Futures: Satan's Man In The Shadows

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well welcome back to our program at least i hope you were with us before because every program we're doing right now is building one upon another and i tell you we've come to a point in time right now in our study in second thessalonians chapter 2 that if you could look at a time scale the bible says that there's a seven year tribulation period coming well now we are in the midpoint the three and a half year point that the bible says that at that point there's going to be this remarkable world leader gift at speech gift at solving problems he's going to have amazing policies he's going to have all the answers and the world's going to love him the bible says and at the midpoint this guy is going to declare himself to be god and of all places he's going to do it in jerusalem and of all places the bible says he's going to do it in the newly rebuilt temple in jerusalem a politician will declare himself to be god from jerusalem from israel in the last days that's why he's called the antichrist and what he implements is demonically inspired and demonically energized and the world will be deceived and so listen i hope you have nothing to do with that i hope you put your faith in christ but in the meantime listen grab your bibles let's get into this because frankly we're looking at stuff that is not talked about too much and it needs to be talked about now more than ever so grab your bibles turn to second thessalonians chapter 2 and we'll study the word of god together number two there is left behind a god in the making this antichrist and mark it down he's satan's man who's in the shadows right now i believe that the man i it's my opinion that he's alive somewhere today and that's not as far stretch and you guys you know i'm repeating myself from last time that satan has always had to have an antichrist in his pocket because satan doesn't know when god is going to rapture the church so when the church is gone then the end time scenario begins so in every generation think of it satan has had to have a man in the wings waiting and kind of gave you a little you know creepy feeling when i i mentioned to you that think about it right now somewhere in the world satan's probably got two three four five guys that he has in his pocket and they're in waiting just in case didn't mention i bet you satan is like this every day regarding the rapture there's a horn honk in new york city and he's like because the bible tells us you and i are supposed to be constantly watching waiting and ready it's a big trigger this man that's in the shadows the bible calls him the son of perdition he will be revealed it's remarkable in second thessalonians the church was troubled because they were being told by false teachers that not only had they missed their rapture but they were right in the middle of the end times and christ would be coming back momentarily to establish his kingdom that the false teachers had completely removed the millennial reign and they had removed the church age in verse two it says don't be soon shaken or not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of christ had come let no one deceive you by any means number one that day will not come unless the departing from faith happens apostasy and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition that's the antichrist he's going to exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he sits as god hang on in the temple of god you need jerusalem for that you need jews and control of israel and jerusalem for that to happen and he's going to show himself that he is god and here you read in a 2 000 year old document that's open on your lap that this guy this this son of perdition antichrist he's going to stand in the temple in jerusalem and declare himself to be god church all these things are for us to get ready and to be evangelists and to be lovers of men's souls and to be disciples and followers of jesus and to be looking up the whole time matthew 24 verse 15. jesus talked about this matthew 24 15 therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet it's an amazing church jesus expects his people to know the book of daniel question don't answer out loud do you know the book of daniel it's the holy of holies of bible prophecy the book of daniel you'll never understand the book of revelation unless you read the book of daniel so the question is how you should ask yourself how well do i know the book of daniel and start studying it today we'll cover many of it and much of it in our series here but you need to read it that warning by daniel standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand for then there will be great tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time nor ever shall be and here we go daniel 12 11 from the time the daily sacrifice is stopped let me explain that according to the bible the antichrist is going to go into the temple and he's going to tell the priest get out of the way and he's going to desecrate the temple i wonder how many eschatologists are in this room right now the bible tells you exactly the day he'll do it did you know that the day on the 1260th day the book of daniel tells us from the antichrist seven signing a seven-year contract with israel are you listening there's 360 days in the bible calendar not 365. from genesis to revelation the bible is based on a 360 day calendar there is no 365 calendar in the bible 1260 days which is a biblical three and a half years from the day the peace treaty assigned 1260 days from that day he's going to go into the temple and he's going to go on cnn and fox and all the cable and all the satellite networks no the bible says the world will see this and he will declare himself to be god and you know what the world does the world goes right on you're awesome and the bible says jesus says in matthew 24 to the jews the moment you see that happen run don't even go downstairs to get your coat run wow in the mid point he will go into the temple and declare himself to be god ladies and gentlemen there's no temple in jerusalem right now but they're talking about building it i'm looking up i'm excited so from the time the daily sacrifice is stopped that's where he interrupts with himself and the sacrilegious object that causes desecration is set up to be worshipped there will be 1290 days the 30 days added explained in daniel 12 in greater detail 1260 1260 there's an added 30 and then listen there's as you read daniel 12 and we'll mention to you the 1235th day everything is coded there in daniel but it's all based upon the signing of the seven year contract which has everything to do with god and his people israel and not you that's why you can't find the church anywhere in the tribulation period you should