Bible Prophecy - Happening Now with Jan Markell (January 2019)

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okay so church before Jan comes out let me tell you a little bit about her and I mean a little bit because I don't want to take much time but Jan Markell is a woman who came to faith in Jesus as a young teen out of a Jewish home and God has used her with a passion in her heart for the word she has been a student of the word and she has been I think what is the most attractive thing for me for all of us is that Jan has a high view of Scripture which if you listen to her radio program listen to this now her radio program which airs on over 830 stations across America and in 24 other countries in the world this is unbelievable for first of all a woman to have access into parts of the world where men don't listen to women Bible teachers she understands her place in position she's not a pastor she's a Bible radio commentator and I would call her a biblical cultural expert I don't know of anyone that has their finger on the pulse of what's happening in the church and in the world around us like Jan Markell she is a Deborah in our age in in our culture and to give you a little snippet of what God has done with this woman she started I think I'm going to be wrong but I'll be close somewhere around 2003 ish she started a prophecy conference and today it's the largest prophecy conference in North America I don't know but if it's not the largest prophecy conference in the world listen last year the church that hosted they were so fed up with the crowds that they limited it to I think 4,300 people because the previous year's over 6000 people would show up and it'd create a big problem there's nothing like it and so we're going to show you just a few seconds of what it would be like to be there [Music] [Music] [Music] she's a woman for this age to speak to the church and analyze what's going on in the world so give a warm welcome to one of my great heroes Jan Markell the amazing well Jan these people know that I have said often that I view you as our modern-day Deborah and they say that because of your courage their Deborah stood for the truth she heard the word from God and Deborah went out and fought battles and Jan Markell is that personality in our culture in our age and but let me tell you something if you get an invitation from Jan Markell to speak at our conference it is it is a serious and reverent thing and so it's just an amazing thing and so Jan we're gonna get right into this and what I would like you to kind of go down maybe from memories just the other day by the way if you guys do not get Jan's email you need to get it can you tell us how to get that for those who don't get it so olive tree views down Oregon before we get going look I gotta say you folks you know you're blessed okay not because of me but because of this wonderful path last fall he was with me in 2015 as well and in you know people in the hotels that we had about 55 States Canadian provinces and foreign countries represented last September and they look at your pastor as America's pastor I said that from the platform so it's double emphasis but again you're blessed you're so but because the church today has kind of gone haywire okay not this one but a lot of churches have gone haywire and and for a hundred reasons and we can get into it later but when you've got a pastor who's preaching the truth who loves the Lord and who loves you I know you you know what I'm talking about and you know you are blessed so thank you but you didn't give them the address I got so caught up to kind all of three views or sign up for the e alerts and I think we're going to talk about the one I put out a couple days ago kind of analyzing 20:18 from a prophetic perspective and I'll I'll let you drive the bus and I'll just go along before we do that olive tree views dot-com org plural all of three views views with an S make sure you start getting that I'm telling you it's awesome and you're gonna get the latest from all around the world of what's going on from a biblical perspective that's what's great about what Jam puts out it's safe it's safe and I love that so just recently one of those emails that you sent out to us gave I think it was a list of ten regarding the closeout of 2018 and you worry you went down the list of things that you felt strong that that God showed you for if you had to reduce 2018 down to ten top issues you listed them can you just kind of well I don't have them in front of me out you know we'll go by little memory here and everything but Jack I thought I think what what I would start with just to get kind of the conversation rolling and I think you would agree that and I happen to to to list this issue as number one in that would be the issue of globalism the one world system that is just huge dying to get burst and right now one person is holding it back and and this isn't a time I wouldn't say true we're not here to be cheerleaders tonight for for Donald Trump and all that I'm thankful that he's my office he's in office and and I have a little bit of insight behind that but Donald Trump has said in particularly he said it again in September at the UN he said at the previous September at the UN he said folks I am NOT a globalist I am a nationalist know that through yes right frankly that through the globalists a curveball all the way back in 2016 but they didn't think they were going to lose in 2016 it's a fact yeah and so they thought okay he's a nationalist big deal it doesn't matter we don't like it but he's not gonna win well he wins yeah okay so now they've got a huge problem on their hands and this whole globalist agenda which I believe is being birthed in Europe which I believe is gonna blossom in Europe in which right now Europe's and chaos the Yellow Jacket Lee revolt and all of that I believe the Holy Roman the ancient Roman Empire the revived Roman Empire is going to come out of Europe I believe the Antichrist will come up out of Europe I believe there are some suspicious characters over there not naming the Antichrist okay I don't think that's real profitable keep your eyes Daniel McCrone he's extremely sick okay listen I have to I have to have to say something cancer no can someone go guys in the yeah can someone go to my the stage room the blue room back there and there's a where the microphones are at there is a Newsweek or economist condiment can someone bring that out yeah if you can hear me and enlight of what she just said you might say well that's crazy Wow Steve ladies and gentlemen pastor Steve Earle bird okay Wow I this guy okay can you guys see this I she's talking about first of all this pause she's talking about globalism now some of you I don't know but maybe some of you in here are not aware of what's the big deal about globalism especially the young generation you think it's cool and so Trump comes on in his campaign with this ridiculous slogan make America great again and everybody laughed but remember something the god of Daniel says in the Book of Daniel that God has established the boundaries of nations and their dwellings within their places remember that the other thing is this that a a unified world would not go well because that means man has ultimate control and when you have somebody like a Donald Trump who comes up and is a nationalist people are going to yell and scream about this but listen when push comes to shove everyone's a nationalist to some degree but if you're not a nationalist you're globalist for example nationalism has now exploded again in Brazil yes fellow down there balsa narrow the new president in Brazil is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and he's gonna and already my point is this look can you guys see this The Economist Europe's did you see that Europe Saviour your savior want to talk about that well at the same time let's keep in mind that his popularity at home is completely destroyed yeah he's nobody at home he's nobody in France I mean they're they'd like to throw the bum out but the point is he's rising Angela Merkel is sinking in popularity in what she said she's retiring finally and she that's because she was thinking in popularity in Europe and Germany and this young man stepped up in 2017 I believe he's the ultimate pic of the globalists I'm not so I think the globalists put him in power to test the water in this case literally he's walking on water yeah they do have it yep and and I think they wanted to test the waters with him could they mold him into a European leader and maybe eventually a world leader again this is a lot of speculation the point is there's a war right now between nationalism with Donald Trump leading that because he's the arch ultimate nationalist Dundrum and then the world's globalists who are literally all over the world but I believe their headquarters would be Europe and this is a man just keep your eyes on him that's all I'm saying