Bible Prophecy - Happening Now with Don Stewart (May 2020)

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so I want you to stand where you're at just go ahead and stand wherever you may be in your living room or in your office wherever you're joining us and I want you to give a warm welcome to a great friend of warrior of truth and our resident genius and that is the apologist the author of the speaker amazing man Don Stewart so let's welcome Don and the crowd goes crazy we can hear them cheering so I'm sure I'm sure dried back for them exactly they're the heroes you know aren't they yeah they absolutely are in more ways than one many Jim and so um so let's get into this okay let's take a seat and we're gonna do something a little bit different and that is that we're we're gonna pick a topic we've already picked it in fact we picked it a little while ago we did and the topic is the Antichrist and before we get going tonight I want to read this passage of Scripture and it's out of extra left my place it's okay I remember it's Zechariah 11 okay and then Zechariah 11 there's it seems to be a very cryptic prophecy they're done and it says woe to the idle Shepherd mmm-hmm and it begins to give a description of something that happens to this one that the Bible calls the idle shepherd and when you begin to study that zechariah 11 i'm going by memory this is very sad but it's there somewhere that's in the Old Testament it's yeah it's in the Old Testament no but Zechariah chapter 11 and if you'd start somewhere around verse 4 the scripture there goes in and says woe to the idle Shepherd that leaves the flock and most biblical eschatology understand that to be a reference regarding yet one of the many references regarding the idle shepherd known as the Antichrist and so when we talk about done everybody wants to talk everybody's wondering my goodness we're talking about vaccines would that I mean I've been told the vaccine is going to be the mark of the beast and the Antichrist must be living in sepulveda right now I mean it's just off the wall pandemonium look I'm not mocking vaccines and I'm not mocking the presence of the Antichrist the guy should the guy could be totally alive right now walking around the point is this remember church never panic we don't need to panic never the the Lord has given us his word so when we talk tonight about the Antichrist we're gonna stay on that topic and you're gonna have a chance to ask questions you'll be able to text your questions and you'll see the number on the screens and so we'll stay on topic but dawn as we get as we now begin to get into this where should we begin regarding this man this I almost want to call him a thing but he's a man's man if you he's a man that's gonna be possessed by Satan yes and let's begin now to just kind of have Table Talk who is this guy why should we even care we should care jack because apart from Jesus Christ he's mentioned more than any other person the Bible believe it or not the whole final Antichrist ur we need to start in the second chapter of Daniel if I may okay in Daniel chapter 2 if you recall the account King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has this dream and never can answer he knows it means something it's troubling him but he doesn't know what it means so he calls the wise men the soothsayers of Babylon and he says I want you to tell me what I dreamt and what it meant because he's thinking about the future after he's gone his kingdom and that what's gonna take place and they say well King sure tell us what you dreamt and we'll tell you what it meant he says no no that's not how it works you people have an insight you know to the heavenly person to just whatever they may be you tell me what I dreamt and tell me what I meant no nobody there's nobody on earth that can do something like this so Nebuchadnezzar gets mad basically off with the heads of all of them the word gets to Daniel Daniel again is in that cast a group of people but not in the higher cast as it were and he tells the person who is his supervisors just wait I'm gonna pray I'm God and God gave him not only the interpretation but the actual dream so he comes into King Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadnezzar says you're the one who can interpret dreams dances oh no no man can do this the Daniel 228 yet there's a God in heaven right who knows the future so what happened was Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream of four successive kingdoms Gentile kingdoms before the kingdom of God comes to the earth he's the first Babylon the second one is medo-persia who conquered Babylon we read that in Daniel chapter 5 the third Kingdom is Greece which conquered medo-persia and the fourth is Rome so four successive kingdoms then the kingdom of God comes to earth the first three kingdoms will be conquered the fourth will not the fourth will fall apart but the fourth Kingdom in the last days Daniel 2:44 says in the last days they'll be ten Kings in this last Kingdom which are the old Roman Empire will be put back together in the modern Roman Empire will be revived and in those days the kingdom of God will come to earth now we fast-forward to Daniel chapter 7 where Daniel gets a vision of the same four kingdoms during the time of that reassembled kingdoms the Lord will come to naught through that Kingdom he will send a stone from heaven uncovered correct and he will the kingdom of God comes to earth in the person that came this is the second coming of Christ I'm trapped so the second coming of Christ will be in the day when this revived Roman Empire the final phase the last phase of this fourth kingdom takes place and so that's the answer to before God's kingdom comes to earth Babylon medo-persia Greece Rome didn't know revived Roman Empire after Rome falls apart so in Daniel 7 Daniel gets a vision of the same four kingdoms but he sees them to these horrible beasts and the whole emphasis and the interest is on the fourth kingdom they're the one in great detail Rome and were told this in those days there'll be 10 Kings and out of that will come a king a little horn who will basically subdue you know eventually three of them and will be the leader of this kingdom this final world rule before the Lord Jesus Christ come to earth we see the same ten kings and kingdoms mentioned the book of Revelation so it's that little horn that were introduced to basically in Daniel chapter seven Jack would kind of give us the intro of that who is this final Antichrist the one that's coming who will be there ruling at the time when the kingdom of God comes to earth so we need a ten nation Confederation in Western Europe the revival of the Roman Empire for this leader to lead that so that is sort of how we're introduced to him now there many types of Antichrist in scriptures for many we go back to you know new murad there in the book of Genesis Pharaoh of Egypt Amalek you've got King Saul you've got Goliath you've got Alexander the Great who's predicted he's in in Scripture and Tychus the fourth who is the best picture of the final Antichrist and and so bottom line is Jesus remember he said this Jack I've come in my father's name you haven't received me another will come in his own name him you will receive this this is the prediction and the word though Antichrist only comes from two books in the New Testament first and second John's used four times and here's the key first John 2:18 many Antichrist have already come but Antichrist is coming there is a personal final Antichrist who is coming he will be the you know the final Antichrist the coming Caesar who will rule the world for a short period of time before the second coming of Jesus Christ but he's really first introduced in Daniel chapter 7 as that little horn and as we go through the Old Testament in the New Testament it's developed I love what you just said omona go first John 2:18 little children is that beautiful yeah it is the last hour I love John John last days last hour last hour this is it yeah and as you have heard so there's a rumor going around yeah that Antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come exactly by which we know that it is the last hour it's a fascinating declaration because we've made mention of this before and our get-togethers Satan doesn't understand all things scripture he knows a lot but he doesn't know he's he always has to have for every generation for every year every decade he's got to have a man sure does uh in in the wings wait in the wings isn't it amazing got his jersey just no he's got his name on the back exactly or Lucifer's buddy or something Louis jr. but of all of these things and you know we make light of it but I love with dr. at Heinsohn says he says you know God didn't give us prophecy to scare us but to prepare us right and he said I I'm not looking for the Undertaker I'm looking for the upper taker I love it and he's looking for Jesus Christ not the Antichrist and I live in a de jure day right now where a lot of churches or denominations may be on they don't know Bible prophecy and so they make light of the things we're talking about in other words they don't believe in a literal Antichrist to come and I can't think of a more effective way to be deceived before we even get started exactly if John tells us watch out because the spirit of Antichrist is afoot then that would be the answer to all these aberrant doctrines and strange things done in the name of either religion and/or Christ so what what about let's let's let's go into this where the current scenario in the world today with all of the things that have come from this covet shut down mm-hmm I'm impressed with the level of confusion and this I know that's a strange thing to say but I'm actually impressed by the level of confusion it's it's a warning sign to me I'm also impressed with how many people have forsaken their faith during this time yes and I'm very sad to report that I've heard some people say I thought Jesus was going to come and get us out here before this stuff happens I don't know where they got that idea either but I'm also encouraged by how many people who didn't know Jesus have come to Jesus amen and then thirdly there's there's a part where I'm impressed where you see the true church getting ready and you see what I'm just gonna call at least a carnal church still playing as Vance Havener said yeah they're playing marbles with diamonds right now where they don't see it they're not recognizing this and so done what would you say to somebody who's listening us right now we're talking about the Antichrist we're going to talk about him the entire time and what do you say to somebody says our chibis wasting your time this is ridiculous really a real devil a real Antichrist move on from that what would you say to them I would say this Jack Jesus was tempted by the devil you know there's a 40-day time when he was in the wilderness the devil tempted him he was speaking to somebody wasn't speaking to himself he was speaking to a personal being the Bible talks about a personal being who was once an anointed cherub who was in the presence of God probably the most beautiful creation that God had ever made he's not an angel he's above the Angels he's like the Big Cheese the highest created being and he rebelled against God Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28 five times he said I will be like God I will you know ascend to heaven this and that and so he's always wanted worship and so here's the deceiver of Nations we meet him in the Garden of Eden we meet him various places in scripture and we also meet him at the time of the end because he is part of the unholy trinity of himself the Antichrist and the false prophet and so what is interesting too to answer one of your questions along that line jack why we believe in him when the Christ comes back the seventh second time he will take the Antichrist and the false prophet and send them to the lake of fire to be punished now you don't punish an enigma you don't punish an idea the idea yeah exactly you don't punish a thought you'd plenty a person right a genuine person and what we when we read about this individual he's a person that comes on the scene along with his cohort the false prophet he will the false prophet who will have caused the world to worship Him and they'll say the people say who is like the Beast there's none like him going back to Daniel chapter 7 and then later in Daniel we explained about me as a mouth speaking great things he's called all these evil names in that but the bottom line is the Bible assumes him to be an actual person who will