get excited about that that's pretty awesome [Applause] the next thing is that there's going to be left behind the preparation of the nations the preparation of the nations uh there's going to be a manifestation and again i showed you this last time where the world's going to look around and what what causes four predominant leaders the bible tells us both in the book of revelation and in the book of daniel that there's going to be four leaders that will arise out of a conglomeration of leaders so it kind of goes like this have you ever looked at like the photograph of like the g you know the g10 or the g20 anybody familiar with that where it's the global nations that make uh they're the movers and the shakers the the big 10 or the big 20 nations of the world that set policy predominantly about economics there's there's oh you you can look at every picture since they've been doing this but if you you ever notice with that right in the middle they always line the guys up and they always put the guys right in the middle where it's all riding on so they'll be the united states they'll be germany there'll be england and [Music] sometimes they throw in russia as a courtesy to be honest with you because putin was so upset that he didn't get to stand there but there it's always the big brokers the bible says out of that group that will arise there will be four that will be in the middle of the picture the bible says one of them who is the least significant of them he's not such a big deal he would be like uh macron today i'm not saying i am not saying macron's the antichrist the antichrist is going to be brilliant the antichrist is going to be articulate the antichrist is going to be something but this guy he's going to rise up and he's going to have these demonic powers come upon him where he'll be able to speak and people will not be able to refute what he says they're like oh my goodness that was brilliant he's probably going to be surprised himself with what he says and the bible says satan will enter him wow whatever god gives church satan prostitutes and pimps it you know that god gives government man creates politics god gives sex and man turns it into pornography god gives marriage and man re defines it god gives life man aborts it god creates the universe to display his glory man says we evolved god says he's god and man says no you're not i'm god we are one messed up lot that's in man's heart i want to read something to you i think you can follow along 1971 everybody went nuts over this they still do they played in europe a lot makes me kind of sick actually john lennon's imagine this one world ism is satan's answer to a churchless christless age that's coming so imagine there's no heaven what why it's easy if you try no hell below us above us only sky imagine all the people living for today and you know the part imagine there's no countries let's do away with borders says the world globalist no more borders it isn't hard to do nothing to kill or die for and no religion too imagine all the people living life in peace you you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one imagine no possessions says says the billionaire or nobody possessing anything except me i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man imagine all the people sharing all the world wow you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one wow you know who would say amen to that song she already did aoc now you might you might say pastor jack this is getting really political no it's not it's getting really biblical this is what the bible says about what's coming and the world is going to be as one and that strikes a nerve it strikes a nerve in people it doesn't look too close to home listen time is arriving to the ancient prophecies of the bible that just stand there they're just waiting and here come here we are on a train pulling up what's this one rapture of the church oh what's the next one advent of the antichrist and a world in freefall what's the next one global economy are you hearing me this is what the bible has always said and now we think it's too fantastic because it's so us which means he's near jesus is near he's coming are you ready for him revelation 17 revelation chapter 17 verse 1 then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls these are judgments came and talked with me saying come and i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns again you read the book of daniel you know exactly who this is now seven heads and ten horns this beast and this woman writes the beast verse 4 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication and on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth this is obviously a religious system that has its origins in ancient babylonianism but she is the religion of the world at whatever time revelation 17 is speaking about john says i saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints guess who kills the saints during the tribulation period the antichrist doesn't come off of his office meetings and zoom calls and go he doesn't go kill christians no it's the religious hierarchy the the queen this woman riding the beast the beast the antichrist is referred to as the beast she's right she's on him she's religion she attacks the tribulation saints daniel 9 27 tells us daniel 7 21 excuse me tells us that power will be given to this antichrist system to kill god's people on earth wow and so he saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus there you go and when i saw her i marveled with great amazement then he said to me the waters which you saw where the harlot sits are the peoples multitudes nations and tongues isn't that great how the bible tells you what the symbol meant so great for god has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purposes to be of one mind and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of god are fulfilled verse 18 and the woman whom you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth she will represent religion remarkable global economy global religion in the last days qualifying the saints the martyrs of jesus will be targeted right now as i've mentioned before the church you and i are to live for christ those in the tribulation period will be called to die for christ third there is left behind a great deception obviously first john 5 19 says for we know that we are of god listen friend and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one satan ladies and gentlemen right now his leash has gotten longer all of a sudden satan is loose this whole world is under the sway of satan the advent of violence and evil around the world anarchy is rising and it's not just an american thing it's rising around the world we see that there's left behind a great spiritual darkness and this is one