Learn Addition and Subtraction Level 1 | Learn to Count | Maths Cartoons for Kids | Numberblocks

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[Music] foreign ERS throwing twos you be Reds I'll be Blues sounds like fun I'll draw a line [Music] so I'll start take minus two equals eight [Music] game on ready go up to block play one two three four five six seven eight play he's on the left and now the right he's on my head now out of sight up high up down low too slow action [Music] block jump [Applause] [Music] two points to Blues foreign nine minus two equals seven [Music] ready go oh [Music] you're bigger you start eight minus two equals six [Music] this game is nice let's roll the dice when it leaves my hand how will it land um on six [Music] penalty unfair distraction which means four two better luck next time here we go seven minus two equals five [Music] thank you [Music] Four Points each six minus two equals four [Music] three six four five minus two equals three [Music] six points each four minus two equals two [Music] hey not me [Music] penalty round two oh three minus two equals one [Music] final round ready go bother let me lend a hand or two [Music] yay [Music] hang on [Music] eight points each it's a draw [Music] that was fun same time tomorrow [Music] game on [Music] hey found you there she is hello we're playing hide and seek want to join in I would absolutely love to you hide and I'll sick hmm you won't find us sat there oh will I not know I'm good at this game I'll find you and point you out one two three four five ready or not here I get on with my book [Music] s where can I hide I know behind you oops red you're not here I come find you for fun you won five minus equals four [Music] point us out five was right here how I am three Master of Disguise [Music] two plus three three equals five [Music] ready or not here I be find you two find you three five minus three equals two ah a pair of pointing Prince I found us but but how [Music] you're here how did you told you I was good no my turn to hide one two three four here we come [Music] [Music] plus four equals five I found you amazing can you find me a game [Music] five minus four equals one come on [Music] thank you fantastic can you find me again [Music] five minus two equals three you [Music] Stars you all find me [Applause] [Music] can you teach us to be as good at hide and seek as you sure I can try this one [Laughter] [Music] two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten green bottles ten green bottles hanging on the wall ten green bottles hanging on the wall [Music] green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be one two three four five six seven eight nine nine green bottles hanging on the wall better move these nine before they fall they're not safe up there nine green bottles safely on the floor nine green bottles safely on the floor [Music] there'll be one two three four five six seven eight eight green bottles not safe on the floor after block hi one two three four five six seven eight five eight green bottles hiding in a box eight green bottles hiding in a box [Music] [Music] seven green bottles that was lucky [Music] one green bottles should wake a grizzly bear what teddy bear they'll be one two three four five six six green bottles falling through the air is my name let's play a game and this game goes like this six green bottles lying on the ground six green bottles lying on the ground and it won't be bottle spins around you win [Applause] there'll be one two three four five five ring bottles lying on the ground yeah [Applause] [Music] five green bottles rolling down the hill five green bottles rolling down [Music] the hill four green bottles standing in a square a four of green bottles standing in a square [Music] there'll be one two three three [Music] one two three bottles spinning in the sky come back [Music] two green bottles floating out to sea two green bottles floating out to see [Music] if there'll be one one green bottle floating out to sleep [Music] green bottles should grow a tickly tail green bottles swallowed by a whale ten green bottles hanging on a wall shapely on the floor hiding in a box lying on the ground ten green bottles rolling down a hill standing in a square spinning in the sky floating at the sea swallowed by a whale but if one green bottle should accidentally come a dinosaurs [Music] no green bottoms [Music] oh [Music] I'm getting on the train let's be on our way again woohoo we have to get the train Express I think I know what must be done let's stop the Train by adding one one plus one equals two two plus one equals three three plus one equals four four plus one equals [Music] again four four minus one equals three three minus one equals two two minus one equals one can you help us pretty please [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] only I can start the train so I am back to five minus two equals three three [Music] equals four [Music] minus two equals two [Music] okay friends leave this to me I'll stop the Train by adding three oh one three equals quite sure not before [Music] minus three [Music] two four three equals five only I can start the tree and I am about to fight mine was three close to hey [Music] I am Square give me more let's stop this train by adding four one plus four equals Express [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one two three five [Music] [Music] three oh sorry ten I'm just so excited to show you my new trick look at this oh is that it no wait I'm not having much luck with mine today oh no my new trick Ready Steady go oh unlucky oh hi who am I I'm one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen my three fell off never mind I am 13. unlucky [Laughter] try again I am 13. [Music] and I think I might be a little bit unlucky this is me ten and three expecting to run out of luck sorry