"The Seven Sayings of Jesus, While on the Cross"- Jimmy Swaggart

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Thank You musicians and singers if you have your Bibles this morning please turn with me to st. John the nineteenth chapter and the fifteenth verse st. John 19 and 15 the scripture says they cried out Saint John 15 and 19 they cried out away with him away with him crucify him Pilate said unto them shall I crucify your king and the chief priests answered we have no king but Caesar then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified and I want to use for a subject today preaching a few minutes the seven sayings of Jesus while on the cross the seven sayings of our Lord and she hung between the heavens and the earth would you bow your heads please Heavenly Father as we come before these people today in the name of Jesus we realize that within ourselves Lord we are nothing and can do nothing but you've given us this message and I would ask that you would give us the anointing to deliver it as you give them the anointing to hear it and I'll ask it all in the most wondrous name of Jesus Christ and everybody said a man and a man the cross of Christ walls and is beyond our capacity to even remotely begin to understand its vast significance Paul and Hebrews 13 and 20 called at the everlasting covenant meaning it will never have to be amended it will never have to be replaced it won't ever have to be added to there will be no preamble to that Constitution it is perfect because this new covenant is all in Christ he is the new covenant you can sum it up in one phrase Jesus Christ and him crucified Simon Peter gave us information that otherwise to the degree that he gave it we would not have had it had the Holy Spirit not moved upon him thusly he told us that we were redeemed not with such corruptible things as silver or gold but by the precious blood of Jesus slain before the foundation of the world and that's quite a statement that means before God created this planet before he created the universe before he made man out of the dust of the earth in the mind of the Godhead God through foreknowledge he is omniscient means he knows all things past present and future as well as being all-powerful omnipotent and omnipresent he's everywhere through foreknowledge he knew that he would do all of these things and he knew that man his primary prized creation even greater than the Angels I know that the eighth Psalms the great King David said what is man Lord that you were mindful of him he was created a little lower than the Angels but that word translated angels in the Hebrew was Elohim and it should not have been translated angels it should have been translated the Godhead thou has created him a little lower than the Godhead and he knew that man would fall the awfulness of this defies description and the Godhead determined that man would be redeemed by God becoming man laying aside every vestige of deity while never losing possession of deity now you didn't get it when he came to this world he laid aside the expression of his deity but never lost possession of his deity glory to God in other words he was still God glory be to the lamb hallelujah he never ceased to be God he was always God and when you see him as you will if you're born again he will still be man with nail scars in his hands and a wound in his side and nail scars in his feet but he will still be God hallelu atta God glory to God king of kings lord of lords the fairest of 10,000 the bride in the Morning Star he's everything he would redeem man by going to the cross whenever Jesus told His disciples recorded in Luke 9 and 23 if you're going to come after me and that word is still apropos if you're going to come after me deny yourself take up the cross daily and follow me he didn't explain it never bother to explain explain it in the fourteenth chapter of Luke in the 27th verse he said if you don't do this you can't be my disciple when he mentioned the cross those disciples they didn't have the foggiest idea what he was talking about the cross was the most hideous form of torture every one of them had time and time again going into any City there would be a place where there would be people hanging on crosses sometime it took them weeks to die that's a reason Pilate was shocked whenever the Centurion said yes he's already dead it was so horrible it defied description and yet Jesus said if you don't take up the cross and me you cannot be my disciple now anything that he did was of immense significance I mean anything it doesn't matter what it was he did nothing that was inconsequential everything his life living miracles healings messages everything he said did was beyond our capacity to even fully grasp it he said seven things while on the cross in that six hour period of time he was put on the cross to think about this he had no say-so as to when they would put him on the cross his trial was all right which was against Jewish law incidentally and Pilate had sent him to Herod and they had beat him until his back was cut to pieces and Herod put a rope around his shoulders in mockery and they grabbed this beard and pulled it from his face he had no say-so as to when they would put him on the cross but the holy spirit did and they put him on at 9 a.m. in the morning which