Help I’m Healing From _______ // 7N7 Week One // Help, I’m Hurting

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[Music] hey family what is up my name is ryan and i'm healing from growth now question when you were younger did you ever ask yourself or think to yourself man i can't wait till i'm grown so i can get up out of this house okay well if it was you raise your hand in the room and in the chat because i hear you i feel you i was you but the more i think about it the more i realized that when i was younger i thought that being grown really just meant that i had the freedom to do whatever i wanted when i wanted but as i got older as i'm sure a lot of you adults can attest in the room the more that i realized that adulting is actually an entire scam and you know before you agree too much it's probably not the scam that you're thinking so you're probably thinking of the scam of paying bills and having all these responsibilities that no one told you about but that's not what i mean i mean the scam that a lot of us think that being an adult means that we're mature and that's not it at all fam that's not it at all you see adulthood is defined by age but maturity is characterized by growth and perhaps the biggest scam of all that really got me all is that believing that when we grow that we won't experience pain but the thing is when we think about it growth is pain in the book leadership pain dr samuel chan spells out this beautiful equation he says that growth equals change change equals loss loss equals pain and therefore growth equals pain and the pain that we experience is secretly outlined in john 15 16 by jesus he says this he says you have not chosen me but i have chosen you and i have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you so you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing and that your fruit would remain and be lasting so that whatever you ask of the father in my name as my representative he may give to you so in this text christ points out three things he positions us he plants us but it is our responsibility to produce and then this process of growth we may start to experience some things that we don't even know how to articulate and that's what i'm calling the grief of growth and grief honestly is not just a loss of a person it's any deep sorrow caused by any loss or that's the loss of who you thought you were going to be the loss of how you thought things were going to go or turn out the loss of your plans so i'm going to share with you my story of the grief of growth you see first christ positioned me he called me to another standard you see back in school you know like when you're chosen by god and you hear in the bible you hear preachers talk about it it sounds amazing but the truth is that being chosen and being called being positioned by god doesn't always feel good and if i'm being honest it led me to ask myself questions like lord why do i have to be pure all these saints is out here whiling in these streets living their best thought lives and i just don't understand they seem happy but why do i why do i have to be pure and then i ask questions like lord why do i have to use my gifts for you everyone else is doing whatever they want making all this money and being successful and i'm just here buried and broke why why lord why i don't understand but the thing is that even in being positioned i had to accept what god was doing in my life and after i finally accepted what he was doing that's when he planted me now being planted you you may have watched the series planted not buried but being planted is an uncomfortable season because it's unclear and you can't really see god's plan for your life and the truth is is that you may not even be able to see the growth that's already happening in you see for me when i was planted i had just graduated with my masters i had all these players to make all this money i don't know why everything is about money but i always plan to make all this money and the thing that god told me he said daughter sit down i don't want you to work and do you know what it feels like when you've reached this achievement when you've you've gotten this certain standard of success and you have to explain to your family that god just wants you to be obedient and trust him you see obedience doesn't make sense to everybody else but for somebody out there god is calling you to be obedient even if it seems like it's crazy so while you are planted your job is to remain because the thing is when we start having doubts and hesitations while we're planted what that really reveals is what we've been anchored to the whole time when we don't want to let go when there's a certain tension that's when you know oh i wasn't anchored in my faith i was anchored in their thoughts about me i wasn't anchored in god i was anchored in my own identity and who i thought that i was going to be but you know what as i remained planted i started to unexpectedly produce you see because in less than one year i grew more than i ever thought i would i knew i shouldn't have prayed that prayer yo i said lord bless me indeed and he did in less than one year i got a new job i got a new place to live and i became a whole wife with a whole husband he's sitting right over there but you know what what that spelled out to me was responsibilities and if i'm being honest all of the blessing that god had given me it made me feel like i didn't know who i was anymore like it was just too much for me to handle but you know what when god blesses us when he answers those prayers when we produce and keep producing that means that we recognize our need for him more than ever before so even as you're producing i invite you to remain you see all remain means is having an intimate relationship with christ that produces the fruit of the spirit the joy the peace the patience the kindness the goodness the gentleness the faithfulness and the self-control so if you remember at the beginning of my message i said raise your hand if you ever wanted to be grown so you could get up out of your parents house i don't blame you because that's what culture teaches us culture teaches us that being grown or being free means getting out of the house but what kingdom culture says is that when we remain in christ that is when we can experience true freedom so my only point for you today is to just remain no matter where you are in the grief of growth or this growing process