Fully Persuaded by David Wilkerson

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I'd like to speak to you as a father one day when my great-grandchildren asked about their great grandfather and my grandchildren or their children asked about what was great granddad like what did he believe I think I would want them to know what I'm preaching to you this morning from my heart I'm going to speak to you as a father I don't think I'm going to be preaching a sermon to you but things I've learned I'd like to talk to you about the importance of being fully persuaded fully persuaded Paul the Apostle I had just gotten word from the Lord he's being poured out as water he said I've been told by the Lord my time is up and he said I'm going home and one of the last things he said he was speaking to Timothy his son he's speaking as a father not only the Timothy but to the church he's speaking down through the ages he's speaking to me he's speaking to you and he said in second Timothy 1 12 and 14 I know who I have believed is that I don't have any question that's all been settle I know who I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day he said I am already being poured out as a drink offering the time of my departure has come have fought a good fight finish the course have kept the faith father you you are our Father we honor you who he give our hearts to you the Lord you put me in this pulpit over 20 years ago and you told me before I came there were two things that had done one was to warn the city of coming judgments and the other was to find a holy remnant and build them up in preparation for the coming of Christ and we have seen you build a remnant we've seen you God do such a miracle and we've been faithful to proclaim the word that you said was to be proclaimed and now I stand before you at this time in this place Lord you brought us to this time in this place I'm so glad I'm in this generation I'm so glad I live in this time because it's a good time because your good father your faithful and Jesus name speak to our hearts I pray in Christ's name Paul said I know whom believed and I I've committed I'm fully persuaded he'll keep that which I've committed on him against that day and he it doesn't tell us what those things are he didn't tell us it makes no list of those things that he has given into the hands of God to keep I would like to tell you that it's important today more than any generation to be fully persuaded to know what you believe that your faith has a foundation there are certain things that you have settled there's no question in your mind no demon no devil and he'll can move you you've laid a hold of something that is so real to you and when the enemy comes in like a flood when things look impossible you take your stand on this and you are fully persuaded nobody moves you let me give you some of the things I'm over 57 58 years of preaching and 78 years of living and I think the most important thing that he has ever persuaded me about and I am so fully persuaded of this if this is the only thing that you ever heard from these lips I am fully persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God nothing Paul said I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels if you know this you can see it right out with me but principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come not height not depth or any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus he goes into Romans 8:35 37 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword no in all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us now I want to tell you this not just as a father but as a servant of the Lord minister of this gospel this is the one thing the devil is after this is the one hindrance is going to face you in the days ahead and you will be tested on this more than anything else because when the enemy comes in like a flood when you find yourself in conditions that seem to be beyond control and one thing to go from bad to worse and when you look around and you hear a voice of the enemy saying how can this be the love of God how can this be the love of God and he will try to convince you that some because of past sin that he brings to your remembrance because of something that you cannot comprehend do you have not been able to figure out the meaning of faith that maybe your faith is wavered maybe you have not figured it out maybe it's been too slow to believe maybe you have so measured and compared your faith to others and you've get given up and you come the place which I've prayed a river of tears I have sought every scripture that I can bring two membranous and the enemy will come to you and say this is the love of God is this how God treats his children and you're going to be tested on this and I'll tell you this has done more to strengthen my faith that anything that God has ever revealed to me yes I we've been through a lot of tests lately to family and all hell fill me when you speak out and prophesy the Word of God you pay a price a heavy price and I know that I can stand before the devil in hell I've been through the fire I've been through the flood and I'm still standing in the grace of God I've walked with a saint for 40 years has suffered pain I don't think there's been a month in her life she hasn't suffered pain and there are times the enemy comes at me and he'll say oh so this is how it ends you give your life you you give everything you have and you do everything you pray and you seek to face a gun and look how you end up in pain your wife in bed we had to fight all the hell to get here she was in bed bed fast for almost