was the time of the morning sacrifice perfect perfect because he was the fulfillment of the multiplied multiplicities of multitudinous millions of sacrifices that had been offered up it all looked forward to this one sacrifice behold John says the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world at 12:00 noon the earth turned black and it was not an eclipse because it was at the Passover time when the moon was full and it cannot Eclipse when it's full but it turned black how far it extended we don't know we know it went south as far as Egypt the black mist the darkness for three hours we know that it went north as far as Bithynia but other than that we have no way of knowing and we know that because of certain astronomers that wrote it down and other catalogues of information in other countries it turned black and the earth shook and the strange thing about this earthquake earthquakes are always vertical they always split the earth open this earthquake split it horizontal you say well what does the meaning of that I don't know but when they nailed him on the cross when he took the cross he didn't take the full beam across I should say the Stipe it was called the particular and the Stipe the Stipe remained in the ground wherever the place of crucifixion was it remained in the ground it was the crossbar or the particulate that laid on top of the Stipe and which they nailed his hands to the particular and his feet to the Stipe I'm not going to go into detail how that the chief priests the religious leaders of Israel laughed at him encrusted and reviled them I'm not talking about the vagabonds the harlots or the prostitutes are all the robbers or there are the criminals I'm talking about the religious leadership of Israel the greatest hindrance to the work of God has always been the church go ahead give the Lord a hand they don't misunderstand in the midst of all of this that calls itself church there is a remnant and it's always existed hallelujah that is a glorious church without spot a ricky'll washed in the blood of the Lamb and somebody in this place all again happy as Nancy Harmon wrote the song it's the blood-bought church the redeemed and they cursed him and they reviled him they laughed at him and said if you are what you say you are come come down from the cross if you've got the power to do it come down from the cross yes he had the power to do it he could have called 12 legions of angels but thank God he didn't come down from that cross because had he done so I wouldn't be saved today and neither would you or anyone else the chronological order of his seven sayings are not given in the in the Word of God scholars and I'm not a scholar but I have studied the Bible all of my life I have put it together if what I think the chronology was how these sayings where they fell into place and the first thing that he said when they put him on the cross and his mother was standing there Mary Magdalene was there Mary the wife of Cleophas was there John was there Matthew Mark Luke all of them were there but all of you Nathaniel all except Judas he wasn't there I said Luke no one knows if he was there or non but the first thing that Jesus said was Father forgive them for they know not what they do now listen to this this was a prayer that jesus prayed that was not answered you understand God cannot save someone against their will the Lord cannot force you who he can he has the power but he will not force you no matter how much your mother prays for you your father prays for your loved ones pray for you it's still whosoever will do you understand what I'm saying this was a prayer that God did not answer but it needs qualifying it wasn't answered then but when he comes back the second time without sin unto salvation it will then be answered at least for the Jews who are alive at that time go ahead give the Lord a hand he knew he knew what they were doing would totally destroy the nation when they had sarcastically stated in Pilate said behold your king and they said we have no king but Caesar I remember some time back I heard one of our programs over television that made these statements that when the Jews said that day we have no king but Caesar and number two let his blood be upon us and upon our children that said to God we don't want you anymore we'll go our own way and Caesar has proven to be a horrible taskmaster and I aired it over TV and I got a letter from the Jewish defamation Society the head of this and what kind of God are you preaching he said that he would burn six million Jews and the gas ovens of Hitler and I've seen those ovens I have taken my hand and put it on the door and opened it and looked into those ovens the horror of this knows no bounds no bounds and he said what kind of God are you preaching who would kill six million Jews and I wrote him back I said dear sir I thank you for your letter but God is not the one who killed six million Jews whenever they said two thousand years ago we have no king but Caesar let his blood be upon us and upon our children they purposely took themselves out from under the hand of God and said we'll go it our way they did it to themselves just as every soul that goes to hell does it to himself are you understanding this this is without a doubt Paul himself said it and the tenth and