What We Know For Sure

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we're looking at our study uh futures and we're now going into i'm going to ask you to be patient with me we are now going into what will be a two-part argument today and next sunday uh regarding the fact that what do we know for sure we're asking a question or maybe we're making a statement you'll have to pick should we put a question mark at the end of that or should we put an exclamation point at the end of that but what do we know for sure you could say what do we know for sure is this or you could be asking the question in a very unstable and very deceiving age in which you and i are living in what do we know for sure it all depends on how you place it and what it sounds like so today we are going to be commencing a study that is going to incorporate uh us uh looking at or being conscious or aware of the fact that i believe from what i'm hearing and what i'm saying that around the world people are turning their eyes toward god all around the world right now the conversation is people are talking about america all around the world and the news headlines prove it all around the world people are talking about israel right now like never before and for good reason and all around the world right now and has been the case and it's increasing right now the world is talking about war god america israel and the specter of war and we embarked upon this study that those of you who are new to this church or those of you that are visiting waiting for your church to open up wherever you've come from i get it i want to take opportunity to grab a hold of you and give you some bible prophecy and in the words of our good old friend well not old friend he's he's a good friend dr ed heinsohn at liberty university remember what he says i love it god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us and that's a great word when you hear a teaching in this series and whenever you read about bible prophecy and remember 27 to 33 of the bible is prophetic in nature it ought to bolster your faith it ought to encourage you it ought to get you excited and what i love about it is it ought to cause you uh to have a very very bold and firm foundation in the word that is hidden in your heart this morning i'm going to do something a little bit different i'm going to ask you to stand in reverence of the reading of god's word you can stand whether you do revere god's word don't you but i'm going to read it i'm just going to ask you to follow along look on watch on as uh today we are going to be using portions of the book of ezekiel chapter 38 because of the timeliness and i'm going to really encourage you don't miss next week because that's when the bow is going to be put on top i'm really taking a big risk right now because i'm going to ask you to dive into this and then realize that it's not going to be finished until next sunday unless you guys want to stay over for an additional two hours and we can do the we can do the whole thing i don't think second or third service would appreciate that much but i'm going to read this to you you just look on if you would ezekiel chapter 38 beginning at verse 1. now the word of the lord came to me saying son of man turn and face gog gog of the land of magog the prince who rules over the nations of meshach tubal and prophesy against him him being a personal pronoun is by the way gog gog give him this message from the sovereign lord gog i am your enemy that's not a good day i will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws to lead you out with your whole army your horses and your charioteers and full armor and a great horde armed with shields and swords verse 5 persia or iran today ethiopian libya will join you too with all their weapons gomer and all its armies will also join you along with the armies of beth togemar from the distant north and many others verse seven get ready be prepared keep all the armies around you mobilize this is god speaking to this political military leader that goes by the title gog gog's a title so god is admonishing him and exhorting him you better be ready and you better be prepared keep all the armies around you mobilized and take command of them a long time from now so that was about 570 bc when this was written you will be called into action in the distant future you will swoop down on the land of israel which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and desolation a people who have returned from many nations to the mountains of israel you and all your allies a vast and awesome army will roll down on them like a storm and cover the land like a cloud thus says the lord god at that time evil thoughts will come to your mind and you will devise a wicked scheme you will say israel is unprotected an unprotected land filled with unwalled villages i will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence i will go to those formerly desolate cities that are now filled with people who have returned from listen to this from exile from many nations i will capture vast amounts of plunder for the people are rich with livestock and other possessions now a people who think they dwell in safety but sheba and didan and the merchants of tarshish will ask so this is god now speaking nations are going to say something by the way shiba indi down is the dwelling region today of the land mass of saudi arabia and the merchants plural of tarshish would be the the native uh neighborhood of those that make up the isles of britain and spain or the western states or nations that's where that region of the world as tarshish has always been so this is a quite timely announcement he says that sheba indian and the merchants of tarshish will ask do you really think the armies you have gathered can rob them of silver and gold do you think you can drive away their livestock and seize their goods and carry off plunder by the way that's all they do is that they fire file a u.n resolution they just say it they don't do anything about it therefore son of man prophesy against gog give him this message from the sovereign lord when my people are living in peace in their land the land of israel then you will arouse yourself and you will come from your homeland in the far distant north with your vast calvary and mighty army and you will attack my people israel covering the land like a cloud at that time in the distant future i will bring you against my land as everyone watches and my holiness will be displayed by what happens to you next og then all the nations will know the word is awaken or become awakened