come on the scene of history who hasn't appeared yet now it's interesting in the early church for the first couple of centuries they believed in a literal coming of an anti they believed a person was coming over and over again they talked about someday the antivirus will come back city of jerusalem actually met him thought he had helped rebuild the temple and then he will you know defile that and then Christ will come back and set up his kingdom so what's something this is not new with us in other words that just happened 21st century you know I just didn't come up with the idea the other day this is something that's been believe in personal Antichrist it's there in Scripture and so the fact that God gives us so much information about this person to me I've got I got one message I do on the Antichrist only one people asked me to talk about it I compared Jesus Christ and the Antichrist here's what you're supposed to be like here's what you're not supposed to be like and it's a great comparison there because Jesus was humble this person's arrogant as Jesus looked at others this person was self-absorbed and on and on and on so there's a definite person because Jesus again in John 5 said he another one is coming in his own name him you will receive I came in the name of God the Father you rejected me but there is one coming and Paul warns about that in second Thessalonians 2 when he comes to the temple of God claims to be God so when we put the totality of Scripture dead together Jack we get quite a big picture this final coming Antichrist my goodness we've often talked about how scripture and I know you and I have a little bit different view on this and that's totally fine and I've confessed my views radical regarding 2nd Thessalonians where it talks about the deception that's going to come and people will who have rejected the word will be open to the lie the point is right now we've watched the world almost willingly go into a panic mode yes I that caught me off guard in a matter of days wasn't even a week in a matter of days the entire globe sat in front of their TV waiting for someone for example like Anthony ouchy yes to say something and without it being checked without it being verified it was immediately implemented watch this without legislative duties no Congress Senate right no executive order of the president the man would say something listen I'm not beating up on Falchi he's he's been beat up enough the thing is this he said something we didn't even know who he was but this the atmosphere prepared everyone in America and in the world to hear the authority right correct this guy comes on with a microphone who's he we don't care he's gonna say something and he says either be he originally said stay six feet apart or wear a mask a lot of people don't regard that stay six feet apart or wear a mask and then like in a week later or less it became you have to wear a mask and stay six feet apart there's all just been by dynamic changing my point is whatever he said people got in line to do it exactly and I just thought that was unbelievably strange now maybe it's maybe that's an American thing where I thought that's weird or maybe it's a little bit of a test or like a dress rehearsal a dress rehearsal if that can happen with a guy who is not charismatic he didn't have anything to do with our finances except actually kind of crashed them every time you think with his mouth check this out the stock market would go only about 500 points down whenever he stopped the market would go up but that's not what I'm talking about but this guy there's a guy coming on the scene that Don has correctly said the Bible tells us the Book of Daniel again that he is going to deep deceive the world through peace and prosperity if that's true then it presupposes the need in the world is peace and prosperity right so this guy's going to come on the scene and he's going to give you answers apparently the world's gonna be in the time of panic at that time and that's why he's going to be so attractive on top of it the guy unless I'm wrong correctly seriously I'm probably maybe I'm wrong on this do we understand from Scripture will he be simply satanic ly manipulated or will he be possessed you think yes that's a good question it seems he might be possessed because there seems to be a death and a resuscitation not a resurrection resuscitation we need we need make the difference distinction between yeah and so because remember they're not only gonna worship him they're gonna worship the devil - so he's got it he's cool partnering with the devil I look at it this way like you mention every generation has to have a when waiting in the wings Satan didn't know who he is God knows who he is right and so what's gonna happen when the Lord takes the church out I believe he's gonna tap this character on the shoulder and say okay I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world just look at him here they are if you just worship me and this is for that but yeah we've heard that before but this guy's gonna accept it you know you're gonna be the world ruler dissent so the arrogance that's there and he won't have it for a while he won't have that you know Wilson literally sell his soul to the devil as it were and it'll have you know extraordinary ability my friend great how Lindsey was talking about in when he was growing up during World War two and he said he used to listen as a young kid to the radio broadcasts in Germany said I don't even speak German but it was mesmerizing hearing Hitler just the way he could speak the orator the rhetorical ability had to move a nation and House said Hitler's gonna look like a stammer an idiot compared to this final Antichrist he will have an ability is to make people believe in him this is the man we've been looking for this is the one who's gonna set everything straight and also to look whether this cohort the false prophet he's a miracle worker so who needs Jesus we have someone who is even better and he will have answers he will bring peace which assumes what like you said no peace in the world he'll bring prosperity which assumes a time of non prosperity for a while and so he is the one that the rider on the white horse it looks like the final answer to everything but actually he is the one possessed by the devil himself and will bring about the worst time on earth the world has ever seen now Don people who are not familiar with either demonism or scripture or that form of doctrine and manifestation they might be thinking oh come on dawn and Jack you're talking about some knuckle-dragging wolf man Fang blood dripping scary show no no no we're talking about I now I'm gonna speculate a little bit but I'm not too far off Satan is no dummy not at all he's smart enough he's an expert at temptation yes okay so when she when Satan showed up originally I can only assume because you know we'd like to beat up Eve thinking I never would have fallen for that oh come on Eve is she was perfect perfect she's in the garden no dummy no and this one who came to her it wasn't that it was the serpent that was the issue Eve didn't say Oh Adam a snake she had no problem with it right she didn't have a problem with the thing talking not at all but what I'm guessing pure speculation that when that snake opened its mouth and how it spoke the tone of its voice the things that it says have you ever been in a situation where the way the temptation came was so almost you're powerless to this yeah now of course you you are not but it's a lying spirit to deceive you yeah and of course Satan says through the serpent oh just take of this fruit you'll be wise you'll be you'll see you know the power and the knowledge you'll have and all the things that appealed to the flesh he's gonna come on the scene and he's gonna offer to this man and to the world through the man and I always get creeped out about this maybe I miss thinking about this too much but he's gonna the Antichrist is gonna stand in Jerusalem and he's going to demand that he be worshipped as God and never he's gonna go yeah and I see this man that has kind of been hollowed out and behind his eyes are these red set of eyes so to speak and Satan in this really perverse manner because he couldn't get it from Jesus it didn't work he's done it to mankind ever since but finally he's manipulated the system and this and this human and he's looking through the eyes of a human and he's like oh boy they're finally worshiping me in real they're really not no and this is I find this fantastic Satan has to deceive people he has to pimp them yep to get his warped sick fill of worship it's all wrong it's so twisted but he's gonna think it's fantastic and Satan himself the lies will come upon Satan himself but this man's gonna be one who friends Lou when he speaks when he shows up unless you're a tribulation Saint that has the Holy Spirit in you you're gonna be deceived yeah you will think this guy's the greatest thing since since fish tacos I mean you're just not even gonna flinch this guy's the best and it's part of his grand deception on top of the fact it seems to me don't correct me but it seems to me when I look at the totality of what might be the seven year period of time looking at portions of Matthew 24 portions of Luke 21 portions of Mark 13 that not only is going to be the Antichrist but it seems like there's gonna be a lot of Antichrist yes running around doing signs and wonders and I'm wondering if they're gonna as it were tip the hat in allegiance to him saying oh you know our grand leader I don't know but deception is nothing to be played with and so take us into the next thing where do we go with this guy what do we pick up okay what happens is he comes on the scene and he comes on sort of innocuous as almost someone you don't expect like Clark Kent turning into Superman is kind of one of the illustrations I use it's like he's the last guy you think it's gonna be this but all of a sudden he starts speaking and he starts bringing people together this year just ten nation Confederation in Europe he becomes the leader of it and he has powers two economic powers he has powers in so many different areas to make things right to have the answer it's that nobody else has had and so as he's there people will follow and here's the thing jack - because human nature wait let's hate to say it once to rebelled against God don't wait we have a works we've got a sinful nature we want definitely something to substitute so he's the substitute in other words you don't need Jesus look he's gone spent 2,000 years you got me now this is the answer and he's able to do things signs and lying wonders the Bible says and you're right the people will be just so set for it so deceptive because he does it in such a way he will mesmerize people he will just say it so correctly because members second Corinthians 11 says he comes as an angel of light he's not coming with some guy with a pitchfork of nowhere no red underwear nor pitchfork no ugly face he's like everything beautiful you would expect like the perfect specimen most likely the perfect words he acts like he cares about everybody he's concerned he listens but he has answers Wow why did we think of that so it's like it's almost like a human caricature that what we always kind of project we'd expect someone to come on the scene and do it but we'd never had that we have with Jesus but they rejected him but people who don't want to believe in Jesus here is their answer and one of the things he will do is persecute the two groups that are going to be Percy at the time of the end the Jews and the Christians because these are the two groups that the scripture says will not only exist at the time of the end but will be pursued by this character dawn define who the Jews are that would warrant or Genesis this persecution so define what what kind of Jew and explain what kind of Christian is this whole Christian what kind of a Christian at that period of time great okay the Jews are the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob they are back in the land they just said their seventy-second say Oh Dunn is that even true did the Jews live back in their land oh they sure did and they came back and just as the Bible said four thousand years ago in fact God made the promise to man named Abram we promised a people that would exist forever a land that would be theirs forever his name would be recognized forever and we've seen that be fulfilled literally now some four thousand years later they're back on the land after being removed a second time in coming back never in the history of the human race as a nation