Fusion 360 Tube Coping

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hello and welcome to this video in this video i will be showing you how i cope tubing and pipe in fusion 360. let's get started first we'll create a sketch of the skeletal structure of our tubing assembly for this example we'll just draw a simple right triangle with equal legs now we'll go over to create and come down the list select pipe we'll select one of the legs we'll set our tubing dimensions which has already been set two inch tubing with a 120 wall thickness turn our sketch back on because we still need it we'll do a right click select repeat pipe select the hypotenuse do a new body same tubing dimensions hit ok do right click repeat pipe select the left leg and we'll do a new body same tube dimensions and we can turn off our sketch because we're done with it now let's extend all the ends of the tubes so that the outer surfaces completely intersect each other now we're ready to cope so come up here to modify and we will select split face we're going to select the inner surface and outer surface of the tube that we want to coat and then we're going to come over here to splitting tool and we're going to select the outer surface of the tube that governs that coat to see what just happened we'll come over here and we will isolate by doing a right click come down select isolate and you can see the split surfaces on that tube we'll do a right click press pull we'll select these two interfaces and do a negative extrude of the wall thickness that we had set for this tube so minus 0.12 and now that cope is complete now we can do a right click do an un isolate you can see that this cope perfectly conforms to that lower tube now let's do the cope that is between these two parts i'll do a split face we'll select the inner surface and outer surface of the tube we want to cope come over to splitting tools select the outer surface of the tube that governs that coat hit okay we'll isolate our body once again we will do a right click press pull we'll select these two interfaces do a negative extrude of the wall thickness if you look down here you'll see that there's still a section of the tube that needs to be extruded so we'll do a press pull again a negative extrude of the wall thickness and now the cope is complete do an isolate and now i will show you how to miter tubing we'll start by creating a sketch on the original plane that we drew the triangle on and we want to come over to create go to project include go to intersect and we're going to select the two tubes that we are trying to miter now we can draw a line between the two intersecting points of these tubes we'll come over to surface come down to extrude in the create bar we'll select that line we just drew do a symmetric extrude and extrude that surface beyond the surfaces of the tubes come back over to solid we'll do a split face again like we did before we'll select the inner and outer surfaces of the tubes we want to cope or miter in this case we'll select the splitting tool which is the surface we just drew and we'll hit ok now we can turn that surface off because we're done with it and we'll isolate one of these tubes like we did before do a right click press pull select the inner surface do a minus the wall thickness extrusion and again we still have a little sliver that needs to be extruded so we'll select that and do a negative extrude of the wall thickness we'll isolate this lower leg do what we did before right click press pull select the inner surface negative extrude of the wall thickness and again we still have a little sliver left over do a negative extrude of the wall thickness do it unnicely and now that miter is complete that's the next example i'm going to show you is what i call a free-floating cope so we'll start a sketch come down to project include we'll do an intersect make sure construction is on we'll come back select a line and what we're trying to do is make this line co-linear with the left edge of that left leg so we'll turn construction off so we can extrude this line i'll just draw it off and and arbitrary angle and length will make it co-linear with that edge hit ok and our sketch is complete go over to surface like we did before do an extrude of that line do a symmetric extrude extend it beyond the surface of the tube we're trying to cope hit okay go over to solid do a split face select the inner and outer surface of the tube we're trying to cope go over to splitting tool select the splitting tool which is the surface we drew and we can turn that surface off now because we're done with it now we'll do a right click press pull select the inner surface do a negative extrude of the wall thickness and we still have a little sliver left over in the outer surface so we'll do the same for that press pull select it negative extrude with the wall thickness and that cope is complete now we'll move on to another type of coat we'll put a hole in the center of the lower leg and i will show you how that's done so we'll start off by creating a sketch select the original plane that we had sketched our triangle on we're going to come over here select a circle just draw it anywhere and we're going to set this circle in the center of the lower leg so we'll do three inches and a one inch diameter hole do a horizontal constraint so it's in the center of the tube and that sketch is complete now we'll go over to surface and extrude that circle circle's already been selected into a symmetric extrude extend it beyond the surface of that tube hit okay now we'll go over to solid split face we'll select the outer and inner surface of the tube we want to cope over to splitting tool select the surface we just drew hit okay now we can turn that surface off because we're done with it i'll do a right click press pull select these two surfaces negative extruder the wall thickness 0.12 now we want to do these little slivers on the inside of the tube so same thing right click press pull negative extrude to the wall thickness make sure we get all four minus 0.12 hit enter and that cope is complete that concludes this video i hope this video was helpful if you have any questions or comments please state them below in the comment section thank you for watching
Channel: JAMFAB
Views: 369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -5HrsPmuHO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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