Jimmy Swaggart Preaching: Can God Condemn A Man To Hell, Burn Him There Forever And Justify Himself?

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if you have your bibles tonight please would you turn with me to the book first of all of isaiah chapter five the message that i believe god has given me tonight will be the most important message that many have ever heard because god will speak eternally and everlastingly to their soul isaiah 5 starting with the 11th verse war unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may fall a strong drink that continue until night till wine inflamed them the harp the vile the tabret the pipe the wine are in their feast but they regard not the work of the lord neither consider the operation of his hands therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with thirst therefore hell notice the terminology therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure and their glory their multitude and their pomp and he that rejoiceth shall descend into it luke chapter 16 the great sixteenth chapter of the book of saint lou starting in the 22nd verse and it came to pass that the beggar died luke 16 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame many people try to say this is a parable but it's not a parable jesus did use parables extensively but this one is not a parable in no parable did jesus ever call the names of individuals he called the names of people here this is a true incident that took place that happened lazarus is now with jesus in glory that rich man two thousand years ago that the master portrayed is now in hell he was there then he's been there for two thousand years he will be there for eternity saint john 3 and 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life i want to use for a subject tonight can god condemn a man to hell burn him there forever and forever and justify himself in doing so i want you to think of that a moment that's one more question can the loving compassionate merciful god condemn a man to hell burn that man there without pardon reprieve or stay for ever and forever and justify himself in doing so a telephone jangled beside the bed it was a bitter cold january night midwestern city the state trooper finally awakened and picked it up answered it it was a wreck he immediately called pastor of the church a church that i know and am acquainted with and told him what had happened and he might want to come the pastor heardly dressed got in his car and rained turning to sleet drove to the appointed place when he got there state troopers lights were cutting a swath through the stygeon darkness through the rain and the sleet that was falling that bitter cold january night in that midwestern city ambulance was parked a giant truck was drying lying drunkenly on its side in the ditch automobiles were stopped everywhere the giant tractor-trailer had encountered this man walking down the roadside he was drunk he staggered out into the traffic and the driver hit his brakes so hard he jackknifed his rig threw it in the ditch overturned it but before it overturned it hit the man and catapulted him nearly a hundred feet down that road bed that night broke almost every bone in his body he was dead before he hit the ground the reason the pastor was called was because this man's wife was a member of his church she'd been a member for many many years she had prayed for this man's soul her husband this pastor had spoken with him had cried had prayed and begged had pleaded but seemingly to no avail she had come to him the pastor even recently and pleaded please go to him one more time he said i i will do it i will try but i have cried i have wept as you i have talked to him and this man was not just a drunk he was not just a sinner he was a reprobate he was a libertine he had gone to the very depths of sin and the last time at this wife's request that he had spoken with this degenerates this this degenerate soul the man when the pastor finally and exasperation told if you don't give god a chance in your life you're going to die and go to hell that man with a sneer turned to him and said my grandfather went to hell my daddy went to hell and pastor i'm going to hell too and as that night he walked through the rain the falling sleet looked down at the crushed body that had had a tarp thrown over it they were trying to get the ambulance back through the traffic to pick up the remains he picked it up the tarp looked at the ashen face the twisted contorted countenance and it was too late but then it was like the holy spirit directed his gaze and attention he saw something that gripped him that big trailer was lying on its side in that ditch and his gaze turned toward that big truck and he saw the bumper 18 inches wide of chrome steel and painted on that big bumper and blood red letters were two words that seared into his soul words that seemed to leap out at him words that seemed to scream words that hit him like a like a sledgehammer those two words were hell's angel he wanted to turn back he said to this corpse lying on that wet roadside and scream and say i tried to tell you but it was hopeless it was no use it was too late you see the message that i will bring to you tonight with god's help and grace is not a popular message and you will seldom hear anything set about a hell from most evangelists or in most churches today it's an ignored subject but irrespective if every preacher in