it's all Charlie Jake's when I get into scrapes I'm always coming and stuff I'm the clumsiest number you've ever seen unlucky [Music] [Music] [Music] me again three and ten expecting to fall down a hole I'll jump through a hoop and step in the puddle that seems to sum up my road and wherever I ain't got foreign [Music] [Music] it's getting routine I say I'm 13. keep it together this is absurd you know what I mean I say it's thirteen [Music] it's always the same it's getting routine they ask me my name I say I'm Fair thirsty I say I'm thirsty [Music] they ask me my number you know what I mean and I always say it's her Thursday I always say it's Thursday Andy Jack and it's their time this is me ten and three turning this into a game I'm changing my luck I won't come unstuck as long as I don't say my name call me warmer than 12 or 10 and three whatever you call me I'm still me I'm the happiest number you've ever seen so lucky to be unlucky number 13. [Music] thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen [Music] [Applause] [Music] one one marvelous Moon one day I'll go into space you'll never get to the Moon that way one just count down from ten to one ready oh ten nine eight seven six five four three two one number ten up on the moon and my friends will be here soon ten equals nine [Music] we're on the moon nine and one that was easy this is fun one two three four five six seven eight nine nine aliens thank you one more is ten ten nine plus one equals ten number ten back on the moon two more friends will be here soon ten equals eight plus two we're on the moon how did we get here haven't a clue one two three four five six seven eight eight aliens all heading home oh no there's no room for those two never fear octoblock is here octo block Bill one two three four five six seven eight filled two flying saucers good work [Music] come back not starting whoa hey plus two equals ten Here I Am Number 10 time to make some friends again ten equals seven plus three we're on the moon seven and three we're so lucky look at me look at that there's the on button was lucky [Music] we're ready steady blast off [Music] oh it's too heavy plus three equals ten it's ten again wait and see who my next two friends will be ten equals six plus four we're on the moon we really couldn't ask for more let's play a game roll the dice that was so cool too heavy six plus four equals ten before our visit ends we've just got time for two more friends 10 cool five plus five [Music] on the moon five and five it sure feels great to be alive let's give them a hand bye come on five plus five equals ten the number blocks from one to ten went to the moon and home again [Music] night night [Music] good tired tired tired it's time for bed for but I'm not tired stay up go to bed make up your own mind [Music] stay up or sleep stay up or sleep we can't do Booth we can no no no no no no not you two four equals two plus two yeah you look like me I look like you way Two of a Kind where the terrible twos yeah two lots of two feathers it's tickling time hmm one two one two sickle tickle tickle tickle not someone some twos and we're both here to say [Music] that was fun let's do it again [Music] he reminds me of someone Amigo God think who Amigo jiggle tickle tickle tickle ah another me doubler another another me him me and you are too many twos so it's time for the both of us to say [Music] it's time to be gone [Music] one two three [Music] let's like fun let's try it too just as soon as we both say [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] a terrible Tuesday [Music] with only one thing to say [Music] oh we won pull yourself one one block one plus one equals two two is two ones plus one equals three three is three ones one plus one last one plus one equals four four is four ones where did those terrible twos go don't look at me what's all of the noise are playing tricks on us and where are they now they have to be square with you they made me what did they make you you can tell us four no they made me well I made them then they made me huh I'm the terrible twos I'm four lots of one but I've also two lots of two you're funny [Music] four equals two plus two the terrible twos now there's something you don't see every day an alien [Music] up up oh is that where you live up up up Don't Worry fellow space cadet I can rocket you home hold on tight ten nine eight oh [Music] oh I think she's building a tower up oh um I think you'll need more blocks than that [Music] let's build a tower my turn that looks like fun [Music] I didn't even know I could make that shape foreign [Music] [Music] this doesn't fit oh this oh that try this [Music] beginner's luck number blocks let's get building [Music] all right [Music] this could take forever there's something new the aliens are building too we can meet in the middle back to work everyone space here we come oh [Music] no [Music] did somebody say help off to block to the rescue off the block build one two three four five six seven eight oh nearly there Timber [Music] you go up we go down goodbye fellow space cadet [Music] well done crew a successful Mission well mostly successful we helped our friend get back to space but now our Towers all over the place oh that's lucky we get to build something else a rocket a house a rainbow welcome welcome welcome to my fantastic fun fruit Factory where we serve up fresh fruit all day wow how do they work oh easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] obviously I just did silly things broken there are two oranges in there maybe if two tries it two equals one plus one [Music] two equals one seven one [Music] look two at the top split Center one and one at the bottom I want fruit it's my turn three equals one plus two [Music] a yummy yummy yummy three equals one plus two [Music] where's three let's try this lever one plus two equals three