“The Signs of The Times” - Jimmy Swaggart Classic Crusades | Tampa Florida - January 21, 1983

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beneath jehovah's dreadfrown we're low in that dark pit oh my sins me down [Music] then i cry to the lord from that deep mary clay oh and he tenderly brought me out to that goal i received a letter a short time ago from a man that i consider to be one of the greatest musicians in the world he has probably sat down in a recording studio whether nashville or wherever and recorded more songs than maybe any man alive or any man that's ever lived for that matter thousands and thousands and thousands of them and i knew him he said jimmy swaggart i need help alcohol drugs and with tears in the words that he wrote he said i don't want to be that way do you think do you really think that he would still love me and he said it was this song that touched his heart written i guess 50 years ago and i wrote him back and i said son what you are is what all of us have been hallelujah none righteous no not one but through his mercy and his grace he picked us up and i've noticed something he picks us all up just to like he doesn't pick the bad bits up any different and he picks up the methodists he doesn't pick the pentecostal up any differently than the presbyterian the catholic then the church of christ all of us are in a mud hole and he lifts us out my soul was distressed you remember that remember the days before you came to jesus beneath jehovah's dreadfrown we're low in that dark pit that's exactly where the poor center is oh my sins dragged me down oh but listen yes but i cried that's what you can do to watching the television to the lord from the deep [Music] then he tenderly brought me out to that goal [Music] he'll bring you out to the golden day i don't care who you are all over this building could you stand and everybody sing it now well he brought me out of the bible [Music] well it's a song [Music] he set my feet on the rocks [Music] come [Music] he puts a song in my heart well it's a song of [Music] well grace blessed be his name [Music] close your eyes [Music] oh [Music] sing it again let his presence flow through your heart [Music] jesus christ jesus christ jesus lord [Music] we are a people that believes that god answers prayer we believe that he heals the sick how many testimonies have rung through the ages of jesus that set the captive free our last meeting was in houston houston texas it was there that the great ritchie temple was built years ago a little catholic lady dying with cancer doctors that said there's nothing we can do told her husband take her home let her die this was how long 40 45 years ago that was in the days when the catholics said you can't go to a protestant church they'd spend everything on doctors and the paper boy had accidentally the holy spirit works in beautiful ways thrown a newspaper on their front lawn her husband picked it up one of the pages concerning brother richard said the blind see the lame wall god heals cancer and they said we're going and they rolled her into that church she and her husband and her son never seen anything like it in their life that night god's mighty power flowed through that physical frame and healed her and performed a miracle and set her free about three years later god called her son to preach the gospel he was preaching the night my daddy got saved preaching the night my grandfather got saved 15 years later preaching the night jimmy swaggart got saved hallelujah hallelujah praise god he lives today this jesus does i'm going to ask john to sing a verse in a chorus of bomb of gilead and while he's singing i want you to reach out and let jesus be the bomb he's a medicine let him be the bomb to your physical need sing it john the verse in the course and close your eyes while he's singing and let god's presence fill your heart sometimes the way [Music] is weary they just don't understand [Music] so i turned my eyes on jesus and he changed [Music] jesus jesus move tonight jesus takes take them by the hand lord [Music] let his healing power flows [Music] jesus is the bomb hallelujah he's here tonight all across this audience [Music] worship him now praise him for healing father thank you for touching us thank you for your healing virtue your healing power thank you that you're able you are a miracle working god and you deal and work and move with your people today thou art an ever-present help in time of trouble we thank you jesus we praise thy holy name hallelujah glory wherever you are and those of you that are behind us we haven't forgotten you we're so glad to see you i want you to take your time all over this building it's friday night jesus will probably come before morning and i want you to just take your time and hug some necks and smile real big well wait a minute if you've just joined us for television wherever you may be in brazil in argentina in bolivia in peru in ecuador and paraguay and uruguay and and el salvador and honduras and costa rica and puerto rico and haiti and dominican republic uh republic of panama in the philippines and africa and australia and and uh all over the united states of america we welcome you to one of the greatest cities on the face of the earth tampa florida the greater tampa saint petersburg clear water area where a lot of people love jesus yes they do all over the building i want you to shake hands and hug necks and have an old-fashioned fellowship meeting will you do it well it's glory glory glory glory it's hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes i'm feeling so much better so much better [Music] glory glory glory [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah give the lord a hand of praise glory to god you may be seated i can feel it already i can tell it already we're going to have an old-fashioned heartfelt holy ghost heaven sent devil chasing sin killing true blue red hot blood bought god-given jesus loving camp meeting [Applause] this morning about i guess it was about nine o'clock something like that the lord suddenly turned on the tap and i felt it coming and i said devil look out i i there's a lot of reasons for that there are so many gracious wonderful jesus loving spirit-filled