Counting The Omer: Preparing For The Outpouring // Part One

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are you ready to get into y'all's word today amen I want you to open your Bibles with me to Leviticus chapter 23 and we're going to begin in just a moment with verse 15 and I've called this message counting the Omer preparing for the outpouring everybody say I'm preparing for the outpouring so we're going to talk about counting the Omer all right Leviticus chapter 23 starting with verse 15 and from the morrow after the Sabbath in other words from the morrow after the weekly Sabbath in Passover week or the first day of the week from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering that we did that this past gathering we waited until the Sun went down on Shabbat and that was firstfruits and we brought in our first fruits offering from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering you shall count for yourselves seven completed Sabbath's now how many days is 7 completed Sabbath's 49 so some of you were awake in math class that's beautiful all of that you shall count for yourself 7 completed Sabbath's until the morrow after the seventh Sabbath you count how many days 15 days and all then you shall bring a new grain offering ok and this is of the wheat harvest ok you bring a new grain offering to yah bring from your dwellings for a wave offering 2 loaves of bread of 2 tenths of an ephah of fine flour they are notice it says baked with leaven so now you put leaven in and praise yah amen firstfruits - yah and so again we're talking about counting the Omer and we're talking about the days between firstfruits and Shavuot so starting with yamaha bakr ream that's the day of first roots you begin counting seven complete Sabbath's and a day and welcome to the first of the seven sabbaths we have six more and a day amen so the total is 50 days by the way Pentecost means 50 days all right this counting leads us to the feast of Shavuot which in Hebrew means weeks so this is the feast of weeks and we're actually supposed to count and that's that's part of the feast of weeks is that we're counting and we are preparing and that's what today's message is all about what are we to be thinking about what are some of the lessons that we can learn and prepare ourselves for shallow old which in the original shopper world it was the master yah giving us the Torah he was providing the teachings to Moshe to give to the to the people and yet in Acts chapter 2 we see later in what would become the the opposite Aulick period it's not about the master yah providing the teachings it's about Yeshua providing to us the teacher that's why we're preparing for the outpouring everybody say I'm preparing for the outpouring so the period of time between the Red Sea or you also know it as the Red Sea the Red Sea crossing and yah meeting with Israel on Mount Sinai would encompass that 50-day period between firstfruits and Shabbat so let's look at some of the events that transpired we can actually go into the Torah and we can we can read about the teachings those events that will teach us as we prepare for the outpouring on Shavuot men so the first lesson that we see is found in Exodus chapter 15 started with verse 22 and this is the bitter waters made sweet so if you're wondering what what should we be thinking about what should we be praying about what should we be meditating on what should we be learning in this period between firstfruits and Chavo will this is the first lesson that we can read in the Torah that would prepare our hearts and our minds to have a powerful shovel or Pentecost amen Exodus chapter 15 started with verse 22 I'm going to read the whole story and then we're just going to glean from what we see here all right it says that Moshe brought Israel from the sea of reeds also known as the Red Sea and they went out into the wilderness of Shur everybody said they went out of the wilderness and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water and they came to Marah and they were unable to drink the waters of bara so they found water but they couldn't drink it for they the waters were bitter and the name of it was called Marah in Hebrew that means bitter and the people grumbled against Moshe everybody said grumbled they grumbled against Moshe a saying what are we to drink then he cried out to yah and yah showed him a tree and when he threw it into the waters the waters were made sweet all right so that's that's kind of a biblical water purification system amen he threw a tree into the water and the waters became sweet there he made a law and a right ruling for them and there he tried them or he tested them and he said if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh Elohim and do what is right in his eyes and shall listen to his commands and shall guard all his laws in other words be obedient to what he says notice he says I shall bring on you none of the diseases I brought on the myths rights or the Egyptians for I am yah who heals you amen he's our healer is he not crazy ah he says if you'll obey me if you listen to my words if you're diligent if you do the things that I that I asked you to do that I'm not going to place on you the diseases that I put on the Egyptians but instead I'm going to be your healer amen hallelujah so let's talk about some of the things that we can glean from from this episode that we read in the tour the first thing is there is a wilderness between Egypt and the promised land I'll let that sink in for a second there is a wilderness now I know you could say Amen concerning that all right there is a wilderness between your born-again experience and the time that we see Yeshua face-to-face there is a wilderness everybody say there is a wilderness and just because we believe in Yeshua and are delivered out of the bondage of sin that doesn't mean that we're going to walk through life on a flower bed of ease all right life is a fight do you believe that and the scripture tells us that we're to fight the good fight of faith there's a wilderness between your born-again experience or what some people would call the salvation experience and when we see