Gabrielle Union Impersonates DMX While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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and here comes the snot yeah I'm gonna do the rest of it like this cuz I don't think I can control it now I think it's just nasal drip hey what's going on everybody four first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're having lunch with Gabrielle Union you know her from timeless films like bring it on in bad boys 2 you can catch her on the landmark series being Mary Jane now in its final season she has a new book out the much buzzed about we're going to need more wine available now Gabrielle welcome to the show thank you for having me how are you with hot food I'm very concerned my house is going to explode on camera and that concerns me I'm not sure if book readers and how they feel about on-air explosive diarrhea so I'm a touch concerned well if you want to look at the wine glass is half full that happened to Bobbie Lee and it was like a top-five trending video millions and millions of views situations so if that happens we're moving some units we're shooting right to the top of the bestsellers list so fingers crossed thanks Bobby my mouth is like already watering just in anticipation of this humiliation here we go [Music] it doesn't matter which direction we start or would it really does matter oh so you want to start towards the paddle oh there are do we cut out the middleman for okay Agra I'm also hungry mildly hungover from last night so that's actually amazing so far so I wanna start by taking it back to Pleasanton California because it's important that people know Dwayne Wade is not the only basketball star in the family he is not ya know does it ever get competitive when you guys hoop does the foothill Falcon and you ever come out she comes out often so with my husband inside I feel like you know they say any given team on any given day can beat anybody that's always how I feel like today's the day he's going to and then speaking of love and basketball some of our viewers might be surprised to learn that you dated Jason Kidd in high school now coach of the Milwaukee Bucks and I was very surprised to learn that he broke up with you via a thumbs down three weeks before junior prom with my father standing there is that the most savage breakup of all time was that just the coward's way out before text messaging and snapchat it stuck with me that's where the Karma was like Oh [ __ ] there you are because all the [ __ ] that you've been doing to these poor people Here I am look at fire yeah Christel okay okay so your resume is an actress is so vast from big box office smashes to these cult classics but the real ones know that it all started with Saved by the Bell the new class what did you learn walking with Giants like mr. Belding and screech I learned a lot actually they were the first like big stars I'd work with and so I just watched him I would literally just sit in the in the stands and I watched how they talk to other people and how they interact with the cast I watched how they like got their timing together for like their physical comedy their masters a lot of people don't give a screech the comedic genius appreciation that he deserves and then to when we had Padma Lakshmi on the show she talked about how she did one episode of Star Trek Enterprise and has been getting fan mail for it 15 years later yes is the iron still hot from playing and Klingon in deep space 9 yes and specifically because I was a Klingon in a very special episode that introduced Worf son that and after complex ran my swimsuit issue my prison correspondents really saw an uptick so I feel you know between the Trekkies and the prisoners I'm I'm pretty covered [Music] it does it is missing like some other flavors though the flavor profiles not hitting you the way you want it no well that's such a lovely segue I love when that happens in hot ones because Dwayne Wade's now reunited with LeBron and Cleveland the bromance is stronger than ever stronger than ever so with that in mind mm-hmm I want to ask you about something that Dwayne said to food and wine last year and I quote this might get me in trouble I would have LeBron order for me before I would let my wife she'd get me nine different things to be sure there's something I like LeBron just knows literally my husband did not eat anything green or any seafood like at all for the bulk of our marriage and then bran comes they become the he Dalls and suddenly he's like I love sea bass I've always loved Cena no no no no you didn't you didn't love sea bass like where did you even hear of sea bass he was like bran he made me eat sea bass and I love it now I'm like well what else has brought introduced and he's like salad so thanks bran the Future Farmers of America thank you and then I know that the wine is just important as the food with you guys Dwayne he has his own line you see LeBron on Instagram all the time and as we know wine very important to the Gabrielle Union brand yes who's the real connoisseur of the group yeah Mel is he's like super well-versed in all things wine he's like a wine savant didn't see it coming did you I didn't know um like you when you go on those wine tours I just get drunk I may be like it you know like incorporate a couple things that they say but Mel is like actually like listens and studies and then goes home and does like more research he's he's like like a whiny you know this has a flavor not the other one was lacking this is clearly not from Portland yeah scotch bonnet and ginger hot sauce this is really good so I have a nine good authority that you host some of the best parties and show business and if the IG posts are any indication the guest list it's always a plus who on the list would you describe as like the must-attend who is the life of the party bran is always a very good time cuz he dances actually he's in the room somewhere Larry Sims he's a former Missy Elliott dancer turned hair stylist to the stars he will break out the old choreography he'll turn the place out yeah and he was also in stomp the yard which for whatever reason my husband is obsessed that Larry was in stomp the yard and he does this and he fries frames it and every time because Tom PR is actually on a lot at the scene it I get it [Music] another good flavor for one a really flavorful I hate hot dogs just as hot all right Gabrielle so we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that Graham we do a deep dive on our guest Instagram post interesting pictures that need more