Galatians ~ 2:8 to 3:14

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back in our fathers word book of Galatians the land of the Gauls you know Paul is a little disappointed in the church here among the delay thien's because it would seem that so quickly after they converted into the Liberty that Christ gives us that's what Christianity is is setting free from bondage and from hang-ups that a lot of people will put you into and he said I am amazed at how quickly you've gone back to legalism listening to people at our needle list rather than the freedom that is in Christ he was a little bit amazed by it and certainly you would have remembered before Paul and Peter were approached by God saying this is open to the Gentiles also don't you call any man common if they love the Lord and they are believe he died for their sins then they're saved also and they do not the circumcision any longer was of the heart and it applied to both men and women because all of the blood rituals and ordinances were nailed to the cross with Christ and the church was wanting to revert back then saying you've got to do this and you've got to do that and when the real honest thing is you got to love the Lord we've got a love our Heavenly Father and follow his word his way so having said that Paul's still kind of teaching and saying you got some of those people that claim to be super preachers and you're listening to them and there is nothing new Under the Sun I gave you the gospel that is it okay so chapter two verse eight let's pick it up there and we'll go with it again for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the circumcision the same with ninety and me toward the Gentiles in other words as God used Peter to teach the Israelites in God's election so then also he sent Paul as you would read in Acts chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 to the Gentile cave meeting that trip both to the Gentile to Israel and to the kings and queens of the ethnos a three-fold ministry that's what Paul had verse 9 but when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars and may be really helped the church up perceived the grace that was given unto me they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship that we should go unto thee to the heathen which is to say the Gentile and they into the circumcision that we would teach the Gentiles and they would teach the house of Israel and so it was knowing what why is Peter called Cephas here and and you know from John 142 what Christ said it's important and when he introduced Peter he said this is this is part of Jonas which is to say son of the dove and he was the stone and said when you will call him Cephas that stone and the stone is right here in the middle of these apostles and that stone of course is Christ ultimately Peter was a chip off the old block but Christ is that rock which established the church and that's what Paul is talking about you stay on that rock don't you allow some misfits to come in and change things or to teach things as they are different and and and that's as it was verse 10 only they would that we should remember the poor the same which I also was forward to do another God was zealous to say that the boys down in town were taken care of you know Paul always was look you know we did look out for them even though they mistreated him since verse 11 but when Peter now changed back to Peter from Cephas but when Peter was come to Antioch I withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed he was at fault how come because verse 12 for before that certain came from James he did eat with the Gentiles seeing that that was forbidden just before Christ opened up salvation to the Gentile but when they were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them which were of the circumcision he was afraid of what they might say because he was chowing down with Gentiles it's hard to break all customs and this is what Peter was doing Peter and and this is difficult to understand it's what one man will do for another third good friends but Peter being up on the roof that day in Acts chapter 10 when Cornelius's men came to the gate God sent down three times three sheets of unclean food insects scavengers told Peter to eat Peter no Lord I'm nothing unclean has ever passed my lips and then Peter understood that it was all else which is to say other God was telling him don't you ever call any man common that loves the Lord common meaning not fit that anyone that loves the Lord becomes a Christian they become a Christ man and Peter knew that I mean he was spoken to by God himself to say it's all right when that peer pressure comes along and those old habits and traditions Peter eased off from eating and being at relaxed with the Gentiles had moved over with the circumcision which is to say the Israelites 13 and the other Jews that's to say to people from Judea dissemble them likewise with him in so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation in other words it influences new people as well when when you see this just old habits are very hard to break traditions are hard to break traditions that men can make bored the Word of God and that's basically what these apostles are doing themselves God himself addressed Peter and and made it very clear no man will be called common he addressed Paul on the road to Damascus and and sent Paul to the Gentile I mean no ifs ands or maybes and you see Paul was not a Gentile Paul was a big remind of the house of Israel of seed of Abraham so he was not a Gentile but he had no regard of eating with Gentiles because that's where God sent him and his message was very effective to whomsoever will verse 14 but when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel what God had said I said in 2 Peter before them all if thou being a jew you be from Judea liveth after the manner of the Gentiles and not as do the jews why compel us now the gentiles to live as do the jews if you're not going to live as they do by god's plan why should you want them to live as you do that means to be a legalist and put those legal things on the gentile which was not necessary I mean as a matter of fact it goes deeper than that if you were to continue the blood sacrifices which is what circumcision is if you insist that the Gentile be circumcised for religious reasons it's alright for hygiene if that's what you want no problem but don't do it for relief reasons because once Christ was nailed to the cross all blood ordinances were nailed to the cross with him and it becomes sacrilege to go otherwise or to do otherwise and here you got the head officials saying they're kind of edging back and listening to these boys from downtown these legalists that are trying to turn back to the old way after Christ died on the cross for our sins that's that is bad and Paul was totally in his right to do what he did and to do it in that way if you have a little problem understanding that make a note of Acts chapter 15 and read verses 10 through 15 it'll help you out a little bit Paul's sticking well you know you have to give Paul the credit once he was converted brave of zealously stuck with it he stood for the Word of God verse 15 we who are Jews by nature know words of that family and not and we who are Jews by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles now who was Paul then how in other words I