i just want to let you know that there is grace for your growth that christ is right there smackdown in the middle of it if you would just remain so whether you're being positioned and you feel like you can't do what everyone else is doing whether you're being planted and you feel like you're buried whether you're producing and you have so much fruit but you don't know how to steward over it god is inviting you to remain because by remaining that is how we experience true transformation in christ in tc family that is how i'm healing from growth [Applause] hello tc nation i'm pastor barbara littlejohn and i'm healing from walking in fear yes your girl has been walking in fear fear is false evidence appearing real a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something it's the dominant spirit of this day and age society is saturated with fear people are worried about their jobs they're worried about their health and their future i've always been strong and independent handling life's challenges with much confidence but on january 26 of 2020 i witnessed and walked in fear like never before fears of physical challenges in the form of a brain bleed having the covet itself which led me to isolation separation and even causing me fears of being irrelevant obsolete and somewhat antiquated listen guys fear is a spirit it acts like a magnet attracting whatever we fear it's an oppressive spirit it's not a feeling or an emotion fear is not given by god according to second timothy 1 and 7 god says that god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind so i want to encourage you during these days of uncertainty it is important to identify and deal with the fears you must deal with them because if you don't you will not remain anchored in god nor in his promises isaiah 41 and 10 tells us this there is no need to fear for i am your god i'll give you strength i'll help you i'll hold you steady and keep a firm grip on you so i have questions for you today tc nation how many of you are living your lives fearing what might happen because the enemy of fear keeps pulling you back like a magnet making what appears real to be real job in chapter 3 it we see this story job has everything like many of us he lacks nothing but he can't enjoy what he has because he's too busy making sacrifices for fear of what might happen the enemy's magnet was drawing job far far away from the shores of faith in god and faith in his promises job 3 and 25 tells us this job kept saying the worst of my fears has come upon me what i've dreaded most has happened let me tell you this fear will cause you to drift yes it will it will cause you to drift the physical challenges that i was experiencing thinking of a stroke the thoughts of being irrelevant obsolete outdated of my necks all was housed in the present chaos that was brought on by a pandemic i found myself drifting and again i will tell you this that's what fear will cause you to do instead of focusing on the positives the enemy was amplifying all of the negatives all of my fears began and was becoming a picture in my mind i even begin to fear dying and again all of that because fear causes us to drift so i want to tell you this when fear knocks on your door you let faith answer it if you have faith according to the word of god as a grain of mustard seed you can speak to the mountain of fear you can speak to the mountain of doubt and they've got to go says the spirit hallelujah so how how do you handle your fears come on tc nation i want you to write this in the chat face your fears face them look them dead in the eye and say psalms 34 and 4. god says this i sought the lord and he heard me and he delivered me from all of my fears it is not natural or uncommon to experience fear but what's not normal is for you to be driven by your fears see job was driven by his fear the more he looked at his children's behavior the more he feared the more he feared the more he sacrificed you cannot allow fear to drive you or to push you why because fear brings torment first john 4 18 tells us this there is no fear in love but perfect love will cast out fear why because fear brings torment it brings torment it was tormenting job so i want to give you my first point here i want you to write this down first of all you must a second point brother is that you also have to expose your fears yes you've got to expose it tell on it do it like in second kings elijah's servant young man woke up in the morning out of his second king six and he saw the syrian army surrounded them and he feared but this is what he did he exposed his fear he went to his master and he says master look we are surrounded by the enemies and elisha did what a leader would do he prayed for his servant he prayed god open his eyes so he can see so he can see that they that be with us is more than they that be with them and so the young man saw through his eyes so we've got to remember this remember fear is like a bully it just keeps coming back it just keeps knocking at your door but you cannot ignore fear hoping it will disappear you cannot even begin to think that if fear comes you can stand still and not do anything and it will not affect you you can't make enough sacrifices that will cause fear to leave you so this is why you must remember this thirdly change your focus change your focus begin to visualize god as a mountain and your fear as a molehill and the closer you get to god the smaller your fears will become amen so i want to ask you this question what are you fearing what is it that's tormenting you is it losing a job is it the thought of bad health is it a lack of finances family problem issues maybe you are fearing aging maybe it's the school loans maybe you have the fear of what is my next second corinthians 10 and 5 tells us this cast down imagination and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowledge of god and bring it into captivity every thought to the obedience of god's words in my closing i want to tell you to do not fix your eyes on the things that are seen but fix your eyes on the things that are not seen because those things that are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are eternal so tc nation remember this in god's hands the enemy's intended evil becomes god's eternal good i'm pastor barbara littlejohn and that's how i am overcoming my fears [Applause] [Music] what is up tc nation man my name is chad and help i am healing from lies of