to the fact that i am the lord heavenly yes heavenly father your word of power and truth how awesome is this we can uh stop any jew on the streets anywhere in the world and read to them from their prophet ezekiel asking them has this ever happened before and they all agree that has never happened before this is not some distant prophecy that was somehow performed in some typology or by some silly little play this is your sovereign word spoken by the sovereign lord and it has yet to happen and so god show us the times in the age in which we live in and how close this event on god's prophetic timeline really is but we ask it in jesus name and all god's people said amen you can be seated church you can be seated as we continue on in this overview of what the bible teaches about future events it is incredibly powerful to realize that when we open up the bible a book that the world an unbelieving world views its as some old dusty book that when it comes alive to them by its presentation through preaching and teaching things happen something happens i'm reminded of last week you cannot engineer this you cannot explain this how was it that last week that a child of 10 years of age here's the message who i thought they would be in children's ministry but mom and dad held them in here they heard the message that was preached to you they wanted to get saved at the end of the message and then also a man of some 71 years of age as well how does that happen there's no explanation for but the power of god's word you can't do that you can't make that happen in business you can't make that happen in some sort of marketing campaign how do we sell this to 10 year old kids and also 71 year olds i mean isn't it obvious that when you watch tv commercials now everything is about suing the people whose commercials talk you into taking their drugs have you noticed take our drugs take our drugs your elbow will feel better your head might fall off but your elbow will feel better read the fine print and then you take it you know to stop a cough you take their medicine but then you go blind and then they say well you you don't cough anymore do you no i don't but i went blind well you said you didn't want to cough you took our drugs and then the next commercial is have you experienced severe disablement from the medications thus and so sue one group says bye and the next group says sue and it's all about this dynamic of trying to reach a notice it's always an older culture not much culture on tv anymore it reaches the young people it's all about your elbow and it's all about going to the bathroom it's an all about it's all about this other stuff but listen the world the world is targeting those who've got the money or the insurance to do something about it you know what jesus does jesus targets all people all who are searching and he goes after the young you know why because if they if they yield their heart to jesus christ he can spare them a lot of grief from this world he gives them wisdom and guidance yes let's be honest jesus said do not forbid the little children to come to me because he loves them god is talking about us living in the last days and how we are to identify the last days and we can do that church without being flamboyant and bizarre about it that's why god gave bible prophecy by the way i'm a strong believer in this i may be the only one who believes this but i'm convinced of it so don't try to talk me out of it that if you understand true biblical prophecy in a in a deep conservative theological sense as you ought that's why i'm a big fan of dr john wolfrad he's in heaven now but you ought to read everything he's written you'll never get goofy if you read what he's written then i believe that you'll be galvanized against deception in the last days if you know what bible doctrine teaches especially in the light of prophecy because why the bible over and over again warns that in the last days false prophets and false teachers are coming and you can expose them if you know the truth and the bible says and we read it a moment ago that there's going to be this one called gaga it's a remarkable word we'll look at it both a little bit today and next week together gog gog it is a title it's not a person's name it is a title and the word in hebrew means that whoever this person is that he is a ruler of a nation a nation singular he holds the power of both being the ruler of the nation in politics and at the same time all of its military it's different than the united states we have a a division i think we still do not sure a division of the halls or the channels of power we have an executive branch a legislative branch and a judicial branch by the way that our founding fathers took out of the old testament where it's spoken there and so we have that but not all nations have that and to give you an example russia is a nation that fits exactly right now with the definition of gaga it means that it has a leader he has absolute authority over the politics and the military complete that's a very important thing because it talks to us about him being the leader of a certain geographical area that in genesis chapter 10 and 11 that's that's a note that's a note you ought to write down or a reference you ought to write down your note taking how do you know for sure that what i'm going to be teaching you is right go to genesis 10 and 11 and you're going to learn about these names the table of nations that's known and you're going to see who and where these people dwell this man rules over that people group and oh by the way from jerusalem uh i don't want to make an assumption here do you all need to know that when the bible talks from genesis to revelation about geography the bible has what is known to the bible to the biblical reader what is the center of the map or the center of the globe the center of the globe is not in the middle the sen i know it's going to be hard for you to take listen the center of the globe is not california look it's not america you know you can always tell when you're buying a map that's made in the western world the united states is in the middle it's funny because when you go to the middle east and buy a map israel is always in the middle that is a biblical map according to god the center of this world is not only israel it's jerusalem so when the bible says north south east and west it's from jerusalem always in the bible and if you according to this scripture it says here that this leader will bring his army from the far distant north it the word in hebrew means he's going to bring an army from a region that