all I'm saying because again trying to name the Antichrist you know it's it's kind of what's his first name Emmanuel what's his first name Emmanuel okay can you guys do min on this look out Rong these guys were first of all see The Economist's on the left over here see that bald eagle with Donald Trump hair on it do you see the words endangered it says in the in the print below America's future as a global power the article went on to say with the election of Trump that America is over okay the exact opposite happened and hit and his I'm not I'm not here voting for it I'm not pushing Trump I'm just telling you that his leadership style has inspired other leaders around the world to take back their own Nations this flies in the face of this kind of globalism which has upset people like Steve Bezos and Bill Gates and Soros and others this is a big deal and then look to the far right there he is Emmanuel macron the next leader of Europe with an asterisk on it he may be there hoping the the next leader of something even bigger there remarkably who cares about this well Jan tell us what the Bible says about you touched on a second ago about the end times and why why do we need a global leader what's that going to be all about well that's kind of the heart of a lot of the messages that that you and I present our various ministry as a mirror as well and there is die ignorant of the calvary chapel fellows and and we believe that the revived Roman Empire is coming out of Europe in the Antichrist I believe will come out of here now folks there are other interpretations are we right I think so but I mean there are there some sighting and Antichrist is going to be a Muslim I say no way no way possible is not way possible but I mean there are some good people who believe that but I just I can't buy into that but if he comes if the Antichrist comes out of the European old Roman Empire I I think that's why we need I think that's why we need to be watching your you know Americans want to watch America they don't like to watch other parts of the world other than maybe Israel but honestly Europe is where it's at right now it's America holding Europe back because of it oh yes and that can all change in 2020 that can change 2024 that can change if we get a globalist in office as presidents again Hillary Clinton I'm sorry she was the arch globalist Clinton Global Initiative all right how much more obvious Clinton Global Initiative so that was their pick she was their pick for 2016 - then soar and take the whole world eventually she probably wouldn't have done it but at least take it in that one world direction and God had other ideas okay he had other ideas he said not quite yet not yet it'll happen but not yet and it will happen eventually the Bible tells us that in the last days she mentions three times tonight the revised Roman Empire this has to be by the way that's this is not Jan's interpretation this is what the Bible says that the end times it says that the fourth global ruling power will come back and it's represented in Daniels image of the Statue having ten toes and it tells you that the ten toes represent ten Kings or ten horns and the Bible makes it clear that out of this ten group leadership an interesting verbage it says out of the ten then that means within their sway on the world an eleventh person is gonna rise up from the midst of them it almost makes it sound like he sneaks in among the ten and it says that he begins softly he's an insignificant one and he rises by his genius it says that he's gonna deceive the world with peace and prosperity and that he will single out four specific leaders of the ten and he will subdue them by intrigue Daniel says and he will arise to be the world leader from what from the two legs of the image of Daniel's statue and his vision and what were the two legs we don't even have to guess the two legs were the let were the east and the west flanks of the Roman Empire and the Bible makes it very very clear Daniel Chapman is Daniel two seven eight and eleven I believe it is you can read that later but here's the amazing thing Jan's talking about headline news where Europe's looking for a leader Jack he wants he wants a ten nation Confederacy I think that he put that idea of ten nations that would answer to him he also wants he told his told Donald Trump if you can't get your Middle East peace and the peace initiative through soon because Donald Trump's been promising it for a long time if you don't hurry up I will do it I will do it so again you know let's be careful I mean what we're saying I think it's serious but let's be careful let's err on the side of being conservatism I mean we could talk false prophet my one of the other points I'd try not just trying to conserve time a lot of times one of the other point of one of the other ten points that I feel because what I wrote about in the what we're talking about are ten issues in 2018 and that is a chaos in the Vatican and I mean the Vatican has been so embarrassed and humiliated it because this last year it's all come out yeah and what does Pope Francis do he looks the other way and talks about global firming and talks about socialism and talks about things majoring in minors while his the the Catholic Church is just falling apart but I think that's important to watch I think the fact that the Vatican is in chaos I personally believe a false prophet is going to be a pope is it Pope Francis I don't know I think he's 82 or 83 years old we need to get the show on the road I mean we can't wait forever I'm not going to have a whole lot of steam in me when I'm 80 to 83 I'm not there yet jack I know I know you wonder how old I am but I'm not there yet I never wondered I won't ask oh well I sort of him we were wondering one day that's okay that's okay all I'm saying is I think we need to be watching the Vatican and I think we need to see that there's instability in the Vatican and that could play into this kind of a role that we're talking about here and I having said all that when we start trying to pin the tail on Antichrist and false prophets we got to be really careful because it's wreck it can be reckless it can be dangerous and when we're proven wrong we got egg in her face and the unbelieving world laughs at us therefore let's err on the side of conservatism now that we've spent 15 minutes on this one more thing on this topic though could it be could it be that the sincere sincere religious Catholic is now so disillusioned yes I hear from them and they are beginning to somewhat panic and I mean this in a good way and they're now wondering wait a minute this is not this is not the church that I think Jesus died for and maybe maybe we're about to see an incredible as the Lord says come out from among them and be separate what if there's an amass 'iv wave of salvation to the disillusioned Catholics around the world I'm praying for that I'm per incident yeah I've heard from some get some emails and and some are asking that you wouldn't what's what's to what's next yeah we don't have to go in the order of your email but we can have okay well again I sent tena ten things that I think are you know we could talk about a hundred and ten thing so so much has happened in the last twelve months I think obviously Israel turning 70 is huge is a huge thing it's a huge thing and then the embassy is moved on the same day I it says in Psalm 90 that a generation is seventy years I know it says other things other places but says it's seventy years okay Jesus says in Matthew 24 we see the various things happen in the last days scenario the generation that sees the fig tree blossom that generation well I believe we are the generation that will see the return of the Lord them in the rapture not the second coming we we miss out on all that we come back with him in the second coming amen but I really believe we're the generation I know a mere feels this way so strongly Israel is the it's God's clock the set the minute hand is Jerusalem the second hand I believe is the Temple Mount it's being discussed in order absolutely and I think one of the other 10 significant Eve happenings of 2018 have you seen the focus on the what we would call the tribulation temple we're never gonna see it the Antichrist you guys know what she's talking about have you seen that we had the Sanhedrin invite 17:8 there's that name that number again how long is Daniels 70th week okay so the Sanhedrin invites 70 nations in December December 10th to come in and dedicate the altar in the tribulation temple they don't call it that no no but think about it the Sanhedrin Ones much time you read about the Sanhedrin people in your Bibles okay there's a skeptic in the house listen up we're talking Israel the only nation in the history of mankind that seeks to be a nation and came back to be a nation again just as God said it would happen in one day Book of Isaiah on top of the fact that the Bible tells us and