Yeshua all right yahooza z-- the wilderness of this life to Humble us everybody say humble us and to try us he wants to find out what's in our hearts and to teach us about himself all right look at Deuteronomy chapter 8 beginning with verse 1 it says guard to do every command which I command you today that you might live everybody say live and shall increase say increase and go in say go in and shall possess they possess the land of which yah soar to your father's alright we'll notice it says if we'll obey if we're guard to keep the commandments will live will increase we'll go into a good place will possess the land which yah has swore to our fathers alright this applies to a spiritual place of blessing as well can you say men and you shall remember that y'all your elohim led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness all right now Yeshua that said I'll never leave you nor forsake you in that right we have the Ruach the holy spirit living within us the fire by night and the cloud by day is living in us leading us every step through this wilderness that we're in can you say Amen it says verse 2 and you shall remember that yah your elohim led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness to Humble you there it is he wants us to walk humbly before him amen to prove you to test you to find out what really is in your heart to know what's in your heart whether you guard his commands or not all right that's what the wilderness is all about folks and he humbled you alright well how many of you have ever been humbled how many of you know life can humble you amen whether it be a financial situation of financial wilderness or a family relational wilderness or are some other type of wilderness the wilderness can and will humble us it will drive us to our knees as it relates to prayer and seeking the Almighty amen and that's that's what he wants he wants us to trust him he wants us to call on him he wants us to see him as provider amen and as reward can you say good amen verse three and he humbled you and let you suffer hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know to make you know all right so he wants to teach us something see some of the stuff you're going through right now is with in y'all's plan to teach you something now I know we get the idea you know you've heard people say well you know if you just accept Jesus if you just accept Yeshua then everything's going to get better it's all just going to be a bed of roses amen you've heard that it's not true amen he never promises us that we won't go through trials tribulations and challenges as a matter of fact the scripture says the exact opposite of that what he promises is that we will be victorious in those situations when we walk with him can you say men to make you know that man does not live by bread alone it says he let you get hungry so that you could know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouths of yah all right the lesson is that we're to live by his word we're to obey his word first for your garments did not wear out on you nor did your foot swell these forty years thus you shall know in your heart that as a man disciplines his son so yah your Elohim disciplines you or makes a disciple out of you you ever thought of it that way he used his circumstances and situations in life to Humble us so that we'll seek Him because he wants us to become his disciple amen discipline means that we walk in his ways all right so yah this is verse five your Elohim disciplines you therefore you shall guard the commands of yah your Elohim to walk in his ways and fear Him proverbs nine and ten says the fear of yah is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the set apart one is understanding verse 7 for yah your Elohim is bringing you into a good land are at a land of blessing and eternal joy in his presence do you believe that a land of streams of water of fountains and springs that flow out of valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley of vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive oil and honey a land in which you eat bread without scarcity in which you do not lack at all a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you dig copper and you shall eat and be satisfied and shall bless yah your Elohim for the good land which he has given you amen now we know that the kingdom the millennial kingdom is going to be good amen and we know that being in Yeshua's presence jaws presents throughout the endless ages of eternity is going to be good we also believe that if we will be obedient and walk in his ways we will see the goodness of yah in the land of the living can you say Amen and he wants you to have that kind of hope he doesn't want you to walk around in despair you know and look like you're you know sucking on a lemon all the time you know and always negative amen he wants you he wants you to have that kind of hope and that kind of expectation that that when you walk with Him you will see the goodness of yah in the land of the living amen the next point I want to bring out of this passage is they went three days into the wilderness and couldn't find any water all right now this was a major test from yah to see what they were made of if you know survival experts have this thing called the rule of threes and they say you could live three minutes without air in a harsh environment you have about three hours to survive without shelter after three days you're in crisis without water your body begins to shut down and of course you can make it about three weeks or so without food all right so they had used up all their stores of water that they brought out of Egypt and from the last place where they were able to store it up they went three days into the wilderness beyond the sea crossing and they didn't have any water so they were in complete crisis mode okay and y'all wanted to know how the people would respond in crisis and really he looks at us and he also wants to know how we're going to respond in crisis see he had he had delivered them out of slavery with mighty signs and wonders he brought them through the sea on on dry ground and he wanted to know if