came from Judea I studied there under Danielle but Paul as you would read in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 Paul was a Benjamite not of the tribe of Judah but of Benjamite and from the house of Abraham Abraham he was an Israelite indeed but yet here he studied that law he knew that law inside and out probably better than most 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law or by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified by the law of lone man you can't make it right we all fall short if you break one you broke them all so therefore God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe upon him should not perish but have eternal life it's a gift of God to set one free whereby he has that freedom to know and to love and to follow the Living God how precious it is you know you cannot in other words if the law could save people then it would have been a waste for God to come in the form of Emmanuel God with us died on the cross for those sins when the law could have gotten it done but it can't okay but let me instill in your mind the law is not bad it's man that's bad the law is good I mean if you if you live by every law strictly your you would be fine but in the flesh you cannot accomplish that usually you're not going to make it for the grace that is to say the love of Almighty God giving unmerited favor favor and you don't really mare it you don't deserve it but he gives it to you when you ask for it repent change of mind change of heart we're seventeen but if why don't we seek to be justified by Christ we ourselves also are found sinners is therefore Christ the minister of sin god forbid in other words even Christians fall short that's why I mean repent don't ever make the mistake of saying I've got to get saved over again because it is Christ that does the saving he saved you once after that you can you can drift so far away from that salvation that you can go to hell but only repentance it's washed away the salvation is there for the taking as long as you repent verse 18 for if I build again the things which I destroyed I make myself a transgressor if I these things that Christ destroyed through on the cross if I and Paul himself the way he followed the old religion and persecuted the church and then he had this conversion if he would refer back to rebirth if he were to revert back to legalism as these are trying to do these super preachers that have come in here then certainly he would be a transgressor no words he would be out he would be out of God's will Paul did not like that he did not feel comfortable with it that's why the correction verse 19 for I through the law am dead to the law that I'm not live unto God in other words with that Christian faith knowing the difference between the law statutes and ordinances this you must know because a blood ritual is not a law and a statute given by God concerning customs is not a law many of those were nailed to the cross and you've got to know the difference Colossians 2 will always lead you through and help you a great deal on that verse 20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live not i but Christ liveth in me through the comforter the Holy Spirit in the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me in other words when Christ was crucified I know why he was crucified who crucified Him why he was crucified and and where he was crucified the the W's of Christ crucified it's important that you know all those things and you know why he died on that cross because you can't cut it on your own so he did it for you for Billings Dom's 22 on that cross lowly in front of everyone that we could have Psalms 23 which is the song of resurrection meaning the Lord is our Shepherd we shall not want and we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death which means these people are spiritually dead in a hammer and you can walk anywhere you want to go when you have the light and the truth that's walking in Christ with Christ and for Christ we walk by faith not by sight verse 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God not if for if righteousness came by the law then Christ is dead in vain if you could find and do what is right and overcome and be justified in the law what would have been the purpose of Christ dying there would have been none but you see the law though it is good man is bad and you need that grace and love and mercy from Almighty God but he paid that price for us on the cross that when you repent your sins are washed away they do they don't exist in God's face is it don't don't ever bring it up to me again because it's gone it's erased God erases it when you love him and repent Christ's crucifixion having done that for us on total repentance change of heart and mind gives you a clean start a new life that's how precious it is that the Lord just could not do that because man could not follow the law that's being the reason chapter 3 verse 1 all foolish Galatians who has bewitched you why have you let this happen that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ have been evidently set forth crucified among you it was taught the real truth it has been changed how did you let somebody come in here some super preacher bringing a new doctrine to you and you will be witched by them verse 2 for this only would I learn him you let me just ask you this one thing this is all I want to know this one thing received ye the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith which was it naturally they were heathen when Paul came there and it was the preaching of the crucifixion the preaching of Jesus Christ and his saving grace that established a church there and brought them into the Christian life wasn't the law the law had been there from the beginning of time basically did certain certainly hadn't done it but Paul's teaching the gospel the good news had established at verse three are you so foolish having begun in the spirit the comforter with you or you now made perfect by the flesh and of course the answer would be no the flesh if anything tears you down it doesn't build you up you're making you're made perfect in the spirit which is to say walking in Christ and Christ in you that comforter leading you directing you strengthening you verse 4 have you suffered so many things in vain is this all for emptiness fit be yet in vain you know they means Boyd an empty their heads and he's saying there is your empty in a way imply that you would go along with this turned back to the old leo legalism when you had that beautiful truth the freedom of Christianity to be free to love and to serve the Living God and you turn back to this this is right so I just want to ask you this one thing explain it to me verse 5 he therefore that ministereth to you the spirit and worketh miracles among you that he yet by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith in other words Paul came there and there were many healed and many touched and demons driven out I mean miracles performed dr. meaning and proving that he was a man of God and he said how did he do this when he came there and speaking of himself did he do it by the law did he say I cast a demon out in the name of the law of God no of course not that wouldn't cut it cast them out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ crucified and they had no choice other than to go those miracles