Among Us But IQ is -500 // #3

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Jack really goofed on that one. Still funny tho

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/_Zev 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why does this title seems like a Mr Fruit title

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_ub4 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mama bombardierhd , ce nume ai lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cuppy_The_Cup 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

What a god

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DownSyndromePUg 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Poor Jack can't lie

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LloydGGrimm 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

:) jack

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlaxBester 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pranav_2005 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] how's it going bro ah what's up man i'm ready to not lie that's alright we're lying dude gotcha dave's my alibi we're good i'm going with dave wherever dave goes i go i think dave is a little suspicious actually i think i'm stick with stinky as my alibi look how scared he is can we go here stinky god he's such a non-team player this [ __ ] guy it was stinky you followed me i saw me do nothing i thought he called the body i'm a little obsessive dave to be honest you made some weird movements but that's all i got at the base i was just checking to see what you guys were doing and that sounds like little liar boys anyway i found the body in admin all right dave definitely says all right who's your teammate dave who do you work with corpse i forgot what it's like to play with felix you mean annoying was it was there anyone else an admin um no one else was in admin that i could see charlie went down to the left i think i'm over by the navigation i was following to the right yeah his movement was suspicious wait dave did you kill julian um no julia julian did david that was close kind of [Laughter] me and felix were clear we found each other i don't think it's feelings or yeah because it is thank you dave thank you so much i saw the market together i was near grease ball for a little bit jack and felix were in electrical area right yeah yeah we're electrical engines and then cafeteria are you cooking moist man is very quiet i want to hear his liar voice moist i was in a navigation i had passed chris after analyzing his movement pattern that means nothing all right i'm gonna skip for now but i'm on to you nice to meet you this is his chance to prove himself he should be thankful yo don't leave don't leave don't lean oh he left us huh interesting if stinky is the other killer that would be really cool actually all right was anyone with dave oh they said there were two seconds left on the reactor holy [ __ ] it's ethan or chris yeah that's what i'd eat wait why the hell is that all right why not felix can see through walls again hold on felix why me because i don't want you here i hate it that he does wait his name is corpse and he keeps finding the corpses yeah we made that joke already yeah that's all right i'm sorry has anybody else been with uh with sean or felix because i haven't i haven't even i haven't seen ethan um liar voice i can hear it i can't believe we let felix get away with this every single time if it's him he just like doesn't have an excuse yeah we should know better by now yeah oh wow there we go wow wow you're done all right what's next yeah so we're killing chris next so we all agree that it's chris yeah chris why why okay okay okay give him a chance all right chris why i was i was walking towards the oxygen which one no i cleared that oxygen you were way too slow i was walking towards it thanks a lot that does not help me and corpse were at the top one and he could have killed me so easily and then felix did the other one uh true i actually think it's correct i could have killed you guys so many times too but i didn't because i'm not the killer walking around no one died i'm confused what the hell oh god i might have made a mistake i had to vote for you right or else it would have tied oh i was actually wrong for that i'm sorry oh no are we wrong no you're right oh i would have felt bad but i also wouldn't chris you didn't you didn't waste much time there didn't you oh nice all right good luck i would love to be imposter but i'll never get it maybe next time who knows uh yeah it works to see who's greed's balls that's critical yeah you gotta pick an alibi i i'm 100 sure this is felix is the imposter here i'm staying glued to shawn's ass i'm giving him no breathing room all right who did it who's dead oh two oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] i mean sometime has passed although me and moise and jack were all together for most of that and there was no dead bodies on the right side yeah i saw the left of cafeteria where i found i believe it was dave blue yeah i was kind of source of ethan until i just saw him dead so i don't know what's going on though he really thought it was felix he was doing some very suspicious movements and uh that's why i was following him around but tell me more i followed you around [ __ ] i literally said hey voice will vouch for me because i was literally within the whole game right there was nobody in corpse and electrical at one point like down below i saw both of them walking around doing stuff wait felix what tasks did