Vanessa Hudgens Does Tongue Twisters While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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are you dying i'm dying oh my god trying to pull it together really really hard but it's not working [Music] hey what's going on everybody from firstbeat feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by vanessa hudgens you know hot guests you know what nobody has ever said that what until last week and then now and back to back weeks somebody has suggested that so maybe i should flip the tagline well you gotta know you gotta know the person i feel like you gotta yeah right a little bit overstepping you know you know from her many hit films tv shows and even the broadway stage this holiday season you can catch her starring alongside jennifer lopez in second act which is set to theaters december 21st vanessa hudgins welcome to the show thank you i know that flaming hot cheetos used to be a part of your everyday diet so i take it you're comfortable around spicy food yeah i'm into it i put sriracha on everything like a lot of sriracha i go through those bottles quick [Music] we'll start at the handle what do you mean at the handle see how it has a little handle over there like like this see this oh the handle okay we throw a lot at you here on hot ones that's not even spicy [Music] that's yummy enjoy that while you can you know okay so second acts real tearjerker of a rom-com if i've ever seen one in a throwback of sorts those iconic jennifer lopez titles of the 90s and like you j-lo is a multi-hyphenate entertainer whose career touches music it touches film it touches fashion did you learn anything observing from afar receive a piece of takeaway advice i think just how hard she works um i think from the outside there's something in my teeth okay we're good from the outside you get to see like the final product of her hard labors but what you don't realize is how she's like in the trenches like she is down there like getting her hands dirty and like fully involved with everything and that's why she's had the career that she has because girl works so hard and she's so focused i just really admire her for that and you know there are a lot of films that end up in these decade long debates on whether or not they're christmas movies and i can already tell that this one is going to fall in with gremlins and die hard so let's get out in front of it is it a christmas movie i mean part of it does take place during christmas so i guess that qualifies yeah like what are the non-negotiables i know i don't know i mean there's a christmas tree in it but it's also like really heartfelt it's warm and fuzzy it's like heartwarming i feel like that falls into the christmas category um but it's it's a lot more than just that you know it deals with like second chances and female empowerment and like getting in the way of yourself so um i don't know so more in common with gremlins than you might think all right all right vanessa you ready to move on yeah [Music] you like sriracha right this is kind of like an elegant sriracha it is i want to take it home with me well we'll put it in your bag we'll put it in your bag you get gifts here and hot ones so i know that you're an adventurer at heart which for you i know means crossing things off the bucket list and traveling the world in between projects when did you fear more for your life swimming with sharks or rappelling out of a helicopter with bear grylls i felt like i was in a cage with sharks so i was like i'm fine nothing's gonna happen and this is so cool because there's a shark staring at me swimming right towards me and they're so weird they like stare at you and then at the last minute turn it's like they're playing a starring contest but repelling out of a helicopter i was like this is crazy but i'm with bear grylls so i know i'm going to be okay what oh my god yes second flosser too yeah just keep that keep that i'm gonna keep it nearby because it's gonna keep happening this is butterfly bakery smoked onions maple wood i have to smell them all [Music] they're all great so far we're chilling that's good so i have it on good authority that you're one of the best party planners in hollywood i know that you keep the fog machine in storage and stretch halloween into month-long celebrations can you break down the mechanics of coming up with a theme and then blowing it all out because they do seem pretty elaborate they are extremely elaborate um oh it's starting to bite a little trying to get richie um the theme just kind of comes to me it's like whatever i'm into that year whatever i'm most inspired by so this year i did not get to have my party because there was a lot going a lot going on um but i was like it's going to be what did i call it creatures of the dark forest whoa that's what i wanted it to be and i was gonna set it up so that i'm getting itchy i don't know like i want them to feel transported do you believe in ghosts or have you had any sort of paranormal encounter in your life i believe in ghosts i feel like there are there's a spiritual warfare going on around us at all times for sure um i don't know if they're ghosts i don't know if they're demons i don't know if they're spirit i don't i don't know what that is but i definitely believe there's so much going on around us at all times that we don't see i know that you typically watch through your fingers but what do you think is the goat scary movie the what greatest of all time scary movie um the ring really messed me up why the grudge the grudge really messed me up too yeah even when i watch movies in a dark theater right now i always wait for that chick to come out and like no or like the the like backwards down the stairs thing where it's like messed me up no thank you all right vanessa are you ready to move on yeah [Music] we're getting spicy already i don't know if i'm gonna make it [Music] i get really itchy yeah careful careful i'm gonna get really hot and flustered so second act takes place in the professional world and there's that scene where jlo is maxing out the card at the department store and now you have these companies like mm leflore and theory that are changing the landscape of women's professional attire so do you think that in this day and age maybe there's more fun to be had on screen with professional women's workwear uh 100 i actually oh my gosh really itchy um oh wait side note i'm do any of these have a lot of black pepper what do you have a allergy or something kind of yeah i guess uh you know i'll take a look at all