Faith for Change | Pastor Eben Conner | Word of Truth Family Church

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are y'all ready this morning come on let's worship it's my season and i believe [Music] it's my time it's my time i can feel it breakthroughs in the room [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] is [Music] and it's still my time [Music] anybody anticipating god right here come on says my god [Music] said it's gonna be [Music] god [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] i know it's gonna [Music] oh yes it will be so big his promises are so big the new job will be so big that promotion will be so big everything that he does will be everything that he does will be big said it's gonna be god's about to blow [Music] there won't be [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah soon said it won't be room to contain it i won't even try to explain it but it's gonna be [Music] [Applause] why don't you sing that over yourself over your family cause god's gonna open the windows of heaven it [Music] cause it's gonna be [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes we because we didn't do all the right things and we didn't say all the right things and make all the good choices but god's not asking you to be perfect he's asking you to be prepared to be prepared to receive what your heart desires so if you're ready to be prepared you're ready to say you know what lord i've been asking for this but i didn't really believe it so i didn't take any i actions to lift your hands and surrender say this time lord this time lord i'm getting ready for it i'm getting ready for what what you said i could have right here i'm getting ready this morning said i'm ready [Applause] [Music] ready for overflow yes you want to do [Music] ready [Music] where i am [Music] ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Applause] whatever you want to do foreign [Music] my [Music] [Music] getting [Music] he'll do it you can blow i can live [Music] [Music] miracles miracles [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause i'm getting ready and wants to do something for you and your child and your family and your spouse lift your hands to him the bible says when the lord returns will he find faith on the earth he's not looking for your perfection he fixed that through the cross he's looking for your faith and your preparation if we could just receive whatever god wants to do [Music] father we just i sense this so strong we overthrow the enemy of insecurity that would have us not feel good enough to receive what you want to do [Music] because you want to blow our minds you want the bible says he's able somebody say he's able no for real tell your neighbor he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all somebody what is all somebody say oh we could ask or think or imagine according there's a clause according to the power that worketh in us there's a power in us that when we open our mouths and when we lift our hands and when we speak of word there's a power that we come into into partnership with god and the god that's in us there's a god in us he said the same spirit that raised christ from the dead lives on the inside of us but we have to activate it somebody say activate it he said stir the gift that's within you there's something in you that activates when it comes into alignment with the with the lord so right now let's just activate it [Music] thank you lord why don't we activate it with our praise let's just lift up a praise and a worship oh there it is out of your belly out of your mouth father you get the glory it's all going to be because of you we're going to tell them jesus did it we're going to tell him about your goodness and about your grace that it wasn't because of our goodness and our grace and our ability it was because of the lord's ability thank you jesus we receive it [Music] [Applause] [Music] come and make [Music] the moment that we see you [Music] show us your glory show us your glory in wandering [Music] glory show us your glory let every burning heart be holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh revealed before our eyes [Music] is [Music] show [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is jesus you change everything [Music] lies [Music] this morning oh jesus huge every day oh you're changing only you can change [Music] [Applause] [Music] circumstances [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can i share something with y'all this morning years ago i was in the hospital fighting for my life after a domestic violence situation that i was in and i want to stand here tonight and declaring that god can break chains god can break chains of depression god can break chains of suicidal thought i am standing here today as a witness attesting that god can break those chains so this morning i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you've been through in your life i don't know what's going to happen in your life but this morning we're going to declare that those shades are broken not only in our lives but in the generations to come come on can we just declare that if it didn't happen to you it happened to somebody that you know so let's declare healing all over this place this morning let's declare that it doesn't matter the enemy is defeated the enemy is under our feet this morning come on can we just lift our hands all over this place lord you are welcome in this place and thank you jesus come home [Music] changed [Music] jesus you'll change everything [Music] you get all the glory [Music] [Applause] yes everything [Music] jesus you'll change everything beat [Music] jesus you'll change everything come on if he's changing something in your life give him some type of praise this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on put your hands together and bless him [Applause] there's nothing that he cannot change there's nothing you're facing that he cannot change there's no giant that he cannot defeat there's no wall he cannot pull down there's no river he cannot split apart come on now there's no fire he cannot quench there is no mountain he cannot flatten there is no valley he cannot exalt there's no crooked place he cannot straighten there's no desert he can't make springs come out of there is no impossibility he can't make possible there's no darkness he cannot light up there is no brokenness he cannot heal there is nothing no separation he cannot reconcile he is god he is god and he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think or imagine or dream of or desire come on now if you know that he is able put your hands together and bless him in this house let him know that you know god is able hallelujah [Music] jesus you changed hallelujah come on if you believe that this morning put your hands together and bless him and let him know you trust you believe in what he's able to do amen hallelujah welcome to word of truth everybody this is the day the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it we believe in a miracle working god this morning hallelujah come on if you're online just write in online miracle working god miracle working god amen grab your seats if you would turn around just say hi to some people as you're sitting down just let them know how much you love them and this is the place to be a man if you're here for the first time would you just wave at me real quick wave every awesome those hands to those hands come on come on where the truth put your hands together if you're here for the first time online just put first time in the chat we want to greet you as well amen man today we have an awesome new series about to start man oh man oh man but your faith is going to rise to a whole new level amen amen we're so excited pastor everybody's gone bring the word i want to let you know something about the word as well this morning before we go any further that the the notes are all on the youversion app the notes are all on the youversion app so we will have a link up for you to click on if you're