people he's not your Elohim if you don't have his Torah in your mind and written on your heart and you're not is people if you don't have his surah in your mind and written on your heart it's definitive you can't get away from it now go with me over to Romans chapter 3 by the way this is the book that religion says that Paul uses to abolish the Torah so we're seeing that the fault is with the hardness of man's heart not with the Torah Romans chapter 3 beginning with verse 9 what then are we speaking of the Jews better than they the non-jews not at all for we have previously accused both yet who deemed both Jews and Greeks that they we are all under sin that's everybody all mankind have transgressed the Torah all under sin as it has been written there is none righteous no not one now Shaw was gonna build a real case here he's gonna quote mostly the Psalms but he's going to build a powerful case that mankind has fallen deeply in the sin that their hearts have become so hard their ears have become so deaf that they are so lost and they need a Savior all right as it has been written there is none righteous no not one there is no one who is understanding there is none who is seeking Elohim they all have turned aside they have together become worthless there is none who does good no not one now he's quoting from Psalm 14 verses one through three he's quoting from Psalm 53 verses 1 through 4 verse 13 their throat is an open tomb with their tongues they have deceived that Psalm 5 verse 9 their poison of adders is under their lips that Psalm 140 verse 3 whose mouth is filled with cursing and bitterness that Psalm 10 verse 7 their feet are Swift to shed blood that's proverbs 1 verse 16 ruin and wretchedness are in their ways and the way of peace they have not known that's isaiah 59 verse 7 there is no fear of elohim before their eyes that Psalm 36 verse 1 and we know that whatever the Torah says it says to those who are in the torah speaking of the jews so that every mouth might be stopped and all the world come under judgment before Elohim therefore by works of Torah no flesh shall be declared right before him that's all one forty three two four by the Torah is the knowledge of sin so he's describing the condition of mankind and how they've fallen into the depths of sin and depravity they're not obeying the Torah because of their condition because of their hard hearts because of their uncircumcised ears because of their rebellion and resistance look at Psalm 143 one it says hear my prayer o yah give ear to my pleadings in your trustworthiness answer me in your righteousness and do not enter into right ruling or judgment with your servant here it is this is the verse that that Paul uses in this discourse when he's building the case about how deeply into sin and depravity the human race has fallen it says for before you no one living is in the right before you no one living is in the right all right he says that in another way Paul does here Romans chapter 3 verse 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the esteem of Elohim and then hear me aku Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 the heart is crooked above all and desperately sick who shall know it I assert the heart I try the kidneys and give every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his deeds all right so Paul makes it clear concerning the depth of depravity that the human race had fallen into we see even further in Romans chapter 1 beginning with verse 18 it says that yah gave the human race over to their own evil inclinations for the wrath of elohim is revealed from heaven against all wickedness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness look at verse 21 because although they you eloheem they knew him through the witness of creation they did not esteem him as Elohim nor gave thanks but became vain in their reasonings and their undiscerning heart was darkened in other words their heart was uncircumcised it became darkened claiming to be wise they became fools and changed the esteem of the incorruptible elohim into the likeness of an image of corruptible man and of birds and a four-footed beasts and of reptiles verse 24 therefore Elohim gave them up alright so now we see y'all just giving them over to their own evil inclinations he's giving them up he's allowing them to be who they want to be and live how they want to live therefore Elohim gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts again they're uncircumcised hearts to disrespect their bodies among themselves verse 25 who changed the truth of Elohim into the falsehood and worshipped and served what was created rather than the Creator who is blessed for ever a man now look at verse 26 because of this Elohim gave them over to degrading passions he allowed them to pursue their own evil passions verse 28 and even as they did not think it worth while to possess the knowledge of Elohim Elohim gave them over to a worthless mind are you getting the picture now their minds are worthless to do what is improper having been filled with all unrighteousness and you can read all those things that they were doing verse 32 who though they know the righteousness of Elohim that those who practice such deserve death not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them all right so this is the condition of the Unruh generated human race so the question is is the problem with the law or is the problem with lawbreakers they wanted to live that way so they almighty gave them up he gave them over to that they spiraled deeper and deeper into dark depravity and sinfulness now do you think in that condition that they're praising the fact that the Torah is easy to do oh it's not too hard oh