we know this from Matthew 25 mark 13 Luke 21 yeah right and second Thessalonians 2 that there will be a temple in Jerusalem during the tribulation how do we know this 2nd Thessalonians 2 2 tells us begin chapter 2 tells us that the son of perdition the Antichrist will declare himself to be God in that temple jesus said it in Matthew 24 that when you the Jews who live in Jerusalem Judea in this region when you see that happening come down from your house tops don't even go back inside of your house to get your jacket run if you're in the field drop your tools and run when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the place where it ought not to stand and Friends we're talking right now of a Sanhedrin that have the implements the golden menorah right the bronze basin all of the utensils based upon the Book of Leviticus they've made them all pure silver those things that are supposed to be silver those things that are wood overlaid with gold they're done they're made it's all done they have found numerous now red heifers that's right you see what a red heifer who cares you can't sanctify those tools according to the Bible without the ashes of a red heifer and for the first time in a couple thousand years a red heifer and several $0.01 have been born and Israel has them you say well I don't believe that you don't have to believe it they do right and they do and so this is an amazing alignment yeah it's an alignment it's a convergence and I think if there's one word that would summarize what we're talking about would be the word convergence the convergence of so many things and you know I mean not to go overboard on sign sign sign signs but the Bible tells us to watch the signs that the people of Jesus first coming missed the sign so many of them and the exhortation to us is hey don't do that a second time so I just think we should be watching for his appearing and one of the ways we watch for his appearing some of the things the Bible outlined would happen and this temple talk is very significant very significant even though it has nothing to do with us nothing to do with us we'll never see it amen the Antichrist will go into it and the half way through the tribulation he'll turn on the Jews he'll have been their French rule for a short season he'll probably have allowed them to build that third temple which doesn't exist right now all these preparations coming for a temple that doesn't exist they think it's going to exist soon it is but the Antichrist will be in charge and halfway through he turns on them and then comes the scenario where they're having to flee the flee probably to Petra so all I'm saying all we're talking about here is we need to be watching this as extremely intriguing times that now we've got temple talk going on like jacks jack says a red heifer was born in Israel in August it's perfect problem is if it gets three white hairs it's not perfect and all the others get those white hairs they're hoping the one that was born and August won't and that that'll be the perfect heifer so and these are incredible times and you know what here's what's so cool about the we get it 95 percent of the world not only do they not get it they don't care did you see the world yeah the world I thought you're talking about the church then the church well yeah I'm a degree a great majority the church doesn't care we can stick to the church 95 percent of the church does not care there's no get it not that there I'm not saying they're majoring in minors the world is but the church is majoring in other things not this and I think that's the tragedy of my lifetime and I know some others who feel the same jack well Jen you you ministered to an online audience it just might be that you are the teacher you are the priscilla from the book of acts to a generation of viewers and listeners on your program that is is staggering in numbers and can you tell the people what you're hearing and I got a little sample of it I was not prepared quite frankly when I showed up in Minneapolis I was not prepared to meet people starving to death yeah and that's a good way of putting it sure with them what you hear they're starving to death they're dying of hunger and thirst and that's why I said here half an hour ago you know be so thankful you folks have you have a church home because there are a lot of ministries ministry leaders I can only refer to myself but I hear from others that are hearing on a regular basis I've lost my church my church has changed on me my church is teaching replacement theology or suddenly we're into the emergent church or suddenly we're into Church growth tactics suddenly we're into you know contemporary music fine no I don't even nobody has any issues with contemporary music until you have to start handing out ear plugs before anybody can come into the sanctuary and that's happening almost everywhere pulpits not giving heed to sound doctrine and in some cases literally the doctrine of demons coming into the church yes literally the doctrine of demons now I'm going to refrain from name and places and movements and things like that but I've tried to do some programming on some of I'll just say this much for instance on the New Apostolic Reformation and some of the crazy things go on there and it's not of God sure with them because I'm some there's no doubt in my mind Jan that someone listening or that's here right now would know someone who's in the Apostolic movement of today what are some of the things that they're doing in their move in their movements graves soaking explain that the New Apostolic Reformation and there first of all very good people in it and there are good people getting caught up in it and they're innocent and they're naive and they're being hurt about eight months ago in a church I was attending a couple came up to me and took me aside and said Jan thank you for kind of exposing a little bit this New Apostolic Reformation they said our daughter was sort of kidnapped not literally but emotionally and psychologically and spiritually she was kidnapped by Bethel Church Redding California she willingly went out there and then she got involved in sozo counseling which brainwashed her and was convinced that Caitlyn was convinced that her parents had abused her never happened I know them they're the most wonderful people he could ever meet and as we speak they're so devastated and heartbroken after eight years of missing their daughter okay but it started out very harmlessly very innocently and Caitlyn went off to Bethel Church reading and you get caught up and the signs the wonders the miracles the suppose that everyone should be healed and everyone can be healed and pretty soon and some of the extreme of this some of the extreme of this would be some of the graves soaking and you can look that you can google that and see pictures of it you you lay on the grave of a departed st. any any may be recently departed just lay on the grave and the spirit of that dead person was supposedly come into you through the grave it's called grave soaking and this is one of the things they do and their excessive into signs wonders miracles I believe in miracles and folks hey hold on I've been healed I believe in healing okay I believe in healing not putting that down I wouldn't I thank God I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been healed in 2000 so but when you take that too far when you take all of that too far then you start going into the aberrations of all of it aberrations of all of it you know I don't know if you guys know this I I don't know if you're familiar with that term grave soaking but you you are familiar with some names I probably shouldn't say them because they'll sue me I'm not stupid but there's certain ministers that kind of travel together in a group they minister it together in a group I don't know why but they're all they all seem to be in Texas and and whatever maybe Oklahoma a couple of them but they got this thing and it's they've in around a long time and you can search hard don't use the term grave soaking they used a different term 25 years ago but some of the guys that you can turn on TV and your TV this coming Sunday you can turn them on your television set they have gone to the grave sites of dua del mu d for example they whose great don't get me wrong do I don't moody would have if mu T would have been there he jumped up and knocked them out for days yes but what if but one one very famous guy went and laid on the top of the grave of Catherine Coleman Coleman and he said that he's felt her spirit come into him and that his ministry since then has had tremendous power and you can you can turn them on in Sunday morning in folks this is the doctrine of demons and that's doctrines a demon a demon so you don't you don't want to go down this path you don't but you said Jack Jan those are famous people uh-huh the Bible says men from among yourselves will come out of you there'll be