Planets of our Solar System for Kids

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[Music] Wow today we are going to learn about the planets of the solar system you're gonna know so much about them you're gonna be like an expert on the planets it's gonna be cool you're gonna be able to impress your friends your family and everyone else but first we want to hear from you four year old jake from honduras watched our subtraction video and said i love it you helped me learn and have fun at the same time we're so glad hear that that's awesome seven year old Aaron from Mumbai India watched our oceans of the world video and said it was a very nice video we're glad you enjoyed it and we hope you learned a lot seven-year-old brayla from Bowie Maryland said you're the best teacher ever this teaches me a lot can you put up even more videos you are so kind brayla and yes we'll continue to release more videos and finally McKeon and sage who are ages four and five from South Africa said we enjoyed watching this video and learning about ancient Egypt in school that's great that's so fascinating isn't it that was fun be sure and watch this video to the end to learn how you too could be featured on one of our videos so as we mentioned earlier today we are going to learn about the planets of the solar system [Applause] now as we begin we have to answer this question what are planets a really good question what are planets planets are round objects that orbit the Sun here is a picture of the Sun it's the largest star in our solar system its massive and you can see there's a ring around those are some solar flares fire shooting out of the Sun absolutely amazing and stunning and it kind of looks like a pizza actually the word orbit means to circle around that means planets around objects that circle around the side Hey what 3d shape is a planet think about it what 3d shape is a planet we know that a planet is round what 3d shape is perfectly round yeah a sphere yeah planets are spheres they're perfectly round yeah good job to summarize planets are spheres that go around the Sun pretty simple huh hey did you know there are two types of planets yeah it's really interesting there are two types of planets okay so there are primary planets and there are dwarf planets those are the two types of planets now there are eight primary planets these are the main planets that you think of the main planets that are circling around the Sun and these are the planets we're going to be studying in this video and then there are five dwarf planets these planets are a lot smaller and are not considered primary planets sorry Pluto Wow there they are the primary planets you're gonna get to know all eight of these primary planets you're gonna know them so well oh my goodness this is gonna be awesome the first planet is mercury mercury is the closest planet to the Sun the second planet is Venus pretty cool huh the second planet is Venus our planet earth is the third planet from the Sun the fourth planet is Mars Mars is the fourth planet the fifth planet is Jupiter that's the biggest planet of them all the sixth planet is Saturn and kind of love those rings Saturn is the sixth planet Uranus is the seventh planet and the eighth planet is Neptune Neptune is the furthest primary planet from the Sun let's look at each of the eight primary planets the first planet is mercury here is where mercury is it is the closest planet to the Sun okay the Sun is super duper hot so guess what mercury is a really really hot planet in fact mercury is four times hotter than boiling water have you ever seen boiling water it's so hot it's boiling it can cook things it's really really hot if you barely touch it you will hurt yourself so bad will mercury is four times hotter than that oh my goodness it is a very hot planet four times hotter than boiling water mercury is one of the rocky planets there are four rocky planets and Mercury is one of them oh and mercury it is the smallest primary planet mercury is so much smaller than the other planet I need a little baby mercury it's the smallest planet of the primary planet so if you think a small planet think of mercury it's small it's hot you would want to live there the next planet planet - is Venus Venus is right here it's the second planet from the Sun now this is interesting venus is called Earth's twin the reason for that is they are very similar size they're almost the same size but what's interesting they're both rocky planets just like mercury is and earth and Venus are made of similar rocks so they're pretty much the same size very similar size and they're made of the same stuff it's almost like the earth and the planet Venus are twins hey did you know every day on Venus is a cloudy day and the clouds are yellow it's such a gross color for clouds clouds are much better when their other colors then yellow so the sunlight doesn't actually hit the surface of Venus it's just a cloudy day every day forever but that's okay because there's no life on Venus so nobody's crying about it and this is cool Venus is the closest planet to earth it is the easiest planet to see in the sky you don't even need a telescope how cool is that the third plan is well ours the earth the earth is the third planet here's where the earth is yep it's the third planet from the Sun by the way these planets never line up like this we just have it like this so you can see the order of the planets but they're normally very very jumbled they don't line up like this just wanted to share that but the earth is the third planet from the Sun here's a picture of the ocean and some seagulls that are in some of the shallow parts of the water it's interesting earth is the only planet we know of that has oceans and life on it earth is one of the rocky planets yeah we live on a massive rock that has oceans that has live I mean that's absolutely incredible remember four of the planets are rocky planets Earth has one moon the moon orbits the earth like the Earth orbits the Sun Wow there's our planet that's where we live the earth the fourth planet is Mars Mars is right here in between Earth and Jupiter the color is Mars look at Mars what color is that yeah it's kind of like a