is so far north you can't go any further north if you do you're going to start going south so you want to draw a line on your globe on your map with a little piece of thread or yarn put it on jerusalem and go to either magnetic or true north and it doesn't matter you're going to go through the last distant nation that's at the top and it just happens to be today this place called russia and that's important because uh we'll see why in these next two weeks so i want to show you a map about that maybe a couple of maps as we look at this so you see exactly that center map according to the bible we're talking about this military political leader gog and uh ezekiel is going to go on to tell us we'll probably touch on that more next week that he is the prince of rosh right meshach and tubal and rosh rosh depends on how you pronounce it don't think that scholars and bible teachers assume that rosh roche sounds so much like russia that it must be that must be the meaning and it's a default out of sloppy study no it's actually a location it just so happens that in our modern world russia is the region by the way you guys got to take a uh take note of this the bible says that in the last days two things are gonna me many things but two things would have to be a prerequisite to this battle taking place in the bible in ezekiel 38 and number one is that israel would have to be back in their land is that amazing for those of you who don't know uh we'll we'll be teaching more on this but you might say israel that's ridiculous of course israel israel is the only nation ever in the history of man that was a nation then it ceased to be a nation and then all of its people came back to its land to become a nation a second time no other country in the history of man has ever done that and the bible says that's exactly what would happen and we're going to cover those scriptures in the next two weeks so don't miss it so this one is going to come out of he is the commander the chief over this region of rosh meshach and two-ball and that region of mischeck and two-ball next slide please we'll kind of toggle back and forth look at this miss shack two-ball ancient tribal names of what is today uh russia keep this in mind so israel had to be in the land right and rosh god in his goodness takes us back to its tribal meanings and locations me what i mean to say is this church is that do you remember a beloved california governor who became president said in berlin mr gorbachev tear down this wall and little did that man know that his utterance was probably conducted by the holy spirit why because the prophecies of the bible announced to us that it wouldn't be the soviet union that would come against israel in the last days it would have to be russia interesting that's very important and these names will learn about these names you see these names that are listed and given out these are by scholars these are by publication companies some of them debate some of these locations uh for example sheba uh and dee dan you can see dee dan to the north it's beige of israel sheba down to the south you know it today as saudi arabia you all know this especially if you have any iranian friends or neighbors they will not let you get away with calling them iranians oh so so so where are you from they'll tell you where they wha exactly we're from persia what no we're from persia you mean you're iranian no we're persians they're very proud of that and i would be too by the way if i was a if i was an iranian i would say nope i'm persian because many of the persians are not proud of their iranian uh nation that has been really something uh since around in about 1979. uh no they want to be persians and let's remember when we talk about persia we're talking about a bible land in the scripture persia so you look at this map right now you see togomar the house of togomars predominantly the region of turkey today and a little bit expansive in the sense that it slowly drifts up and fades away into what is romania or ukraine today known as the regions of gomer in the bible remarkable things uh mentioned here in scripture all of a sudden the ancient past begins to come awake come alive when god begins to move in bible prophecy and that which was old and dusty and confusing to us begins to wake us up and that's a very important truth jesus said regarding all things remember in john 14 1 let not your heart be troubled so when you're hearing this message you should get excited so i don't know what you're getting excited look with what's coming you can either get run over by it or you can understand that god has spoken to you about these things and you can get excited about it because by the way it's a big difference it's a big difference on how you understand or how you view bible prophecy with this beautiful caveat built into it it's a verse i think i've been using almost every week during this series luke 21 36 jesus says to us be always on the watch pray that you may escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the son of man that is that is coming his appearing so church listen i'm going to ask you to write these down i'm going to give you a string of verses and we're going to get into our point so you're ready i need to know can you say repeat after me i am ready number one titus 2 13. this is all preparatory titus 2 13 looking for the blessed hope every believer within the hearing of my voice you are to be looking scanning observing the horizon for what the blessed hope let's see what it is and the glorious appearing i'll argue with you today that it is not the coming of christ but the appearing of christ big difference the appearing of our great god and savior it's one and the same he's one in the same i should say who is it jesus christ this verse keeps cult members up late at night because it screams about the fact that the christians to be watching constantly for his coming which means there's no warning per se exactly and then secondly that he is the great god and savior because the bible teaches there is no second or third no wonder why jesus said i am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but through me why because he is our great god and savior jesus christ that's the great great verse that you ought to have over you number two listen to this this is very very much fun i'm going to give you five references each one from the five chapters of the book of thessalonians when paul preached in thessalonica by the way on one of those maps i could have showed you where that is here's the thing though when paul came preaching the gospel he