they would trust him to be their source their source of provision had they learned that their Elohim was a miracle provider have you learned it yet have I learned that lesson as of yet all right did they truly believe in the great I am who's an ever-present help in time of need see this was a test I'd say a test you know those really annoying alarms that go off on your television or on your radio you know and you know this is a test of the emergency broadcast system you know the broadcaster's in your area and so on so forth right it's very annoying but this was a test y'all wanted to see if they really believed that he was there el who would provide and meet their needs amen so what were they searching for three days in in the wilderness without water well obviously they were searching for water their focus was on water we have to find water we're looking for water some of you have a need and you get fixated on the need I got to get money to meet this bill I've got a I've got a you know get something that that I need for my children whatever it might be you get fixated on the need when in reality the almighty wants us to focus on the need meter amen instead of being focused on the need we need to get our focus on the need meter Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 says and my Elohim shall fill all your need according to his riches and esteem by Messiah Yeshua well hey I tell you what he's going to supply all your need according to his riches and esteem or glory by Messiah Yeshua how rich do you think he is in glory he is vastly rich in glory amen and he's going to supply your need according to that praise yah Yeshua said in Matthew chapter 6 verse 31 do not worry then saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear that sounds like wilderness wandering to me amen that's what they were thinking what are we going to eat what are we going to drink what are we going to wear in that right for all these the nations seek for and your heavenly Father knows that you need all these but seek first the reign of Elohim and his right way of doing things his righteousness and all these you could say all these things all these needs shall be added to you that's one of the messages that we learn from this story about the bitter waters of Marah is that we should not get fixated on the need we keep our focus on the need meter amen because he knows what we need and if we seek Him first all of the things that we need will be added can you say Amen Jeremiah 29:11 a very famous and passage that so many people know and love it says this for I know the plans I am planning for you declares yah plans of peace if I say peace and not evil say not evil to give you a future say a future and an expectancy or a hope all right then you shall call on me and shall come and pray to me and I shall listen and you shall seek me and shall find me when you search for me with all your heart now that's a promise folks he said you will seek me and you will find me if here's the if if you search for me with all your heart see sometimes people say well you know I just can't seem to find the almighty he just seems so hidden he wants you to search him out if your focus is more on this world you're not going to see him if your focus is more on the need you're not going to see it but if you search him out if you seek for him with your whole heart he promises you that you will find him that's a promise hallelujah and then in John chapter 7 verse 37 this is a wonderful passage about Yeshua says on the last day the great day the festival Yeshua stood and cried out saying if anyone thirsts let him come to me notice it didn't say if anyone thirsts let him go search out water if anyone thirsts let it come to me and let him who believes in me drink as the scripture said out of his innermost shall flow rivers of living water well this is a reference to the Messiah out of his innermost will flow rivers of living water if you're thirsty you come to him to drink and out of him will flow rivers of living water now when you get filled with the spirit you have Yeshua living in you then out of you also flows rivers of living water amen and he said this concerning the spirit which those believing in him were about to receive all right but the third thing I want to bring out of this story is that y'all allowed them to find what they were looking for they were looking for water but it was bitter so their focus was on the need they were so engrossed in this idea we've got to have water of course you know the flesh was talking to him you know they were in a crisis mode and so y'all said okay you want water then you can find the water I'll let you find the water you want to find the water find it the problem was it was bitter it was bitter see a lot of times in life y'all will let you find that thing that you thought would make you happy or fulfill your need only to discover that it wasn't what you thought it was he'll let you find that relationship or that career or that notoriety or that pleasure only to discover that the best of life is bitter if you don't have yah if you don't have a deep personal intimate relationship with Yeshua the best the world has to offer is bitter if you're looking for the world to fulfill you he may allow you to find that thing you're looking for only so that you could discover it's bitter that it doesn't satisfy that it doesn't fulfill you amen Matthew chapter 16 verse 26 Yasuo said for what is a man profited if he gains all the world and loses the own life or what shall a man give in exchange for his life for the son of a dom mrs. Joshua is going to come in the esteem of the glory of his father with his messengers and then he shall reward each according to his works so if you gained everything in life and everything you thought you needed everything you thought you wanted but but you didn't gain Yeshua it's bitter and unfulfilled and that they were they were unable to drink the water because it was bitter see material possessions are never able to satisfy and fulfill the longing of the human soul how many of you have known rich people who when you look at it you think they have everything the big