FWC Sunday Morning Service Jimmy Swaggart

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and I keep thinking well we've got that city completely covered and they'll come up with something else that give us more coverage and that's what we want our business is people and an addendum to that our business is getting them the gospel of Jesus Christ praise God go ahead give the Lord a hand the praise so thank you for your giving could I get you to stand please Heavenly Father I thank you for these people and as we've said lord knows by the media I thank you for all of the Family Worship Center media church members which we have bless each and every one and we pronounce blessing upon them and we say it all in the name of Jesus a man and a man can I get you wellin oh my you there's a song that I learned back in the 50s and I guess I went for 40 years and did not hear it again and then I heard it and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon my heart I think it'll bless you downbeat on the five core away steady ho wasted ohhohh food as you all and God is called he's falling from Allah sturdy hurt you one well lives cut how'd you live hola our food have you searched for love hidden me Oh is you filled with low we're still use a missing that verse again please have you wondered along life's pathway have you lived without blood alive for food have you searched for low hidden meaning or your love there alone long wasted we steady studio Oh ha as you all go this turn around the God is calling he's coming from a lover instead we stage the worst ohhohh food as you all yes turn around turn around god is cold is for me from Allah mr. turn around God is full he's calling you from Allah of praise God mama hallelujah till Elaine way steady Oh as you all God is cool he's four from turn around Ghana's cruel he's called this is from Allah Oh fresco Thank You saviors in these issues thank you so much do you have your Bibles please turn with me to the book of Acts chapter 3 verse 1 Acts chapter 3 verse 1 now Peter and John II acts 3 and 1 now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer being the ninth hour that's about three o'clock in the afternoon and a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask arms of them who entered into the temple who's seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple ask and arms and Peter fascinating as eyes upon him with John said look on us and he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something of them and buddy he was not to be disappointed Alleluia hallelujah then Peter said silver and gold have a none but such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he leaping up stood and walked and entered with them into the temple walking leaping and praising God hallelujah glory to God I want to use for a subject preaching a few minutes 15 minutes till 3 o'clock 15 minutes till 3 o'clock would you bow your heads Heavenly Father as we come before you today we thank you for your son Jesus Christ we thank you for your grace for your love we thank you for who you are and for what you have done and lord I would ask that your spirit would pervade and invade this audience not only here but all over the world that they may see the Christ of the Bible the Son of the Living God the savior of man the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit the giver of eternal life and we'll ask it all in the name of Jesus and everybody said a man and a man I heard something remarkable a short time ago over radio over one of the top programs that are quite prolific nowadays the host was interviewing one of the most famous psychologists in the nation today who addressed heads of corporations all over this land and so forth the host claims Christ as his Savior anyway during the course of the conversation we had nothing to do with the Lord the man who was hosting the program quoted a part of a scripture given by our Lord that says it's more blessed to give than to receive and the psychologist made a statement he was not commenting really on the scripture he never really referred to but what he said was astounding he said you have made the statement it's more blessed to give than to receive he said it's a known scientific fact after scientific investigation and analysis when a person gives something happens in their physical body will the hormones and he named a lot of names and I cannot remember that contributes toward a sense of well-being and healing somebody ought to hear that now the Word of God does not await any type of scientific investigation but brother it will stand the test of any true scientific investigation whenever the person gives he said it looses certain hormones or whatever in the physical body that produces a sense of well-being and this is the most important it produces the effect of healing glory to God hallelujah hallelujah take that devil glory to God I want to take you to Jerusalem the very name means city of peace and strangely enough it has seen less peace than any major city on the face of the earth and its darkest days are yet to come but there is going to be peace that will reign there upon the return of the king of kings and the Lord of lords and he's coming praise God and I want to take you to the gate called beautiful it was a huge affair I don't know if the numbers that Josephus gave were right that it was some 60 odd feet wide and 30 odd feet tall made of Corinthian brass labeled beautiful whatever that would mean and every day no doubt for years this man who was born crippled the scripture gives no