no it's it's very very hard for these people in this condition and it's hard for religious people whose minds are still cluttered with doctrine that doesn't line up with Scripture so go with me over to Romans chapter 7 notice I'm using a lot of the writings of Paul the one they say abolished the Torah Romans chapter 7 beginning with verse 7 is Torah sin is taurus sin is Torah this bad thing we need to get rid of Romans 7 verse 7 what then shall we say is the Torah sin in other words Showell is simply saying is the issue with the Torah let it not be however I did not know sin except through the Torah for also the covetousness I knew not if the Torah had not said you shall not covet but sin you could say the sin nature in men's flesh or the wicked inclinations of man the reason that he needs to have his heart circumcised but sin having taken the occasion through the command did work in me all sorts of covetousness for a part from Torah sin is dead you don't know what sin is without the Torah the Torah will define for us what sin is what happens when you abolish the Torah and your religion you have no clue of what sin is when you have no clue of what sin is what happens law less Ness and religion is going to adopt more and more lawlessness as time unfolds in preparation for the coming of the law less one because when there is no law the law less one will rise up in that environment and declare himself the law now you'll take my mark you'll obey what I say or else that's why those of us that have been enlightened those of us that have had our eyes opened and we're hearing from the spirit in these days and there's this wonderful restoration of the Torah back to the body Messiah we need not to be silent we need to preach it from the housetops amen we need to share it with love because there are people who are stuck in religious Babylon who will come out when they hear the truth can you say Amen but sin having taken the occasion through the command did work in me all sorts of covetousness for apart from Torah sin is dead and I was alive apart from the Torah once in other words I didn't know what sin was but when the command came the sin revived in other words my evil inclinations came alive when I came to know the commandment and I died he says verse 10 and the command which was to result in life well shall rule new what the Torah said about the Torah itself bringing life and the command which was to result in life this I found to result in death now let's go a little deeper in understanding this because of my evil inclinations that drove me to transgress the commandment his evil inclination drove him to tread express the commandment when the commandment became known to him verse 11 for CNR my evil inclinations having taken the occasion through the command in other words once I came to know what sin was deceived me so sin deceived me or my evil inclinations drove me to transgress and through it killed me verse 12 so that the Torah truly is set apart your Bible may say wholly and this is from the one that religion says abolished the Torah so the Torah truly is set apart or holy and the command set apart and righteous and good now what would happen if we went around abolishing everything that was set apart righteous and good what would we have left if we went around in the name of our religion abolishing everything set apart righteous and good and yet Shahu is saying the Torah the instructions and the guidelines of our Creator the Torah is set apart the commandment is set apart and righteous and good what is he really saying here in other words the problem is not with the Torah therefore verse 13 has that which is good become death to me let it not be but the sin the evil inclinations of my heart that sin might be manifest or recognized was working death in me through what is good the Torah so that sin through the command might become an exceedingly great sinner in other words clearly exposed yah has built a clear case against us in the high court of heaven our hearts need to be circumcised and we need the assistance of the set-apart spirit because of the evil inclinations within us when we come into contact with the command when we understand you shall not covet the evil inclinations within us want to covet and drive us to covet there's a war that takes place on the inside of us and those who are not walking with y'all those whose hearts are not circumcised and those who are not influenced by the set-apart spirit are overcome by the evil inclinations of our flesh we give in so we end up doing the very thing we don't want to do am i making it clear look at verse 14 for we know that the Torah is spiritual well he's still praised in the Torah how is it that he abolished the Torah he's praised in the Torah all through the book of Romans for we know that the Torah is spiritual well what about people that say it's just legalistic Joel says the Torah spiritual but I am fleshly so now he's pointing out the problem is he not is the problem with the Torah he says the Torah is spiritual but I'm fleshly the problems with me notice sold under sin enslave to my evil inclinations so the reality is we need to are something but it's not the Torah we need to abolish our slavery to our evil in patience for what I work or what I do I know not for what I wish or what I desire that I do not practise but what I hate that I do you see the battle but if I do what I do not wish in other words if I give in to the evil inclinations of my flesh I agree with the Torah that it is good and now it is no longer I that work it or they do it but the sin the evil inclinations dwelling in me for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwells no good for to wish or to