"Where is the Lamb?"- Jimmy Swaggart

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if you have your Bibles today would you turn with me please thank you musicians and singers turn with me to the book of Genesis written by Moses a long long time ago but is the word of God Genesis chapter 22 a chapter containing one of the most momentous events in human history and yet few people knew about it until it was ultimately written by Moses Genesis chapter 22 beginning with the sixth verse in Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son and took the fire in his hand and a knife they went both of them together and I was exported to Abraham his father and said My father and he said here am I my son and he said Behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and I want to stop right there and use for a subject where is the lamb where is the lamb would you bow your heads please Heavenly Father as we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus I would ask O Lord that you would help us that we might give to these people that which you have given unto us I would ask that you would have known us to preach as you anoint the people to hear and Lord we have nothing to offer you except a willing mind and an obedient heart and you have everything to offer us touch this people as you touch your word and I'll ask it all in Jesus name and everyone said a man and a man I think one could say without fear of exaggeration or contradiction that God has never asked anything of anyone as he asked that particular day some 4000 years ago of Abraham now you have to understand at that time as far as we know Abraham and those with him were the only ones on the face of this earth who were living for God we would have to include Melchizedek and this assortment so to speak of which we know very little about but who was a type of Christ but in the whole of the planet the hundreds of millions who lived at that time Abraham alone knew God and his loved ones also now Abraham is is a mystery he's a mystique we we we are hard put to explain him as we should for instance although the Lord gave detailed as it regards the Apostle Paul's conversion then call Saul on the road to Damascus maybe the greatest conversion the world has ever known but he failed to give us any information at all as it regards Abraham and how that he came out of idolatry Joshua wrote a Syrian headed to parish his family Idol makers quite wealthy but Idol makers of the little moon God but somehow God spoke to this man how he did it some say that Shem witnessed him no son but there's no proof of that but whatever and however the word came to the great patriarch it was so powerful that he would uproot his family from one of the most advanced cities in the world of that day and take them to a land called Canaan and live in a tent the rest of his life now let me say that again coming from the lap of luxury coming from every labor saving device that was known at that time coming from a beautiful home to live in a tent the rest of his life seeking a city whose builder and maker is God the struggle had been intense and in this struggle Abraham failed attempts the struggle was this it was the most important thing on the face of the earth that for man to be redeemed for man to be safe a man to be brought out of this morass of of sin and shame for the Fallen sons of Adam's lost race to be saved God would have to become man the incarnation and for that to happen he would have to have a people through whom this redeemer could come and he would have to raise up this people because none existent on the earth and so from the loins of Abraham in the womb of Sarah this miracle child Isaac would be born and Isaac shall your seed because I'm sorry Muslims but he did not say in Ishmael he said in Isaac the scripture says Abraham as good as dead how could Sarah conceive a child at 90 years of age how could Abraham father a child at a hundred years of age but God planned it this way because all hope of the flesh had to die let me say that again all hope of the flesh had to die before God could bring forth the promise you see well what do you mean the hope of the flesh I met what man can do they did everything they could do even to the point of savory : and Abraham and say go into the Egyptian girl Hagar and in those days that was common if the wife couldn't have a child a surrogate would what would function in the place there off and the child would be looked at as the wife of the husband the true wife of the husband and Ishmael was the result and it brought sorrow and heartache and God paid a visit with two angels to Abraham's tent and said I'm coming down to look things over and said tell your wife she's going to have a baby about this time next year and Sarah laughed it wasn't a laugh of faith it was a laugh of skepticism I'm 90 years old no I won't say that what I was about to say and the Lord called her out he said to her you laughed she said no I didn't he said yes you did but this time next year you're going to have a baby a little boy and you're going to name him laughter that's what the name Isaac means laughter hallelujah be careful what you say and as it was born Isaac is now the Hebrew word it could mean anywhere from 15 to 30 years old he was probably about 15 or 16 to be frank with you at this time and God speaks to Abraham a word that is so shattering and so absolutely horrifying and it doesn't tell us exactly how except to say that he spoke to him from heaven it doesn't say it in the first verse it it says that God would tempt Abraham and the translator should have translated it and God did test Abraham or did prove Abraham because that's what the Hebrew word means in that first verse God would prove Abraham and he would tell him take your only son Isaac and go to the land of Moriah which was about fifty miles distant and offer him up as a burnt offering