inadequacy when i first heard about healing from i'll be honest with you i was like asking god god where am i healing from where am i hurting at but then when i dug deeper into it and let god speak to me he showed me exactly where i'm healing from see healing is just the process of becoming sound or healthy again you don't always have to be hurting to still be healing but let me just say this lies of inadequacy was where i've been hurt because i have a past like a lot of people matter of fact like everybody if we're being honest we've all made mistakes but isn't it like the enemy to lie to you because inadequacy simply means not good enough for your purpose see the enemy wanted me to feel like i wasn't good enough for the full purpose god had for me oh see i've known since i was 14 years old i could be used by god and god would use me but the enemy made me feel like he couldn't use me to my full extent because of what i've done i see it 14 years old i gave my life to christ in my mother's bedroom and i'll never forget it my mom's life was radically changed and here i am at 14 watching my mom's life change and it would change mine but what you don't know is that at 12 years old i was already addicted to pornography i did not know what it would do over the next 15 plus years to my life if i did i would have ran immediately but see addiction simply means the dependency upon something mentally or physically to the point where it alters your life see my dependency was in the wrong place but i didn't know that as a teenager i know that i gave my life to christ and i had a calling on my life and someone spoke over my life and i knew god could use me but what about my mess see my addiction i wished i could say was just watching something online every once in a while but that's where it started but then it became a lifestyle that would begin to unravel over the next few years it would begin to cause me to isolate even though i was loud and outgoing i was really doing that to cover up from having to tell you what i was really struggling with see it would cause me to begin to get hurt and hard-hearted it would cause me to get numb to where i couldn't even be intimate with god because why would i be because he wouldn't take me where i am another lie of inadequacy see the reality of it is when i finally stepped in to this life that god had given me i knew there was something special i knew i could be set free people have been telling me all my life god brings freedom and that sounded great but how do i get out of this mess see i was destructing everything that i touched see i was bringing other people into my mess one of the things you need to know is that sin has friends you bring people into your heart hurt people hurt people and so since i wasn't walking in my purpose i wasn't going to let you walk in yours so i'm destroying things as i touch them and then i would get married and i would walk this into my marriage and it would begin to unravel time and time again the same fight the same cycle the same struggle and the whole time i know god you have something for me but i can't get past this mess to the point where i finally realized i'd had enough it had done enough destruction but man could i really tell everybody what i was struggling with could i really get to the place where i could share with my spouse with my wife what i'm dealing with could i would she handle it right what would i lose what would i suffer could i could i get kicked out of the church would i would i not be able to preach anymore would i would i not be able to do the little bit of purpose that i've already started to do like like god will you quit using me when i finally let go of what i'm struggling with i was afraid of the consequence but see it took me in that moment to realize i was already suffering from a consequence see the consequence of holding it in already had me bound up it already had me broken it already had me hurting other people it already had my marriage falling apart see the problem was i was already struggling with a consequence but i couldn't be free i had to speak up i had to finally get to a place where i realized i was going to have a consequence either way so if i'm going to have a consequence why not be free why not be free and so i finally decided i was going to let it out can i share something with you the sin has consequences it's the byproduct of sin but freedom is the byproduct of jesus christ and when i finally realized that i could switch my dependency from that to christ when i finally started leaning into him i'd like to say that it just all went away but that's not true because it was a progression and still is today but when i tell you i finally turned my dependency to him oh there were consequences oh i suffered a lot of consequences i had a lot of setbacks i had a lot of stuff that i had to go to counseling to get through i had a lot of pain a lot of hurt i had to acknowledge a lot of things i had to apologize for a lot of things i had to fix things i had to stay steady you want to be real real i had to put locks on my television so i couldn't watch nothing later on in life you want to be real there's consequences you may be going through a divorce right now because you had an affair and that is a consequence you may be a drug addict and lost your entire family that's a consequence you may be in prison right now for the rest of your life can i tell you that's just a consequence because it is a flat out lie if you don't think you're good enough for god he says in his word that you are his masterpiece and that he had plans for you in advance for you to do and those plans and that purpose never changed because you and i made mistakes that's why he sent jesus to the cross he sent him to the cross so that when you and i make mistakes there's there's healing there's restoration there's cleansing there's forgiveness and the bible says that when you and i repent that god is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness all unrighteousness you may be living in a consequence but don't you ever let the enemy tell you there's not freedom because there is 100 freedom and your purpose still stands today just like it did when you were created i want to read one verse to you romans 6 20 through 23 and it says this as long as you did what you felt like doing ignoring god you didn't have to bother with right thinking or write living or write anything for that matter do you