didn't remove once and come back they've removed been removed twice once for seventy years once for 1,900 years both times prophesied now at the time of the end we read in the book of Revelation that the Jews Revelation chapter 12 will be persecuted by this beast by this coming I Christ and also the believers in Christ will be persecuted - now that's a unique group of people Jack called the tribulation Saints they believed in Jesus now and they made the mistake of not believing him before this but thankfully God and His graciousness allows people to believe in so bottom line is is what's gonna take place is that there's gonna be the persecution of these two people groups but again like we've said before let's take a step back and think about this this is mentioned 2000 years ago by Jesus even farther back in that in the Old Testament that assumes at the time of the end there will be Jews and there will be Christians still on the earth can you imagine how ridiculous that must have sounded in the first century when Jesus is telling his disciples it's about the time of the end a small little band of people their leaders about to be crucified put to death every leader every Messiah that's ever come on the scene when that person died one of two things happened the movement fell apart or someone took his place with the exception of Jesus no one ever took his place and never fell apart but he's predicting the time of the end and think and he said things are gonna happen but he assumed his followers would be existing at the time of the end two thousand years ago he predicted that when he died just a little small group of followers and then the Jewish people think about this Jack we've just seen three short years after the end of the Second World War where six million Jews were put to death the modern State of Israel was formed and here they are today front and center center stage on the earth that you know the spotlights on them just like the Bible says because scripture talk is about events at the time of the end they don't really deal with Jews but they deal with the country of Israel Armageddon they meet there in the ballads of Israel and valley Megiddo there they're right there the Temple in Jerusalem the Mount of Olives where Jesus comes back so they're gonna be front and center - now how in the world can that happened by chance and just can't can it this has to be divine you know prophecy that's exactly what I'm hearing you right now and I've I've studied I agree with everything you said not because you said it but because the word says exactly and that's what's brought us together and now as you're speaking I'm thinking how in the world can someone not believe exactly yeah what is your argument I don't believe why I mean seriously well you know I had a pastor that upset me I'll get over that get over them that has nothing to a Jesus and his word I'm it's absolutely spectacular it is it's just that alone should be mind boggling that there's an assumption ezekiel 38:8 at the time of the end the jews come back to their ancient homeland after being gone for a long period of time to a country that's been devastated by war they build it back to the place where they have great wealth where they'll be attacked by other nations that's where they're at right now it's exactly what's taken place they're back AG land devastated by war they build it up to the 8th most powerful nation in the world and yet this is predicted in scripture the Christians again the most persecuted group in the world Jack in a religious matter is Christians 80% of persecution in the world and are and religious wise is against Christians Bible believing Christians we're still here we've had more people die in the 20th century than the first 19 centuries combined as Christians that is right and the 21st century is even ahead of them the toll and the night and the 20th century and yet we're still here right that is correct if you want to watch those numbers by the way that Don just talked about the best thing you know the best that it can be recorded because there sometimes it takes a while as you can imagine that the report does get out of a of a forbidden land that's destroying Christians but you can go I believe it's opened doors org open doors dot org ministry and I do also believe that you can go to oh my goodness it's Richard wome Brandt oh I'm drawing a blank tortured for Christ a good writer listen for Christ oh I'm sorry I'll be thinking maybe the the ministry will come they also keep a running meter of reported reports of martyrdom right all right right now in the 21st century but Don's exactly correct it's growing there's a growing number and a lot of people in the West who are not keeping a pulse on that think oh you know what you know there's the West they don't understand there's nothing there's there's no you know endtime things happening oh my goodness get your eyes beyond the borders of America you know by the way you won't be disappointed long because persecution is certainly stirring in in America but yeah it's funny though done you know like everyone we have blind spots and Satan has a blind spot total and one of the blind spots with Satan is either instigating allowing endorsing persecution every time persecution breaks open in world history Satan loses yep did you know that it's amazing every time persecution happens the church grows in strength numbers and depth I'm convinced that either Satan's dumb do it or he can't handle it but for whatever reason it never goes well when the church is persecuted for Satan which is kind of cool yeah I don't think he can help himself I really don't think you know what you're right yeah because I tell you what we're watching things I'm not gonna get down this road better we're watching political things happen in our nation and I just had this conversation with someone in a different genre this way that evil doesn't have self-control no none so it always over plays its hand right evil gets on excited cuz it's like well they're making some headway now and it gets so excited and impressed with itself that it winds up just just bills everything out and then it becomes obvious and we're watching things even happen you know now in our governments and all but remarkable so can you just kind of rundown I'm not putting on the subway sir by the way everybody this is totally unscripted so totally be nice in fact I didn't know wise doing this until two days ago you know that right I do know this and so guess what my wife Lisa justifiably looked at me and said you told him right did you get hold of Dawn oh yeah I'm sure he just needs to read his text I text them so I started looking through the text that's okay I didn't text it that's er you know what I text him here it just never made it to here well it's interesting this is the first Wednesday I had free in the last month you know so I had it free I was supposed to go to the dentist today so you saved me for that but anyway your teeth are non-essential now that's true 265 million people in the world right now live and under persecution as two and sixty-five million Christians live under persecution in the world you're right evil it's not logical it's irrational we think it's gonna be rational we think this character who rebelled against God I'll think of it this way jack if you're a creative being and you Ravel against your creator that's not really a smart move in the beginning that's kind of irrational at big but something else is driving this personnage remember it says in the book of Revelation he knows his time is short at the time the end - doesn't he doesn't repent even after being when Christ comes back he puts him in this bottomless pit EJ listen for a thousand years he lets him go and he still does it don't you think he'd come out of his room sand yo I'm so sorry no he comes out of his room swinging yeah what Annie well obviously yeah he is he is it is the personification of evil and see that's where we kind of get lost cuz we can't understand it it doesn't make sense to us but evil doesn't make sense it's not wrapped rational it's not logical and this person is acts non sensible as brilliant as he is probably you know it's smarter than any of us we know that of this anointed cherub works on the other hand he comes as an angel of light he's gonna bring this Antichrist as an angel of light but at the end of the day like that he's gonna make mistakes he cannot help himself and as Tertullian in the second century said one of the early church fathers the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church every time one of us died someone picks up the flag and two more people come forward and preach the gospel of Christ Jesus said in Matthew 16 I'm gonna build my church and the gates of Hades not gonna stop it so that's what we see going on so persecution always grows you know believers we're told and I don't know how they get this number as many as 38% jack of the people of North Korea are Bible believing Christians with all the persecution that goes on and in that country the fastest-growing Church in the world today is the church in Iran believe it or not right and so so God is working in ways in places we think there's no way they can believe they do believe because God cares about everybody and so that's the sorts of things we're seeing right now today I love what you said we've said it before I have I have a friend that is connected with the CIA and we've mentioned this before in previous programs with what you just said and guess what you mentioned Iran and Iran as Don said cuz earlier earlier in this decade it was China and who knows it maybe I don't know but China was the fastest growing right and then and words started coming out of Iran and when we're talking about word coming out of Iran we're talking about for example missionaries that we support that are that are in that part of the world and in what's amazing is where there's no Bibles and there's no internet you know who's showing up Jesus these Muslims are saying I'm a Christian today were you a Muslim last night I know Jesus appeared to me I saw him we know I'll just say that we know people in other in another Middle East country very big it's part of the endtime nations of the Ezekiel battle we have missionaries in that country we can't disclose where and who they are they they share Jesus with people yes and people are getting healed at the giving of the gospel of Christ on the street of this massive metropolitan Muslim City miracles are taking is really doubt it well that's why you're not seeing any miracles and you probably have a Bible on your desk that you could read they don't and they're hearing the gospel and these missionaries we spoke to them yeah these missionaries said no Jesus is real Jesus is true and I noticed you're limping or I noticed you let's pray and they would pray and the guy would be healed and the guy says I want to follow Jesus too just like the book of Acts absolutely amazing yeah I got it so excited about that I forgot what I was gonna ask you what is let me tell you another story on that right now as we are doing this people are listening in English and translating into Farsi for the Iranian people there's underground meetings right now in Iran hearing what you and I are saying right now in real time as you and I are here right now people are hearing this in Chinese exactly yeah 100 million Christians in China that's why we always call it the Chinese Communist Party you know coronavirus not to China because China's got a hundred million plus Christians in fact there's great stories already come out of China of Christians giving their lives to help people preach the gospel during this whole epidemic that's there I got it it came back to me so you mentioned Iran and a friend that's that's a pet whatever and he he told he told me he said listen we've been watching Iran and whenever somebody downloads something the CIA knows that of course and Iran doesn't download the most thing downloaded is not porn yep that's America yeah sad to say sadly it's not porn in Iran it's Charles Stanley it's Michael Youssef it's Don Stewart Jackie it's I don't know about that but it's it's a Bible Bible yeah and then the coronavirus you know they got hit hard very Iran what happened the largest download of biblical content ever recorded the CIA monitored those downloads Bible what does it tell you it tells you that the Lord is coming back it tells you that there is that hunger to know the truth and even though we are fallen creatures there's that I think the old word is effervescent there is a leftover now you know somebody