oh hmm oh it works both ways ah hey those are mine three equals two plus one [Music] no there's two over here and one over there but three doesn't get her bananas again still hungry hmm look apples Square apples [Music] two plus two [Music] Yum Yum Yum Yum no no no no you silly machines poor three we need to find a way to make three apples come out look four new apples at the top I know how to make three here I go four equals one oh plus three [Music] oh no [Music] it was five y equals five [Music] equals two plus three plus three equals [Music] [Music] I told you easy peasy lemon squeezy ow [Music] I'm number one I've got one block to play with and the whole of me is one one one two one two four number two how do you do I got two blocks to play with and a whole of me is two one two one is a part of me and one is a part of me and the hold of me is [Music] and the whole of me is ten one two three one two three one two three I'm number three now look at me I'm the best of all the number blocks as you can plainly see [Music] sorry three try again okay [Music] I'm number three yes look at me look at me [Music] I'm number three look at me I've got three blocks to play with and the whole of me is three one two three one is a part of me and two is a part of me and the whole of me is three and two and I'm apart I'm one and [Music] [Applause] a number four and I am sure that I've got four blocks to play with and the whole of me is four one two three four one is a part to me and three is a part of me and the whole of me is heart I'm one and I'm apart I don't love me is for you now here is something more that's different from before two is a part to me and two is a part of me and a whole of me is for what aren't you and I'm apart I'm two [Music] and love me is Four Corners I'm number five I am alive I've got five blocks to play with and the whole of me is five one two three four five one as a part of me and four is a part of me and the whole of me is five watch Encore and I'm apart and I'm apart and the whole of me is five but now I feel alive going into overdrive two is a part of me and three he's a part of me and the whole of me is five one and three and I'm apart I'm two and I'm apart [Music] splitting up [Music] isn't it [Music] [Music] [Music] one two and again one two your turn [Music] what was that way come on wait [Music] it looks familiar [Music] hey it's four full are we playing musical statues I knew that but what's that [Music] welcome welcome welcome to my new stampylene park don't you mean trampoline what [Music] that was fun is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks see [Music] whatever way round I go I'm still far look at me [Music] I'm still three [Music] oh not bad you think that's amazing you should see fine whatever capes I did so the more blocks you have the more shapes you can make [Music] my turn [Music] part two of course they're not really different shapes are they it's the same shape one going up and one going across oh it's still better than me look that's all one sheep very exciting compared to all of you thank you now now you're forgetting something one two three [Music] one plus one plus one plus one equals four every big shape is made up of lots of Little Wolves so lots of little ones can make every big shape look what I can do [Music] you made all of us well done and just in time for the grand finale what better way to celebrate opening my new park than with fireworks May I present the sky wow [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] you see one when we all work together the sky's the limit [Applause] the future right how do we get in maybe if we pull that handle [Music] if only I was a little bit taller five taller than four so how do we get five [Music] four plus one plus one equals five [Music] [Music] dead end six is good with dice how do we get six [Music] four plus two equals six Hello friends here's my advice it's time for all the time that I give a little bro and you'll know which way to go [Music] one two three one two three [Music] seven doors which door is right maybe seven can help how do we get seven [Music] four plus three equals seven oh I feel lucky wow this way [Music] easy look up amazing we're stuck no we're not we could swing from the flagpoles we need someone with very long arms to stretch that high eight how do we get eight [Music] fours plus three plus one equals eight OCTA block swing one two three four five six seven eight swing [Music] [Applause] huh squares are strong let me try oh no [Music] need a bigger Square nine how do we get nine [Music] four three plus two equals nine [Music] [Music] one two three four four crowns [Music] oh how are we gonna get out [Music] if 10 was here we could rock it out through there how do we make ten [Music] four plus three plus two plus one equals ten ten nine eight seven six five four three two one blasters four three two one what an adventure we may be little numbers but when we work together we're still the kings and queens of the castle Let Me Tell Your Story Once upon a time there were three Little Pigs the first little pig had a house with one room look it has one one window and one where one way in the garden and there's a number one on the door [Music] but then came the big bad squirrel [Music] little pig little pig let me in let me in no and I'll blow your ocean so Square luckily the second little pig had a house with two rooms room for two me and you it has one two two windows and one two two trees in the garden and there's a number two on the door oh t for two and two for t little Peg little pig let me in let me in not by the two hairs on my chinny chin then I'll hook and I'll puffy and I'll blow your house in oh oops sorry too one plus one equals two no worries it's only pretend not where we live now luckily the third little pig oh that's me busy busy busy had a house