you do oh no he didn't remember why come on shut the [ __ ] up i was with you there was no dead bodies and just because i don't know which task i did you're gonna vote me out i just like voting you that's a little weird everyone you know you know i'm gonna vote you every round anyway so chad which class yeah i kind of retract my vote i think it's corpse and julian but that's his way okay fine i'll vote for you then uh oh that's a bit sucks that's a bit oh it's definitely felix get me out of here 100 good there's no doubt in my mind what do i do i got to do electrical if chris had followed me there i feel like uh that would be an indicator right we'll see now yeah all right it was chris now we know it is chris i just found a body i was gonna say it's felix i was connecting a lot of high-level dots in my head how's that working out i found a body at the bottom below cafeteria i was running from top left to bottom running up every time no matter what possibly him he's so tough to read and try yeah i i saw chris and julian julian went into a room and went straight back out of comms and i didn't see him do anything in there he did run by me and could have killed me but three times sean we passed each other in that bottom hallway like three different times uh we didn't high five any of those times that's your fault i have a handout i mean i have zero lead other than possibly chris so i was in electrical doing uh some tasks and then i went up back to med bay to finish my feed so who called the meeting again i did i thought i was instinct was felix i had it all planned out but it definitely it is not now i think it's fun because we have to vote somebody on the topic okay i came from the top left and he would have i mean i i feel like that's if you're that's all you're you're only leading down below you said you said you were doing tasks what tasks were you doing down below me yeah i was doing the download it's gonna touch oh [ __ ] it's gonna talk oh oh we're dead we're so freaking dead it's probably chris and julian unless charlie's being a big brain julian like um oh i could have done med in front of everyone wait you only need to kill one person and we lose right yes yes i believe so something like that so the reason i think it's crazy is because i came from the top left the body was in the bottom middle and if i came from top left he would have had to have come from middle so he would have passed the southern to go to the bottom left but it's interesting that you're the one who uh reported it because i i didn't see it i'm voting sean honestly oh yeah it's chris and julian yeah i think it's chris and julian it's possible it's not chris like they could have immediately killed the body right before i walked in but i highest probability i would say chris what though and they both voted me yeah i don't know about that [Music] get out of here chris tinker we all stayed out of fear of dying but julian was the only one who left left i have tasked to do what do you mean yeah we're nowhere near to getting our tasks done man yeah we're not do you guys not care about tasks i don't not at this point is it a jack or julian i [Laughter] yes good luck have fun good luck uh should i report him can you hear me oh no okay so the first whole half of that round i saw ethan and dave together pretty much the whole time on cam so i was watching security cam yeah oh okay with dave and i did my sample thing and then i left because the time was going down to be fair ethan and i did asteroids together and he could have killed me and it seems like he did it and the battle went up after he did it well let's just ask him ethan deadass did you kill dave [Music] where did you find it i was literally gonna say the last one i saw was you but uh was me or was julian julian electrical oh i did see an electrical yeah that's true i saw a storage going towards electrical did anyone else see corpse i was i was around him a while he was his movement was a little weird but he was also definitely so nervous what the [ __ ] was happening i was just doing tasks yes i was doing the wires i'm in the most southern room next to admin i believe at the moment where's the box i don't know what to believe it's an electrical ethan ethan when did you part with dave like when in that round when i killed him pretty early on like i went to i went and did medical first and that's when i was with dave and then i went and did asteroids yeah what did we do we got to make a choice i think it's so obvious when it's me and then i get nervous and then it goes to my head control your liar voice all right all right it's cool i'm going out too it was julian i saw him take a freaking vent and he murdered dude right in front of security where you hang out all day i was on security last round i was on the asteroid machine that round so i don't even know your heartbreak dude i saw you killed i saw charlie like right before you called the body out no no no charlie was with me in felix [Laughter] i'm so confused who else it is though yeah i have no idea okay what the f why did he lock me out why am i locked in the thanks julian julie's sabotaging me now sorry julian i'm sorry yo julian you gotta you gotta lock one of them out how many times do they have left how are we doing on time well that wasn't very well done i think it's ethan you think it's who he locked me in the cafeteria can you hear me yeah who who did you say he locked me and griezmann in the cafeteria and then he stand uh greenspun me i i'm i'm trying to think if it's you as well it's either felix or ethan