the land ignores it if every church writes it out of their constitution and every church looks at it as a spoof in the word of god hell is just as real as it was when jesus told this illustration two thousand years ago it's just as real as it was three thousand years ago and it is my incumbent duty to warn men to persuade men to let you know the bible is simple there is a heaven there is a hell and the only one that can save you from hell is god through his son jesus christ and if you die and go to hell there will be no stay of execution there'll be no pardon there'll be no second chance there'll be no reprieve the scripture uses the term forever and forever now a lady walked up to me in detroit years ago i preached quite a number of crusades in detroit and that night i preached on hell and she came up to me you could take one look at her and tell that her life had been hard and had not been easy she had the look on her face of despair of extreme loneliness and she told me a story i've never forgotten she said jimmy swaggart that cannot be a hell it's not possible she didn't say it with a sneer or sarcasm she didn't say it with arguments she said it with a broken heart she said it with with with something in her that was was in pain she said there can't be a hell i looked at her and i could tell that her line of reasoning was different than so many that i addressed and i said sister why do you say that she said for 30 years i've lived in hell this is hell here my husband is a drunk my two sons are drug addicts my own boys to steal the money that i work hard for to try to buy a little food to put on the table will beat me black and blue to take that money to buy marijuana to buy cocaine to buy heroin my husband only god knows the times he's locked me out of the house and i i couldn't even get back in when coming home from church the misery the drunkenness the agony many times i've seen what little furniture we've had as he and and our two sons would go on a drunken drug rampaging and break it all to pieces and and take their fist and beat me till i would think i would die and i have prayed to die she said i'm living in hell i've lived in hell for 30 years i have prayed if there is a god let me die i don't want to go on anymore and you tell me jimmy swagger there is a hell that burns and if i don't accept jesus i'll go there in spite of the way i've lived and the agony i've gone through this is the horrible thing about it this is the thing that i want to get across to you tonight many of you in this audience many of you that watch me but tell it television not just isolated numbers but i mean scores thousands and thousands of your life is a life of misery this world holds no joy for you it seems to be a dead end streak to you don't know which way to go and and your whole world a long time ago has crashed to the ground and it's in pieces many times you've tried to find the courage to put pills in your hands and put them in your mouth and take your life but you don't have that kind of courage you weep yourself to sleep night after night and now this preacher comes to you and tells you that there is a life that's worse than this that there's something that's a million times worse than this you don't know what to do let me tell you this today and let me get it across to you i don't care how much money you have how much fame you get in this world i don't care how much education you have i don't care how big the house or how small the house how big the car or no car at all without jesus christ in this life life is no life there is no living there is no fulfillment there is no joy and i want to be emphatic even dogmatic in saying that you sir are an eternal soul our august educators may try to make you believe that you are an animal and secular humanism will tell you that materialism is all that it is and one day when you finally breathe your last that will be it oblivion nothing no more negative nit but secular humanism is a lie secular humanism is a diabolical lie they may try to teach to you evolution they may come up with their graphs and august life magazine may spread across its cover the cornucopia of your your progenitory all the way back from the omeba to the crawling primate to finally upright as a man but life magazine is a lie as well and i want to be a little blunt any biologist any teacher any educator that that teaches evolution it's a lie they are a liar and evolution is alive mister this is what satan doesn't want you to know you were made in the image of god you have god breath in your heart you were made in the image of your creator in the image of god you were made for more than a drunken stupor or a deranged maligned brain from drugs you were made for more than profanity and filth and obscenity and to burn in hell you were made in the image of god to walk in the image of your father forever and forever [Applause] hallelujah mr you can sit there in that easy chair and so dumbly think that the last breath is it and only someone that's somewhat stupid would think such a thing a million years from today you will be living a billion years from this moment when you're hearing this message you sir will be alive you hear me you will be alive and one day the god that some of you think doesn't exist you're going to stand before him and you're going to answer to him because in you is an eternal soul in you is an eternal soul in you is an eternal soul that's the reason