with three rooms and one two three three windows and one two three three turrets and one two three three flags and yes yes thank you three oh room for a couple more sure Two's Company and Three's a party keeping that big bad Square out is as easy as one two three little pig little pig let me in let me in nope by the three hairs on my chimney chin chin then I'll hoof and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in but how just a little Huff one equals three see how you like it this isn't How The Story Goes the Third the third Heist doesn't get blown down oh one plus one plus one plus one equals four where will the three little pigs live now there's always my house it's got four rooms with one two three four four windows and one two three four four trees and a number four on the door one two three four that deserves a big hand once upon a time there were three little pigs and a big bad square and they all lived happily ever after the end yeah yeah one one apple of yum [Music] oh one two one two one two one two oh one two two apples [Music] we're both too small [Music] three look at me I'm big enough to reach you see one two three three apples three you see come with me the show is just beginning let me show you a trick or two or a three [Music] a let's play find the Apple and round and round round and round and round Ready Steady stop so which club is the Apple under one you're the first number so you can have first guess this one the first cup oh bad luck one two you're the second number so you get second go oh this know that oh my turn three is the third number add one two three well done one apple got two apples left let's play a game Let's Play apple on top oh it's a really simple rules apple on shop Don't Let It Drop [Music] now try and swallow [Music] oh hey I can't reach I'm smaller than you I'm the smallest number then I'm bound to win I'm bigger than you whoops silly me I'm bigger than one but smaller than three [Music] I'm bigger than both of you I'm the biggest sure I guess I win a game one two three foreign [Music] the final game the biggest surprise wins [Music] one plus two equals three [Music] one two three three equals two plus one wow but how very good you win best surprise three what what three oh for me oh that was the last one no um don't be sad still be mad be glad one two three three trees wait one two three three apples one for me and two for me I've already eaten three I don't mind sharing thank you too now for my final trick let's make these apples vanish one two yeah I can do my exercises hi team so are you all here um well how can we tell I know just the thing Ready Steady sing one two three four five last one's right what should we do today walk in the sunshine run through the forest climb to the top of a tree pretend to be Pirates discover A Whole New World let's have an adventure [Music] everybody ready off we go [Music] one two three four five that sounds right off we go please too short see [Music] that doesn't sound right in the wrong order I know what to do [Music] it's that way biggest this way go I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you diddly diddly do I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you diddly do I bigger than you I'm smaller than you diddly diddly do are we all in order did we all do the right thing Ready Steady sing one two three four five [Music] one two four five someone's missing who can it be let's see I'm one start with me I'm two I come after one on four I come after three where is three oh look at me I'm number three three I don't want to do I'm better than you I'm smaller than you diddly diddly Doom oh I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you deadly deadly [Music] [Laughter] are we all here tonight did we all do the right thing one two three four five look one two two sailing boats we can be Pirates off we go [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Music] are we all in order did we all do the right thing Ready Steady soon one two three four five that sounds right [Music] [Music] one two three four five [Music] a stick wait for me [Music] it's weary oh you've gone all flat that looks like fun [Music] hey I'm all flat too I'm a square a real Square oh Square I have a feeling we're not in numberland anymore welcome to flatland where all the flat shapes live I am a line what a straight line two straight lines three lines joined together remake triangle I I've got one two three three sides and one two three three coroners look at me [Music] we're all triangles whoa but you're all so different sorry [Music] [Music] one two three four four lines hello School wait you're not a square no I'm a rectangle like you I have four sides and four corners but your sides are all the same and mine are not if I'm a surprise wait until you meet the others hello four-sided shapes introduce yourselves rectangle numbers trapezium kite Dart parallelogram swerve oh what wonderful names and what wonderful shapes rectangles trapeziums High dark parallelogram square e Come Back oh hello who are you I'm a pentagon with five sides high five let's have a hexagon in the mix count my sides and you'll find six and lucky me I've got seven sides I'm a heptagon a heptagon ooh one two three four five sides Pentagon six sides hexagons look seven sides heptagon what wonderful names and what wonderful shapes what's that squery you're ready to go home hey have no fear octagon is here one two three four five six seven eight eight sides I will get you home octagon make an eight-sided flying basket one two three four five six seven eight basket I'm a circle I have just one curved Edge hold tight folks here we go hey wow goodbye new friends [Music] only me again and you're you we went to flatland and triangles were there and a rectangle and a pentagon and an eye was a real Square yeah it was a great day in the