now you think of that and Abraham knew that God app hoard human sacrifices and yet God is here telling Abraham take your son your son whom you love and go and offer him up as a burnt offering I can't imagine something like that the manner in which God spoke to Abraham had to be extremely convincing leaving no room for doubt for the great patriarch to obey God let me let me say this please God I think I can say without fear of any contradiction has spoken at one time of the other never to the degree he did that day to Abraham but he spoken to everyone in this building everyone by radio by television by the internet he spoken to your heart that's a heavy thing that term God spoke to me has been abused time and time again it's been abused by preachers saying God told me some whew he did most he didn't I stood before you a year and a half ago and I told you that God has spoken to me and told me to begin a network a television network to cover this globe and when we called in the people who are able to secure channels you see it's altogether different than buying time for the program we used to have one hour a week or 30 minutes a day you go to stations and you purchase the time from them but a channel for programming 24 hours a day seven days a week it has to go before the FCC in Washington is looked at it's the same as you buying a station and they said to me there aren't any channels left to speak of but if God says something hallelujah I said if God says something I said if God says something and I said well do the best that you can and amazingly enough about 30 days after we told them to do that one of the major television marketers went bankrupt and left channels all over the nation available hallelujah and are you saying that that God made them go bankrupt no I'm not saying that if they just went bankrupt the Lord wasn't with them because whatever the Lord does doesn't go bankrupt are you listening to me are you hearing me saints of God I know oh yes I know I know how the devil can talk to you and tell you all kinds of things he'll tell you that you're not going to make it he'll tell you that you'd paint in your side it's cancer Sears world he'll tell you that this time next year you'll be on a bread line he'll tell you you're gonna lose your job he'll tell you that everybody hates you he'll tell you he's gonna do you in and he's gonna bury you but have you noticed you're still here Bumba SoCal above a ton gullible to go over God he he hasn't done it because he can't do it because he that's within me it's greater whoa then he that's in this world Satan has preached the funeral of untold multiplied millions of saints and they just kept living glory to God today we're on 62 million households in the u.s. 14 million in the United Kingdom nearly four million in Germany and 17 million s about yet it'd be added to that shortly I don't know how many millions in Africa we're getting letters from Muslim countries halleluja halleluja halleluja Central America South America Mexico the islands of the sea this message has got to go to the entirety of the earth go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature you know they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating ladies don't they say that telling you the truth you girls don't even know how to cook that means if you eat the pudding and it's good well that's the proof it's good oh that's what that means yeah a year and a half later we're only a hundred in in yearly a hundred million homes that says God spoke to us hallelujah praise God and what God told Abraham to do was so staggering take your son your only son the one they had struggled and had fought every demon in hell had cried the God and Abraham at once said I don't know what to do and the Lord told Abraham come outside of the tent look up at the stars can you count them well of course he couldn't he said your progenitor your seed will be as the stars of the heavens and he didn't have any children none all of this had to do with the coming of the Messiah and God tells him to offer up his only Son there's no record that he told Sara I've wondered about that because the Lord had told Abraham that Sarah played just as well of course she did just as much a part in this as did Abraham he didn't tell labral him for quite some time that this child would come through Sarah but then there came the day he did Sarah will bring forth this child all hope of the flesh had to die all of man's efforts had to die and then God could step in and do it and Sarah was an integral part of Abraham I thank God that the Lord has given me a wife who I'll be honest with you I wish I had her faith I wish I did and I've never seen her faithless not one time now she does do one thing that bothers me she says every time are you sure we can afford that satellite and of course my answer is God told me hallelujah that kind of leaves her defenseless and but to leave the humor aside the the part that she plays in this work in this ministry is incalculable a woman has a greater intuition than a man does a woman can read people more than a man can somebody tells me yeah I'll say oh that's wonderful Francis said he's lying and about 99 and 99 100 percent of the time she's right but Sarah played an integral part but yet there is no word in the word that Abraham when he was preparing the couple of donkeys that they took with them and he had two young men that will of course with Isaac I don't know what she asks if she asked anything the Scriptures just a wall of silence and he journeys for three days and nights with that load on his shoulders you say well did he understand no he didn't understand would you have understood this is the key we are to obey even when we don't understand there's no human being on the face of the earth unless God would have spelled it out he understood it later but then he didn't understand anything