FUSION in DaVinci Resolve 16 | FUSION for Beginners

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what's happening guys today I'm gonna give you an introduction to Fusion so let's jump into the video [Music] all right let's get right into it fusion so if you've been around DaVinci Resolve for a little while you've probably heard of fusion you may have even jumped over into the fusion page and taking a look and thought whoa what is going on here this looks crazy and I know the feeling because I felt the same way when I got started with fusion so over the last year or two I've had a lot of people ask me to do a fusion tutorial and I've kind of been a little hesitant only because I feel like there's so much to know about fusion and I feel like I know about that much of it I haven't gotten into it a whole ton I do use it a little bit here and there but I'm constantly learning new stuff just like you guys are probably here to learn a little bit about fusion so I'm just gonna show you how I got started we're gonna go over the interface show you how you move around in fusion what you have to do how you start to work with things and then I'm gonna show you how to work with some of the preset things that come in fusion just to help you get going and start working with it a little bit one thing to note is that when you're working in fusion it does take a big toll on your machine so my MacBook Pro here is a 2015 I'm not the most powerful machine so I'm not doing anything crazy in fusion and sometimes I do notice that it gets a little sluggish a little slow or I gotta let it pre-render so I can view view the clip that I'm working on so keep that in mind if your computer is older or you don't have a lot of power usually may run pretty slow I think they recommend 16 gigs maybe even 32 for fusion but anyway the more you got the better right so let's jump in the DaVinci Resolve I'm gonna show you the basics show you the interface and we're gonna show you how to get started working in fusion alright so here we are in DaVinci Resolve I've got a new project set up I've got no media in it or anything and we're gonna start by looking at the fusion interface and just understand what is going on there what things are and how you kind of navigate around so in order to get to the fusion tab right now you can see I'm in the Edit Page so I want to come over to the little magical one looking thing here click on that and that's gonna bring us into the fusion page now it may be helpful to try and get our screens to look the same here if you look along the top here you see all these different items and if you click on them they're gonna make the interface here look a little bit different but let's go with a basic setup for now I'm gonna have my nodes turned on and that's pretty much it the rest of them I'm gonna make sure they're turned off for right now so if you look in this top toolbar here and it looks a little different than mine does on the screen you can try right clicking and choose either show I and labels or icons only and if you see things down here and it's not turning on and off when you click on these items here you can try going into workspace show panel in workspace and then check these guys on or off based on what you want to see so let's get started here in this top bar that we're just talking about you've got your media pool you also have your effects library which is where you can find all of your fusion effects as well as template presets and all that kind of stuff you can see your clips if you'd like to you've got nodes and we'll get into what they are and how they work in just a few minutes here next you have splines keyframes metadata and your inspector moving down just a little bit right here in this area we've got two viewer windows so at any point in time you can view two of your nodes and at the top of each one of these windows you've got different options of how to view things so you can click through those and see what they say and they give you an idea of what it does now let's say you just wanted one big viewer at the top you can click on this little icon here single viewer and both these viewers have the same items along the top so it doesn't matter which one I pick I can pick one and we'll get just one viewer at the top here I'm moving down below that down here we have our frames this is how many frames are in your clip and it's gonna change based on what clip you bring in diffusion here below that we have our play buttons with our loop button if you want to keep looping something over and over again you also have counters here this is frame zero zero and frame 10,000 in this case and moving down to the next bar down these are some of the commonly used tools that you would need here in fusion for various kinds of things and one of the cool things is if you come in hover over any one of these tools it's going to tell you what it is we've got background you've got fast noise text painting color correctors you've got merge nodes you've got rectangles all kinds of shapes you've got things for particles 3d stuff you've got all kinds of things here that are pretty commonly used so they may come in handy depending on what you're trying to do so the next area down here is where your nodes will live and the nodes are how we build anything that you want to make in Fusion so now that we have a quick overview of what the fusion interface looks like how do we get going and start working in Fusion well first I'm gonna jump back into my edit tab here so there's a few ways we can get media over into fusion to start working with it what I want to do to get started here is since I don't have any footage in my project right now I want to come to the effects library again I'm in the Edit Page effects library I want to come down to effects and right here we have fusion composition and I'm just gonna click and drag that down into my timeline now you have the option to make this as long or as short as you'd like