call that a free life you didn't have to bother with right thinking or write living or write anything for that matter do you call that a free life i can tell you i didn't what did you get out of it nothing you're proud of now where did you get where did it get you a dead end but now that you have found that you don't have to listen to sin tell you what to do and have discovered the delight of listening to god tell you what a surprise a whole healed put together life right now with more and more life on the way work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death but god's gift is real life eternal life delivered by christ jesus i'm telling somebody on the other side of that screen or in this room today that god only has real life for you god only has freedom for you a whole healed put together life right now set free from whatever you're struggling with and this is how i'm healing from a lie that i'm not good enough [Music] what's up transformation nation my name is anthony help i'm healing from offense now we all know what it feels like to have a fence perhaps we're offended because chick-fil-a is closed on sundays or maybe we're offended because at burger king you can't truly have it your way or maybe you're offended because somebody pushed you off one of the crates during the crate challenge or maybe the ex-spouse walked on you and they walked out on you and that parent may have never acknowledged you that parent may have not showed up to a birthday party and you're battling internally because of offense someway somehow we all know what it feels like to have a fence well family this journey started for me when i was younger i was going to a family function i'm talking about one of those good family functions where you could smell the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill you could hear the frankie beverly amazed playing in the background yeah one of those functions on a hot summer day but as i'm walking into this family member's house i hear something that i would never want to hear again in my life i heard my own family talking negatively about my parents i heard things that i would never want to hear again but even in that moment what they said allowed my heart to adjust to the label that they placed on my parents so now i begin to speak the same things that they spoke over my parents i began to speak doubt i began to not affirm myself i verbally disqualified myself and my mind immediately goes to scripture because in luke 6 45 it says that out of the abundance of the heart does his mouth speak and why this gives me biblical confirmation that what resides in my heart determines the outcome of my language i have a question today tc nation i need you in the in the comments section to help me what do you do when offense is not your fault what do you do when offense is not your fault because truth be told we sometimes have no control over what we are exposed to we don't plan to walk into a season of people lying on us we don't plan to walk into a season where parents are not talking to us we don't plan to walk into a season blaming ourself from things but i need you right now in the chat to type this i forgive me that's right type it right now i forgive me i forgive myself for holding on to offense i forgive myself for harboring this exposure why am i forgiving myself for harboring the exposure because sometimes the wrong exposure can turn into bad roots yeah naturally bad roots in the heart they turn into disease but spiritually bad roots control the tongue question for you family how many times have we allowed our route to speak for us because roots legitimately now they have two main functions food storage is number one root store food that lasts during a dormant period what do you go to during your dormant season what do you return back to when your season is not moving what do you depend on when you are low and should the statement be free now that you are what you eat perhaps we have so much offense and anger and rage because that's all we have stored in us perhaps we are so angry right now and we cuss our family members out and we don't want to go around anymore and we use them as excuses to act ungodly because that's what we have stored up but watch this even because it's stored up that means that number two it has to be anchored in you now everybody we've been giving god praise as a family and as a church because our theme is being anchored this year but somebody was just like me a few months ago whose chains had them bound by the hands and they couldn't lift their hands and give god praise because of what they were anchored in instead of helping them produce it suffocated them so now i cannot celebrate being anchored because i can't even speak it suffocates me so bad but i dare you to type in the chat right now i'm going to check my anchor that's right you have to learn to check your anchor because sometimes what you're anchored in may have a defect that you don't know about but can i tell somebody something today that to begin the process of healing and uprooting of the bad roots needs to happen but it takes sacrifice it's not easy because sometimes it feels good to stay offended sometimes it feels good to walk around with the chip on your shoulder sometimes it feels good to want to come up to somebody and just smack another face and in the hood that i come from sometimes you may just want to steal off on somebody and it feels good right but i learned that in order to make a sacrifice it takes work but when i think about sacrifice i think about jesus acts 5 and 30 says that the god of our fathers raised jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree the only time that you see a cross in those times is when it was time for something to die because the cross is a place of sacrifice it's a place of bloodshed and before jesus died this place of sacrifice was also an altar god did not desire things that were living he told them sacrifice thanks to me that were dead can i tell you this morning that it's time for you to sacrifice the things that need to die that's in you you may have to sacrifice offense you may have to sacrifice that rage you may have to nail those issues to the cross up every time that i sit down and devoting i'm nailing an issue to the cross every time that i sit down in prayer i'm nailing an issue to the cross i wish that you would right now in the comments type i'm going to nail these issues to the