the past month but you see something rises up inside it's called the Holy Ghost has called the Holy Spirit and Gwen sits on the edge of the bed and she says honey this is the devil he doesn't want us to go to New York he doesn't want us to go to Bible School and preach the 15th anniversary where kids have come the alumni have come from all over the United States and around the world after 15 years Miss Catherine school here and and we're going no matter what is we're going to get up on the feet because we know we know we nothing no creature out of hell no one can separate us from the love of God beloved there's a hinder Paul cause of my hinder ease the devil himself he said I was hindered he determined to go on a mission trip and he said they had me hindered me and he said it twice I tried again the onion hindered me and and we're just did he with surf officious surface issues if we really don't get to the point where we begin to understand that there's an act of devil we're not to fear him but there is an enemy at work and if you just lay down if you just let him roll over you and walk over you you're going to just embrace your condition and never fight you're going to settle down in some kind of pool of pain you're going to sit down in a pit of despair and you say well this this this is what one man told me in the hospital is done in cancer well these are the cards that were dealt to me but you see that there is a Hinderer he comes first I see this it and I've had an inner knowledge and I believe every man a walk with God every teacher the truly walks with the Lord has an inner knowing that what is happening in the body of Christ today is far more intense there are greater frictions than any time in church history there are more people suffering more intensely Hebrews 11 tells us that the church has always suffered great afflictions but you see we have a mad devil now knows for sure that his time is up he knows that the coming of Jesus Christ is very near and we have a mad devil and he's not going after his own he's going after he's going after the intercessors first of all those who take the body of Christ to heart those who pray and fast for others and bear the burdens of others I have about I'm not boasting but over half a million people on our mailing list and many of them are in their late 80s and many in their 90's they've been with me for 40 years many of them were saved in my meetings around the country and I get letters from intercessors I got a letter last week from a ninety but she'd written me about three months ago and it was so moved by her letter ninety-one years of intercession she said God called me when I was four years old to be a giver to people to pray she was four years old and after fifty nine operations between she and her husband and through sufferings that are indescribable this intercessor said personally lately in the past year or so in so many words he said I I see something come up me I've never seen before so many frictions that I've never seen among people and it is the dear Saint and she said I I feel this opposition of the enemy coming at me but she said you know something she said I know how to take back my ground from the enemy she said I pray in the Holy Ghost I pray in the Holy Ghost now folks we have a hinderer T Austin sparks is one of my favorite preachers he's now with the Lord and he said there are many things today that seem to be limited they're being held down and paralyzed by Satan many men of God and many people have God have not been able to function as they should then I'm not able to fulfill their ministries because the hindering of Satan and he said it's time for the Church of Jesus to crisis rise up and begin to pray in the Holy Spirit and pray against the powers of darkness that he would be unseated from his throne and God's people begin to take authority over the powers of the of the enemy now you and I are no match for the powers of hell we're no match for the enemy comes against to abuse to try to deceive and try to bring us down into despair and discouragement but folks Jude I want I want to read this if you will Jude 2021 you beloved build up yourself on your most holy faith and then he said keep yourself in the love of God but sandwiched in between those two statements let me read you the whole verse as Jo as you gave it to us but you beloved build up yourself on your holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost and keep yourself in the love of God praying in the Holy Ghost that's two people Pastor Dave and sister Gwen sitting on edge of the bed with Gwen just enough strength to pull her legs to this side of the bed and look at each other and say no this is enough and said let's begin to pray in the spirit now if you know how to pray heavenly language why are you ignoring it and if you have the Holy Ghost in you why are you not honoring him as he should be honored we have a tendency it's a totem pole the Trinity we put God up here and Jesus in the middle and the Holy Ghost down here there are three an equal no see God and the Father the Son the Holy Ghost of the same essence all three individual personalities with one essence and people are afraid to pray to the Holy Ghost afraid to worship the Holy Spirit I worship the Holy Spirit every day I thank him every day that he brought Christ to me and gave me the revelation and it's every nude and ever coming and as long as I live I want the Holy Spirit to be at work in me I want to honor him and thank him not just for comforting me in my time of need but because he's making me really know who my father is in heaven and he has his own