looks like this one's 5 seconds so that's alright I'm gonna leave it there for now so in order to start working in a fusion composition or with a clip in fusion you want to highlight your clip put your playhead over it and then just come and click on the fusion icon at the bottom of the screen so now once we come over into fusion you're gonna see the view change just a little bit here you're gonna see our numbers along here changed because the number of frames we have changed with the clip length that we put in the Edit tab and if you look down in this bottom section here now you'll see one node and it's called media out so every one of your fusion clips or a clip that you work with in fusion here is gonna have a media out and this is basically the end of the line for whatever you create before it this is what's gonna go back into your timeline and real quick just to show you how to get a video clip over into fusion as opposed to starting from scratch like we are right now I'm gonna jump back into my edit tab I've already got a clip in here and you've got two options you can select your clip right click and create a new Fusion clip or you can just put your playhead over top of your clip select your clip and jump into fusion then you're gonna have your median one here which is actually your video clip and then you can start working with it right here in fusion but for now we're gonna go back and build our own fusion composition so one of the first things that I like to do as I'm getting started down here working with our nodes which we're going to talk about in a minute what are the nodes I want to keep my area organized I'm kind of like a neat freak anyway so if you right-click in this area and you come to arrange tools you can check on these options to auto arrange connect to a grid and just keep everything organized otherwise these nodes start to get all over the place with the more complicated you get making things so that's the first and get your view looking good here the next thing we need to talk about our nodes what is a node a node you can think of as basically a set of instructions on how we build whatever the effect is that we want so nodes get connected together in different ways and they allow us to build and effect a text effect a background emotion affects particles they allow us to build all kinds of different things and as I mentioned these are some of the commonly used nodes here but if you wanted a full list of all the nodes to see what you can do you want to come up to your effects library come to tools and under each one of these categories here you can see there's all kinds of nodes here and each one of these do something different they've got tons of options and things you can do there's just so much going on here which is part of the reason why you know I feel like I need to learn a lot more about fusion in general too but I want to show you where you can start to find some of this stuff so that when you're trying to make something you know where to look so I'm gonna close our effects library for right now so another quick way to access all of your nodes and your effects library is to press shift + space and that's gonna bring up this little window here and allow you to scroll through every single node that's available to you so you just find the one you want you can even search in this field here let's say I want fog and you select your node and then just click Add and it'll pop it right down here into the node area for you so that's a quickest way to get to all the nodes using Shift space then let's say I want it to lead a node I'm just gonna select it and hit my delete key and that's gonna get rid of the node so the easiest way to start looking at these is really just to start making something so let's just go ahead and grab a piece of text so when I click the text use notice it drops down a text node now I'm assuming you maybe have never seen this before and for me it was a little confusing what's the triangle form what's the square for right so if you look at it what you need to do is connect nodes up to make things work so like I mentioned before our media out right here is the node that sends our final product or our final composition here back into the Edit tab so at the end of the day that everything has to connect into this media out so when we're looking at our nodes here you notice okay there's a blue triangle here and a square there well if you hover over each one of those it tells you what it is so your outputs from each node are gonna be the squares and in this case I want to click this square and if I drag it I can connect it to this yellow triangle which is the input for the media out so let's just adjust our viewer here so we can see a little more I'm just gonna go with one viewer for right now now how do I get something to appear in my viewer well if you look at your nodes each one that you click or hover over you're gonna notice there's two little dots at the bottom those little dots represent your viewers at the top here so if I go ahead and actually turn on my two viewers again when I look at the dots if the right dot is highlighted it's gonna appear in the right viewer if the left dot is highlighted it's gonna appear in the left viewer so in this case my media out appears here and my text appears on the left now how come I don't see anything well I don't see anything yet because there's nothing in my text so I'm gonna go ahead click on my text and in order to edit what is in here you can come to your inspector and open that up and now you've got a window that looks similar to what you would see over in the Edit Page I can click in the stylized text I'm gonna type in a little something here subscribe and then you've got all your options to change your font to change all kinds of things similar to how you would do in the Edit tab let's say I just pick that and you can change your size you can change your tracking spacing all these other things you could change