GAGO - Redneck Roots | Full Comedy Movie | Drama | Heather Gilliland

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foreign [Music] this is am510 on your radio dial wpig [Music] and now the weather it's gonna be a hot one out there folks hotter than a June bride and a feather dick bed hot thermonuclear I tell you y'all don't y'all don't forget to put on your sunscreen out there cause uh we can't afford no more rednecks in this town oh I gotta go folks I really gotta go oh [ __ ] [Music] thank you to Heaven alone it's a fork in the road that keeps me on the knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] days [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna lose [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Benjamin where did she go is she ever coming back yeah yes cheap did you mean to propose to her like this here this way no ring nothing this is forever gonna be burned into her memory no it just popped out mom we were talking and you were here my point exactly I know but I'm nuts about her she makes me do crazy things open foreign how am I gonna explain my family do you think maybe she's a gold digger cut it out Ma this is gonna kill your father he's been dead 15 years God Rest his soul if you'd let him you watch your tongue you watch your tongue your man [Music] hello Tia what took you so long oh just a little upset tummy I thought you might have slipped out the back considering my spontaneous impulsive uh proposal that's love have you met her family you need to talk to her father make it official well I haven't met him yet but Chris has told me all about him he's a mechanical engineer right hun mechanical engineer that's wonderful what does he make um things okay baby girls what do you think this is gonna make cutting the grass a lot more fun where's the remote how's he gonna hear the TV while you know that's the living room chair you think your mom is going to notice [ __ ] daddy is you going to hell for cussing no huh for messing up your mom's furniture it's a maybe all right my beautiful ladies hop on out [Music] watch this little heart that's good I like things you like things things are good may I get you some more water bread Cracked Pepper avocado Klonopin phenobarbital value or maybe just some green tea you know for nerves laughter is the best medicine remember what your father used to say an Optimus laughs to forget and a pessimist to get to laugh I love that one oh your father [Music] oh young man where did you get that beautiful teapot the owner is a collector of regional indigenous art it's one of his many original pieces I must have it no it belongs to the restaurant can I get you anything else other than this a couple drinks works for me let's celebrate and get schnapping Mazel Tov you're gonna look so beautiful under that Hapa [Music] what are you doing calling me this early pumpkin I'm just calling to see if you're coming to my graduation did my call drop no I'm here was you coming or not it's this weekend we're planning a big party and I know we ain't seen you in two years you're second in your class wow that's amazing I'm not saying it again get your foot out of Lily's mouth what are you doing my new career driving short bus you're so not living up to your potential Amber Joe I've got Muny going on it's coming right you know I love you but I think I can get away you better grandma says this is it for her once I had graduated I fulfilled her life drinks well she's gonna croak cover granny come for me but you better Dad Gonna Come [Music] you know you won't know [Music] you're about to be one dick Bonnie if you don't sit or damn okay I'm watching you too Loretta my name is Lou how do you do Lou you're in a heap of trouble Mustang he started it I ain't done nothing Coke conspirators come with me hands to yourself no touching the No-No Parts I used to go to the principal's office come on good morning Beaver County boy what a beautiful day today it is gonna be hot though folks ah humility and no chance of rain [Music] we uh we had a little disturbance on Amber Joe's bus at Ledford boy he's growing up puberty seems he uh try to touch old lesbo Lulu in her special No-No spots you found out right quick some clubs as ladies only well today's school lunch menu is going to be deep fried pressed chicken parts tater tots and soup egg corn what a delicious plate of golden greasy Brown fried food well graduation's coming up y'all so well make sure you get down to the school and take advantage of the government's free school lunch program [Music] no not yet all right ladies and veggies real nice it's a doozy but but but it's safe well I don't want to get blowed up ain't nobody gonna get blowed up what we got here is pressurized refrigerator oh detail we got us a big old compressor a big old pump and a capacitor all working together to bring the air temperature in this container down to minus 116 degrees F so what we're going to do is we're gonna get beer which