desire is present with me but to work or to do the good and the good is defined by what the Torah we don't get to define good the Almighty defines good he defines it by historic if you obey the Torah you're doing good if you disobey the Torah you're doing evil for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwells no good for to wish or to desire is present with me but to work or to do the good I do not find for the good that I wish to do that's obedience to the Torah I do not do but the evil I do not wish to do that's disobedience to the Torah this I practice and if I do that which I do not wish it is no longer I who work it or do it but thus in the evil inclinations dwelling in me I find therefore this law that when I wish or desire to do the good that the evil is present with me again he's saying when I wish to do the Torah to obey the Torah there still evil inclinations within me for I delight in the Torah of Elohim according to the inward man what Shah all delights in the torah of elohim how can he be the poster child for abolishing the torah when he delights in the torah of elohim according to his spirit man the inward man and that's a reference to psalm 119 16 he's just quoting the psalms there but I see another Torah or another law in my members there's a another dynamic that's going on in the members of my physical body battling against the Torah or the law of my mind the tour of of your mind is your will so there's a there's a law within your members are dynamic within your members the members of your physical body that's at war with your will and bringing me into captivity to the Torah or the law of sin which is in my members look at verse 24 wretched man that I am so we see here who the problem is with the problem is not with the Torah the problem is with mankind because we discover we are wretches even if we want to obey and want to do the good we have this dynamic in our flesh that wants to deceive us and drive us into transgressing the Torah and the scripture speaks of it as if it's a an evil task master that we're in slavery to it he says I'm a rich man when I come to this conclusion I want to do good and yet this warfare is going on on the inside of me I won't obey the Torah but I'm unable to in this condition what condition the condition that that we read about the the depravity that the human race had fallen into in that condition all right so he says wretched man am i notice he's not saying the Torah is wretched the Torah must be abolished if we get rid of that thing that defines sin there won't be any more sin but isn't that what religion is saying these days let's get rid of the Torah if we get rid of the Torah nobody will know what sin is nobody will have a consciousness of sin we'll all just do what's right in our own eyes and we'll be like sitting ducks waiting for the anti Messiah to arrive the law last one look religion is working hand in glove with the mystery of lawlessness well that dynamic that's taking place right now you see the most popular doctrines in religion are doctrines of lawlessness I call it perverted grace grace gives us a license to do whatever we want to that's the doctrine but it's not according to scripture folks you have to cherry-pick the scripture horribly to come up with a doctrine like that the good news in Yeshua Yeshua whose life was defined by perfect obedience Yeshua now that he has taken the sin of the world upon himself died on the tree was buried and raised went to the right hand poured out the same set apart spirit that when we're filled with a set apart spirit we're set apart is Yeshua now issuing licenses to sin is he making it okay for us to live the way we want to live do what's right in our own eyes ignore the Torah continuing the spiral down into this dark depravity is he making it okay of course not wretched man that I am notice who shall deliver me from this body of death or who shall make the Torah not too hard to do who's going to deliver me from this body of death who's going to give me the tools that I need to be able to obey the Torah and do the good who shall make the Torah not too hard to do verse 25 thanks to Elohim through your shoe of Messiah our master so then with the mind or with my will I myself truly served the Torah of Elohim again Paul jowl continues to praise the tour of Elohim he says with my will I truly serve not abolish serve the Torah of Elohim see if the flaw was with the Torah then why would Paul say that his will is to serve the Torah of Elohim but with the flesh the Torah said the evil inclinations in my flesh now let's go on to Romans chapter 8 begin with verse 1 because this is a continuation of what's been talked about in chapter 7 says there is then now no condemnation to those who are in your Scheuer Messiah now religion wants to stop right there and say well you know if you walk and I'll repeat a prayer you make a mental ascension that Jesus is the Christ there's no condemnation you can live any way you want to live point forward and there's no condemnation because you're in your sure but show rule doesn't stop right there there's something beyond the comma so to speak there is then now no condemnation to those who are in Yeshua Messiah who do not walk according to the flesh what does that mean giving in to the evil inclinations of the flesh in disobedience to the Torah do we need to say law right there for a moment or two there's no condemnation if you don't give in to the evil inclinations of your flesh but you walk according to the spirit if you walk in the spirit you will not transgress the Torah there is no Torah against the spirit shawwal said that in another place there's no Torah there's no law against the fruit of