god sent his son jesus christ [Applause] you say if i believe that if i believe that if i really believed that i would do things differently whether you believe it or not it's real secondly you'd better do some things differently because just as sure as you breathe there is a heaven you say jimmy swaggart you really believe in this place a literal actual place called heaven you mean you really believe that that there there's some pie in the sky you really believe that you really believe there are gates of pearl and walls of jasper and streets of gold you really believe that yes i believe it i believe that because i believe in god i believe that god and he said in my father's house jesus said are many mansions glory to god i believe it i believe there is a literal place called heaven i believe that it exists i believe it's there i believe my mama's there i believe my grandmother's there i believe my grandfathers are there i believe my little baby brother that his body lies in rio honda texas tonight that died some 45 years ago i believe he's there with jesus and one day soon the apostle paul said the trump of almighty god is going to sound and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord i believe there's a city built four square i believe the walls are the jasper i believe the gates are in a pearl i believe the streets are made out of pure and solid gold i believe that jesus lives there and i believe every saint of god that accepts him and holds to that mighty name is going to go there and live forever and forever all right now set back in your smugness and say you really believe it huh what do you believe in what do you believe in mister watching me by television you've got your degree from harvard or yale or cambridge or princeton and what do you believe in come on now what do you believe man you can rake your grecian formula on your hair to take the streaks of gray away but you're getting old sir lady you can smear on your max factor to try to cover up the wrinkles but honey you're getting old and young people when the final buzz has cleared from your brain and the last ounce of coke has just worn off and you come back down to the real world you've got to face tomorrow and i'm here to tell you there's somebody that'll help you cross that rolling tide of jordan and somebody that'll hold to your trembling hand and that somebody that i'm talking about didn't come from buddha didn't come from mohammed didn't come from mr moon but that somebody is jesus the king of kings of the lord of lords he'll walk with you he'll lead you he'll guide you he'll hold to that hand of yours and guide you through this life that we're living in today jesus jesus jesus [Applause] one newspaper reporter the other day he wrote about 15 columns and called me everything but a gentleman with this scathing denunciatorial harping he finally said i don't understand it we reporters keep giving it to them and they just keep right on coming back for more he said if they can preach to millions over television that means they could they could make enough money without doing all that and taking all this abuse i don't know why they do it mr reporter if you happen to be listening and you've tuned across that television channel by accident and you old blurry bloodshot eyes are staggering and staring through the the the perhaps pabst blue ribbon [Laughter] [Applause] i do what i do because i believe in what i do it's not a game it's not a joke it's not a facade it's not entertainment i'm not playing i mean business i'm a preacher of the gospel i was called by god almighty and i want to tell you something mr reporter when your ilk have died and gone and there's no more like you and the herod's and the hamans and the hitlers have long ceased to be the god that i'm talking about will still be alive and his word will still be an anchor unto our soul and you that that deny him will be gone forever and those that serve him will live forever hallelujah not going to back down there's a heaven and there's a hell i was in a beautiful home some time ago very beautiful walked into the living room and a stream of water flowed through that living room trickling over rocks now that's pretty mister big white grand piano sat there in the corner i just looked at gold records lined the walls of this world-famed entertainer house was full of people francis and i were there by invitation and i won't say more one one of the men owned or had a large interest in one of the big gambling casinos in las vegas he was said to be worth millions for over an hour he regaled us with tales of hollywood star starlets actors performers entertainers rolling the dice over his green felt gambling tables in that plush club in las vegas and how they would sell their soul for a dollar he told me things i can't relate but he said the only thing that matters is money money he said i've seen and he laughs and the room is full of people and world famous entertainers are there and he laughs and says i've seen them crawl for money and i listened to all of this and i was praying god give me an opportunity to witness and i'd rather you give it to me because if you don't give it to me i will take it just a few minutes later his wife she was many years his junior beautiful girl she turned to me and said reverend swaggart i'd like for you to do me a favor and i said shirley what is it she said would you come into this living room the one i just