online you can click on that link if you're in the house just simply go to your youversion app the bible app if you have it and uh click on the more button on that front page and then you'll see events once you click on events word of truth will be at the top amen that's where we are at the top amen and you just click on word shoot you get all the notes for today's message and so we want to enjoy that take advantage of that so you can take those notes home with you amen amen all right without any further ado please pay attention to the screen for our announcements hey everyone welcome to word of truth family church we're so glad that you could join us man i just want to give you a few announcements about what's going on right here at word of truth first of all please share the link that's right share the link with everyone you know your family your friends everybody because we've become such a blessing to people even outside of texas when we have members of our church who have never been to our church they're living in chicago in new jersey in california just because you share the link and so continue to share the link continue to like continue to subscribe continue to do all the things to help us get the word out hey if you want prayer after service here's what i want you to do simply text pray for me that's hashtag pray the number four and me to 54244 text it right now and someone will call you after the service and pray with you about whatever you're going through because we want to support you we want to let you know you're not alone here's the next thing i want to let you know this is so important it's so important we have a baptism coming up let me tell you something we're going to have like a big baptism pool party like it's just gonna be huge we're gonna make people baptized we'll have music we're gonna have food we'll have games have all kinds of things come out for baptism party that's gonna take place on june 13th sunday june 13th it's gonna be huge if you wanna get baptized go to the baptism banner on our website click and register we baptize kids from seven all the way up to 97. hey we got you covered so if you're saved you want to get baptized come on out it's going to be a baptism party and we're going to enjoy ourselves are you like the millions of fathers all across america who get ignored on father's day well we've got a solution for you it's right here at world of truth on june 20th it's father's day celebration that's right we're going big big i mean we're gonna have games we're gonna have music we're gonna have food and that's not all if you register you get a chance to win 25 000 worth of cash prizes that's right we got ten thousand dollars for the first person seven for the second five for the third and that's not all we've got three thousand for the last group listen if you wanna win some serious cash prizes play some really great games eat some great food celebrate with all the fathers we've got you covered don't be like those millions of fathers who mope around all father's day not knowing what to do not going where to go getting a cheesy tie oh no that's not you you're going to word of truth where you can get 25 000 worth of cash prizes and much more i'm gonna see you at word of tooth june 20th for father's day conditions applied cash prizes will only be given out to those who are present at father's day at word of truth 5201 web carroll road all prizes will be determined by word of truth and word of truth only here's the final thing i want to let you know that's happening in the month of june and that is we want to celebrate all the high school graduates that's right if your child is graduating this year from high school elevate wants to celebrate with them and so go to our website click on the graduation banner and we will get your name we have a special gift for your graduate and we have a special thing we want to do for them i don't want to tell you i don't want to let the secrets out of the bag but we want you to sign up so we can celebrate your graduate listen thank you so much for joining us we are so excited that you're here god bless you amen and amen twenty five thousand dollars man that is amazing i'm just just laughing at that commercial pastor che it's so funny but it's time to give it's time to give let's get excited about our time to give amen giving and faith go hand in hand and you know last sunday we learned about faith being the currency of heaven faith being the currency of heaven and then i'm not usually able to get on to the wednesday afternoon prayer call and pastor evan challenged us in regards to favor how many of you were on that prayer call on wednesday how many uh just a few of you so let me let me say this the word that pastor ebb is going to share today is going to be amazing but if you get a chance go back and the great thing is it's on our facebook live go back to last wednesday he challenged us to walk in favor and in faith and god declaring favor over our lives how many of you can use favor right now favor right now just for those of you that got your hands raised up let's just pray real quick father in jesus name we thank you father for the favor resting on their life and lord god i activate faith in jesus name amen everybody turn to hebrews 11 hebrews 11 hebrews 11 and that's the the faith uh chapter hebrews chapter 11 the faith chapter and i just want you to take note of who is the first person mentioned in the faith uh the faith giants in hebrews chapter 11. you know you would think it would be somebody that killed giants that slayed giants that prayed that that did all these great things for the lord but the first person mentioned in the giants of faith is abel and it says it was by faith everybody say by faith that abel brought more acceptable offering to god than cain did abel's offerings gave evidence hallelujah that he was a righteous man and god shall showed his approval of his gift and i'm going to stop right there god showed approval of his gift see let me tell you this there are two ways to give you can give by reason or you can give by revelation i'ma say that again you can give by reason or you can give by revelation and see when you give by reason what happens is that when it's time to give and let me ask this question has anybody been ever challenged when it's your time to tithe and and you you you just you just got your mind made up that you know what i'm gonna something something dramatic happens and you gotta decide do i do i give return the tide or do i use a tithe for something else anybody else been there anybody ever been there yes yes and so what happens is that we're always tested in the area of our finances but when you give by reason you try to figure out well if i if i do this you know will i have this well if i if i give this money to the church if i if i return the tithe am i going to have enough to pay this bill see that's given by reason see when you give by revelation it's all about by faith everybody say by faith and see when you give by faith you have an expectation everybody say expectation and see when you have an expectation it doesn't matter what is going to happen because your expectation is that god is going to provide god is going to do what he said it would do but here's the thing oftentimes we have expectation for other people but we don't have that expectation for ourselves i'ma say that again see we'll believe for healing for somebody else but we won't believe in healing for our own self we're believing in god opening up the windows of heaven for somebody else but we don't believe that god will open up the windows for ourselves and so today as we're giving i want to challenge you to raise the level of your expectation let me say that again raise the level of your expectations because do you when you give when you give your your tithe to return the tithe and when you give your offering are you really having that expectation that god will open up the windows of heaven pour me out a blessing and as a matter of fact do you really believe