context so I'll show you the picture and then you just tell me the bigger story does that sound yeah all right laptop please I'm all in your password oh no you're not I've got caps in there I've got characters I've got numbers huh I'm not worried about it all right when I start deleting emails you'll know what happened oh okay who's the better interview bomber Gabrielle Union or Chris Bosh me because I'd not only give you funny faces but I'm I'm you know gonna mildly you know give a booty rub I just completely take over you see he's he's mortified he's just had him an amazing game at the garden that was here those good some Knicks and I couldn't himself and it we talked about his missed free throws you hit like a game-winner but I've but that's what good coaches do you know they're always raising the bar look I'm the Bobby Knight of this relationship you know maybe a chair has been thrown or six oh that's ten things it was a lot of our first movie we're up in Tacoma at University High School and we were having a good time of our lives we thought all movies were gonna be like that where everyone hangs out together everyone gets paid the same all of our trailers are the same I got the two girls fake IDs their parents signed them over to me which is a huge mistake you're not slowing my roll and then was it true that Heath Ledger he used when he was partying need to have the didgeridoo yes he always had the didgeridoo and he had a couple buddies who came up from I think from Perth and what they would all play it like it was like I guess like you're forced to learn the didgeridoo as an Australian and because they all seem to know how to play it I think it's like the equivalent of the recorder of the or the tonette like everyone in America uses hot cross buns but they did it with like the didgeridoo [Music] dirty dicks a bucket full of dirty dicks here we go you're into it yeah so speaking of Instagram you have one of the more prolific approaches to a woman crush Wednesday where you do these you know sometimes essay lengths oh ma jizz to people like zendaya Chrissy Teigen Lala part of like the whole WCW thing is just celebrating women because often times were sort of painted as haters and she just cannot take another woman shine so I just want to shine as bright of a light on as many women as possible which women in the industry do you look up to everyone who's been like girl I don't want you to fail come here I got you come here come here come here you brought this [ __ ] it up so come here let me let me talk to you now for a long time I wasn't sure if Jennifer Lewis actually knew my name cuz she called me Barbie [ __ ] Barbie [ __ ] where's the Bobby [ __ ] ring button Barbie [ __ ] limb excite you wait [ __ ] it up now and I was just like tell me where I'm [ __ ] up I am Barbie [ __ ] because this is where it starts to get a little rough okay [Music] my sinuses are clearing mm-hmm when it comes to vacation goals I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a couple that does it better than the wades whether it's yacht life or wading through shallow water with pigs you guys always do it big and I have a feeling that you know where this is going can you give me the BTS on the Banana Boat situation whose idea was it who put their credit card down was as much fun as it looked okay so I will take credit for the banana boats fiasco or glory depending on how you look at it the first year that we started going on the couple trip LeBron and Savannah they chose the boat they chose the location and that boat had all kinds of bells and whistles there was like a three-story slide into the ocean they had jet skis and then they had other inflatable toys that could be pulled behind the smaller boat called the tender so I saw that Banana Boat and I wanted to ride it sorry but I was like okay who's coming with me and none of the girls wanted to go so I had to try to convince Braun and dscp to get on the Banana Boat and it took some convincing though we had not been photographed everyone was convinced that we were being surveilled and I was like no and not everybody cares about us you guys no one's gonna see us and if no one got is coming down the slide or dancing or whatever we're safe get over yourselves yeah so we mount the Banana Boat I am in front than my spouse and then I think it's like season three yeah LeBron bringing up the caboose yeah and then the what they did not capture which was actually the best part once we have all mounted the banana that boat took off and no one was really prepared we were there for the initial jolts and then he hung a hard left and we flew off and landed like fate side face-first like like all of our were like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] like that's all you heard in the water it it hurt it was painful but magically they only got us a stride and then when that catches like a wildfire does like do I never talk to you afterwards like I told you we should because as soon as the picture came out because we were still on vacation when the picture you know it was released I I was that [ __ ] that really no one's gonna see it huh and this is called dabomb dabomb beyond insanity okay they really drive that point home all right yeah mmhmm yeah still burning okay okay hmm forgot I asked for [ __ ] almond milk I was needing that the coolness of regular holdy milk but I also am lactose intolerant so I wasn't gonna try to add to the area my gums are bleeding so we couldn't have you on first we feast without talking about food and I know being 44 going on 23 it takes some discipline but anyone who knows Gabrielle Union knows that you do like to throw down I do out of all of the cities that you've landed in which has the best food Atlanta they use real butter they use lard shortening and it makes everything taste better and there's like heavy sauces nobody's vegan no one's heard of gluten it's just a magical place speaking of magical places from someone on the inside what's up with MBA players fascination with the Cheesecake Factory okay its meals you recognize we're now starting to see meals you recognize and portions that are reasonable and most NBA players aren't max dudes every town pretty much every NBA city pretty much has a Cheesecake Factory so you don't want to be experimenting with some super expensive meal to eat the drooling mm-hmm sorry and now there's burping and I'm I'm just become that old person this is like [ __ ] it [ __ ] it I'm drooling I'm losing control of my faculties which players have you come across that are Loki great