like John Lennox would say it's that effervescent is human consciousness where science cannot explain consciousness that it's it's it's us it's what's left of us from being able being once walking with God creating the image of God if people even in Iran and in North Korea and China know that when something's wrong I need to find a Bible is that amazing yeah when something's wrong listen let's be honest and we're gonna hate mail for this but it's absolutely true when someone is in a dilemma no one picks up the Tibetan Book of the Dead no no one goes and buys a Quran with all due respect if you read it have you read the Quran you are not going to get peace and comfort no in assurance out of the Quran you'll go to the Bible and we're seeing this happen in the world all around the world right now where do you want to pick up regarding this man this person the Antichrist all right the world right now and this is something I read us interesting story today to put it what we talked about the last time because remember what has to happen in Europe they have to have a 10-day ssin Confederation I don't have ten nations now then about thirty and we talked about the last time the EU will have to dissolve and they will have to you know come back together with a digital currency most likely and also with attend nation group because they got way too many now write an interesting story today I did on his channel about a writer saying why did Western Europe almost like commit suicide during when this Chinese Communist Party coronavirus it they saw how other nations reacted they almost welcomed but they they acted irrationally and it's almost like the blinders were there jack to destroy what they've tried to create to put something else in its place because he's saying Eastern Europe didn't do this Australia to do this New Zealand didn't do this Israel didn't do this u.s. didn't do us but Western Europe it's almost like you know her coming Harry Caray or suicide why and I'm thinking I tell you why because things have to change for this that yeah we've got it we've got to take this thirty nations and get it back to it to get it to ten so these things can take place but again as we read them Daniel chapter two same chapter these ten nations are iron mixed with clay they don't adhere there they're in this Confederation the last days but you know they're different nations different backgrounds different history different traditions and so they they get along but they don't get along but they're in the Roman Empire and this man puts them all together and you know he rules with an iron hand but with a globalist perspective and that's what we're looking at right now we talked about this before Gordon Brown the failed Prime Minister of the UK and March 26 said what we need is a committee just of a few people to run the whole world this is gonna be a we get politically economically medically and all that so we don't have all these different countries given this answer in that answer because we need to work together here with this pandemic that's going on and bring us into the future that's exactly what's gonna happen because we were read revelation 13 there's only two people in the committee the false prophet and the final Antichrist you know this is a side note maybe not but George Soros yep George Soros said I don't believe in God but if there was a god I'm him I thought lightning was gonna go through the TV and get him you know get his time remember a day with the Lord is like a thousand years a thousand years like one day so it's the clocks are slowly ticking with him the amazing thing is that kind of attitude yeah is I'm not saying George Soros talking to your officer but that kind of attitude to where you look around and you say there's no God it's interesting the people who declare that they're very much like God over their own life in the lives of others around them and you've got the the George Soros attitude of I don't believe in God but if there was a good I am God yeah so he's going to say that he's going to come I'm just gonna say you and it it worked in the beginning yeah it's gonna it's Solomon said people just repeat I mean history repeats itself I'm making this up right now obviously but hmm say might be thinking Eve filth for it I'm gonna do it again I am going to play upon their weakness they are very prone to power they are very prone to self-aggrandizement and they love control and so I'm gonna offer this and according to Satan's observation of the human as CS Lewis calls us the human machine we go for that kind of stuff and even in today's world women swoon over a man of power you know wealth or the guy driving down PCH Pacific Coast Highway here driving down PCH the guy could be as ugly as sin but he's driving a convertible Ferrari what happens to people they lose their mind well this guy's gonna come on the scene with you know a Ferrari so to speak right he's gonna swoon the world when he says something's gonna have answers you don't you think Satan knows how to fix the economies he's not stupid he's a he'll be a grand mathematician he'll be grand at his presentation and you think about how prone we are to this as humans for example look at the winsomeness of the human when it comes to people like and you know you just want to cut a limb is well he's gone now but Ronald Reagan yeah what a reagan opened his mouth and it's just like you would just go you'd want to listen you'd stand there for hours and listen there's people like that that come along in the world and for example I mean I never fell for it I right through this but people went goo-goo-eyed weird over Barack Obama yeah I saw the 2006 speech that he gave at the DNC I saw it and I remember telling Lisa who is this guy why why he's dangerous he's promising everything with with charisma people are a sucker for that stuff if they are hey look odd JFK Jay John F Kennedy when he spoke it was amazing we're just suckers for that kind of stuff and yet this man's gonna come on the scene with it just perfected in a remarkable way so um what's next I should actually steal your book yeah what should we well that's what's mentioned where people can get this for free - we don't want to forget that right that is that always amazes me can you guys can you guys get that you guys this is no little thing 400 pages actually 400 pages it's about an inch and a half in thickness here Don Stewart is authored the book the final antichrist the coming Caesar and it is it's it is absolutely gonna walk you through who is this guy look at these chapter breaks it's absolutely awesome is it possible the Antichrist is alive today that's chapter four or question number 46 how many questions do you have about 50 something like that it is so much questions I could do that if I would just look at it you know it'd probably tell you there in the beginning yep so look at some of these for your study get your hands on this book the final Antichrist and I love this question number seven what are the arguments that the predictions about Antichrist are being fulfilled in history and you talk about the historic view yep there's the futurist view on the futurist get me to a question number nine um well this is really it's exhaustive its extensive it's very very well done and you say it's free well yeah okay not explainable okay we mentioned this last time please our website educating our world dot-com educator you go there there is a little button that says download books I've written 59 books and this is one of them that are there for free downloads we don't want your email address you don't have to sign anything up you just go there and download the books I know since we talked last of another people downloaded all 59 of them we have a number of books on Bible prophecy and one of them is this book called the final Antichrist one of the many books I've written now 31 in print and but 59 altogether written we're working on getting the rest in print but but the idea is we want to share with the world so please shamelessly promote that tonight go and don't not right now wait till this is over download the book and look at it because that answer so many questions we don't have the beginning time to get into is he a Jew is he a Gentile is he alive today could it be a Muslim you know what if the history cuz Caesar Nero the Antichrist what about types of Antichrist those are the prevailing questions of course you know these are the ones people ask and so we go through in great detail and I think you'll really not only enjoy it but the thing that got me in writing the book Jack how big it ended up being I didn't expect it to be this big because of all the issues around this character because of what the scripture says about him the man of sin he's called you know the lawless one he's called the first beast in Revelation chapter 13 as false prophets the second beast he was you know he has so much airtime in scripture to warn people that he is coming and so we need to understand him now we're not gonna see him as Bible believing Christians because he's gonna come up out of obscurity probably if we met him we think this guy not a chance but he will be this mouth speaking great things it's true what you just said I don't know if you guys know that but the Book of Daniel implies or maybe even more than implies that he appears to be this person that you would never pick yep in fact you said it at the beginning he's referred to as the little horn who wants to be called a little horn the Bible tells speaks to us about the ten Kings doesn't even include him in the ten Kings it says oh and by the way those ten Kings I'm paraphrasing now I'm making this up those ten Kings don't get their lights punched out by this little king gonna come up and he's the 11th that says and he will subdue them and it sounds as though he subdues them but there's three agreed three's three that for whatever you know the old tournament are useful idiot you're right it seems as though Satan will use these three to just really establish this the fourth one or the eleventh or this little horn and then the show begins and with all line wonders in deception of Satan does this one come on the scene ladies and gentlemen we have no concept of idea how deceptive that kind of power is the world has not seen it to that degree you look at the manipulation for example the tactics of Adolf Hitler I don't know if you excuse me if you know that well first of all Adolf Hitler was not attractive physically not at all no so you'd look at easy what plus his upbringing was horrific there is nothing did you know that Hitler done when he started speaking Hitler's tens of thousands of people Hitler walks up to by the way he watered the microphone did you know that the crowd would gather he'd walk on the stage that people go nuts for thirty minutes to an hour getting crazy mhm he'd stand there he would sometimes approach the microphone and then he had step back did you know that yeah you can watch it he is freaky he's just taunting then he got to the microphone and Adolf Hitler started talking like this he began speaking and everybody hushed and everybody began to go like this and by the ncu and I only know the clips where he's screaming one great and they're still like this he's slowly like the Frog and the kettle those people sat there and he ratcheted up the rhetoric until he was screaming and they were loving it if he walked on to the sages head yep good work that Satan knows yeah and you know we know that to jackass as those who teach you know whenever you whisper say something very quietly people are gonna live yeah you can't do it all the time but you know if you've got something very important you want to say you'll lower your voice your whispered Hitler was a master at that though this person coming will be the master of masters when he raises his voice lowers his voice stairs there at the audience like Hitler it's just I mean like you said it's incredible to watch Hitler the the brilliance that was there but remember he never had a steady job to always the Chancellor of Germany so it doesn't make any sense it was unsensible because he is a man just like this final antichrist the state probably tapped on the shoulder and said you want to run things here it is go says nothing to do with what we're talking about but you want to have some fun do a parallel study between Adolf Hitler and is upbringing and Saddam the same and is up being upbringing same person different country different name different different person but same life created this this this dualism with these two guys but ok what's next ok the good news is