and have the expectation that when you give that god is going to increase your barns your bonds and so now check this out even in our confession it says father i live in daily daily expectation see when you woke up this morning what was your daily expectation give us this day our what is your daily expectation so when you wake up tomorrow morning as you're giving you're saying lord i'm giving out of obedience i'm giving it consistently and here's my expectation whatever's going on i'm believing you to do it won't he do it stand to your feet so now when we get to that piece in our confession i just really want you to say about that daily expectation not just a normal life but uh exceptional life and so here we go let's say our confession together father i thank you i live in of an exceptional life i always support the kingdom of god with 10 percent of all my increase therefore the windows of heaven's blessings are open to me i believe i receive so much creative wisdom insight and opportunities that i cannot take advantage of them all because i give offerings i thank you father for raising up unsuspecting people to go out of their way to use their power their ability their influence and their resources to help me thank you for blessing me so that i can be a blessing i expect exceptional and extraordinary increase for me and my church in jesus name amen amen put your hands together for our pastor as he comes hallelujah come on give jesus a better hand than that hallelujah well it's good to see you in the house of the lord you may be seated those of you who are watching us via the web via streaming whatever you want to call it we call it through the lens thank you for joining us today i know it is going to be an amazing day for you can you say amen to that so they have given me a million announcements to make but i'm only going to make half a million of them okay so um first of all if you're visiting us for the very first second or third time would you just wave at us wave wave wave come on give out this wow good good good good good good good thank you for joining us today physically if you are visiting with us today and it's your first or second time streaming with us please do us a favor put your name in the chat and where you're viewing from and then say first or second time streaming with us so that we can acknowledge your presence as well now my staff does not know i'm about to make this announcement this is one of those i'm the pastor so i can do it won't he do it yeah i will right so uh you know as this the pandemic slows down we have to make changes to try to create a new norm okay i don't think we'll ever go back to what it used to be but we have to create a new norm for where we are so what i'm going to do uh probably starting today maybe to next week is if you are fully vaccinated then you don't have to wear your mask okay so it's your choice i'll say it's your choice but at this point uh we don't want to penalize people who are helping us make it a safer place now you say well pastor what i don't want to wear mass well you know i'm i'm sorry you you you got to wear one until we make it but eventually we're going to make a change where mass are optional that's where we're going but for right now if you are fully vaccinated even today if you're fully vaccinated you don't want to wear your mask then don't wear it amen i'll probably get in trouble this week about that one so y'all be praying for the past all right um let me go back to something pastor sharp said the wednesday live prayer listen i i gave three things on how to activate favor in your life those of you who are watching he said go back and watch it and i want to encourage you to go back and watch it i'm not going to give you the three things because i want you to go back and watch it but one of the things that i listed last week on how to activate favor in your life is through asking remember the children of israel god told the children of israel listen i want you to go to the egyptians before you leave egypt and i want you to ask them for their silver their gold and all of their nice jewelry and stuff and the bible says god said he would give favor to the children of israel from the egyptians right so asking is one way that you can activate favor one of our members was watching the the facebook live prayer on wednesday actually it was two family members watching and one of the members had a 17 thousand 000 school loan that they have had for 22 years something like that they went and asked their mom for 17 000 to pay off the loan and the mom gave it to him listen some things will happen but you have to ask amen so go back and watch that here's the last one here of course you can access the notes for today's message we're going to be doing this every sunday but they're going to also add it to the text so if you're not on our text list on how to you know the text messages that you get from the church i don't know how to what what it is to add you on the text thing they can throw that up at the end but uh if you get your text message you'll just be able to click and it will take you right to the notes and then of course you can get them through you version and let me see here that's it right there uh men don't let the women show us up for father's day we always complain that we get these ugly ties and some socks well on father's day you can get 25 000 like pastor chase said right that was kind of funny so stand to your feet this morning stand to your feet i'm excited about the word today oh my gosh i know it is going to it is going to catapult you to another level let me say something i've been walking by faith for over 30 years and i i don't want to say it this way don't take it wrong i know what i'm talking about i can teach you how to take your faith from one level to another level if you just listen and apply what i'm going to teach you amen how many want a better life if you want a better life listen and if you already have a better life how many want a better good of life okay well guess what we're going to get it today come on hold up your bibles those of you who are watching us at home you know the drill get up out of your bed off the couch and stand to your feet we're going to declare god's word together come on say it with me say this is god's word not pastor edmund's word i am who it says i am i can do what it says i can do i can be who it says i can be and i will have what it says i can have today i will hear the word of god i boldly declare that my mind is alert my heart is receptive my ears are open and i better not go to sleep i'll never be the same in jesus name amen let's pray together father thank you for your word it's always a lamp unto our feet it's always a light unto our path father we've come today to hear the uncompromising word of god i step back so the spirit of god can use me to articulate the heart of god through the word of god and i pray that the spirit of god will take the word and breathe on it and cause life to come in the hearts of your people and i thank you in advance that wherever our lives are right now they will go to a new level as we hear it as we receive it as we apply it in jesus name and father i pray that signs miracles and wonders will follow our lives because we know that jesus always watches over the word to perform it and it's in his mighty name jesus name we pray everybody say amen amen amen god bless you you may be seated i'm starting a new series today that i'm calling faith for change everybody say faith for change faith for change and the thought process behind this series is to help you and i embrace change with a faith attitude and faith actions i'm going to say that again the whole thought behind the series that i'm doing and starting today is to help us embrace change everybody say embrace change help us embrace change with two things with the faith attitude and with faith faith actions because most people's view of change comes from a negative perspective unless that change is initiated by them and even then sometimes the