right now is hot uh gonna put it in here and in eight seconds we are going to have cold beers let's load this sucker up yes sir [Music] oh man you know what just remind me at one time we made that uh liquor Time Capsule remember that all right I'm gonna start this mother up boys getting ready for a nectar it's still Perfection with a hefty foamy top graduation party [Music] speaking of which I think I'm going to take Dolores y'all ain't married no more she's still my cousin dude blood stickered in water just ask FDR and Eleanor amen it was a nice bug y'all see y'all see it uh hey when that [ __ ] took out the Thunder Clapper that was payback time yeah I dated him did you once yeah she about this High man [Music] hey honey boner is coming tomorrow we're gonna have a wonderful family celebration it's gonna be great blue Lego [Music] do you want to review it and meet back in here say around four thank you tough day much better now you know you're not supposed to cohort with the hired Health well I know the boss hey do we have any plans this weekend uh well I know I kind of blew it at lunch yesterday with my mom being there I think I freaked you out right no I'm not freaking just um it's a lot to think about well you know I love you right and I can wait and I love you I love you more than I love anybody well I really want to make it up to you how about the beach hmm I could rub lotion all over you we can roll around in the sand huh my bad I totally forgot this sorority sister binge drinking weekend thing and I planned it a long time ago and I completely slipped my mind I'm so sorry anyone I know no no pre-bend for you all right well maybe I'll just go by myself play a little golf you know drink beer Chase Girls huh beer golf yes the last activity new well I could work all weekend you know go see my mom be a martyr bend the Martyr ah yeah well that's how you make partner in this firm and become a good only son I've been your kid yeah close enough Last Chance ah hey is she coming if I do I need to bring the grammar police with me what what does I hear about you not going to college I'm going to school I'ma going to Beauty School that's living up to your potential I know is she making fun of me beauty school come on you can do anything you put your mind to cannot can too cannot can too okay no can two and it shush your mouth makeup go on makeup now now sorry sorry listen pumpkin new years to come and granny needs you and I need you and we need to meet your new fella I've I'm just inquiring calls inquiring minds want to know no there's no one special I don't have time for that I'm too busy making a career she knows I got two careers all right I mean I don't I really shouldn't because I gotta work but I'll do it for you [Music] I gotta go love you bye hey [Music] [Applause] thank you mama [Music] [Applause] boy got a one-way ticket to Scorch wheel let Daryl he ain't eating right pouring some rope stoved up again negotiate the release of the chocolate hostages [Music] [Applause] [Music] you still up again [Music] sorry about that delay in our program folks [ __ ] a brick a lesson to us all doo-doo in doo doo out you is what you eat but speaking of which it's another great day in Beaver County fish stick Friday so go visit your youngins at school and teach them proper nutrition not that they'll pay any attention [Applause] [Music] not leaving everyone's gonna go away because of you I ain't going you can't make me let go now [Applause] I'm not letting go what is your problem they is making fun of me in class it's making fun of you Now you listen to me young lady as long as you love and respect yourself everyone else will love you too really really I think you're perfect Loretta I mean Lou now you may be a little different but hey that ain't a bad thing so uh ain't no freaking nature well now I didn't say that but you are God's creation God's cute little creation and between you and me those things up there they're a whole another brand of crazy you don't want to be like them thank you [Music] you want my and you know it I'm I'm so hot for you I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready good boy I'm just slipping slide want to know where Waldo is I'll show you where Waldo ing so just give Amber Joe a hug leaving him or Joe a big old hug just a little never better all right let's go [Music] we're going to school let's go let's go who's your favorite bus driver Amber Joe is Amber Joe is who you talking to pervert Chris you know I love you right no one will ever love you as much as I love you you are so beautiful [Music] yes she does have a blessed day thank you honey all right bye-bye morning Dowdy Bonita I don't know how you stand up with all this junk that's gonna be 12 49 you know we don't do food stamps you know better you know I wouldn't dare do that you tried it yesterday well I'd probably been drinking it seems to be mo let me ask you about your wife now I'll sit here at church every