just take the boy two more I'm killing and burn his body on the altar as a whole burnt offering I'll be frank with you I don't know how that Abraham stood it I don't know how that he was able to walk that 50 miles with that load on him and he looks up and sees a mountain in the distance and God said that's the one now here's the striking picture about this Abraham didn't North then and never didn't know it but the exact spot where he was to build an altar and did and offer up Isaac it's where over a thousand years later the temple would be built and the Holy of Holies in the temple there was the holy place and the Holy of Holies were the Ark of the Covenant Sat was right over that stone they say on which Abraham built the altar now they stopped he gives the wood that he's brought with him to Isaac he takes the fire that they had it already smoldering in a receptacle in his hands and tells the servants that are remaining stay here I and the lad are going up to worship and we will be back you get the terminology you hear it two things said here number one work worship going to kill his son worship go to plunge a knife into his breast worship gotta burn his body to ashes on an altar and worship listen to me why did he say I am the ladder going up to worship because everything the child of God does I need everything should be worship worship is what we are praise is what we do all worship isn't some of it isn't praise I don't care if it's more in the yard it should be to a testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ I mean if you're working at McDonald's and that's the best you can do be the best hamburger flipper that McDonald's has ever seen and do it all as unto the Lord does anybody understand in me every part of you everything you do what you are is to be worship worship is what we are praises what we do had a back when our office was across town Howard a young man I forget what we had him doing but every time I would go by he would be praising the Lord and he wasn't really tending to his work like he ought to because every time a package would be there he'd pray over it they can make that package pretty expensive after a while and I met every time I walk by he'd be old Jesus bless this record of blood he had the appraisal look you said well that's wonderful unless you're paying the salary one day I said to the lesser Lord I'm gonna have to reprimand him I said he can't do that and the Lord spoke to me said you let him alone the church he came out of nobody could say anything and said he's kind trying to catch up on praising me a couple ago hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God and the lamb forever and we will come back to you abraham believed that God would raise those ashes from the dead he said we're going to offer a burnt offering now under the Levitical law which was 500 years down the road there were five great sacrifices but the two most important among them were the whole burnt offering and the sin offering the whole burnt offering the sin offering and they were all of them were vastly imported but these two were the most important because the whole burnt offering it that's the only offering that they offered up until the law was given don't worry about him he'll be an evangelist he heard me and the Holborn offering is the Lord giving his perfection to you isn't that beautiful the sin offering is you giving all your sin to him my lord you ought to shout out the sin offering is is us giving all of our sins to him the whole burnt offering he in turn gives all of his perfection to me my mind praise God and the Bible said that Abraham built the altar and he laid the wood on the altar a type of the cross and he tied Isaac's hands and his feet and laid him on the altar and at this stage of the game Isaac knew what was about to happen and Isaac said sir this is the altar and this is the wood but where is the lamb where is the lamb for a burnt offering I want to ask a question Assemblies of God where is the lamb Baptist where is the lamb Catholics where is the lamb Church of God where is the lamb Foursquare where is the lamb Methodist's where is the lamb listen to me carefully without the cross Christianity is no more than a vapid philosophy where is the lamb the church's embraced humanistic psychology but my question is where is the lamb only by the lamb John the Baptist cried behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world only by the cross can the drunkard be made free where is the lamb only by the cross can the drug addict lay down his hair and his cocaine where is the lamb only by the cross can the person lay down their cigarettes where is the lamb only by the cross can what we saying about your life be changed where is the lamb where is the lamb that's the question for the modern church some of you have worn out rehab centers you've worn them out they haven't done you any good and they won't but I present to you one who can change your life Paul said we preach Christ crucified we preach Christ crucified where is the lamb in our theology where is the land in the hermeneutics where is the lamb in the homiletics where is the lamb and our testimony where is the lamb in our preaching where is the lamb in our singing where is the lamb and Abraham said son and I love this God will provide hallelujah Moshiach apart and AHA Lobos and Oro Boucher God will provide he will provide the Redeemer that will change this world he'll provide the savior that will lift men out of the bondages of sin and darkness he will provide the answer that we need he'll provide the solution and that solution is Jesus Christ and him crucified and the scripture says that he stretched forth his hand Abraham did as anybody got a knife in your pocket any man got a knife in your pocket if you girls have got one in yours god help the husband you marry well when you got saved you threw away