cross up whatever my pain is i'm nailing it if i got to see a therapist i'm nailing it because somebody has to understand out there in tc nation that the majority of the time i've been spending an offense up but this day i'm no longer going to suffer in offense nailed the issues to the cross i had to nail everything that i had it took every ounce of blood that i had on my body it took every tear it took every amount of pain and agony and turmoil but if jesus christ can die on the cross for my sins the least i can do is pay him homage by nailing my issues to the cross my name is anthony and i'm healing from offense [Music] what is up tc nation my name is margo and i am healing from anxiety two years ago i was living in north carolina working at a church leading a young adult's ministry in a student ministry and one night i was at a university doing a ministry event and i came home and i suddenly found myself somewhere that i've never been before i experienced my full first full-blown anxiety attack i found myself on the floor not being able to breathe gasping for air shaking losing feeling in my face and in my hands with a rapid heartbeat get feeling dizzy and lightheaded my emotions uncontrollable and it was really intense but the hard part is it didn't just happen that one time two years ago no this started happening over and over and over again and as the weeks and the months went by this had become my daily norm every single night i was having anxiety attacks like this before i knew it i realized i become stuck in anxiety i wonder where you feel stuck today what have you been experiencing battling fighting through struggling over and over again it's not that you want to be there it's just you don't know how to get out of it because if you could get out of it let's be honest you wouldn't be stuck do you feel stuck in depression do you feel stuck in lust what about addiction do you feel stuck in numbness anger self-hatred bitterness where do you feel stuck see the thing about getting stuck is that at some point you settle wow see at some point i got to the point i don't know when it switched i don't know how many times i got so discouraged that i got to the point where i started saying this every time an anxiety attack came i said it's okay it's okay it's okay maybe you've been telling yourself that that it's okay that you're there in fact we live in a world that let's be honest it says it's okay that you're there and i'm here to fight for some people to tell you it is not okay that you're there it is not okay that you and i have settled in being stuck in bondage it is not okay and here's the good news of the gospel that i have for you today here's the good news that we actually can have as a hope that is truly an anchor for our soul because of what jesus has done we do not have to stay stuck and we don't have to stay stuck because you and i we have a helper you really do have a helper and here's the thing about this helper this helper will not just help you to cope this helper will not just help you to feel better about it or to find ways to rationalize it this helper will do what all the things that you have tried to get you unstuck cannot do because they could only help he could heal this helper is a healer and here's how i know this in john chapter 16 verse 7 we see that jesus is about to leave the earth see he's already come he's laid his life down on the cross to save you and i from separation from god he rose from the dead to set us free from sin and bondage and darkness forever and he's back revealing himself to all of his disciples and he says this it's for your benefit that i'm gonna leave now let's take a moment let's be real if jesus walked in the room right now you'd be really excited wouldn't you i can't tell you how many times i've been in worship and i thought if jesus would just walk in the room right now maybe he could touch me and heal me and i wouldn't be stuck see jesus said it's good that i'm gonna leave because i'm sending you my helper [Music] he sends us his helper and here's the craziest part in ephesians 1 13 it says that the moment you believe in jesus you receive your helpers see the good news of the gospel friends is that we no longer have to figure out how to come into the presence of god but the presence of god has come into us you have a helper you have such a loving father that did not want you to go a moment without help to heal you know what's so crazy is i didn't realize until the holy spirit reminded me the other night that every time i was in an anxiety attack every single time i was gasping for air and thinking in my mind am i going to be stuck in this forever i would cry out this one thing someone please come help me someone please come help me someone please come help me and you've been crying that out you've been asking someone please help me to not live depressed anymore help me to not stay in addiction anymore help me to not be so numb not be this angry person not be so lustful someone please come help me and friends my god has been healing me as he's been showing me that i really do have a helper you really do have a helper and here's the good news about this helper he's not only the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead he's the same spirit that led jesus out of the grave this helper wants to take you and lead you out of every single grave that you feel stuck in today see because we have a helper we don't have to stay stuck in bondage we can walk in healing today you can walk in healing today you have a helper the question is will you let your helper heal you my name is margo and i am healing from anxiety [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what up tc nation my name is freddie ramirez and i want to talk to you on a topic that i would like to call help i'm healing from not healing at all now i want to talk to you today who feel just like my sister just said stuck see i feel like that's the topic that we're on right now because many of us are watching this man we've watched the whole series we've read the books we've gone to the conferences we've gone to the five a.m morning prayers yes i'm talking to you this morning you've got the prayer you've got the oil you've ordered everything online to get you unstuck and to get you healed but you don't feel like it's working you say freddie i've prayed i've asked god god help me heal me take me out of where i am at because i can't take this anymore