but one thing you'll notice as you're looking in the inspector here you've got other items along the top here and just to kind of take a quick look at what they are if you click through them there's different options in there of how you can edit your piece of text or how you can edit this text node so you can change the color you can do backgrounds if I click over to the next one you've got ways to transform the characters all kinds of different options that you can do and like I said there's almost nothing you can't do here in fusion and there's just so much to learn so I just want to show you that these options are there there are things to play with things to try but I'm gonna stick with super basics right now just to help you understand how to work in fusion here I'm gonna close the inspector here so looking back at our nodes here we need to know how to navigate around because as you start to build things you get more and more nodes and you start to run out of space so there's a few ways that you can navigate around if you press and hold your middle mouse button gives you the hand you can drag around if you use your mouse wheel up and down you can see it kind of pans up and down and if you hold down command or control and you zoom your mouse wheel in and out you'll see you can zoom in and out of the nodes okay so you're thinking all right this is pretty basic it doesn't seem too complicated right we have our text and it goes into our media out and that's what we get at the end of the day now let's say I wanted to put a background behind the subscribe I wanted a red oval behind the word subscribe how do I do that well if I come over here you'll see we have a node called background so I can add the background a few different ways if I have nothing selected down here in my nodes and I click on background it's just gonna drop it there it's not gonna connect it to anything it's just gonna be hanging out there so that's one way you can add it another way that you can add it is to click the text because I want it to come behind the text so I'm gonna go ahead and click the text and click background and then it automatically connects them together now before we go any farther let's take a look at what we have going on here we have our text we started with we have our background but then we have this merge that popped in here so when you're combining or overlaying various nodes sometimes you need to merge them together you can't just connect them directly up sometimes you can but not always so a merge node is a way to join different nodes so you're gonna notice we still have our media out here on the right-hand viewer but you notice that we don't see anything it's black now why why is it black what happened to our text I wanted the background to go behind my text what happened well let's come and take a look at this merge node right here if we look at the merge node we notice there's different arrows around the merge node so we've got our square which is the output of the merge node and that's connected to our media so that's good because we want everything that's going through that merge node right now to go to our final output but if we look at the merge node let's hover over this green arrow here we notice it says murder for ground so our background layer is being placed on the foreground as it's coming through the merge but if we look at our text the text is on the background so what we really want to do is switch these so you want to keep in mind that when you're trying to connect different things it matters where you connect those things or to which color triangle you're trying to connect something to so in order to disconnect something you can just come right on the line let it highlight and click and it's going to disconnect it so I'm going to do that to both of mine and let's bring the background up here and now you notice once I disconnected them the arrows change spots too so I want the background to be on the background of the merge node which is this yellow guy so you can just grab the square here connect it to the yellow guy and boom now it's on the background and let's say with the text I want this to be in the foreground so if I click on my little square bring it down to the green arrow which I know is foreground boom now if you look in our viewer we noticed that the SUBSCRIBE is on top of the black background perfect but let's say we want to make this background red I don't want it to be black how do I change that well you want to come down and click on your background node come to your inspector and now we have the option right here to change to any color we want so I'm gonna go with red nice bright YouTube red cool okay good so I got it red now go ahead and close the inspector but now let's say I just want it to be like an oval around the word subscribe I don't want the whole background to be red want to kind of look like a button so how am I gonna make it look like a button and this is one of the hardest parts of fusion that I found is just trying to understand how things go together and what order or how you build things to make it look the way you want it to look and I think it's just something where you just got to learn more you got to do some more research watch some YouTube videos and just kind of start to understand the process of what gets connected to what again my backgrounds photography so the way I think about photos and editing photos and that kind of stuff in Photoshop and Lightroom a little bit different than the way nodes work here so anyway let's make this look more like a button what I want to do this background node is actually add in a rectangle to change the shape of the red background so I'm gonna select my background and I want to come to this tool right here tango and I'm just gonna go ahead and click that now you notice that if i zoom in here a little that the rectangle tied directly into the background the rectangle didn't need to go through the merge first so