morning but I see you here every day why is that Dowdy well she's got the Baptist and I got the beer she's got Jesus and I got the juice and how's that working for you I'd be a downright successful cracker me and my hoe we've been married 28 years and my crib my crib ain't got no wheels on it you dig I got righteous children and my youngest Amber Joe she'd be Lush and graduating from high school and we're gonna throw her a big juking Kick-Ass party okay um before I forget your mysterious package oh oh you got room for it I'll put it right under there right there perfect you be my blood for keeping this secret with me hey why don't you come to the party with us we'd love to have you no thank you Dowdy you know I ain't prejudicing or nothing I just don't understand them Mexicans some of them got such little bitty hands how they hold on to those big old leaf blowers just beyond me oh my goodness um I got something for you I know you're trying to be multiculturally correct try that okay Javit talk for crackers dive jive talk for crackers yo yo yo yo we be bad [Music] God help me I got to get the hell out of here everybody [Music] [Music] incredible daughter has returned oh my God is that you Crystal land hey it's me number two remember we work together at Tasty bud you scoop not sprinkled oh my God I love your car oh beautiful how hey friend how's the big city I picture the land doubt it you are looking harder than a fresh fox in the forest fart Luby's hell Daryl I just wanted to see you up close and in person okay Daryl get out of my car I'm already late you going upstairs when can I see you Crystal Lynn when can we go on a date okay Daryl we broke up when I was in second grade you ain't still mad cause I blowed up your Barbies and set your swing set on fire and Daddy's born long forgotten really I miss you crystalline can't you give me another chance I did when I was in junior high that didn't work out too good either Daryl but at least cough was nice enough to let you off I truly am sorry about that I'll make it up to you when when can we go out later tonight how about never yeah that works for me never now get out of my car [Music] [Music] hey it's red yeah no I follow you man yeah dude I freaked her out no we were having lunch with my mom and it was like vocal projectile [Music] it came out I couldn't I couldn't stop it I asked her to marry me in front of my mom yeah it's like it's like a bad dream man no now she's gone okay and she's off with some guy I gotta find her how dude there's enough for that she I got her cell phone with a GPS coordinate it's somewhere in bum fart North Carolina I'm gonna go to this area code and I'm just gonna wing it that a plan did you hear me I whoever's you whoever she called whoever she was with whoever's on the other side of that phone line is freaking sexy a pervert he's got this little pipsqueak voice he's talking about Waldo it's disgusting I'm gonna find this guy I'm gonna rip his balls off and then I'm gonna play pool with him all right kick ass brother you got it [Music] then I'm gonna ask her to marry me the right way the old-fashioned way [Music] [Applause] Oh Lordy what a vision what do you get his fashion sense hello not working it is physically impossible that you do his brothers oh my God [Music] how you doing Mama daddy you still with us mama okay now don't go dying on us now we got to celebrate Amber Joe is a graduating second in her class and Crystal Lynn is coming home are you getting in the air can you feel this mama air on air on air on air off he is dialed in a little lower brace yourself mama daddy thank you we got work to do honey hey I think I know why you invited me here today as the lean no why I might be going out on a limb but I think you need my help no [ __ ] we need to rearrange the furniture paint that wall I'm thinking like a nice cool mint green and lose these god-awful curtains off like a prom dress that's my boy oh so much to do in so little time food today you are gonna blow yourself up again one cigarette ain't gonna kill me no but a big flaming ball of gas will where did you get these down he brung them to me he said it was my Mother's Day present he is an idiot penny is a damn cheap one to book He's a damn fool is what he is I got a surprise for you oh funny [Applause] [Music] oh you go home [Music] destination 200 miles what the hell am I thinking turn right [Music] enter Highway [Music] after calculating [Music] [Music] breaking big big news on wpig I just saw crystalline Dowdy she's back in town and looking listeners coming home I'd like to meet her I bet you would there why are you starting this up again that girl does not love you need I remind you of the incident in the second grade third second remember it like it was yesterday you said her swing set on fire you've been stalking her ever since it ain't stalking Mama it's true love she'll come around you'll see you can't make someone love you it has to come naturally Mom