people in this indigenous area and we're so glad to be here i want you to know that i've looked forward for so long to being in this this greater tampa st clearwater area and we we love you every one of you some of you we've known for years some we're just getting acquainted and if you're here tonight and this is sort of new to you it's going to be a shock i'll just be honest with you there's no need to be lying about it [Applause] [Laughter] you're going to say first of all what in the world am i doing here and then you're going to say oh my lord what they going to do next but about fourth way into it you're going to start feeling the current on the line and something in your soul and we believe in this old time power of the gospel of jesus christ it's no different than the old-fashioned methodists believed in the old-fashioned baptist believe in believed in the old-fashioned presbyterians believe in and old-fashioned pentecostal and a lot of us still do that jesus saves and his blood washes as white as us so we welcome you whomever you may be we're so glad you're here and uh love you believing god for a great outpouring of the holy spirit i want francis the grandchildren are generally with us they had to miss this time they couldn't be here jennifer is is five years old and she's in she's in school now and boy she's got to be there you know and gabriel is is three and matthew's two we we don't have much problem with jennifer and gabriel and uh but matthew is ivan the terrible he's two years old and he's something else we were in israel for two weeks and naturally you know how grandparents are when we got back we just want to see those kids to bed so and jennifer came out she thought it's just like this you know just grabbed and hugged and kissed and gabriel he's he's an old lap dog he will love anything anywhere anybody any place matthew i turned around i said where's matthew gabriel said he in a car he won't get out i said he he won't get out he won't get out him mad and so i went out there and he's sitting in a car you know puffed up i said aren't you going to get out and come see pat paul i hadn't seen you in three weeks i don't like you go on i don't like you and i thought i was losing ground fast i said well you know we've got a present for jennifer and gabriel and we've got one for you too he looked and said i'll come in and eat my present but i still don't like you so they're not here there's something else francis would you come greet these people the best thing ever happened to jim is working francis other than jesus christ praise the lord oh don't you thank the lord for the wonderful spirit that we feel tonight you know i when we come together in services like this i can't help but feel so thankful and you know we are really a privileged people that we are able to congregate for revival crusades like this i think so many times of people in other countries that live and die and never have the opportunity to attend a gospel crusade a few weeks ago a letter came into our our office our telecast has been on in brazil for several months that now and this letter was written by a man and he said that he did not own a television set personally but that he happened to be at a friend's house when our telecast came on and he said brother swaggart it was such a blessing to me that the next saturday morning that i walked over to my friend's house house and i asked her could i come in and could i watch the telecast again and said she told me well you can if you'll do some work for me and she had me carry 12 barrels of water and he said brother swaggart i'm a man 65 years of age and he said it was very very hard to do but when i sat down in front of the telecast and i begin to feel the wonderful sweet spirit of the lord jesus christ it was it was worth it all now you know to those that have not been in his presence that don't know him that would seem like a very very foolish thing but to we that have been saved by his precious blood and we know him and he's so dear to our heart we would do anything just to be in his presence and aren't you thankful for it tonight it's just permeating this building we're just so thrilled to be here and trust that these services will be a blessing to you that's what we're here for that the holy spirit can minister to you through us god bless you when i was a boy just growing up in church a lot of songs that meant so much to me because of their tremendous spiritual impact and when milo was learning this one really i don't guess he had to learn it he's probably known it all his life and many of you will too but it's so old that maybe it will be new to you but it has such a meaning going way back to old-fashioned camp eating days lift me up above the shadows ladies and gentlemen milo herrick lift me up above the shadows plant my feet on high ground lift me up above the clouds [Music] lift me up above my weakness lift me up into thy strength lift me up [Music] the shadows [Music] till i stand [Music] with [Music] lift me up above the shadows [Music] lift us up above the shadows when to earth you come again let us be in the assembly as thy bride forever reign in thy kingdom full of glory with our friends we'll ever be lift us up from the shadows there to dwell eternally the shadows [Music] glory glory let me [Music] glory the glory [Music] world glory come on milo sing it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] above the shadows [Music] glory glory let me [Music] [Applause] [Music] well give the lord a hand of praise if you believe it he can lift you up above the shadows let you live and view the land [Music] there there's a name above all others wonderful to hear [Music] bringing hope into a lovely name [Music] last name of jesus [Music] ever more the same [Music] water lovely [Music] reaching higher [Music] [Music] let the world proclaim [Music] what a lovely name [Music] this [Music] return in clouds saints of every race shall behold his faith [Music] see [Music] jesus foreign [Music] reaching higher foreheads [Music] and that brightest start [Music] sweeter sweeter than the song they sing in the head [Music] lovely [Music] what a lovely but what a lovely lovely [Music] [Music] lovely [Applause] name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus by my mind praise god hallelujah lord give me a minute praise the name of jesus i'm feeling what janet's about to sing about ladies and gentlemen janet pascal a wonderful wonderful feeling let's hear it oh it's a wonderful feeling when you know that you found what you've been looking for no more [Music] what you've been looking for for such a long time i tried to find just a little piece of mind but nothing i tried kept dissatisfied no lasting joy did i find [Music] oh what you've been looking for no more searching no more looking around to find something worth [Music] i didn't know what dreams i should dream cause everything that glitters and looks so nice it isn't always that it seems just when i thought happiness it couldn't be found the savior knocked [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] he's everything i wanted for [Music] he's everything i wanted when you know what you've been looking for [Music] it's a wonderful feeling and it's no doubt about it it's just what you've been looking for i want to take you way back to the old presbyterian camp meetings back 160 70 years ago ladies and gentlemen john starnes is it well with your soul [Music] a tear [Music] my way when soul rose like sea [Music] whatever [Music] thou has taught me to say it [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] my sin [Music] all the bliss of this glorious wondrous thought my sin [Music] not in part [Music] but the whole he nailed and i bear it no more praise the lord praise the lord o my soul [Music] is oh lord haste the day when my faith [Music] the sky be rolled back as a scroll the trump shall return [Music] with my soul it is well [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] my soul [Music] the fourth chapter reading from the third verse it's one of the most important questions ever asked by anyone and this one was asked by jesus disciples it's the question that is on the minds and the hearts of millions of people today much more so possibly than ever before and your bible's matthew 24 and the third verse and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately say now before i read the question they're seated overlooking jerusalem and the temple jesus has mentioned to them that not one stone will be left upon another it's hard it's almost impossible for them to understand and they said this they asked the question tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming now that's what interests us what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world the correct greek translation is and the end of the age what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world i want to use for a subject tonight preaching a few minutes the signs of the time and the coming of the lord jesus christ i will say some things tonight that will be very strong it's not things that i would choose to speak or say but it's that which i believe that god has given me and i feel i have no alternative or choice it will anger some people it may anger some of you that are here i know it will anger many of you but television but i believe god has given it to me would you bow your heads please heavenly father we depend exclusively upon thee our efforts are pitiful and puny and pathetic without you i claim no inspiration but i do claim the anointing of the holy ghost and i would ask in the holy name of jesus that you would anoint me to speak i would ask that you anoint those that watch for television those that are in this coliseum here in tampa florida that they may be touched by thy spirit to hear to grasp thy word that's able to save their soul and father in the mighty name of jesus i ask these things and i give you praise and glory and everyone said amen and amen some months ago i was on a mountaintop in lebanon actually in east beirut israeli tanks were dug in all around us just on the next hill as i looked through military binoculars i could see the syrian army f-16 were cutting a suave leaving their contrails in the heavens above beirut the ground would gently tremble and shake as artillery fire would explode and a grimy dirty sweaty battle-stained israeli soldier turned around to me his uzi machine gun cradled in the crook of his arm and looked at me with a question far beyond his ears he was about 20 21 years old but he said what's going to happen to us what is america going to do the other day in one beautiful building the greatest bankers on the face of the earth met president of chase manhattan manufacturers hanover chemical bank bank of america plus other banks of the world staring at problems that seem to have no solution looking at a debt of nearly one trillion dollars owed by third world and under developed countries questions what will we do with mexico that owes 82 billion and cannot even pay the interest what will we do with brazil that owes 87 billion dollars and cannot pay the interest what will we do with poland that owes over 20 billion dollars over 50 countries of the world owing nearly a trillion dollars threatening to collapse the economy of planet earth the other day in a midwestern city a man in his late 50s went down to the union hall and asked is there any work he stood with hundreds of others and the new union steward said sir i'm sorry there's nothing the bank had served their foreclosure notice on the little frame dwelling that he and his wife call home he had paid on it for years they were already three months in arrears there was no money they foreclosed and set the furniture in the street he and his wife got in their aged automobile he in his late 50s she in her mid-50s parked on a side street in this great midwestern city here in the land of the brave and the home of the free the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth in the united states of america ran a rubber hose from the exhaust into the car rolled up the windows and started the engine and both died what's going on what's happening i will address myself to those particular questions all of them are related for that which is coming upon the world will be worldwide it is not going to affect just one nation every single individual on the face of planet earth is going to be affected by what is soon to come