sean you're walking around really weird too to be honest this whole time oh my god i was literally i was literally clearing you to my channel i don't think it's jack uh so it's felix because i was in the [ __ ] cafeteria yeah and he killed greece right there dude sorry okay you're trying to turn it back over me i got it why didn't you why didn't you say that immediately because i was trying to figure out what just can happen because it was me and felix and chris in the cafeteria and then i was like wait who just got killed and it was good and i was like wait was that who we were wait wait chris which camp are you smelling [ __ ] from most because i know it's neither of us i think it's pewds why me because i'm the one that reported it i literally saw [ __ ] ethan do it okay vote ethan out and then you can do me no no you out there why would you skip if you saw me do it oh that's crazy damn it it had a header menu let's see good luck guys julian i'm sorry i'm sorry oh ho ho quick all right so right side of the map near the concrete area who's where right now currently i'm an admin i was there with felix but i didn't see if you actually remove the oxygen thing or not i did what was the code [Music] yeah there is a six in the numbers yeah i can't even remember my birthday half the time corbin julian traded colors by the way all right oh that's pretty sus i wanted it back charlie where were you at oh you wanted it back huh yeah i killed him charlie with ethan i'm sorry sorry i couldn't hear you i got big sus energy on stinky what do you got to say for yourself i came up to do oxygen i swiped my card at the start and then i went around you weren't at oxygen though because that was going on no the the the top one their top right one near the weapons and navigation i came in right behind ethan and i pulled up the keypad and then a body was discovered chris what's good with you i'm going to follow jack and if he kills me you know all right where was the body sound logic right part of the map near like the cockpit area i don't know the name of the o2 from one and i didn't see it with me next round uh what are we doing escape for what i'm voting jack anyway all right stop too late wait jack and david suss i'm not gonna go with them what is that admin uh is that moist yeah well god damn why someone's pet just here man imposters so [ __ ] easy i thought he was gonna happen oh so he called me i saw [ __ ] and admin uh were you struggling on that card wait there's two people dead card is the bane of my existence you're there for a while crazy yeah wait am i crazy there's two people dead yeah even died as well and feuds i was just walking with um dave and everyone right we were all together yeah i saw kristen i saw chris and felix at the oxygen in admin yeah grease ball i saw you go into the admin so that checks out that you just found the body rather than self-report unless it's a really quick killing who were you with last round in o2 charlie i forgot john ethan and i at o2 i will say i thought it was ethan because sean and i came in to o2 from the top and i didn't see ethan get he said the body was on the right but since he doesn't check out anymore i think it might be sean because he's he's really quiet he's never this quiet no i'm quiet because every time i yell everyone thinks that i'm [ __ ] suspicious so i just there's two killers so we're literally yeah dave you could actually saw charlie go into the i can like lightly vouch for you and charlie on on this round i'm i'm feeling chris on jack on this one i'd say let's vote chris hey then it's not me chris i'm voting chris it's not me what the heck well we need to get rid of people wrong i think it's jazz it's corpse it's corpse heaven i think it's jack they're all over the place but i think we just lost if we got it wrong i think charlie might have self-reported and it was jack with him damn it dave whose team are you playing on what the [ __ ] well i was right behind you i was right behind trying to see it and i just like i thought it can't be that quick he's so mad just guys there's two people dead what the hell i usually know who it is at least i don't vouch for the killer like dave jesus christ think i'm bad no it can't be him he came from the death room oh no not again [ __ ] oh he's gotta see that you almost got away with it you almost got away you always got away with it i just saw charlie kill someone in bent someone what's wait where you saw him vent there's no possible way i went through nav and then i went down to shields i don't even know where the [ __ ] body is that's pretty good wait corpse where is the body it's in the cockpit you took the bend at the top i'm pretty sure it was same it was in the shadows but it was i it was blue for sure i i'm pretty sure so it's charlie or a corpse i think i might know the other killer as well i'll put my light white killer um i saw sean doing the card task and he walked away before the green bar went up at all he did so david i'd say david for like a bit and i was with david i was scared to leave admin because i thought sean was just camping by the door to kill me and i just made her no i didn't leave because i wanted to make sure ethan did it and it took him all day and nothing happened until the body was crazy like i said no green bar can we go for charlie corpse then sure i'm gonna go with sean on this one i haven't seen though i don't know what to say about corpse but that with sean seems a little fishy hard to see be voting for sean to make it ask yeah well um also dave could have killed me