this person will only have a short period of time to rule there's a limited period time to be a seven-year period the first three and a half years is before his real character is unveiled it's halfway through them this is why it's important where we keep our eyes on Israel the Temple Mount and the temple because a temple will be built he will probably have something to do with its building maybe he is the one that allows them to do it now just to take a step and pull the permit but is that could be yeah we don't know because likely because it's at the temple where he declares himself to be God and forces people to worship Him halfway through this last seven-year period which brings up an interesting question because he's the Antichrist doesn't mean he's Jewish in fact I believe he's a Gentile I believe he's not least listen everyone make get this from dawn this is very important because a lot of people almost get go to fist on this one listen to what Don is saying regarding this this is a big deal in the Christian world today they some people demand that he's Jewish some people demand to the point of likes that he's a Muslim uh sorry but start that's okay it's a great very important find it time to bring it up this seems to be the right time every type of Antichrist in Scripture that minor ones the major ones apart from King Saul are all Gentiles you've got Nimrod you've got Nebuchadnezzar you've got the Pharaoh of Egypt you've got Antiochus the fourth you've got Alexander the Great you've got Amalek you've got others and then of course Caesar Nero was a type Domitian one of the early Roman Empire emperors in that so you can go there and Caligula of course too and so they're all types of Antichrist but there's only El Sol's the only one who is Jewish and so he is he comes the remember anti means in place of her instead of it's not the Jews will accept him as the Messiah he's gonna come to be more than he's gonna come to be God because the Jews aren't looking for the Messiah to be God they're looking for a man so most likely the one they give the Messiah to will be the false prophet who most who and here's what said the false prophet will come from the land the Messiah the first beast will come from the sea the sea in scripture usually means the Gentile nations the land usually has reference to the Land of Israel so you have this Jewish real of this religious leader could possibly Jewish maybe not who points this person here's the man who has all the answers but remember the Jews aren't looking for God to come in the person of the Messiah they're looking for someone like Moses a man like poses right and so that's one of the reasons they reject Jesus so this final Antichrist I believe will be a Gentile he's come from the old Roman Empire I've got a whole thought of where what country will come from that's another story on our side but the bottom line is he's gonna claim to be God but he will have something to do with bringing the peace process together having some type of peace or confirming a covenant or making a covenant there Daniel 9:27 three and a half years into that he will break the Covenant and most likely Jack here's what seems to be you kind of put it in together he allows him to rebuild the temple for whatever reason they can build it there on the Temple Mount and it's almost like the ribbon-cutting ceremony is something like that we need to honor this man he is the man that done it the mouth speaking great things he's got all the answers it's at that point he demands worship he turns to the Jews and declares open season on them he has an idol of himself you know put into Holy of Holies in the temple and he claims to be God and at that time that's what Jesus called the abomination that causes desolation and he says when you see that now what's interesting how can you see that and the Holy of Holies of the temple when only the high priests can go in you know once a year and you know twice once for himself and once for the sins of the people there has to be some technology there where the whole world can see it because you got to flee when you flee in the area because you can see it you know you're watching on your iPhone yeah in fact the the in 2000 my book the Jews arose in the coming temple one of the introduction and deductr each chapters talks about in 2000 believe is 13 when they talked about putting the architectural plans together for a Third Temple it's gonna have you know all the more modern conveniences you know you know at that and of course they'll be broadcasting what's going on there so the whole world would be able to see it at once again assuming the technology we have right now so this is what he's going to do he's so I believe strongly he's a Gentile he's not a Jew because the types of Antichrist and Titus the fourth we had time we could talk about him just real briefly here was a man in 167 BC all right he comes on the scene he comes to the temple he slaughters a pig on the holy altar he puts idols of himself in the temple in the Holy of Holies he forces the Jews to worship Him he meant scoyne x' on the one hand it says Antiochus Epiphanes which means the coming one his epiphany on the back it says God manifest that's what everybody called himself and he demanded worship now what's interesting when the Jews saw that in 167 BC they remembered what Daniel wrote about the abomination of desolation because he desecrated the temples that priest stopped the sacrifices he didn't acclaim he did everything that's going to happen but Jesus comes 200 years later says no no it is still the future but now we know what this character is gonna do because Antiochus was the type of what we're gonna see in the future claimed to be God stopping the sacrifices and declaring open season on the Jewish people the one whom they had trusted the one they thought was going to help be their deliverer is the one who's going to become their worst enemy and the Lord Jesus said unless those days were shortened there wouldn't be any because that begins at last three and a half year period at the final seven-year period where literally Christ must come back or the world would destroy itself and so this person it will be center stage for all these events that's why when we look at the events taking place right now in the world the stage is being set for that it's just he is coming in God's time God knows when he's coming se doesn't know when he's coming we don't know when he's coming but we see the stage being set for that let me ask this question if I've read the end time scenario carefully if this is true it seems to me we have we have a tendency to say that the Antichrist is going to be the ruler of the world it seems to me though from Scripture that he attempts to rule the world but there are certain locations of the world is that correct correct he doesn't subdue them in fact no he will here troubling news regarding them can you elaborate on that yeah again it seems at that time the power of the world which is interesting because it's not gonna be China or the u.s. it's gonna be Western Europe he will have that but his desire to rule over everybody will be you know there will be always rebellious people that won't take you know for whatever reason they'll fight against him he will he will be you know you've got the campaign of Armageddon - at the end eventually gonna come to Jerusalem but you've got you know Wars will continue on and so although many people will accept him he will force into this mark and the system now that he has where no one can buy or sell without the mark on the right hand of the forehead but there will be people that rebel against that not because they're Christians but Jack they're just evil and they want to do it themselves I think that's where the false christs come in - there may be someone said no no this guy is not the real Christ I'm the real Messiah and they'll come here they'll come there and so it'll be a time of confusion but the things these people have in common they'll rebuild be rebelling against the God of the Bible and one of the saddest things we read in scripture that is so illogical in the book of Revelation we're told when the wrath comes from heaven the people knows they know where it's come from it's the wrath of the Lamb if they still won't believe they still won't acknowledge him and so that's kind of the the insanity that will go on at that time and so yes he's going to try and again even though he tries his best he's going to have the world in one sense at his finger chips but there's not gonna be everybody bowing to him you just reminded me and forgive me maybe you know the passage but it comes to my mind where the Scriptures tell us that when Satan / Antichrist this cohabitation if you allow me to put it that way it says that there will be the cursing of heaven he's gonna curse heaven he's gonna curse the Jewish people or the temple I forget there's three there's the there's the place heaven there's the people the saints in heaven he's actually cursing the saints in heaven it's book of Revelation and the power he's gonna he's gonna curse the power of God he's gonna mock God's power remarkable position for this one to take I assume now this it's a remarkable position to take knowing I think he knows the existence of God because why would he curse God if he doesn't believe God exists exactly and he's aware that God's people are in heaven and he curses them so blinded this person is this thing this person and yet without repentance there's no turning there is no logic you said irrational yeah a session yeah it's like it doesn't make sense does it but he's gonna do it anyway well we're the same way as human beings aren't we do things at times it doesn't make sense we do it anyway it's irrational we still act irrationally but this person's whole life is characterized by that again the Bible makes it clear when Satan is kicked out of heaven after a war in heaven Revelation chapter 12 he knows his time is short and yet he doesn't repent he doesn't change his MO he just all the more tries to get rid of the the Jews because if he can do that he can you know basically thwart the promises of God Jeremiah 35 31 35 to 37 the Lord said to the people of Israel during the time of Jeremiah as long as the suns in the sky and the you know everything's there the universe is there you're gonna still exist because I say so and so he could stop them and for them he would you know Dinu one of the promises of God which of course won't happen so yeah he's gonna have a very bitter and one of the questions we have in the book is like like I think it's 27 points the whole career of Antichrist from when he starts until he's finally set to the lake of fire you know over the bottomless pit after a thousand years released then set to the lake of fire along with the false prophet and the devil the unholy trinity and so to the very engine they're totally evil and it's almost like it's they want to bring as many people with them as these three person who just can without any regard for caring about people any regard for their own personal well-being in other words we're gonna be destroyed we know that we don't care but we're gonna try and bring as many people with us as possible whereas Christians were just the opposite we want to bring as many people to heaven as we can that's why we've preached the gospel of Jesus so done I'm going to play bad guy for a moment okay okay and you and I have heard people say things like this let me read this Daniel chapter 7 verse starting at verse 15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit within my body and the visions of my head troubled me I came near to one of those who stood by and I asked him the truth of all this so he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things those great beasts which are four are four kings which will arise out of the earth but the Saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever and ever I think they call that a parenthetical answer but it doesn't matter chrysalis watch all this too happens but it does matter to what I'm going to ask you then I wish to know the truth about the fourth beast which was different from all the others exceedingly dreadful with its teeth of iron and its nails of bronze which devoured broken pieces and trampled the residue with his feet or with its feet and about the ten horns that were on its head and about the other horn that's the eleventh right which came up before three fell namely that horn which had the eyes and a mouth which spoke pompous words whose appearance was greater than his fellows I was watching and the same word