cooks is there anyone who can really do it in the kitchen Charles Oakley first of all there should be a statue of oak in front of Madison Square Garden fries um one night years ago I was hosting a pride party as a white party for some of the most gorgeous empowered lesbians on the planet and I had been daydreaming with Michael Jordan and Charles Oakley and I was like you guys should come like I bet you guys are gonna be like a huge hit everyone's gonna love you and I've never seen Michael Jordan more categorically ignored ever in life okk later that night we ended up back at his place and he is like a master chef and we've gone to the grocery store and got all this food and he introduced me to candied bacon I mean I didn't know he poured the syrup on like the the raw bacon and baked it don't I tell you [Music] yeah Megadeth and there's an actual [ __ ] skull and crossbones mm-hmm wait when it says with liquid rage [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm feeling the rage this is the same rage I felt in my first marriage when I when I didn't ask him to sign a prenup and I had to later write a big check the liquid rage is [ __ ] so you have some of the best return fire Twitter fingers in the game there's been many an internet troll who's been humbled by way of the Gabrielle Union quote tweet when you're scrolling your mentions what are the sorts of red flags that pop up the internet shenanigans that you find hardest to tolerate one that just stuck out with me like cuz I'm reading about you know People magazine was like you know her struggle with infertility and then I see the comments and this guy was like I bet she's struggles with infertility because of all those dicks what [ __ ] what what what if [ __ ] all those dicks cause infertility [ __ ] you wouldn't [ __ ] be here that's what I wanted to tweet but I didn't feel like it was helpful for the topic of infertility for me to question is how many dicks his mama perhaps if I'd had but I was like is there a like a dick threshold where you're like I'm infertile now because that dick was the straw that broke the [ __ ] camel's back or the straw that broke my pussy's back I don't know I'm gonna had to go to his like in stick by his letter in the rabbit hole yeah I'm like who the [ __ ] are your you live at home how do you know how many dicks I've had that's usually like my trigger see how it just happened yeah yeah that's that liquid rage um and here comes this nut yeah I'm gonna do the rest of it like this cuz I don't think I can control it now I think it's just nasal drip [Music] we're almost to the top of the mountain Gabrielle Union we have one more wing to go has exploded yet so this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to Gabrielle Union it's so thick it is a little epic that's okay you don't have to be don't you know well I mean now cuz you know I'm competitive that's how you lured me in [Music] I'm gonna be like oh Jesus you just were on you were on Ted television with just not your time you get talking about dicks and buckets of dicks and Jesus Mary Joseph we're from Omaha by the way I know that's my Midwestern thing Cornhusker to the death of you huh so the day I die it's and it's a rough time right now all right [Music] and there it comes mm-hmm creeper for sure alright [ __ ] no not as I meet a scab right when it keeps coming okay [Applause] [Applause] let's try this non-sleeping almond milk yeah any port in the storm all right Gabrielle Union as we've discussed today you're a woman who wears many hats actress author style icon but I think that they're even more hidden talents than meet the eye while the hot sauce is coursing through you can you explain what you meant when you said that working with LL Cool J and DMX brought out your inner wrapper take a lap we've had many laps okay so that bathroom was a right now right right okay just in case Jesus did you know that that DMX loves the Golden Girls and that's a fun that's a real fun fact oh really mm-hmm how do you know this because he washes it in his trailer there was a dog biting incident with one of the PAS who was sent to go get him for set and so after a while nobody wanted to go get him and so I would be sent to go get him because I'm a dog person and he'd be like yeah have a drink you know when's it gonna go is it his bunny sorry leave uh drooling we would we would have a Heineken and sometimes a little crown and and we'd watch the Golden Girls and he would laugh hysterically I also had to do all of his b-roll questions because they were afraid of him but so I was like I'm not asking DMX about the cinematography like I'm you know who doesn't care about the cinematography [ __ ] DMX I'm just look like I got like lip injections is that's what's starting AB because that's what it feels like here's what I would say Gabrielle Union you look just as dignified just as graceful just as lovely after the last dab as you did before Valentina that was a great DMX story and look at what you did today Gabrielle Union you cleared the board you got on top of the hot sauces and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Gabrielle Union this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I've got my new book we're gonna need more wine we just announced me Ron Braun Dave Talbert we partnered up but we have a TV show that we just sold to ABC called white Dave and you know for everyone who's just really upset that BMJ is coming to a close please send all your correspondence 250 Curtis Jackson who has taken sole responsibility for the loss of jobs and your show so don't at me at 50 [Music] hey what's going on hot ones fans a quick heads up the second annual complex con is coming to Long Beach California November 4th and 5th and you know first we feast and hot ones are gonna be in the building there's gonna be a live hot ones taping we're gonna be doing a panel with my buddies Andy Milonakis and Matty Matheson the last dab will be for sale it's a whole thing total circus hope to see you there
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 4,804,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), Gabrielle Union, interview, hot ones, hot wings, chicken wings, hot sauce, last dab, sean evans, impersonation, dmx, spicy wings, 10 questions, 10 wings, we're going to need more wine, banana boat, lebron james, dwayne wade, we need more wine, michael jordan, being mary jane, hot wing challenge, hot sauce challenge
Id: twjTkBN3Q9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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