and he didn't just i literally saw him jump in a vend why are you guys hesitating it doesn't tell us i say sean then corpse any last words shown you're that determined that it's me jesus christ yeah you really think it's gonna be me and charlie again twice in a row [Applause] let's go feel like you're not muted killing time [Laughter] this is sub-optimal positioning for me i are you [ __ ] serious this [ __ ] [ __ ] for the 500th time stop killing me i feel so bad doing that to him every time so do we do no one was going for the oxygen i had to get both of them yeah i was at the button ready to spam for the emergency meeting oh no it really was killing time i didn't go to do desk because i was going to press the emergency button but you can't press on the oxygen times to die yeah i didn't know that so you're looking pretty suspicious i was over by admin with somebody all right i guess i do my little taskies huh that's all right this is what i was trying to do i need a new group of friends for sure all right how did you all just walk past that body what body what buddy uh there's a body i'm a hot target i get it i just went from election right where the fuel is no no no the one next to storage it's by you leaving oxygen right that was you uh uh at the top right i don't know the names of things because you're going from top right to bottom right right yes yes okay i can't say that i can clear dave because the bar went up and both of us did the characters you guys think it's julie i didn't see it go up for ethan but we were also together pretty much the entire time charlotte storage charlie who did you see with us in in the right way from sports but i didn't see the color it might have been ethan or it could have been ethan down below as well i i came from storage i was heading to do the shields i saw jack come from the left i saw it but you said how did you not see that buddy i literally did not see anything my room didn't come up or anything yeah nobody told me where you were you wouldn't be able to see it i i can't i'm not even i'm falling i'm following anywhere what are they talking about what oh you guys [Applause] at least i didn't say where he was or something all right continue i'm dead i don't know if ethan skipped because he [ __ ] doesn't tell us cool wow let's go baby wow damn i just realized that julian said [ __ ] all that round yeah keeping quiet such a good tactic all right corpse you're my alibi see if this strike works no don't kill me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you help me ethan says he was chasing me i found him i found the body what were you doing there where was that it was by reactor um corpse and i did the reactor because like the someone i guess made it uh and then i found stinky's body in the hallway we did react to it walked outside and his body was in the hallway with me no he wasn't felix ethan was chasing you he was chasing me into the thing where everyone was and then he said he was like oh everyone's here was anyone with sean because so he died on his way to reactor it seems i saw felix around electrical with me when i was running up to reactor it's possible it could have been him ethan was behind me how would it have been me he was chasing me i saw you on electrical right so yeah because if you were coming out of electrical and i was running towards reactor and then the reactor was fine and so then i turned around to go back up towards cafeteria and that's why i was following you through there i feel like if anything we could vouch for each other because we were completely alone and now there was killers there's there's two killers and there's okay you're cool ethan yeah yeah i like that yeah julian's being quiet again where were you i was at the the bottom where the oxygen on the right side so when the oxygen got called i was doing tasks so i ran over as soon as it got it was it was it was reactor not boxing that was called i think it's corpse and ethan just because they kind of vouch for each other i didn't vouch for him i didn't bad yeah but there's a triangle of trust here and i'm the no i i didn't vouch for ethanol why do you vote for me they you're the only one you're the only one that voted me what the [ __ ] was that explain yourself all right let's see if it's ethan do it ethan do the visual pass i say that no i can't click it oh he didn't kill me visuals are off okay okay okay why did we turn that off that's like for fun let's go dude eighth invited jack that was an accident i did not mean to jump into that vent in front of you so i was like well i have to kill him you saw me jump into a vent oh i didn't see and i thought it was so both of you went down to do the reactor so i was like okay it's not crystal corpse because they did it and bang dang two steps away triangle means nothing apparently too i didn't know i never vouched for you than ever wait is that what made us lose was the oxygen yeah we died dude wow wow we do want visual tasks yeah oh yeah sure see i was looking at you ethan i was like ethan just doing he's not faking it but then i was like i was so sure that you were gonna kill me i totally thought that you were coming in there to kill me i was like good triangle of trust bro i never break it all right then triangle of trust we gotta find a third boy no one's doing the oxygen [Laughter] we're going to lose because that was okay that's funny i always picked the wrong people oh baby somebody left a body by admin poor felix and i stand right after him yeah you and me are both good we both have our uh okay so asteroids