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wow we are going to learn so many cool things on this homeschool pop video all right what's the first thing we should learn how about the planets of the solar system now as we begin we have to answer this question what are planets this is a really good question what are planets planets are round objects that orbit the sun here is a picture of the sun it's the largest star in our solar system it's massive and you can see there's a ring around it those are some solar flares fire shooting out of the sun absolutely amazing and stunning and it kind of looks like a pizza actually i kind of feel creative doesn't it look like a cheese pizza looks really yummy the word orbit means to circle around that means planets around objects that circle around the sun hey what 3d shape is a planet think about it what 3d shape is a planet we know that a planet is round what 3d shape is perfectly round yeah a sphere yeah planets are spheres they're perfectly round good job to summarize planets are spheres that go around the sun pretty simple huh hey did you know there are two types of planets it's really interesting there are two types of planets okay so there are primary planets and there are dwarf planets those are the two types of planets now there are eight primary planets these are the main planets that you think of the main planets that are circling around the sun and these are the planets we're going to be studying in this video and then there are five dwarf planets these planets are a lot smaller and are not considered primary planets sorry pluto wow there they are the primary planets you're gonna get to know all eight of these primary planets you're gonna know them so well oh my goodness this is gonna be awesome the first planet is mercury mercury is the closest planet to the sun the second planet is venus pretty cool huh the second planet is venus our planet earth is the third planet from the sun the fourth planet is mars mars is the fourth planet the fifth planet is jupiter that's the biggest planet of them all the sixth planet is saturn you gotta love those rings saturn is the sixth planet uranus is the seventh planet and the eighth planet is neptune neptune is the furthest primary planet from the sun let's look at each of the eight primary planets the first planet is mercury [Music] here's where mercury is it is the closest planet to the sun okay the sun is super duper hot so guess what mercury is a really really hot planet in fact mercury is four times hotter than boiling water have you ever seen boiling water it's so hot it's boiling it can cook things it's really really hot if you barely touch it you will hurt yourself so bad well mercury is four times hotter than that oh my goodness it is a very hot planet four times hotter than boiling water mercury is one of the rocky planets there are four rocky planets and mercury is one of them oh and mercury it is the smallest primary planet mercury is so much smaller than the other planets tiny little a little baby mercury it's the smallest planet of the primary planet so if you think a small planet think of mercury it's small it's hot you wouldn't want to live there the next planet planet 2 is venus [Music] is right here it's the second planet from the sun now this is interesting venus is called earth's twin the reason for that is they are very similar size they're almost the same size and what's interesting they're both rocky planets just like mercury is and earth and venus are made of similar rocks so they're pretty much the same size very similar size and they're made of the same stuff it's almost like the earth and the planet venus are twins hey did you know every day on venus is a cloudy day and the clouds are yellow oh that's such a gross color for clouds clouds are much better when there are other colors than yellow so the sunlight doesn't actually hit the surface of venus it's just a cloudy day every day forever but that's okay because there's no life on venus so nobody's crying about it and this is cool venus is the closest planet to earth [Music] it is the easiest planet to see in the sky you don't even need a telescope how cool is that [Music] the third planet is well ours the earth the earth is the third planet here's where the earth is yep it's the third planet from the sun by the way these planets never line up like this we just have it like this so you can see the order of the planets but they're normally very very jumbled they don't line up like this just wanted to share that but the earth is the third planet from the sun here's a picture of the ocean and some seagulls that are in some of the shallow parts of the water it's interesting earth is the only planet we know of that has oceans and life on it earth is one of the rocky planets yeah we live on a massive rock that has oceans that has life i mean that's absolutely incredible remember four of the planets are rocky planets earth has one moon the moon orbits the earth like the earth orbits the sun wow there's our planet that's where we live the earth the fourth planet is mars mars is right here in between earth and jupiter what color is mars look at mars what color is that yeah it's kind of like a reddish orange because of its color mars is called the red planet so if anyone asks you what's the red planet tell them hey the red planet is mars even