I love you but I love crystalline vagina it's time to find you a new tune [Music] get enough I'm addicted to you baby ain't you gonna answer that I don't know who it is [Music] what are you doing [Music] hey what are you doing I'm ready how many times I have to tell you not to touch my stuff hello hello can you hear me Chris is that you hello who is this who's this I asked first you're the one who called me listen hot shot I'm driving and I ain't darling I don't call again oh God who was that oh nice I'm free this town's bullet price and you ain't helping that wasn't me are you sure oh you know oh mama you ever consider rearranging things spiffing things up a bit oh God yes just yesterday we were starting to do something about this hellhole but it needs more just think a little chotsky here some new fabric there this needs to go and that and that and that [Music] why it's perfect it's my heaven on Earth really I do think some things could go I believe I heard that you went and got yourself a new fella does it make you smile are y'all happy like your mom and me um it's more of a friend oh I got a few of those uh Corey Sammy Marshall Xavier Mitchell Philippe Jean John John Jean Luke John Paul John Paul II Carrie careless Johnson Gunther a big Willy a little p [Music] a oh where did you get here a couple hours ago she's been here 10 minutes really I'm so glad you're here so what's going on I'm driving the short bus and I'm working as a part-time waitress at Squad and done oh hey don't forget Amber Joe's helping me and your father on a very special project oh yeah okay so what about after graduation I'm a thinking Beauty School after all she is the butternut squash queen of Beaver County except [Music] someone is a stalking me oh no huh this is the fifth time he's called today and he don't say nothing he just breathes all Heavy um [Music] yes [Music] can't you tell I'm busy [Music] that'll take care of him honey that's your Daddy Mom sugar britches well what are you supposed to do uh report um call 9-1-1 you always was smart crystalline what about me we'll get back to you later on that darling mama you said I was smart just don't pay no attention oh gosh Daddy just burping his pants Run for Cover oh what word I'm getting you Mama have mercy works every single time come on let's say Clapper you're my Roller Derby Queen watch that hip check watch out come on C blocking turn right recalculating you're calculating I hear you're recalculating recalculating and calculating you are so lost oh I am so pissed you are really lost [Music] hey Mom how are you I thought you were coming to see me this weekend no promises anymore I mean who is with me in 15 years without your father it was an emergency I'm sorry I what's happening are you okay Ben funny noises I'm getting every other word where are you I Mom I don't know I'm in North Carolina Beaver something or other I are you with that pretty redhead Catherine Chris did she say yes I wish Mom I'm I'm still looking for I don't Benjamin I taught you better than this you do not chase women chasing you can't mom don't you understand I I gotta find her and I have to ask her to marry me the right way I love her and I'm Danger mom then Mom hello Danger [Music] mom then [Music] here you go thank you so much for shopping with the Busy Beaver have a nice day you do not need these surely do does your mama know you're here she's the one who sent me redial [Applause] [Music] redial leave that he died there's anything working this hillbilly Town redial mom turn right no recalculating do you know where you're going to thank you all you do is talk you see some craziness around here stop it [Music] hey oh hell no open the door this woman where can I find this Downy woman where can I come on open [Music] [ __ ] I need to find the [Music] that's crazy come on Luanne call the popo we're gonna bust his ass [Music] breaking big big news on am 510 wpig and this Justin stranger has gone berserk in front of the Busy Beaver but don't nobody worry he has been locked up incarcerated and I hear Sheriff Davies has thrown away the keys everybody's safe I tell you what this news is so exciting it makes my eyes want to chew tobacco downstairs good job [Music] take me to Viva North Carolina as fast as you can my son's in danger spare no time and I'll spare no expense [Music] [Applause] foreign call and a court appointed attorney hear me [Music] and my dreams you tell me you'll be true [Music] no one could ever come between us then I awake and again I'm missing you crystalline it's a big day in Beaver what kind of crazy redneck town is this I love you will you marry me boobies I want to have your vagina just know that I'm a true blue lovesick hound dog over you hey Sheriff hey you know what Ben Franklin called he wants his phone back come on please honey marry me [Music] she should run like hell [Music] hey this is Ben leave a message Ben where are you you're not chasing girls are you just kind