came into the region of thessalonica and scholars all agreed that he was there somewhere between three to four weeks that's it he preached there were no christians he preached pagans began to accept christ he set up a church and he moved on and three to four weeks later or some time later he writes them a letter i should say i think it was actually close to about a year he writes a letter back to them because he heard that they were panicking that they had somehow missed the last day's events notice this with me and i'm going to make it pretty what's the word demonstrative i will really let you know notice this mark it down first thessalonians chapter 1 verse 10 wait for his son from heaven you are to be waiting whom he raised from the dead even jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come you see the word wrath you ought to circle that and you ought to say this is not talking about hell this word has nothing to do with hell this word has everything to do with god's wrath that's going to be poured out upon the earth for a christ-rejecting age or world you need to know that it changes everything if you understand that they were panicking and they were afraid and they thought they missed his appearing and that they were going to be going through the wrath and the judgment of god and paul tells them nope or in hebrew it's low low i like that low yes is can can no no paul didn't we miss it low no you didn't miss it keep looking keep watching first thessalonians 2 19 chapter 2 verse 19. for what is our hope says paul or joy or crown of rejoicing is it not even you in the presence of our lord jesus christ at his coming or at his appearing chapter 3 verse 13. he says so that he may establish your heart's blameless and holiness before our god and father at the coming of our lord jesus christ with all his saints how many of you know someone who died believing in jesus raise your hand they died believing in jesus they're coming back with him that's the reference with all his saints that's why you'll see in a moment watch how this builds it's going to explain what that means what do you mean he's coming with all his saints i thought you'd ask chapter 4 verse 13 but i do not want you to be ignorant or uninformed brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring hello with him those who sleep or died in jesus by the way please remember sleep is referring to their bodies not their souls there is no such thing in the bible as soul sleep that's a cultic view and it's unbiblical verse 15 for this we say by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep watch what happens and this will prove the argument what appears to be asleep he's going to tell us for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of god and here you go the dead in christ will rise first their bodies will pop up out of the grave pop up have you ever seen a have you ever butted i mean you don't buy these things very often but when you do it's kind of cool when you buy a new toaster when do you buy a new toaster but like twice in a lifetime one of the great attributes about a toaster is that when you put the toast in and you toast it for the first time you better be ready when that thing's done that toast comes flying out of there you can even grab it in a moment and a twinkling of an eye [Applause] that toast comes shooting out of that toaster according to the bible listen god is going to shout the voice of the archangel the trumpet of god and boom like a toaster forest lawn think about it rose hills wow look at that there's going to be all these pop tarts coming up [Applause] amazing the bible tells us then we are alive and remain shall be caught up the word rapture together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words that should be a great comfort listen let's be honest if you're a christian but you're you're sleeping with bubbles or rocky and god has been saying to you you ought not to be doing this or you're getting you know dabbling back into the old world of drugs but now you believe in christ and jesus is saying come on get out of that we don't do that anymore or you're snooping around and looking in places you ought not to be looking and the holy spirit says you belong to me now stop it you know what listen what's what ought to be very comforting is when we say jesus could come back today you always see the christian who's not walking right with god they go like this when you say oh man i hope the lord comes back today and they go yeah okay right on really they're a little nervous about it hey man the lurking back today the only time i see hesitation when i was at a wedding before i walk out here with the with the groom to be i said man then it'd be great the lord came back where are we halfway down the aisle the lord comes back and he goes uh no how about one more day it's great it's always it's always fantastic but the person that is the christian not walking with god doesn't like to hear about this but it's exactly what you need to hear he could come back at any time he wants you to love that hope also and look if you're not a christian you should just panic right now right where you're at i mean we've got defibrillators and nurses and doctors all over this place you ought to have a heart attack you ought to just have a heart attack right now because if you knew that you're one breath away from eternity called hell you'd shut me up you'd get up here you'd get on your knee you say get out of my way stop talking pastor i need to get saved now before something happens [Applause] think about that it's exactly and then first thessalonians 5 9 5 chapters 5 exhortations about his imminent coming for god did not appoint us to wrath that is the wrath of almighty god his vengeance that's coming upon the earth but to obtain salvation through our lord jesus christ that's great news and so in our current global situation church we see an awakening taking place in awakening i don't mean just spiritually in all kinds of ways this is how we know we're living in amazing days when i say awakening bear with me when i say iran persia is awakening china is awakening north korea at this hour is awakening russia is awakening for the last four years these players have been contained by large degree you need to know that so number one we look at this in light of all that's going on and we're seeing saber-rattling we're seeing an awakening all of a sudden of nations listen right now as i speak to you what is today's date the 24th mark your calendar look at jane's defense weekly go to those websites go to some of these websites