though it is red it is not hot it is much colder than earth because remember mars is further from the sun than the earth so mars it's red it almost looks like it would be hot but it's cold [Music] hey is there life on mars that's a really good question that a lot of scientists have been trying to answer for a long time well scientists believe there used to be water on mars if there was water there may have been life and even stranger there are some scientists that believe we may still find basic forms of life still living on mars mars is the fourth rocky planet remember we said there are only four rocky planets so it's the last of the rocky planets mars has volcanoes and valleys just like earth they're just sometimes much bigger in fact there's a volcano on mars that's as big as the state of texas wow huge and this is kind of cool mars has two moons they are both very small okay they're just small moons which is good you know mars has a couple moons it's nice we've got a moon mars has two moons you know mars is the fourth planet from the sun and it's in between the earth and jupiter the fifth planet is jupiter jupiter the first of the gas planets here is where jupiter is it's the massive planet between mars and saturn i mean jupiter is huge it's the biggest planet in our solar system in fact all of the other planets could fit in jupiter and there would be extra room all of the other planets could fit inside of jupiter that's how big jupiter is and this is amazing jupiter has at least 63 moons and we say at least because they're still discovering more wow and because jupiter is a gas planet if you ever visited it you would just fall right through just kidding you would float i mean they wouldn't fall the gravity wouldn't be there you'd just kind of float around and you know jupiter is the giant gas planet in between mars and saturn the sixth planet is saturn another gas planet here is saturn the sixth planet from the sun you could spot it easily because of those huge rings and it's in between jupiter and uranus hey did you know saturn's rings are made of ice oh my goodness how cool that must be icy rings those rings are made of ice wow like jupiter saturn has a lot of moons saturn has 62 moons wow tons and tons of moons what's up with jupiter and saturn right and this is pretty awesome saturn is the farthest planet you can see without a telescope that's right you can see saturn with your own eyes without a telescope look mommy and daddy i see shouting with my own eyes and shadow and i see the rings and everything saturn is a gas planet that's the sixth planet from the sun and is in between jupiter and uranus the seventh planet is uranus another gas planet uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and is in between saturn and neptune both uranus and neptune are the only planets you can't see without a telescope so it took a while for them to be discovered now this is neat william herschel discovered uranus in 1781 it took us a long time to finally find the planet uranus uranus is a gas planet that is made of gas and liquid what's cool is uranus has rings just like saturn has rings yeah scientists believe the rings of uranus could be pieces of broken moons we don't know for sure but that's really fascinating if that's the case speaking of moons uranus has 27 moons 27 moons i mean we just have one you know 27. uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and is in between saturn and neptune the eighth and final planet is neptune hey that means the first four planets are rocky planets and the last four planets are gas planets so here is where neptune is it's the furthest planet from the sun like uranus neptune is a gas planet that is also made of liquid neptune was discovered in 1846 when uranus was being studied they were like wait a second there's a whole other planet here on the end let's call it neptune neptune is known for its storms the worst storms in the solar system in fact winds reach over 1 000 miles per hour on neptune that's pretty intense neptune has 14 known moons but scientists believe there may be more here's neptune the furthest planet from the sun you have done such an amazing job with us today today we learned planets are round objects that orbit the sun the word orbit means to circle around basically the planets are round objects that go around the sun we learn there are two types of planets primary planets and there are eight primary planets and dwarf planets there are five dwarf planets and here are all eight primary planets their familiar friends now mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus and neptune the first four planets are rocky planets mercury venus earth and mars are rocky planets the four planets furthest from the sun are the gas planets jupiter saturn uranus and neptune are gas planets here's our friend fred we heard that he just took up the harp he just started playing the harp fred we can't we can't hear we're having audio problems with fred right now fred you look so happy playing we we can't hear you okay you got you got to wear your micros up there we can't hear the music he doesn't even know doesn't isn't that nice you know fred is just plucking away he's having a good time you know kind of like we're having a good time right now with these learning videos and next we are going to learn about the human brain doesn't that sound cool and