indication as to what it was but he was born with his feet and his ankles malformed it wasn't that he just had a hard time walking but he could not walk at all and in those days there was no so-called welfare safety net net and those who were poverty-stricken which most were had to do the best they can and somebody in his condition the only Avenue left open for survival was to beg and every day they would carry him like you would carry a sack of flour and would lay him close to the gate called beautiful and he would stretch out his beggar's garment hoping that people would put a few coins in it for his survival let me say something about that that is a perfect description of the ray of the unredeemed of this world they are so spiritually crippled they cannot even walk beside that they are beggars and let me tell you something I don't care if they've got a billion dollars I don't care if they've got fifty billion dollars and all the head of the biggest corporations in the world if they don't know Jesus Christ there's an emptiness in their heart that all the place of position and money in the world cannot satisfy man is a creature of the Creator God and man cannot survive without God and I don't mean religion I mean of making Jesus Christ the Saviour of your soul and the Lord of your life I saw a report over television over a newscast stick a microphone into the window of a car and a young lady sitting there who makes millions of dollars a year her name known all over the world and one problem after the next so bad that the judge would take our children away from her for periods of time she's one of the ones the world says who has made it and every time I hear that I want to ask made what and the reporter asked why do you do what you do you're a beautiful young lady you have a great singing voice the world is at your feet why do you do these things her answer was revealing looked up at that microphone and said because life is so boring there is no life outside of Christ jesus said a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things baubles gadgets tallest that he possesses now a poor beggar and then well let me say this first hope is one of the greatest words in any language if people do not have hope for whatever it is that they are seeking if hope is removed there's nothing left but despair and really the only real hope there is is in Christ if we have hope in this life only we are of all men most miserable but thank God in Jesus I have a hope glory and the the the definition of hope in the world in any language is it may happen and it may not I hope it will but I don't know if it will or not that's not the definition of the Bible word hope glory it means it is guaranteed to come to pass even though we don't know the time that it will happen it's gonna come Jesus is coming he is the Blessed hope and this beggar one particular day he hears the buzz of excitement and he asked somebody what is it what is it they said it's Jesus of Nazareth Timothy turned these speakers up a little bit please if you will it's Jesus well who is he Jesus of Nazareth yes he's healing every kind of disease that you've ever thought of he even makes blinded eyes to open he speaks a word and lepers are instantly cleansed well he even raises the dead everybody's talking about it some are saying he is the Messiah John the Baptist introduced him behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world he said can he healed crippled feet oh I'm sure he can they've never brought anybody to him as bad as they were but he healed him glory to God oh I love that praise the Lord praise the Lord I don't care what they've done I don't care who they were I don't care how bad the situation if they came he met them at their need somebody simple if your so-and-so God won't so-and-so well you might as well forget he because you'll be the first one he won't do it with but I don't care who you are if you'll come to me we're rewarding sad he'll take your sins away he'll take your sins away glory to God they said I'm sure he can heal what does he ever does he ever come to Jerusalem well yes he was here not long ago and there's that look of Hope that comes in that bankers eyes hope nothing but a beggar but hope I wasn't there but I'll guarantee you he began to pray I know I would have I mean he can't go in the world as somebody packs him and when you are a you are a strain on your loved ones after a while they get tired of fooling with who cares about a beggar anyway and he cries in his own tears Lord let him come to Jerusalem I can't go to where he is let him come to where I am and that's the secret of the gospel we couldn't go where he was but he came to where we are Oh hallelujah hallelujah I couldn't go where he is but he walked down the store of steps from heaven and came down to this mortal coil he came to where I live whoa well you don't have to get so excited about it don't have to get excited about it I look at myself over television every once in a while I can't stand it and I say old man you look like a nut jumping around up there 77 years old well glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how can I say less how can I talk less how can I sing less glory to God because mercy rewrote my life I said mercy rewrote my life I could have fallen my life cast way down oh but mercy rewrote my life my lord my lord I said mercy I rewrote my life thank God his mercy rewrote my lie I could have fallen a my soul cast away down over God's mercy my life and it was amazing grace how salute that son oh that stage will the rich ho