deceivers in the last days how do you think they're going to deceive because there they would have won us over in some way shape or form in the first place this is dangerous stuff and so what she's saying you say well I've never heard of such a thing that can't be real this has been going on for a long time and some of these guys cite they use this as a pathetic example a really stupid example do you remember when the young man died and Elijah laid on top of the body and the body are rose from the dead that's how they justify their their you know acts but this is absolutely insane but it answers to this issue why why would such actions draw such crowds because we live in a an age that is hyper for spiritual out spirituality and spiritism and so Jen can you talk to us about the things that you see the stuff that you've analyzed regarding the craving for spiritual things that we're seeing right now in the world yeah well the supernatural you mean good and bad I mean one of the things of the ten points I have tragically that I've seen escalate off the chart would be the rise of evil supernatural evil oh I've got some pictures that I used as illustrations and I unfortunately we're not real visual tonight but the rise of evil is just absolutely staggering do you know that last October 31st Halloween over tens of thousands of churches all across America that were doing some form of activity I don't want to say in honor of Halloween but trying to have them dancing skeletons on the platform I've got pictures of there's videos of it online it's unbelievable I mean again these are the literal doctrine of demons that we should be fleeing from what does the Bible say about about evil and particularly keeping children away from things like this and yet here we have churches that are celebrating it there's a new line of Disney clothing called it's just a children's clothing evil never looked so good this is how they met how they market it so evil is being glorified and I think this is one of the 10 most stunning things to happen in the last obviously been going on for decades but it's just sort of blossomed in this last year when we have this the tragic shootings how often have you heard that the killers say I heard voices telling me to do it and you know why it's happening Satan knows his days are numbered and so he's picking up steam and he's trying to make a last hurrah and we can push back and we concept' that's the church we can stop that we can at least slow it down and we need but we need to be aware of that it's going on we need to be aware that it's going on and it the other thing related to this not so much doctrine of demons and things like that jack but is the apostasy raging through our church today and that is heartbreaking it is just heartbreaking it's so and I've already touched on a couple of the issues that's going on here but the difficulty for people to find a church with sound doctrine that's why they turn to you they're turning to guys like a mere pastor JD frog and some others as well but they keep referring to you 3 almost every other email and again it's referring to you 3 and the fact that the greatest news there is and the greatest hope there is that's the Blessed hope mm-hmm has been silenced in the pulpit this is across the board at least in the Western Church across the board the that the king is coming it's been deemed as irrelevant out-of-date unpopular will keep folks away we have a building program that lasts 10 years and you're telling me Jesus is coming next week we can't we can't we've got to focus on our building program so I mean there's a hundred reasons pastors don't feel qualified they don't feel perhaps adequately taught in seminary they just they simply haven't figured out which which theology is that amillennialism is a premillennialism is a pre-trib isn't mid-trib is a pre-wrath is it post-trib what is it we haven't quite figured it out so they stay away from it I mean thank God for Calvary Chapel thank God for you guys I'm telling Janet dinner tonight I wish that we could have had a camera this last Sunday backstage you know dr. Henson wasn't a help it wasn't well so he he honestly tried to avoid it as many people as he could because it was sick he was so kind he gave me his sickness but that was a gem back there if we could have recorded what he was talking about because it's exactly what Jan just said a moment ago he was telling me said Jack Moody Liberty Multnomah Dallas DTS Dallas Theological Seminary all of the pastoral classes all of them of these universities are rapidly declining they can't get enough students to fill up the classes with the professors for the first time in American history for ministry he said people don't care people don't care nursing why is that he says because people keep students are coming from churches that are not listen to this and she said it a moment ago they're not serious about the return of Jesus Christ so they have no what's the word urgency to preach the word and go to Africa and go to you know Zimbabwe and go to California and preach the gospel to the lost because he said and he did the pathology of it because the churches are not teaching Bible prophecy he goes that's always the key that when Bible prophecy is not being taught in a church a church goes lazy apathetic and becomes what you're passionate to fight a social church it becomes nothing more than a moral gathering a membership and he said when you lose the desire or the understanding Jesus could come back today let's go preach Jesus could come back today let's go help the homeless and you know how much discipline it takes I love what you said a moment ago you know how hard it is to believe that Jesus Christ is coming back any moment and then by the Holy Spirit prepare for the next 25 years think about it that's discipline you know what that's called occupy until he comes you've got to plan for the future but you need to expect like Paul the Apostle for Jesus to return any moment that's a tough way to live that is a discipline and yet all of us are called to live that kind of a Christian life you go to work you pay your bills you raise your kids in Jesus you plan for their future listen mom and dad you save money for your kids that's what the Bible says don't live off your kids you're supposed to feel your kids in the future yet at the same time be ready for the Lord's return that takes discipline but the social the social gospel world were living in is just creating a nothingness Church and I'm gonna share something I'm sure you think I've ever shared this publicly you guys the Family Research Council prior to the second election of Barack Obama one of his attorneys had a brother who was a friend of Family Research Council this is behind the doors stuff behind the same stuff he never got around to it because there were too many issues God God delayed and derailed brocco bomb in the second term his second term Barack Obama was going to launch a community awareness outreach across the United States in every city that would take up the challenge to host a community outreach to take away graffiti fix people old people's fences and homes are you listening to me everybody it was going to be at 10 o'clock in the morning once a week I'll give you one guess as to what day the week it was going to be who needs church every millennial would have flocked to that because it makes you feel good you're doing something and Barack Obama's got his thumbs up to it and every time this you don't know this every time behind the scenes that he was getting ready to launch it some crisis came up and he was derailed from it that was the hand of God how do I know this by direct connection with the Family Research Council and Democrats working with Barack Obama that were informing tony perkins of what was coming guess what when i heard that i got a cold chill down my spine because there ain't a church on the planet that can compete with that kind of sunday morning activity and it would have gone over like gangbusters right think of that that's a doctrine of a demon yeah in a way yeah well i social justice has come in to the church like a tornado and it's just come in swept in and the kind of things you're talking about doing good things doing good works social justice cause of the immigrants those kinds of issues have taken over the evangelical church I'm not gonna get into naming names but I mean it is of crisis proportion it's of crisis proportion and I'm hearing from pastors all denominations but heavily very solid denominations certainly at one time and some individual churches very solid at one time that are caving to the social to cry of social justice we have to do good well that the death and that's what gets in the pulpit that becomes the purpose even more so than winning lost souls would be making room for the immigrant instead of that would be the focus instead of winning the loss so it's it's a serious and I think