described to you and would you sit down to the piano and would you sing some gospel songs for us and the holy ghost said that's it [Applause] i said i'll i'll i'll gladly do so they filed in they had cocktail glasses in their hands and they were laughing and they were joking and they were jesting and and i lingered back and i was seeking god give me the songs give me that which you want me to give to these and and god i don't know if jimmy swaggart has any talent i don't know if jimmy swaggart can play a pian i don't know but that's not important i don't want them to see this pitiful flesh somehow let them see the holy ghost somehow let them see jesus somehow use me somehow anoint me give me what you want me to give to them that's what i want god and god gave it to me i sat down to the piano i ran my fingers across those ivories and they were standing around it must have been 20 25 people there francis as i said was with me and i started to sing that old song lonely days lonely nights filled with despair caused me to long for someone to care then i heard christ say to me this promise i've made lo i'm with you forever be not afraid i'll never be lonely again no never again for i've opened my heart's door to him and i'll brush away the tears and i'll forget my foolish fears i'll never be lonely again no never again and i want to tell you something i felt it coming glory you're not looking tonight at a professional evangelist every message i preach i i water it with tears i cry to god i weep god give me the word god give me the message and i i i'm nothing i can't do anything i don't know what to do i don't know how to do it unless the power of the holy ghost starts to move upon what little we do and touches the hearts and the lives of the people and you that watch me but television that's jimmy swaggart's secret if i have a secret it is the anointing of the holy ghost [Applause] and i went right on over into that old old hymn of the church on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and of shame and i love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain and i looked up and everything in that room was weeping except this one man they were sobbing they were crying that girl that had asked for these songs was shaking she was just shaking as her shoulder shook tears rolling down her cheeks i looked at the others musicians there they were weeping and i don't mean just a tear i mean the mighty spirit of god that got a hold of their hearts let me tell you something pastors let me tell you something churches let me tell you something people we need the power of god the conviction of the holy spirit the anointing of the holy spirit in the pulpit we need it in the pew we need it on the piano we need it in the horns we need it in the guitars we need it in the deacons we need it in the church we need it in the choir the mighty power of the holy ghost i looked at this million dollar gambler his face was ash and white i don't know if the man had ever known or sensed the spirit of god in his life but he sensed it that night and you know when god speaks to you you do one of two things you either accept him or you run they ran except for the girl finally no one was left but she frances and myself i stopped the song and she told me this she broke she said it brought it all back tonight it brought it all back i said brought what back and really she preceded that statement by clenching her fist and saying to me stop i can't stand it anymore please stop i can't stand it anymore and then she said i used to be saved i used to be filled with the holy ghost and a member of a church that every one of you would know where i to name it and she said i prayed in the altars with people i've wept with them i've prayed for them i live for god but i've thrown it all away she said i can walk in almost any store in the world i can walk into neiman marcus i can walk into any store i can buy a sable of mink i can buy a diamond ring a pearl choker anything that i like sign my husband's name to the bill and he's good for it anywhere her fingers sparkled with diamonds and pearls about her neck and she said i've got the finest i i rubbed shoulders with the beautiful people where the stars were the starlets with the millionaires we're the finishers i i i mix in this this world and i said yes but you're unhappy aren't you all of it and you've got the best but it's brought no happiness and she looked through me she looked completely through me she said i come from those those casinos i come from those clubs that are the plush the most luxurious the finest the most elaborate the most expensive the very best that money can buy and she said i come home at night and take one two three baths trying to scrub off the filth she said jimmy swaggart i don't care how beautiful it is how luxurious it is it's dirty it's rotten it's filthy it's degradating oh listen to me tonight lady it's going to take more than soap to wash away the stain that's in your soul it's going to take more than new year's resolutions more than joining a church or turning over a new leaf it's going to take a miracle of conversion in your heart by the lord jesus christ to change your heart and to change your life and i'm here to tell you he can change you tonight [Applause] i said why don't you give it up why don't you come on back to god he's talking to you he's speaking to you he's dealing with you why don't you she said if i do