intriguing and maybe a little bit gross well it's gonna be a lot of fun because the brain is an amazing amazing part of your body and you're gonna understand it after watching his video i know we're gonna chop right in it's gonna be so cool so what is a brain i mean here in this drawing it almost looks like it's like bubble gum what is a brain well the brain is an organ of the body isn't that interesting it's an organ of the body all right so what is an organ we have to know that to know what a brain is if the brain is an organ of the body what is an organ it's interesting an organ is a special group of tissues that do specific jobs for your body [Music] like your heart your heart is a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body and eyeball is an organ too it's a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body [Music] and how about a kidney a kidney is an organ that's a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body see the brain isn't like just some wad of gums the brain is a special group of tissues and not only that remember an organ is a special group of tissues that do specific jobs for your body they do different jobs they have tasks to do so we know there are special tasks that the brain has to do but what does the brain do what is it that the brain does well this might sound crazy okay this might i hope you're sitting down this might sound a little crazy the brain controls most of the activities of the body your brain is like the control center of your body when you sit down your brain told your body to sit down when you stand up your brain told your body to stand up it's amazing your brain controls most of the activities of your body wait what what's with this sad music i mean this is not a sad thing the brain controls most of the activities of the body but that's a that's a good thing who's playing this sad music right now seriously kittens two kittens playing the piano are you kidding me are you they're cute but go on all right tell them if they're gonna play piano tell them to play the right kind of music okay there's not much to ask tell them to play the right kind of music all right that's better so the brain controls most of the activities of the body and that's a really good thing [Music] you see the brain is really powerful oh my goodness the brain is really really really really powerful it does a great job of controlling the activities of your body your brain is a champ it's like the control center of your body and your brain does a phenomenal job wait but how does something that almost looks like a wad of bubble gum control most of the activities of your body how does that even work well your brain uses something called the nervous system yeah the nervous system [Music] it's different than this kind of nervous this man his team is behind okay it's near the end of the game he doesn't know if they're going to be able to win he's sitting there wearing his cape he's nervous this is a different type of nervous the nervous system is how the brain is able to control the actions of your body and here's how it works here is where your brain is and here is where something called the spinal cord is now the brain and the spinal cord work together to send information called signals these signals are sent to what are called your nerves your nerves enable your body to do what your brain directed and that is how the brain is able to control most of the actions of your body [Music] the brain and spinal cord make up what's called the central nervous system where information is processed and sent out as signals and those nerves that go throughout your whole body those are called the peripheral nervous system and these arrows are just pointing to just a few that are in the arm but they go all over the place and they receive these signals from the brain how cool is that from the central nervous system the brain and spinal cord the peripheral nervous system gets the signals and is like okay let's do this and what's so cool it can work the other way around where the nerves can actually send signals to the spinal cord and to the brain [Music] let's say you're playing outside and you fall and you hurt your knee your nerves which are part of the peripheral nervous system send out a signal and say uh oh uh oh pain i'm hurt i'm hurt in the knee that signal gets sent to the brain and spinal cord which are the central nervous system and your brain processes that information so you can take the action that you need to take which is to take care of your name hey did you know the brain because it controls most of the activities of your body needs to be protected that is why it's so amazing that your brain lives here in something called the skull your brain lives in the skull your skull is really hard and protects your brain because your brain controls most of the activities of your body but not only that [Music] the brain is also responsible for all of your thinking and dreaming and imagining have you ever sat down and just thought and planned all of that is using your brain how incredible so good that your brain lives in your skull so it can be protected because not only does it control most of the activities of your body but also you do your thinking with your brain you're imagining with your brain even you're dreaming with your brain how incredible is the human brain and if you want to