the Spirit the life of the Spirit you remember what we said earlier that the tour is not hard to do if you've dealt with your stiff neck and you've circumsized your heart and your ears and you allow the influence of the Spirit in your life then the tour is not hard to do in other words obedience is not hard to do you can love your schewe the way he wants to be loved he said if you love me keep my Commandments but religion likes to teach us that if we love Him we need to abolish the commandments because grace allows us to live any way we want to live you can't support it in Scripture folks let's read it all together Romans chapter 8 verse 1 there is then now no condemnation to those who are in Messiah Yeshua he said who's going to deliver me from this body of sin who do not walk according to the flesh giving in to the evil inclinations of the flesh and disobedience to the Torah but according to the spirit for the Torah of the spirit of life in Messiah schewe the law of the spirit of life in Messiah Yeshua has set me free from that Torah of sin that dynamic we were talking about where we were deceived by the evil inclinations that in our flesh driving us to transgress the Torah do you see it for the tour of the spirit of life in Messiah schewe has set me free from the tour of sin and of death for the Torah being powerless in other words to accomplish righteousness in man in that it was weak through the flesh or because of the evil inclinations of the flesh elohim having sent his own son in the likeness of flesh of sin or in the likeness of sinful flesh and according to sin or because of the evil inclinations of the flesh condemned sin in the flesh in other words he made a way for man to escape the evil inclinations of the flesh he set us free from the nature of sin in our flesh he set us free from the evil inclinations that drive us to transgress the Torah hallelujah first for this is so good so that the righteousness of the Torah should be completed in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit the righteous requirement of the Torah wait a minute I thought the Tauri been abolished why is there a righteous requirement of the Torah ja rule is saying the righteous requirement of the Torah is completed in us in other words we obey the Torah we have the power to be obedient its completed in us who do not walk according to the flesh we don't give in to those evil inclinations of our flesh but according to the spirit in other words he makes the Torah not too hard to do hallelujah because the toro was hard to do in that wicked depraved state of the human race with that harsh slave master of the evil inclinations of our flesh driving us to transgress the torah so what does joshua do what does elohim the almighty do to allow us to obey the torah with ease does he abolish the torah no he deals with the evil inclination of the flesh to set us free from that and to give us a pathway through the spirit remember get your heart circumcised allow the spirit to influence you then you'll not give in to the evil inclinations of your flesh when you're free from the evil inclinations of your flesh you can obey with ease I didn't get up this morning say oh man I gotta try to obey but it's so hard that's what religion teaches first for so that the righteousness of the Torah or the righteous requirement of the Torah should be completed in us we're going to obey the Torah who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit verse 5 for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the matters of the flesh they set their minds or their will on doing the evil inclinations of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit the matters or the deeds or the fruit of the Spirit for the mind or the will of the flesh is death well in that what the Torah taught us for the mind or the will of the flesh those who disobey what comes when we disobey the Torah death for the mind or the will of the flesh is death death comes through disobedience but the mind or the will of the Spirit is what life and peace life comes through obedience to the Torah you see it all comes together Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 19 I have called the heavens and the earth as witness today against you I've set before you life and death the blessing and the curse therefore you shall choose life here's the answer choose life so that you live both you and your seed to love yah your Elohim to obey his voice and to cling to him for he is your life and the length of your days so back to Romans chapter 8 we have just a few more verses here let's pick up at verse 7 because the mind or the will of the flesh is what enmity towards Elohim if you have a will to give in to the evil inclinations of your flesh that will is an enemy of the Almighty for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim I mean this ought to be amazing to some of you who thought that Paul used the book of Romans to abolish the Torah he's saying when you're all in your will concerning your flesh and you want to do those evil inclinations that in itself makes you an enemy of the Almighty why because it does not subject itself that evil will that fleshly will does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim in other words it's not going to obey the Torah neither indeed is it able and those who are in the flesh are unable to please Elohim how you gonna please Elohim by obeying his Torah isn't that interesting that evil will of the flesh not subject itself to the Torah it doesn't please elevate through obedience and it's not even able to the scripture says and those who are in the flesh and living by the flesh and giving in to the evil inclinations are unable to please Elohim