the change that we may initiate on our own if it does not work out in our minds the way we had it in our head it can be viewed as negative as well now before we jump into the lesson i want to give you three primary ways that change can happen everybody say three ways three ways so when i'm talking about change and i'll be more detailed in the message today these are three primary ways that change are going to come into our life the first one is change can happen to us change can happen to us and this is when a change or changes may come from you know life or from others that you and i had no control over how many have experienced that before all right and uh these are actions or decisions that we had no say-so in so what was the first one class change can happen to us if you're uh in the chat i want you to put that in there here's number two change can happen from us change can happen from us and this is when you and i we make decisions to do things that can cause change within our lives and these changes could be good or bad they could be negative or positive but it's change that we initiate initiated and we decided to do then here's number three change can happen from god change can happen from god and this is when god wants us to make a change or changes that will ultimately better our lives and one of the key areas that i'm going to be focusing on today in this lesson will be focused on making changes listen now that are god directed everybody say god directed because change that is god directed will always say always change from god that's directed will always take our lives to new levels and new blessings but here's the thing about these god-directed changes they are not always comfortable or listened exempt from challenges sometimes when we when god tells us to do something sometimes we have the mindset that well when i obey god everything that happens is going to be good well it's not that it's bad it's just a god listen once he directs us to do something when he told the children of israel i want you to leave egypt they ended up facing the red sea but guess what he had already made a way for the red sea to be parted so sometimes god's directed changes are not always comfortable nor are they exempt from challenges but the payoff everybody say pay off but the payoff in the end will always be worth it proverbs 10 22 they're gonna put it on the screen says this the blessing that comes from the lord watch this it makes us rich and it adds no sorrow in other words when god directs you to do something you can count on that at the end it's going to be a blessing to you and it won't bring you no sorrow and this is why you and i we must stay in faith for change so that god listen can be pleased because listen god the changes that he wants us to make they always have our next season in mind they always have his next blessings for our life and mind so if you're taking notes our primary verse is going to come out of hebrews chapter 11. we're going to look at verse 8 and i'm going to be reading that out of the amplified version so let's just jump into the lesson today and if you're taking notes or you can follow me on the notes our first point is faith is our compass for change faith is our compass for change in the natural a compass gives us direction for the journey while a navigation system gives us details for the journey i want you to follow me now when i say that our faith is our compass to make changes what i'm saying is a compass gives us direction but a navigation system gives us details for the journey well in the spirit realm faith is like the compass it is going to give you directions but the word of god acts as the navigation system it's going to give you details and that's why it's so important that we intake the word of god the scripture says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word so this is why it's important as believers we get in the word so let's examine the life of somebody who learned how to use his faith watch this now to make some god changes in his life so keep in mind now there are all types of changes that i'm talking about okay you can uh have changes in your attitude some of us need that how many can use an attitude change let me see anybody yeah i mean you know we all can make some attitude adjustments uh i'm talking about changes in your health changes in your spiritual lives changes regarding your job changes regarding your business changing regarding you know relationships so when i'm talking about changes i'm talking about all kinds of changes so either way when we make changes by faith guess what god is going to use that faith for change to help us so i'm going to start out with a take-home statement everybody says take home statement and this is now if you're taking notes you can just write th s but this is going to kind of summarize what faith is because i believe after you become born again the most important subject you need to learn about is your faith now the the take-home statement says this faith and part of this is from last week but faith is spiritual currency say spiritual currency faith is spiritual currency that is always available watch this to make kingdom transactions i'm going to say that again faith is a spiritual currency that is always available to make kingdom transactions listen faith is not like miracles see miracles are governed by god that's not something we can control we cannot control when you and i experience miracles but we can control when we need to function in faith and faith listen is always available for us to access you say well pastor evan what do you mean hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 i want you to listen to what it says it says now the just the righteous that's us shall what live how how god expecting us to live by faith so my question to you is how many hours a day do you and i live how many it's not a trick question 24 hours a day is how long we live so if we live 24 hours a day then that means faith has to be available for us 24 hours a day to live by so faith is not this fluke thing that every now and then it's supposed to work no faith is supposed to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year but we must learn how to use it say amen to that this verse coordinates with hebrews 11 6 because i'm going to continue to read verse 38 it says now the just shall live by faith but watch what it says but if any man draws back well it draws back from what what's the context the context is living by faith so he says if any person draws back from living by faith watch what he says god says my soul shall have no pleasure in them it doesn't mean the gods don't love you it doesn't mean that god doesn't you know won't forgive you or whatever it's just saying it's just saying that if we stop or if we draw back from living by faith then it will not it will cause god to not be pleasurable toward us well or we won't be able to please him let me say it like that and then hebrews 11 6 coordinates with that because it says but without faith it is impossible to do what please god and then it says for he that comes to god must believe that he is and god rewards those who seek him i love the message translation of hebrews 11 6 this is what it says it is impossible say impossible it is impossible watch this to please god apart from faith so god is looking for us to utilize this gift called faith that he's given us and let me just say this when you got born again because some of you all may be sitting or watching saying well pastor ebbing i don't really have faith i got a a a an instagram inbox and one of the members saying pastor i just i just don't have faith right now well no no no you have faith because god put a deposit on the inside of every believer once you confess jesus christ as the lord of your life then he put inside of you faith the bible says he has dealt or given out to every person the measure of faith not a measure but the measure in other words when we all got born again he issued us all the same amount but it's up to you and i to