but i want to tell you something today and i want to get raw and honest for a moment and i want to tell you this if one prayer is all that you needed to heal from your pain none of us would be here right now if one prayer is all that you needed to be saved from depression and anxiety then there wouldn't be any depression or anxiety left on this earth but the truth is that healing takes work and man is it uncomfortable listen i know what it's like to feel stuck in my healing process i know what it's like to be in the church battling with rejection i know what it's like to be serving in the church to be going and serving and preaching and still leaving depressed but the truth is god wants to take you out where you are at the truth is that his blood is worth listen do you think that jesus sacrifice was not good enough to heal you from your deepest wounds are you really that lost to the sacrifice of our savior it's not enough some of you may be feeling like hey like i don't know where i'm at in my life i don't know if i will ever get better i've prayed i've done everything that i can new year same all me same old issues listen i know what it's like but i want to tell you something tc nation the lord started taking me through my healing process and the first thing he did he took me to john chapter 8 where it says so if the son sets you free you are truly free and listen i have to be honest with y'all for a moment i remember when the lord took me to that verse i was just like well it looks like jesus you don't want me free like you want to set everybody else free but not me but i want to change the question for a moment i want to change the game i want us to change our perspective from asking god will you ever heal me to how does it look like when the sun begins to set me free and the lord started taking me through these four pointers that i want to share with you right now the first one is prayer now listen you don't need the whole neighborhood to pray for you you just need two or more right because bible says where two or more are gathered there he is sometimes we're too prideful and listen i'm gonna speak to y'all ministers that are watching right now because we ministers we can be the most prideful out of a whole bunch because we think we're superman and we think we're wonder woman we don't need prayer but the truth is we're the first ones need to be in line for prayer open up your heart humble yourself and ask for prayer don't stick it with just yourself don't stick the fight with just you and the second thing the lord began to teach me is to learn to say it out loud yes i said say it out loud listen this is the part where god begins to remove the duct tape that you've placed on your serious wounds god doesn't want any more band-aids on your heart he wants to give you a new one and when you begin to speak out your pain god begins to heal you and ash he heals you you're not done you're at just halfway and god takes you to the next process which is teaching you to change your mind listen before you win the battle of your life you've got to win the battle of your mind how can we say that god is our strength but we don't even know his word how can we say that god is for me and that i have all confidence in him with our bible is picking up dust god wants to take you to the process where you begin to pick up your word and it's not just a book anymore but now it's part of you that's when you begin to walk out your healing and as we heal god reminds us that he is our strength and as you begin to do that i want to give you the final point the finish line where you know that you are here what is it that i need to do next repeat wait what repeat that's right i said repeat because the truth is that as long as we are on this earth there's always going to be pain but i have good news for you today tc nation you may not be able to avoid the pain but the pain can no longer hold you i said the pain can no longer keep you bound although pain may come it must set you free although pain and suffering may endure for the night my word says the joy shall come in the morning you don't have to go to sleep in pain but you can go to sleep in confidence that jesus is with you repeat it as many times as you need to do it and ladies and gentlemen as you begin to heal as we all begin to heal this is how we know that we are truly healing from not healing at all [Music] what's up transformation church transformation nation my name is tim and i'm healing from pride so some of you just heard me say pride and immediately you said to yourself that that does not apply to you funny thing is i didn't think it applied to me either as a matter of fact i got a little prideful when the holy spirit was requiring me to communicate on pride for real i was like lord can you give me something else to communicate about he was like now you need to be able to communicate on pride see when we think about pride we think about the big thing so somebody being loud and obnoxious and arrogant but i'm more concerned about the little things because big things are little things in process and if we are not careful uh pride will come in and we will experience what we want and not truly what god intended so let me give us this definition of pride so pride is satisfying and the commitment to satisfying self more than satisfying god okay so we have a culture code of being hot humble open and transparent so i'm gonna be really hot i think i'm one of the most humble people you'll ever come in contact with i just do and the holy spirit was speaking some things and revealing things to me and he was like tim you're really prideful y'all i was like what i was taken back i was flabbergasted i was taking a breath i was like what in the bell boozle men is going on here he was like yeah tim you're prideful i was like lord what is this pride in me that you speak of he was like oh you know how when you go to a restaurant or somewhere and you receive bad customer service and you think you have to give somebody a piece of your mind i say yes i do he said that's prideful i was like okay lord you're on the road right now see we got a culture code of faith here which says that we had faith in god faith for miracles and faith in people i had faith in god i had faith for miracles but i lost faith in people because i really didn't trust people like that and the holy spirit said tim that's more pride he said because you're holding on to things that