i'll lose it all i lose the big cars i'll lose i lose the jewelry i'll lose the sable the mink the irman i'll lose i'll lose the association i'll lose it all i said lady you're going to lose it anyway you're going to lose it anyway she ran she ran she bolted and ran francis followed her i was alone now and i walked i walked back to the door to go back into the room and they were now that shaking it off they shrugged it off they were now laughing and joking and jesting and i i closed the door i couldn't go back in i found a door that exited out and walked out under the tennessee skies and stood there that night and i'll never forget it i stood there and this was years ago years ago francis and i traveling from church to church long before i was on radio and never even thought of television in those days and i walked out under those tennessee stars and looked up and i said god i don't i don't have any gold records francis and i don't even have a home i don't even have an easy chair to sit down in we live in this automobile and lord i'm so tired tonight i don't know what to do but i want to tell you something lord i wouldn't change what i had in my heart i wouldn't give what i had in my soul i wouldn't give up what i have in my life for all the gold for all the silver for all the fame for all the popularity for all the riches i wouldn't give it all and i just want you to know i thank you for saving me i thank you for filling me with the holy ghost i'm thanking you for giving me something to live for something to hold to something that's real christian don't ever feel sorry for yourself glory to god i don't care what the devil does to you you're saved you're a christian you are a child of the living god don't ever let the devil dangle his garbage in front of your eyes and tell you that you're missing out the only thing you're missing out on is a load of sin i don't care if you live in a little small trailer and your old cars fall into pieces and all four tires are flat if you're saved you're rich if you're saved you've got everything if you're saved you've got everything hold your head high square your shoulders look up and because he that's within you is greater than he that's in this world you are a child of the king washed in calvary's cleansing flow hallelujah glory to god my lord i feel that praise the name of jesus hallelujah what kind of place is hell i don't know from what the bible says i know it's so horrible it's beyond contemplation or comprehension hell may be a world of emptiness of good not a kind word is ever spoken not a baby's smile cuts through the agony of pain no flower blooms and cast its fragrance to the waiting nostrils of man there's never a laughter that comes from a glad heart maybe it's worse than that may be held as a world of stitching darkness the eternal soul gropes and staggers through the night of gloom that will never see the rising of a sun i walked down into the bowels of the indiana state prison some years ago into solitary confinement that closed the door and when they closed the door i could not see anything there was no light there there was no emitting of light there was no light whatsoever my eyes the pupils never dilated never became accustomed to the darkness it was darkness you could feel and the scriptural rendition of the outer darkness is literal darkness that can actually be felt in hell and standing there i felt it and standing there i thought my god this is what it'll be like maybe it's worse than that maybe it's a place with serpents hissing in every crevice goblins dancing in every gorge demons mounted on fiery's horrors with the whips of god's judgment in their hands beating the base on hell's drums keeping time with the ceaseless groans of the lost maybe it's worse than that maybe it's a world of flame with a soul bobbing to the top screaming in agony weeping wailing gnashing of teeth one preacher friend of mine fasted for 30 days and god gave him a vision and he said it was the most horrible thing he'd ever seen he saw hell he said he saw the liquid sea of flame he saw millions of people that were screaming and agony and he stood there by the side of an angel as the angel showed it to him a literal place hell is a literal place and he saw people pulling people up by the hair out of that sea of flame and looking at them and cursing and dropping them back and pulling them up and looking at them and pulling them up and looking at them and he asked the question what are they doing the angels said they are looking for the preachers and the priests that told them they were all right and didn't have to worry about hell they're trying to find those men that led them astray do you hear what i'm saying tonight i wish i could stand here and tell you that most of the world is going to heaven everybody's going to finally be lost that god's going to welcome men with open arms but that's not what jesus said jesus said that broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be that go in there at narrows the way that leads to life and few there be that find it that's a reason i preach like i do that's the reason i use every means at my disposal from whispering to shouting to screaming to music everything to touch you to stop you to bring you to your senses to get you to say yes to jesus christ because there is a hell there and unless you accept jesus christ you're going there god forbid but it's true francis and i hadn't been