ministry to direct you can't fight this battle against the devil you can't fight this unless you are praying in the Holy Ghost now you say explain that I I can't give you some long theological explanation of that but I know I'm praying in the Holy Spirit when I start worshiping Jesus beyond my own ability I know I'm praying in the spirit when when the burden of the Lord comes upon me I know I'm praying in the spirit when I'm giving him quality time and I'm not counting the hours I'm not there because I have to be there I'm there because the Holy Spirit is drawing me and I know who he is the Bible says the world doesn't know but you know him you know him you know when he's knocking on the door you know what he's telling you to do something you know what he's putting his finger on something so you're walking in obedience and nothing the devil can bring up to you because you're walking in obedience before God that's the work of the Holy Spirit God help us and many who know how to pray in heavenly language somehow just keep on neglecting the power the authority of praying and heavenly language before him Bible said the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life the spirit brings life to this word and I've learned something in my latter years I've learned something in walking more and more than the spirit I get calls I get a lot of calls a lot of letters and people I know ministers I know who are going through great troubles and said would you just please call me and they'll leave a number and I call many of these but I call many that say my doesn't know the Lord but I think if you would call her because she read your book across that switchblade and I call and I hear stories that are heart-rending absolutely heart-rending so much so you can you think how much can you take of this and I came to the place where I just can't give people scriptures you know I I tell people here's what the Bible says you know all things work together for good to them to love God and call the core purpose that's not good script to give somebody that's just going through hell because they don't understand it and I begin to say God something's missing here something's missing because I don't really understand the word until the Holy Ghost reveals it to me I can't go into the depths of that I can read it but it becomes life to me and I've made it a practice in my this past year especially when people ask for prayer people would tell me burden this is what I say I said look I can give you Scripture I can tell you what the Bible says I can tell you what God says but it's not going to mean anything to you unless the Holy Spirit revealed and I said I want you to pray with me now folks this is real to me this is life live long enough to know when the Spirit is dealing with me in love and telling me how to act and Lord made me made it clear to me David you'll never get through to people and counseling all of these calls you make I ask these people question I said the Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth the Holy Spirit's the only one can make my words go from your head to your heart the Holy Spirit so only one can change you can and if I just quote you some Bible it's not going to change you you'll say well I can't handle that and so I've asked even those who don't know Christ I said will you pray right now Bible says he'll give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Jesus come in their heart and you ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and and let you hear what I'm saying and I ask him to pray that prayer could give much give your heart to Jesus Christ and if their pastor their believer I said will you do what we preach and what would believe will you ask right now you pray that the Holy Ghost will come the Holy Spirit will come upon my words and I will pray with you in the spirit and God will make these words real to you and if you're going to counsel with somebody that you know is full the Holy Ghost a pastor or a counselor don't go in that room if you're a Christian until you pray Holy Ghost give me a word but first give me an understanding Holy Spirit come I believe you make this word alive to me folks we have to have the Holy Spirit we have to have a revelation from the Holy Spirit I I know man who was called the walking Bible he could quote chapters but his wife died and he got bitter against God because all the script he had learned the Holy Spirit had not made it real to his heart secondly he was the persuasion I want you to talk about I am fully persuaded that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him my God is a rewarder Hebrews 11:6 but without faith it is impossible to please him well that's a strong word without faith it is impossible to please him but he that cometh for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him going to God do you believe God is a rewarder let me tell you what the Bible the scripture just read to you without faith it's impossible please God they they come to us believe that he is it he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him now if you were in my library you'll see row after row of books and many of them on faith big books theological books we all tried to understand it we tried to figure it out so the week it says without faith it's impossible ISM so I really want to know what faith is and how to believe so that I can truly please him and also that my prayers get through I really want faith I honestly thank God for the theological background of of Calvin and so many books commentaries are read on faith for years and years I've studied faith but you know it