the night he stretched forth his hand that's how close it was it's the last moment stretch forth his hand the muscles tightened we talked about this but what must have been going on in Abraham's mind oh well gods after the fact it's easy to say a lot of things but he bunches his shoulder and about to plunge that knife whenever God said Abraham Abraham glory to God hallelujah Abraham Abraham that's the same one who said soul soul Mary Mary and you have gone far enough and look over there there's a round called in the bush go get that round and all from now you you can say anything you want to say I'll imagine we've got some folk in this place here you're just a proverbial deadhead if you watch the Red Sea open you'd say nice but I'll guarantee you that Abraham and Isaac had a Pentecostal Holy Ghost hallelujah shouting good time glory to God and the lamb forever hallelujah I believe Abraham walked across the top of the hill said glory to God glory to God he said Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Jireh combusts akela he tell of instead papa untie me I can't shout like this well how do you know they did all of it what would you have done what would you have done and the Lord spoke again to Abraham and said because you've done what I told you to do well this was a he was showing Abraham Lord this needs ten sermons to preach it but he was showing Abraham how that man would be redeemed it would be by death the death of God's only Son but he didn't tell they bruh ham the manner of that death that would come to Moses I think it's the fifteenth of the 21st I forget what chapter of numbers how that that death would come but he told Abraham that it must be by death but the death of a perfect sacrifice who his only son then he spoke again and said Abraham because you've done what I told you to do told in three things number one I'm going to bless you and everything that's attached to you I'm going to bless you now I want you to know this I'm taking that blessing for myself you say but what about us you too because Paul said we are Abraham's children glory to God and then the family and then the family I want the blessing I have the blessing I'm getting the blessing he has given me the blessing the blessing the blessing the blessing last no Sunday night a week ago I think it was the Lord told me to pray and that you rule you remember that the people would have a spirit of giving and then that the people would have a spirit of receiving praise God when you ask God for a blessing you're not asking someone that's on food stamps you're asking someone that owns all the hills and all the cattle on the hills and all the potatoes under the hills you're asking God who can do anything he said I'll bless you glory to God I'll bless you and then number two he said your seed now that seed was Jesus Christ but we are components of that seed your seed shall possess the gate of your enemies you say well I don't know what that means that's Old Testament terminology that said your enemy will build walls and say strongholds and say you can't come in here we control this but Jesus Christ kicked that door down glory to God upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it Gordan to God your seed shall possess the gate of your enemies hallelujah glory to go that means victory that doesn't mean defeat that means victory I see how to say this we've got too many Christians that's barely getting along well and no new women move anew I can tell you what to do getting these alters or stay home don't mess up this place with that doubt and unbelief hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you ought to believe in God who's going to give you the victory praise the Lord praise the Lord now listen this this is the last one I gotta close in you and your seed shall all the nations of the world be blessed now remember he started out with Abraham telling him families will be blessed now he says nations will be blessed let me tell you hold on a blessing is coming to your country glory to God I said a blessing is coming a blessing is coming a blessing is coming your seed will bless the nations and I'm taking that to mean every nation on the face of this earth glory to God I'll bless you your seed shall possess the gate of your enemies and number three all then your seed shall bless all the nations praise God praise God I got a feeling that everything's going to be alright well I've got to see everything's going to be all right well I've got a feeling everything's going to be all right huh ah I've got a feeling that's what Abraham was singing when he came down from that mountain everything's going to be alright be alright be alright be alright you got in the eights or nothing duh supposes to me this people but Pharaoh's fun what's hard they thought they would give him a rock so a chaser all the way down - that broad seem pretty short and they thought they wouldn't have to work about Moses but Moses stretched out that water gun Oh the Red Sea and the mod suppose for the gentle little three it's a old since now smaller space telling all the people with his gentle gentle brain strong a little what out to fight the John everyone laugh and such a funny little sight this little shepherd boy armed only with a sling beside my long he seemed to be such a puny you but David said you come to me with a spear and a sword but I come to you they put a stole is that slang and the cabins a flame I wanna left his hand David began to sing gotta be you Oh ah subdora ha give us some fast forwards the feeling Oh
Channel: saintelmoe
Views: 146,604
Rating: 4.5436792 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, Jimmy Swaggart, Holy Spirit (Deity), Gospel, Lord, Salvation, Truth, Word, Holy, Bible, Preaching, Genesis
Id: MD8wQ0pQpQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2012
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