eleventh chapters of Romans it's the most horrible thing that's ever happened to a people what happened to the Jews and Christianity has its roots in Judaism and tomorrow Prime Minister Netanyahu will meet with President Obama surrounded by a an ocean of Muslims and the nation that has said we will wipe every Jew off the face of the earth Iran building right now as I heard the former ambassador to the United States say this morning those centrifuges are twirling right now getting closer and closer and closer and mr. Netanyahu is right they mean what they say and whenever President Obama sits before mr. Netanyahu tomorrow the decision that is there made do we throw you to the Wolves Israel or do we stand behind you and protect you will could well be the most significant meeting that any president of the United States has ever engaged himself because despite what our Jewish friends did 2,000 years ago God has a plan I said God has a plan he is going to bring Abraham Isaac and Jacob back glory to God one day they will say what are these wounds in your hands and he will say I was wounded in the house of my friends and Zechariah said there's a fountain opened in the house of David for sin and uncleanness and when they come to Christ they'll come the same way you did by the cross glory to God the second word that Jesus said was my God my God why have you forsaken me it was not as you can see in the notes of the expositor Study Bible it was not that he might know but it was the statement it was made that he was acknowledging what was happening for the three hours from midnight to 3:00 p.m. when he died and he died a moment the Holy Spirit told him he had to die it was the time of the evening sacrifice from 12 mid 12 noon to three o'clock in the afternoon the sky was black it was like God pulled the blinds because at that moment Jesus was becoming the sin offering and the whole burnt offering you see those two offerings let me try to explain them an Old Testament typology with the sin offering the sinner gave all of his sins to that innocent victim that's what it meant when he laid his hands on the head of that animal and confessed his sins he was turning them over to that innocent victim that Lamb that was typical of the one who was to come and when he gave a whole burnt offering that signified that God was giving the sinner all of his righteousness hahahaha oh my lord glory to God no you didn't catch that you didn't catch that in the sin offering I gave him all my sins and the whole burnt offering he gave me all of his righteousness huh I got the best of the trade I got the best of the trade I got the best of the trade somebody shout somebody praise God now a word of faith friends state that this twelve o'clock noon is when Jesus became a sinner on the cross some even say he became a homosexual a thief a blackguard a despot demon-possessed that is the teaching it may vary a little but that's the teaching of the Word of Faith doctrine which is not faith that God will recognize and God could not look at him for those three hours because he was bearing the penalty for every sin that had ever been committed was being committed then and would ever be committed in the future glory to God glory to God my lord I feel that my lord I feel that don't you let the devil lie to you and tell you that you cannot be forgiven of whatever Jesus died on the cross and paid the price that you can be washed and cleansed of every sin I don't care how bad it is God could not look upon him when he was bearing the penalty being the sin offering and the Hulbert offering for humanity I'm not going to have time to finish this but number three when they put him on the cross and nailed his hands to that particular they put two more going across as well one on one side and one on the other it was prophesied that that's the way it would be both of the men on either side were criminals some even think guilty of murder at least they were robbers and thieves and both of them when they first put him on the cross both of them reviled him and crushed him as they heard these religious leaders doing it but somewhere and that six hour period one of those thieves realized there's something different about this hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this one is different oh yes sir you are now in the portals of glory but you were so right he is the King of Kings the Lord of lords the fairest of ten thousand years the bride in the morning star he is a gale as fastest left from heaven's door he is the power he is God Almighty he is God's Son manifested in the flesh Emmanuel God with us and that thief and here this I don't care how bad a condition you may be in that thief said Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom that was it now you got to get this no water baptism I believe in water baptism but honey there was no tank to dunk him in I'm trying to help some of your salvation is not a performance it's not works it's not works to my oneness friends he couldn't speak in tongues because it had not yet come I'm sorry Church of Christ he can join your church and I'm sorry Catholics he couldn't join yours either he was hanging on a cross we took the Lord's Supper this morning I'm sorry but he couldn't do that all he could do was what the great prophet I believe it was