was making war against the Saints and prevailed against them listen everybody until and that's key in other words this persecution against the Saints is interrupted the Ancient of Days came and judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High and the time came for the Saints to possess the kingdom mm-hmm we'll just stop at verse 22 because the word Saints appears there dawn many Christians have said that is so crystal clear that the church will go through the tribulation and lit and actually be physically destroyed because God will allow power to be given to this Antichrist to destroy the Saints and yet it is talking about Saints dawn but can you tell the people what category of saints who are these Saints yeah the Hebrew here it says holy ones and those are the ones who believed in the God of the Bible there again and you got to understand in the Old Testament time God worked through the nation of Israel they were his people today the people of God are combination of both Jews and Gentiles were the New Testament church after the church has taken out of the world there will be a group of people called the tribulation Saints they will be staying so be believers in the Lord they're gonna get into heaven they're going the hard way real the real hard way many will be martyred many will make it through barely make it through it's these people he's talking about here because he's Daniels interest in this fourth kingdom now because you know when he's explained the Lord explains it to him to a to a degree but recall also Jack the twelfth chapter of Daniel when Daniel asked one of these things gonna be Lord says not now you're not gonna get it only at the time of the end people will understand so the Saints are just another term for believers but when we look at Scripture believers can be believers and you know from Jews Abraham Isaac and Jacob back or proselytized believed in the God of the Bible through the Jewish witness or in the Newt both Jews and Gentiles this be a special group of people because God is working with the nation of Israel they'll be Saints they're from the nation of Israel but there'll also be Gentiles there in fact the great thing jack there'll be an innumerable number of people who become believers in Christ you don't want to be part of that group while you do if you reject what we're saying today but you do later on and I leave this in the next three seconds yep yeah then you do want to be and you do want to be part of the group but yeah I'm so glad he answer that again unrehearsed because every generation of believers honestly are called Saints Saints is not a bad you get a saint is what God declares okay it's not you performing so many miracles and all that stuff it's what God declares I just read the other night to the Saints that are at Rome you know to the Saints that are at corn if you're born again believer tonight you're a saint see Jack I can't believe I'm hearing that oh my gosh hey calm down the word actually you cannot become a saint by any human means you become a saint by what Jesus Christ has done for you at the cross and when you will accept them you lean upon his atonement for yourself then what he imparts to you is his righteousness and if I remember right and I'm sure I don't but there's something close to the fact that hey goes H a gos niya is what we are until we accept Christ and the word saith is H a G I OS and I like that thought because Hagios is the fact that we're declared to be Saints in other words Old Testament what happened abraham believed in God and God accounted or attributed or imparted the righteousness of God to Abraham by faith it's not amazing ape in a way Abraham lived a New Testament salvation way back then is how dare you say that what else am I supposed to say did Abraham have the 10 commandments nope did Abraham have Moses to tell them what to do and not do no and yet God declared Abraham righteous by faith the Bible says that just shall live by faith and friends this is not some whimsical law I'll be a Christian today it's Monday oh no a true saint of God is a believer today who trusts the Lord Jesus Christ in salvation repentance of sin and dedicates their life to Christ you live for Jesus every day come thicker thin come rain or shine you fall down you get up you go again your heart is to please him / to pursue him and we need to remember that the reason why I brought up daniel night of daniel 721 is because just because the bible says st. don't assume it means church church is a collection of saints can i put it this way in a certain category what is it the Bride of Christ there's Old Testament Saints there's tribulation Saints and it's important that we make that distinction also - in the book of Romans at Paul makes the point abraham was saved by faith not by his works we were saved by work she'd have something to boast about but because he believed God it was accounted him to righteousness that's what makes a person a saint or someone who's separated unto God as a believer in the God of the Bible so abraham was a believer in the God of the Bible not by what he did but by what he believed it his faith caused him to do certain things but it was his faith who saved him faith from beginning is what saved people it's never how good you are how many work shall because no matter how good you are you're not good enough you need a Savior and Abraham was looking forward to the day as Jesus said in John chapter 8 of his own coming that's the Lord Jesus two things help me I'll forget the other the other ones about the book of James okay first things first people who are legalist they have a hard time with what you just said I know but when you challenge them about Abraham oh no Abraham is awesome he's amazing they'll say oh okay well are you aware of how the Covenant came about what participation did Abraham care with that government nada not only nada he was in dreamless sleep like I was sleeping like a baby and God did the whole thing while Abraham was sleeping and God who could not who could not come to an agreement with a human or anyone else because he was able to keep it the scripture says that God agreed with himself and to manifest it while Abraham is snoozing there's an altar that Abraham all Abraham did was set up the altar and you and he fell asleep and that that altered God passed over that altar and agreed with himself exactly Abraham wakes up and says boy I think this is fantastic and so it's done and that's very important James James thank you ah you know remember Luther had a hard time he did with the book of James he would struggle with Romans and James why because Donn said it Romans says that you are justified by faith James comes along and says you're justified by your works and a legalist will gravitate toward the James parts and then if after you're done with your legalism and the Holy Spirit beats you up and you realize that there's none that doeth good no not one and that you cannot add to the salvation of Christ that's purchased at the cross you gravitate to the book of Romans and by the way the book of Galatians and only then I believe you're qualified to read the book of generic because the just shall live by faith James comes along and the debate was well who's really a true believer well you'll know them by their works well how does that happen well if they have saving faith they are gonna by nature being born again they're gonna produce good works the works are confirmation of your faith in Christ you cannot have faith in Jesus and live like the godless it's impossible but if you have true faith in Jesus it's going to lead to the conversion of your soul and the Holy Spirit's job is wonderfully a never ending never ceasing work until you die of sanctification God's always working with you how does he do that this Bible the Holy Spirit uses until the Lord is done with you and then you go home to him so I wanted to bring that up um it's a great point because you know when we're born again we're not still born we're born - who did provoke good works right and that's where - produced and that's not what saves us but again it shows that we have been born again we're new creation in Christ all things that passed away new things are happening and so that's what James is arguing if you've really had that conversion experience you know your life will show it you know and you're justified not before God you're justified before God by believing in Christ it's kind of like justified before they're humans it shows to other human beings the faith that's already there just like abraham believed God and was accounted to him for righteousness so as nothing to boast about none of us do it is by God's grace through faith what's the name person should boast yeah you know what I'm gonna do the Tom Brady thing I'm gonna come up to the line and I'm gonna make a call okay I just saw the clock dawn and we started it for a clock right and it's we've been talking for an hour and a half yeah almost yeah okay that's just wrong that the clock not that we've been talking that the clock is doing this to us so we're gonna I'm gonna make a call guys behind somewhere up there wherever the guys are at see that question that's on the screen we're not going to take that question has nothing to do with the topic tonight so can you guys move on to the next question and according to the rule book we're supposed to end in one minute this cannot be true we're like in a warp time moment yeah really well um that right so the clock right Wow 220 so we are so sorry yeah what to do this again sometime all right okay very soon deal okay we'll be Antichrist be in existing what be in in Anniston government in the in existing government leader in the world before his coming out as the Antichrist I'll answer it first probably wrong it seems from the Book of Daniel he kind of comes out of nowhere he didn't if he is involved in government he's basically a very obscure yeah that's given it to him it may be that he just kind of pops out look I mean please don't take this the wrong way and me Barrett the fact that I didn't vote for him is not adding to the problem who would the world had heard of Barack Obama nobody nobody even knew this guy was the guy popped out of the woodwork if he can do it the Antichrist is gonna need satanic the turbocharged so no I it's a great question but it's almost like Obama coming to the forefront that speech there at the Democratic convention gave him national prominence it's almost like an afterthought maybe there's some convention and they've got 20 speakers or whatever they're doing the day and this guy's number 16 he comes up and he has something and no one else has and the people are stopped in their tracks or they're about to leave they turn around to listen to the character now what isn't he like the assistant to the assistant of something here yeah but he seems to have the answers and all of a sudden out of obscurity he comes to a place where he's literally a world ruler and causes people with his cohort the false prophet they can't buy or sell without his mark but it comes out of obscurity in other words it shocks people it's not someone we assume that's why every we have a whole section on that the people well is that Anwar Sadat is it Mussolini some people said Ronald Reagan Ronald Wilson Reagan JFK JFK immortal head wound and all that and no it's not going to be someone you expect it's someone you least expect someone who comes out of obscurity not this great world leader but someone who comes up and rises up to be that like almost overnight it's him and so no we should not expect to see that let's shotgun quick answer some of these descriptive things of scripture regarding the Antichrist get the question on the screen is what does it mean regarding the fact that he does not have have the desire or regard the desire of women yeah we have one of that question the book the idea is the desire of women for the Jewish woman was be the mother of the Messiah in other words he probably does not regard the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob which would mean most likely he's a Gentile not a Jew from a Jewish backward point good point some some have said he's a homosexual that's what I mean them not to do with that I'm gonna ask this next question can you tell the people you mentioned a second ago many people don't know this the Bible tells us that there must be an assassination attempt upon his life and something happens to him he is resurrected or at least he swooned and it looks like one but when he comes back to life he's got some handicaps doesn't he seemingly you have what we