you should have let go a long time ago and some of you might be thinking you're thinking to yourself right now tim i heard what you said but you gave two examples and none of those applied to me hey i'm not even mad at that but just maybe maybe just maybe you're on social media and you're living a life online that you don't live offline that's pride i don't really know what they call that today but when i was growing up we would say you stunned in other words you acting like you more than what you are it's called pride the funny thing is is that even for us as we're healing from pride we're not the only ones to be healing from pride some of the most influential people in the bible had pride issues in second samuel chapter 11 it's about a story of a man named david and a woman named bathsheba and david was the king of all of israel david loved god and god loved david but david had some pride issues david was so prideful he thought he can kill a man take the man's wife have a baby with her and get away with it with no consequences prideful you might be thinking to yourself right now yeah that's that's a bit extreme but we all have some type of pride that we're dealing with and the holy spirit was like tim you just have some prideful tendencies that i just need to show you he said and i need you to stop i was like lord i'll be glad to stop but i didn't know i started he said yes you did start and you need to stop i said okay well what does that mean he said the first thing you need to do and stop and he said you need to surrender surrender is not a one-time event it is a lifestyle every day i wake up there is something i have to surrender to the lord every day you wake up there's going to be something that you have to surrender to the lord see here's the thing about david david had thoughts and feelings towards bathsheba that he not had not surrendered see david's lack of surrender it killed a man a marriage and a baby just like he killed goliath all in one shot and the holy spirit he started speaking to me he said tim you've got some areas you have not surrendered he said you have unforgiveness in your heart that you have not surrendered to me and i need you to surrender those things so the first thing is stopping we have to surrender the second step is we have to tell somebody david didn't tell anybody he was feeling bathsheba like that had he told somebody somebody probably could have said hey king i don't think that's a good idea let's go in a different direction but david he showed a commitment to satisfy himself more than satisfying god the funny thing is is that david uh and bathsheba ended up having a son named solomon and the crazy thing is is that what david struggled with in private solomon displayed in public see david and private tried to take bathsheba and let me do this on the low solomon said i ain't doing nothing on the low he got hundreds of wives and concubines so we just got to be able to tell somebody because if you're not careful the thing that you're trying to heal from it'll pass down from generation to generation to generation so you got to be able to tell somebody here's the third thing we got to do you got to open up my wife can attest to this i'm the most open i have ever been with people in my entire life but i gotta be hot there are still some parts in me that aren't open because i don't know who i can fully trust to protect what's closed so there's still some things in me that ain't fully open and i was telling the lord i was like lord you just know i'm private i don't like people in my business i'm real low-key and he said tim you're not private i said but yes i am he said no you're not he said you're not private he said your pride vet he said and what you've done is you've mistaken your privacy for pride the sea and david allowed privacy to get in the way by killing a man and taking his wife and it's so so ironic that the baby that david and bathsheba had together the baby was born but then it ended up dying which means if you do not stop pride will kill your baby before it's fully developed here's the fourth thing he told me he said tim you have to place your trust in god david had to place his trust in god because after the first baby died it took a whole lot of trust to say lord i know i messed it up the first time i know i was pride for the first time but i'm gonna give it another go anyway it takes a lot of trust in god to be able to do that i don't know where you are in your trust with god but i'm just telling you god is saying i want you to place your trust in me so many times we often want an in-will result with an out-of-wheel response that's what we want like we want to be out of god's will doing what we want to do but we want him to respond as if we've been in his will the entire time so i don't know who i'm talking to but i'm telling you you have to surrender you have to tell somebody you have to open up and you have to place your trust in god and that's how i'm healing from pride transformation nation can you give it up for all of our seven and seven oh come on give it up give it up give it up listen listen i don't know about you but that just impacted and challenged me in such an incredible way and um genuinely just i want to say thank you to each one of you um your authenticity being able to expose things um being open with your story facing fears all those different things um not only did it uh i say thank you for going through it but thank you on behalf of everyone who's watching and i don't know where you're watching from or what you're going through or what you may be experiencing but no doubt no matter who you are and where you are you are in one of these seats you're in a space where um you would like the sentence to be help i'm healed from like that's the easier place sometimes in church is let me tell you about 20 years ago when this happened and i was fine and everything's okay but no god wants to deal with the thing you're healing from god wants to deal with the thing that's still in process i don't know where you are or what it is but today um i just want to give you an opportunity to do what each and every single one of these persons did they exposed the places that they were hurting in that's really the whole goal of this series is not even to get you to a place to where you watch five weeks and you say great i don't deal with depression anymore great i don't deal with fear anymore no no the goal would be