of the triggers it's the spiritual darkness by the way that's will ultimately play the role in the signing of the seven year peace treaty but the fact of the matter is sanity can we agree on this sanity is evaporating from the earth right now sanity are you kidding me there was also left behind the beginning of judgments after the rapture and the tribulation period begins the antichrist is in the world israel is isolated from the nations of the earth prior to the great seal trumpet and bold judgments that are found beginning in the book of revelation chapter 6 we are already now seeing globally the beginning of judgments and these aren't even written in the bible yet they're just general call them general judgments the bible tells us this is unnerving [Music] that satan is the prince and the power of the air of this age this may startle you if you don't know your bible but the bible says that satan lucifer is the god of this world his time is running out and he knows it that's why the greatest thing you and i can do right now is to preach the gospel of jesus christ more than ever don't let covet and fear and torment win the day use those moments to tell your friends the gospel people are families are being torn apart by the way why sanity is being lifted from the earth and people are adopting insanity the bible says warning we have made a covenant with hell and with death we are in agreement that's what happens when you're deceived and we're living in a very deceptive age watch out for that and then finally this there is left behind the rise of imposters there's an age of deception no doubt coming but you're going to see the imposter that's the antichrist throughout scripture but there's the rise of the imposters yes the bible says that he will exalt himself and he's going to do this no doubt but listen to what jesus said in matthew 24 it's fascinating you guys okay we're almost done in matthew 24 verse 3 the disciples just got done showing jesus again the beauties of the temple and they went and sat on the opposite side of the temple mount on the mount of olives and the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the world and jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am messiah christ and will deceive many when somebody says there's a lot of roads to heaven they're of the antichrist spirit of deception when somebody says jesus is not the messiah the bible says they are of the antichrist the spirit of deception watch out there's imposters everywhere don't think that they only live behind a pulpit or some cathedral or chapel or some institution they're certainly there but satan has got his impostors everywhere in first john 2 18 the bible tells us little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come by which we know it's the last hour wow the message of imposters jesus said false christs and false messiahs will rise they're coming and they will show great signs and wonders to deceive if it were possible even the very elect [Music] you know jesus said in the bible in the gospels that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived jesus is talking about the believers during the tribulation period or those that are known as the tribulation age or the tribulation period saints that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived which is glorious because that statement means it's impossible for those who are god's children to be deceived the point being is that deception is going to come to this world so great so good the fake news will look and sound so good the fake speech or the fake presentation will look so good no one's going to know it's fake we're going to have the ultimate deep fake world that is coming under the demonic powers of satan that is going to have a face to the world known as the antichrist and even that they'll be the religious false prophet that will join him in a religious aspect of deceiving the world it's it's pretty much if you think of it like an unholy trinity satan the antichrist and the false prophet all working together to deceive the souls of men and women and boys and girls that time is not only coming in some ways it's here today but we're looking at the word of god together i pray that you always grab your bible that you'll always use it as your foundation that you be careful not to listen to the opinions of people including this program everything we say should be judged against the word of god so stay in it know it and you'll never be deceived that's the promise god has given you so listen to find out more you can go to jackkibs.com jackhims.com there's tons of material tons of teaching there's a lot there and please listen while you're there if you're blessed at all by any anyway any means blessed you have some options that we'd invite you to consider you can join us in helping support what we're doing to get further out to the world it takes frankly it takes money to do what we're doing but the other thing is this this you can do right now copy the link and send it to people and share what's going on here that's the greatest compliment you could give us is by letting others know that they can study the bible with us simply right here so listen thanks for being with us pray for us god bless you and we'll see you right back here next time [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with jack hibbs god's word never will return void god's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect [Music] so i want to encourage you to grab your bibles open them up and get ready to learn from god's word god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but i think you're going to get a lot out of it and one of the great are the light of the world jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit you're going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and through you [Music] jack hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who is searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life each month with the gift of your choosing in return our gift to you for becoming a real life partner we'd like to send you this world view dvd it's titled what you believe defines you call now that's 1-877-777-2346 or by mail po box 1273 chino hills california 91709 or simply go to reallifewithjackhibs.org your gift will be faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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Keywords: jack hibbs, real life tv, real life with jack hibbs, recommended for you, world news today, world economic forum, jack hibbs global reset, one world economy concept, one world economy explained, end times prophecy, jack hibbs rapture explained, jack hibbs rapture teaching
Id: OWL8cPf_Jq0
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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