read in Zechariah yeah yeah let's there's one point we need to make very clear it is not a resurrection that happens to him the Bible says right a resurrection in the biblical sense is given a eternal glorified body well what happened to him is a resuscitation or reanimation back to life he was dead but he comes back to life in the same body the resurrection that's promised to us is a new body with new characteristics that will have forever and ever since big difference between the two Jesus was the first one who came back from the dead never to die again other people were raised back to life but they died again well this person it's the same thing seemingly will happen him and it seems some Zechariah this is a questionable thing there whether it's true but he may have some type of you know that the eye or the arm problem and that that was the sword shall be upon his right eye yeah yeah now that could lead mean that could be symbolic is it say may the sword be on it may be kind of a hope that's there is that interesting yeah yeah the context there could be it's it's you know it's basically you know hoping for curses upon the character just that he will have them but it's wishing them upon him because how he's the evil shepherd and so that's another way of looking at it either you know he may have some you know sign of that like Jesus said the Stars a match yeah exactly yeah yeah Moshe Dayan Indiana Jack Sparrow exactly there you go yeah but somebody like that but the bottom line is yeah he may have something that reminds the people of his death and resuscitation not resurrection it's weird because Jesus comes back to us with scar correct so he's again an anti in place of he's the parody of Christ he tries to do everything that Jesus did in a different way to have the people believe in him so it's highly possible that's the case can we pretend there's no camera right now what a question sure just you me okay yeah just us seyton Michael yeah over the body of Moses correct very freaky thing in the Jude tells us everything is it possible that this Antichrist after the after the attempt is there is there any validity to this just in that thing of satan fought over the body of Moses that's really weird what did he want Moses his body for does this guy die and he's and he's not resurrected but when we talk about resuscitation and you would know being the language scholar on this is it does Satan animate his body let me out I guess no one's watching they're not watching is it is he actually alive or is his is his body somehow even manipulated by Satan himself in the power of possession yeah that's a great question somehow gods a twisted yeah yeah that's a great question that and if there's not a real clear answer the bottom line is he comes back almost like like I said with this spiritual power ability he didn't have before it's almost like Satan possesses him in a way he's never possessed anything else now when we talk about demon possession we talk about a demonic spirit they're fallen angels that possess individuals this is almost like possessed by Satan himself in other words and the devil himself will possess this person individually but not one of his minions this anointed cherub will do to get the people because that's what he gets worshipped he's gonna get it you know not only from this Antichrist worship but also they're gonna force people to worship Satan himself so it's possible we don't know this for a fact peer speculate speculation nobody but the bottom line is he will have some type of spiritual leading and guidance there even that he didn't have before that's it that's enough to know it's it's not Wow really creepy is the Antichrist religious will he claim to be Christ no he will claim to be better than Christ should be in place of or instead of Christ he's not Jesus Christ he is the real answer because he said you've been waiting for number second Peter you've been waiting for two thousand years for this person to come where is the promise of his coming I'm here look I'm doing right now in the 2012 21st century miracles that we've got the false prophet doing thing I've got the whole world at my feet you don't need him so he'll be claimed to be God himself more than just the Messiah he will be claimed to be God himself have an image that will come to life of him there in the only of Holies of the temple and so he's gonna be much more than just a messiah he will be literally like I am their true God to be worse this is what he's gonna find and unfortunately people get to bow down and believe that and you know we sound ridiculous doesn't it Jack but we've all talked about in past happening now is that these people worshiping the AI intelligence this and that or just they demons are incurably religious we need to worship something right so this person is gonna seem to have the answers and since they rejected Jesus well okay well worship Him well Don um there's a scenario that I'm in where there's a Jewish man and and no matter in light of Scripture his Old Testament I'm not going to the New Testament right only old and he said you don't understand here's the issue is you see Jesus as Messiah Jesus was a loser he got himself killed why would you follow someone who got themselves killed no no when might listen Antichrist think it where my Messiah comes the Messiah of Israel he will not be wimp he will not be pushed around he will not be made fun of and be killed he will take control he will be strong he will bring in the good and it was like oh my gosh if the Antichrist got out of a bus right now this guy would just start waving banners and you just described exactly that the world and the Jewish people for who will receive him they're not interested in a loser no but yet the the stumbling point for the Jew is when they get to there's Old Testament Scriptures and they're tracking and they come to Isaiah 52 53 that their Messiah or Daniel 9:24 to 27 the Messiah will be cut off and it's very clear they stumble at that because we want a strong man not one who gets himself killed and they fail to go to the issue that's the most of all is that only God will come and you and skin to atone for your sins and today we have Jewish friends who just go up gloss over the fact that they have no atonement for their sins right now yeah they have no temple they have no lamb shocking to me yo and let me tell you Jesus himself answered that question in Luke 24 when he went with two disciples on the road to Emmaus on the day of his resurrection who said when they met this stranger not knowing was Jesus what are you talking about this man named Jesus Jesus well who was he well we were hoping that he would against Israel past tense but he died and that's why we're leaving the scene and when Jesus eventually broken What did he say Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the Scriptures had said it was necessary was it not for the Christ to first suffer and then enter into his glory and then it says Jesus explain to them all the scriptures concerning himself in the Hebrew Scriptures about the Messiah coming to die this is the Lamb that was sacrificed and all that Abraham and Mount Moriah I'm sure Genesis 22 Exodus 12 the Passover in other words it's there the Messiah asked to die and he should have known that he should have known the Scriptures so again Jesus answer that question for us and look 24 well that's uh I'm gonna remember that I sidenote you know here we are tonight and the Christian community the church lost a giant we didn't lose him we know exactly where Ravi Zacharias is yeah and there had been publicized and even tickets had been sold where Ravi Zacharias was going to be sitting down with Dennis Prager mm-hmm at the Reagan Library and it's that famous dialogue were asking Jew ask a Christian right and so I would really and I was going to moderate that I don't know how you moderate to Giants like that but that was thought it was a bad call anyway with his passing you know we want to acknowledge ravi zacharias incredible thinking in his publishing and his arguments his debate his when some attitude there's a great loss at at his ministry and i'm sure his family and his wife and all but you know i would i love what you just said a moment ago because the organizers of that event turned around and asked if i would be the one that would be the gentile and dennis prager would be the jew and that's coming up in a couple of weeks i got sick to my stomach the moment they'll do a great job jack you say yes as long as I have a earpiece with done Stewart answering the question you can do fine you'll be able to do dennis is a good guy by the way he's really good man very good guys are really good get very sweet man but according to the bible that the way i understand it Corinthians tells us that for those who are perishing the god of this world has blinded them exactly and and I believe I was taught right on this and you and I spent decades at the same church it was Pastor Chuck Smith who pointed out to us that Satan blinds the eyes of the world the interesting thing about the Jew it says that God has placed a veil over their eyes that is a remarkable thought and so we we have a hard time sometime taking their scriptures this is the beauty of you're so skilled at this we have their scriptures in our hands we do we talk to them about their Messiah we do indeed and they don't get it they don't see it they don't understand it and then the frustration comes to them I've been told this numerous times how can you be a Gentile and know our scriptures and yet they won't believe well that's an issue where we need to pray for them continue to love on them God loves the Jewish people and hallelujah he's not done with them and so vitally important okay I'm gonna stop talking because we're gonna we're gonna yeah you know what we wanna round round it off at a two hour I'm going to go 15 more minutes well I can go as long as you want you know it's up to you and I don't know I don't know sure you always want to leave them want more though - you don't want to overstay your wall sister you wonder the way this is going - we might want to do I mean an antichrist part - I think we should because we haven't gotten into the weave funds we don't even need deodorant yet we're already got to quit right we just got swarmed up so yeah could the Antichrist be the seed of the serpent mentioned in the curse of genesis 3:15 got the seed of the woman in the seed of the serpent oh that's remember that when the capital s see the Jesus kept well that's that's been brought up he's not a literal seed of the serpent in other words he's a human being okay but his attitude there is the same as the serpent hats right again he is and like we said it's very likely he's been possessed by the devil you know when he after this phony resurrection it seems it's a resuscitation so what were warned about again very back in the beginning the serpent is a type actually top of Antichrist - we go back to that far back but yeah it's it's it's denying Christ member what he said has it remember this is profound Jack I had this speaker once come to Biola University named Jack weird sin from the Word of Life and he mentioned something that just got me it always gives me it teared up the first question that comes out of the mouth of Satan is has God really said the first thing that comes out of the mouth of God is - Adam where are you the first question that comes from the New Testament from the Magi is where is he Wow yeah it's we made the thing as God said where are you Adam whereas he is born King of the Jews it's the first question we read in the New Testament where is he and like Phillip said in the 10 you'll come and see Jesus of Nazareth we found the Messiah powerful stuff and yeah she wrote a book about that um so yeah genesis 3:15 so it is it's I'd like what Don said my juices are going on this so we're having a little Bible study together right okay so the seed of the woman's capital s in your Bible speaking of Christ well there's no capital letters in Scripture that ransom translators do at some Dome referring to well yeah yeah referring there they the ones that use the capital letters with the pronouns and that yeah they do that to the Messiah capital s cos refers to Jesus who's eventually coming as Paul in Galatians 3:16 says you know yeah and the seed of you know like Abraham was promised his seed singular not plural and so sometimes they'll capitalize that in Genesis chapter 12 but the idea is we don't know that until we get to the New Testament that the singular seed of Abraham who will bless the nation since one person not