light me oh I once was lost but not what's blood I see my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I will not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name well on Christ the solid rock I stand all else seeking Sam always is seeking say well Rock of Ages Oh cleft for me let me hide myself in thee sit let the water and the blood from the river sad would slow be to me the double cure save from wrath and make me I'll endure but every time he would hear Thank You Bryan every time he would hear a commotion it was like an electric excitement that would go through the voices of all that he heard and saw Jesus was here you mean to say he was in Jerusalem yes he was here did he come to the temple yes did he pass this way I don't know beggar maybe he came through another gate and I could feel the hurt the letdown Lord why didn't he come my way why didn't he come that hope materialized even greater he must come my way and then one darkened day he heard the voices again but there was a somberness a hurt he said what is it what's happened they said they crucified Him who who did they crucify Jesus and asked oh my lord Oh God Oh God I mean they crucified the one who healed the blinded us who cleanse the lepers yes they crucified him why did they why did they crucify I don't know beg but they crucified and then there's the hope that turns into despair your prayers were not answered you thought I'm going to make a statement here I believe it to be true anything that we ask in the will of God by the name of Jesus means capital hallelujah glory to God God always answers that prayer he may not answer it the way we think it ought to be answered but he will answer it how do I know because he said ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone who asks receives that's what he said I didn't make it up everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks finds everyone who knocks the door is open Wow now let me help you with something else there is such a thing as lay awake faith did you get it layaway faith I don't know if they still do it or not but when I was a kid my mumble would buy something I said well where is it it's only away do they still do that sound like she later way too much but I'm serious about what I'm saying when we come to a place of despair a place of hurt it looks like the door is closed and we don't understand that time when we had faith God laid some of it away hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my lord I can feel it I can feel it I can feel it I'm talking about he's able he's able I know that he's able it's two o'clock in the afternoon Peter says to John they don't know this beggar they probably never seen him in their life if they did they just passed it John or we're going to have time to go to the temple for the hour of prayer for three o'clock in the afternoon was when they offered up the evening sacrifice nine o'clock the morning sacrifice three o'clock the evening sacrifice John says I think we could make it I've got this meeting in just a few minutes but it ought to not take but a few minutes e you see God was working and he could do it with anybody but he wanted to use Peter and John and he had him in Jerusalem he and he clears their schedule all you need to get that however what are you talking about I mean God is working for you with people you don't even know you've never heard of but he's working for you he said well John go ahead and get ready we need to go they woke up John said Peter which where you going he said let's go through the gate called beautiful okay and it's 15 minutes to three o'clock hallelujah this man's prayers of at least four years are about to be answered glory to God hallelujah come on choir come on quoi praise God I said this man's prayers even though he's quit praying because Jesus he may have heard that he was resurrected but it's too much for him to handle he's not praying for Jesus to come by anymore in helium and you wouldn't either because he's no longer there he thinks and his prayers of the last four years are now about to be answered that morning when he awakened it was a day just like the countless others before this one I can't say he awoke with hope he didn't his hope had run out Satan takes advantage of this and tells you ha God's not going to hear your prayer he's not going to answer your prayer you're just a beggar he maybe doesn't feel well but he has no choice those who keep him whoever they are they get under him and tacking like a sack of flour they may have put him on a traverse pulled behind a horse ever how they got him to the temple which they did every day laid him down at the gate called beautiful and he probably didn't even have any say in it one of them said to the other one made me where do we take him today and maybe the other one said let's put him at the gate called beautiful he hadn't been there and sometime I'm trying to tell you how God that can work glory to God they lay him down in the dirt he takes his garmr dolphin it's dirty it's not new it's not clean it's a beggar's garment sometimes beggars didn't even have anywhere to stay at night and they'd have to wrap themselves up in it and then the daytime they would lay it on the ground for people to throw arms on and when a man or a woman when a man is beaten when he swept in his spirit are you following me I meant there's no hope there it's to the place that it doesn't matter if I live or die he doesn't look up he looks down all he sees is the feet of men and all of a sudden about 15 minutes to 3 o'clock glory to God