know a secret you were using your brain the whole time you're watching this video as you were learning you're using your brain how cool is that we love the brain the brain is so so awesome oh wow look it's the homophone cow homophone cow huh homophone cow you're just walking you're just just gonna ignore me see how it is okay so you're upset that we haven't included you in other videos what do you call this you know you're in a compilation video that's cool too all right i i need to talk to the homophone cow uh but in the meantime let's learn about solids and liquids solid and liquid are states of matter matter is anything that takes up space now matter comes in different states or forms there's solid there's liquid and there's gas today we are focusing on solids and liquids and how to classify them we're going to start with solids matter is a solid when it has its own shape let's show you so here are some examples of solids remember matter is a solid when it has its own shape [Music] here is a coat a coat is an example of a solid it has its own shape it's an interesting shape it's the shape of a coat but it has its own shape it's a solid [Music] here's another one here's a laptop computer it's an example of a solid it has its own shape it has its own shape it's a solid piece of matter here's another solid a scooter an electric scooter that looks really awesome and fun to ride anyway it's a solid right it has its own shape it's a solid oh i love making these a paper airplane is an example of a solid it is matter that has its own shape it's a solid matter is a solid when it has its own shape now let's learn about liquids [Music] matter is a liquid when it takes the shape of its container here's some examples of liquids [Music] our first is water and notice how we had to have it in a bottle in this picture because it doesn't have its own shape it takes the shape of its container because water is a liquid here's another liquid honey honey takes the shape of its container it's not solid it's liquid it takes the shape of its container it doesn't have its own shape it's a liquid [Music] here's the last example of a liquid it's coffee and it's in this cup it's taking the shape of the cup because it's a liquid it doesn't have a shape matter is a liquid when it takes the shape of its container all right so solids have their own shape and liquids take the shape of their container right i think you're ready i think you're ready to handle this we're going to play a quick game to figure out if these items are solid or liquid so i hope you'll help me out i hope you'll participate because we need to figure this out our first one juice solid or liquid [Music] yeah juice is a liquid it takes the shape of its container [Music] how about this a cup is a cup solid or liquid [Music] yeah it's solid it has its own shape let's try milk is milk a liquid or solid [Music] yeah milk is a liquid it takes the shape of its container [Music] how about this one honey is honey a liquid or a solid yeah it's a liquid it takes the shape of its container let's try a car is a car a solid or a liquid liquid it's a solid it has its own shape great job how about shampoo is shampoo a solid or a liquid [Music] shampoo is a liquid it takes the shape of its container solids have their own shape liquids take the shape of their container [Music] okay that was pretty cool you seem to know a lot about solids and liquids now so the next time you're drinking something or you're holding something you can say to yourself i know what this is [Music] oh this is such a heavy cart oh my goodness oh it's hard work you know a lot of times learning can be hard work too but we hope that these videos are really helpful make learning fun so that learning isn't hard like pushing this cart oh my goodness all right what's the next thing we should learn about let's learn about the human heart the different parts of your heart how it works how it functions we're gonna have such a great time okay well let's start here what is the heart that's a great question what is the heart well the heart is an organ of your body yeah that's right the heart is an organ of your body okay so what is an organ yeah we have to know that to know what a heart is if the heart is an organ of the body what is an organ it's interesting an organ is a special group of tissues that do specific jobs for your body like your brain your brain is an organ it's a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body an eyeball is an organ too it's a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body and how about a kidney a kidney is an organ that's a special group of tissues that does a specific job for your body so we know the heart is a special group of tissues don't we because it's an organ and an organ is a special group of tissues but that's not all remember an organ is a special group of tissues that do specific jobs for your body they do different jobs they have tasks to do so what does the heart do well we can see it's moving isn't it the heart is constantly moving wow so what does the heart do for your body that's a really good question why am i asking you that question why am i not just telling you the answer all right let's tell you well here it is the heart pumps blood through the body that amazing the heart pumps blood through the body your heart is a big pump and it's pumping blood