many the Messiah himself you know if I had to just kind of go out on the limb you know I was a tooth Farva limb but in John 8 Jesus says to the Pharisees you are of your father the devil wrecked you are a that implies father right father the devil that implies seed spiritually speaking that's what means spiritually children of the devil yeah I think that's if I were doing it I'm just making this Bible study up in my head now biblically based I would lean I would go research real hard the that there's the physical manifestation of seed Jesus had to be a descendant both through Mary and through Joseph but the offspring of Satan is a knotted DNA seed thank God no right not a DNA's not like Rosemary's Baby yes oh my gosh Dame and all that would stuff thank God but a spiritual genealogy of for example Jesus said you are of your father the devil for if you had known Abraham you would have believed in me hmm so next question what is your point of view on what the image of the beast is that's a fun question yeah is it a machine that looks like the Antichrist we don't have the slightest idea now what's interesting it's something that comes to life but it's something that miraculously comes to life all signs and wonders we're told second Thessalonians 2 and so we can imagine he puts an image of himself seemingly you know like Antiochus did Idol of himself in the Holy of Holies and made people worship he calls himself the god Jupiter he'll put some image of himself which will be a physical seemingly let's just put it this way some type of physical image seemingly that all of a sudden starts speaking comes to life that doesn't have any living properties in other words people said well is there going to be some type of hologram is gonna be this as that I think it may be just as simple as something you know they make something like an old Idol and the idol starts coming to life out of nowhere it's like we're the wires where how's that happening so it's in other words it's it looks super natural as it words it's a false it's a lying wonder whether it's a parlor trick or whatever it might be we don't know we're not told but it's some image of himself that's in the Holy of Holies that really acts and speaks you know it's it's weird just like the image does sorry doesn't the image does it have the ability to also discern who's got the mark and who doesn't yeah it seems to be yeah that the Emig it's that this false prophet and this image of the beast are the ones who causes the world to worship the final antichrist it's almost like it seems if we you know might not be reading too much he's like barking signals he's saying okay you've got to do this got her that so he's also speaking this image before the Antichrist before the false prophet as it were so it's gonna be very again where we told basic things about this so we don't want to go too far so we don't know what the image looks like no one knows exactly what it is but we know know this and it'll come to life and it'll seem to also cause the people with the false prophet to worship this final antichrist this world leader and on the pain of death if they don't take the mark on the right end of the forehead is there any correlation done with what we're talking about right now is there any connection with Daniel tubes at 2:42 you mean that the iron mixed with clay as you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay they personal pronoun right will mingle with the seed of men mm-hmm but they will not adhere to one another just as iron doesn't mix with clay and in the days of these kings the kingdom of God will be the kingdom will be set up the kingdom which shall never be destroyed in the Kingdom shall not be left to another people it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever when it says in verse 42 and as the toes and the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile now as you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay they will mingle with the seed of men and they will not it here is you know today we've got I mean she's just one of them now but you know there's Sophie have you seen Sophie the that woman the robot oh yeah just occasionally okay I don't remember she even addressed that she addressed the UN mm yeah yeah okay now remember yep um that's freaky we are as a culture as a world trying to do the AI thing say there's no dummy he knows that we like stuff like that yeah and you just wonder if we're approaching the days I give maybe we should go out on this this is probably good idea let's go out on this the days that we're in and Daniel told us that in the end men shall travel to and fro and knowledge shall increase and we're living at a time where if you're six months behind year old news yeah and with technology I cannot believe that the Antichrist and his system is going to be negligent of technology so where are we going there's so many hybrids now in the world of technologies there's things that are animated things that are living this things that are look try there's portions of there's there's strips by the way of proteins that can be put on your body and new skin grown as there's we see people now that are able to have legs yep where there's this amazing growth of intelligence and knowledge there's got to be the wow factor to all that Satan does yes done but to take us out on this and it's interesting you mentioned that this might be the next step which humans haven't been able to do he will do it with the image other words give a life to something that's inanimate real life to the image there we don't know exactly what will be but you're right because we're getting close but we're not we can't create only God can create it's like he can do it oh that's just why we should worship Him you know it's almost like being comes down from another planet he can give life to this image where no one else can this is this is something remarkable with all the things we've tried with the AI the artificial intelligence like just said this is something it's got to be a WOW factor there's it can't be just same old same old or something someone's about to do this has to be so spectacular and we don't know exactly how it'll be it's just gonna grab the people too we never thought we'd see this before this is science fiction but it's right here this is the person we've been looking for he's got the answers let's worship Him I think that's what's good something like that's gonna happen jack so we wouldn't leave you with this and you know what I we would love right we would love for the people maybe maybe you guys should we do uh no the Antichrist is not going to be able no no he there's a site there's a no there's a question that just popped up no the Antichrist so I just I just offended every feminist in the universe then look I'm sorry that the Antichrist is not going to be a woman I'm thinking about I know what I don't think they know I'd like to know why why you're asking that question anyway we retired so here's the thing we would love to hear from you you can post on the Facebook page should we do part two of this and just answer questions that they brought up is that what you think just yeah there I can hear it right now yeah there's a bazillion there exact 100 questions and we so maybe we can do that rather look - sure okay we'll do that so you don't have to ask us we'll do it we'll let you know soon but can we encourage you that you know Donen are talking about these really amazing things and the fun thing is we're not making this stuff up no and the Bible is not only able to tell us the future but this book can tell you about the inside of you your very existence the need for forgiveness this is a fact about you you need forgiveness and you know it inside of you there is a level of guilt a pain and shame frankly there's things down deep inside that you're hoping no one ever finds out about right there's things about your life that if you could do it all over again you'd never make those mistakes right what do you think that comes from that whole drama in your life cannot be located anywhere in our physical existence it's not happening in your spleen it's not coming out of an area of your gray matter it's not over here somewhere near your you know pancreas or something more is it coming what's going on here you are according to 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 23 you are a body soul and spirit did you know that right now you may have been living your life fully for the physical pleasure physical achievement you may be its soul may be your land of the soul part your very soul ish mind education is your God and degrees which are fantastic but that's your existence and you have a big hole in your heart you've had all kinds of sex everywhere drugs trips money and the physical side of use empty and the soul side of you is empty why because the Bible says you're spiritually dead and you need to be made alive the word is quickened you need to be quickened by the Spirit of God and you ain't even made alive you need to be born again and born again means you need to be born from above is the original meaning of the word born from above it's a spirit work of the Holy Spirit in your life Jesus Christ according done said it so perfectly Luke chapter 24 the Emmaus Road Jesus said why are you so slow to believe o foolish ones of heart to believe all that the Scriptures have said from Moses to the prophets we're not asking you to make a blind leap of faith no no our faith is founded upon fact it's just that you've been looking all in the wrong places for your meaning and for your forgiveness and you thought that you would if you had asked people that you've wronged for forgiveness which is a good thing to do but avoid God when he was the very one you sinned against in the beginning we encourage you to go to him Jesus Christ literally died on the cross and he literally rose from the dead because he literally came from heaven and was born of a woman and he was born under the requirements of the law and Jesus died on the cross because it was innocent not because he was guilty he died on the cross because you and I were supposed to die in the cross we're supposed to die there how does a man pay for his sins well if there's no Jesus Christ you have to die for your sins but God doesn't want you he's not willing that you should perish but that you could that you should come to eternal life that's why Jesus went to the cross I tell you what I understand if Don and I go out and rob a bank I get it if we get caught we should go to jail and get beat up and do whatever happens in jail I get that that's fair what's not fair is God dying on the cross for me that's not fair I'm grateful God's not I'm into if God's fair I'm going to help me too so it's called grace yep so dawn end it with them please lifter them all right very simple right now there are people watching various parts of the world that don't know Jesus Christ as their Savior but you know God has been speaking to you and you need to believe in him you know now is the time something has been speaking to you during this time right now saying I need to believe in Jesus you know it's really simple though what we do Jack you know the simple prayer we do it in our own words but basically you say something like this you say God it's your God and I believe you are now and Jesus if you are the one who died for me then right now the best way I know how I want to trust you as Savior and Lord you just say something like this the criminal who died next to Jesus on the cross just said Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom that's the great thing jack just remember me remember Jesus and that's sufficient he'll come 2,000 miles to meet you you just need to take that first step and say Lord I want you and then just watch him come in and he will change your life thanks for watching the real-life YouTube channel we love bringing you content that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ you can subscribe to this channel so that you don't miss one single 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Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 195,853
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Keywords: jack hibbs live, pastor jack hibbs, jack hibbs, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs happening now, jack hibbs don stewart, don stewart, don stewart prophecy youtube, don stewart prophecy
Id: JiEbJFGCgc8
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Length: 105min 28sec (6328 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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