it's an an time thing I really do I think it's all a part of the sort of not giving heed to sound doctrine true for all that that's one of the most prominent endtime signs is that is apostasy Jesus talked about that more than almost anything else the writers of the New Testament talked about them almost more than anything else putting it in the last days context so that's sort of the good side is that it's another sign it's another Herald of it's coming it's a little bit like when we watch really dark headlines so hard to watch if we can put it into a context of the headlines are a herald of is coming it makes them a little more bearable and that's another sign of the 10 that I had and that is some of and you folks are living witnesses to the escalation of the birth pangs and the birth pangs really a lot of this blossoms in the tribulation a lot of it some of the things we're talking about blossoming it but if they're in the trivial and they're casting a shadow now it's warning signs for us and look I've heard from your fire victims I featured one on air last weekend Julie Braden told her story she lived in Paradise and you know paradise was gone you know that she and her husband and her dog made it out and some of the calvary chapels are stepping up to help a lot of the people there but her story jack is it was just heartbreaking that i heard from a survivor of malibu fires as well and as awful as they were and they were unspeakable you know what the tribulation is going to be so much worse Savior it gets your loved ones saved soon so so they kind of avoid this because what's coming church will be gone but what's coming is unspeakable just read revelation read the seals the bowls the judgments these vials the plagues that are coming upon this earth while the church is enjoying heaven for those seven years but we have got to be winning the loss while there is time because when you see well you just take the little microcosm of what happens saying paradise and you apply that to the whole world just think about that for a moment it's unthinkable trying it's unthinkable if you've got someone you love maybe that's unthinkable occupy until I come that's and that's one of the ways we occupies to win the lost well there's time if there's anything you remember from the two of us tonight please remember the time is so short it is so short God sending one warning signal after another after another after another time is short make good use of it please I am listening to her right now and I remember when Lisa and I were married and we didn't have kids yet and we when we heard things like this we would as a young couple should we have kids should we and you know you go through this should we shoot we have kids should we try to get a house and when Laura can come back and then there's just the freedom that what Jen just said a moment ago occupy till I come just one foot for another plan on living your life go for it and live live bid for Jesus it's the pastor I'm just I was rolling into law school go for it but the best lawyer in the world we need godly lawyers and doctors and moms and dads go for it but listen don't let anyone tell you like they accused Jan and I of oh you're just you're just telling people to go sit on a roof and wear their bed sheet and look up and wait for Jesus no we're not no only a lunatic would do that okay no no no and so it should cause you now look you need and that's why we have for example the call ministry for you to be trained in evangelism but if you don't want to do that at very least can you at least and this goes to everyone who's viewing right now we know we'll get hundreds of thousands of views from tonight if you if you can't share the gospel with someone I don't know why you can't I know it's terrifying but if you can't do it can you at least invite them with you to a Bible teaching Church so I'm too scared to share the gospel okay look we'll deal with that later in the meantime invite your unsaved friend to church well what are they don't like it it's not your business well what if the message it's not your business leave it up to God let him let him take care of that okay that's your just to invite them so I'm gonna ask Jim one more thing but in this question I'm gonna ask Joel where are you are you around Joel so Joel's gonna hold the microphone and if you want to ask Jan the question here's what we're gonna do for times sake we're gonna you're gonna ask your question and then you're gonna get out of the way and she's gonna answer and this is not a time for you to preach or to do anything you ask the question and remember the more educated you are the fewer words you can ask the question so no pressure but that's the pressure Jan where do you see right now with what's going on there's there's a D Youth well I already know the answer to that but right now Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump yeah are both under great attack there how do you see this playing out on the from the from the biblical perspective well Israel loves Donald Trump I mean they love him the Tennessee moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv was huge there are some in Israel in Amir's far better authority on this than I am there some in Israel who believe Donald Trump because he's a builder he's gonna build them the Third Temple now you know that's that's probably nonsense but who knows I mean stranger things have been known to happen they've got Donald Trump on a coin the coin with King Cyrus I've seen the coins it's hard yeah it's and on the backside is the image of the next the coming temple so we're back to that temple talk again so it's just a unique relationship Trump and Netanyahu were friends long before this lot longtime friends I believe Donald Trump is probably the greatest president friend Israel has ever had and I do I know a mirror would second that when Harry Truman voted back on may 14 1948 with the United Nations yes Israel should become a nation may 14th he was one I think he was the first and he signed that paper and then he said I am Cyrus so the idea of a president being equivalent to Cyrus has been going on for 70 years now Donald Trump comes along and they're comparing him remember Cyrus allowed the Jews to come back from the Babylonian exile and build their temple so that's why some of these presidents Harry Truman thought he could be Cyrus equivalent and now anyway that's a long answer to your question jack but it's a unique relationship the relationship between America and Israel is unique Harry Truman did a brave thing back in 1940 he was being pressured by his cabinet people don't do this don't go along with his foolish independent nation of Israel and Truman said nuts to all of you I'm going I'm going along with this this is the right thing to do and so he started the trend obviously we know a lot of them came along and in between some were good some were bad and then comes Donald Trump and he did the second most courageous thing and that is move that embassy to Jerusalem and that is no small thing when you think of all the men who said I'm gonna do it never got around to it one other nation moved there decided today to move their embassy to Jerusalem Honduras yes yeah hey won a tony perkins he'll never say this publicly but tony has been trumps and boy to these nations that are open to relocating the embassy Trump has had Tony flying all over the globe yeah Michelle Bachman is worth watching she's a very good friend of mine and she's been literally around the world in doing this is this amazing you said yeah but yeah but it's leading to an and then boom you know I understand that but the Lord says I'll bless those who bless bless Israel and so you folks know why you're bless you bless is real right we love Israel I mean I mean we love the Word of God and in that is the support of it yeah Genesis 12:3 so Jonah's the promise of blessing or cursing yep of the nation of the Ministry of the president of the ministry leader of the pastor of the denomination if they bless or they curse there are some blessings or some consequences one of the reasons you are blessed I have no question at all is that you have stood with Israel it's so important it's so important you guys are you serious there's no questions anyway have a question I've never seen this happen before well you got to go to the microphone one question that's been kind of actually consistently in my mind a lot lately is a lot of half of my family is either Christian but the other half unfortunately is really really hardcore Catholic and I've been still trying to go away ting just out of my way to talk to them about you know my understanding of the gospel in the Bible and how they interpret it and of course you know the difference has always come out you know I have my Bible this is right you know they have the the Catholic Bible we have the Christian Bible my main question is how do I approach them because I've