is that you would simply just open up you see so many times in church we focus on the goal is i'm going to change me i'm going to figure out i need six steps and i need to read these scriptures and at the end of it i'm going to be healed no sometimes it's just a process that starts by saying you know what if you just open yourself up you see that the real truth is is that transforming you is outside of your jurisdiction you can't change anything about you if you could change your life you would have already done it but all we do is when we are hot the bible says this we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony i want to invite you today no matter where you are to simply just open yourself up to transformation to open yourself up to say help i i'm i'm still healing from this area i'm healing from fear i'm healing from from lies of inadequacy i'm hearing healing from whatever it may be i'm believing that as you open up god will start the healing process there's something that we say here at transformation church and it's this god cannot bless who you pretend to be god can't heal the areas that you act like aren't there and i want to take a moment right now as we close and i want to pray over two groups of people the first group is you're in process you feel like i'm still healing from something and i don't know what to do i don't know how to get through it i don't know what i'm going to do i just want to play pray a prayer over you right now if you say you know what that's me i'm watching online and i have an area that i'm still healing from i want you to type right now in the chat say that's me right now all in the chat there's tons of people type say that's me i'm still healing from something say that is me i want to invite you right now if you just bow your heads wherever you are and close your eyes lord god i thank you you see every single person that just acknowledged that they're still healing you seeing every person that just said that's me you see every person that still has pain that still has wounds and lord i thank you that your sweet presence lord god your love your grace your mercy is invading their hearts right now lord jesus i thank you that you are you are replacing lies with truth right now lord god that literally there are people who may have even struggled with something that was just mentioned i thank you that your spirit is comforting them lord god and i pray that as they expose it lord god you would begin to heal it lord god i pray for your supernatural power and your spirit that would begin to move in people that they would begin to admit that they're hurting they will begin to admit that they're not okay lord i thank you for the the things that have kept their mouth shut the fear of consequences lord god lord i thank you lord jesus that freedom is happening today with every head's still about every eye still closed there's a group of you here and as we talk about i'm healing from and even anthony he talked about a sacrifice that was made he talked about there there was a man and his name was jesus and you see jesus he came to this earth and he lived a sinless and perfect life for 30 years and and in three years he did ministry and and then at a moment he died on a cross for you and for me you say charles why what what does the cross represent i know sometimes we think it's just a necklace or a tattoo but what this cross represents is you see before this moment you and i were separated from god before this moment there were all these rules and you had to do these rituals and you had to make sure you entered in the presence of god right and all these things and what happens is the sad truth is even though christ died sometimes we live as if he didn't you see the church for years has told you that you still got to do rituals and you got to make sure you sound right and you look right and don't do anything but the truth of the gospel is god loves you right where you are because of jesus you don't have to stop doing bad things you just surrender your heart to him wherever you right now if you say you know what i i don't i don't know if i died today or i'm not sure where my relationship with god is i want to invite you into relationship with jesus it's the most beautiful decision you could ever make you don't have to change everything about you but you just surrender to him he is so in love with you regardless of what you've heard regardless of what people have told you regardless of what you've seen on social media he loves you so much and all he wants is a relationship with you and what i'm going to do is i'm going to ask the the team in 7-7 to repeat after me and everybody watching online i'm going to pray a prayer and i'm going to ask that you would repeat it after me and i'm believing that when you pray this prayer the bible says you believe in your heart confess with your mouth that jesus is lord you shall be saved in this moment you will experience the love and compassion like your heavenly father like never before i want to invite you to pray this prayer with me if you say that's me i want to accept jesus just repeat after me say dear heavenly father thank you for loving me dear jesus i admit i've made mistakes save me change me transform me in jesus name i pray amen transformation church and transformation nation can we celebrate oh come on listen if you just made that choice that is the best decision you could ever make listen your future is now secure in christ and we are so so proud of you listen if you take a moment and text the word save to the number that's on the screen we want to send you some resources we just want to help you on this journey of following jesus i'm believing that this is the first day of your brand new life in christ listen um again i just want to say thank you for joining us for service today and uh man as each one of these people did i want to encourage you to be real with where you're at be real with what you're going through because i'm believing that your anointing your healing it is all wrapped up in your authenticity listen we love you so much and we're so grateful that you joined us today would you go out and live a transformed life we'll see [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 49,956
Rating: 4.9632497 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv
Id: j333RVEnltk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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