uh go to the website proceedings by the u.s navy go to some of these websites and read some of the things that are going on and you look around at the world and all of a sudden in the last seven days there's been a bizarre global shift and the players i just mentioned to you a moment ago they were all back like a lion tamer puts a lion back in its corner they were like this they weren't happy they weren't going oh goody look at america's economy it's fantastic oh look at all the people going to church isn't that great they didn't do that they're like this and they were held in place then all of a sudden things have been shaken i'm talking about the hand of god i'm not talking politics here there's a reason for this number one i want you to mark this down what we know for sure is all eyes are on god so that's a huge statement all eyes are not on god this is what i mean by this people are awakening and they're asking questions about god and the end of the world and what's up next there are atheists asking the question people are jarred in a recent poll some 70 of americans thought that we'd be at war within a year with iran persia not because we want to but because of what they're doing isaiah chapter 45 verse 21 says who has declared this from ancient time and who has told it from that time have i not i the lord that there is no other god beside me a just god and a savior there is none besides me notice what he's saying this is the result of that reality that truth verse 22 look to me and be saved all you ends of the earth for i am god and there is no other in the midst of all the shaking that is now beginning to formulate and the posturing it's god's will right now that the world wake up to these things and understand god's in control he knows exactly what's going on it's been said that recent events both in our nation and the world have revealed to us that we are all living an unprecedented time that these times just might be with us for a while nobody wants to hear that but they're starting to make comments they're starting to say things and i've got news articles that i may or may not get to this week but certainly by next week people are beginning to question everything and so we should people are unsettled people are looking for answers and that's what i mean by all eyes are upon god the book of haggai chapter 2 verse 6 and 7 says haggai 2 6 this is what the lord almighty says in a little while i will once more shake the heavens and the earth the sea and the dry land listen he's not he's not poetically speaking here this is not god writing a play he means it i will shake all nations and what is desired by all nations will come that's the hope of the gospel i will fill this house speaking of his temple with glory says the lord almighty god knows what's going on in the nation's church he knows what's going on and there's a healthy and a much needed oh no i'm going to get mail for this there's a healthy and much needed division taking place in what is called church it needs to happen people groups religions this is necessary it's increasing every week we need to remember something that in hebrews 12 28 hebrews 12 28 the bible says therefore since we've received a kingdom which cannot be shaken isn't that great let me interrupt myself right here right now the world is shaking some people are shaking god says wait wait come to me let me hold you let me hold you you don't you don't need to shake your mind don't stop shaking our little dog she never shakes but for some reason last night you know little dogs usually shake she doesn't well she was shaking it's too cold for her so you know what the moment we picked her up and held her about a it had to be you know a minute that she stopped shaking she looked scared but she was cold there are people that are shaking today they're christians they love the lord but doubt and fear has gotten into them and they're shaking and god is saying come here come on come on it's funny because he's saying come here and so you need to let him pick you up and he says listen i'm going to take care of you because my kingdom will never shake but he goes on and the passage that verse in hebrews he goes on and he says this therefore since we have received a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear oh my goodness godly fear is an awesome thing godly fear is godly aw it means awe beautiful for our god is a consuming fire it's the will of god that you come to the saving loving and forgiving knowledge of jesus christ our lord and savior this is the will of god all eyes on god people are beginning to look and so they should very important i think we have a slide under this point is it number four you guys is that what we're looking at new york times may 15th 1948. all eyes on god people say i don't know about all eyes on god wait wait we've mentioned this before we need to mention it again headlines saturday may 15th because saturday may 15th follows friday may 14th may 14th was the day that bible prophecy was fulfilled and the new york times says zionists proclaimed new state of israel truman recognizes it right recognizes it and hopes for peace tel aviv is bombed egypt orders an invasion did you know that israel was attacked one day after they were born they had no army but they won how does that happen god has done this absolutely amazing you say how does that play into anything it plays into everything hear this loud and clear in fact modern-day liberal theologians hear this loud and clear those of you who are embracing replacement theology let me say this to that heresy god does not fulfill every promise he has made to the nation of israel then we christians have no promises at all he said his covenant with israel was everlasting he said i will bring you back from the ends of the earth and place you in your own land once i begin to move you saw the headline evidence of a fact people look at it well that's a nice headline are you kidding me that's bible prophecy fulfilled we'll study it later isaiah 66 but that's a fact you know what's awesome about that headline news you can look at the new york times on saturday may 15 1948 and say isn't god good and my bible's true because if god doesn't keep his promises to israel you ain't got nothing how in the world would you expect to go to heaven well jesus promised me you don't have any promises because if the father can't keep him to israel then what responsibility does jesus have to keep his promises to you thank god he keeps his promises to israel and he shall keep them remember we've been grafted in to what the bible says is the