Jimmy Swaggart - Let Me Thank You Again

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foreign [Music] [Music] saving me from what I might have been [Music] let me thank you well again oh Lord Jesus [Music] let me thank you thank you again [Music] well you gave me oh pray you beginning when you freed me from all my gift and shame yes you gave me well a brand new reason for living [Music] I just want to thank you thank you again [Music] let me thank you again the Lord Jesus [Music] for saving me from all I might have been yes Lord yes [Music] oh let me thank you thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank God he has set me set me free [Music] and now there is a peace that passes all understanding deep down with him yes the Holy Spirit reaches out and strengthens me and he guides me [Music] and I just want to say [Music] thank you again [Music] let me sing that verse one more time from worrying and fear I've been set free oh and now I have sweet peace Within foreign strengthens me [Music] for my tomorrow [Music] I just want to thank you thank you again I'll never stop thanking you thank you again Lord Jesus [Music] uh for saving me from all my life have been [Music] let me thank you yes again the Lord Jesus the glory to God oh let me thank you thank you again one more time on that course please again my Lord Jesus for saving me from all my have been [Music] [Applause] let me thank you the Lord Jesus [Music] oh let me think thank you again let me thank you [Music] thank you again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah glory to God praise God well let me thank you [Music] again Lord Jesus [Music] for saving me from all my life have been foreign [Music] thank you again [Music] let me thank you [Music] thank you again [Music] well praise God one said alone beside that Highway begging [Music] his eyes were blind the light he could not see he clutched his rags and he shivered in the shadow [Music] then Jesus came foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Bartimaeus clutched his rags and his shivered and the Shadows [Music] but then Jesus came oh and babe in his door please when Jesus Jesus comes oh the Tipton love is broken [Applause] [Music] when Jesus [Music] it takes yes the glue glow [Music] for all change when Jesus comes to stay [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] and misery he cut himself as demon powers possessed him Jesus came [Music] is free one more time please [Music] from home and friends the evil spirits grow among the tombs he dwelt yeah and misery [Music] he cut himself and demon powers [Music] possessed him then Jesus came oh and he said the captain set him free when Jesus come all the Timbers power is broken when Jesus come foreign [Music] he takes the glue [Music] with glow [Music] for all his change when Jesus day that sang that course just one more time praise God when Jesus Jesus come from this is Jesus come well every tear Rewards all away foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] for all is changing or will Jesus Jesus come to Tuesday [Music] [Applause] you more than I need [Music] Lord I need you more than I need the sunshine [Music] Lord I need you more than I all the rain Lord I need you [Music] more than I need the more [Music] Lord I need you more than I am in anything when I'm thirsty you are mine living one when I'm hungry you are my living bread when I'm tired you are home my rest Lord [Music] and all you [Music] I can lay my weary [Music] Lord I Need [Music] [Applause] Lord I need you more than I need all the rain Lord I need you more than I need [Music] Lord I Need more than I am [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] floor to my light when I walk through those dark valleys I've come to know that your joy is my only strength I found out that you are a sure Foundation [Music] you're my redeemer my savior my friend let me sing that verse again please you're my life [Music] for your joy has become mine only strength yes you are you are mine Foundation [Music] My Redeemer my savior my friend Lord I need you more than I am the sunshine Lord I need you more than I need [Music] Lord I need you more than I need the more Lord I needed know that I need [Music] to send that course one more time please please [Music] Lord I need you more than I need [Music] [Applause] Lord I Need more than I need the more [Music] Lord I need you more than I did anything Lord I need you more than I need anything foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] filled with English desperation without hope walk the shell of a man [Music] then a hand with a nail Prince stretched down [Music] Just One Touch and a new life let me sing that first again filled with aimless desperation without hope walk the shell of America [Music] then a hand with a nail print [Music] stretch downwards [Music] just one touch and a new life began and alive Bound By Heart I will praise him forever for me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign walls echoed harshness [Music] and anger a little feet run and tear up died open houses Jesus and those walls ring with love Hallelujah [Music] sits together of life inside and the old [Music] ER and alive in Bound By Heart [Applause] I will praise him [Applause] for the cross ing the difference one more time and the old Rugged Cross made the difference [Music] and alive Bound by heartache and defeat I will praise fire and Air [Music] yes the cross changed one more time and sing it with me now [Music] Bound by heartache and if we I will praise him forever [Music] [Applause] yes I will praise him foreign [Music] foreign [Music] with my head by well in the Darkness as black as could be and my heart was alone and I cried no Lord your faith is from me [Music] hold my hand s every day yes from here to that great well unknown [Music] take my hand [Music] let me stand for No One [Music] stands alone foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like a king I may live in a palace so tall with great riches call home my own [Music] but I don't know what things in this home oh wide world [Music] let me sing that verse one more time please [Music] like a king I may live in a palace so tall and I might have great riches call me by all nothing in this home a wide world all that's worse than being [Music] oh my God [Music] every day yes from here to that great a unknown [Music] with my hand and help me help me to stand where no one stands to sing that chorus one more time now to my head all the way every eye every day from here to that great a unknown [Music] take my hand and Lord help me please help me to stand where no one will stand the Lord foreign [Music] help me to stand without you lord I cannot make it where no one stands [Music] stands alone thank you thank you Lord praise God [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes for years I travel a road [Music] my heart had lost it's Joy and it's all then Grace it placed me right where I belong with Mercy [Music] Mercies [Applause] [Music] his Mercy I could have fallen from my soul cast way down but Mercy foreign [Music] my mistakes that day he turned into miracles my tears [Music] he turned into Joy All Passes for forgiven and a new name was written and it said Mercy [Music] Mercy Mercy wrote