to pass as we look beyond the immediate problems that seem to rear their head like a giant dragon breathing fire and the minds of men cannot cope with them and their hearts are failing them for fear for looking after the things which are coming upon the earth what i will say tonight will not sound good i will sound like a preacher of gloom i wish i could stand here tonight and i could prognosticate prophesy or forecast greatness and glory and grandeur and grandiose things for the united states of america and the world but i cannot conscience conscientiously honestly say it as we allow our minds to escape that which is already starting to growl like a hungry bear as the sun begins to set and the angry rumbles of armageddon start to roll from black clouds building up with thundering tones of judgment there are two great things that are about to take place on this planet two things that will be so momentous in scope so significant so all so all-pervading they stagger the imagination i speak of the rapture of the church and the second coming of our lord and savior jesus christ you that operate the great magazines time news week life readers digest fortune forbes business week hold back and obey its because you will be able to put the type into those magazines announcing the greatest disappearance the world has ever known as multiple millions of people leave this planet called earth as they hear the trump of almighty god and jesus comes back we call it the rapture paul said for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord i'm looking for the rapture it could take place at any moment it could happen before we leave this beautiful sundome coliseum in tampa florida it could come before the dawn of another day there's not a prophecy left to be fulfilled there's not a scripture left to be pasted on the blackboard of heaven jesus christ could come tonight he could burst the skies asunder and mortality could put on immortality and corruption could put on him in corruption and the word would be cried oh grave where is thy victory o death where is thy sting the rapture some of you that watch me tonight may be gathering dried fruit and buying up cans of dried beans to place in some kind of underground cavern or cave looking for the antichrist look on i'm looking for the lord jesus christ the king of kings the lord of lords and the fairest of ten thousands hallelujah that's the rapture there is a vast difference in the rapture and the second coming there are not two parts of one coming they are two comings two advents and the rapture jesus christ will not set his feet upon this planet at the second coming he shall at the rapture he will come for his saints at the second coming he will come with his saints at the rapture he will come silently and quietly and the world will never know he has come until the multiplied multiplicities of multitudinous millions have disappeared instantaneously miraculously from the face of this earth at the second coming every eye shall behold him as the television cameras all over the world at the valley of megiddo trace their limbs upon him and they see him as he come prepared for battle with his fury coming up in his face with a sword of power reigning thunderbolts upon the antichrist and the powers of darkness and the heavens literally crowded with an angelic host and every saint of god that's ever lived riding white horses and glorified bodies coming back to this planet i want to serve notice on demons and devils and dictators hell will not have planet earth it was made by god god owns a title deed to it and jesus is coming back to claim it and its earth will not longer be soaked with blood but it shall reign in righteousness and the knowledge of the lord shall cover the earth like the waters cover the sea hallelujah hallelujah that's the second coming to magnetic glorious magnificent events they will happen as surely and certainly as you live and breathe tonight now whether the rapture takes place tonight or jesus tarries there is a question that looms in the hearts and the minds of millions i was in a taxi cab in paris france the other day the parisians are asking the same questions what are we going to do i was in amman jordan the other day the jordanians are asking the same question what are we going to do i was in greece the cradle of democracy the other day the greeks are asking what are we going to do i was in israel the other day monogamy just a few feet from me asked the conclave of jewish congress what are we going to do what is going to happen to the united states of america and the world that is the question that looms large in the hearts and the minds of every thinking person what's going to happen for the first time in the history of most of american citizens there is a dire feeling of consequence that one cannot shake most don't know what it is but that spirit and that feeling is there that maybe we are reaching a place in history that our great nation cannot solve the problem our president today labors under difficulties that have absolutely no solution to them and as we look at the united states and we search our bibles and we wonder what will happen will the monolith of soviet communism one day push the red button will those missiles that we've heard about for so many years finally be reigned upon this land will our economic structure totally collapse what's going to happen the united states of america has the distinction of being the most gospelized nation on the face of the earth its population has heard more sermons more preaching built more churches trained more ministers of the gospel printed more bibles than any civilization any nation any country on the face of this planet ever with that wonderful distinction comes an inherit danger in spite of the churches the bibles the preaching the sermons there is more sin and i don't mean just the little white lies i mean the most degradating horrifying sin that any nation has ever experienced in its history paul said in second timothy three and one in the last days perilous times shall come men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous bros boasts as proud blasphemers disobedient to parrots unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers and cannon and fears despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers are pleasures more than lovers of god perilous times our nation is not sinning because of a lack of knowledge our nation is sinning with impunity literally brandishing a fist in the face of god almighty saying we will do what we want to do most television programming is so putrifying it beggars description as television talk show hosts to stand before america and and laugh at preachers and call them bible thumpers and insinuate those that believe the word of god are backward and illiterate and have no knowledge or sense and openly defy jesus christ that in spite of more gospel than any country's ever known now what does this mean it means that this nation is in greater danger than any nation on the face of the earth because with the tremendous outpouring of the gospel and the holy spirit and the power of god comes a responsibility because my bible says to whom much is given much is required you hear me much is required if god spares this nation i said if if god spares it it will be for one of three reasons are all three it will be mr newsmen because of the thousands upon hundreds of thousands of christians that carry their bibles to church every sunday morning and love their god and serve jesus christ [Applause] it will be secondly because 95 of the churches that are built in foreign countries 98 of the bible schools that are put up to train ministers of the gospel in foreign lands 98 of the missions work carried on and nation after nation to tell those about jesus that have never heard comes from the shores of the united states of america thank god for that i heard mark bontain say the other day he said as long as the sending of missionaries and the propagation of the gospel is america's greatest export the trampling boot of foreign invaders will never walk upon american soil hear what i'm saying tonight our strength mr president our strength house of congress our strength distinguished senate our strength politicians is not in weapons or guns or money or economy but our strength is in its people that knows their god and serves their savior jesus christ [Applause] if god spares this nation it will not be because of our intellect or our educational institutions or our greatness it'll be because of the christians and because of our efforts to propagate his word and thirdly it will be because of a little tiny piece of sand eight thousand miles away from here that the world would love to wipe its hands off and satan and hell has hated from the beginning and it's called israel hallelujah if god spares the united states of america it will be to see to it that that little country survives against the hate and the anger of planet earth [Applause] i want to say some things tonight that i believe god has given me it's come after i've soaked it in prayers and tears and cryings before him i labor as you labor under the efforts of the president and his advisers to solve the economic problems that loom like a giant over the horizon of our economy we look today at 12 million unemployed and 2 million that have just given up looking for a job our politicians tell us and they are sincere when they tell it it's more optimism than it is fact that the upturn will take place at any time now and somehow we will climb our way back to economic stability i wish in my heart of hearts that i felt that i wish that i sensed that i wish this was just another problem in the united states and with good old-fashioned american ingenuity we'll solve it but it's not quite that simple even though i sound like a killed joy and a preacher of gloom i'm concerned that this economic difficulty is just beginning i'm concerned that the problems that are now facing our nation are minute in comparison to what we're going to see in the not too distant future i believe in the coming short years that multiple tens of millions of human beings on the face of planet earth are going to die of starvation literally starved to death i believe as sure as i stand on this platform that perilous times such as the world has never seen in all of its history is about to burst upon this planet it will be like the fury of hell has gathered for the final onslaught and satan makes his start for world domination the russian bear is not going to hide and hibernate they want to conquer the world can i stand here and tell you things are going to get better we're going to solve our problems and once again buy our big cars with their flashy fins pointing toward the heavens playing our rock music drinking our wine and our champagne as the money flows like water it's not going to happen this planet as we have known it is coming to the conclusion of the life that we have experienced since we've been in this world the times that are ahead are going to be dark they're going to be lonely they're going to be heartbreaking and millions upon millions are going to die and the united states of america will not escape and if we are able to raise ourselves up and not hurt as much as those in latin america and the philippines and africa and asia will hurt it will be because of the mercy of almighty god and that alone the bankers today that are meeting you don't know what they're meeting over the little problem of 12 unemployed is a pin prick it's a drop and a barrel they're meeting because at this moment as i preach this message the banks that finance every bank that you do business with manufacturers hanover new york chase chemical those banks that are the financial solidity of the united states of america tonight are broke they are broke because they've loaned billions of dollars to nations that cannot repay it and they are fighting with every ounce of financial acumen to try to solve the problem to keep poland and brazil and mexico and half a hundred others from defaulting because if they do those banks will collapse that's what's facing the united states of america and the world and if they collapse what we will see will be so far worse than the 1930s depression that it will make it seem like a sunday school picnic secondly america's greatest test is just ahead it's going to be the test of the fiber of our country it's not political it's not financial it's not