hallelujah he sees two pairs of feet standing below him or rather above him and he holds out a hand asking for some alms and he hears that Stinnett Orion voice of the big fisherman silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto thee glory to God then he looks up and Peter said give me your hand and he lifted him up let me tell you if we Christians saved and filled with the spirit don't lift men they'll never get up glory to God that's what sonlife broadcasting is all about to lift men up above the shadows look I don't care who you are I don't care what your name is I don't care who you are it's our business to lift him up lift him up you see some may argue with this but I'm right it's not silver and gold the world needs its Jesus Christ the world needs can't be anything and takes him by the hand and picks him up and when he started up all of a sudden like electricity you said did it sound like that it did to the devil I don't know how Oh glory to God glory to God he has ankle bones and his feet began to receive strength and all of a sudden he's leaping at all of a sudden leaping walking praising God that's enough to make a pescetarian shout instantly he's healed instantly walking leaping praising God the temple becomes pandemonium everybody knew him they're running from all side did you hear about it the lame man at the gate called beautiful was he healed yeah those two of those apostles of Jesus Christ said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise and walk hallelujah do you know 5,000 men were saved that day more than on the day of Pentecost 3,000 men were saved on the day of Pentecost 5,000 men beside the women and the children were saved that day and the pastors of the church came out and said what do you mean using that name Jesus he said because that name gave this man power to walk praise God and they said but don't you teach a preach or pray anymore in their name Peter said we cannot help but do what we've seen and what we've heard we're going to use that name of Jesus those Jaybirds are gone Jesus still lives praise God if you'll believe God and you're asking in his will he will answer that prayer well why didn't Jesus come by him and I don't know the answer to that but he came by through Peter and John now he's to go to the whole world through me and through you because he's the same Christ that Peter said and John said 15 minutes to three o'clock what time is it for you that you may think he's not going to answer your prayer but it just might be fifteen minutes to three o'clock glory to God where's Pilate as I close as I close can you imagine that day whenever somebody that's the Lord over there he's slow to answer prayer they knock on the door of the lame man former lame man his abode and they said to whoever was their relatives whoever did you hear about it what were you talking about you don't have to go get I don't know what his name was a Bible didn't say but you don't have to go get him this afternoon what what do you mean do you didn't hear Peter and John prayed for him and he's healed he's in that temple leaping and jumping and praising God you mean to say that he's healed him if he can walk oh man can he walk if they were having the Greek Olympics now he'd win it hands down oh yeah everything changes praise God when Jesus comes the tempters power is broken what's the next line to that when Jesus comes the tears you'll wipe away you'll take the night turn back the darkness if you don't know it just make it up as you go Jesus comes he'll turn the night today could y'all sing that or do you remember it you don't remember if that's all right but you can say Amazing Race because that's exactly what happened to that brother what cue you in well amazing amazing grace ha not sir Oh whoa whoa whoa would you bow your heads please just for a moment there may be some in this audience and I know there are many by television and radio on the Internet you've just about given up hope you've just about given up hope but I want you to know God loves you and if you'll keep leaving he's able to do great and mighty things and I want you to step out and walk down these aisles if brother Swaggart I had almost quit believing but a spark of faith ignited in your heart this morning and we want to pray with you I want you to walk down the aisle as we sing we won't embarrass you want you to come please to all of us grace that why Oh just we ah come on now say it one more time when we've been there where Roger me well we know give me about a hundred sets of God becomes standby these good people Oh Oh Oh Oh the cold God answers prayer he in the mall five chord god SURS prayer Oh Oh such fern so keep your heart say it one more time with us now whoa sirs for the more Oh No serves from Oh Oh since birth so cool say it one more time sirs she's third and book Sookie you're say it one more time to believe them to answer your friend sirs since Fred Oh s'okay well I'm going through thank God Oh Oh you struggle Lord I ask you this morning thanking you for your grace for your love and your mercy I ask that every need that's been in any and every heart not only here but those by the media as well I ask Oh Lord that you would assure them that the answer is on the way and I'll ask it in Jesus name a man and a man
Channel: stevenb1998
Views: 125,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy, Morning, Mp4, Good, Mighty, Live, Youtube, Self, Jesus, Preaching, Blood
Id: VjvJP0ejM7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2012
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