my love foreign [Applause] could have fallen and my soul cast way down oh but Mercy sing the course please Mercy thank God his mercies [Music] I could have fallen my soul cast way down but mostly I could have fallen my soul casts way down foreign Mercy [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] about tomorrow [Music] I just live from day to day [Music] I don't borrow [Music] from which sunshine for I know those Skies may turn to Gray [Music] I don't worry oh the future [Music] oh Jesus and today [Music] I won't beside him for I know what is his head many things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't see to understand [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] every Style you know it's getting a little bit brighter [Music] as these golden stars that I climb I found that every bird and God it's getting a little bit lighter and you know I've learned that every cloud it's silver line they're the Sun [Music] is always shine there are no tears [Applause] we'll ever damn the eyes [Applause] oh at the ending We're Alone the rainbow where the mountains touch it's God let me sing the verse again every step [Music] it's getting louder as these go golden stairs cyclone [Music] I found that every burden and Jesus it's getting a little bit lighter and I've learned that every cloud in Christ is silver line oh there the Sun is always shine foreign [Music] at the ending oh the rainbow [Music] where the mountains touch the sky [Music] many things [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I know [Applause] tomorrow [Music] but I know and I know [Music] and I know all yes I know holds my trembling hand s [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to my soul foreign [Music] with joy and more one more time please come as a rescue the weary come as a bomb to my soul yes Lord come As the deer to my dryness so and just fill me [Music] with joy more [Music] Oh Come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit I promise [Music] because [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like the springs in the desert come to this withered of soul [Music] let your sweet your precious healing power touch me and maybe one more time please come Lord please like the springs [Music] in the desert come to this withered of soul let your mighty you're holy healing power or just touch me and make me hold you come the Holy Spirit foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] call Holy Spirit I need oh come on I pray [Applause] [Music] away oh yes come in your own strength and power [Music] come [Music] in your own gym to talk away [Music] [Applause] that blesses me and I pray that it will you too oh brightly be our father's Mercy [Applause] from that lighthouse Evermore [Music] oh but to us he gives the keeping of the life so long the show [Music] let those [Music] be burned oh sing the Glee [Music] across the way foreign [Music] you may rescue Mercy foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that sin has settled [Music] love those angry billows they may Roar [Music] bigger eyes are watching and longing [Music] for the light along the shore let me sing that verse again please oh dark the night of sin has settled [Music] love those angry eager eyes are watching a longing [Music] for the light alone the shore I want more time please God bye bye of sin has settled [Music] loved love be the Lord's room that eager eyes are watching Love thank you for the light alone the shore let alone Bieber said across the way [Music] some were fainting struggling a Sema [Music] rest you [Music] help me dock on this last course please let the Lord [Music] [Music] across the way some poor fading [Music] foreign [Music] you may rescue [Music] if you'd say [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that he really loves you and that he who will abide [Music] have your heart [Applause] [Music] that's weary tending well alone so much care [Music] all you are so well that scene rest from this burden [Music] and that you made that verse again please [Applause] your heart well that's weary [Music] attending all along so much care oh your soul that seeking rest from the burden even do you know Jesus oh do you know [Music] my friends have you heard [Music] he really love foreign [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Jesus knows every disappointment [Music] and he hears every time that you cry yes it does he understands [Music] every heart I think Hallelujah to God and he'll drive and dry those tears from your eyes one more time that verse please well he knows everyone disappoint [Music] disappointments he is every time that you cry he understands there's no one else every heartache yes it does and he'll draw from your eyes [Music] do you know yes Marty Jesus do you know my friends have you heard [Music] he really does love you and that you who will abide have you heard have you heard he really loves you yes it does and that he will abide [Music] till the end [Applause] he will abide till then praise God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah well I'm glad that I've been born again you may think it foolish what I'm gonna say but I'm not ashamed no I'm not ashamed one day I prayed Jesus take my sin away and that's when I was born again born again born again again just like Jesus said [Music] born again and all because thank God thank God I've been born again [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] came to Jesus and said help my unbelief [Music] he was so afraid [Music] he was so afraid master [Music] I hear from God I really do believe so sad Santa born again sing that verse again a man came to Jesus and said Lord help my unbelief he was so afraid and so afraid master you're from God I really do believe Jesus said he born again [Music] born and never really been a change [Music] just like Jesus said [Applause] free [Music] thank God thank God I've been born again come on sing it one more time [Music] there's really been a change Jesus said [Music] [Applause] all right open it all because [Music] I'm glad so glad that I've been born well I'm glad so glad that I've been born again well I'm glad so glad that I've been born look at him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mama that's a song born again World War [Music] well born again just like Jesus said well born again and all because Calvary well I'm glad so glad that I've been born again can you sing it oh well Bob again there's really been a change in me [Music] oh Jesus [Music] born again now born again just for like Jesus said foreign [Music] [Music] well I'm glad so glad are you glad today all that I've been born again praise God hallelujah welcome somebody else shot Jesus said Rejoice because your names are written down in the Lamb's Book of Life [Music] again there's really been a change born again just like Jesus said all because of Calgary [Music] well I'm glad so glad [Music] well I'm glad so glad but I've been born again well praise God hallelujah praise the name of the Lord
Channel: For Yeshua
Views: 689,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Swaggart, Let Me Thank You Again, Jesus Christ Lives
Id: X7_MimswzPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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