funny comes down to one issue for me I don't try to figure it out theologically anymore I don't try to measure it do I have enough and my wavering honestly it's come down to this for me the faith is trusting God when I see no physical evidence that my prayers being answered there's no physical thing everything that round instead of things getting better they're getting worse and faith comes down to this I believe what God said all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to his purpose a liar that's the truth recently I was facing it an issue no use you don't need to know about it facing a very tough decision and I said I took a walk and I said what do I do Holy Spirit you're my teacher in my comfort what do you do now I expected some kind of direction that Lord said you need patience having done the will of the Father they might receive the promise that's all I wanted to hear I wanted to hear what you were going to do God says no you have need of patience some of you've lost your patience I lost my faith God said now you go back and just face that with patience not don't get in a hurry don't put any deadlines on me don't corner me in wait patiently [Applause] now I've just tramped on somebody's theology right now I have two sons Giri who's no pastoring it a church in Colorado and Greg many have to pray for my son Greg forgive me for being personal but I don't know how best to illustrate this before I close it was in this church about five six years ago back I got a call Greg needs you back in the program I've told this story I don't know if Greg streaming in right now in Texas let me hear it I asked permission to talk about this and I went back and he was in Holy Ghost convulsions he was just shaking I said what's going on he's a dad I have such a burden for young people such a burden to reach the lost young people he said I'm just overwhelmed with it I have this burn for God for young people my heart went out to him and I prayed and I said oh god use him whatever it takes but looking back you know whatever it takes have you ever prayed that I said did you ever pray that Lord saved my son saved my daughter whatever it takes if I have time on my son went into a pain that's been indescribable for five years of living hellish pain that medication doesn't seem to touch and I've I've watched over the music you see til that Joseph time came the word Lord tried and these verses will try you believe me they'll try all things work together for good to them that love God and I'm talking to my son every week maybe two or three times a week and I ran out of scriptures I ran out of counseling yet I was being tested on this do I really believe how can this be all things working out for good my wife went has cried all the tears you can cry over that and yet when I listen to this boy I hear revelation of Jesus Christ I've never known I hear of a depth that God is taking him I can't explain all of that but I'm telling you now I believe with everything in me and no demon in Hell is going to take this from me I believe that God is at work God is doing something beyond my comprehension beyond his comprehension and I know that one day that boys going to be shot in glory with me in heaven and I'm work there's going to be victory and somehow in some way in God's Way he's giving strength and he's going to bring that boy to a place that he wanted to bring him there could not been achieved any other way but through the flood and through the fire I don't know what you're going through some of your visiting maybe your first time here in this church you're going through the test of your life and everything around you conspire is against the promise it's like a conspiracy but I can tell you you have something Moses didn't have you have something that children Israel didn't have you have something Isaiah didn't have and hope to have you have something nobody in the Old Testament you have the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and God said in the last days I am going to pour out my spirit upon all flesh I look at it and I'm going to close now I look at a generation that just seemed to be doing this all the time with their their fingers I call it texting or something they're my grandkids I can't talk to them because they're going like this and and and and I see all this media stuff when I said God how do you reach this generation I do reach it and and I go to Acts and this is my final persuasion I am persuaded that God when he said I'm going to pour out my spirit on the last in the last days and we're getting closer and closer and closer and this next generation this one that's all wrapped up in texting well I'm getting on somebody else's toes right now not just kids but everybody going around taking a lot of time doing I'm not against that you said brother if you're against everything no I'm not my son gherig was preaching and call read the other day he said I got a taste about my dad every time he'd get a new car he we got a car he says it's all gonna burn he said everybody's everything one burn everything you won't burn I believe that this generation God is always doing a new thing and he's doing a new thing right now God is going to break in on this generation and if all things are working together for good God's doing something now working together even the economy works together for good everything works together for good to those who are called according to his purpose not not for the world in general but for those who love God and are called according to his purpose somehow he sees us through don't ask him how he's going to do it he said your sons and