through your body as you're watching this video right now you're watching homeschool pop you're having a great time and even right now your heart is pumping blood through your body isn't that incredible so how does your heart do that and why am i in a grocery store i guess i'm hungry for fish again [Music] so the heart has four chambers four chambers if anyone ever asks you how many chambers does your heart have you'll say my heart has four chambers that word chamber almost means like a room it's almost like your heart has four rooms it has four chambers there's the right atrium and there's the left atrium these are the top chambers of your heart [Music] then the lower two chambers are the right ventricle and the left ventricle pretty simple the heart has four chambers two on the top two on the bottom so here is how the heart pumps blood through the body the blood comes in through these valves right here into the right atrium and the left atrium do you see those arrows the blood flows in then the blood goes into the ventricles the right ventricle and the left ventricle isn't that pretty cool [Music] then the blood leaves the ventricles through these valves up here and it's ready to replenish the body with the oxygen and nutrients that your body needs [Music] this is all made possible because the heart is a muscular organ meaning it has lots of muscles those muscles are what enables it to pump blood through your body isn't that cool it's such a strong organ the heart pumps blood to every part of your body through the veins and arteries [Music] this is called the circulatory system isn't that amazing it enables your entire body to get the oxygen and nutrients that it needs so you can be healthy and strong the heart what an amazing organ that pumps blood through your body so you can stay strong and healthy hey when is it going to be my turn i want to be in this compilation video too okay let's see i'm going to teach about amphibians so i thought i would come out here and go for a walk to try to find some amphibians oh i see something up ahead what is this look at this little cutie coming our way what it's not an amphibian it's a cat oh okay let's go to the classroom some examples of amphibians are frogs salamanders toads and newts which are a type of salamander so what makes amphibians amphibian well they have moist skin and they start their life in water the word amphibian means two lives because they live the first part of their life in the water and the second part on land they are born with gills and fins to help them breathe and swim in the water then something really cool happens as they grow [Music] they go through a change called metamorphosis and grow lungs and legs to breathe air and walk on land there's another creature we know of that goes through metamorphosis do you remember what it is that's right it's butterflies they change from caterpillars into butterflies and become a different creature just like the amphibians amphibians like to live in wet areas like forests swamps ponds and rain forests they eat water fleas beetles slugs and larvae which are baby insects and sometimes they even eat each other get ready for review game time we're gonna figure out which of these next few things have to do with amphibians and which ones do not our first question is is that an amphibian i'll show you a picture and you tell me if it's an amphibian or not is this an amphibian [Music] yes that's an amphibian it's called a frog how about this one good job that's not an amphibian it's a bird now let's try this one yes that is an amphibian it's a salamander is this an amphibian that's right that is an amphibian it's a newt which is a type of salamander how about this one oh wait a minute that's mr whiskers mr whiskers what are you doing here did you know this was a game it's only a game don't worry we don't think you're an amphibian right guys see we don't think you're an amphibian this last part of the game is called is this a good home we're gonna pick what the right homes for an amphibian will be does this look like a good place for an amphibian to live [Music] good job that's right amphibians don't live in the desert it's too dry there does this look like a good home [Music] you're right this is not a good home for amphibians it's too cold here how about this place [Music] yay that's right this is a perfect place for amphibians to live they love ponds great job the two big things we learned today are that amphibians have moist skin and they start their life in water well you did it you learned all about amphibians today and you did a great job thank you so much for joining me and i look forward to seeing you next time bye-bye [Music] you have been doing a great job just like mike who's doing these push-ups you know he knows it's important to stay fit and exercise and to stay healthy and you're like exercising your mind right now which is super cool and next we are going to learn about earthquakes and the first thing we need to understand is the earth has an outer shell isn't that interesting this outer shell is called the crust crust you know like you know like breadcrust and i i hope you enjoy breadcrust by the way because you can't eat the crust of the earth but i hope that you're eating the bread crust you know it's still yummy it's on the outside in fact it's really healthy it's really great okay let's get