done it already for the problem is it's always usually hostile or it ends and you know a really bad nasty argument and I've tried to go about as cordially as I possibly can the problem is is they will believe what they believe and that there's nothing else to it yeah and I want to help them so much but there's only so much I can do and say and act yeah before they just just say no I've had enough number one pray a lot for them as I know you are simple here's a simple answer and I'm I'm not be letting the littling this it's a simple answer but take their Catholic Bible take their Catholic Bible turn to John chapter 3 and have them or you read it out loud to them okay and in their Catholic Bible in John chapter 3 they're gonna hear Jesus say to Nicodemus you must be born again and then ask your Catholic family member have you ever heard that from your priest if Jesus said you must and why haven't you heard it and you don't need to go any further than that you can walk away and the Holy Spirit will go to work guaranteed isaiah 55:11 my word will not return to me void I want to encourage you guys to not ask me questions you have Jan Markell in the flesh right here hi how are you guys doing today god bless you both I had a question as regards to the temple and those things you were talking about as far as I'm getting it ready there's two things that I see that could be a big hindrance to the coming of temple one is the Ark of the Covenant we still don't know where that's at and the other is regards to the Levites themselves how do we know who is a Levite who is it as far as bloodline goes because as far as I know the only ones who can touch the Ark of the Covenant are the Levites so how do we get past that huge obstacle in my opinion that would prevent these kind of things from happening great question well Emir would have to deal with the Levite issue but you're right the Ark of the Covenant is a fascinating issue I totally agree with you and I don't know that we know where it is there are many who think the Ark is under somewhere underground and hidden away in some secret closet that happened obviously in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple it would have to be buried very deep but it could be down there safely some say the Jews know where it is under there others say that it's in Ethiopia I some say the ark is in heaven and so I think the whole Indiana Jones that was what made him famous he was looking for the Ark of the Covenant all right it's an intriguing was such an intriguing concept millions around the world got intrigued with this film silly film maybe but they're looking for something that's legitimately missing so where is it and can they really have a temple without that Ark of the Covenant and does it then have to be found first before that temple and therefore is it just perhaps hidden away and will be brought out these are all good questions I don't think we have an answer I'd like to add this and that's just my opinion don't underestimate the warning from Paul the Apostle that says that when the wicked one is revealed now remember when the wicked ones revealed it said it's at the front end of the seven years it's not the middle part he's the one according to Daniel 9:24 227 perhaps the seven year treaty yeah exactly okay watch this it says that with all line signs and wonders he will deceive the world you can't even begin to imagine what that means and then it says the scripture says that because that generation did not want to believe in the love of the truth God will send them strong delusion so that they will believe the lie could it be that this Antichrist and his team don't have to find the Ark of the Covenant they can fake this and you say no no you know there's good supernatural powers to it well no that's not but I know that no Jew is gonna go for an ark that doesn't glow in the dark I just made that up go for an art it doesn't glow in the dark it's gonna have to be supernatural about it remember when the Lord entered the temple when Solomon's Day and they and the glory of the Lord came out some demonic manifestation of light is gonna happen and then you know so you see I don't see how it's gonna happen of course you can thank God you can't but somehow the great deception is going to be some sort of bamboozlement that your mind has never even imagined and that's what's gonna make him so fit - yeah that's really good check I think you're dead right the Lord it was an inspiration for the moment it's gone one of your best lines ever jack i've ever heard of you Jan yeah could you please tell me if what sale are we in in the end the book of Revelation say again what what the book of Revelation what seal are we in what seal yes what seal were in now well the seals are we don't participate in the seals the seals are the tear terrible outpouring of you know unspeakable atrocities that are going on during the tribulation this is what the church escapes the church you see the church Jesus addresses the church in the first three chapters of Revelation the Church of Sardis group of Ethiopian Church of Philadelphia the the various churches he's scolding some he's giving praise to some churches that's in Revelation chapter 3 and shout at chapter 4 the churches mysteriously gone well where is it what's in Evin that's where it is God's taking it because in Revelation 3:10 he's going to spirit the church he's talking to the churches there I'm gonna spare you from the wrath to come and the wrath would be the seals the goals of the vial of the judgments that are coming we have nothing to do with member okay and remember this sure did you guys hear a question yeah very important question on the the first 1260 days of the seven year Tribulation Period our days of never before seen peace and prosperity in the earth you got to remember that the Bible says the Antichrist deceives people by peace and prosperity where was that when did that happen okay and the next thing is the last 1260 days is what's known as the time of Wrath where it's violence that's what she's referring to what seal are we in the Bible reveals that the last 1260 days of the three and a half years of the seven years is a time of seal judgments anybody know how many there are seven and then the seventh seal opens up trumpets how many trumpet judgments seven and at the last trumpet the seventh trumpet opens up the bowl judgments every one of those have supernatural manifestations on earth so the question is we are not in any of the seal to the trumpet or bold judgments because the Antichrist has not been revealed how do we know because there's not a seven-year peace treaty with Israel neither is there one man a globalist who is swooning the world with his peace and prosperity tactics are you with me so that's a good thing to remember very good thing remember yes thank you jack that was excellent Yugi thank you I am awesome stuff tonight I guess I just wanted to ask about something a bit more recent for either of you if you want to chime in but how would you view Trump's decision to pull the troops out of Syria in light of Ezekiel 38 I was one of my 10 that we hadn't gotten it's huge I'll give my opinion Jack please follow but it's I think it's huge no I know he's waffling a little bit and now he's gonna do it over for months so it's not instant and first of first I just want to state that I am concerned for those in that region that if he does go through with this which it sounds like he will there going to be some vulnerable people starting with the Christians who are left who haven't been so haven't been slaughtered yet that they're gonna be extremely vulnerable the Kurds could be annihilated because turkey is not going to protect the Kurds the Kurds are very moderate Muslims they their west loving Muslims they're just kind of a different breed of Muslim and there are allies they are our friends people good people so those two are going to be marginalized and there's some smaller groups perhaps the Yazidis etc so I'm very concerned enough of the torment of people in that part of the country let's go right directly to your question how might it play in and and Jack I know you would agree that a perfect land bridge is now available for Iran Iran Rus Turkey will be the three primary players that are going to have open season in Syria without US troops there now Israel will be aggressive in Israel will do what she can to put out those fires but I see a perfect opportunity and land bridge now open with US troops out and speeding in other words gog magog Ezekiel 3839 is absolutely if this goes through I believe it could happen imminently once that it is official God's Word tells us that we need to be like the sons of Issachar you knew and understood the times of Israel and what the people should do okay so what do we I'll tell you what I do not believe I do not believe that Donald Trump turned to Ezekiel right and over to Isaiah 17 and said you know