went down to do oxygen and i thought triangle meant something but i guess not kind of ran with me and then ran away as soon as you saw ethan chris chris knight scan top left okay so it's he probably just reported dave like because he's imposter and wanted someone up if it's not dave it wasn't dave then or they only had a wife that was watching the stream and that gave me some water oh my god did you hear me oh legend thank you but g fuel that's like that will keep me up best wife queen march gives water thank you marge the body's in electrical i will say corpse i watch do the leaf task where he blast that out the the ship [ __ ] so he's safe i don't think ethan could have gotten there in time and i definitely think we got it right with dave i followed julian around i did see ethan go down from cafeteria when we were locked in cafeteria julie and i went julian and i went left ethan went south which is towards electric could have gotten there and killed chris there well i shouldn't really be alone here let me do a little reconnaissance let's see what i see the tasks for now i'm gonna go check i i think i think for sure it's sean i'm i almost want to call on him what what his his kill had to be on cool down then i followed that man for like 30 minutes it's orange wait what do you mean i literally just why didn't you report the body no no me and corpse were over by comms you went off with charlie and now charlie's dead you jump out event on the security cams bro who just walked by our body yeah no man you got it wrong we got it right with dave but wrong with ethan it's definitely julian he put it for himself there's no comeback from there's [Music] wait was it dave or ethan it was me and julian immediately after he was like trying to trash i kind of want to just immediately kill chris because he's the only one that's going right i might do that oh my god uh yo okay this is gonna be super obsessed with me but me and ethan were in uh jesus two people are dead yeah me and ethan were in what the [ __ ] is it called like the security thing security yeah and we i saw uh grease ball walk over uh uh chris's body on the camera i didn't see any bodies yeah yeah cause you hear the kill where were you okay wait wait wait you saw him walk over a body yeah two people touch me i came from communication into storage okay but i was also looking at security did you not see him i didn't see that it's ethan and charlie people that saw me come from communications might be crazy they've all cleared each other right that's right it literally was yeah grace ball where were you so graceful come in from the side so let's vote ethan first then felix then no no no no no no [ __ ] first because he's the one i saw on the camera don't listen to dave all right yeah but that's the that's the obvious one then we have him then and we know it okay get him out first and it is telling us that he saw [ __ ] walk on top of a body yeah on the camera and for some reason ethan didn't see it which is really sucks was ethan on cams with you or yeah he was i mean i might have seen it you might have seen it before me because i was i didn't know how to get the security you didn't look at the camera yeah i believe i believe that what if ethan was just standing at cams and not actually so waiting for the cooldown it's possible okay i'm done with ethan and then charlie no charlie first please love god i wish the two people why would we vote on the one that i didn't say walked over the body that makes me not [ __ ] saying so shall we come into storage oh you guys all right i sus jack and david not voting charlie because then it's obvious that it's him what does that mean felix you called that out you didn't even vote yeah because it's uh charlie that's a good point our game are you playing they make no sense i saw a guy walk over the body all right let's vote for the other guy all right what's the threat then explain this okay so we got we got someone else's if you're so sure that it's charlie we then initiate the charlie belt right or i'm fine with that as long as you vote out pewds on the next one it's jack and charlie literally oh [ __ ] it is ether or felix okay but have i done something that was suspicious no have charlie done it yeah all right wait felix felix all right you should have you guys are getting played and it's pretty cringe bro come on okay what kind of game are you playing you're voting why is no one turning it off god damn it are you guys gonna listen to the top one you're [ __ ] dumbass everything i said checked out but let's vote out everyone else i don't know why what is that strategy explain that david he killed me in the reactor room but i thought you guys explain yourself david jack now you're a [ __ ] idiot i want to know certain kinds this stories you're still going i say it i saw greece fall on cam i was with ethan let's spot out everyone else what is this if he had him dead to rights why did he not get that vote done oh that feels amazing felix i don't know what the [ __ ] happened they just didn't want to believe you wait barry is still level one and you haven't fed bob god damn signals 19 year olds because their new trials mode is like use your full pixeling ruses to defeat as many enemy waves as possible download pixel links instantly for 20 muscle increase oh [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,434,455
Rating: 4.9643292 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: xqeX20cWlgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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