reddish orange because of its color Mars is called the Red Planet so if anyone asks you what's the Red Planet tell them hey the red planet is Mars even though it is red it is not hot it is much colder than Earth because remember Mars is further from the Sun than the earth so Mars it's red it almost looks like it would be hot but it's cold hey is there life on Mars it's a really good question that a lot of scientists have been trying to answer for a long time well scientists believe there used to be water on Mars if there was water there may have been life and even stranger there are some scientists that believe we may still find basic forms of life still living on Mars Mars is the fourth planet remember we said there are only four rocky planets so it's the last of the rocky planets Mars has volcanoes and valleys just like Earth they're just sometimes much bigger in fact there's a volcano on Mars that's as big as the state of Texas Wow huge and this is kind of cool Mars has two moons they are both very small okay there's small moons which is good you know Mars has a couple moons it's nice we've got a moon Mars has two moons yeah Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and it's in between the Earth and Jupiter the fifth planet is Jupiter Jupiter the first of the gas planets here is where Jupiter is it's the massive planet between Mars and Saturn I mean Jupiter is huge it's the biggest planet in our solar system in fact all of the other planets could fit in Jupiter and there would be extra room all the other planets could fit inside of Jupiter that's how big jupiter is and this is amazing jupiter has at least 63 moons and we say at least because they're still discovering more Wow and because Jupiter is a gas planet if you ever visited it you would just fall right through just kidding you would flow I mean they wouldn't fall the gravity wouldn't be there you would just kind of float around and you know Jupiter is the giant gas planet in between Mars and Saturn the sixth planet is Saturn another gas planet here is Saturn the sixth planet from the Sun you could spot it easily because of those huge rings and it's in between Jupiter and Uranus hey did you know Saturn's rings are made of ice oh my goodness oh go that way whoo-hoo I see rings those rings are made of ice Wow like Jupiter Saturn has a lot of moons Saturn has 62 moons Wow tons and tons of moons what's up was Jupiter and Saturn right and this is pretty awesome Saturn is the farthest planet you can see without a telescope that's right you can see Saturn with your own eyes without a telescope eyes she 7 with my own shadow and I should not return Saturn is a gas planet that's the sixth planet from the Sun and is in between Jupiter and Uranus the seventh planet is Uranus another gas planet Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is in between Saturn and Neptune both Uranus and Neptune are the only planets you can't see without a telescope so it took a while for them to be discovered now this is me William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 it took us a long time to finally find the planet Uranus Uranus is a gas planet that is made of gas and liquid what's cool is Uranus has rings just like saturn has rings yeah scientists believe the rings of Uranus couldn't be pieces of broken moons we don't know for sure but that's really fascinating if that's the case speaking of moons Uranus has 27 news 27 moons I think we just have 127 Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and is in between Saturn and Neptune the eighth and final planet is Neptune hey that means the first four planets are rocky planets and the last four planets are gas planets so here is where Neptune is it's the furthest planet from the Sun like Uranus Neptune is a gas planet that is also made of liquid Neptune was discovered in 1846 when Uranus was being studied they were like wait a second there's a whole other planet here on the end let's call it a Neptune Neptune is known for its storms the worst storms in the solar system in fact winds reach over 1,000 miles per hour on Neptune whoa that's pretty intense Neptune has 14 known moons but scientists believe there may be more here's Neptune the furthest planet from the Sun you have done such an amazing job with us today today we learned planets are round objects that Warbeck the Sun the word orbit means to circle around basically the planets around objects that go around the Sun we learn there are two types of planets primary planets and there are eight primary planets and dwarf planets there are five dwarf planets and here are all eight primary planets they're familiar friends now Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune the first four planets are rocky planets Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are rocky planets the four planets furthest from the Sun are the gas planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune are gas planets Wow those are the planets thanks for watching we hope you had a great time had a lot of fun next time somebody asks you do you know the planets you could say yeah I sure do I saw the home school pop idiot so you made it to the end of the video you are awesome remember the kids comments we promised you we would share how you too could be featured on one of our videos with the help of an adult leave your first name age and where you are from along with a comment you can share a joke a silly message or just share how much you love us if you are watching this as a class you can leave a comment to just share your teachers name your grade and where you are from for a chance to be featured on one of our videos we hope to hear from you soon thanks for watching next video in the middle of the screen to subscribe oh are you to watch these two videos see of ale [Music] you
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Rating: 4.491612 out of 5
Keywords: Planets for kids, planets of our solar system for kids, planets of our solar system, planets, solar system for kids, planets video, planets video for kids, solar system video for kids
Id: d8y8kc317EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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