the rectangle ties into our blue background through a blue triangle the blue triangles are a mask so if you can see right here in our viewer this is our final output again and now we can see that the rectangle masked out a lot of the background so let's say we wanted to change the shape of this rectangle how do I do that well let's use one of the techniques that we just learned a little earlier here and I want to view this rectangle by itself in this viewer over here so there's two ways to do it one is we can click on the left little button here or just click on it and drag it and drop it into this viewer so now I have the ability to adjust this rectangle however I want I can grab the middle of it and move it around and what's really cool is that what happens here actually carries through to my final output over here so you can see what you're doing in different views so let's just say I want to leave it right there but I want to make it smaller so I'm gonna grab the edge and bring it in I'm gonna bring in the sides a little make it a little smaller recenter it and let's say I can't quite get it where I want it to be in this window and awesome thing is that I can actually come over to this window grab it and place it where I want and it's gonna update everywhere which is pretty sweet so now let's say this is looking pretty good but maybe I want to round out these corners a little bit how do I do that well if I have my rectangle node selected come up to the inspector and I can come over here and start to look at some of these different options that I have in here and if I come down to this one right here we have corner radius so if I just bring that up and you take a look at the corners there we're starting to make a nice little subscribe button here that's pretty sweet pretty easy too a lot of things you can do aren't as hard as you think just takes a little bit of knowledge on how to build it and where the different tools are located that you want to use so let's say I like that I'm gonna leave that boom we got a nice little subscribe button going here I like this so now you might be thinking alright this is cool I like that but I want to start adding in some other cool stuff how do I do that well you're gonna need to start to look at different nodes and add in some different nodes to make different things happen I'm not gonna get into that too much right now but I do want to show you where you can find all these nodes if you want to start poking around and taking a look and trying different things the first way that you can find all of your nodes and what's available to use is if you come up to your effects library open that up and under here you've got a couple different categories you have tools and in here is a list of each one of the tools that you can use to build whatever it is you're trying to create the next category here is open effects and these might look familiar if you've taken a look at the open effects over in the Edit Page because a lot of these are the same things that are available over there next you can come down to templates and this is a great resource that I've used quite a bit to just help me get some cool stuff made here in fusion we're gonna talk about this a little bit more in a minute but there's a lot of cool stuff in here that you can try and just see how it works in fusion and just get an understanding of what's going on with each one of these different things just to help you understand it a little bit better but we'll get back to that in a minute then you also have edit templates templates you can save and then over here you have lots to with all kinds of different nuts in there that you would also see over in the color page so before we move on to checking out some other cool stuff I hope that this example was helpful just to kind of show you how to build some simple text here in fusion and I'm gonna be the first one to tell you here that it's not easy it's challenging there's a lot to learn there's tons of nodes and it's hard to find out what they do and how to merge them together with other nodes and connect things there's a lot going on here and I think it just takes a lot of time playing with it and watching other people's tutorials and just kind of learning more about it in order to be able to create really cool stuff in it real quick before we move on here I want to jump back into the edit tab so you can see that we do have our fusion composition here we've got our subscribe up here and it comes through no problem so back into the fusion panel one way that I found is a great way to learn more about how to build things is to use the templates so I'm gonna go ahead and just select all this and delete that let's come up to the effects library come over to templates and take a look at some of these guys here so what's really cool is these are things that are already built all you have to do is drag and drop them down in here and you've already got a cool effect with some things that you can change to kind of customize the preset for you so a cool one here is let's pick fireflies under particles so the particles are really cool here in DaVinci Resolve and let's say I brought down our fireflies and you can see it comes in as basically a group so if I click on it and I right-click you can come down to expand group just so you can see what is going on in there and if we use our command and we zoom in you can see it's got a pea emitter which is a particle emitter it adds some turbulence which means it's going to make those particles look like they fly around it renders it and then it has a 3d render so how do you know which ones to use well that's part of the challenge that I mentioned earlier about figuring out what goes where how do you build stuff and how do you make it look cool here in fusion but in this case with the priests I'd also have to do is click on my square here and bring it over connect it to my a media out make sure that's up there in our viewer and I'm