use what we have been given and this is why some people's faith is bigger than others why because that's why some people's muscles are bigger than others why listen god gave all of us the same amount of muscles but we all don't look like we got the same amount especially yours truly right but when i if i if i decide which i haven't quite done that yet but if i decided that i wanted to use my muscles they would grow did i get more no i just used what i had and it got bigger when you use your faith it gets bigger so listen faith i'm going to let me finish reading the verse it says it is impossible to please god apart from faith and why because anyone who wants to approach god must believe both that he exists and watch this that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him let me say it like this he when you approach god you must believe that he exists and he cares enough to respond to your faith if you'll use it so faith is spiritual power that comes listen when we hear god's word and we act on it i'm gonna say that again for my online audience faith is spiritual power say spiritual power faith is spiritual power that comes when we hear god's word and we act on it now i'm about to say something that i really want you to focus on this will be a good quote or statement for you to just kind of remember this week a faith attitude everybody say a faith attitude a faith attitude says as i hear god's word faith is going to come when faith comes it allows me now to make a choice of whether i'm going to act on it but if i act on it guess what's gonna happen then with anticipation that whatever the words promised listen i can now have the results and i can have the expectation of what the promise said i'm gonna have i'm going to say it again a faith attitude says as i hear god's word faith is going to come which allows me to make a choice to act on it and when i do i then wait with an anticipation that whatever the word promised will be the results of my expectation see you don't have faith without expectation say amen to that hebrews 6 12 says this that you be not slow for or lazy but be followers of those watch this who through faith and patience inherit the promise see listen all of god's promises will take faith in order to access them but sometimes these promises are going to involve patience it says through faith and patience we inherit the promises and sometimes we just have to stay in faith and i'm going to tell you how to do that but we have to exercise patience so remember now our first point is faith is our compass for change so let's now look at our focus verse for today it is found in hebrews chapter 11 verse 8 i am reading in the amplified version it says this urged owned by faith abraham urged on by faith because sometimes that's how faith works god urges you with faith he'll urge you to do something and listen if your goals in life are just enough for you to achieve them they're not big enough can i can i say this can i say this listen when you're walking by faith you're saying god i'm going to act on your word but i need you to do to follow it up because if see i'm talking to somebody right now who's watching me and you're in the house buying process and you're getting resistance or no's the problem is those no's are affecting you because you haven't received an eternal yes from god once i've got a yes from god you can tell me know how you want to i would just say oh you're not my answer and i'm just going to go to the next person listen you don't apply for jess alone and then that person said well you can't go go to the next bank go to the next person right so it says urged on by faith abraham watch this when he was called what did he do church he obeyed well that sounds like those are god directed changes well let's see what he obeyed he went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance let me just say this when you obey god by faith it has your inheritance connected to it it has your next level connected to it and when he went watch this now this is how a faith attitude is although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was going see once you've done your part and you've operated in faith your expectation now is okay god i need you to do your part okay what difference as believers are we from unbelievers if we're buying a house and we have good credit and we have the money what difference are you from the world if they got money and they got credit they gonna get a house just like you would but see we're not of this world i don't have to have good credit i see some of y'all going oh pastor i don't believe that well that's why you don't have what you want see you have to understand sometimes favor will step in when money ain't enough i'm telling you i'm in process now i'm buying a house and you know what as soon as i put my contract in another contract came in they said and it was a cash offer which one would you take my white cash not there yet which one would you take come on i just want to hear you would you take the cash offer or somebody who don't have a cash which one would you take hello so the seller was like we're going to go with the cash well they didn't know that i'm a man of god i got some spiritual realtors and a 22 year old praying for a house so i said lord i said lord you you know what's going on i either make the buyers leave no i told my realtor i said i said listen let me tell you something i said i hope they believe us because if they're not believers my faith is going to override them so uh i said lord let the sellers i mean the buyers just walk away or let the sellers like me jesus grew in favor with god and man a couple of days go by dennis calls me and says pastor the cash buyers are taking too long they want to go with you of course they want to go with me cause i like me and they like me watch this now urged on by faith abraham when he was called he obeyed he went to a place which was destined to receive an inheritance and he went and although he did not know or trouble his mind why are you losing sleep use your faith if you notice abraham had directions but not details because faith doesn't need details it just needs direction watch verse 9 prompted by faith how was he prompted he was prompted by faith that spiritual force that spiritual currency that allows us to make transactions in the kingdom he was prompted by faith and watch this he stayed or dwelt in temporary residence in the land which was destined uh designated in the promise i want you to notice that he dwelt as a temporary residence in the land which was designated in promise because sometimes listen sometimes your faith will lead you through temporary places to get to god's desired destination but you can't get frustrated by this temporary destination because sometimes god will take you through temporary places to get to your wealthy place that's what happened with us at a school god told me listen i was trying to buy buildings and finally the lord spoke to me he said no i don't want you to buy a building i want you to build a building well had he told me up front that would take 13 years i might have resigned as a pastor i'm resigning god first year i'm resigning i did not know listen i did not have details that it would take 13 years to do this but how many know if you just stay in faith and operate some patience god will show up amen so then watch now uh verse 10 this was abraham's faith attitude it says for he abraham watch this now he was waiting how is it up there how was abraham waiting expect faith is the substance of things hoped or expected for abraham's faith attitude he was waiting expectantly and confidently looking forward to the city which has fixed and a firm foundation so listen god wants to use your faith to navigate you through changes that will take you to new places new attitudes and new levels i'm going to say that again god wants to use your faith to navigate you through changes that will take you to new places new attitudes and new levels in life and this is why now church watch this now