of tell you that I love you and miss you call me thank you fix every night [Music] [Applause] he sounds real sweet baby Grammy I do not love him I don't even like him well honey he sounds sincere what's this very good well I learned some new recipes off the TV she ain't killed this yet mama I do have somebody and he loves me and I love him [Music] he's been holding out on us girl Grammy he is handsome and smart and he's asked me to marry him oh honey when do we get to meet him now Crystal Lynn a sense of humor is important now but uh so is a big wingy mama oh what when I heard your grandpa he didn't have a pot to piss him but even hung like a horse okay is there a bun in your oven I need a drink got anything strong honey we are God-fearing Baptist third shelf on the left right behind the maple syrup wrestling hit him [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] do nothing wrong yeah try telling that to the young lady whose property you trespassed on and defamed defame what the hell kind of word is that tarnished malign denigrated scandalized slandered slurred smeared I was minding my own business you think you'd know how Daryl yeah stalked a young lady and you showed a little too much of your crack oh that yeah well you're stuck here until your mom shows up and makes bail sit tight and stay out of trouble now don't let this outside or influence you hey you're you're Echo dude I'm in jail with a real celebrity okay I didn't do anything wrong okay I'm just looking for my girlfriend yeah yeah I can do nothing wrong neither I was just going to visit hot [Music] I feel like a frog on a lily back ready to jump what the hell are you talking about hey hey hey what the hell's going on this guy's trying to do what gives you better he's taking his pants off break the man has irritable bowel syndrome no splattering no mercy [Music] damn that's good I'll tell you what other than sex I ain't nothing better than good though what is wrong with you man nothing now no no dude what is wrong with you mama says I'm a kind compassionate caring soul speak my mind and a poop a lot hey officer this is this is a violation of my rights as a U.S citizen oh God Ben where are you I'm starting to worry I made a few changes since the last time you were here most notably the indigenous art I thought you'd like these it's fantastic looks expensive as it's selling we're still getting out things like this take time Amber Joe is a big help you've been such a good influence on her thank you seen something like this recently well you have excellent taste this one here was crafted and designed by your father he's good isn't he my brother is a man of many towns but for God's sakes don't tell him I said that now about the decorations for graduation let's see [Music] oh I just had a wedding Go Bus last week I have just a thing silk taffeta and gardenias [Music] yeah I've been in these parts all my life my gal was from around here but she had to run off to some fancy job in the big city well maybe she'll come back she did just yesterday she appeared like a glorious angel that's when I proposed to her boobies so whatever well I insisted you Mary man now I'm in The Slammer vagina I asked my girl to marry me I scared her off she's got the greatest laugh though it's like mine too she's got the prettiest eyes you know oh like pierce my soul I call her punch when she gets nervous she uh she Twirls her hair like this [Music] Sonic you're all right man I gotta picture of uh Chris here check her out vagina huh what vagina whoa whoa hey what you know her yeah what the hell man that's my girl Crystal Lynn it's Chris it's Crystal Lynn no that's Chris it's Crystal Gardner she ain't yours she wouldn't be with you rain man oh it's a good thing you can only die once up a spot man [Music] [Music] we gotta keep the station clean now what do we do with the trash [ __ ] [Music] what the hell is that [Music] you could have made it he's on foot for God's sake oh of all the cabbies I have to get this [ __ ] sir [Music] sir window down get this window down sir the window wind it down oh no all the way down do you not know the routine he doesn't speak English are you okay ma'am how do I know you're a cop you call this a uniform where's your car ma'am are you being held against your will oh are you a hostage get out of the car both of you out of the car right now [ __ ] oh he speaks some English is everything okay over there why are you in sir I uh I have a terrorist in custody and and he's got a woman held on hostage what you've been paying the prisoner and bring him in I can't why the hell not because you got the only squad car no [Music] yeah [Music] go to be big did you go ahead and kill each other because now I really need this space [Music] watch them bullets [Music] what the hell that's what I've been saying sir this guy's a terrorist and I suspect he's got a bomb in that no hey hey I'm the turbine hands on the turban nice job catching on I'm