daughters are going to prophesy I believe just what he said they're going to see visions still men going dream dreams and on your servants and handmaidens they're going to prophesy you say I can't believe that why in the flesh I don't believe it either but I believe it in the scripture because these things are written and God is faithful and the closer we get you remember in the Old Testament I said I'm going to close give me two minutes that generation that the father said oh they wept and cried you brought us out here and our kids are going to die there's no hope for our kids it's all over those are the kids that went into the Promised Land they didn't go back to the Red Sea and talk about the Red Sea they had their own Jordan that opened up and they were bringing down walls and they were killing Giants and they were out doing their generation that they were raised under and God says I'm going to bring them in folks don't worry about your kids God's going to bring them in God's going to do things about your family hallelujah will you stand and open your Bible to Romans eighth chapter please a chapter of Romans this is how I'm closing I if you don't if you have a King James some of you wonder why talk about the Holy Ghost rather than Holy Spirit I'm a King James reader and that's what it says here Romans the eighth chapter and I want you to read with me from verse thirty five eighth chapter I'm going to pray will you pray the Holy Ghost open this to us now Holy Spirit will you come now in your own special way and make this truth real to us this is not something I say this is something you have said Holy Spirit you wrote these words now make them life to us and hope in these troubled times Lord make it real let us receive it now beginning to read verse start in verse 35 if you have the King James read it aloud with me please who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we're accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor printings nor principalities nor powers nor things present things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God with is in Christ our Lord thank God thank you Jesus for the Holy Word of God nothing shall separate us from the love of God nothing no peril no economy nothing will separate us from the love of God you will care for your children you will see us through the battles glory be to the holy name of Jesus glory to God I want to pray this morning for those who were despondent and terribly discouraged you came into this place maybe times squirt searches your home I ask you to just step out of your seat we're going to pray together in the spirit and believe that the Lord will help you take a stand against the these spirits from the enemy they are spirits and they have to be dealt with to rise up that the devil will flee from you with these flaming darts that come from then he said to through lifting this shield of faith you will quench all these fiery darts of the enemy and some of you being lied to by the devil you simply are under the lying spirit of horrible thoughts have been cast into your mind up in the balcony go to the steps on both sides and come down the aisle and come pray with you and then in in the Annex if annex if you just stand there and raise your right hand and signify about that that you want prayer those around you and those of us here in this auditorium if you don't know Christ in a personal manner you have not made him the lord of your life we invite you to step out of your seat and come among friends and and surrender to him right now and ask the Holy Spirit to come and fill your heart he said he comes he's given to those who ask for him those who ask for the Spirit receive the Holy Spirit if you have turned your back on the Lord with us if you have grown cold toward you're in this building now you're hearing my voice but there's no fire in you you're not where you know you want to be and should be you're invited also the step out with these that are coming this one chorus and I'll pray you [Music] ah [Music] Oh you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as if 2/3 agree together concerning anything in earth it shall be done of the Father in heaven and I believe that wants you to believe that it neither came forward will you pray this prayer with me right now Lord Jesus cleanse me all my iniquities and I surrender my heart and I'm asking you to send the Holy Spirit fill me with your Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit I thank you for doing the work that God said you would do do it in me be my comforter be my strength and make Jesus real to my heart now let me pray for you lord I pray for those who have come discouraged and downhearted that you will lift that spirit and Lord let us take a step of faith and say no to this invasion of our thoughts no to just giving in and walking away but saying I take my stand on the word of God I take my stand on the promises of God he said he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Christ who trusts him he will keep him in perfect peace will you say that he will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on the Lord because he trusts him say it because he trusts him will you trust him right now for deliverance and for peace of mind I pray every day Holy Spirit give me peace one day at a time just one day at a time and next day it'll be just as fresh
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 43,274
Rating: 4.8614097 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: 1FAE1P1s6Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2009
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