i'm getting ready to touch on something this is why it's so important to learn how to protect your faith we must protect what we hear we must protect what we see we must protect who's around us and we must protect what we do you have to protect your faith you know why because our faith is what god uses to help us excel and overcome in life first john chapter 5 verse 4 says for every child of god defeats this evil world and we achieve this victory through our faith your faith that god has given you is what's going to help you overcome life's challenges and so if my faith is what helps me do that then i need to protect my faith so we must protect our faith listen not just because it helps us to believe but we must protect our faith watch this now because it helps us carry out what we believe see two different things see most people believe something it takes no effort to believe believing just means i accept something to be true even if it's a lie if you decide to believe it it becomes truth to you right so with us there are two components to making faith items come into manifestation one of them we have to believe and everybody believes that they say oh i believe that oh i believe the bible oh i believe in tithing oh i believe in this i believe in that but see you have to protect your faith because the second component of faith is carrying out what we believe and that's why the scripture says faith without words says what so if i don't protect my faith i may believe all day but nothing's going to happen in my life if i'm just believing i have to put some steps to what i say i believe somebody say amen to that amen the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord steps that's plural you can't take one step and be like okay god i did it no no no no no see sometimes it says watch this so why don't i say why why it don't say we just stand in faith it says we walk by what what do we do am i walking right now no i ain't in faith some of them we want to take one step okay god what you going to do god said no no no you stepped you didn't walk see what god was going to do is send you to the martin show you know my end i'm the man when you get that stepping that's what you got that's what god is saying get the stepping so the first thing we have to do to to position ourself to have faith for change is we have to first accept the reality that all changes all should be faced with faith all changes whatever happens to us good bad or indifferent we should maintain a faith this disposition and i'm going to talk a little bit about that next week so let's go to point number two so i can hurry up here faith point number two we should keep our faith tank full we should keep our faith tank full it would be difficult for a car that had 20 miles worth of gas in it to go on a 100 mile trip without stopping to gas up do you agree with me on that and see some of us we are using or have used our faith and instead of fueling back up we just try to remember what we knew no no no no that's why it says faith cometh by hearing not having heard so just because you know it and just because you heard it doesn't mean that you full of it acts chapter six verse one watch this now it says and in those days when the number of disciples was multiplied there arose a murmuring of the grecians against the hebrews because their widows were neglected in daily administration in other words they had a group of widows and they were feeding them and taking care of them and so a dispute rose up and so verse 2 says then the 12 apostles called the multitude of disciples to them and said hey it is not reason that we should lead the word of god and serve tables and let me just say this he goes on in verse three he says wherefore brethren look out among you seven men of honest report full of the holy ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business so let me just do a side journey here this is why pastor evan has a staff and this is why we utilize volunteers why because i can't do it all but if someone has been assigned to do something they have been trained they have been encouraged they have been ordained or delegated by me to get it done so i don't always have to do it guess what it's getting done through somebody else and so that's what the apostle is saying so then he says but we will give ourselves continue to the prayer and minister of the word watch verse five i'm gonna show you now of what it's like to be full because see some of you all need to get full today now when i was growing up being full means to get drunk many know that how many have heard that before yeah man i'm going to get fooled well they wouldn't talk about eating in my day so watch what he says so they chose stephen watch how they described him a man what come on church come on church a man full of faith and of the holy ghost and then watch how they just describe everybody else and phillip and pakoras and nick canora and tim and why where they get these names from i'm not even gonna try to pronounce the rest of them but if you notice they just kind of just threw their name out there but when they described stephen they said he was full of faith drop down down to verse seven oh with verse six and whom they set before apostles the apostles prayed for them laid their hands on these people and then watch this as a result of delegating some responsibilities of other people watch what happened the word increased and the number of disciples were multiplied in jerusalem and a great company of priests were obedient to the faith because if you delegate it properly the word is going to increase and that's what we want so watch now verse 8. and stephen read it with me full of what full of faith and what power and he did great wonders among the people now watch this now uh i'm hoping that they they're gonna get my little illustration together all right they're gonna come bring it right here but don't watch them i want you to watch me because i know y'all right you can't be full of something that you don't put in you i'm gonna say that again you can't be full of something that you ain't put in you and most of the time we are full of everything but faith we full of the news we full of other people's opinions we're full of fear we're full of self we're full of everything but faith and your faith will struggle to work if it's not full inside of you now matthew chapter 8 verse 23 matthew 8 23 and when he was entered into the ship this was jesus his disciples followed him and behold there groves arose a great tempest in the sea a storm basically verse 25 his disciples came to him and woke him up saying lord save us watch verse 26 and he said to them why are you what church so what would they what would they he says why are you fearful then read this part with me oh ye uh hmm so if i'm full of fear my faith is going to be little now another account of this story is in mark chapter 4 verse 40. i like it better it says and jesus said unto them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith so you know what do you see the correlation that their faith was little because their fear was full do you see that when their faith when their faith was little because their fear was full and when you and i when we walk by what we see and when we walk by what we feel and we will walk by what what we hear it diminishes our faith and it increases our fear so the reason most people's hearts are not full of faith because it's full of fear so now i'm gonna give you a powerpoint that you may not have ever thought of the biggest enemy to your faith is not the devil it's fear and most people struggle to receive the promises of god by faith because they're full of fear luke chapter 8 verse 41 it says and behold there came a man named jay iris now let me just kind of give the the context jesus is walking and this guy shows up to him named jairus he was a ruler of the synagogue and it says he fell down at jesus feet and he says hey can you come to my house for he had only one daughter who's about 12 years of age and she laid down and she