commonwealth of israel we're going to go to heaven because the gospel came to israel first we need to remember that all eyes are on god john's gospel tells us beautiful setting amazing moment by the way in john chapter 4 verse 34. the bible says there and jesus said to them this is his disciples um you know samaria many of us have been to samaria it's not the safest place to be at today it's uh it's under a palestinian rule it's beautiful though the region the topography so jesus is walking along with his disciples and it's time for them to eat and so the disciples go off to buy food and jesus just stays there by himself and the bible tells us that a woman came from the city to get water in in the middle of the day so what does the bible say that i don't know if you guys know this or not respectable women got water in the early morning if you were a prostitute a hooker or just didn't have a good reputation you had to go in the middle of the day when it was hot and you were not seen with other women the other women would not have you be seen with them so this woman coming she's she has a reputation and jesus says to his his disciples after this amazing event because this is where he says to her that you i have water to give you that if you knew you'd be asking me for water because it's kind of a i don't want to get off this but it's kind of a cute moment jesus is standing there and she comes by and she has her pot and he says can you give me a drink no that's a shocker because jews are not allowed to talk to samaritans but jesus was first god before he was a jew and so he says can you give me a drink and she said if you if you knew and obviously i'm paraphrasing right now see why do you ask me for a drink you're a jew and jesus says well the truth is in response to your question regarding worshiping god if you knew who you were speaking to right now you would ask me for a drink and she goes she goes like this you have to get you should look at my face on this one where she goes she says but you have no you have nothing to draw water from the well and it's deep he's she's she's like she doesn't know he is and he makes mention to her why don't you why don't you go get your husband and she goes i don't have a husband and he says oh you're correct you don't you've you've had four or five husbands i forget the number and the man you're living with right now is not your husband and she just went sir i perceive that you are a prophet she takes off and she goes and tells the samaritan citizens i found the messiah and so they all came out the interesting thing about samaritans is that they really really maintained and wore white robes so jesus says to his disciples they've come back and they're going what's going on and look what jesus says to them he says my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work do not say there are still four months and then the harvest comes they're four months away from harvest there wasn't the season for farming so they're like what jesus says behold i say to you look the word behold is look so it's an active are you with me everybody look you guys look you 12. i say to you lift up your eyes and look at the fields for they are already white under harvest he gets them to look at samaria that's located up on the hill the well is down below the the citizens are walking out because this woman said i found the messiah and they all came and jesus said look at them coming this is what paraphrase look at them coming see all that white i know it's still four months away before harvest you're thinking earthly thoughts guys look at that get out your guys get out your nets these people want to be saved look at them coming he's saying that today this is what's happening now never in the history of calvary chapel never in our history for sure have we ever had a saturday morning where you baptized over a thousand people what's going on it's not us and it's not anything that we've planned we're a bunch of bumbling followers of jesus it's that he's moving god is moving and he's moving in the earth and can you not sense a great a great race as it were there's a great race of evil and there's a great race and don't you censor we got to hurry up listen i don't have any promise as to how long i'll be able to keep preaching and i want to hope i hope i'm sensitive to the spirit enough for jack to say or for him to say to jack jack you know what the fields are white under harvest forget about sundays do sundays and do mondays tuesdays wednesday thursday fridays get out there get out there get out there the fields are white people around you need christ all of those that you live with and work with they need jesus remarkable number two if all eyes number one are on god number two is this is the fact that i believe it's clear now that all eyes are off america off of america and i believe this has to be i'm not sure but if there's ever been a time like you and i are living right now in fact i'm pretty confident there is have never been a time like this where the united states in 10 months time went from the pinnacle of power success freedom to the case of crippling fear debilitating confusion the loss of liberty and freedom in such short time it's as though we were invaded by a foreign army we have surrendered we have given up at the first hint or smell of battle we folded we failed to discern the times and the seasons in which we live and which our nation was gasping for air in america as we know it is no more i am not going to divulge who wrote me this i'm just going to read it to you this is in light of the biden administration announcing friday that the military troops in washington will not be going home they will be remaining in position until march they'll be updated we will be updated did you know that this is from a congressman to me personally the initial disproportionate d.c troop presence served multiple purposes the desired appearance of a military police state designed to induce fear into a resisting populace and second to display administrative no-nonsense willingness to use military powers against its citizens now retaining well over now retaining thousands of troops in dc this will continue as the message during the next few months the administration intends to pass declare and implement one anti-democratic transformational decision after another the one-party state isn't kidding around they are swiftly using their unchecked power to their advantage they will first ensure future elections will present no threat to their power base by then they will have recreated the u.s into a docile compliant