the labels going forward i get hives uh oh yeah i didn't think about that until just now with my ishing fit i love the feeling that i have when i put on a suit it's like armor you know there was a time where they said that the the pant suit that it was dead but it's had a renaissance as of late you poured gasoline on that fire with the sioux studio collection so with that in mind i want to bounce some iconic pant suit fits off of you and i'm just curious what you think is a power suit maven and we will start with bianca jagger she used to do the double breasted thing yep she was the inspiration this actual suit was the inspiration for one of my suits she is like my style icon and i feel like no one did the perfect balance of masculinity meets feminine um the way that bianca jagger did is there such a thing as too much power shoulder here's lady gaga and the marc jacobs look looking like lil pump and the i love it oh my god i love that song um i was there this the night that she wore this suit and her whole thing was like she tried on all these dresses and she listed all the designers that they were but she put the suit on and she felt like herself and i feel like that's something that we all deserve to be able to leave the house and approach the world feeling truly empowered in who we are as individuals so for her this is perfect diane keaton at the 2014 academy awards classic or pass i mean classic for diane keaton she's another one like annie hall it's just she embraces the masculine meets feminine like there's a lot going on here i don't know if i would wear it but like she does it and she does it well does duolippa the new queen of this pant suit look she rocks this all the time she looks incredible she forgot a top though thoughts on the madonna number from the grammys in 2014. iconic this is just perfection there's a jewel glove with the kane like full pimp mama status i approve this message bang bang all right are you ready to move on i don't know i don't know is there a lot of black pepper in this i will check how can we tell i'm like serious though oh god i'm scared [Music] i feel like the last one was hotter it's how it goes sometimes be careful about being lulled into that false sense of security you know be careful you're going there you're going no this one's fine the habanero mango messed me up way more than los calientes valiente is more like not so caliente whoa shots fired all right vanessa we have a recruit segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guests instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so i'll bust out the laptop i'll show you the picture you just tell us the bigger story does that sound good okay sounds great all right laptop please how you doing so far it's good it's really delicious all right sipping rose with the hippos i know i felt like i should not be doing that but they told me that it would be okay i i'd always thought that like hippos were one of the most dangerous creatures that's what they say you know they have like the hungry hungry hippos everybody thinks hippos they're so fun they dance in fantasia but in real life they're just savage i i thought that they were savage which i was like are you sure we can get out here and do this but they were like yeah that's totally cool it smelled horrible naturally what was your favorite takeaway from the safari and the serengeti are they all they're cracked up to be um yeah it is epic i really wanted to catch lion's mating i don't know why i'm sharing that i did though like i thought it would be so exciting and we found these two lions who apparently were going to get at it and they didn't and then we left um but i saw a cheetah that had just eaten something so there was blood all over it which was iconic um it's just magical but it's really funny because after being there for a while you're like enough zebras give me something exciting have one more for you do you have a favorite gucci mane memory from your time on the spring breaker set i love him he is just like the biggest teddy bear i don't think it wasn't written but like they shoot some rounds off and then he goes oh like that is classic gucci man so then i'd always be like i love him he's crushing it too [Music] hmm that's great you like this one i love curries get you in the back of the throat though oh god so every hollywood star has a story or two about bizarre face-to-face interactions with fans but few ever endure the kind of beatlemania frenzy that you experienced as a disney channel star which was tougher to deal with the screaming tween fan or the screaming tween fan's mom uh i think the moms that's what people say yeah because it's like they'll do anything for their children it's like i remember running to my plane because we were on a press tour and we were like running really late and we were flying commercially running to the gate and this mom sees me and she starts like falling like chasing me almost she's like wait wait i need a picture for my heart and i was like honestly i'm about to miss my plan i gotta go she's like come on you owe me this and i was like what and she's like i need this picture for my daughter and it's like i have to go and she's like you're a [ __ ] oh my god literally minding my own business and getting harassed by women is there anything that's funny about the dads i mean like they're so sweet they're always so sweet i have such an infinity towards dads it's like they're just like bashful and like are kind of like i don't want to like embarrass anyone but like could you please it's like it's it's a more calm timid approach which is just so charming to me are you ready to move on to the fire water yeah fiery [Music] i'm going to let that one be okay so it's inevitable for someone as famous as you to get involved in a controversy or kerfuffle from time to time and i'm not interested that's a great word i'm not interested in any of the details or bringing anything up but i am curious about your take on the anatomy of a hollywood scandal do you feel like it's getting harder to escape flare-ups but easier to shake them off work you got great questions um yes because there is so much nowadays that people are ingesting in the day and age of social media and instagram we are constantly being diluted with so much from different people different things it's like a constant influx of information that we're taking in all the time so when things happen they're here but then something else happens and then that's gone so yeah i feel like it is moving a lot more rapidly this next one is the bomb are