was dying but as he went the people thronged him so now what happened after that is the woman with the issue of blood shows up and uh she goes and she touches the hem of his garment and she gets healed and jesus feel the virtue leave his body and he's like who touched me and so all of this commotion takes place i don't know how long it took but it took a minute and so now you pick the story back up with jairus in luke 8 49 verse and 50. it says and while he yet spoke there come one from the ruler of the synagogue's house saying to him your daughter is dead don't even trouble the master so then watch what jesus said when jesus heard it he answered him and what did he say two words what did he say what did he say let me tell you something if jesus had to answer fear you do too when you start feeling fear come up in here you know and you say well i i don't know if i feel fear no fear talks it sounds like this you're gonna die of coronavirus it sounds like this you will never get that house it sounds like this you are going to lose your house you're going to lose your that's fear fear fear fear well when jesus heard it that they said she was dead right okay what was jesus response he said fear not but believe only and she's gonna be whole so listen now watch this now the news that we receive will determine the faith or fear we operate in so watch this how do we reject fear and become full of faith here's a take-home statement if you're taking notes watch this now you will fear until you change what you hear you will fear until you change what you hear because listen church if faith comes by hearing fear does too so you and i we will fear until we change what we hear but when you're full of something it's hard for something else to get in see like uh that's why the only reason you got a dwi i'm talking to somebody right now that stands for drunk while intoxicated the only reason they pull you over and you get a ticket or you go to jail is because you are full of alcohol and they got a test to determine if you lying or not you've been drinking oh i've only had one can you walk for me okay uh sir would you take this breathalyzer test to determine the alcohol level in your system well there's a test you can take to determine your faith system how much faith is in your system so let's just say this is our heart now how many agree that this is full how many agree online what we at here we go right here is this full this is full all right so this represents our heart but see what people don't realize is their hearts can be full of something but see these this this this vase is not really full because something else can still get in there see watch this see y'all said it was full did he okay let's see hmm is this getting in there well if it was full it couldn't get in but because now there are crevices in here something else got in there see and the only way your faith is going to work because see let's just say that this bottle is is my heart and it's full of faith it's full of the word can something else get in here what's going to happen is it's a is it what's happening what's happening can you not get in there because i'm full so you said the divas was full it's not full guess what is it getting full now you didn't think nothing else could get in there see that's the problem with us we got some word in us but every stuff getting in there and when that stuff get in there remember now i say the only way you're going to be full of faith is you got to now to be full of it you got to change what you hear and so let's now go to some application because this is where we ending right here because here's my goal i can't just tell you about faith and then not show you how to walk in it that's not fair that's like me telling you about six flags oh it's wonderful they have great rides they have a roller coaster you like roller coasters yeah i like roller coaster you like cotton candy yeah they got cotton candy and they go you know and i tell you about six flags and i never tell you where it is so let's apply today's message first of all in order for us to walk in faith for change we must value god's word and his way above every other way we must value his word why because god's way works every single time the amplified version of jeremiah chapter 1 verse 12 says this then says the lord to me you have seen well for i am alert now watch what god says he says i am alert and active and i'm watching over my word to perform it go to sleep god says listen when you do your part don't worry about mine because i'm watching over my part to perform it amen and until you accept god's way as the best way listen now church i'm talking to some single people right now until you accept god's way as the best way you will always succumb to second best i don't know about you but i want the best i want god's best right so that's number one you have to value god's word in his way above everything here's the last one or number two in order to get full of faith we must get full of the word so then i have a challenge for you this week we are going to go on a faith fast now i don't know about you i don't like fasting i don't like fasting first of all i'm not really you know when i fast i lose like two to three pounds a day so i can't afford to fast right but i don't like fasting because i like to eat i don't eat a whole lot but i still how many like to eat i mean i like to eat i mean little you're alive you must like it right so in order to get full of faith we must get full of the word and so the challenge this week to get full of the word i'm going to challenge everybody who's watching me and here in the house i want to challenge you to go on a faith fast you say well pastor evan what is that that means that you are going to fast everything that can take away your word intake it's only for seven days we're only going on a seven day faith fast just seven so this is what your seven day diet looks like of the word of faith diet number one oh man instead of being on facebook your facebook time becomes word time god listen when you get home tell them look give them a notice monday through next sunday you will not hear from me go on and post that post it post it post it your facebook time becomes your word time and i'm gonna tell you how to do that number two your instagram time becomes word time he said pastor haven't explained it any time that you would have been on facebook when you get that urge see some of y'all shaking right now like i don't know if i can do it i don't know oh facebook the time that when you want to push that f button when you want to push the f button you're going to push the word button instagram time becomes word time oh here's a hard one music time becomes word time i know you want to hear a lovely day by bill withers and it's going to be a lovely day but you're going to have to sing it in your head because your music time is going to become word time your tv time oh god tv2 your tv time becomes preaching time oh yeah instead of watching tv watch somebody preach the word go to youtube don't be surfing you're going to be searching for the word and your reading time instead of reading these novels and these fiction and these magazines now your reading time is going to become word time so how we going to do this i'm closing right here i did a faith sermon uh i'm gonna give you the date january the 7th 2018. the name of this this sermon was called creating a faith diet here's one of your assignments i don't know if you did it too you know how i'm gonna know because the views on the youtube is gonna go up or the messages you know because we have messages where it's on the podcast we can just listen and go so what you're gonna do every day everybody say every day every day every day you're gonna listen to that one sermon at least once a day that one creating a faith diet i already started listening to it right i'm already ahead of you and i want you to listen to it every day that's just one sermon because see remember your face time your your your facebook time your instagram