back to the crust of the earth you know you don't eat the earth's crust but hopefully you eat this kind of crust okay the surface of the earth is part of this outer shell remember the outer shell is called the crust this means that hills mountains and valleys are all part of the earth's crust that means even the floor of the ocean is part of the earth's crust so what is the outer shell of the earth yeah the crust and you know it's fascinating the crust has lots of pieces and is almost like a jigsaw puzzle and you might not realize this but these pieces of crust are always moving in fact they're moving right now the pieces of crust that are below you right now are moving they're always moving now usually the crust moves slowly it doesn't move very fast when the crust moves slowly you don't feel it the pieces are moving beneath you but you don't even know because they're moving very very slowly you can't even feel it sometimes however the pieces of crust can move really fast they can move quickly when the pieces of crust are moving quickly an earthquake can happen so when the pieces of crust move slowly you don't feel it but when the pieces of crust move quickly you could have an earthquake earthquakes begin under earth's surface and shake the ground here's a picture of something that can happen when there's an earthquake do you see the massive cracks in the ground this is from an earthquake the earthquake began under the earth's surface it shook the ground and it caused this crack oh my goodness look at this picture that shows damage from an earthquake see earthquakes can also break down buildings bridges and roads they don't just cause cracks in the ground they break all kinds of things around us earthquakes are so powerful they can change earth's surface well you may be wondering where do earthquakes start earthquakes start underground at a place called the focus you can see it here on the picture that's a weird name for it i know it's called a focus we don't know why but that's just the way it is it's called the focus it's where the earthquake starts the earthquake is the strongest at the spot above the focus called the epicenter you can see from the picture it's directly above when an earthquake happens you don't want to be anywhere near the epicenter while earthquakes are very powerful they don't last that long in fact most earthquakes last less than a minute remember a minute is 60 seconds it's not too long [Music] and did you know this earthquake fact earthquakes get scored by how strong they are that's pretty neat earthquakes get their own score their own number scientists use seismographs to measure and score earthquakes the bigger the number the stronger the earthquake [Music] so here are some common earthquake scores a one or a two earthquake you barely feel it the three to six range of earthquakes they're going to be some damage but seven plus any number that's seven or higher for an earthquake score that's a massive earthquake and there's going to be tons of damage [Music] remember the earth has an outer shell and this outer shell is called the crust the crust has lots of pieces and is almost like a jigsaw puzzle and all the pieces are always moving but if they move too fast that can cause an earthquake and an earthquake changes the earth's surface and can damage roads bridges buildings and even crack up the earth [Music] and remember the earthquake is the strongest at the spot above the focus called the epicenter you don't want to be anywhere near the epicenter if an earthquake was to happen thanks for learning about earthquakes with us a powerful way that earth's surface changes you're doing great you're increasing your skills just like this razor you know racing on the water you're increasing your skills you're doing a wonderful job and next we are going to learn about the plant parts and their functions okay so plants have six parts all right so how many plant parts are there yeah six there are six plant parts the first three help plants get water make food and grow they are roots stems and leaves the second three help plants grow new plants they are flowers fruit and seeds so let's learn the plant parts one by one first the parts that help the plant get water make food and grow okay so the first plant part we're going to look at today are the roots roots have a special job you see roots hold the plant in the soil the soil is the dirt in the ground then roots bring water and nutrients from the soil to the plant roots are usually underground but can be above ground too have you ever seen a tree that looks like this where the roots are above ground remember the roots hold the plant to the soil okay so now we're gonna look at the second part of a plant which are the stems now the stems hold the plant up above ground the stems carry water and food through the plant stems are the delivery system of the plant roots get water and nutrients from the soil and the stems carry the water and nutrients throughout the plant remember the stem holds the plant above ground the next part of the plant we're going to learn today are leaves the leaves are on the end of the stems of plants and this is interesting leaves are where plants make most of their food leaves take in air and they use air water and sunlight to make food remember leaves are on the end of the stems okay so next the parts that help the plant