psychological it's not domestical it's spiritual and it's this it's summed up in the word i mentioned a moment ago the name israel today israel doesn't have a friend on the face of the earth not one except the united states of america our jugular vein is oil oil that flows from the saudis the saudis oil that flows from the arab emirates the lifeblood of this country that fuels its industrial machine oil we are depending upon a people that hate our way of life hate what we stand for they hate the jesus that this nation proclaims with a hatred that beggars description the muslim world of muhammad and that soldier that turns around to me with a barrel of a uzi machine gun that has been hot just a few hours before and said what's going to happen to us will america turn their back on us the united states of america is soon going to be faced with a decision with the whole world standing on our door telling us to strangle israel to death telling us that the problems of the world are caused by zionists telling us if we will stop the f-15 eagles and the f-16s from going to israel and we can strangle them to death they'll die then the problems will be solved the problem is coming when the arab nations tell this country no more oil no more oh there's a there's a surplus today but that surplus is going to end soon they're going to seek to it they have us by the jugular vein and they know it israel israel will our president whomever he will be at that time have guts enough to stand and say we will stand with israel because i'm going to tell you brother america's future depends upon her treatment of tiny israel you hear what i'm saying you hear me mr president you hear me senate you hear me congressman you hear me [Applause] we turn our back upon israel do not worry god will find a way to see to it that that little nation survives but god also said a long time ago and god keeps his word those that bless israel i will bless and those that curse abraham and isaac and jacob i will curse them israel [Applause] the whole world is against israel the united states is the only nation and you know why the united states stands with israel you know why and they're beginning to realize it over there i know i've rubbed shoulders with their diplomats i've rubbed shoulders with their men that stand in places of position in government you know why this country stands with israel it's because of you that are born again christians in you but television that love jesus and you know that they're coming home one day that's why the born-again christians are saying we have to stand with them perilous times are coming because of it number three the condition of the church the condition of the body of christ what is it tonight what is that condition when jesus comes the bible said it would be a glorious church without spot or wrinkle washed in the blood of the lamb i ask a question tonight we can shout and say that it is but is it is it a glorious church without spot or wrinkle washed in the blood of the lamb do i make brownie points because i would stand and proclaim to the highest heaven that this church is a glorious church but there are no problems on the horizon tonight i would be lying if i did it is going to be mark my word it is going to be but things are going to have to happen and i think it's already started we look tonight at the great methodist church the methodist church that shook the united states of america and revival years and years ago there wouldn't even be in the united states today if it hadn't been for the methodist church the preaching of john sales of bishop mckendree mighty methodist fire brands that preach down holy ghost revival but where is the methodist church today the methodist church is supporting the national council of churches to give aid and support to the communists jimmy swaggart why do you speak as you do you're attacking my church again i'm not attacking your church i'm trying to get you to wake up i'm trying to get you to come to your senses i'm trying to get you to realize that the church is no longer functionable unless it abides by the word of almighty god baptist if i don't call names nobody blanches but if i call names people tremble jesus christ didn't say you there he said pharisees he said scribes i want you to understand me sir baptist churches but the thousands filled with people that have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof you get angry at jimmy swaggart i can't help that i'm trying to jar you i'm trying to wake you up i'm trying to get your preachers to quit giving book reports and quit poll quoting poetry and to open those old bibles and start to preach from the holy unchangeable word of almighty god i'm trying to get preachers to start saying that jesus saves and jesus heals and jesus baptizes in the holy ghost and jesus christ is coming again my god we need preachers that'll stand behind pulpits that'll have black bulls like texas saw dogs whose eyes are full of tears and a heart is broken for a nation that's on its way to hell that's not interested in science or geography or geometry of politics but interested in the word of almighty god called of the holy ghost empowered by the holy ghost and filled with the holy ghost form but denying the power [Applause] catholics god help us you worship the poor frail pope you bow and confess your sins to a poor stained sinful priest thinking he can forgive you he can't even forgive himself finger your rosewood bow down to your idols a catholic priest wrote me just a few days ago he was angry he said the bible is the word of god and i quote him verbatim because the catholics say that it's the word of god it's a catholic bible jimmy swaggart i can take away from it i can add to it i can ignore it all together that's what your priests are teaching that's what your pope is teaching that's what the catholic church is teaching today do i trouble you do i stir you do i hurt you do i make you uncomfortable do you want to get up and turn the television set off you can turn me off you can silence what i'm saying but you can't stop that what you feel in your heart you're hearing the truth for the first time in your life some of you are hearing the truth why do i preach like this were i