performed he said you saw it with your own eyes let me have this one thing fly are you reverting back why are you listening are you fools miracles are not uncommon but they certainly document a lot the law to my knowledge has never performed a miracle it would be a miracle if you could follow every last one of them without breaking one for six but the hand of Christ forms performs many miracles for six even as abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness No why are we how are we bringing Abraham into this I mean he was under the old law the Old Testament many years ago what why would we be bringing him in here but it was the same thing abraham believed and God called it right righteousness James his name from Abram to Abraham meaning he would be a blessing to many peoples why because through him would come Christ don't belittle Christ's death on the cross for the law 7 know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham in other words it's that same covenant the Covenant made with Abraham verse 8 and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed you see what it what are we quoting in Genesis 12:3 well what is he really saying I mean get right down there where the rubber meets the road how did God tell Abraham the Gentiles were going to have salvation I mean way back to the end how could that be because it didn't happen until Christ died on the cross it was a promise and you see the very name Abraham as as you read for yourself there that through in thee shall all nations be blessed that's what his name means and when you have nations plural that is not only Israel that's also the Gentile nations I promised way back in Abraham's time in Genesis chapter 12 that the Gentiles would have salvation talking about here you think it's so unusual you go back to legalism and cut out the Gentile which my commission from God gave me authority to convert them it's still in existence way back even in the very name of Abraham God made that covenant with 9 to continue so then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham it's faith that gets it done faith in God that if you love him and if you follow him if that son that paid the price and you believe upon him that it was a man you well I mean where what else was it written in the Old Testament Isaiah chapter 7 I'm in verse 14 a virgin is going to conceive she will bear a son and you will call him Immanuel being interpreted God with us and so it was that God was with us that that Savior would come that virgin did conceive it was Mary and that son was the Lord Jesus Christ and through him we have that salvation next verse please verse 10 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse written cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them in other words it that's exactly the way it is Deuteronomy 27:26 if you break one you break them all you have to live by the law and be saved by the law you've got to do every one and I dare say in this day and age I would I would hate to see a an inventory taken to see how many people even know what the law says I really don't think you would have to much of the population would know what the laws say they might be able to quote ten of them but there were many other commandments and ordinances if you're going to go back right and rituals that you wouldn't be able to quote them or even live them you wouldn't know who did break one most people wouldn't but in Christ it's so simple to believe upon him and to follow his teachings the gospel the good news which is the law as well the law is not bad man's bad then certainly you have justification and eternal life through Christ verse 11 to continue and verse 11 reads but that no man is justified by the law and the side of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith I want to read that again that that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident I mean it's a fact for the just shall live by faith Habakkuk 2:4 I'll say it again how about got two for the Minor Prophets is quoting you lived by faith I mean by the law no man can justify himself before God waianae for stated I never repeated again is that there are very few people we've got a few scripture lawyers scripture lawyers many of them have turned into rather than being true scripture lawyers they're higher critics seem higher critics get bled off into criticizing God's Word rather than upholding it expounding upon it and proving it in the positive sins that people could be could find truth but rather they like to make their living trying to tear down the Word of God calling themselves higher critics of what the it's a good question it's so simple don't be a fool and let men some dignified would be so-called legalist throw you occurred live by faith faith in the fact that he is real and that he loves you enough that he died for you there's 12 to continue and the law is not a faith but the man that doeth them shall live in them he lives within this and and so it is how precious it is that our Father leads and guides and directs and and in Leviticus 18 5 we have this very state statement and following his law his way verse 13 Christ have redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree and and so it is doing running me 21 23 and and how precious it is that our Father lets us serve Him and live with him in him and and how precious it is I think our Father for his word Deuteronomy 21:23 that Christ certainly was not cursed but he took on the curses of the world I'll never let anyone tell you otherwise he stood in spit-up place for you the Antichrist comes standing in the place of Christ claiming to be the Christ stood in place for you Satan we didn't care anything about you he'll deceive you tear you down rip you up he loved company in hell that Christ did it for you so that in in in beating up on him you escaped that curse through faith that is to say of having to answer for all your problems once you've repented for them they're gone they don't exist and don't ever let somebody tell you they do they don't 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith and that would be a very wonderful Ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 it's beautiful how beautiful it is Ezekiel 11 19 Paul's given us quite a Bible lesson here I mean going pretty deep but that's as it is those blessings of Abraham were opened up that he would be a blessing to all people including the ethnos anytime you see nations plural that cannot apply to only Israel okay just doesn't happen it means all nations this is so how precious it is what Paul is saying here why are you letting people handcuff to you with legalism when it is not necessary walk by faith then you have that freedom those shackles are removed and Christ removed it on the cross doing it for you that you could have eternal life don't ever forget to thank him for that all right we'll pick it up here again in the next lecture listen a moment once you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,590
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Book of, Chapel, Galatians, Bible, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Arnold Murray, Book of Galatians, Holy Bible, Shepherds Chapel, kjv, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: afcE4e53Xz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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