you ready to move on finally oh i was thinking dumb bears [Music] oh wow yeah it like kind of gives me a headache just smelling it [Music] i liked it does it count i have to bite it okay oh my god my ears are itchy [Music] oh i did it oh my god yeah it's uh it's going down what a way to close out the junket oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh is someone who's been dubbed the queen of coachella in an event mainstay since 2010 what's one thing the haters get right when they complain about the downfall of festival culture too many people there's way too many people um [Music] i was really aggressive besides drink plenty of water and bring sunblock is there a hack that you can share with the people out there for surviving festival weekend many fans many fans are a great bonus also for women powder compacts being shiny is not a cute thing oh my god i'm dying coachella has become the get a fit off instagram festival of record and i know that you're very gracious you're very complimentary but can you give the people but if you had to bury one coachella style trend what would it be um like most people would say flower crowns but the flower crowns are magical like i'll wear a flower crown at a renaissance festival so it's a great festival thing are you dying i'm dying oh my god trying to pull it together really really hard but it's not working it's okay just let it go just let it go i'm scared this next one is the xoresco with medusa on the bottle yeah okay jesus christ it was so intense that one yeah okay oh god my mouth is still on fire i say it a lot but you remember early on when you were like these are easy these are fun yeah that really hurts like that tongue wait i'm sweating okay [Music] i feel like i can't even smell anymore see uh i was gonna say it tasted sweet but now it hurts [Music] all right vanessa your career it's touched so many different projects from tweens to blockbusters to tv shows and music videos and your co-stars are equally running the gamut and i think that the lead for that would be david bowie's cameo in your film band slam where you popped up and said that he liked your pop punk band i know that was pretty iconic i love david bowie and it was the last movie that he's been in i feel like i'm having a really hard time talking right now elaine goldsmith thomas who is actually jennifer's producing partner did produce that movie band slam as well so throwback what was it like seeing james franco method act on the set of spring breakers it was insane i remember before he got there we were just filming basically a bunch of like almost naked girls like making out with each other and i was like what kind of movie are we making and then he got there and i was like oh okay i mean i'd say 80 of what he did was improv like the script was a tiny little script and he brought so much to the character he was just insane it was so much fun to be able to work with him like that does anything in your acting career prepare you to shoot an episode of drunk history [Music] no i don't know i mean like i love those guys so much i always have so much fun with them i've done three now and whenever they call i'm like i'll be there whenever you need me um it's just so much fun they're crazy and like they're just having a great time they're like big kids having fun what do you remember about 50 cent playing your pimp in frozen ground i would be like he's my [ __ ] pure emp like who gets to say that like he was actually my pimp p-i-m-p he was my p-i-m-p he was so sweet though [Music] why are you doing that don't they already have them on them they do but this is the last dab and we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to vanessa argents i will put a dab on my board and then dip it there you go veteran move my tongue is on fire oh this is really painful yeah okay i dabbed the dip the dab [Music] i'm the bite okay vanessa hudgens here we are at the end of our ten wing run and we've talked a lot about what makes vanessa hudgens tick but one thing we haven't touched on is your stage career whether it's greece live or gigi on broadway and as i understand it one of the ways that you'd prepare for these shows is by doing tongue twisters backstage so now that we've eaten some of the hottest vegan chicken wings in the history of planet earth mouths of flame tongue's on fire can you teach me some of your go-to's phytopica over and over again as fast as you can topeka topeka to pika to pika to pikachu that's bigger to bigger to bigger topical bigger to bigger to begin red leather yellow leather red leather yellow leather red leather yellow red leather yellow leather red letter yellow leather red letter yellow yellow look you're not saying it um but i got a gutter butter but i got a gutter well thank you so much for the lesson vanessa hudgens and look at you you queen at the end 10 chicken wings up 10 chicken wings down choking out every hot sauce we have on the board and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you vanessa hudgens this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh um i bet i was like thanks bye um go see second act out in theaters december 21st um watch rent live on fox january 27th and make sure you check out [Music] my movie on netflix princess switch it's great christmas movie as well as polar which is another movie on netflix that'll be out january 25th check it out i feel like i'm cold i don't know why my body is like reacting like i'm freezing hey what's going on spice lords this is shawn evans checking in by his lonesome and you know what that means it's time for another hot sauce psa and for two years we've been working on making the perfect entry level sauce something that's good for everyone number one on our board and now it is finally here the classic is our contemporary twist on the original vinegar-based sauces throughout american history with chili de arbol peppers and garlic for that perfect balance as always people who order the hot ones monthly subscription box got it first but now it's available for everyone to pick up the classic the classic it's for the people [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 7,481,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, Vanessa Hudgens, Spicy Wings, hot ones, sean evans, sean evans hot ones, first we feast hot ones, first we feast sean evans, vanessa hudgens hot ones, hot ones vanessa hudgens, Second Act, vanessa hudgens hot wings, Spring Breakers
Id: GL4I2SEuptE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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