talking about the price of potatoes it would be a different matter were i speaking of who would win the pennant it's something else but mister i'm talking about your soul your never dying soul and i'm here to tell you when you cross the bar when you step across that black river when the cold hand of death lays seeds to your soul and you're crossing to the outer beyond the pope can't walk across that river with you and your priest cannot carry you across and he can give you the last rites but it won't save your soul you'd better have your hand in the hand of the nail scarred jesus and your sins washed clean by his precious blood and that goes for the baptist and that goes to the methodist and that goes for the presbyterians and that goes for the pentecostal [Applause] pentecostals a christian charismatic full gospel pentecostal television talk show the other day they parade out the leader the host of one of the most vile filthy rotten degradation dance programs on television solid gold it's solid filth solid rot solid garbage [Applause] prayed out the host as the so-called example of christ that you can hold onto the world with one hand and god with the other i may be i may be ostracized and laughed at but if you're sending your money to that filth you're stupid if you're supporting that you are ridiculous i don't care whether you like it or not i'm telling you the truth it's an abomination in eyes what are you saying i'm saying the pentecostal church the pentecostal church is busy today confessing its position and rights in christ when it ought to be confessing its sins [Applause] we've been successful we've brought hollywood into our heaven we've told them they can drink in the bars on saturday night and give their testimony on sunday morning in our churches and we're weak we parade our gifts of the spirit and i believe sometimes those gifts are an abomination in the eyes of god because we're neglecting jesus i trouble some of you do i not as i speak of the catholics and the baptist and the methodists you're happy but when i stand behind your pulpit i trouble you i am pentecostal but god help us i'm ashamed of what passes for pentecost in most places nowadays i'm ashamed of it [Applause] we are worse than the badness we're worse than the methodists we're worse than the poor catholics that are deceived and don't know we're worse because we've had so much we've had it and it's flowed through our lives and i wonder how many have lost it it's going to be a glorious church some of you are sitting here tonight said i'm not coming back tomorrow night but you will you'll come you'll come [Applause] you say jimmy swaggart i don't really see anything wrong with somebody from one of those tv shows no matter how dirty that tv show may be coming on a christian telecast and speaking of jesus that's sweet yeah old ag was sweet too as he missed out and said surely the bitterness of death is past read it in your bible and samuel said i've got what one message for you mister and that's a sword and he chopped him all to pieces i love the world that's out there without god i love that sinner i'll die for him i'll preach to him i'll weep over him i'll pray for him i'll intercede foreign but god help us when we bring the philistines into the holy of holies [Applause] our strength is not those pitiful colleges we've got our strength is not those pitiful doctorates that our preachers are running around trying to get somebody to give them are you listening to me i'm talking to pentecostals keep the ears open our strength is not in our few big churches we're building but the strength of the pentecostal people and the pentecostal message is the power of the holy ghost that explodes like power within the very depths of our soul that's our strength we need revival we need holy ghost revival and i believe it's coming god may have to run over preachers and bishops and popes and priests to do it but i believe revival's coming hallelujah we're getting mailed by the thousands of pieces in our office that said preacher keep preaching it don't stop don't let up don't soft-soap it tell it just like it is i'm an old sinner i need god but give it to me keep pulling it out through that tv camera i believe there's a hunger in the land i believe there's a cry that's going to go up from god's people my god you've confessed your cadillacs and your lickins and your money and it's brought a leanness of soul we need to get back on our knees and cry to god until our hearts are filled with his love and his spirit and our eyes are washed with tears and we see a world that's lost but we've measured our faith by the price that our suit cost and god is sick to his stomach of it we've measured our faith by the diamond rings we wear on our hands and a world is going to hell we've confessed our mint coats and our mercedes and lives are being snuffed out and little babies are dying and some of you look at me tonight and you're angry and you say i'll never send you another dollar in the morning and the rot and the gut and the hell of calcutta as the sun breaks over the city of a broken heart seventeen thousand little boys and girls with ribs protruding through their skin will stand for hours to get a little mush and a little piece of bread mark bunting's old rickety trucks will line up to give them just a little bread and a little milk our organization pays for it fifty thousand dollars every month that rolls by by the help of god in the morning in war torn el salvador when a lot of you americans are setting back in your big fat easy chair said saying let el salvador go to hell let honduras go to hell who cares thousands of little kids from hovels that you've never seen mr american will line up and in spanish lisping voice will sing jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so and poor old haiti in the morning thousands will start to a little school but the side of a little church this organization pays for it let me tell you this i don't know where the money's coming from you can close your door in your pocketbook on me because i preach the gospel but god will raise up children of abraham of these stones if he has to do it to keep his word going i don't care what hell says i don't care what what what