what the Bible in the last days in the in that Ezekiel battle there is no Syria doesn't exist it's not listed so I'm gonna pull out our troops and let it be annihilated because it's really not even the nation right now do you know that Syria is occupied by Russia and Iran and so we know that the Ezekiel thank you for bringing that question up and then in the nations listed that come against Israel in that coalition of Islamic nations Syria's not even mentioned Damascus is even mentioned how come isaiah 17 Damascus is never something's gonna happen to Damascus and it's never again gonna be inhabited so I don't think Trump says going Trump's look innocent oh my gosh we got a pull truck we have to pull the troops out of secret I don't think so either a god is moving Trump to pull troops out of Syria because God knows his word be that Trump is somehow surrendering to Putin and air21 ain't gonna happen or C it's possible or D as possible but C is what's being rumored about on the dark web is in fact today Trump said Trump said I'm pulling troops out of Syria and go what go watch it I'm pulling Trump's I'm pulling troops out of Syria but we are really going to let them have it go listen for that did you hear that it's like what are you saying in the dark world of Special Ops and CIA speculation there's a rumor going around that Trump is getting all US forces out by design because he's done with it he's done with what's going on and that he's going to and you need it you need to watch this I'm not saying it's gonna happen I'm not saying it's not gonna happen that he is that he's put the word out to private armies global private armies to go into Syria why global like Blackwater like Triple Canopy others why because they don't have to fight by any Geneva Convention or national rules if the United States or Russia wants to do something that's off the Ritz not allowed did you know this everybody they wake up it's the way it works if we can't deal with this situation in China because the Geneva Convention doesn't allow it or our Constitution doesn't allow it we will hire a private army that is made up of international special operators and they conduct operations and they answer to no one and if you think this is news this has been happening since the late 60s that's being very much talked about right now now look I have I'll say a name right now and I don't I cannot endorse his language he's not a Christian he says he is but a Christian cannot cuss like he does but many of you are familiar and I highly recommend his podcast if you handle it it's not for the faint of heart and it's not for gentle ears and that's Brian suits that guy knows stuff and he himself is a former SEAL I think it's anybody know Brian suits seal Delta Force what is he period he's one of those things so a jack brought up Isaiah 17:1 and that's the annihilation of Damascus and Damascus is huge I mean could it compare with LA I mean it could be comparable maybe not quite as big but just it's it's enormous and what could cause the utter devastation of a city certainly the size of twin cities where I come from which is huge what could cause an entire devastation of a city like that is it chemical weapons underground who knows it could be Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons buried well we don't know there are many who say that that that could be the case but something is going to cause the utter I mean there's destruction in Damascus now but there are millions of people living there in enjoying Friday night in the local eateries I mean they're they're enjoying life in Damascus it's all gonna come to an end in an instant we don't know when we don't know how what's weird about it is right now it's because of Isis and its earlier exploits of Damascus there's there's fewer the fewest known this is the first time in over in two thousand years that Damascus has had the smallest Christian population did you know that because of Isis Isis killed them all or they are Christians fled to Europe what if what if God even used Isis to get the Christians out of Syria before wrath Falls because Damascus is going to go up and the United States government hired the Israeli Air Force to take photographs of Saddam Hussein moving his chemical and biological weapons out of Iraq into the city of Damascus and Saddam Hussein paid Bashar Assad hundreds of millions of dollars to receive their cachet of weapons because they knew that general Schwarzkopf was coming did you know that yeah you do you know that because the photographs taken by trained the 109 squadron in Israel was paid for by the United States State Department and this could happen tomorrow folks this doesn't have to wait till the tribulation this could happen tomorrow you could find this in headlines tomorrow there's nothing that says this is a tribulation advant this could be in headlines tomorrow and if it was I mean believe me that is a huge red sign red flag being waved that's a there's not a precursor Airi requirement for isaiah 17 or Ezekiel some I personally believe this is my opinion probably wrong I believe Isaiah 17:1 happens before Ezekiel yes I would agree why because Syria is not mentioned in the Ezekiel nation's coming something happens to it by the way what if something what if what if Damascus doesn't go up in smoke who's gonna get blamed for it it's probably Israel will probably do it I mean I think well very well she'll be doing it to defend herself true she'll be doing it to defend herself because she'll know that something has been Tate is taking place something is being coordinated and in Damascus that to cause her annihilation and she'll have to strike preemptively so I'm quite sure would be Israel that would do this I can't imagine who else but again there's evil forces over there you got the Russians but I don't think they're gonna turn on bachelors Assad their allies you got the Turks I don't think they have the capability to do this Israel certainly has the capability to do it in a narrow second for Pete sakes they can take a couple of jets and in everything's history Israel doesn't he need a jet yeah do it all they need is an iPhone true Israel can destroy Damascus yeah with pressing send on a phone from inside they they can do it they can call Damascus and take care of it that there its electronically it's unbelievable absolutely with Trump as president and Netanyahu as president the Prime Minister Israel has shared tremendous technologies with the United States you know no peso you got there what you got that run right we share technologies with that no they have shared technologies with us because Netanyahu and Trump are good friends Wow yes you were talking about the one-world government the global getting together and what stands in the way is America and Donald Trump I'd like if you could talk a little bit about his enemies people like the Federal Reserve in trilateral commission yeah well I have a I know I don't want to be here talking about what I my products and all I did a teaching a couple of years ago I have it on DVD it's just called hidden in plain view the New World Order in Bible prophecy and the New World Order you know can sound conspiratorial it happens to be a reality and again it's this rush to the one to the one world system and it's the Antichrist system and it started with Nimrod 5,000 years ago and goes right up through the Knights Templar I'm here and I have a message that's very similar and we didn't even know each other had created it get the Knights Templar that you've got the Masons you can go right up through Council on Foreign Relations some men who pushed back against the New World Order and what happened to them mysteriously something that I don't I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but when the conspiracy is in the Bible then I think it's okay to talk about it and the conspiracy is just to get the antique installed that's all it is but they've been trying to do it for 5,000 years and now we're up to some of the present players George Soros number one sorrow says the son I believe who's being groomed to succeed him again the Rockefeller family the Rothschild family none of this I'm not I'm not saying anything that this is history okay this is just history there I think the question is and every time I say this some I'm on YouTube go crazy when I say some of these people don't know that the kingdom they're trying to install did the Rockefellers think we're planning Antichrist empire I doubt it I think others know that others other players know who they're trying to install I think some know it and some don't know it but the point is an empire has been trying the Antichrist Empire is trying to be installed for the last 5,000 years and you know what they're gonna have seven ignominious years that's all seven years they've tried for 5,000 years and they're going to get seven years and look what a hellhole it's going to be of seven years so