big city I was wondering where my next case would come from when you've got to help me one it's gone everything's gone slow down nine tell me what happened I live in apartment 9 on the ninth floor of numerical Towers I left home this morning at nine o'clock to buy a newspaper when I came back nine minutes later the door was open everything was gone [Music] mystery indeed I'll take the case let's look for Clues did you notice anything strange or unusual when you got back oh no nothing oh there was one thing a suspicious shadowy Stranger in a coat and hat pushed past me and ran out of that door but apart from that nothing can you describe this stranger they were as wide as the door so two blocks wide with a flat head clue one flat head when standing two blocks wide anything else I could see over the head when we were both two blocks wide so they must have been smaller than me clued two smaller than nine look at coat it's them after them quick [Music] there on the steps the Hat oh these aren't steps [Music] did either of you see a suspicious step-shaped figure in a coat and hat sorry friend no one else down here just us nothing didn't add up or did it look at what we know clue one the suspect had a flat head when standing two blocks wide so it can't happen three five seven or nine and it wasn't you because you can't stand two blocks wide huh two four six eight ten the suspect must be an even number Bingo and remember clue two the suspect was smaller than nine so it can't have been ten that still leaves two four six and eight but which was it huh there's one more clue we nearly forgot [Music] the suspect can make a step shape not two or four or eight so it must have been six and who did we meet in the alley three and another three equals six six he got it all wrong though where to begin I'm not taking these things I'm moving them in moving in come up and I'll show you [Music] one two three four five nine wait nine doesn't come after five this is a department nine it's apartment six oh look number six turned upside down looks like a number nine no your things nine you went into six's Empty Apartment so my things must be [Music] right where I left them it's closed sorry we chased you six I thought that you were after me that's why I hid as three plus three let's make it up to you by helping you move in welcome to the big city no one's there and it's no fun you can get the party started with a bang by adding one [Music] [Music] is my idea of fun one two one two one two one two one two two dancing shoes now let's add another one two equals three I am three and I'm playing in the sun juggling things it's my idea of fun one two three three things look at me one two three now let's add another one three equals four I am four and I'm playing in the sun being square is my idea of fun one two three four four sides couch Four Corners now let's add another one four ready plus one equals five I am five and I'm playing in the sun high five are my idea of fun one two three four five five fingers if you add another one the number gets one bigger and if you keep on adding one you can get to any bigger now let's add another one five equals six I am six and a playing in the sun playing games Is My Idea refund one two three four five six six dice [Applause] [Music] now let's add another one plus one equals seven I am seven and I'm playing in the sun making rainbows is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven seven colors now let's add another one seven plus one one eight I am eight and I'm playing in the sun being octoblock is my idea of fun OCTA block run one two three four five six seven eight run now let's add another one eight plus one equals nine I am nine [Music] I am nine and a playing in the Sun not sneezing is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven eight nine nine hankies now let's add another one nine plus one one equals ten I am 10 and I'm playing in the sun being ten is my idea of fun one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten blocks we're ten ones and we're playing in the sun making friends [Music] [Music] [Music] that was fun [Music] look at it go oh mind that oh tree can you get it down me maybe we should just get ten is taller than I am we don't need ten you're a big Square you can do anything what well maybe if I take a run-up that's it Go nine maybe we should get 10. 9 equals three three roll up roll up roll up we three are the three threes the most amazing the most incredible the most extraordinary acrobats in numberland drum roll please as we present the three threes [Applause] oh [Music] three plus three plus three equals nine nine you did it did what oh yes it was nothing really [Music] there were too many we need help help I can do this myself [Music] the three threes we'll seize these with great ease [Music] plus three three equals nine you did it again I did huh of course I did [Laughter] [Music] octo block is here standing side eight you can leave this to me [Music] nine equals three plus three plus three we three are the three threes so that's how he did it I shall open the jar by firing into it from a cabin no I shall die from up high and spindle it in three oh I will fearlessly jump over the jar of my tricycle causing it to open with sheer amazement [Music] oh dear all right [Music] three plus three plus three equals nine oh [Music] I knew you could do it nine squares are the best [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 3,766,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, addition, subtraction, learn addition, learn subtraction, learn addition and subtraction for kids, maths cartoons for kids, maths, learn the numbers, numbers cartoons, 123, maths songs, compilation for kids, fun for kids, kids tv
Id: ebQX7uQ6Zak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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