beautiful house the fine a car the beautiful clothes they have so much money to have more money than they know what to do it but they're miserable there there are rich folks in this world when you look at them you would think well you ought to be satisfied you ought to be happy but they're not they're miserable because money can't buy peace amen money can't buy acceptance from the Almighty money can't wash away your transgressions can you say men drugs and alcohol and sex and fame and fortune these are the things that the flesh longs for but none of them can satisfy your real need they're sweet to the mouth but they're bitter to the stomach hallelujah Psalm 107 verse 8 says let them give thanks to yah for his loving commitment and his wonders to the children of men for he has satisfied a longing being he satisfied the longing soul another translation says and has filled the hungry being with goodness so so who is only who is the one who is only able to satisfy if you think it's a you found that girlfriend that you always wanted or that boyfriend or that husband or that job you know that dream job you'll find out very quick clean that those things are bitter without ya without Yeshua he's the only one who can satisfy the longing soul do you believe that the fourth thing that I want to draw out of this story is that in this situation in this crisis situation the people grumbled alright well that's human nature is it not but I'll tell you we're not - we're not to walk in our flesh they grumbles but Moses prayed now that's the difference all right first Peter chapter 3 and verse 10 says this for he who wishes to love life how many of you want to love life in other words you want to have an enjoyable life alright well the scripture tells us how we can how we can have an enjoyable life for he who wishes to love life and see good days you want to see good days alright notice what it tells us let him keep his tongue from evil in other words stop grumbling stop complaining stop murmuring stop speaking evil now in it interesting that the scripture ties in your mouth and what you say with loving life having an enjoyable life and and seeing good days so the opposite has to be true if you want to have a life that's that's not enjoyable and and if you don't want to see good days then just keep up the grumbling just say Amen if you say Amen everybody to think I'm talking about somebody else just keep on complaining keep on murmuring keep on having something evil to say about everybody amen you know when you shoot taught a lot of times people think he was teaching us not to make any kind of righteous judgment when he said you know don't judge that should be judged he's actually talking about don't be judgmental don't be hypercritical don't be fault-finding he knew these passages in that write but if you if you want to have an enjoyable life and see good days then keep your tongue from evil and then it goes on to say and your lips from speaking deceit verse 11 let him turn away from evil and do good let him seek peace and pursue it because the eyes of you are on the righteous those who are doing things his right way not notice in this passage it does it it doesn't equate righteousness with some mental ascension of something it's actually talking about living rightly come on say Amen it's so what'd he say Amen or not alright because the eyes of yah are we're on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers alright does it say his ears are open open to their grumblings how about their complaints how about their murmurings is he listening to you when you engage in grumbling and complaining and murmuring no Europe you're affecting your own well-being you're tearing down your own life with those words can you say Amen I want to emphasize again verse 12 because the eyes of yah how many of you want him to have his eyes on you because the eyes of Y are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers but the face of Yas against those who do evil again grumbling and complaining and murmuring is part of that doing evil the face of yah is against people who grumble and complain and murmur and speak evil amen and then notice they grumbled against mo che against Moses in other words they were looking to man as their source they grumbled against Moses they should have looked to yah Psalm 20 verse 7 says some trust in chariots and some in horses see my question is where's your trust but we remember the name of yah our Elohim all right is your trust do you trust in him see there's a difference between grumbling against leadership and praying to the Almighty if your tendency is to grumble against leadership and not pray to the Almighty then you're tearing down your own life with your words that come out of your mouth can you say men and that's what they were doing they were setting themselves up for destruction because they were grumbling against Moses instead of crying out the yah Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 yah says call unto me and I shall answer you and show you great and inaccessible or unattainable matters which you have not known call unto me and I will answer you that's another promise is it not your Bible may say and show you great and mighty things that you do not know how many of you can think of some great things I can think of some great things how many of you can think of some pretty mighty things you know I'm saying I mean just some really powerful things y'all says if you call unto Him if you become a person of prayer if you call unto Him he will answer you and show you great and mighty matters that you don't even know that you haven't even thought of yet amen so his plan for you is better than you even know if you'll do the right things can you say men Moses knew the answer was prayer and not grumbling Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 says do not worry at all how much worry are we supposed to engage in do not worry at all but in every matter by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to elohim and the peace of elohim which surpasses all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds through Messiah Yeshua so we're not to worry