congratulations guys yeah yeah you get you get what you wanted good evening Jan happy new year my name is Brian I want to go back to Damascus because we were having a conversation before this event started and the question was and both of you had stated that a complete destruction of Damascus do we know that for sure or is it just what Isaiah image Damascus is being during his time no it's Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah I had lost for the chapter is it 49 it might be Jeremiah 49 it says that when this happens it will never again yeah it will say that it will cease from being a city and being an abbot it said in fact the only things that will live there will be the jackal the owl and some other funny animals some kind of horrible just some super coming yeah some something's gonna leave it either so hexed to people's minds or toxic but the Bible says it will never again be inhabited I mean that's wild yeah Thank You Isaiah I think it's Jeremiah 49 somebody can check I could I'm sorry 49 23 to me it spells chemical weapons so I mean it could be a number of things and maybe a combination of things nuclear and chemical but I think it spells utter destruction um this is for Jan so I've gone to other churches and you were touching along the basis of like certain spirits that are there and then when you talk to the pastors they really kind of push you aside and go we're covered by grace and I'm not a person that shiz away or runs away but then when they see me they run away and I'm like I just want to ask to clarify biblically cuz we're supposed to test everything how do would you go about that since Pastor calls you the Deborah of this time and we need more of those because those people the churches are here in California and I've been to them and it makes me sad okay but how would you go about what just define your like to talk to them without them thinking that you're overstepping boundaries because they're the pastor well but to be fair you would say hi to them first yeah like they know like I just don't pounce on him yeah we tried finding church then we found your teaching church and it went along with the Bible and that one you you could feel it once they knew that you were questioning they would stay away from you oh I hear you and I I feel your pain I do I do because there are millions like you and I think you've probably tried to do it right am i right you've tried to do it the right way maybe it didn't go so well didn't go so well that's not necessarily your fault I mean you can only do what you can do it sounds like you've found maybe this church yeah and were there a Calvary Chapel Chino Hills California and every city that would be wonderful there isn't there isn't there just many many areas that are are kind of vast wastelands but I just want to say this in defense of pastors and I've worked with them for years and I think they have almost the toughest job on the planet they really do and I think we need to be gracious and kind and caring and pray for them because they're trying to do the best job they can most of them anyway and they're trying to please lots of people who if they please this group of people than this group of people gets upset so I think they've got a really tough assignment and I've not been a pastor I wouldn't want to be a pastor it's not the roles for a woman anyway but I think maybe you could direct your question to Jack who is one I would just I'm processing your yeah and I have Lisa and I only have look she grew up it and I'm First Baptist Church and Pastor Chuck Hughes was available to her always I I grew up a cover Chapel Costa Mesa the only pastor I've ever known Chuck Smith was available to me always after every service unless he was sick he was available you could ask him anything you wanted and he was there for you and so I mean look he pastored a church at that time to 25,000 people so he couldn't be everywhere at this everyone at the same time but when you when you know what Chuck would make the time for you and so that's been our example fleur-de-lys and I both and so my only my only boldness that I have I mean when I see you in the foyer in the courtyard or at Home Depot and we engage it's gonna be the Bible I mean look any of you we've never talked about the Rams I add Albertsons I've not talked about you know the price of homes at at the restaurant it's just it's not what I do it's just not my thing but that my confidence is the Bible and so if if someone could if I'm if I see somebody coming to me and I'm getting nervous if they're gonna ask me questions about what about the interest rates then I'm gonna get nervous cuz I'm not exactly sure what they are today but if you're going to talk to me about revelation 13 and the mark of the beast or what did Jesus mean when he gave the the prodigal the the parable of the prodigal the son let's talk right because I'm comfortable there I'm just I don't want to judge any pastor because I can't it's not my place but I am only thinking I would avoid situations that I'm not fitted for or not equipped for when it comes to a pastor addressing questions I just think we're supposed to give an answer to everybody even if it's the answer is I don't know I'll get back to you you know so this is one more reporters opinion on that Thanks yes my question is what is your stance on the Battle of Psalm 83 is that something we're gonna see it or is it already happened I think that's a really good question and I think it's up for debate and I think that there are good people on both sides of the debate that people leave that Psalm 83 is future and there are good people on the other side of the debate that believe Psalm 83 happened in probably 1967 or even 1948 and perhaps 67 and 73 combined I haven't landed on an answer to that question Jack maybe you have yeah I think I have the answer go in I think both I think both sides are correct let me explain I'm not compromising when you read Psalm 83 if you know Psalm 83 what do you know about it well you know that Israel's enemies conspire inspire and and scheme and enter into intrigue to destroy Israel to remove her borders it says to push her into the Mediterranean Sea so that her name is taken off of the earth and she's no longer remembered my answer is yes yes it has been fulfilled I believe the spirit of it exists today as it did then and I believe it's going to be fulfilled because it's the spirit of God's enemies it's always being fulfilled so at times you could lay it out over the span of history and you could see where at a certain time Hitler desired and to do exactly what Psalm 83 was about so did Persia so did the medo-persian Empire so are you with me on and on it goes on and on it goes it's and it's gonna happen with the Antichrist he's going to destroy it I think it's an overall spirit like a spirit of Antichrist I think Psalm 83 defines describes a spirit of those who hate God's people and it is an ongoing battle I believe that's going to take place I don't think you can put it down to one particular day that it was fulfilled and it is going to end when the Prince of Peace returns and we waited for him until 8:30 6:00 tonight and we'll keep waiting for him father we thank you for Jan Markell we thank you for the remarkable global platform you have given her we thank you Lord for this warrior of truth we pray father that these few days that she has to to get ready for Saturday Lord for the conference that you would anoint her bless her her and her team that they would have great health and father that there would be an amazing life-changing effort put forth this coming Saturday at the proximity Conference in Orange County and God that the fruit of it would honor and glorify the name of Jesus and it's to you Lord we owe all for having died on the cross for us for our sins and having been resurrected from the dead for our justification lord please come tonight in our sleep may we hear the trumpet blasts and money until you do come we will be busy about our father's business in Jesus name and all God's people said amen let's think Jan Markell for coming to us tonight okay thanks for watching 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Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 560,501
Rating: 4.8055682 out of 5
Keywords: Happening Now with jan markell, jack hibbs, pastor jack hibbs, jan markell, olive tree ministries, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, israel, hamas, gaza, gaza strip, palestine, bible prophecy, bible prophecy 2019, end times prophecy, middle east news, russia, turkey, iran, syria, damascus, current events, world news, what does the bible say about end times, last days, prophecy, the end of days, end times signs, rapture, rapture prophecy
Id: n0MAnLhhcrA
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Length: 88min 26sec (5306 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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