starting to like this yeah an internship with the prison seems to work out just fine short in my sentence too okay where's the bomb no bomb no Bob there's no bomb we've got a little work ahead of you son this guy speaks English he ain't no terrorist and listen I'm Puerto Rican Puerto I just needed Affair and I didn't want to listen to this whole broad yak and Yap and yak and Yap and yak y'all got any good lawyers in town on behalf you're welcome we're here at uh Serve and Protect well aren't you the southern gentleman okay places everyone we're about to start and should I be worried about you call me or I'm calling your mother nice to see you Chris okay I am so sorry I put Daryl in jail oh the best thing that's happened to him in a long time I need to stop coddling and toughen him up he's such a mama's boy apparently I attract him don't worry we'll spring there loose maybe 30 seconds bro case oh good news everyone we picked up six new cities this week that makes 43 markets we're streaming in live including New York New York yes my dreams have come true oh honey this is just part of my Southern media Empire you keep it on the low down but I own eight radio stations two cable TV networks and I'm getting real feel for this internet this is our special project oh it's quite a success stand by everyone I'm going live funeral and three two hi I'm Amber and I'm RAB welcome to another episode of what do you got I hope it's not contagious I'm the homo Garden Shopping Network and backed by popular demand the distinguished daddy teapot collection are you homo Shoppers ready this tea pot boards from copper and stale one of a can and today it's offered for only two four zero zero Dot oh twenty four hundred dollars well that ain't nothing give us a call right now [Music] this love is wrong oh but it feels so right [Music] oh what happened to my son boys will be boys open up this door now oh man Benjamin talk to me mama oh sweetie who did this to you oh bad boy how many fingers am I holding up two I say six oh be careful my pants they're new your mama's sweet does this seem like a Jerry Springer moment to anyone besides me sweetie oh I've come to I've come down you can't take my best friend he's the bestest friend I ever had no I have to buy new pants mom I gotta find Chris Chris hey mates Chris the Lynn crystalline Dowdy daddy doubt his daughter oh she's your now you love her and she loves you I'm letting go of her boobies [Music] boobies I gotta find her mom I would take you but I got a restraining order do you know where we can find this young woman I've known the dowdy family ever since I was a young buck I'd be happy to carry you there can we turn on the blue lights in the siren yes ma'am and for you I'd even speed [Music] I think he likes your mama [Music] hey what about me [Music] to thine own self be true and it must follow his night today not be false to any man but occasionally to a woman or girlfriend or wife when he's trying to save his ass [Music] damn that's pretty foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hills the fresh air the Farms the fields it's almost intoxicating maybe I could show you around a little later I would really like that be my pleasure [Music] get it right this time [Music] all post common hide your poem [Music] you got a warrant invite whoever it is then I'm just putting the finishing touches on my masterpiece come on now I'm looking I'm looking for Chris is she here you mean Crystal land no she ain't come on in honey oh Lord have mercy you happen to know where we can find her my son's a little anxious [Music] uh you're not that fella Crystal Lynn told us about uh that's me nice Shiner you should see the other guy oh oh well you must be his mother oh damn you must be her bubby her grandma I learned how to make these on the TV [Music] you need something to wash it down with we got the good stuff apple pie moonshine sounds perfect [Music] who the hell is this oh uh your daughter's boyfriend and uh he was hot and Mama [Music] you know Chris Lynn ain't been here in two years and shows up kind of like a stray dog you know that girl's always been running away but from what I don't know well I don't think she's running I think she's searching and uh I think maybe she's a found what she's looking for and he's a hottie too uh hey honey the show's almost over oh Lord have mercy I I lost track of time making my [ __ ] divorce what you got what you got [Music] what you got but don't worry we'll have more of this amazing work next week that's right Daddy original [Music] oh that's a Dodie oh I'd give anything to have one of those I guess I better get busy you know he is a true artist remember that for my birthday Benjamin yes I do yes he's standing right behind you did I tell you he's a good friend of mine thanks y'all wasn't that fun don't worry we'll see you next week I gotta go now though because I'm a graduate away from school today I'm gonna graduate today hi [Music] there's