married long just a couple of years i was studying for the ministry and working at a particular little job and we'd forgotten the water that day and it was hot like it can get in louisiana 90 95 degrees and that humidity nearly a hundred percent in every nerve screaming for a drink of water but there was no water about four o'clock that afternoon the engineers came up they had a big five gallon can of ice cold water in the back of their truck i remember running to it and putting my head under letting the water roll down over my head wet my shirt wet my face and drank until i could drink no more and then it hit me a man that i'd known for so very very very long 11 years before he died with a heart attack instantly my grandmother loved him she was ken to him he to her and our this was years ago and and our little town gambling was legal in those days and slot machines were in every restaurant and every place of business and this man owned a restaurant she walked in and told him she said unless you get rid of those things they're going to take you to hell this was after months of conversation and praying he turned to her and said before i give them up i'll go to hell slot machines a few months later this county voted a no gambling ordinance slot machines were hauled out state troopers busted him up with sledgehammers he had the best finest home biggest cars that detroit made and he died if i remember correctly had 57 suits his son found him suffering a coronary thumbosis he was half off the bed he grabbed him up got him in the car and got him to the hospital the doctors beat on his chest and did everything they could to try to bring him around but he died as i drank that water i thought my god helped me it came to me my uncle has been in hell for 11 years and not one drop of water 11 years one day you'll stand before god every human being that's ever lived and i pray god at that moment you are not there but if you are there you will hear him say if you haven't accepted his son jesus as your savior depart from me ye worker of iniquity i've never known me take him away to the place prepared for the devil and his angels and in that moment i would i know you will cry god can you send me to hell burn me there forever and forever justify yourself in doing so with the sweep of time you're in jerusalem the sun has not yet risen on the blackest day of infamy the world will ever know but you know what it is you look at him as he walks out on pilots parapet judgment hall the night people are there the drunks the whoremongers the dopers the thieves the brigands the libertines they're there the good people are in bed and they're screaming crucified kill him it seems like from a thousand throats it roars hang him on the tree kill him and you want to scream don't you know don't you know this is god this is the son of god they take their hands and take his beard and they pull it and they stick thorns on his head and the scalp is the most tender part of the human anatomy and it swells in a moment's time and isaiah said his visage or countenance was so marred he ceased to look human but looked like an animal and he beat him until great strips of flesh hang down his back and they spit on him by the hundreds in his face and the spittle globules of splittle mix with the blood and pilate says take him now he's fair game for anybody take him and he put a cross on his back and he starts down the via dolorosa and he can't make it and he stumbles and simon of cyrene and somebody said he was not a black man and somebody said he was a black man was compelled to carry the cross but listen to me my black brothers and sisters if he was a black man and i believe he was the colored race is born many a burden of the advancement of civilization but no greater burden was ever born than when simon carried that cross up holy hill two thousand years ago and they nailed him to the tree and god to pull the blinds it wouldn't love and he that knew no sin became sin that i may become the righteousness of god in him and at three o'clock in the afternoon at the time of the evening sacrifice he died for you and he died for me and the giant veil in the holy of holies four inches thick two thousand pounds four yoke of oxen couldn't pull it apart ripped from top to bottom bearing the holy of holies that whosoever will may come and drink of the water of life freely and in that day you will say yes god you can condemn me to hell and burn me there forever and forever and justify yourself in doing so bow your heads please heavenly father strike deep into the hearts of the people speak to that wayward son and that wayward daughter that one by television that's running they're running god catch the bring them home i ask it in jesus name how many of you tonight i've given you my heart i plead with you you can't take a chance on a tomorrow without god please he doesn't want you to go to hell there's no joy in heaven over the death of the wicked how many in this arena will lift up your hand jimmy swaggart i don't know if my heart is right with god or not i don't want to go to hell if there is a hell and there is one i don't want to be lost i don't want to burn forever i don't want that would you pray for me and that's a simple question and statement and i want you to lift up your hand pray for me i need god let me see that hand please i see them thank you thank you so much thank you up in the bleachers how many would raise