at all so you can see worry is making a down payment on something that may not come to pass you're already paying toward something bad that may not even come to pass is that not a total waste of time and effort to weary means you're investing you are investing into something negative that may not come to pass and when you worry it's the opposite of belief actually it is where he is belief is belief in the wrong direction amen and so we're not to worry at all we're not to believe in the wrong direction ever but what are we to do pray and petition and give thanks and let our requests be made known to elohim and i love this next passage it says and the peace of elohim which surpasses all understanding have you ever had peace in the midst of a crisis and when you look at what's going on around you you don't even know and can't describe how you have peace in the midst of that storm the storm is raging so horribly around you yet you have peace and you can't even fathom that peace you can't describe it it's beyond your understanding that's the kind of peace the almighty wants to give to us with a pressure the kind of peace that surpasses your understanding and it's that kind of peace that puts the devil in a phone booth dialing 911 we should never act the way the devil's trying to make us feel let me say that again we should never act the way the devil is trying to make us feel not worry but instead pray bring our petitions give thanks thank him in advance amen and then his peace yes you said my peace I give you it's not something it's not some worked up piece well I'm going to sit down I'm going to calm myself I'm going to have a nice cup of hot chamomile tea and I'm just going to try to relax you know I'm just going to I want to try to get into this peace you know peace zone you're not gonna be able to work up some kind of peace amen it's his peace that he gives to you his Shalom that he gives to you and it passes your it surpasses your understanding in other words you can't figure it out with your mind don't you love things that come from the Almighty that you can't figure out with your mind in other words we say it in modern vernacular he will blow our minds with his goodness amen and the peace of Elohim which surpasses all understanding shall guard your hearts like a like a soldier mounts guard and Garrison's your heart and your mind through Messiah Shula he'll place a guard on your heart in your mind amen all right number five yah showed Moses a tree you say what's up with that well he'd seen a lot of trees before Moses you know this was a special tree so God gave Moses a revelation of messiahs redemptive work that he would accomplished when he died on the tree amen other words he preached Messiah to Moses beforehand you say is there any biblical precedence for y'all preaching Messiah to these who went before even Messiah was born absolutely I'll start with Abraham look at Galatians chapter 3 verse 8 it says and the scripture having foreseen the Elohim would declare right the nation's by belief announce the good news everybody the good news to whom Abraham when beforehand saying all the nations shall be blessed in you that's Genesis 12:3 in Genesis 18 18 verse 9 so that those who are of belief are blessed with Abraham the believer so yah preached the good news of Messiah to Abraham he got a revelation in advance well the same thing happened with Oh Shay all right the good news was preached beforehand to Moses and the scripture says that y'all showed him a tree or he showed him the execution of Messiah long before it actually happened and more than just the execution but the benefits that would come through that redemptive work John chapter 5 verse 45 Yeshua said do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father there is one who accuses you Moshe or Moses in whom you have set your expectation or your hope for if you believed Moses you would have believed me since he wrote about me well you can't write about someone unless you've received a revelation about them in their right verse 47 but if you do not believe his writings when he wrote about me how shall you believe my words all right and then Isaiah 53 I have to stop a moment and just share with you what Isaiah saw Isaiah 53 verse 4 truly he has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains yet we reckoned him smitten stricken by Elohim and afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our crookedness --is the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed hallelujah so Yeshua came to take our bitter water he came to take the bitter water of sin and death and make it sweet through His redemptive work all right number six when the bitter waters of life come into contact with the tree of Messiah the waters become sweet alright we're talking about living water now you know this wonderful story about the woman at the well and Samaria let's go over and take a look at it real quick John chapter 4 started with verse 7 a woman of Samaria came to draw water Yeshua said to her give me the drink the woman of mariya therefore said to him how is it that you being a Yehudi or a Jew asked a drink from me a woman of Samaria for yahoodi more Jews do not associate with Samaritans first and Yeshua answered and said to her if you knew the gift of Elohim and who it is who says to you give me to drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water all right in other words turned your bitterness your bitter waters of sin and transgression the bitterness of life into sweet living water amen first eleven the woman said to him master you have no vessel and the well is deep from where then do you have living water are you greater than our Father Yakov who gave us the well and drank from it himself and his sons and his cattle verse 13 yes you answered and said to her everyone drinking of this water shall thirst again verse 14 but whoever drinks of the water I give him shall certainly never thirst for the water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life hallelujah that's that's that's speaking of the born-again experience amen to have a fountain of living water springing up on the inside of you to everlasting