time all of your music time it has to be now in the word and then i want you to go to the website i want you to go under messages and i want you to type in the word faith and every faith message i have done since 2008 is in there now you can listen to other preachers but right now you need to focus on this one listen to everything you can get your hands on that relates to faith so by next week seven days some of y'all gonna float in here hey buster some of y'all gonna go to the lake and walk on water they're gonna be like what how'd you do that oh my god get the camera out what i'm trying to do is help us get to a point where there is so much faith in our heart nothing else can get in i'm not going to say something won't try to get in but see when it even tries you have to know that oh no no weapon formed against me is going to prosper and any tongue or anybody talking about me it's going to be proved wrong god's going to take care of that amen see you pray for that job and now that job is presenting some challenges it's not what you thought it was going to be but you prayed for the job and god gave you the job and now there are changes in your life about the job but you got to remember you can do all things through christ see see doubt and fear and unbelief can't get in there with that words up in there and i'm gonna tell you something some of you all you're gonna start putting that word in there and you're gonna start seeing something you didn't see you're gonna see some attitudes you shouldn't have you gonna say some stuff and then be like oh that wasn't good you're gonna have to go to the person and say you know what i'm i'm sorry i said that hopefully this week it'll be a week of i'm cyrus well that didn't go well so okay so here is the moment of truth who's going to take the challenge this week come on come on raise your hand in here if you're going to take it you don't listen wait put your hand down put your hand out don't raise your head if you ain't going to do it now if you raise your hand and you mess up then just fess up and start over those of you who are watching me online i need every one of you who are going to commit to doing this the faith fast this week i want you to put in your comment section i'm committed to the i'm taking the challenge just go ahead and say i'm taking the faith fast challenge i am taking the faith fast challenge so those of you who are going to take the fast who's going to take the challenge raise your hand raise your hand right here all right all right all right so keep it up because i want to pray those of you who are watching me put your hands up well no you type it after you type i want you to put your hands up oh my god put your hands down before i pray i saw something y'all want to know what i saw i saw a thunder i saw a thunderstorm of blessings coming down you know showers of blessings i saw it it was like it was like the clouds were black they was just hovering and then all of a sudden it just started pouring down come on raise your hands father in jesus name thank you for your word i i pray in jesus mighty name that it has been received by faith and lord we we can't do nothing without your help holy spirit we can't live a christian life without your presence so i'm asking that you empower each person who's decided to take the challenge of this faith fast and lord i pray that the thunderstorm of showers that i saw lord as we begin to fast from everything but your word i thank you for those thunderstorms of blessings showering down in our lives i thank you for loans that were denied being approved i thank you for new homes and new cars and new opportunities and new businesses and new contracts and new blessings and more help springing up in our lives [Music] huh i thank you for money coming from the north the south the east and the west and lord i pray today that by this time next week we will be so full of the word we'll be so full of faith our lives will go to the next level and it's in jesus mighty name everybody say amen come on give the lord a hand clap if you receive the word today [Applause] right there with every head bow and every eye closed if you're watching me don't tune off if you're watching me for the very first time and those who are in the house here's my question if you die today are you 100 sure you'd go to heaven because if you're not heaven is real but hell is also god does not put no one in either one of those places he allows us to decide where we want to go that's the good news the bad news is you can't make the decision after you die it must be made while you're alive and so if you are not 100 sure if you died you go to heaven i want to pray for you if you're here and you're watching me you say pastor evan if i died i know i'll go to heaven i'm a christian i'm a believer but my life is is i'm not pleasing god with my life i know i'm saved i know if i die i'm going to go to heaven but i'm not pleasing god with my life my question to you are you 100 surrender to him maybe you need to surrender 100 today or maybe you're watching me you need a church home you know the bible says those who are planted in the house of the lord shall flourish there is a major difference in just being a stand-alone christian and being planted in the house of the lord and there are some people watching me and you may not even live in our state but that won't stop you from planting yourself here so i want to pray and if you do not know jesus christ as your personal savior if you die today and you're not sure you go to heaven i we want to pray a prayer along with you so i want you to pray i want everybody in the house to pray this prayer but if you're praying it for the very first time i want you to mean it from your heart say lord jesus i believe you're the son of god i believe you die for my sins i believe god raised you from the dead and today i make you my lord and savior holy spirit come on the inside change me on the outside take me out of darkness put me in the light today i surrender my life to the lord jesus christ in jesus mighty name father i thank you for those who raised their hands or made a commitment to rededicate their lives and surrender it fully to you and i thank you for spiritual momentum in their lives that they've never seen before and i thank you for those who are planting themselves in your house today for their lives will never be the same in jesus mighty name somebody say amen come on give the lord a hand clap again so quickly if you're watching us i want you to put in the comment section i want you to call or text this number you can't call it but text the number to the number 54244 i want you to text the word commit if you're in the house you can do it as well get your phones out if you made one of those decisions faith without works is what listen if you made one of those decisions get your phones out text the word commit to the number two four four and if you're in the house we gave you uh a connection card you can fill that card out physically and you can drop it in the boxes in the back or you can hand it to one of our ushers so that we can know the decision you made if you decided to join word of truth family church next sunday will be our new membership class which is the first sunday of every month did you get blessed today come on y'all just wave it up online audience tell them goodbye we'll see you next week same time same place and don't forget wednesday facebook live i'll see you then god bless hey thank you so much for joining us today hey if you liked our service please give us a like give us a share give us a comment let us know where you tuned in from where you're from and join us again here next sunday thank you again so much for being a part of our service cannot wait to see you again
Channel: Word of Truth
Views: 1,691
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: ytDOy4zxw58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 15sec (5895 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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