the methodist church says i don't care what the baptist church can deny the baptism in the holy ghost and pentecostals can be ashamed of it but i believe revival's coming i believe holy ghost revival is coming i feel a stirring in the top of the mulberry bushes i believe god's going to save catholics by the thousands i believe he's going to save priests by the thousands and they're going to turn away from the popes and they're going to turn away from idolatry and they're going to turn to jesus christ i believe it i don't believe the pentecostal movement's going to be lost i believe god's going to send a holy ghost deluge and some of you pentecostals is going to wake up and your presbyterian neighbors are going to be shouting hallelujah i believe it it's going to be hard it's going to be rough but america's been fat and soft we've grown lazy we've forgotten god but we're coming home i believe that because it's a glorious church without spot or wrinkle washed in the blood of the lamb i closed the night aren't you glad it's a lonely old hillside lonely brownie waters of the mediterranean glisten in the sun sweat stain slaves stuck salt mines stand like gory bucked teeth an old man is standing he's nearly a hundred years old he's tired it's been a long long haul a long one he remembers that day so long ago it seemed like another world another time another place beside the shimmering waters of galilee he heard the voice follow me and he laid down his fishing nets and told his father zebedee i'm going with him it's been so long james's brother is gone he was the first one to leave uh the big fisherman his cousin his brother andrew peter died upside down on the cross and andrew was spread-eagled on an x-shaped cross thomas he died in india john is the last one he's the last one and he stood there that day and the old book of revelation had just been written he said even so come quickly lord jesus john john with your master and my master i cried tonight as you cried so long ago from a world that's forgotten god days without number even so come lord jesus bow your heads please oh dear god move with thy holy spirit through this audience we need thee we need thee my lord we need thee could you stand to your feet please could everyone stand pass me not o gentle savior about your eyes are closed i speak to those of you that may be here in this audience tonight you make no profession of faith you claim nothing from god all you know is that you are down in a pit spiritually speaking and you need help all that you know is that if jesus doesn't set you free from the power and the stain of sin you're going to die lost and how many of you in this audience jimmy swaggart i'm not living right i'm not living right please pray for me how many will slip up that hand i'm not living right pray for me raise it high please raise it high up in the bleachers raise them young and old alike top to the bottom the middle slip it up god will see it thank you thank you keep raising the pray for me in the back in the bleachers pray for me i'm not living right how many on my right hand side i'm not living right how many now listen carefully god the holy ghost just spoke to my heart how many here you love jesus but way down deep inside you've strayed you drifted you know you have you're doing things that's going to destroy you as a christian i want to come home i've got to come home slip up those hands don't be timid or shy god knows where you're standing all over the building raised them i see them i'm going to ask the team to sing it again and there's a sing and i want every one of you all over this beautiful coliseum back front size main floor i want you to come and stand right here you're not coming to jenna's wagon you're coming to jesus christ i want you to come i want you to walk down these aisles and ask god to help you he'll meet you here sing it now as every one of them come praise the name of jesus praise the holy name of jesus i want you to look at brother swagger just a moment please each of you god loves you so much more than words could ever express and i thank god for these scores of young people that i see up here praise god for that thank god for that thank god for that the only way you're going to make it is by keeping your eyes on jesus young people the only way you're going to survive in a world that's freighted with drugs and illicit sex filth of every imagination is by keeping your eyes on jesus and that goes for you mothers and dads too that goes for you but television that's the only way troublesome times are coming dark times keep your eyes on jesus christ now i know that many of you are saved i know that you've already been purchased and bought and cleansed by his precious blood but some of you aren't and your soul is so precious in the eyes of god as well as those that have come to jesus i'm going to pray for you the sinner's prayer i want you to pray it with me i want you but television to pray it with us and say in a mere sentence or words won't save your soul but if you believe them they will if you believe them they will and would you bow your heads please and close your eyes you but television would you bow your heads and close your eyes now let us pray dear god in heaven i come to you in jesus name i'm tired of sin i'm tired of sin i need your help i need your help i ask that you forgive me cleanse me and wash me from all unrighteousness you said in your holy word romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10. if with our mouth we would confess jesus christ and in our heart believe that god raised him i confess jesus christ in my heart i believe that god raised jesus from the dead and he is alive i accept i said jesus christ the risen savior as my lord and my master i will do my best to live for him and serve for him in the midst of this sinful world and according to his word right now this moment i'm washed i'm cleansed i'm justified i'm sanctified i am saved hallelujah praise the lord
Channel: Refuge Nation
Views: 35,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bvqVqUa3_es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 3sec (6063 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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