life the woman said to him master give me this water so that I do not thirst nor come here to draw Yeshua said to her go call your husband and come here now he's going to point out the bitterness of the waters of her life with this alright go call your husband and come here the woman said I have no husband Yeshua said there you have well said I have no husband for you've had five husbands and the one whom you have now is not your husband what you have said is true verse 19 the woman said to him master I see that your prophet our fathers worshiped on this mountain so she no that he has read her mail basically notice he's a prophet so now she's going to ask him a question it's been really on her mind for a long time our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you people say in Yerushalayim is the place where one needs to worship Yeshua said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when you shall neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we know because the deliverances of the yahudim the jews but the hour is coming everybody say the hour is coming and now is say and now is when the true worshipers put your hand up if you're a true worshiper shall worship the father in what spirit and truth for the father also does seek such to worship Him elohim is spirit and those who worship him need to worship in spirit and truth and the woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming the one who is called anointed when the one comes he shall announce to us all verse 26 yoshua said to her I Who am speaking to you and he in other words I am I am I am the one who could take your bitter life the bitterness of your sin the bitterness of your depravity the Builder bitterness of your your wrecked life situations and I can turn the bitter waters sweet now I'd have to say we could probably all testify to that but I was in the rock-and-roll bands frontman hair down the middle of my back die jet-black earring in my ear playing the rebel by the handbook trying to make it happen for myself living a life of bitter bitter bitter waters and he was able to come into those nightclubs not because he was there wanting to do what I was doing there but because I was there and he saved me from the gutter most of the uttermost and he turned the bitterness of my life and the bitter waters of my sin into sweet waters and he flooded my spirit with living water lelou yah praise yah been nearly 30 years in the ministry Amen praise Jah and every one of you have a testimony of how he turned your bitter waters into sweet well she believed in him and was forgiven and began to tell others how Yeshua turned her bitter waters into sweet and a whole city came to know Yeshua as Messiah the last thing I want to point out is that healing and health are associated with obedience so we've been talking about things that we're to meditate on things that we're to learn and to think about and to pray about as we as we count the Omer and as we get closer I'm going to bring another account each week that we can learn from as we prepare for the outpouring amen so let's talk about healing and health associated with obedience Exodus chapter 15 verse 26 and he said if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh Elohim and do what is right in his eyes and shall listen to his commands and shall guard all his laws I shall bring on you none of the diseases I brought on the mitts rights for I am yah who heals you now let me let me warn you something if you're ever embracing a doctrine where you have to make excuses for the whole Bible being in agreement in other words well all that passed away so we kind of look at that differently now all right run from that all right all of the Bible agrees it's one continuous agreeing revelation and if you're sitting under something where somebody has to say oh well you know we're going to try to glean a little something from that passage but but you know nowadays God doesn't you know he doesn't judge people with those kinds of things you know and and that I would say if if that person of that teacher can't make the whole Bible agree don't sit under that teaching anymore amen now we don't have to make excuses for it and or doing a man let's just read it for what it says all right instead of trying to make some excuse about how he does it differently now all right if you diligently obey the voice of yo your Elohim does he mean what he say all right and do what's right in his eyes are we to do what's right in his eyes and listen to his commands and shall guard all his laws his instructions notice what he says that he will do if we do those things I shall bring on you none of the diseases I brought on the midst rights in other words those judgments see if you do the opposite of these things there are judgments that's why he said I set before you today life and death blessing and cursing you can choose you can choose you can choose to have life you can choose to have death you can choose to walk in the blessing you can choose to walk in the curses Amen it's your choice and so there were those the mitts rights who chose to not listen to y'all and not obey him and not do what he said they chose death and they chose curses it wasn't y'all who just said I like you but I don't like you I'm gonna bless you but I'm going to curse you he says I put the choice before you you choose Amen notice what he says if we do these things that please him if we obey Him and follow his instructions he says I shall bring on you none of the diseases or you can say curses I brought on the myths rights for I am Yahoo heals you so what is what is his plan for you what does he want for you he wants you to be well he wants you to be healed he wants you to be blessed he wants you to have living water in you flowing through you amen he wants your children to be blessed he wants your grandchildren and your great grandchildren to walk in the blessings but you choose and and there are generational blessings and there are generational curses and your choice will decide so he declares himself our healer so so as we prepare for the outpouring this is something we need to meditate on that he's our healer