your hand slip them up young and old alike please black and white rich poor great small raise them high please just for a moment i will not embarrass you i promise raise them please i see them to my left in the bleachers how many thank you thank you thank you so much to my right in the bleachers how many please pray for me i don't want to be lost i don't want to die and go to hell let me see that hand thank you i want everyone to stand please everybody standing there are thousands of godly people in this arena and i want you to believe god with me i want you to see eternity for a moment that every unsaved person in this building is coming to jesus and i need your help and every christian but television please to believe god with me right now that in a thousand hotel rooms that in a hundred thousand homes that in nation after nation the spirit of god will go in and touch that man woman boy and girl and bring them to jesus as they are placed under holy ghost conviction and i want you to enter into this burden with me i have confidence in your prayers all over this place just a moment they're going to sing and i want everyone that raised your hands in this place i want you to come and stand right up here i want every one of you that love god to to go to that unsaved friend to parents to go to your children children to go to paris wives to go to unsaved husbands husbands to unsafe watch bring them down here bring them to jesus bring them to jesus there is a heaven there is a hell you're on your way to one of these places there's no end between as they sing it come on now [Music] yes there's room at the cross for you [Music] sing it one more time thomas please [Music] he loves you so much come on [Music] there's still room for one yes there's room i want to tell you something that many of you know but yet i want to refresh your pure minds i want you to look at me for just a moment please no man need die lost and go to hell none god has made a way through his son jesus christ by the accepting of him that you may be saved there's no other way there aren't two four ten ways one way jesus said you have to enter in at the door and he was the door and if you try to enter in any other way it's the same as a thief in a robber secondly he loves you you may think you're here tonight by accident you aren't god the holy ghost the angelic host all have brought it to bear to bring you here it's no accident that you came to this meeting tonight hallelujah let me tell you what he has for you eternal life number two a mansion in heaven he said i go away to prepare for you a place that where i am you may be also number three don't ever die never how do i get all of this you get it by accepting him you see he paid a terrible price all you have to do is accept the price that he paid you furnish the sinner he furnishes the savior now i'm going to pray the sinner's prayer and i want every one of you to bow your heads please i want you but television to bow your heads as well wherever you may be in this world and i want you to pray with these here and the tacoma dome in tacoma washington in the great northwest of the united states this is the greatest moment of your life there will never be another one like it this is it now let us pray dear god in heaven i come to you in jesus name [Music] forgive me all of my sins cleanse me with your precious blood from all unrighteousness i now repent of my sin [Music] and i thank you for what you did at calvary i accept the price you paid your shed blood and your life i ask right now that your blood be applied to my sins and i be washed clean [Music] by your blood according to your word romans chapter 10 with my mouth i confess jesus christ in my heart i believe that god raised jesus from the dead and he's alive i accept jesus christ as the only savior and is my savior from this moment on i'll do my best to live foreign and according to his word i accept it i believe it right now i'm sanctified i'm justified i'm washed i'm cleansed right now i'm saved hallelujah praise the lord ladies and gentlemen the crusade that you are now watching was taken from the 1980s and is a part of the great move of god that touched the whole world at that particular time if you would like to have a dvd of this service you can see the price on the screen and i'll guarantee you this it will be one more blessing to you it's something to see what god did in those years where hundreds of thousands came to a saving knowledge of jesus christ and there's nothing in the world like it you ought to want one of these dvds and the dvd of this particular service that you're watching will be a blessing to you now i'm going to ask you please get out your credit card or your debit card and go to the phone and place your order right now we'll get it right back to you we love you and god bless you [Music]
Channel: Our God Reigns
Views: 86,632
Rating: 4.782537 out of 5
Keywords: Family Worship Center, Worship, Piano, Praise, Lord, God, Cross, Almighty, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Preach, HD, HQ, Heaven, Pastor, Preacher, Music, Hymn, Hymns, Christian Music, Powerful, Evangelist, JSM, FWC, Choir, Bible, Lamb, Instrumental, Live, Savior, Love, Christ, Musica Evangélica, Cristã, Crente, Música Gospel, Salvação, Avivamento, 80's, mercyfull God, pardon, Lazarus
Id: GRMnkd9_9d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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