gonna let it play through and render a little bit and you can see we've got some little fireflies flying there on the screen let's say I want to make a black background behind the Firefly so I could see them a little bit better oh and I click on my background and then I'm probably gonna have to merge these together so I'm gonna do a merge node I want my background on the background which it is let's disconnect this and I'm gonna connect this to my foreground on my merge and then connect it to my output so now we've got a black background with the fireflies that were already created and if we look at that it is pretty cool not too bad right but let's say I want more fireflies how do I do that well you can look at your nodes here and if you click on each one let's start with the emitter here and I click on the inspector and just double click on emitter here so it opens up my options you see we've got all kinds of options so right here number I'm gonna boost that guy up so we get more and then look at that we've got tons of them there so that's a little much I'm gonna bring it back yeah about there number variants let's change it up a little you can change the colors if you scroll down look at these different menus here you've got velocity how fast they move you've got all kinds of options here with every single node that is available in fusion here so tons of cool stuff you can do so if I just hit my spacebar to play through you can see we've got fireflies that are moving pretty quick there let's change my velocity back and we can see they kind of even flow maybe you want to change the lifespan mmm a few less you know you just go through and you just change all this stuff and try different things I don't know if you can hear this in the background but my fans on my machine are speeding up going hard miles an hour here because this is a lot of work for my machine just to make this little rendering of these fireflies here and like I said my machine's a little older so a lot of this stuff is definitely a pretty intense on your machine so keep that in mind when you're trying to build any kind of cool effects here in fusion so the fans of my computer finally slowing down a little bit after that a little bit of work there it had to do but if you click on each one of these different nodes you're gonna see you're gonna get different options here in the inspector and there's so many different options with all these different nodes that really you just got to kind of go through and play with different things and see how it works out see what they do and see if you like the result but coming back up to the effects library the cool thing about all these is that you can break them down you can see the nodes how they work there's a ton of cool stuff in here that you can make minor tweaks to in the inspector and get some really cool effects and I've had a lot of fun just kind of playing around with these and seeing what they can do and it's just given me a good understanding of how to kind of build stuff I think that's one of the hardest parts here is how do you build this stuff in fusion to make it look cool and just another quick example here we can take a look at a piece of text because a lot of the text options that you can do here are pretty cool too so I picked this alien one and I look at this and I say okay I see it's not quite where I want it to be and it's not saying what I wanted to say so how do I fix that well if we take a look down here we have our text and click on that and you'll notice sometimes you get a whole bunch of nodes over here well all you have to do to open the options for each one is double-click on it in this case got my text I'm gonna say subscribe and if I just play through it see it doesn't even appear on the screen but if I take my text bring it to my second viewer close my library if I come up here and I zoom out again hold my command key and zoom out I noticed it's over here why is it all the way over there I don't know but we can just click on it drag it over I'm gonna zoom back in here or you can use some of the tools at the top here you've got your zoom right here you can do fit to screen and if I play through I'm gonna see it gives us a cool effect we're e-types the text onto the screen for us pretty cool alright guys there you go I hope this was helpful in getting you going infusion and giving it an idea of how to work in it what it is what nodes are and how to start to build some cool effects here again I'm no expert in fusion and I feel like I know about that much of how to work in fusion but it is cool that you can start working with some of these templates and at least get some cool effects in your videos struggle with making this video for a while cuz I felt like I just didn't know enough but then I figured you know what we're all learning this together and I'm gonna share what I know this is kind of how I've been working through it and each time I come up with an idea you kind of figure out how to do it thank you guys for watching if you have any questions leave a comment down below I'll do my best to answer them you learn a little something give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you want to learn more about DaVinci Resolve and I look forward to seeing you guys in the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 29,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial 2020, how to use davinci resolve 16 free, DaVinci Resolve 16, Linked Files, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial video editing, video editing for beginners davinci resolve, Fusion, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, Fusion Resolve, how to use fusion resolve 16, fusion for beginners, davinci resolve fusion for beginners, davinci resolve fusion basics, how to use davinci resolve 16 for beginners, Fusion Tutorial, VFX, Effects
Id: FUTzxeVqMpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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