that he wants to heal us he wants us to walk in divine health and then look at Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 15 it says and it shall be if you do not obey the voice of Yahweh Elohim to guard to do all his commands and his laws which I command you today that all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you look at verse 21 yah makes the plague cling to you until he has consumed you from the land which you're going to possess y'all strikes you with the wasting disease and with inflammation and with burning and with extreme heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew and they shall pursue you until you perish all right nobody likes to read those but it's there amen and notice that disease is associated with disobedience is it not a lot of times we just want to think well you know it's more to do with the flu virus that came to town or being around a bunch of kids or this that or the other thing well it has a lot to do with the fact that that that we don't take good care of our temples - Amen you pour toxins into your body you're going to get sick can you say Amen if your if your eating habits are so horrible now unfortunately since we've been following y'all we're not putting all those animals that are loaded with toxins in our bodies anymore say Amen and everybody'll believe that what I'm saying is goes for you too Amen but it is what it is disobedience does open the door for sickness and disease that's why it says in the book of James well let's go ahead read it James chapter 5 verse 14 is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the assembly and let them pray over him having anointed him with oil in the name of the master and the prayer of belief shall save the sick and the master shall raise them up notice that he asked a question that some of us would think is a silly question but I'm going to show you how how it wasn't a silly question in those days so so James you know if we if we had a prayer time in most congregations and I've pastored very large congregations and we were praying for sick people you'd see hundreds of sick people in the body come down for prayer so that's why this kind of sounds like a city silly question to ask is there is there anybody anybody out there is there anybody that's sick James is like searching for somebody that's sick right is anyone among you sick it ought to be that scarce in the body of Messiah that we have to ask is there anybody out there that's that sick we have the elders ready they've got the anointing oil they're ready to anoint you with all and the prayer of belief will save the sick and the master will raise you up if there's anybody out there that's sick come on down we're going to we're going to minister to you today again if you give that opportunity in most churches there's scores of people that flood down the aisle because they don't understand these principles and the prayer of belief shall save the sick and the master shall rate raise him up and if he has committed sins in it interesting that he ties in sin disobedience with sickness and disease and if he has committed sins he shall be forgiven notice what it says tell everybody how great you are and how righteous you are no it doesn't say that does it confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another so that you're healed what does that say that actually has a very strong implication and that application is that sin has a lot to do with our sickness and that if we will hit it head-on now I'm not judging anybody for being sick you know I've had occasion myself right but the fact is if we hit it head-on and we look and we asked the question how have i disobeyed is there something I need to confess in that right it says confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another so that you are healed the earnest prayer of a righteous one accomplishes much amen and then I want to end with this proverbs 4 sorry verse 20 my son my daughter listen to my words incline your ear to my sayings my teachings mighty wrote my instructions let them not depart from your eyes all right so read them read them every day guard them in the midst of your heart put his word in your heart why is it important for you to read the Bible every day do you want to stay well do you want to stay free from sickness and disease how about those of us that are over 50 do we want to do we want to live the last 10 years in a facility somewhere absolutely not Amen we want to stay well how are we going to do it the Almighty gives us the plan right here read the word every day incline your ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes guard them in the midst of your heart why for they are life to those who find them notice you have to find them they don't find you you got to find them some people like what I'm young and I'm going to live forever oh the day'll come yeah well and everybody knows what I'm talking about says Amen for their life to those insides and what health are healing to all their flesh so if you want to know how to stay healthy if you want to know how to walk in divine health have a deep personal intimate relationship with Yeshua through the word through the word read it every day get it into your heart amen find his word because it's life to those that find them and health or healing to all their flesh so as we as we take this journey from the crossing of the sea to Mount Sinai as we take this journey from first fruits to Shavuot let's keep these things in mind let's meditate on these things let's glorify yah that he's all these things to us amen and let's prepare for a powerful outpouring of the Spirit on shop Lord amen hallelujah Oh
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 8,368
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Counting The Omer: Preparing For The Outpouring // Part One, Torah, Bible, SCriptures, Yeshua, Jesus, Christ, Messiah, God, Elohim, Love, Truth, Feast sof Elohim, Feasts, COunting The Omer, Holy Spirit, Ruach, POwer, Outpouring, Messianic, Whole Good News
Id: FhZ9mbnwM_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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