make new plants the next part we're going to look at are flowers flowers like leaves grow on the end of the stems flowers are often the most colorful part of the plant okay now this is awesome the rich colors of flowers help attract pollinators that's why they're beautiful the beauty has a purpose after getting pollinated flowers can make seeds and fruit do you love fruit yes fruit is awesome you have flowers to thank for that flowers make fruits so the next time you're eating an amazing piece of fruit just think to yourself [Music] thank you flowers thank you flowers [Music] remember flowers are the colorful growths on the stems the next part of the plant we're going to learn about is the fruit [Music] all right now where on the plant is the fruit fruit hangs on the end of stems now you might be wondering what's the fruits job what does the fruit do well the fruits job is to hold the seeds the fruit is just a delicious seed holder [Music] now either one of two things happens to fruit fruit is either picked and eaten or it falls off the plant and rocks remember fruit is the tasty stuff on the stems [Music] okay the last part of the plant that we're going to learn today are the seeds [Music] so where are the seeds of the plant seeds hide inside of the fruit now the seeds have an incredible job you see seeds grow into new plants okay you might be wondering well how does that work well here's one way when animals eat fruit they eat the seeds later the seeds leave the animal through its waist wherever the animal is this is called dispersal or fruit falls from the tree and rots the word rots means dies the fruit dies it rots the seeds fall out and can make a new plant the first way called dispersal takes the seed to another place so it plants a new plant in a new place when a fruit falls and rots it plants a new plant nearby the original plant [Music] remember seeds live inside of the fruit hey it looked like you're doing a good job paying attention learning about the plant parts and now we want to see how much you learn [Music] we're gonna play a game called name the plant park we're gonna show you a plant part and then you go ahead and tell us which plant part it is all right hope you're ready because here we go look at this picture of a plant which plant part is colored in uh-huh the fruit the fruit of this plant great job [Music] here's the next one what plant part is colored in [Music] yeah the leaves the leaves are colored in great job [Music] all right it's time for this one it's colored brown which plant part is this [Music] uh-huh the roots awesome okay let's try this one what part of the plant is colored in do you see it there on the bottom what is that [Music] yeah what part is that yes the seeds let's try this one look at the picture could you name the plant part which plant part is that you can see it's outlined in color yeah the flowers awesome job hey petey i know i know i heard about your plane you know it's a cool plane you know and and it's it's neat i don't know if it flies or you you look pretty confident that it's gonna fly which is cool yeah i see you hello hello yeah thanks for waving thanks for saying hello you know we're actually in the middle of learning we're in the middle of learning a lot of new cool things right now so i actually do have to go hi you're still waving okay um we're gonna go uh because now we need to learn about sharks haha sharks this is a video so many of you have asked for it's time it's time for the shark video sharks are an amazing type of fish in the ocean isn't that interesting sharks are fish sharks are amazing fish now the picture most of us have in our minds when we think of sharks isn't always the case you see there are 440 types of sharks and they can be quite different from one another for example the whale shark is the largest type of shark it gets over 40 feet long wow but the dwarf lantern shark is the smallest shark it is only about six inches and can fit in your hand you know wow this is not what most people picture when they picture a shark but the dwarf lantern shark is just as much a shark as the whale shark is remember there are 440 types of sharks so they don't all look like this guy you know here's the thing even though there are so many different types of sharks all sharks have certain things in [Music] common for example sharks don't have any bones the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage that goes for all sharks sharks don't have bones and it's interesting because most other fish do have bones but sharks don't okay so the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage but what is cartilage what does that mean what is cartilage [Music] okay this is gonna sound weird but touch your ears and move them around with your fingers that rubbery material in your ear is called cartilage isn't that amazing there's some cartilage in your body just like there's cartilage in the body of a shark [Music] the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage which makes a shark very flexible kind of like your ears right your ears were kind of rubbery and flexible when you touched them that's the way the skeleton of a shark is which helps a shark move around in special ways it makes a shark very flexible hey you want to know what's not flexible sharks teeth sharks teeth [Music] this is interesting a shark uses its teeth to bite