your missing girl [Music] your party pooper y'all but uh Mama let's get your auxiliary air hooked up honey get your good house dress on and get your breasticles all covered up there we got to go to Amber Joe's graduation well honey we got company well hell they can come we're Progressive inclusive community ain't we Mazel Tov no Amber Joe what I like to do sometimes is put on a nice pair of pants and put this on the stove in the kitchen and when it whistles I like to walk by it because it feels really nice maybe you want to do the same at home [Music] some may ride [Music] or what congrats you relations yeah it's it's about right [Music] make me proud okay [Music] hey it's the link it's so good to see you sweetheart all right Dowdy how are you holla Bonia thank you what's up Brody you beat a bomb for coming I don't have to start calling him Diddy Dowdy this ain't no bow cheddar okay you're doing too much a Bonita yes absolutely and I've always wanted to speak a second language there you go absolutely girl it's yours we Are Gonna Get Crunk tonight yes ma'am we are we ain't running we glad that you are tight P come on give me something Now give me something let me tell you what I am proud to be standing up here today and looking out at this fine crowd I see out here we have the we have parents and uh grandparents everyone here together and you know we are gathered here for a celebration and we are celebrating a beginning we are celebrating the beginning of These Fine Young people's lives in our town of beaver and let me tell you they're ready because you've done your part to prepare them you've given them the gifts that they need to be prepared and we've done our part and now they're going to take that step into what will be a new life a new way of living of being and they stand at what is amazing what they can do with it I am so glad you came oh me too I'm so glad I came home see my family so let's just take us a moment right now and just celebrate all our new graduates shall we and it is with the great pleasure that uh right now I introduce to you our Beaver County class of valedictorian Dusty Mae Brown [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you mama you give them hell Dusty I just like to thank my teachers that inspire me Mr Edwards Mr Davis Miss Hoyle Mr salmon and especially Mr Wilson [Music] and now it is also my honor to introduce you to our second place student our salutatorian Amber Joe down [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just want to thank everybody for coming here today it means so much to me to look out into this audience and see my family right there the doubt is right there and some new faces mama who is that anyways and I'd like to thank my big sister Crystal Lynn she's back in town for the first time in two years I love you big sis you rock [Applause] almost forgot I'm so excited to be salutatorian but I gotta set the record straight because it's important I should be first number one Numero Uno Ben where are you I did all the extra credit reports and my grades were better than Dusty May over here she just french kissed more teachers than I did God which propelled her right up to Bala freaking Victorian you all inspire me here hold us decided to be salutator Where Have You Been Looking For You [Music] been here I was in jail [Music] I got to know your town and your family real well [Music] following your drinks Amber Joe's gonna follow her dreams it's not that you've seen the real me still want me [Music] now more than ever I tried so hard being something I'm just not and I ran away from from them and than from you [Music] I was just so scared that if you saw the real me you wouldn't like me I don't like you I love you crystalline Dowdy [Music] will you do me the honor of being my wife you make me so happy I love you well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hell yeah yes I'm officially graduated and my sister's getting engaged let's get this party started Daryl hit it [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't call your shoes [Music] [Music] That's all folks what the cracker Bubba sauna cracker is kind of a derogatory word the people used back in the 1800s described people didn't have much money didn't have no education and I'm down on the look all looking for the Eagles crackers [Music] okay Daryl get out I'm already late
Channel: GAGO
Views: 637,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, 2022, 2023, Movies, Full Movie, Free Movies, lifetime, lifetime movies, hallmark, hallmark movies, LMN, lmn movies, Emotional, Realistic, Intense, Heartfelt, Family Movies, great American family movies, funnyvideos, humor, laughoutloud, funny, movies 2023 full movie, letterkenney, letterkenny, trailer park boys, trailerpark boys, shorzy
Id: xMZzEPbO0wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 14sec (4394 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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