member of the globalist state that is what biden's campaign theme means when said build back better the basis of american government ruled by the consent of the governed will have been rendered at dinosaur while the rule of law will have little effect protecting individual liberties are we not watching this twitter facebook google government courts chief among these casualties was the loss of rule by the consent of the govern because the people were given little to no true audit of 2020 voting integrity recounting illegal ballots does not equal voting integrity next censorship of individual speech by corporate media and political interest justice is denied today and was denied to hundreds of millions of americans in the 2020 election this began with algorithms from social media globalist conglomerates our government did nothing to protect us from the basic trampling upon of america's unalienable rights it may be too late for a restoration of americans freedoms the lord of heaven's army may have rendered judgment upon our unrepented sin-sick nation as the current one-party state was elected by the corrupt alliance between one political party and corporate global behemoths however there is always a response that pleases and moves the heart of our living savior it is surrender as we surrender our all to jesus we find new joy new hope and we live that's from that's from a politician so i don't want to hear that i understand that but bible teaching prophecy america must go away did you know that america cannot stand as we've known it america's at this moment leaderless national policies been exchanged for socialism human rights number one prevailing argument now the gay agenda the constitution has now been declared a living document you know when there's a living document you can change it that's what that means god bless america we better not say that anymore because i'm going to ask you back what god are you talking about i want to show you something the video guys on the screen i believe it is we ask it in the name of the monotheistic god brahma and god known by many names by many different faiths it's hard to hear a man and a woman wait let's rewind it i'm going to rewind that it's hard it's hard to hear him in the name of the monotheistic god okay in the name of the monotheistic god listen first of all you worship the monotheistic god but with a capital g you and i worship one god i know i don't know if you cut this or not if he's talking about the monotheistic god there's only one his name is yah or yahweh amen this guy just took the name of god and committed one of the most high-handed treasonous acts against the god of heaven listen rewind it again you guys and listen carefully you're going to hear him call the god of the bible brahma i'll explain brahman he's asking the name of the monotheistic god brahma and god known by many names by many different faiths and a woman [Music] the god known by many different faiths that's not true that's not true ask listen brahma is the birth brahma is the creator of hinduism this guy nobody who check nobody's checking this this is the man i had the high honor of standing right where he's at one day i got to open up congress just like he did one time i was terrified i was terrified about fumbling god's name fumbling i was terrified he stands there and he says an absolute theological uh impossibility hinduism is not monotheistic you know what he's talking about did the pastor recovery chapel say that that guy doesn't know he's talking about read my lips that guy does not know what he's talking about brahma is not jehovah brahma is not yahweh of the bible [Applause] it's at the name of jesus the bible says that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father you say what's your point my point is eyes all eyes off america because america has jettisoned god for decades and god has left the building he's finally left he's out he's gone ichabod is written across it when our government now says in god we trust you don't know who they're talking about and i'm not making any of this up it's absolutely amazing to me this is brahma this is the current god that apparently will be presiding over and protecting america for the next four years i guess huh this is it that's it it's so unable to do what you need it to do that you've got to bring flowers and put it in his hands you've got to maintain it and take care of it it's got to be crafted with multi-faces to convince you that somehow this thing sees all when the god of the bible is omnipresent omniscient omnipotent and spirit if you think that i'm being harsh right now we're all eyes off america then let me ask you this do our leaders today approve of the fact of me you us praying publicly in the name of jesus do our current leaders today allow us to say speak freely preach and teach the bible without censorship they are endorsing the new gods that manage social media worlds there's a handful of men four i think total maybe five at the most four for sure who are basically running the world and they have the power to shut down any leader around the world that says anything about them isn't it funny i i quit twitter and that's fine i was going to get thrown off eventually anyway but i quit twitter so uh no word from twitter on that i just quit twitter and i didn't expect to hear a word back but someone has recreated me and they're ripping off thousands of people all over the globe being me i'm saying all kinds of things you can't tell it's not me so when we raise the issue this week to twitter twitter says we don't we don't edit parody we we've concluded that them mimicking you jack is parody and we're not going to remove it you can't believe anything on social media people are saying i can't believe you said this and i have no way of commenting back and this guy is me this guy took my photos he's he's took the the the followers and he's talking to them and twitter says that's just fine with us they can govern the world when they control communication america all eyes off america the fact of the matter is we have lost our position i can't believe what time it is there's no way that that's what the clock says listen i'm going to finish this in seven minutes lord you have seven minutes to come again no i'm kidding [Music] psalm chapter 2 verse 4. sorry i'm going to give you this psalm made me feel better at the time makes me feel better even now psalm chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 he who sits in the heavens shall laugh can you imagine god's laughing at mark zuckerberg god is laughing at dorsey he's