how do you please Elohim how do you love Elohim by obeying his Commandments first night but you are not in the flesh or under bondage to the evil inclinations of the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Messiah this one is not his so its definitive folks its definitive to have the spirit of Messiah living in us its definitive that the Spirit of Messiah living in us delivers us from our evil inclinations those evil inclinations of the flesh and gives us a pathway to obedience that pleases Elohim with the spirit working in us the Torah is most definitely not too hard to do now a couple of scriptures here we're going to close this out so in the New Covenant yah will circumcise our hearts by the set-apart spirit and calls us to obey his Torah we see that in the Torah Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 and yah your Elohim shall circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed your children to love your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live in the New Covenant it is the work of the ruach ha'qodesh the set-apart spirit to circumcise our hearts to liberate us from the evil inclination of the flesh Colossians chapter 2 verse 11 in him in Messiah you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands in the pudding off of the body of the sins of the flesh the evil inclinations of the flesh by the circumcision of Messiah having been buried with him an immersion in which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of Elohim who raised him from the dead so when we believe upon Yeshua and we're water baptized then by the Spirit Messiah circumcise our hearts things change internally amen Philippians chapter 3 and verse 3 for we are the circumcision those of us who believe in Yeshua who are serving elohim in what the spirit and boasting in Messiah Yeshua and do not trust in the flesh and then of a passage that we quote every time we gather as we begin our gathering Ezekiel chapter 36 beginning with verse 25 and this is the prophet prophesying of the new covenant the new covenant that we are in with yah through Yahshua and his shed blood is the blood of that new covenant y'all says and I shall sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness remember all that depravity we talked about the condition of the human race and from all your idols I cleanse you this is what happens in the New Covenant and I shall give you a new heart he's going to take out that old heart of stone and give us a new heart we need a new heart this is how we're going to overcome the evil inclinations that reside within us we get a new heart he's not going to put a bandaid on the old heart and put a new spirit within you and I shall take the heart of stone the heart of rebellion the heart of resistance the heart of making excuses the heart of embracing doctrines that give you a pass on obedience I'm gonna take that old stony heart out of your flesh and I shall give you a heart of flesh a heart of flesh is one that's pliable one that's warm one that's that wants to obey he gives us the want to you know somebody's truly born again when they want to obey now we have to be careful because you know we we can't reach their ears when we lop off their heads right so you have to have a strategy but the reality is you can know this when somebody's arguing with you about obedience they do not want to obey you begin to wonder whether or not they've actually experienced the new birth now some people just need to be taught those people are low-hanging fruit once you teach a boy there they can't believe that they have inherited lies and worthlessness in their religious experience and they're ready to go as soon as they hear the truth but some people are like a piece of fruit on the top of the tree you climb all the way up there and you're pulling on it they don't want to let go you can spend up all your time pulling on fruit that doesn't want to let go when there's plenty of low-hanging branches with fruit that's ready to be picked can you say men and I shall give you a heart of flesh they'll want to to want to be obedient and put my spirit within you that's the power too so you get to want to and the power too now if you have the want to and the power to do you think being obedient has become easy if you have the want to and the power to it's in line with what the Torah says that the Torah is not hard to do when you have the want to and the power to when your neck is no longer stiff you ever wake up with a stiff neck I mean it's hard to do anything you know you get that worked out and things are a lot easier your heart becomes circumcised he gives you the they'll want to in the power to now look at the the next phrase and I shall calls you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them in other words they will not be too hard for you to do because he causes us to walk in his laws and guard his right rulings and he says in this new covenant that we're in with him through your shoe and his shed blood that we will do His commandments with his help we get a circumcised heart hallelujah and we get his spirit and through his spirit we're able to keep his Commandments if you love me keep my Commandments amen
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 8,497
Rating: 4.8717203 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Torah, Bible, Law, Commandments, Scriptures, Obedience, God, Elohim, Lord, Messiah, Christ, Jesus, Yeshua, Messianic, Christian, Christianity, Religion, Obey the commandments, Abolished the commandments, Lawlessness, Truth, Is The Torah Too Hard To Do
Id: 1ThkxG69PNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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