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oh i can't wait i have no idea what i'm doing it like automatically starts oh wait hold on do we start fighting each other i'm the champion sit down [Music] [Music] anthony let me help you out i'm dead [Laughter] are you really dead i am dead [Applause] my first game the [ __ ] out no [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] i am all powerful he's super saiyan i'm super sick i think bree knocked me out no briefly [Laughter] i'm still alive 1v1v1 situation oh my god hello um i'm just chilling out i'm just chilling out just chilling out get off me daddy breathe about what you've done no no the circle's closing guys the circle's closing i'm the king jesus wow come on come on [Applause] wow this game is ridiculous okay okay okay can i go in spinach spinach finished no who is it is it bree it's [Laughter] control that was amazing this game was amazing delirious this is my first time playing look at all oh you guys gave me money let's give me money back away present wow that was amazing this guy looks stoned i'm gonna choose him go same bro we gotta watch out for the dinosaur brothers let's go [Music] oh there's a bump it's a bomb yeah [Music] oh [Applause] is i'm the strongest oh she came out of nowhere [Applause] wow wait is is he faking it are you dead i don't know can you fake it weave and kick she is so vicious dizzy's faking it he's making it knobby is so vicious oh no oh no top of your gameplay dizzy faking it if you're not dead i swear i'll oh get off me dizzy it's not the first nor will it be the last time let's go anthony get the crossbow oh [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] oh hey anthony there's a crossbow south oh i see it i see it let's see wait keep going keep going [Music] he's got a gun look at it look at break back knock them out she's invisible oh no get the [ __ ] on that [ __ ] hey can we get something anthony do not let free witch he's already got a crowd anthony you can do this oh [ __ ] you can't no no oh it's over it's over he did it by stay away from me stay away from me oh no no no no no no it's so easy to climb i'm bouncing back oh no yeah not pretty hey what's your favorite movie uh oh don't worry about it [Applause] it's you don't have to keep hitting me never mind no it's not me [Music] yes [Music] that's right i'm the away from dizzy oh shovels are dangerous freaking ninja over here come on get the ninja speed his ass oh my god should not have went for the fist fight against the shot that was your third win i couldn't [ __ ] [Music] anthony what's it feel like to win it feels good man it feels good yeah can i get a better name [Music] hey guys if you want more videos just like this one you know what to do press that like button right now but yes i'm loving the support thank you guys so much i hope you enjoyed this video drop a like leave a comment and i'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody [Music] goodbye you're never gonna take this away from me i'm in the delirious army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 1,318,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Party Animals, party animals gameplay, party animals demo, party animals game, indie games, Gang Beasts, Among Us, h2o delirious among us, party animals trailer, multiplayer, steam game festival
Id: AL2CvgVsQB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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