laughing at bill gates bill gates thinks he's managing the world and god's going god laughs he he who sits in the heavens shall laugh the lord shall hold them in derision then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure god's not happy that's why judgment's coming i believe others i believe america is in a state of judgment now everything about it smells judgment national judgment not you national judgment which god owes the nations and he owes to america persecution is coming it's already started it is my heart's desire we're working right now trying to gather i'll just let the cat out of the bag right now one of our brother pastors in san jose california mike mcclure is standing for the truth he's been sued by the county he's that he's been last week he just escaped jail time for preaching the gospel in san jose the silicon giants hate him and they want him destroyed he's the only church standing and he's i think they're approaching close i don't know the hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for being open in america god's eyes are off america the world may be looking at us watching us sink god's eyes are off and so you can pray please and get the word out i'm going to send out a note to our calvary chapel brothers across the united states pastors of the of their churches and if all of us pitched in we can help them get out of their situation if we pitched in listen not only prayer but they're going to need money and we're going to help them if nobody else does but listen the truth of the matter is we need to stand for one another because our freedoms are gone i told charlie kirk off camera you don't know this part he was saying a comment before he came out last thursday night and i said charlie you're making me laugh he said what are you talking about i said you're talking like you're talking like an old-school american man what do you mean i said you just cited like three reasons why the constitution would do this for us i said i think it bled out i think it bled out recently and we just woke up to it you don't have first amendment rights anymore we will preach the gospel we will stand but we live in an age of persecution but always persecution backfires because salvation sweeps cities counties states and nations when this takes place next slide you guys u.s decline of christianity continues at rapid pace is the headlines there a pew form analysis shows you by the way i'd love for you to google this this was october 17 2019. if you googled that for your own this page is huge with pew research data as to what's going on but the beautiful thing about it is you can turn that whole page upside down regarding us flip the numbers where the word of god is being taught and not apologized for when people have the opportunity to be adults and live their life with the fear of god rather than fear of government a church explodes so that data doesn't apply to us you wonder why there's a revival taking place here you're going to leave in a moment and a whole new church is going to come to second service the place will be packed out and then they're going to leave in a whole new church are going to come to third service and it's going to pack out why because god's on the move listen you and i may not have america anymore but we've got god we've got jesus christ i want to leave you with this and i am ending just let this watch over you luke 12 35 jesus says let your waist be girded means get ready and your lamp's burning and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master blessed are those servants whom the master when he comes will find them watching therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming in an hour that you do not expect isn't that awesome revelation 22 verse 7 jesus said behold i'm coming quickly blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book revelation 22 12 jesus said and behold i'm coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to this or to his work revelation 22 20 jesus said surely i am coming quickly he's coming internationally the missionary window is closing it's almost shut but god is opening up other doors that also is an indicator that we are in such remarkable short days these things must come but know this that text i got from that congressman the things that we're seeing in our nation and the new god that presides over america if you believe in a living true eternal god he doesn't sit idle and no nation on earth has been as blessed as this nation we owed him our thanks and praise in our obedience we have failed him as a nation and it's time now as the prophet said to reap the whirlwind that doesn't have to be true for you personally god judges the sins of nations but if you're a believer in the lord jesus christ your sin was judged at the cross see when he comes back he comes back as the conquering king over the nations you've already settled your issue with him because you received him first as savior today i want to ask you spiritually as we in fact you can stand i want to ask you this in a spiritual sense if today you could be seen in the spirit realm when angels look at you what do they see do they see you personally marked by the salvation of god as it were in the crowd does does an angel or angels or demons or devils looking down do they see you marked with the protective seal of god's salvation in christ jesus yes if some of you are not sure you need to change that now this word will never fail you need to make sure that your life is right with god because our dear friends you've heard it a thousand times here the answer is not in the state house or in the white house the answer's in god's house and you need to hear this answer that's in god's house jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father he died on the cross for your sins personally he rose again from the dead to justify you because he loves you and he loves you even if you don't love him he still loves you but don't don't let the clock run out on that kind of twisted relationship don't let it run out love him return such love by surrendering your life to him well hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 274,662
Rating: 4.9437947 out of 5
Keywords: real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs futures, jack hibbs end times prophecy, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs sermons, jack hibbs teaching, jack hibbs ezekiel 38
Id: VffLubRUL74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 53sec (4073 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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