Hosea the Lord spoke to him and said take with you words he will humble accout Ella unbelievably she Katara Bouchon the rubble she take with you words and say unto me Lord receive me graciously glory to God glory to God glory to God remember me you can feel the pathos the heartbreak in those words some of you that society has given up o your families giving up on you and in your agony you say please God remember me don't forget me remember even in death he remembered our thief hanging by his side and he spoke of love and compassion then he took him to tear road ah if that isn't love then heavens a myth there's no feeling like this if that isn't love there's no stars in the sky and little sparrows can't fly if that isn't love thank God that love is just like this hallelujah glory to God and Jesus turned to him and said no brother you gonna have to join the church first you're going to have to sign me I will do pact he said this day thou shalt be with me in paradise hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this day thank God saved by the blood of the Lamb he redeemed how I love to proclaim it well redeemed by the blood of the Lamb redeemed by His infinite greatness will is child and forever redeemed thank God redeemed redeemed by the blood of the Lamb redeem Oh redeem his chart and forever now I've got four more things to give you but I can't do it this morning after wait till another time all of you could you stand please about three o'clock in the afternoon Jesus gave up the ghost and died and went down into paradise open that door open why but he had somebody with him they had a faith with him who was now a blood ball to blood Ross a child of all not a God hey glory to God he had the shortest stay in paradise he just did a wheelie within and came back glory be to God somebody thought I got - praise God willow say but I'm glad I'm glad o say but I'm glad Jesus has come and my cup silver run only say but I I want you to come please you brethren could you come and stand right here when he died on that cross he died for me he died for you he died for every one of you by radio by television by the internet for you and I feel it in my spirit some of you are saying well if he if he did that for that thief he just might do it for me yes he will yes he will if you're here this morning without God or you're not sure of your salvation I'm going to ask don't I don't want an answer I just I'm going to ask how many of you are absolutely certain of your salvation you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are saved if there's a doubt there I want you to walk down one of these aisles and I want you to stand here but one of these men we will not embarrass you I give you my word I want you to come as we sang it give me one one flat please well I've wandered so far away from are Oh Oh I want you to come aha come on all Oh I'm going to have them to sing it just one more time and I want every Christian here if the person standing back of you in front of you are besides you you're not certain if they're saved or not I want you to give them a kind invitation to come and then walk down these aisles with them it'll be the greatest moment in your life now one more time I've wasted Oh one more time you I want you to look at no wait a minute the Lord just said sing it one more time i won from they speaking through your heart to show um ah Oh I want you to look at brother Swaggart please I want you by radio by television by the Internet won't you beret do to listen carefully you were television to watch closely I'm going to pray with you in just a moment and sweetheart the Lord's going to do something beautiful for you yes he is praise God and I want you to pray with me I prayed with millions and I'm not exaggerating saying some words won't save you but if you believe them they will and would you bow your heads and close your eyes please and I want you to say it with me you by radio but television by the internet wherever you are he is there as well and your whole world can change in a moment's time let us pray dear God in heaven I come to you in the name of Jesus I'm sorry for my sins the things I've done the way I have lived please forgive me leave me cleanse me with your precious blood with my mouth I confess the Lord Jesus in my heart I believe that God raised him from the dead and he's alive this very moment I accept Jesus Christ as the Saviour of my soul and I make him the Lord of my life Lord and according to God's words I'm washed i'm cleanse I'm forgiven I am saying praise God hallelujah honey under just a moment what is your name hmm Cassidy well Cassidy just a moment ago Jesus turned to the angels in heaven and said Cassidy just accepted me as her say hallelujah hallelujah that goes for you you young lady you sir every one of you a new name has been written down and glory glory to God hallelujah but at 1:00 sharp please don't miss the service tonight 6:00 a.m. well there's a new name you yeah Oh
Channel: CrosslifeMinistries
Views: 317,847
Rating: 4.6403732 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Holy, Church, Spirit, Gospel, Truth, Salvation, Jimmy, Swaggart, Lord, Word, Prophecy, Preaching, Study
Id: NQ5rwtvCSc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2012
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