but not to chew whatever they bite that goes into their mouths sharks swallow whole we use our teeth not just to bite but to chew but a shark only uses its teeth to bite and a shark can have a lot of teeth in its lifetime now here's the crazy part a shark may have as many as 20 000 teeth during its life there are rows of replacement teeth that in case a tooth gets broken or falls off and gets lost a new tooth emerges now we've already mentioned there are 440 types of sharks in fact you're probably sick of hearing the fact that there are 440 types of sharks how many types of sharks are there how many four okay 440 all right we're gonna just show you four of our favorites there are a lot of other cool sharks we're missing a lot of them we're gonna show you four sharks right now so that if you see these sharks in the future you'll be like i know what type of shark that is the first shark is the whale shark and we've already talked about how the whale shark is the largest shark in the world yeah but what's cool about whale sharks they have these white spots and they're very gentle so even though they're huge they're very gentle in fact some whale sharks have even let divers sit on top of them how would you like to ride a whale shark what next we're going to show you the great white shark perhaps the most famous shark of them all this is the shark that most people think of when they think of sharks and the great white shark is really intense 23 feet long and they eat all kinds of things dolphins sea lions whales seals and even other sharks next is the hammerhead shark which gets its name because its head looks like a hammer which it kind of sounds like a mean name like you know some of the other sharks were like hey hammerhead he was like hey you know don't call me that but you know the name kind of stuck the hammerhead shark it's interesting that's actually an advantage for the hammerhead shark it helps with the swimming and also helps with the eyesight the eyesight of the hammerhead shark is much better especially at gauging distance than other sharks [Music] finally there's the thresher shark the thresher shark is a very strong shark known for its very very long tail and that tail can be huge in fact the tail of a thresher shark can weigh as many as 300 pounds or more wow the thresher shark those are just four amazing types of sharks we left out so many but just understand sharks are incredible creatures and as humans we need sharks a lot of people don't realize how much we need sharks you see sharks have an important job a very important job and it's not babysitting fish because fred i don't trust you with henry i really don't i really don't think that you can be trusted with henry because i think what we're looking at here is a snack time all right and uh you're just not the best babysitter okay i don't really trust that henry's gonna make it through okay so what is a shark's important job what do sharks do here's their job sharks balance the ocean ecosystem the ocean just wouldn't run as well without sharks and there are a lot of ways that sharks balance the ocean ecosystem but we're going to give you one specific way just so you can see how important sharks are [Music] so here is our example sharks feed on herbivores that eat coral reef and you might say well how does that impact us how is that important well in places where there aren't enough sharks coral reef has been wiped out and it's replaced with this gross nasty algae it's not just coral reef that gets affected all different types of creatures in the ocean would be affected by that the balance is held together by these amazing fish called sharks with the skeleton made of cartilage that work hard to balance the ocean even though they don't realize what they're doing they're helping maintain the diversity and the beauty of the ocean [Music] now here's the sad part 100 million sharks are killed every year by people think about that 100 million sharks are killed every year by people thankfully there are organizations that are working to protect sharks we need sharks sharks aren't bad they're not mean they're not evil they balance the ocean ecosystem they have a very important job and they need to be left alone and they need to be protected [Music] one final note before we leave you know a lot of people misunderstand sharks and think that sharks are mean but sharks don't like biting people when a shark bites someone it is because they think that that person is a sea creature [Music] in other words sharks like to leave us alone and they want to be left alone we can protect them you know they have an important job to do and let's be honest they're super cool we appreciate you watching our video on sharks and we hope to see you next video [Music] wow you completed the video that is so impressive well you might notice there's a circle right here on this video page that you can click to subscribe to our channel or you can click this rectangle to go to another one of our videos but keep learning learning is so cool
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 404,642
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Keywords: Science videos for kids, science videos, science for kids, fun videos for kids, fun science videos, fun science for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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